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Did Someone Summon ET Warrior’s Face in a New Crop Circle ?

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Just joking, but seriously an ET face appeared on new crop circle in Surray on July 19. And lets see first how to summon ETs ? Stare into the sky on one spot with loving thoughts. Believe they will show up. Praying, meditating, singing and dancing might help. You may need to wait for sometime, as they are often testing your patience. If nothing happens, thank yourself of beings patient ! Try next day again and on and on. If still nothing happens gather a group of friends to help. You may see how Robert Bingham is doing it.

Thirdphaseofmoon; Robert Summons kindly UFO, kids love it;


Robbert van den Broeke also summons UFOs, here recent; Others who summon UFOs; Steven Greer, Jim Martin, Antonio Erzi, Ramon Watkins. And Prophet Yahweh Summons UFO for ABC News; And I’m trying…

We should play our role on OUR disclosure to help it happen by spreading the word and summoning UFOs !!! At least I try both ! Although I can’t be sure if all things presented here are true, but mostly very well might be. And for sure aliens do exist, I’ll promise !!!

Feather head alien face on Surray crop circle 19 July 2016


UFOs on sun in photo below; Space War is going on - the positive ETs fighting off the negative ones. ‘These beings are impatiently waiting for disclosure. The positive ETs  keep the earth guarded and protected’. This is what Psychic Focus says – and she is not the only one, many others are also talking about alien wars going on for freeing humans from reptilians and other nasties. So no doomsday here !


Sun and Earth crop circle, and Wilshire shooting target (near a shooting school)


Psychic Focus explains the ‘sun and earth’ crop circle; Sun is getting hotter and whiter. It is her life cycle. The crop circle is showing me how the earth is changing in relation to the sun. Something big is going to happen… They’re not warning us, it’s more like ETs saying, “We’re up here.” See more Five for Friday #37.

Two Massive UFO’s Seen Rocketing Out Of The Sun. (UFO News); And Giant UFOs near our Sun – July 19, 2016;

Underwater alien city in the Gulf of California? It measures over 125 km long (76 miles), 45 miles away from the Mexican coast. This has to be explored guys…

Beautiful UFO Las Vegas, and possible underwater alien city California?


Nice chat with alien “Mogay” who arrived to MUFON pleading for help, because another planet hit and caused a catastrophic explosion on Matif (their planet). Their physical body got destroyed, like spontaneous combustion, and then their spirits came to earth. ‘We coexist in electromagnetic field. If we can get more eyes, hearts and ears open to the fact that there’s so much more happening…, then we can create the changes needed to exist as One, to realize that everything is One’. His planet Matif is in another universe. And more about Mogay HERE.

Channeling Erik about Planet Nibiru; ‘It is somewhere around, and have some effect on earth and other planets, but its orbit is not so destructive now, as it was earlier times, when it was nearer and was part of causing small ice-age. It will cause emotional unrest and environmental changes, but partly they are caused by humans too’.

Niburu is a friend of our sun and came to hug her sister, but nothing dangerous going to happen. Commonly channelers don’t keep Niburu that dangerous, although some effect it has on earth and other planets. So no doomsday also here !

Zeta’s claim Wobble Proof; A recent brief midnight sunrise seen from Alaska for two hours proved to be wobble caused as the N Pole of Earth was tilted to the East. In 2013 the sun set twice same day in Mexico. Now same phenomena from a Mexican webcam. Zeta writer’s interview caused repeated jamming attempts on Rex of the Leak Project on July 14’, Part 1.

July 20 Jet Stream Report. Jet streams seem to fluctuate and mix the earth weather badly; Earth’s Magnetic Field/Rapid Movement on 20.7, he thinks it has something to do with Cern; Also extra heat from sun affects the magnetic field.

Black Chemtrails mix with the lighter ones explained. They (the government) is trying to find an even more effective way of controlling weather (military purpose). The dark chemicals have only half-life, so it requires the following lighter trailed chemicals to complete the reaction. The chemicals cause human body to “feel” much hotter than it really is outside. Video on black chemtrails


Cosmic brotherhood; Ever since the beginning of civilization, human beings have been struggling for unity and expansion. Individualism was prevailing in stone age, but later on human beings formed clans and tribal villages. At present, countries are bonding with each other. Due to technological advancement our search for unity is culminating towards friendship with interplanetary beings. Anyhow according to Indian P. R. Sarkar full participation into cosmic brotherhood is not possible until some basic factors are achieved: a common philosophy of life, a global constitutional structure, a common penal code and the fulfillment of basic necessities for all.

Thanks for Sources;

Didi Annapurna, if you post my article, link it here, happy days!

Common Folks Waiting For Disclosure, ETs Protesting the Delay

Blue Avians, the Sphere Beings?

The Future Human ET

My latest article; Policeman was Needed to Prove Reincarnation is Real !

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    Total 15 comments
    • Didianna

      Hundreds of witnesses in the bustling city of Shanghai, China, have reported sighting of really huge “flying saucer UFO” with lights that hovered over the city for few hours on Sunday, July 3, 2016, until it cloaked itself.

      Here article;

      • Irjakaarina

        Although there are helicopters also behind and discussion going on and interviews of watchers, but strange, because no other photos or videos has appeared since yesterday, at least I couldn’t see, may be in Chinese then.

        • Didianna

          Yes it might not be real, such a huge UFO and only couple of photos.

    • Didianna
    • Didianna

      This guy is summoning anomalies, he says don’t beg too hard them to show up,

      He gets some really fancy things, like Jelly Fish;

    • Didianna

      Did US Air Force do test flight with flying saucer, which hardly is able to fly, there is Avro car from forties also, so may be is real footage, video by UFO Sightings

      • Didianna

        The video was actually posted by Alien Planet

    • The Clucker

      Whatever person made that formation needs to pay that farmer for the crops they destroyed.

      • Findottier

        Yes including aliens. They spoil so many fields in UK.

        • Didianna

          Some are explaining that if you take the seeds from inside the crop circle and grow them, they will grow 40 % better than normal crops. If it is true and if the farmers know it, I don´t know.

    • iamamerican

      The sun is a male essence not female.

      • Didianna

        How comes?

    • Didianna

      There are many new crop circles in recent days. You may see on youtube. One looks like some creature may be feline alien, is protecting the earth with it wings, or batman… One is like Drumvalo’s the flower of life, one six star George Washington warning, Pentagon, police, Solar system on move… You may make up your own explanations, all as good.

      Here some explanations;

    • Irjakaarina

      They summon again UFOs, BEWILDERING UFO’S STUNS CROWD’S UFO Researchers Shocked!! MUST WATCH 2016,

    • Didianna

      I have to admit I have no idea what the ET face “Incredible, los extraterrestres se dan…” video is about, but at least there are both feather heads.

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