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Can You Personally Prove from the Bible the Resurrection took Place on Sunday at Sunrise after only 1 Day and 2 Nights in the Tomb? No, that Is Absolutely Impossible to Prove – it Is a Lie

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Are you certain which day Christ was nailed to the cross stake?

Are you positive He was resurrected on Sunday?


Can – YOU – prove it ?



                       This is a long and detailed study not intended for those with only

                       a cursory knowledge of the Word of God:  both of the Old and of 

                       the New Testament —  Every single Word of God.


          Many “fine” but telling details will be addressed one by

         one.   Why else would God include fine details unless He intended

         for us to understand -  in detail.

         One mistranslated word or added comma can change the

         meaning of a scripture,  thus we must and will study word by

         word and line by line.


         Most will stop right here –  they do not care !

Many are confused or have been simply led astray regarding the final few days in the life of Jesus Christ.   If asked to pin point which night the Lord’s Supper took place or the day and time of His death and burial most   “Christians” could not.  But all blindly accept the lie Jesus Christ rose at sunrise on Sunday – the day of the sun god!

There are four foundational events in God’s plan of salvation;  All four are fulfilled by the ROCK of our salvation Jesus Christ.

  • The birth of Jesus Christ
  • The death of Jesus Christ
  • The resurrection of Jesus Christ
  • The return of Jesus Christ

Only that  4th event  remains to be fulfilled and that Glorious earth shaking event is only a few short years away.  

All four events are foreshadowed – IN –God’s Feasts, the Passover in Egypt and God’s Sabbath day.  Our Father set in place these days before creation as eternal memorials of that perfect WORK performed by His Son for mankind.

The Builder and Chief Corner Stone  – Jesus Christ will return to earth at the end of Last Trump to fulfill GOD’s  incredible purpose for creation –  the birth of GOD’s  first fruits, GOD’s SONS into the Family of God the Father.  

The very first of the Sons of GOD will be born into GOD’s family on the exact day appointed before creation:  GOD’s Feast of Trumpets foreshadows the First Resurrection and the return of Jesus Christ as King of kings.

Christ was born of the High Day of the Feast of Tabernacles: the 15th of Nisan.

Christ became our – PASSOVER  - on the 14th of Nisan.

Christ was resurrected on the Day He is THE LORD OF –The Sabbath.

Christ will return to earth as King of kings on the Feast of Trumpets.

The first resurrection of God’s Saints takes place on THAT Feast of Trumpets.

When the many details scattered throughout God’s Word are studied together using logic and common sense the time and the sequence of events of those final few days of Jesus Christ on earth are clearly revealed.

Understand, the Bible is the 7000 year history of Jesus Christ bringing The FATHER’s CHOSEN  PEOPLE ISRAEL into HIS immortal Spirit family  as SONS of God the FATHER.  

The four events listed above are  4 foundational events in that plan; this study will focus on the two events between the birth and the return of Jesus Christ.

As Jesus Christ is – our  - Passover  we shall begin with that fact.

Easter is a ‘Holiday’ that is kept by the vast majority of nominal Christians –– Why?   Did Christ, His Apostles or the disciples ever even mention “Easter” ? The answer : – unequivocally  -  NO – NEVER !   They all kept Passover.


The shedding of blood as payment for the debt to sin begins God’s plan of salvation for mankind

Jesus Christ, our Spiritual Passover Lamb, was bled to death to pay the debt of death ALL have incurred for their sins.  Without the shedding of blood there can be no forgiveness of sin.   

The bleeding to death of the lamb  IS  Passover — not the eating of the lamb. Those are two different events foreshadowed by Passover and the Night to be much Observed.

GOD’s   PASSOVER  was established through Moses for the children of Israel and the night the Passover Lamb was eaten God commands His people to keep as an eternal memorial:  “A Night to be much Observed”.  That night began the deliverance from bondage to sin for the ‘people’ of God and is a commanded assembly for God’s people today.

40  Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, (sin) [was] four hundred and thirty years.

41  And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years,even the selfsame day it came to pass, — that all the hosts of the LORD went out from the land of Egypt.

“Even the selfsame day”,  God  set in place His Plan from before creation and even down to the split second will it be fulfilled!  Nothing is arbitrary or capricious in God’s Plan of salvation. The very fact God’s Plan is perfectly fulfilled – to the second – is PROOF  GOD – IS – GOD.

42  It [is] a night to be much observed unto the LORD for bringing them out from the land of Egypt: this [is] that night of the LORD to be observed of all the children of Israel in their generations.

Which night is to be much observed?  That very night God freed Israel by breaking their bond to sin (Egypt): that same night in which after eating the Passover Lamb, Pharaoh ordered Moses to leave.  That night is the night of the 15th of Nisan which begins the Feast of Unleavened Bread,   A Holy Commanded assembly.

It is important to understand the term involved with God’s first Holy Day season of the year commonly called   Passover.  The Passover takes place on the 14th of Nisan in the ‘evening’ portion of that DAY  (‘Yome’: the light).  The questions surrounding this term evening will be addressed in depth later in this study.

Passover, the beginning of God’s plan of salvation  is the very first step in that plan without which  salvation is not possible as our debt to sin must first be paid.  Our Passover — Jesus Christ shed His blood for us; symbolized by the wine we drink on the night of 14th .

When the term “Passover” is used it points only to Jesus Christ our Passover who shed His blood for us.  The Passover is not the eating of the lamb — Passover is the shedding of blood –- Hebrews 9: 22   “And almost all things are – by the LAW –  purged with blood; and without the shedding of blood is ‘NO’ remission.”   Without the shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ there can be no forgiveness of our sins:  that event  IS  our Passover, it was never our easter!

        Note: Paul states “By the LAW”, which law??  The Torah. 

Do you understand if the LAW, “the Torah” were abolished we have no Passover, no exemption,  for our SINS??

The seven days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread reveals to us God’s seven thousand year plan of salvation.  On that first night of the Feast of leavened bread God begins to break His people free from the bonds or shackles of sin.  6000 years are allotted for sin to reign and then the 1000 years of REST:  thus a 7 day Feast reveals the 7000 year plan.

On ‘The night to be much observed’  God’s people begin that long journey which will finally bring them to the “REST”  God has promised, the Sabbath of Rest.  That “Rest” of God is a one thousand year ‘DAY’ of living under God’s government after being freed from bondage to Satan (sin).

Passover never belonged to the Jew’s;  Passover has always belongs to God.  Jesus Christ observed Passover and the 7 Days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread all of His 33 ½ years on earth.  After Christ returned to His Father the Apostles and disciples, as instructed, continued in observing the Lords Supper on the night portion of the preparation day (the 14th) and on the following night (the 15th) they kept  ‘The Night to be much Observed’.  

The slaughtering and roasting of a lamb during the evening of the 14th and then eating that lamb on the night of the 15th of Nisan is no longer observed as Christ our Passover fulfilled what that physical event foreshadowed.  The converted Saints of God now follow the example set by  Jesus Christ by instead eating the unleavened bread (Christ’s flesh) and drinking  the wine (Christ’s blood) on the night that begins the preparation day, the night of the 14th of Nisan, the night called by many “The Lord’s Supper”.

As Easter was established by Rome almost 300 years after Christ had returned to His Father in heaven can you explain why you are keeping “easter”;  can you explain – why – using only the Bible ?   Easter is the name of a pagan goddess that was borrowed by the pope in Rome in the 3rd century and Rome’s pagan  sun rise worship service is named after Ishtar.    

Jesus Christ, perfectly living by the Torah throughout His life, revealed THAT PERFECT WAY of GOD we are to follow.   Christ  told the Apostle  - “follow Me” – and they DID.    The Lords Supper and The Night to be much Observed are both a part of THAT PERFECT WAY  God’s  Called and Chosen  Ecclesia are to follow. 

How did these days get perverted and changed?

Nominal Christianity demands a Friday afternoon death and burial with a Sunday morning sunrise resurrection which – deliberately — separates the sacrifice, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ from God’s Sabbath and God’s Holy Days.  

God’s Sabbath, God’s Holy Feasts and Passover are the  ‘Shadows’ of all the major events in God’s plan of salvation:   Passover  begins  God’s perfect plan and so called Christianity hates that fact.  Passover is hated so much they, so called Christians, changed its name to that of a pagan goddess and fixed the time of its observance to the day of the Sun god.

When what is falsely called Christianity removed the Sacrifice, Burial and Resurrection of our Passover, Jesus Christ, from God’s Plan of Salvation foreshadowed by Gods’ Holy Feast days  – as it has done – on purpose —– those events — became  – stand alone events  completely disconnected —-  from God’s perfect Plan of Salvation.  

Satan knew exactly what he was doing when he separated the death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ from God’s calendar and The Plan God foreshadowed by HIS HOLY Feasts.  Satan has led so called Christianity into great confusion – and they remain — today  –greatly confused and completely divided. The Body of Christ is ONE not 4000.

Scripture clearly reveals on which night the Lord’s Supper took place; the day and time of His scourging; the time He was nailed on the stake;  the hour of His death and of His burial  AND  of His resurrection on the 3rd Day.  

When scriptures are gathered and studied ‘together’ the widely accepted Friday death and burial and the Sunday sunrise resurrection are exposed as satanic lies.  Who is the father of all lies – Satan; and who wants man to worship in vain?   Satan has cleverly counterfeited God’s Way with a counterfeit “Christianity” and man willfully follows that way which seems right to him because man love sin.

 God gave Israel  “HIS”  Passover!  While ALL were yet sinners God gave His chosen people Israel His only Son as payment for their sins.  That unearned and “free gift” is freely given by the  – “GRACE” i.e.  “Kindness” of GOD.

By God’s  “Grace”- by  God’s  – “Kindness” — our debt to sin was paid in full by Jesus Christ;  WHILE  – ALL of mankind—was in bondage to the lust of their flesh: while all – even now  - are still — ‘under –the sentence of death’ for their sins –Jesus Christ died for sinners.  There are none good – NO   not   one.  Jesus Christ did not come to save the righteous (there are none) but to save sinners.

Why do so many claim Christ is look for “Good” people, people with a good heart, when Christ said the opposite??

The term “Grace”, as explained above, has been grossly perverted to mean being freed from God’s Law, freed from the Old Testament and thus no longer “under” the jurisdiction of God’s  LAW and in effect,  no longer held accountable for their actions – held accountable even by    “GOD”.

                           Exodus 12: 11  “—–  It is the  –  LORD’s  –  PASSOVER.

Please read this statement carefully again, the Passover belongs to the “LORD,  it is the  LORD’s   Passover” –   it was – NEVER  – the  Passover of the Jews.

The Passover belongs only to Almighty God.  Passover is not the eating of the lamb but the shedding of blood.

# 6453  pesach:  passover

Original Word: פָּ֫סַח
Short Definition: Passover

The Hebrew word Pesach comes from the word Pacach which can mean:  “Exemption”.

Thus our Passover “exempts” us from the sentence of death we have earned by our transgressing of GOD’s  HOLY LAW.

If we assemble and study in depth the scriptures leading up to Passover and the Resurrection we will be able to expose Satan’s lies and reveal GOD’s TRUTH.  We will begin in the Old Testament where God’s Plan is explained in great detail.

Exodus 12:

2  This month [shall be] unto you the beginning of months: it [shall be] the first month of the year to you.

3  Speak ye unto all the congregation of Israel, saying, In the tenth [day] of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to the house of [their] fathers, a lamb for an house:

5  Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: ye shall take [it] out from the sheep, or from the goats:

6  And ye shall keep it up – until – the fourteenth (14th) day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel —-shall kill it in the evening.

                           “Shall – kill – it  ‘in’  the evening”,

This phrase is a stumbling stone.  The words  ‘shall kill it’  is not the problem but  “IN”   is the problem as it has many meanings and has confused the understanding of  “evening”.

The Hebrew word for  ‘IN’   is  “bayin” # 996 and can mean:   above* (1), among (30), among* (1), between (204), champion* (2), either (2), forehead* (5), midst (3), once (1), or (1), whether (1), within (1). 

To follow the intent or the sense of the scripture the likely choices are  between,  midst, or within and as we can see the translators chose to translate ‘bayin’  as  “between” a  majority of the time.  But the KJV used “IN” ;  according to Strong’s the word #996 is used 408 times in the Hebrew Bible and has been translated in many different and varied ways.

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance:    among,  asunder,  at,  between twixt

“(sometimes in the plural masculine or feminine); properly, the constructive form of an otherwise unused noun from biyn; a distinction;  but used only as a prep,  “between” (repeated before each noun, often with other particles); also as a conjunction, either…or — among, asunder, at, between (-twixt…and), + from (the widest), X in, out of, whether  (it be…or), within. “

It is quite apparent this Hebrew word  ‘Bayin’  can be translated to suit the intent of the translator. For instants Exodus 13: 16  is translated by the NAS as:    “and as a reminder on your forehead, that the law”.    Bayin  can mean  “on your forehead:?

In light of the above and also based on the Hebrew word “ereb” i.e. Evening — not being — in the plural  I have no problem using any of the  four words in this scripture:  in,   between,  midst  or  within.

“Ye shall kill it – in — the evening”:  this can mean within or during the evening.

“Ye shall kill it – between – the evening”; this can mean between the beginning and end.

“Ye shall kill it – midst –  the evening” ; this can mean in the middle of the evening.

“Ye shall kill it – within — the evening”; this can mean ‘within’ what is called the evening.

Many today accept the scripture to state:  “between the evenings”, some how meaning between the beginning and end of sundown.

As nothing can be found to explain what the term “between the evenings” could possibly mean as the word ‘evening’ is singular and as nothing is found pointing out markers of any type that could possibly occur on either side of a sunset — I must reject that term as meaning twilight or sunset.

‘Between the evenings’ most likely came into existence only because Bayin can be translated as  ‘between’.  If the word morning is substituted as in: “Between the mornings”, please explain what that term could possible mean?   Are there two mornings as well?

To bring more light to the term ‘evening’ consider the following; at what hour was Jesus Christ bled to death — the 9th hour of the preparation ‘day’.  The 14th of Nisan at the 9th hour or what we would call 3 PM is the time Christ was bled to death and the 9th hour is the mid point of the going down of the sun and the Passover must be killed – IN or between or within — The Evening.  

The 9th hour is not sunset – is not the 12th hour, it is the mid point between the 6th hour and the 12th hour.  Did Christ die at the wrong time? Were those first Passover lambs slain at a different time??

The sun begins to set or is going down from noon until sunset.   Thousands of Passover lambs are sacrificed (slaughtered) and then roasted in – the  “evening” – from noon i.e. the 6th hour until sunset i.e. the 12th hour and then eaten after sunset.

Every household of Israel was to select a male lamb or goat without blemish on the 10th day of the First month [Abib/Nisan] of the year and keep it until the 14th day  “ and kill it – in – the evening”.

The 14th of Abib ended as the sun sets and the 15th of Abib,  a high Holy Day, began after the sun had set.  The Passover lambs were bled to death, dressed out and roasted whole over a wood fire during the ‘evening’ of the 14th, from the 6th hour until possibly the 11th  hour i.e.  from our 12 noon until 5 PM  and then eaten as the night of the 15th began.

The lambs had to be roasted and Israel must be inside their dwellings by dark – by sunset and during that first Passover the Israelites were commanded not to leave their dwellings after dark.

Thus the lambs must be slaughtered and roasted before the sun sets.  All Israel on that first Passover after placing the blood upon their door post were to take the whole roasted lamb into their dwelling that night, eat that lamb and remain in that house until morning.

The whole lamb including the head, the legs and hooves was roasted over a wood fire  out side and  no bones were to be broken  ( Exodus 12: 46)  and the lamb was not to be divided with half going to one home and the other half to another – the ‘whole’ lamb went into only ONE dwelling.  God gave us very precise and detailed instructions regarding the sacrifice of HIS SON.

To understand what took place in the wilderness and later in the Temple and to refute the belief many have that the lamb was slaughtered at sunset – between the evenings-,  let us walk through logically  and in detail what physically must take place during this evening.

First the lamb or goat must be bled to death, the blood caught and as in that first Passover painted upon the door post and later in the temple, sprinkled on the Altar.

Next the lamb must have its hide and intestines removed.  If the animal’s belly was not split open and the digestive system removed before roasting it could possibly rupture and the meat would be tainted.   According to God’s instructions all organs and the digestive system and its hide, every thing, must be burned with fire and not just pitched aside. 

Exodus 12

10  And ye shall let nothing of it remain until the morning; and that which remaineth of it until the morning ye shall burn with fire.

Remember no bones are to be broken and even the head and hooves are not to be removed.   After preparing (dressing out) the animal for roasting, it should be washed of all blood and hair, etc. that remains on its body and within its body cavity.  Next, a wooden rod or staff is inserted through its mouth and out its anus, another reason to remove the intestines, so it can be placed over a wood fire and turned over that fire roasting all the meat evenly.

Have you grilled steaks on a wood fire INSIDE  your home?   I think not!  The flames, heat and smoke inside one’s home from roasting a whole animal over a wood fire would be unbearable and your walls would turn black and be covered in grease.

The Israelites were slaves living in slave quarters and some likely in tents  thus roasting a whole lamb or kid which requires a large fire and adequate means of exhausting the heat and smoke while not burning down the dwelling demands it be done outside the dwelling.

After understanding what is involved in the slaughter, dressing out and roasting of a lamb, do you think all of the above can be accomplished in darkness – Try preparing a meal in your own home without lights.   Remember also God gave a command stating the Passover lambs can only be slaughtered in the PLACE HE chooses – not at their own homes

One small point, if the Israelites wanted to eat the lamb hot and not cold, they would need to put it over the fire probably about one hour before sunset.  If the lamb was fully roasted by say 3 PM then when they ate it after sunset, as commanded, it would be cold.

I must logically conclude the Lambs were roasted out of doors during the afternoon of the 14th  and then brought into their dwellings at sundown. 

I once visited My Old Kentucky Home and  the slaves cooked the meals in a separate building disconnected from the home.  I believe the smoke, the heat and the possibility of burning the house down dictated a separate building.

Deuteronomy 16: 5 – 7

5 Thou mayest not sacrifice the passover within any of thy gates, which the LORD thy God giveth thee:

6  But at the place which the LORD thy God shall choose to place his name in, there thou shalt sacrifice the Passover at even,  –at the going down of the sun,at the season (Feast) that thou camest forth out of Egypt.

When does the sun go down, from noon until sunset?  When does it rise, sunrise to noon.

7  And thou shalt roast and eat [it] in the place which the LORD thy God shall choose: and thou shalt turn in the morning, and go unto thy tents.

And after you have roasted and eaten the Passover in the place the Lord shall chose you may — then return — to your home the next morning. 

The all of the above should logically confirm 1000’s of lambs were not bled to death at ‘twilight’, dressed out in  darkness and then roasted whole over a wood fire on the inside of tents or dwellings

At the time of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, Josephus states the population of Jerusalem was around 40,000 and for the first Holy Day season swelled to 250,000.  If two families totaling 10 to 12 could eat one lamb, then there were possibly 25,000 lambs slaughtered for Passover.  Thus at the time of the sacrifice of our Savior, the Temple priest possibly slaughtered hundreds and hundreds of lambs at the existing 2nd  Temple. 

Stop and consider; possibly 200,000 were living in temporary dwelling in Jerusalem during Passover, in what temporary dwelling did they roast their lambs over a wood fire?

Thousands of lambs were bled to death, dressed and roasted – at twilight – which is what a … 10 or 15 minute event?   Is that even physically possible?  

What follows is from the   Jewish Encyclopedia of 1906:

PASSOVER SACRIFICE (Hebrew, “zebaḥ Pesaḥ”; lit. “sacrifice of exemption”):

“The sacrifice which the Israelites offered at the command of God during the night, before the Exodus from Egypt, and which they ate with special ceremonies according to divine direction. The blood of this sacrifice sprinkled on the door-posts of the Israelites was to be a sign to the angel of death, when passing through the land to slay the first-born of the Egyptians that night, that he should pass by the houses of the Israelites (Ex. xii. 1-23). This is called in the Mishnah the “Egyptian Passover sacrifice” (“Pesaḥ Miẓrayim”; Pes. ix. 5). It was ordained, furthermore (Ex. xii. 24-27), that this observance should be repeated annually for all time. This so-called “Pesaḥ Dorot,” the Passover of succeeding generations (Pes. l.c.), differs in many respects from the Pesaḥ Miẓrayim. In the pre-exilic period, however, Pesaḥ was rarely sacrificed in accordance with the legal prescriptions (comp. II Chron. xxxv. 18); but it was regularly offered during the time of the Second Temple, and there was a definite ritual for it, in addition to the regulations prescribed by the Law. The following is a brief summary of the principal ordinances and of the ritual accompanying the sacrifice:”

The Sacrifice.

“The sacrificial animal, which was either a lamb or kid, was necessarily a male, one year old, and without blemish. Each family or society offered one victim together, which did not require the “semikah” (laying on of hands), although it was obligatory to determine who were to take part in the sacrifice that the killing might take place with the proper intentions. Only those who were circumcised and clean before the Law might participate; and they were forbidden to have leavened food in their possession during the act of killing the paschal lamb.”

“The animal was slain on the eve of the Passover, on the afternoon of the 14th of Nisan, after the Tamid (eternal flame or daily sacrifice) sacrifice had been killed, i.e., at three o’clock, or, in case the eve of the Passover fell on Friday, at two.

The killing took place in the court of the Temple, and might be performed by a layman, although the blood had to be caught by a priest, and rows of priests with gold or silver cups in their hands stood in line from the Temple court to the altar, where the blood was sprinkled. These cups were rounded on the bottom, so that they could not be set down; for in that case the blood might coagulate. The priest who caught the blood as it dropped from the victim then handed the cup to the priest next to him, receiving from him an empty one, and the full cup was passed along the line until it reached the last priest, who sprinkled its contents on the altar. The lamb was then hung upon special hooks or sticks and skinned; but if the eve of the Passover fell on a Sabbath, the skin was removed down to the breast only. The abdomen was then cut open, and the fatty portions intended for the altar were taken out, placed in a vessel, salted, and offered by the priest on the altar, while the remaining entrails likewise were taken out and cleansed.”

Josephus, Jewish War 6.10.1/423 (“They sacrifice from the ninth to the eleventh hour”).  

Note:  From the above one could surmise after the normal Tamid  (eternal flame aka daily sacrifice) sacrifice took place at the 9th hour or our 3 PM,  a single lamb was then sacrificed.  Thus around the 9th hour a single lamb was chosen to be THE Passover.  All the other lambs numbering possibly 25,000 were slain during that afternoon and eaten after sundown.

What is a day and what is a night and what is an evening according to God ?

Genesis 1: 5:   GOD included the Evening as part of a ‘DAY’ and God calls the LIGHT — DAY.  

Christ stated there are 12 hours in a DAY.   The Evening and the Morning were THE FIRST DAY!  Thus the evening, according to God, is part of the 12 hours of light – part of a DAY.

Exodus 12: 8

8  And they shall eat the fleshin that night,  roast with fire, and unleavened bread; [and] with bitter [herbs] they shall eat it.

They were to eat the roasted flesh of the Passover lamb  the night that — followed the ‘evening’  in which the lambs were slaughtered.

Please be aware, days, nights, evening and mornings and the timing concerning all the events surrounding the Passover are — stumbling blocks. 

Many have separated from the Body of Christ from fighting over which day is the Passover?  Did Christ eat a Passover lamb on the night of the 14th and the meaning of words such as “evening”?

The above and what follows – is – what this writer has proven to himself is the Truth — each disciple (student) must likewise, through much prayer, study and guided by our Father’s spirit, prove for themselves.

This writer can only write what he has been given to understand.

The following can be found and verified in the first four books of the New Testament.

Sunrise begins the first hour of a  day. When the sun is directly over head it is the 6th hour which is our noon, when half way between noon and sunset (@45 degrees) it is the 9th hour which corresponds to our 3 PM,  the 12th hour of day light ends at sunset.  

There are 12 “hours” or 12 divisions in a day – 12 divisions of that period of light God named   DAY.  The  biblical  ‘DAY’  is not 24 hours– but is the 12 ‘hours’ of light, sunrise to sunset. 

From our 12: 00 noon until 6: 00 PM is, according to God’s Word,  The evening;  

This writer concurs: — but acknowledges statements more precise then Genesis 1: 5 confirming such have not been found by this writer. 

As with many terms or words in God’s Word the term  ‘Evening’  can have many different and varied meanings as was demonstrated earlier in this paper.  

Jesus Christ clearly stated there are 12 hours in a day:  meaning 12 divisions of the ‘light’, the Yowm which are determined by the position of the sun in the sky.  Please note the length of a day varies from location to location and from season to season, in God’s Word Jerusalem is the location of concern not Alaska, Finland or the North Pole. 

Genesis 1: 5

5  ”And God called the  “lightDay,   and the “darkness he calledNight. And the evening and the morning were —- the first  day.

5   “And God called the —“light” (#216) –- Day  [#3117 Yowm/yome ], and the — “darkness”–  (#2822)  he called – Night (#3915).      And the Evening (ereb, #6153) and the Morning (#1242) – were – the First  DAY  [#3117; yowm ].

Strong’s #3117  “Yowm”: means “daylight;  day;  time;  moment;  year.”

“(1) Yowm has several meanings. (1a) word represents the periods of “daylight” as contrasted with nighttime: “While the earth remaineth, seed time and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter and day and night shall not cease”  Genesis 8: 22.

“Yowm:  from an unused root means; To be hot; a day (as the warm hours), whether lit. (From sunrise to sunset, or from one sunset to the next ).”

If a Day (#3117)  is that 12 hour period or 12 divisions of   light  then Evening must be a part of that ‘light’ as God clearly states “the evening and the morning – were — the first — DAY”,   thus Evening must be part of the 12 hours which God calls DAY…. God states the Evening and the Morning - werethe FIRST DAY  (#3117)  and the  “DAY” — is  – THE LIGHT.

Scattered through out His Word God gives us His definitions of key words; in 1 Peter 3: 4 we are given the definition of sin and unless God can change — transgression of the Law will always be sin.  In Genesis 1: 5 God defines a DAY and a Night and states a creation day is comprised of the evening and the morning. I accept this as God’s definition.

Christ reconfirms what is a day  when He stated “are there not 12 hours in a DAY” and confirmed a day is separate from the night by using the phrase 3 days and 3 nights as the only sign He is the Christ. 


Would God  ‘create’  during the period He calls Night or darkness, would GOD create in darkness?   It was  – 6  “DAYS” — of creation and never 6 days and 6 nights  of creation and a Day is defined by God as “the Light” which is understood as 12 positions of the sun in the sky over head as it rises and then sets.

We are told man must live by every WORD of God,  that speaks’ of each and every single word spoken by God and as they are then defined by God in His Word.   I do not include the words added by man or the words translated incorrectly by man —  as words to live by.

Man defines the term ‘day’ to mean 24 hours thus includes day and night.  When God uses the term day which He has defined as “THE LIGHT”,  God is referring to the 12 divisions or positions of the sun that occur from sun rise to sun set.

Can a scripture be found where God includes the darkness as part of the term ‘day’ ?  

Remember the statement by Jesus Christ when He gave us the only sign proving He is the Messiah, Christ stated He would be in the heart of the earth for three days and for three nights and would rise from the dead on the third day. Remember Christ fasted for 40 days and 40 nights and Moses was on the mountain with God for 40 days and 40 nights.  God divided the light from the darkness and thus there is a difference between a day and a night through out His Word.

We have already addressed the fact God did not  stated the DAY and the NIGHT were the first day but then why was it not   “the Morning and the Evening were the first day”  as the  morning comes before the evening?  One possible explanation;  each of the 7 days of creation week began at 12 noon,  noon until sunset and was interrupted by the night and then that creation day (12 hours of creation) was completed from the next sunrise until noon.

It appears to this student that Genesis 1: 5 is possibly stating the work of creation began at high noon on each of 6 days (6 – 12 hour periods)  — please understand this can not be proven with clearly discernable scriptures. 

To expand this thought; God created man in the LIGHT i.e. the truth, then Satan brought the darkness i.e. lies and sin, Christ came and began to restore the light (truth) to earth.  

By beginning the actual work of  ‘a’  creation day at high noon, which is the brightest light in a 12 hour day, God is beginning creation in the brightest and strongest light and finishing that creation day/period of 12 hours in the strongest ‘light’ .  Possibly God let darkness fall  in between the evening and the morning portraying  the fall of man?   I am only offering this as a possible explanation as I can not prove it as yet.

When Christ returns ‘In that Day’ there will be no night, the whole earth will be — IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH. Truth is the LIGHT.

What man calls a “day” begins in the middle of darkness at midnight and then that ‘day’ ends in the middle of darkness at midnight; thus   man always begins and ends in darkness.  God divided the light from darkness; man divided the darkness and placed half of the darkness (6 hours) as the beginning of their day and the other half after the 12 hours of light to end their day. Man loves to be in darkness, darkness hides their sins.


By beginning at high noon God began the work of a creation day in the fullness of LIGHT (truth). God finishes that creation day , the remaining 6 hours, in the fullness of LIGHT, again at High Noon.

Here is another  “fact”   that reinforces the above supposition;     

The beginning of the fulfillment of God’s “Spiritual”  Plan of Salvation began at the  6th hour — at high noon when Christ was sent to be nailed to the stake about noon; John 19: 14.   It is clearly stated in many scriptures the Passover lamb is to be killed in the EVENING. 


Jesus Christ our Spiritual Passover lamb was taken about the 6th hour, our noon, to be nailed to the stake.  He was bled to death at the 9th hour at the mid point of the evening; Matthew 27: 46  and was sealed into the tomb just before sunset which ended the evening.

Jesus Christ our Passover lamb was sacrificed for us in the EVENING, as commanded – over the entire 6 hour period that God named the Evening.

Thus God began the physical creation at the 6th hour and God began the spiritual creation at the 6th hour.

Final thought: God did not begin creation at sun rise which would have reinforced the pagan worship of the rising sun. God condemns sun rise worship.

The crucifixion, death and burial of Christ spanned about 6 “hours” thus the entire Evening:  the 6th hour (noon) until sunset —the time required for the sun to “go down” or set from high noon (the 6th hour).  Our Passover, Jesus Christ, was slain in the  “evening” of the preparation day as God commanded.

Deuteronomy 16:

5  Thou mayest   “not”   sacrifice the passover  (the lamb) within any of thy gates, which the LORD thy God giveth thee:

6  But at the place which the LORD thy God shall choose to place his name in, there thou shalt sacrifice the passover  —at even , at the going down of the sun, —- at the season (#4150  Feast ) that thou camest forth out of Egypt.

The time, the sequence and the importance of the death of our Passover; Jesus Christ

1 Corinthians 5:

7   Purge out therefore the old leaven (sin), that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened.   For even Christ —  our”   Passover  –  is sacrificed for us:

The New  Spiritual  Covenant’s  –“Spiritual Passover” —  is eating the body (bread) and drinking the blood (wine) of Jesus Christ and not the eating of a physical lamb.  All those the Father has called and is converting through the indwelling of His Spirit follow that example and instructions of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is our PASSOVER – not our easter!  Easter is a pagan goddess brought in by Rome to replace God’s Passover – that is an undisputable FACT!  

John 6

51  I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.

52  The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying, How can this man give us [his] flesh to eat?

 53  Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily,  I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.

54  Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him upat “  the last day.

Question: does the “last Day” come before the Great Tribulation??

55 For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.

56  He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him.

57  As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me.

58  This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead: he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever.

For those professing to know, to love, to “accept”  Jesus Christ – this teaching is  KEY ;   Jesus Christ is explaining why  ingesting the symbols of our Spiritual Passover, the bread and the wine,  year by year is of the utmost importance’s  and must be observed by those called of God.

The Blood symbolized by the wine is poured into our bodies to cleanse each of us of our sin as sin comes from within us and the flesh symbolized by the unleavened bread represents eternal life which we must also allow to enter our bodies. The words of our savior Jesus Christ found in John 6  are by themselves a very important study and will  be further addressed later in this study. 

                                 The Lord’s Supper:

The Lord’s Supper took place on the night portion of the 14th of Nisan which began as the sunset and later during what God calls the evening, from noon until sunset of the 14th, the lambs are slaughtered in preparation for the Feast of Unleavened Bread.  The Feast of Unleavened Bread begins on the night of the 15th  and the eating of the Passover lamb takes place on that very night as clearly shown above in Exodus and Leviticus.     

 At sundown as the 13th was ending and as the 14th begin the Lord and the 12 Apostles sat down for what many call today “The Lord’s Supper” or “The Last Supper”.

Some claim Christ and the Apostles actually ate the Passover Lamb on the correct night – on the night that has come to be called The Lord’s Supper and they further assert  the following night, when the Jews ate their Passover lambs,  that night was not the 15th.  

If Christ and the 12 apostles did eat a lawfully inspected lamb one properly bled to death after being held for 4 days —which was then prepared and roasted  as commanded  before the night of the 14th of Nisan — how was that possible on the night of the 14th  which comes before the daylight  portion of the 14th??    

And Who slaughtered and roasted the lamb on the 13th    if it was to be eaten on the night of the 14th ??   NOT the priests!

If Christ did eat the lamb on the correct night, the night of the 15th –then  Jesus Christ  was slain on the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread — which is in direct violation of the Torah.

These legal questions are logical and are founded upon the Torah.

And there is not one mention of a whole roasted lamb being eaten at that last Supper, with not one broken bone, nor how the whole lamb including head, hooves, entrails  and bones were  lawfully  disposed of after the meal.   And  did Christ reverse the instructions given to Moses by eating the Passover lamb before – HE -  OUR –  Passover was slain?

And   finally not one mention from Christ or the 12 of a mix up of days or times.

Did Christ just by-pass the  Law, the Torah and do it His own way?   The lamb Christ supposedly ate would have been the only Passover lamb slaughtered during the evening before Christ ate it and who slaughtered the lamb?  Reviewing all scripture can a scripture be found proving there was a lamb eaten at that last supper?  Only a  ‘dish’ and a sop is mentioned when Christ dipped  a sop in the dish and gave it to Judas.  

Many will not agree, but I have accepted the definition given by God that a day consist of the morning which begins at sunrise and ends at noon and the evening which begins at noon and ends at sunset. Thus the Passover Lambs held from the 10th of Nisan are slaughtered beginning at noon on the preparation day of the 14th of Nisan until possibly the 11th hour.  

Christ our Passover was hung on the stake about noon, slain at the 9th hour, put in the tomb before sunset thus perfectly fulfilling the command; “Ye shall kill it in the evening.”

For Jesus Christ to become our Passover, our Lamb without spot,  —no Law  could  be broken  thus “only” during that very evening of the 14th of Nisan, the evening Israel was commanded by God to slay the Passover, could our Passover  be slain for us.  Jesus Christ did not eat a Passover lamb nor do so on the wrong day — neither did He transgress even one small very tiny  law.

                                    Is the “Lord’s Supper” our Spiritual Passover?

While developing this study a scripture came to my attention that caused me to rethink what I previously held to be the truth.   Here is that scripture.

Luke 22: 14, 15

14  And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him.

15  And he said unto them,With desire I have desired to eatthis Passover with you —– “before” —  I suffer:

        “This”  Passover ??       Which Passover?    “This”– Passover!

                                                This ONE!                                                                   

              OUR  “Spiritual” Passover Jesus Christ

Christ clearly stated in this scripture “THIS”  ‘Passover’  will be eaten  BEFORE HE SUFFERS. 

Christ was referring to the “Spiritual Passover” — not the physical Passover. Christ was referring to the symbolic bread and wine which they did eat that night and was not referring to the lamb which they did not eat.

Have we not read how God gave Israel detailed instructions on exactly how and exactly when to observe the Passover and the 7 days of unleavened bread – was Christ changing those instructions?

Or was He now instructing us how to fulfill John 6: 51 – 58 — spiritually?

As explained above the apostles could not be eating one of the Passover Lambs selected on the 10th of Nisan as no lamb would be slaughtered by the priest for at least another eighteen hours.  The Lambs were selected on the 10th and held until the evening of the 14th and were then slaughtered.  If Christ was eating a Passover Lamb on that night, Christ was not obeying the instructions of God clearly written in the Torah.

In – not one – scripture does it state or even infer Christ and the 12 were eating a lamb.

It is clear as Luke 22:15 and John 13: 1 both state, this supper occurred before the Passover lambs were slain and before they were eaten.  In Luke 22: 17 -20  Christ introduced  the bread and the wine  as His body and His  blood, the disciples symbolically ate the flesh and drank the blood of our Spiritual Passover lamb on that night.

When the Apostles were told to eat the bread and drink the wine during what we have called “The Lord’s Supper” Jesus Christ was instituting the New Covenant  “Spiritual”  Passover.

THIS “- “Passover” – “Jesus Christ” Our Passover — changed the symbols from the blood and the body of a physical lamb to HIS  symbolic  spiritual  body and spiritual blood  i.e.  The unleavened bread and the wine.

Physical Israel has eaten the physical Passover lamb since the Exodus from Egypt, now Christ is instructing those that would soon become “the Body of Christ” at the Feast of Pentecost 50 days after His resurrection — that they must now symbolically eat — not the physical lamb of God — but the Spiritual  LAMB  of  GOD and on a different night.

When the converted  ‘Called out ones of GOD’  eats  unleavened bread on the night of the 14th of Nisan they are symbolically  eating the flesh of the Spiritual Lamb of God – our Passover;  and from HIS body comes eternal immortal spirit life by that ONE SPIRIT.  We are eating this  ‘Bread of Life’  and by doing so are symbolically accepting eternal life.  

The cup of wine Jesus Christ, in Luke 22:  20,  calls  “the New Testament in My Blood which is shed for you”   is how we renew the New Spiritual Covenant year by year.   We accept and drink symbolically the shed blood of our Passover Jesus Christ as full and complete payment for our sins — once each year -  we are confirming year by year our spiritual contract (Covenant) with God.

Where do we “place” that wine, that Blood of Christ?  On the outside of our bodies or inside –  inside where sin comes from:  we drink the wine into our bodies.   God is cleansing us from the inside out.   All sin comes from within a person.

Using the following scriptures, which are admittedly difficult scriptures, can the time line of the events leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ be determined?

Matthew 26:

17  Now the first [day] of the [feast of] unleavened bread the disciples came to Jesus, saying unto him, Where wilt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the Passover?

18  And he said, Go into the city to such a man, and say unto him, The Master saith, My time is at hand;  I will keep the Passover at thy house with my disciples.

19  And the disciples did as Jesus had appointed them; and they made ready the Passover.

20  Now when the “evenwas come, he sat down with the twelve.

Notice this does not state when the Passover lamb was ready – but when the evening was come ‘to its end’, He sat down. They sat down for dinner not lunch.

26  And as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and blessed [it], and brake [it], and gave [it] to the disciples, and said, Take, eat; this is my body.

27  And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave [it] to them, saying, Drink ye all of it;

28  For this is my blood of the new testament (covenant), which is shed for many for the remission of sins.

29  But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink  it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.

30  And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives.

Mark 14:

1  After two days was [the feast of]  the Passover, and of unleavened bread: and the chief priests and the scribes sought how they might take him by craft, and put [him] to death.

2  But they said, Not on the feast [day], lest there be an uproar of the people.

12  And the first day of unleavened bread, when they kill  the passover, his disciples said unto him, Where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayest eat the passover?

The Passover is killed during the evening of the 14th and Feast of Unleavened Bread begin on the night of  the 15th.

13  And he sendeth forth two of his disciples, and saith unto them, Go ye into the city, and there shall meet you a man bearing a pitcher of water: follow him.

14  And wheresoever he shall go in, say ye to the goodman of the house, The Master saith, Where is the guestchamber, where I shall eat the Passover with my disciples?

15  And he will shew you a large upper room furnished [and] prepared: there make ready for us.

16  And his disciples went forth, and came into the city, and found as he had said unto them: and they made ready the Passover.

17  And in the evening he cometh with the twelve.

18  And as they sat and did eat, Jesus said, Verily I say unto you, One of you which eateth with me shall betray me.

19  And they began to be sorrowful, and to say unto him one by one, [Is]   it I?  and another [said, Is]  it I?

20  And he answered and said unto them, [It is] one of the twelve, that dippeth with me in the dish.

Luke 22:

7 Then came (#2064, “to come”) the day of unleavened bread, when the Passover must be killed.

8  And he sent Peter and John, saying, Go and prepare us the Passover, that we may eat.

14  And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him.

15  And he said unto them, With desire I have desired to eat –“this” — Passover with you —– before I suffer:

Here is a difficult scripture; did Christ eat a Passover Lamb before He was to be slain??  Did Christ reverse the order by eating the lamb 18 hours before it was even commanded to be slain?  This dinner was after sunset when the 14th of Nisan began and Christ would not die for another 21 hours at our 3 PM on the preparation day i.e. the 14th of Nisan.

“If” Christ did eat the physical Passover lamb on the correct night, the 15th,  then He was slain on the day light part of the 15th, the High Day of the Feast and not on the preparation day, the 14thas GOD COMMANDED.

John 13:

1  Nowbeforethe feast of the Passover, when Jesus knew that his hour was come that he should depart out of this world unto the Father, having loved his own which were in the world, he loved them unto the end.

2  And supper being ended, the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot, Simon’s [son], to betray him;

Jesus Christ knowingly ate this supper – BEFORE - THE FEAST “OF” THE PASSOVER.  According to verse 1  Christ knew and the Apostles knew they were eating on the night – before – the night the Passover lamb was to be eaten.

3  Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God;

4  He riseth from supper, and laid aside his garments; and took a towel, and girded himself.

27  And after the sop Satan entered into him. Then said Jesus unto him, That thou doest, do quickly.

30  He then having received the sop went immediately out:  — and it was night.

What are the facts that can be nailed down using the above scriptures and others?

#1  The “Lord’s supper took place on the night of the 14th and the 14th  is the preparation for  the Feast of Unleavened Bread and is  Passover.

John 19: 14 “And it was the “preparation” of the Passover and about the sixth hour (noon) and he saith unto the Jews, Behold your king.”

The night (the darkness) of the 14th comes before the day (the light) of the 14th. And this fact is further confirmed by the scriptures used to confirm #2 — #5.

#2  The supper took place before the “Feast” of the Passover i.e. the night of the 15th .

John 13:1, 2 above states the supper was ended “before” the “Feast” of the Passover. Passover is the shedding of blood and not the Feast of eating of the lamb.

#3  After  supper Christ went to the Mount of Olives to pray.

Luke 22: 1 – 39 confirms after that supper Christ went to the Mount of Olives.

#4  Around midnight they took Christ from the Mount of Olives to the High Priest.

Luke 22: 1 -54 confirms in the same night as the supper, Christ was led away.

#5  Christ was put in the grave before sundown thus before the night of the 15th began.

John 19:31  The Jews therefore, because it was  the “preparation’, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the Sabbath day, (for that Sabbath day was an high day, ) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and [that] they might be taken away.

We could work through each of the above scriptures reviewing each word for its exact meaning, which can be done or we can accept the facts from other clear scriptures that state from the time Christ set down to eat the “Lord’s Supper” until the time He was placed in the tomb – all occurred during the night period and day period of the 14th of Nisan, the Preparation period for the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

I base my acceptance of the above not only on the clear scriptural trail but on the premise the New Testament was first written in Hebrew then into Greek and then into English and along the way the translators all added their own preconceived beliefs into Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22 and John 13.

To add credence that the New Testament was written in Hebrew and that Christ and the Apostles spoke and wrote in Hebrew please remember the Torah, the law and the Prophets were always written in Hebrew thus when Christ stood up to read from Isaiah  He was reading Hebrew. 

To read the Torah in the days of Christ one  must go to a synagogue and be able to read Hebrew AND  The sign on the stake of Christ stating “He was the king of the Jews”  was written in Latin, Greek and Hebrew.

Here are some facts and logic to further confirm the above:

Read John 13: 1 again;  Christ knew His hour was coming — “before” the Feast of the Passover, not  Passover but the – FEAST – the Passover lamb supper – they are two different events.   As found in Strong’s,  #3957 can mean either The Passover or the Passover supper.  

Passover is the evening of the 14th and the Passover supper is the night of the 15th.    In common practice even today and as it was in the Days of Christ the first Holy Day season (8 days in all) in each year was called commonly called  Passover or the Feast of the  Passover.

Strong’s Concordance

# 3957  pascha: the Passover, the Passover supper or lamb

Original Word: πάσχα, τό
Part of Speech: Aramaic Transliterated Word (Indeclinable)
Transliteration: pascha
Phonetic Spelling: (pas’-khah)
Short Definition: the feast of Passover, the Passover lamb
Definition: the feast of Passover, the Passover lamb

Christ knew He came to earth to become our Passover and would be dead and in the grave before the lamb supper would even begin.  Christ was not at all confused as to when that High HOLY Day began and when the slain Passover lamb was to be eaten. 

Neither Christ or John gave us any indication the coming Feast which follows Passover was a day off, verse one above was spoken as a statement of fact by the Apostle John

All of the above will be addressed further as we move through the study.

Jesus is taken during the night of the 14th and sent to be crucified at the sixth hour of the day (noon), still on the 14th  – and still  — the preparation day:

Matthew 26:

2  “Ye know that after two days is  the Feast of  the Passover and the Son of man is  betrayed to be crucified.”

Christ and the apostles were not confused as to the timing of events.  Notice the words “the Feast” were added, the Passover which is the preparation day was in 2 days.

4  “And consulted that they might take Jesus by subtlety and kill Him.”

5  “But they said  – Not on the Feast  day –   lest there be an uproar among the people.”

Please take careful note as to when they would not take Christ; the Pharisees did not want to take Christ on or during that “Feast”, a High Day.  The night that Feast began is the night the Passover lamb is eaten: the 15th was a “High Day “– and was not —  the 7th Day Sabbath.   

Because there was only two days remaining until the High Day of the Feast, the Pharisees had to take Christ on the preparation day.

NOTE: verse 5 by itself proves the day, the following 12 hours of light, after Christ was placed in the tomb was NOT the weekly Sabbath but was the first High day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread i.e a Commanded assembly.  

The statement is — ‘not on the Feast”,  – if it was a 7th Day Sabbath they would have stated “not on the Sabbath”.

30  “And when they had sung an hymn they went out into the mount of Olives.”

47  “And while He yet spake,  lo Judas and one of the twelve came and with him a great multitude with swords and staves from the chief priest and elders of the People”

56  “But all this was done that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled. Then all the disciples forsook him and fled.”

57  “And they that had laid hold on Jesus led Him away to Caiaphas the high priest, where the scribes and the elders were assembled.”

Matthew 27:

1 “When the morning was come all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put Him to death.”

2 “And when they had bound Him they led Him away and delivered Him to Pontius  Pilate the governor.”

Luke 23:

7 “And as soon as he knew that He belonged unto Herod’s jurisdiction he (Pilate) sent Him to Herod who himself also was at Jerusalem at that time.”

Important time line:

When Jesus left the supper He went to the Mount of Olives to pray, those sent by the chief priests came and took Him from the Mount of Olives around midnight and delivered Him to the high priests. The high priests and the elders put Christ on trial until morning at which time they sent Christ to Pilate. Pilate then sent Him to Herod. Herod returned Christ to Pilate, Pilate questioned Him one more time then sent Christ to be scourged.

 After being scourged Christ was again brought back to Pilate for the third and final time and then was sent to be nailed to the stake around noon – all on the preparation day, the 14th of Nisan.

John 19: 1 – 6 verifies Pilate sent Christ to be scourged then brought Him in front of the Jews for the last time and then sent Christ to be crucified.

John 19:

11  “Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me except it were given thee from above; therefore he that delivered Me unto thee hath the greater sin.”

Christ is speaking to Pilate in verse 11.

14  “And it was the preparation “of” (or for)  the Passover and ‘about’ the sixth hour  (our noon); and he (Pilate) saith unto the Jews  – ‘Behold your King’,”

This scripture in John plainly and without doubt stated it is the preparation of or for  the Passover  supper and even gives the time of day, about noon or the 6th hour.

Also note when Pilate had Christ stand in front of the people and declared Him as their King, Christ had already been scourged.  Christ had chunks of flesh missing and  even bones exposed but was still able to walk and talk.   By other scripture we know He became so weak He could not drag the stake He was to be hung on to die.

16  “Then delivered he Him therefore unto them  – to be crucified  – and they took Jesus and led Him away.”

After being scourged sometime  – before noon – (the 6th hour), and being rejected by the Jews, Pilate released Christ to be crucified around noon.   As it is long but does bring this event together it is important to read all of Chapter 19 in John. Christ was brought before Pontius Pilate three times.

Luke 22:

7   “Then camethe dayof unleavened bread, when the Passover must be killed.

The word “came” also means ‘to come’; Then  ‘to come’  “the day” when the Passover must be killed.

When Luke wrote these words it was the day portion of the 13th and proof of this fact is when supper ended it was dark. “The day”  (the light) to come – when – the - Passover (lamb) must be killed is the day portion of the 14th which confirmed by scripture is the Preparation day. See Exodus 12: 6.  

Christ and the Apostles came together, as sundown ended the 13th and began the 14th ,    to eat the evening meal and at that final supper Christ — instituted  the Spiritual Passover symbols of the unleavened  bread and the wine.

8  “And he sent Peter and John, saying, Go and prepare us the Passover, that we may eat.

Jesus Christ had to be slain on the same day and during the same period of time, “in the evening”, as the Passover lambs.  As per Exodus 12: 6 the Passover Lambs are to be killed during the evening portion of the preparation day, the 14th of Nisan.

  The killing and roasting of the Passover lamb must be completed before the 12th hour, our 6 PM as the roasted lambs must then be taken to the dwellings where they are to be eaten.  Some commentaries state the slaughter was normally completed by the 9th hour leaving 3 hours for dressing out, roasting and get the lambs into the dwellings. 

Yes, Christ sent Peter and John to prepare – the Passover!  Understanding all of the above     I can only surmise there was more instruction given them then is recorded. 

                        The death and burial of Jesus Christ:

Knowing the exact minute Jesus was nailed to the stake is not possible as time was gauged by the position of the sun in the sky,  but it is written,  Christ was sent to be crucified around our noon (the 6th hour) on the 14th of Nisan which is Passover and the preparation day for the High Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread.

Luke 24:

44 “And it was about the sixth hour and there was a  darkness over all the land until the ninth hour.”

The 6th hour is our 12 noon and the 9th hour is approximately our 3:00 PM and from the time Christ was nailed to the stake until He died the land was in darkness for that 3 hours.  

Josephus authored a book called “Jewish Wars” and in it wrote   “They sacrifice from the ninth to the eleventh hour”   6.10.1/423.   Josephus states in his day they slaughtered the lambs from 3 PM until 5 PM.

Matthew 27:

45 “Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour.”

Jesus Christ, our Passover, must be “legally” slain in the “Evening” as the  Torah  clearly states:  

Therefore verse 45 —  proves — the evening — is within that period called by God – the LIGHT:  the evening is the last half of a day.    Genesis 1: 5.

Does it not state in verses 44 and 45 above that it was DARK from the 6th hour until the 9th hour?     While Christ was alive on the stake darkness covered the land and the sun returned immediately after He died and continued down until it set at the end of the 12th hour.  

Christ was slain — in  — the evening exactly as God commanded and  half of that evening, 3 of the 6 hours,  was in darkness !

If the lambs are to be killed at twilight i.e. sunset, as some believe, why then would our Father change the LAW  given through Moses and allow Christ to die at the 9th hour instead of the 12th? 

Why were the instructions given to Moses not followed when Christ our Passover died?  They were — and to the finest detail of the LAW, He died in the Evening!

All of the logical and scriptural evidence available has proven to this student the Evening is the period from noon until sunset and during that 6 hour period God calls – “the evening”- our Savior was first hung on a stake, bled to death, taken down and then buried – The sacrifice of Jesus Christ was, according to the LAW i.e. the TORAH in the evening – not at sunset.

50  “Jesus when He had cried again with a loud voice yielded up the spirit.”

This is quite possibly duel, Christ yielded up the breath of life AND the Father’s Spirit, both returned to the Father.  Jesus Christ ceased to exist  – Christ DIED!  See John19: 30 below.

57  “When the even  –was come – [was coming to its end] –there came a rich man of Arimathaea named Joseph who  also himself was Jesus’ disciple”.

The phrase “when the even was come” has to mean the sun was soon to set as Joseph had to get Christ in the tomb before sundown and did so moments before sundown.

60  “And Laid it (the body of Christ) in his own new tomb which he had hewn out in the rock and he rolled a great stone to the door of the sepulcher and departed.”

62  “Now the “next” day  that — followed  — the “day” of the preparation  the chief priests and Pharisees came together unto Pilate.”

Here is more proof that the day “before” – that — “next day” (next period of light) was  the day of the crucifixion, death and  burial of Christ and was the preparation day and that “next day”  followed that – day of preparation.

For Christ to be placed in the Tomb on what we would call Friday then the First Day of Unleavened Bread must fall on a weekly Sabbath making it a double Sabbath.

From 26 AD until 34 AD only 2 times was there a double Sabbath, 26 AD and 33 AD and we will find to fulfill the only sign Christ is our savior the 15th can not be a double Sabbath.

As Daniel 9 states Jesus Christ would be cut off in “midweek” therefore the year of His death is either 27 AD, 30 AD, 31 AD or 34 AD as in only those years Passover was on the 4th day of the week, the middle of a week.  Yes cut off in mid week of a 7 year period and in the middle of an actual 7 day week as well, God is exact.  Therefore there could not be a double Sabbath in the year Christ died. This is also verified by the women and the spices.

John 19:

28  After this, Jesus knowing that all things were now accomplished, that the scripture might be fulfilled, saith, I thirst.

29  Now there was set a vessel full of vinegar: and they filled a spunge with vinegar, and put [it] upon hyssop, and put [it] to his mouth.

30  When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.

What was “finished”?  Many ignorantly or gleefully claim the “Law”.  Verse 28 clearly explains all that was foretold to take place by the prophets of old were now accomplished and there in NO prophecy – not one — the Law was to end.

31 The Jews therefore,because it was the preparation,that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the Sabbath day,(for that Sabbath day was an high day, ) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and [that] they might be taken away.

As seen above this preparation day was the 14th  and the day coming was the First Day of Unleavened Bread,  a High Holy Day.  The Jews wanted the dead to be in the grave before the High Day Sabbath began.  The weekly 7th Day Sabbath is never called a High Day and as shown it could not be a double Sabbath.

32  Then came the soldiers, and brake the legs of the first, and of the other which was crucified with him.

33  But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs:

34  But one of the soldierswith a spearpierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and  “water”.

The blood was Christ’s physical life and the water represents God the Father’s Spirit.  Verse 34 brings up a question we will address shortly.

35  And he that saw [it] bare record, and his record is TRUE: and he knoweth that he saith TRUE, that ye might believe.

36  For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken.

37  And again another scripture saith,They shall look on him whom they pierced.             See Zechariah 12: 10 – 14

Matthew 27

46  And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

47  Some of them that stood there, when they heard [that], said, This [man] calleth for Elias.

48  And straightway one of them ran, and took a spunge, and filled [it] with vinegar, and put [it] on a reed, and gave him to drink.

49  The rest said, Let be, let us see whether Elias will come to save him.

50  Jesus, when he had cried again with a loud voice, yielded up the ghost (wind, spirit).

Luke 23:

44  And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour.

45  And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst.

46  And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.

Now we will address John 19: 34 as it is this writers firm belief Christ must die by the shedding of His blood exactly as all animal sacrifices die by shedding their blood.

34But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water.

Christ, our Passover, had to die by being bled to death and as repeatedly stated throughout the New Testament it is by the shed blood of Christ that our sins are forgiven. Christ must die for us by the shedding of His blood:  blood shed — after — death would NOT  be the cause of death.

Verses 32 and 33 of John 19 states the Roman soldiers broke the legs of the first two and when they came to Christ He was already dead.  Then what did He die from, what was the cause of His death? 

How Christ died is of the utmost importance for our salvation.  Christ must be slain by being bled to death as are all animal sacrifices thus if He was dead before the spear pierced His side there would be no known cause for His death.   

If Christ just gave up living is that not akin to suicide which is the sin of murder?   Christ was lead as a lamb to the slaughter– lambs do not slaughter themselves –– they are bled to death by a man.

We are told by Paul we must PROVE ALL THINGS — logic is the only way I have of proving anything and logic and common sense tells me lambs do not commit suicide!

John 19: 30;  Matthew 27: 46, 50;  Luke 23: 46 and Mark 15: 37 as well,  all state Christ died after crying out in a loud voice.   Could it be as the last of His blood spilled on the ground He then cried out?

In verse 34 the word translated as “but” is   #235   ‘alla’   and can mean;  but,  otherwise,      on the other hand, or  and.

It is this writer’s opinion, which can not be verified by scripture, at some point before the soldiers came to break the legs, the soldiers which were already on site to watch over those that had been crucified and the same ones that cast lots for Christ’s clothes are the soldiers that not long before the soldiers came to break the legs –- pierced Christ side with a spear.

And pierced they did as prophesied in Zachariah 12: 10-14 and as Jesus Christ confirmed in His Revelation to John.

Revelation 1

7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they [also] which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

It is possible the translators “adjusted” verse 34  to confirm some of their own preconceived doctrines.   It appears some finer points of the Word of God will not come to light until after the first resurrection or unless an original Hebrew text is discovered.

 It is also possible some details are purposely left out at this present time.  In any event, I believe Jesus Christ died from the loss of blood and by doing so paid my death sentence for me — Christ was PUT TO DEATH instead of me.

For those still believing the Jews had the Holy Days and the Sabbath day miscalculated or confused or even lost please consider the following logical questions:

Why would God the Father allow HIS Passover events to occur on the wrong days or even at the wrong time of day or in reverse order?  And could God “legally” do so according to the Law set forth in the Torah?   NO!

The timing of the events surrounding the crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ had to be perfect and legal and in order in every way down to the last split second or God transgressed His own Law:

As to the legal question;   Our Father can not sin, it is impossible for Him to sin thus every Law was followed down to its finest points.  And if Christ did not fulfill all things — legally — He could not have qualified to become our savior without sin.

In New Testament writings no comments or even a vague mention can be found questioning the days surrounding the Passover either by Christ or the Apostles.  When God set aside His Holy Feasts before creation began as the exact days upon which all the events in His plan of Salvation were to occur, there was no alterative plan: the days in that Plan can not and have never been changed or altered and the events did occur on the very days the Jews were observing.

Thus the crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ occurred exactly as set forth in the Torah and on the exact days and to the exact second as found today in God’s Torah –proving to  

                                                      — ALL —- 

God rules all things in heaven and on earth – what God set in place before creation –  none can alter.


If as some believe, the Jews have lost the exact days upon which the Feasts of God are to be kept then how do you explain the fact that in the years 1949/1950;  1967/1978 and in 2014/ 2015 as well,  blood moons  occurred  on 6  ‘Nights to be much Observed’ which begins the Feast of Unleavened Bread (the 15th of Nisan) and on the 6 nights that began  the Feast of Tabernacles (the 15th  of the 7th month) ?   12 blood moons occurring only on the same two Holy Feasts of God during 3 separate periods of back to back years —————- are just  a coincidence?

The mathematical probability of these 12 blood moons occurring on the exact same Feasts and on consecutive years is astronomical.   God does rule all things in heaven above and on earth below and God’s Holy days can never be lost.

Our Father timed the death of Jesus Christ perfectly – there was just time for Him to be placed in the grave and the stone rolled to cover the entrance before sundown.

Jesus Christ was in the grave before sundown on the 14th of Nisan or He is not your Savior.

Many have told me they don’t ‘sweat the small stuff’, thankfully God does ‘sweat’ the small details and to a degree we can not even begin to imagine.

Regarding the 7th day Sabbath, this paper will clearly prove Christ was resurrected on the 7th Day Sabbath.  All events in God’s Plan of Salvation must occur on Holy Days or on the Holy Sabbath; all events in God’s Plan are accomplished by Jesus Christ and on the exact days and times set aside by God and nothing is fulfilled  without Jesus Christ.

Christ was resurrected on the exact Day appointed before Creation: the 7th Day Sabbath or again you have no Savior. Christ is LORD of the Sabbath!  Not one word proclaiming Christ revoked the Sabbath changing it to the day of the sun can be found nor was the first day of a week ever made Holy.

Mark 15:

42 “And now when the even was come [had come to its end] because it was the preparation, that is — the day  before – the (high) Sabbath.”

43 “ Joseph of Arimathaea an honourable counselor which also waited for the Kingdom of God came and went in boldly unto Pilate and craved the body of Christ.”

Matthew 27: 62,  Mark 15: 42 above,  Luke 23: 54 and  John 19: 14, 31 all prove two things;

First: the weekly Sabbath and God’s Holy Feast all begin after sundown.

Second:  Christ was buried at the end of the preparation day (the 14th) before the High Day Sabbath of the First day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread began on the 15th.  

Yes it could have been a double Sabbath with The First Day of Unleavened Bread falling on a  7th Day Sabbath but to fulfill – THE – “only sign” - given by our Savior Jesus Christ that He would be in the Grave for three days and three nights — a Friday before sunset burial and a Sunday morning resurrection is impossible.   Absolutely cannot be as that is only one day and two nights. 

I have brought up this ONLY SIGN time after time — why do you all just ignore that ONLY SIGN as if our Savior never made the statement??

Many point to the scriptures which state  Christ will rise on the THIRD day, which is  a completely and absolutely  true statement:

Thursday night is night one; Thursday day is day one; Friday night is night two and Friday day is day two;  Saturday night (Sabbath) is night three;  bringing us to the Sabbath ‘day’ which  IS the third day.   Jesus Christ rose on the THIRD DAY.  Did He not say three days and three nights and He would rise on the third day?    Did Christ not state there are 12 hours in a day?

Shall we allow God’s Word to again answer this question of what is a day as we have done earlier in this study.

Genesis 1: 5

5  “And God called the light – Day [#3117 ], and the darkness he called – Night.    And the evening and the morning were the first Day  [#3117 ].”

There are 12 hours or positions of the sun during day light; sunrise is zero, our 12 noon is the 6th hour, the 9th hour is our 3 PM and then sundown ends the day at the 12th hour.  A day, the period of light, begins in the morning and ends in the evening at sunset.

If we can believe Genesis 1: 5 then Christ had to be in the grave for 3 full periods of day light and 3 full periods of darkness or He is not our Savior.

Can Christ confirm what is stated above?  Can we find where Christ defines a  DAY ?

John 11: 9

9 “Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day?  If any man walk in the day, he stumbleth not, because he seeth the light of this world.

Jesus Christ did not nor could He have risen in the night, in darkness, Christ is the light of this world!  Remember when the women came to the tomb early before sunrise – the stone was already removed and Christ had already risen and it was yet dark. Christ did not come out of the tomb at sunrise nor in the darkness of night.

Matthew 12:

39 “And there shall no sign be given to it but the sign of the prophet Jonas,”

                                                    The   Only   Sign!!

Some reckon the three days from when Christ was hung on the stake, some from when He actually died while on the stake. Some count a few hours as one day, many go to great extremes to put Christ in the grave on Friday and resurrect Him at sunrise Sunday morning.

BUT the only sign Christ said He would give this evil generation is:


The one and the ONLY  SIGN given as proof Jesus Christ is our Savior is the sign of Jonas and Jonas was not  3 days and 3 nights in the sea – but – IN – the fish’s belly!

That  sign begins when Christ is placed in the tomb!   And when was He placed in the tomb — just moments before sundown?   Christ made the statement that there are 12 hours in a day.  Three days then are 3 periods of light each a period of 12 hours or 12 positions of the sun and each separated by a period of darkness called the night.  We are not talking of ‘our’ hours but 12 positions of the sun as it rises and then sets.

40   “For as Jonas was 3 days and 3 nights in the whale’s belly; so shall the Son of Man -  BE –  3 days and  3 nights in — the heart of the earth.”

The exact words  –3 days and 3 nights – are spoken twice by Christ and He is quoting from the book of Jonah.

               The whole Christian world has labeled Jesus Christ a liar

When “christians” claim Christ was one day and two nights in the grave they are absolutely convicting Christ of lying.   Friday night from 6 PM until Sunday morning before 6 AM, is almost 36 hours,  but that is close enough for the majority of so called Christians.

When the Christian world makes the statement that Christ was buried on a late Friday afternoon and was raised from the grave on a Sunday morning at sunrise – they – those “claiming” to be Christians and professing to “accept” Jesus Christ in to their hearts ? –are proclaiming to the entirety of the world that Jesus Christ of Nazareth is a liar!  

Those professing to have “Jesus” in their ‘hearts’, claim the Savior of mankind was just using a figure of speech or “something”?     He really did not mean 3 of anything according to most professing Christians?    Besides 1 day and 2 nights, give or take a few hours in the grave is just fine and being resurrected on the day dedicated to the sun god is an added plus, now the Lord’s Day can be moved to Sunday i.e. the day of the sun. What a blessing ? 

And while these “folks” were at it, they change not only the day and time of Passover but the name as well, they chose Easter, the name of a pagan goddess, Ishtar.   And to confuse the meaning and desecrate the sacrifice of Christ even more these “christians” add easter bunny’s and easter eggs and even worse — sunrise services.

Was Christ in the habit of misstatements or exaggerations?  Could He then be exaggerating concerning the status of YOUR salvation?  The Words Christ spoke are TRUTH!

When Christ said He would be in the heart of the earth for 3 days and 3 nights He spoke of Three –  full periods – of day light and three full periods of darkness:   the only sign given by Jesus Christ proving He is our Messiah our Savior;

Study this closely:

Christ was placed in the tomb at sundown which began Night one, the next sunrise began Day one; the next sundown began Night two, the next sunrise began Day two; the third sundown began Night three (3); the third sunrise began DAY THREE (3);  at the end of that THIRD  period of daylight  moments before sundown Jesus Christ was resurrected.   Christ was resurrected on the third day:  a 7th  day Sabbath.

Christ emphatically states there are 12 hours in a day, Christ said the only sign given that HE is the Messiah will be;   He will be three 12 hours days and three nights in the grave in the heart of the earth.

1-Thursday, 12 hour day;

2- Friday, 12 hour day;

3- Saturday i.e. the Sabbath, 12 hour Day.   The Sabbath is the Third  12 hour day.

And yes there were also 3 nights; Wednesday night, Thursday night and Friday night. 

Here are the 3 days and 3 nights  according to the current way we view a day.

On Wednesday (midweek, 4th day) Christ was nailed to the stake around noon and died about 3 PM and was sealed in the tomb just as the sun set on what we call Wednesday just before night began.

Christ was in the tomb     Wednesday night:          night 1 

                                            Thursday day:                day    1 – 12 hours

                                            Thursday night               night 2

                                             Friday day                      day    2 – 12 hours

                                             Friday night                   night 3

                                            Saturday  day                 day    3rd – 12 hours

Christ was resurrected on the third DAY moments before sunset on the SABBATH.  He was in the tomb for 3 days and 3 nights exactly to the second.

John 2: 19, 21

19 “Jesus answered and said unto them ’Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up”

Please refer back to the statement by Jesus Christ that there are 12 hours is a DAY!  Three periods of “day”  total 36 hours.

21 “But He spake of the temple of HIS body

What does “the third day “mean?  The third day of  WHAT?    Of being in the grave  !!!!              

One day and two nights in the grave is completely acceptable to the majority of those claiming and professing to be Christians because they hate God’s Sabbath Day which is impossible  to separate from the Holy Feasts of God and His Holy Commandments.

If the Sabbath must be abolished then everything connected to it must also be removed and rejected. Those claiming to be disciples of Jesus Christ have done exactly that!

These facts are being repeated to drive home –the Facts!   If you yet cling to the satanic lie of a Sunday morning resurrection, that is upon your shoulders,  You have been shown the TRUTH,  if you reject the truth the sin is yours.

All the scriptures above confirm just before sundown when Jesus Christ was placed in the tomb, it was not our Friday the 6th day of the week, but was the end of the preparation day for the First Day of Unleavened Bread a High Sabbath Feast Day and was very likely our Wednesday  April 25th  31 AD.

Next; which day did the women buy and prepare the spices and ointments?

Luke 23

54   And that day was the preparation, and the Sabbath drew on.

55  And the women also, which came with him from Galilee, followed after, and beheld the sepulchre, and how his body was laid.

56  And they returned (,) and prepared spices and ointments (; ) and rested the Sabbath day according to the commandment.

The 4th Commandment is the commandment to Rest. There is no Commandment stating we must rest on a Feast Day. The only exception is the Day of Atonement, a fast day.

There was not time for the women to view His body, walk to town, buy spices and ointments return home and prepare the spices and ointments — in the few moments remaining before sundown.   And at sundown a High Day began in which no work can be done

Question: which Jewish shop would remain open in the remaining minutes before this High Day Feast was to begin and the Passover Lamb must be eaten ?

The purchase and preparation of the spices and ointments was done on the Friday between the two Sabbaths.  That first Sabbath, the one verse 54 says “drew on”, is the High Sabbath of the Feast of Unleavened Bread that began at sundown only moments away and the second Sabbath two days later was the 7th Day Sabbath which is called Saturday today.

Remember, the 7th Day Sabbath is the Day of Rest,  Feast days are for feasting and celebration, the women were not commanded to – rest -on the First Day of Unleavened Bread.

The women beheld His body just moments before sundown “and the Sabbath drew on.  (remember God’s Holy Time, His Sabbath and His Feasts begin after sundown) and moments before the Feast of the Unleavened Bread began.

The night of the 15th  IS  “The Night to be much Observed”   a time for rejoicing as the children of Israel were delivered from sin (Egypt) on that night. The fact that the women rested on the Sabbath  is proof Christ was not put in the tomb on our Friday night i.e. the night the Sabbath begins, the Sabbath that drew on was a High Day.

Mark 16:

1  And when the Sabbath was past  (,)  Mary Magdalene, and Mary the [mother] of James, and Salome (,)  had bought sweet spices (,) that they might come and anoint him.

Remember all punctuation was added to the Bible thus if we remove the commas it changes the meaning drastically.  Now verse one can be read as  “when the Sabbath was past the women  purchased  sweet spices.” “had bought” is #59 agerazo, i.e.  purchase.

2  And very early in the morning the first [day] of the week, they came unto the sepulchre at the rising of the sun.

When the commas are removed, verse 1 verifies Luke 23: 55, 56 above, the women returned for the Passover lamb supper and the following day after that High Holy day (our Thursday),  they bought the spices and ointments on our Friday and prepared them and then rested on the 7th Days Sabbath.  Next, very early on the first day of the week, they came to apply the spices and ointments.

Luke 24:

1 “Now upon the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came unto the sepulcher bringing the spices which they had prepared and certain others with them.”

2 “And they found the stone rolled away from the sepulcher.”

3 “And they entered in and found –NOT  - the body of the Lord Jesus.”

John 20:

1 “The first of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early when it was —  yet dark – unto the  sepulcher and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulcher.”

Verse one will be verified next in Matthew 28,  Mary Magdalene did see the stone taken away.

Matthew 28

1 In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first [day] of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre.

2  And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it.

3  His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow:

4 And for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead [men].

5  And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified.

6  He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.

It was dark when Mary Magdalene and the other Mary watched the Angel roll the stone from the door and the angel told Mary Christ was already gone.  This leaves only two possibilities, Christ was resurrected in darkness on the first day of the week or on the Sabbath just as the light ended at sundown.

7  And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo, I have told you.

Matthew, Mark, Luke and John all state before sunrise the stone was rolled away and Christ had already left the sepulcher.  They returned to the sepulcher before sunrise and the sun began to rise as they stood there, Christ had already risen and left the sepulcher, so much for pagan sunrise services.  

God the Father very likely timed it perfectly, when the great stone was rolled and slammed in place, the sun may have set at that instant. My personal belief, Christ was in the grave 3 12 hour days, from a moment before sunset on Wednesday to a moment before sunset on the Sabbath.

Most still do not believe Jesus Christ when He states He is Lord of the Sabbath.   The Sabbath is the LORD’s Day,  Jesus Christ created the Sabbath by resting on that 7th day of creation;  John 1.   Christ rose on the day He is the Lord and Creator of.   There is no written record of a change to Sunday the first day of a week and no scriptures or prophecy pointing to or eluding to Sunday being Made Holy.  All Holy days were already in place at Creation, none have been changed.

How did Jesus Christ die, what caused His death, a deeper look?

Matthew 26:

28  “For this is My blood of the New Testament which is shed for many  for the remission of sins.”

Please take careful note; — for the remission of sins not the remission of the Law.

 The Blood of Christ did not take away the Law only the written judgment sentencing us to death for our sins was removed.  Sin is the transgress of the LAW 1 John 3:4

What transpired upon the stake was not the nailing of the Law to the stake to abolish it but the bleeding to death of our Savior Jesus Christ.  Christ DID NOT become the Law as many foolishly accept but Christ “became sin” for us and died as a transgressor of that LAW.

Thus if Christ’s death on the stake abolished the Law then that Law which states “without shedding of blood is no remission” would be abolished and the blood Christ shed for us could not remove our sins.

You can not have it both ways — The Law of shed blood justifying sin  is only in effect— if it is the LAW.

Hebrews 9:

12   “Neither by the blood of goats and calves but by his own blood He entered in once into the Holy Place having obtained eternal redemption for us.”

22  “And almost all things are by the law purged with blood and without shedding of blood is no remission.”

If it is the Law that states blood will remove sin-  then – if that Law were abolished – it must follow — no longer can blood remove sin!   2 + 2 must equal 4.

It is only by the bleeding to death of Jesus Christ that our sins are removed – the only way.

Luke 22:

20   “Likewise also the cup after supper saying, This cup is the new testament in  My blood which is shed for many.”

 Ephesians 2:

13 “But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ.”

Does this state we are made “nigh” by the removal of the Law? NO!

I John 1: 7

7   “But “IF”  we “walk “in the light —- as He is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin.”

We are washed with and by His blood; we are cleansed of our sins by the shed blood of Jesus Christ.  

Removing the Law does not wash away our sins, only the blood of Christ can wash away or remove our sins.   

In verse 7 do you see the word  IF ?  “ If “ we Walk in the light of TRUTH Christ will cleanse us from all sin and  “THY  LAW  - IS – TRUTH”  and does it not also state “AS” HE IS IN THE LIGHT?   We are to walk in our lives as Christ walked in HIS while on the earth i.e. by the Law. 

Colossians 1:

20   “And having made peace through the blood of His ‘Stauros’ (stake) by Him to reconcile all things unto Himself; by Him, I say, whether they be things in earth or things in heaven.”

Peace came through HIS BLOOD not by the removal of the LAW!

John 19:

34 “But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced His side and forthwith came there out blood and water.”

Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin, thus Jesus Christ had to bleed to death as He hung on the stake.   Every Passover lamb from the first one Jesus Christ sacrificed for Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden to the one Abraham sacrificed instead of his son Isaac – had to be bled to death:  every Passover lamb has had to shed all of its life’s blood on to the ground or be caught by the priest to be sprinkle on the Altar.

Christ had to shed (bleed out) the blood that gave Him physical life and then die for us. When Christ said “It is finished” He gave up not only the breath of physical life but    symbolically the Holy Spirit by  the water that came out with the blood.

Christ had to die physically (blood) and spiritually (the water representing the  Spirit)..  Christ had to be completely dead, not just partially dead— He had to cease to exist. When each of us dies we also will cease to exist.  It is the resurrection of the DEAD, not of those that are partially dead!

It is called the resurrection OF THE DEAD:  not the ‘some what’ dead or the – ‘kind of dead’ or the physical body is dead and the ‘soul’ is alive?    Without Jesus Christ dying for us and being resurrected – from –  DEATH, there is no way  for us to rise from our graves.  Our sins are forgiven by His death but life eternal comes to us by HIS resurrection — from death.

Christ had to be inspected for blemishes – for imperfections for 4 days from the 10th  of Nisan until the 13th , before He could be accepted as our Passover.

The Lambs were to be selected and held from the 10th to the 14th, see Exodus 12: 3, 6.

Matthew 20:

17  “ And Jesus going up to Jerusalem took the twelve disciples apart in the way and   said unto them.”

18  “Behold we go up to Jerusalem and the Son of man shall be betrayed unto the chief Priests and unto the scribes and they shall condemn Him to death”.

19  “And shall deliver Him to the Gentiles to mock and to scourge and to crucify Him and The third  day  He shall rise again.”

There is that Third Day again which was proven above; Christ stepped out of the tomb on the Third Day at the end of the third period of 12 hours.  

 29  ‘And as they departed from Jericho a great multitude followed them.”

 30  “ Christ healed two blind men as He left Jericho

Matthew 21:

1 “ And as they drew nigh unto Jerusalem and were come to Bethphage unto the mount of Olives then sent Jesus two disciples.”

Verses 2 through 11 Christ rides into Jerusalem riding on the colt.

Verses 12 and 13 Christ turns over the tables of the money changers.

Verses 14 through 16 Christ healed many people in the Temple with the chief priests and scribes looking on and sorely displeased.

Verses 18 through 21 Christ cursed the fig tree for having no fruit and it died.  Do you have the fruits of God the Father’s Spirit, if you have no fruits you are rejected?

Here was Christ’s first inspection for blemishes.

Verses 23 through 27 Christ was challenged by the chief priests and the elders asking by what authority does He do all of these things?

Verses 28 through 46 Christ gave two parables and the priests and the elders understood Christ was talking about them, if they had not feared the multitude they would have taken Him then.

Matthew 22:

1 through 14 Christ gave another parable.

15  “Then went the Pharisees and took counsel how they might entangle Him in His  talk.”

This was His second inspection.

17  “Tell us therefore what thinkest thou Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar or not?”

This was His third inspection.

23  “The same day came to Him Sadducees which say that there is no resurrection and asked Him”

34  “But when the Pharisees had heard that He had put the Sadducees to silence they were gathered together.”

This was the fourth and final inspection.

35  “Then one of them which was a lawyer asked Him a question tempting Him and saying.”

46  “And no man was able to answer Him a word neither durst (dared) any man from  that day forth ask Him any more Questions.”

Jesus Christ was inspected during the 4 days set for inspect of the Passover Lamb and was examined by the Chief Priests and the Elders and they found  NO  fault!    He qualified as our Passover lamb without blemish. Thank God!

Time Line of Events:

The Lord’s Supper took place during the early night portion of the 14th of Nisan which began the forth day of the week; what we would call Tuesday night.   That 14th was the preparation day for slaughtering the Passover lambs in the evening.

The Apostles took of the wine and the unleavened bread and after Supper ended Christ went to the Mount of Olives and prayed for possible 3 hours.

Christ was taken away by the officers sent by the chief priest and the Pharisees around midnight of the 14th of Nisan our Tuesday night.  Was not the first born taken at midnight in Egypt?

Very early in the morning of the 14th  which was our Wednesday and still the preparation day, the Pharisees led Christ to Pilate’s house and from there Christ was sent to Herod and from Herod back to Pilate.

Once again at Pilate’s home, Pilate sent Christ to be scourged, after the scourging Christ was brought back to Pilate before noon, still on the 14th, our Wednesday and was then sent by Pilate to be crucified after the Jews rejected Christ as their King.

Christ was nailed to the stake around noon, the 6th hour, and hung on the stake until He died about the 9th hour approximating our 3:00 PM, Still Wednesday the 14th of Nisan and still the preparation day.

For this 3 hour time period, noon till the 9th hour, there was darkness over the land.

Christ died around 3:00 Pm (the 9th hour) on the afternoon of the 14th of Nisan, the preparation day for the Passover lamb supper that was to begin after the approaching sundown.

Because the “High” Sabbath of the Feast of Unleavened Bread was coming at sundown, Joseph of Arimathea came to Pilate and begged the body of Christ.  Joseph took the body of Christ down from the stake as sundown drew near and placed Him in his own sepulture moments before sundown on the 14th of Nisan still our Wednesday.

After sundown when the 15th of Nisan began the roasted Passover lambs were eaten by the Jews, the night of the High Sabbath of the Feast of Unleavened Bread had come.

“On this day”, the morning of Thursday the 15th after eating the Passover supper during the night,  the Jews asked Pilate to set guards at the sepulture of Christ.

On our Friday, which is the preparation day for the weekly Sabbath, the women bought and prepared spices and then rested on the weekly Sabbath as per the 4th Commandment of God.  The Disciples of Christ kept the Sabbath Day Holy as did Christ — do you?

Very early on the first day of the week, our Sunday, the women came to apply spices on the body of Christ and found Jesus Christ had already risen even before sunrise and had already left the tomb.

After 3 nights and 3 days in the grave Christ was resurrected and left the sepulture just moments before sundown on the weekly 7th Day Sabbath, the Third Day.

Revelation 13: 8

 “And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship Him – whose names are not written in the book of life – of the Lamb slain —-  from the foundation of the world.”

The sacrifice of Jesus Christ was planned from before creation.




JESUS CHRIST of Nazareth was offered as our PASSOVER  very possibility on ‘Wednesday’ April 25TH   31 AD, at approximately 3 PM which is the evening or afternoon of the 14th of Nisan.

Note:  please remember a date changes at sundown, the 14th ends at sundown and the 15th begins after sundown. Our Tuesday night actually begins the 14th of Nisan which was mid week.

             WEDNESDAY 14TH OF NISAN    The preparation day was the 4th day of a week.

Sundown begins the 14th of Nisan which was the preparation day for the Passover Supper and The Feast of Unleavened Bread.  As the Preparation day ends as the sun sets on the 14th   of Nisan,  the Passover  Supper then begins  after the sun is set the 15th of Nisan begins.           

            NIGHT –    The disciples and Christ ate the Last Supper as the night of the 14th began,

                             Judas betrayed Christ in the garden of Gethsemane. Christ is taken around

                             midnight on the 14th of Nisan.

            DAY -         Around noon on the 14th Christ is nailed to the stake. The Priest began

                              slaughtering the Passover lambs around the  6th hour on the 14th of Nisan.                

                              Christ was stabbed by the Roman soldier as He hung of the stake and bled to

                              death around the 9th hour.

                              Joseph had less then 3 hours to demand the Body of Christ, take Christ down,

                              prepare Christ for burial and then take Him to the tomb and seal Him in.                            

                              Christ was sealed in the tomb by the large rock moments before sundown on  

                              the 14th of Nisan, the Preparation Day.                       

Christ was in the grave for three nights and three days:  Matthew 12: 40

Genesis 1: 5 “The light He called DAY and the darkness He called NIGHT” thus Christ was in the grave for 3 periods of night and 3 periods of day.

1-   THURSDAY –15TH OF NISAN –our Wednesday night.

                           After sundown as the 15th began the Passover

                           lambs were eaten and 1st High Holy Day of the Feast of

                           Unleavened Bread began.   

1st Night  - The first hour or two was the Passover supper.                      

1st Day        -No work is done on a High Sabbath Day and the Jews went to

                       Pilate asking him to have the tomb guarded.

          The first day ended at sunset.


2nd Night 

2nd Day           Mary bought and prepared spices and Rested according

                         to the Commandment on the  Sabbath, our Saturday.

3-  SATURDAY 17TH  OF  NISAN – THE SABBATH             

              3rd  Night       The  Sabbath rest began at sunset.

3rd  Day          The Resurrection took place before the end of the 12th hour

                        on the Third Day  just before sunset ended the weekly

                        Sabbath.  As Jesus Christ said,   “So shall the Son of man be 

                        3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth” – 3 periods of

                        light and 3 periods of darkness.

Christ was resurrected just before sunset on the weekly Sabbath which is the third day He was in the tomb, Christ was resurrected on the third day.

Because it is confusing to combine God’s days with the modern week where our 24 hour day begins at midnight, the follow uses our current day.

Christ was in the tomb     Wednesday night:          night 1 

                                            Thursday day:                day    1– 12 hours

                                            Thursday night               night 2

                                             Friday day                      day    2 – 12 hours

                                             Friday night                   night 3

                                             Saturday  DAY               day    3 – 12 hours

IF 100 actually read to the end of this paper –maybe — maybe one will “see”!  After 3 1/2 years of announcing the Good News and teaching 10′s of thousands the Torah — Christ had gathered only 120.

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    Total 69 comments
    • Maxxy

      …seeker…What you ‘don’t’ know, is STILL dominating your intellect. Logic…has limits, in Spiritual discourse…and it takes discernment to overcome.
      … You can’t make sense out of it without discernment…That’s what has you in your present state of doubt…Its a conundrum….Holy Spirit can’t be recognized without discernment, and discernment is impossible without the Holy Spirit.
      …many are called, few are chosen….

      • Truthseeker

        maxxy as always you are giving me only your words — my Father has told us to prove Him and there are only two ways by results and by logic — you are telling me logic has limits, God the Father created logic and gave it to man SO are you telling me The Father has limits as well??

        Maxxy “You shall know them by their Fruits”, I look to the life of a person for fruits of that Spirit of the Father if there are NONE — they are none of HIS!

        Maxxy read a smell section of this paper and then come back with clear scriptures showing what is written is not correct. You will not do so — because you can not disprove any of it.

        Maxxy you are looking for “magic” for “feelings” for “emotions” as proof you have the Father’s Spirit — a change of nature is what our Father wants — not emotions, not feelings.

        God is calling out of this world the weak – the “bottom of the bucket” and He is ‘converting” them from carnal human nature to His Divine Holy Nature.

        You will come to understand later.

        • Damien

          Meanwhile Christians and Jews are not Yahwehists.

          But you are.

          Better hurry the hell up ‘transforming’ troothytits.

          That pumpkin coach ain’t gonna be a coach all night!

          • Mayhem

            Toddle off and play with your string of beads, Chrislamist, the grown ups are talking :razz:

      • Mayhem

        Maxxy said…

        “Holy Spirit can’t be recognized without discernment, and discernment is impossible without the Holy Spirit”

        … and clearly didn’t think that one through.

        1) – How did the demon assess (Acts 19:13-16) that the 7 sons of Sceva lacked the spirit?

        2) – Why did the Gadarene demons (Matt 8: 28:3) not question Jesus authority but instead beg to be sent into the herd of pigs?

        3) If both of your propositions hold true how then is the statement not a logic loop that argues no one can receive the Holy Spirit?

        • Truthseeker


          well done! Logic is logical

          What say you now maxxy? there is no limit to the logic that proves you are illogical.

          • Damien

            How did Jonah die in the belly of the whale?

        • Maxxy

          …Discernment is a blessing, and indeed, in these times of latter rain, true Christians are finding new revelations..getting closer to YHVH, and accordingly…the “breath of life”.
          Discernment isn’t learned…Its a gift to those who have prepared a place…Got nothing to with logic…in fact the whole concept is illogical, as is, the concept of the life of Christ.
          …At this point in the scenario, its less about ‘adding to knowledge’, and more about eliminating constraints…

          • Truthseeker


            So it is up to the person to “prepare a place” — it is something a person must supply — a “Place” is what that person must come up with to get this breath of life”?? to Get these “new revelations” from whom???

            The Bible is all we need — there are no new revelations.

            Maxxy I am the clay and my Father is the Master Potter, my Father is making and forming me into what He wants me to be– “HE” is preparing a place for me in HIS Family and HE is preparing me for that position of authority.

            Maxxy you are so deep into your own personally devised religion — the WORD of GOD means nothing to you!

            Many scriptures can and have been brought before you — you understand none!

            You Maxxy are following doctrines of demons

          • Mayhem

            How would one recognize this blessing of discernment, Maxxy, presuming that they have no been imbued with the Holy Spirit? Do you not see your statement for the chicken & egg paradox that it is?

            Logic is an intrinsic part of God’s nature the proof of which are called “logical-absolutes”. Discernment is wholly reliant on logic otherwise it becomes whatever on makes of it. Do you get that? My discernment might be faulty given i’m certain that i’m supposed to kill everyone on the planet and it is logic that points to my fault.

            I’m picking, Maxxy, that you want “logic” made into a bad word in order to sell hogwash as perfume.

            • Maxxy

              …Mayhem…Make logic a bad word?
              …Real quick…what role does LOGIC play in the story of the life , death and resurrection of Christ…How logical are the miracles of healing and other miracles of the New Testament? How logical..indeed. Spiritual concepts are ‘Illogical’…by DEFINITION….I quote…
              ‘How would one recognize this blessing of discernment, Maxxy, presuming that they have no been imbued with the Holy Spirit? Do you not see your statement for the chicken & egg paradox that it is?’… its called a “MYSTERY”? Its a gift…many are called, few are chosen.
              …You’re alive, because you have a soul, AND you have a soul because you are alive.
              The ‘chicken and egg paradox…actually, is a conundrum…not a paradox. I don’t have a problem with it…I see it operate, and am familiar with its workings.
              …here’s a ‘paradox’, for you:
              … men spending their whole lives in fervent honest study of the WORD of God, growing in the faith earnestly…only to bar themselves, from growing beyond this earthly ‘frame of reference’, that they already profess is a strictly “temporary” situation. :cool:

            • Maxxy

              …Mayhem…You wrote something that i must comment on…again…you wrote: “How would one recognize this blessing of discernment, Maxxy, presuming that they have not been imbued with the Holy Spirit? ”
              …That is exactly what I am saying…Indeed..HOW?….I say its a ‘choice’ thing…gotta have priorities right. Gotta have your ‘dues’ paid…in full. With nothing more to add..ever again. ZERO pre-conceived notions…zero earthly tradition. Spirit can’t breath in the presence of earthly beliefs.
              …that’s why its hard for me to comprehend how such dedicated, and self professed, scholars, have so little comprehension of what’s going on….in the spiritual plane. Right now.
              …Really…I love you fellows….without you I would be less entertained and more bored.
              …You get my blood flowing…BOILING sometimes…but you both are “brothers” in Christ, or so you claim. (I think you’re fading).
              …I wait till you prove it in Deed, as well as, in men’s words(babble).. Or do you think that’s even…logical??
              …That brings up another related topic…does ‘illogical’ infer impossibility? Hmmmm

            • Truthseeker


              I can not resist this comment: So here is most likely my last to you.

              First a human can not die and pay for the sins of another — who could then die to pay for his own sins? We can not die and have our death pay for two – our life is payment for only ONE!

              Thus there is a problem, how can the sins of 100 billion humans be paid so they can be given eternal life??

              the only way is for the ONE who created the 100 Billion, as that life is worth far more then the 100 billion, to die and pay for the combined sins of 100 billion.

              So far this is pure logic! 2 plus 2 = 4.

              Thus logically Christ had to step out of immortal spirit life come down to earth and be born as a flesh and blood human so it would be possible from Him to die.

              when Christ died by bleeding out all of His blood exactly as all animal sacrifices are bled to death and as per the Torah – Christ ceased to exist.

              The Father, by HIS ONE SPIRIT raised Christ from death to immortal spirit life with all the glory (power) He had before. Christ is now of that Same ONE SPIRIT of the Father.

              Thus the Father is now the “Spirit” Father of Christ both of that ONE SPIRIT.

              Christ exist by the Father exactly as some will exist with immortal spirit life given to them by and through that ONE Spirit of our Father, when those few are born again at the First resurrection.

              very logical —

              When Paul made the logical statement that if Christ was not resurrected to immortal spirit life then WE, followers of Christ, are out of luck so to speak — our sins are forgiven by His death but eternal life only comes to us if Christ first rises from death to life.

              Christ is the first in ALL THINGS.

              I fully realize this if way too logical and way too complicated for a mind that is “in tune” only with the illogical spirit world.

              BUT IT IS THE TRUTH!

              You know who also hates logic — I will give you two chances and the first one does not count.

              Logic condemns Satan to eternal darkness for eternity.

            • Maxxy

              …seeker… last time…really? could be.
              …YOU DENY Yashuwah’s deity…So, you’re a damned blasphemer already.
              …Your whole life is waste…in service of “your own understanding”. Your self serving, self worship…
              .things will change for very afraid…your traditions will let you down hard. Nothing real there, at all…house of cards…..And I really should be practicing… got a concert to play Thursday night, and that’s way more important than a blasphemers condition.

        • Maxxy

          …sekker/mayhem…You can’t get through, the needle… without unloading your camel.
          …Whatever earthly concepts you’re carrying around, in your brain..have got to be jettisoned, and replaced with matters of the heart…
          …Intellectual pursuits, no matter the subject, will mean nothing… soon. EVERYONE will be given “SIGHT”. We’ll all know, immediately, whose efforts are true and just, and whose are not…No philosophy, no theosophy…just plain facts. I LOVE IT…CAN”T WAIT!!!
          …that’s your job…i know.
          …I think you’ll probably waste what little time you have left…intellectualizing, your beliefs.

          • Mayhem

            God loves dummies the most? What planet are you on?

            Deny what? And thanks, Maxxy, for wishing me lost ya prick.

          • Truthseeker


            what is it that we are to “unload”? is it not all the false doctrine Satan has spread extensively through out the entire world.

            Satan’s doctrines are founded on lies, on illogical garbage — a “ghost” as the third in the GodHead is that not illogical and senseless ?

            Does Paul tell us we CAN understand the Spiritual BY the Physical — by logically viewing the physical WE CAN understand how the Spirit world functions??

            It is not an unknowable “MYSTERY” ! Our Father and Jesus Christ wants those the Father Calls out of this world to understand the deep things.

            This understanding is “given” by our Father, He opens the mind to understand because this is the first harvest and only the few are called now in this present age. The rest are blinded until the 2nd resurrection.

            Maxxy show me the scriptures that describe the “feelings’ of those in the Word of God, there are few to none!

            Feeling are of no value — facts and TRUTH ARE !

            The Greek language is abstract – feelings, emotions and nothing solid.

            The Hebrew language is concrete, no abstraction no “feelings”.

        • Maxxy

          …I don’t know how “demons” do anything….they don’t operate in any dimension I can discern.

        • Maxxy

          …mayhem seeker…”So it is up to the person to “prepare a place” — it is something a person must supply — a “Place” is what that person must come up with to get this breath of life”?? to Get these “new revelations” from whom??? ” ….No .. its up to the individual to “empty” a place….You don’t get it, ‘LESS, is MORE’…. so full of ‘religion’, (reams and reams of babble), when the truth of “Christ’s” (Emmanuel) words are simple– “whomsoever will” … what’s hard about understanding this?
          … It is YOUR philosophy, that is limiting, not my own. You believe you “must” do this or do that, to be ‘saved’…Christ says “believe on me…”…His sacrifice…His blood, accomplished what you are attempting “still”, to EARN…to realize…
          …Your position is not my fault…I did not put your blinders on..YHVH did….
          …Talmudic traditions are NOT relevant…No tradition is relevant… reality is NOT of this earth, any more…Your Judaic ‘responsibilities’ have been heretical, for two thousand years.
          …There is a new age knocking on your door, and you’ve denied Christ his rightful place….You’ve put him in a golden cage…made him bend to YOUR religion….Him resurrected from the grave.

          • Truthseeker


            I should put you in touch with my sister, she speaks in tongues, lips on the wall talk to her as do the birds.

            She also believe the entire Bible is over and a “new age, a new beginning” is almost here. To her the god of the old testament is a very evil person and Jesus is just a mystic. That Old way was a curse!

            Just like you she has created her own new way and rejects “tradition”. i.e. the Law.

            She has her own “church” of close to 100 and at full moons they sit in a circle and pound on drums i would think to call down a spirit. is that something you do?

            Just like you she thinks reality is not of the earth and must come from above or something.

            I pass — no thank you!

            • Maxxy

              …seeker…that’s pretty good…I am not a ‘spiritualist’, I think its either faked or demonic….You Won’t catch the Ruach in a church, anywhere these days…
              religion is anathema, to the faith. Tradition makes it void. meaningless.
              …Faith is a living, breathing, “growing”, entity, within the believer. Centered in the HEART…not the brain.

            • Maxxy

              …seeker… one of the things about your sisters beliefs struck me….lessee…it s right here: ‘Just like you she thinks reality is not of the earth and must come from above or something…..’
              …So what do think the third world/heaven age is all about?
              …Reality is only what you can recognize it to be…the more you increase in knowledge, the more expansive is “your’ reality. The deeper you reach into your SPIRIT, the more expansive is your spiritual understanding, your REALITY…which is “real” to you….Earthly (traditional) knowledge or spiritual depth? Can you tell the difference?

            • Truthseeker


              one more time -

              …”So what do think the third world/heaven age is all about?”

              The age to come is the government of God headed up by Christ as KING of kings coming to earth and restoring the Rule of LAW from Jerusalem which is exactly the Gospel message.

              max you are closer to my sister then me by 10 miles.

              max you do not have a spirit, you are flesh and blood and when you die you will cease to exist.

              So there are 7 billion “realities” LOL

              max I do not seek “spiritual understanding —– I SEEK TRUTH. Logical factual actual TRUTH which is what I have been promised by my Father.

              max it is senseless to continue, forget the same page we are not even in the same book.

            • Maxxy

              …You go seek some more…that’s your destiny. disregard anything that does not agree with your presuppositions. Remember “get your proof”…before you know the question. blanket statements are your best bet…use the ‘scatter-gun tactic. You can deceive more folks that way.

          • Mayhem

            I’ll consider continuing, Maxxy, once you have apologized for circling back to the Talmudic traditions argument. Oh and add in an apology for again saying that i claim salvation through works. Have you not heard, Maxxy, that faith without works is death.

            Bleep you and your disgusting straw-man presumptions but there’s one thing you are right about. I should have said conundrum rather than paradox.

            • Maxxy

              …Mayhem…sorry…It seemed like you two were playing tag with me…I don’t really believe that you’re much like seeker…and you come with better references.
              …The talmudic thing was never resolved….
              …I never said anything to YOU about working for salvation….I think you’re one of the more level headed around here…you just picked the wrong ally tonite. You always seem to come to the rescue of Christ denying slugs.
              …the time has come to give it to ‘em…the 2×4′s are out and ready.

            • Mayhem

              I’m certain Truthseeker in no way denies Jesus and unless you meant someone else when you said “mayhem seeker” then you did so, once again, accuse me of claiming salvation through works and of following Talmudic traditions.

              I’m starting to think, Maxxy, that your continued denial of logic proves only that you need to get you some. Mate is this just idle chit chat, for you, or is this what you call a reasoned defense of your position? This flip flopping all over the place i mean.

              For me this is deadly serious if you catch my drift.

            • Truthseeker


              Jesus Christ was GOD in the flesh or else His life could not pay for the sins of 100 billion men, that is sound logic!

              max with out logic how can we prove all things???? You max want emotions and feelings — NOT TRUTH. TRUTH CAN NOT CHANGE emotions and feelings change moment by moment.

              EVERYONE that accepts the doctrine that Christ abolished the Law IS ACCUSING JESUS CHRIST OF LYING!

              Christ defeated Satan using the Torah and one of the scriptures Christ used states –”man does not live by bread alone but by every WORD of GOD.”

              The WORD of GOD at that time was and still is found in Genesis to Malachi.

              If you accept the false doctrine Christ abolished what He told us we are to live by —- you are calling Jesus Christ a liar.

              max do you “feel” it is good to call Christ a liar??

            • Truthseeker


              Just like the Law, logic reveals unsound doctrine — which is why Satan hates both and why folks like destined2Blost refuses to understand the WORD of God based upon sound logic and the Torah..

              max remember the old adage — you can not jam a round peg in a square hole?? It is the same with the WORD of GOD.

              If 2 + 2 does not equal 4 then the building will fall.

              Jesus Christ, the Master Builder, built the entire universe based upon sound logic,

              It is by the logic of math our earth has hung in the same position in this solar system for billions of years.

              the world hates law, logic etc because it proves they are sinners.

              Max I will continue to comment as the comments may convince others of the foolishness of your way.

    • Maxxy

      …seeker…first of all…after wading through this article…I say you are correct…tomorrow starts at sundown…
      ..Mayhem…You didn’t get what I was saying…probably my fault…but, lets try again…I was trying to express that there’s not a thing in this world, any body can DO, to receive the grace of YHVH…without The gift of discernment…but there’s nothing stopping anybody from having spiritual discernment…but his ‘intellectual’ identification with his ‘OWN UNDERSTANDING’. All of it has got to go. unload that camel.

      • Mayhem

        Going large on the judgement, are we? Truthseeker relies on and quotes extensively from the word of God whereas you, not so much. So really if anyone is standing upon their own understanding, Maxxy, it would appear to be you.

    • Truthseeker

      Is there no one willing to attempt to “prove” by scripture Christ was in the tomb for only one day and two nights???

      That He was put in the tomb our Friday afternoon and had a sunrise resurrection?

      I realize it would mean proving Christ was wrong when He stated 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth — but quite a few do not seem to mind stating 1 day & 2 nights is sound doctrine.

      Maxxy what does your religion say?? What is your “discernment” on this subject — your new revelation?
      or do you even care??

      maxxy I am trying to wake you up,

      • Maxxy

        …Seeker… plug in your guitar and turn it up…..that might wake me….
        …no seriously…I got the answer to your question years ago..friday night…saturday night….sunday nite, all beginning at sundown..//.friday…day…saturday …day….sunday …day 3 days-3 nights. is that not correct?
        …If you say no…then I say…reformat the question…soupy taught me that..
        …and truly, without you to mess with I wouldn’t have anybody…well maybe soupy. All the rest are too simple, even for me…Your humble nutcase…maxxy.

        • Truthseeker


          Christ was hung on the stake on our Wednesday at noon, was bled to death at our 3 PM and was in the tomb by sundown — NO it is not Friday Saturday and Sunday that is only one one day and two night — did you really read the article or just skim it?

          Christ must be in the tomb for 3 days and 3 nights.

          • Maxxy

            …seeker…I know ..I’ve tried that on several people here…nary a one, but you, caught it…bravo.
            …Look bro, you are a faithful and loyal man. If any body here deserves the truth… its you, who have sought it it as long has you have…So go about your way…if you still need proof…there is nothing more I can say.
            …The circumstances, have changed…The truth has not. The son of perdition IS HERE.
            .He has been for a short while. His system is complete and working like a fine tuned Rolex.
            …All ‘religion’ is moot, and meaningless…The Ruach, is also present and lifting “WHOMSOEVER WILL”, out of the reach of evil.
            …I’ve tried to convey that fact to you…I guess 20-30 times in these pages. There’s only a few of you “lawyers”, who I believe are worthy. most are locked up tighter than a drum…but you have been totally consistent, so I still hope your individual revelation, includes an introduction….whomsoever will…CAN include you….but not until you divest yourself of what standing between you and PNEUMA>

            • Truthseeker

              maxxy —–”deserves the truth”??????

              Maxxy I “deserve” death.

              Nothing I have ever done or ever can do will earn me anything other then the death sentence.

              My Father, by His indescribable “kindness” HIS “grace”, sent His Son to die so I would not have to.

              The eternal life I anticipate and look for at the first resurrection is a free unearned gift.

              NOTHING I HAVE EVER DONE or could do will prevent me from being put to death for my sins.

              Your “feeling” are effecting your mind.

    • The Ferrett

      Confusing garble from a pretend rabbi pushing jewish fables and confusing his terms. Kerux explains it well.

      To all you New Testament only Christians: if the Old Testament is no longer relevant, why is Abraham – with whom Yahweh made an everlasting unconditional covenant with (aka the Abrahamic Covenant) – mentioned 69 times in the New Testament?

      These so-called Christian bozos ignore the fact that there was no New Testament Scriptures in the early church period. The earliest Christians ONLY had the Old Testament. Paul the apostle quotes from the OT dozens of times in the New Testament. How does a New Testament Christian understand Paul’s teaching if they don’t believe the Old Testament is relative today?

      Further, what about the fulfillment of OT prophecy in the New Testament period? Simply search the word fulfilled, referring to prophecy from the OT testament fulfilled in the NT period and later and you will find the word occurs 57 times in the New Testament. One such occurrence is Luke 4:21 “And he began to say unto them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears,” referring to Isaiah 61:2. Notice he leaves out “day of venegance,” which will be fulfilled soon.

      Additionally, there is the passage “All scripture is inspired by Yahweh and is profitable for doctrine, for conviction for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of Yahweh may be complete, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. 2 Tim. 3:16,17. When Paul wrote that admonishment to Timothy, they only had the Old Testament. How could Timothy comply if he was to ignore the OT? How can one be thoroughly furnished unto all good works if one omits the doctrines found within the OT?

      My guess is that many of these so-called Christians who only follow the NT believe the OT applies to the jews. While I have news for them: the OT applies to the Israelites, not the jews, as the jews are not the Israelites of the OT. If they actually read and studied their bibles closely they just might learn that important fact.

      Many more Christians believe that Yahweh did away with the Old Testament law. The reality is that the rituals involved in the sacrifices were what was done away with, not the entire law. Yahshua himself said: 17 “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18 For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19 Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 5:17-19.

      The law was given ONLY to the Israelites and the 12 Tribes of the nation of Israel are the Caucasians – the Anglo-Saxon-Scandinavian-Celtic-Germanic and kindred peoples of the world. And it is only the Israelites who should be obeying them.Most of those laws are found within the Old Testament: laws regarding marriage, dietary laws, economic laws, legal principles, etc.

      The law – minus the rituals – found in the Old Testament are indeed appropriate and applicable to all Israelites today. Any one who annuls one of the least of these commandments and teachers others to do the same, shall be the least in the kingdom of heaven. There are going to be quite a few called the least in the kingdom of heaven. Don’t you be one of them.

    • SgtBass64

      You can discuss this til you’re blue in the face. And it’s all for nought. Cause once you accept The Lord Jesus Christ into your heart. You are saved. Period. Once He is in you, He will never leave you.
      And you will know it when he is in you. He fills your soul so full of love in a instant. Those that say different, have never had it. Christ don’t care about all this. All he wants is a personal relationship with you.

      • Truthseeker


        sgt I have heard that false statement from many — “once saved always saved” — that is a satanic lie.

        Have you ever studied Matthew 25?? Just before the 7 years of the time of the end begins 100% of the Church of God is asleep.. When Christ does wake them with a “CRY” — half do not make it — 1/2 of the church have allow the Spirit of the Father to be extinguished in their lives. They are not to be in the Kingdom.

        How about Matthew 7

        21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

        22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

        23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

        There are many more statements to this effect — your preacher has avoided bringing them to light??? WHY??? Because it will bring down his house of cards — built on a foundation of sand.

        And ALSO — I have heard that false statement over and over —-accept Jesus in to your heart” — I have asked repeatedly and not one can explain what in the world that means —- can you??

        And sgt. Christ came to reveal to us the FATHER, we are to worship the FATHER AND HIM ONLY!

    • Elijah

      Human wisdom…mmmmmm…. always thinking that you got all the answers… your ego is so big that you really can’t see the light…. Don’t blame you… The world you are living in is full of lies and deceivers…. Love one another and stop telling others what’s right or wrong because you only made a full of your self…. Instead of critizacing. let’s get together and feel alright…. Love is all that matters, don’t you think?

      • Truthseeker


        .”" Instead of critizacing. let’s get together and feel alright”"

        Elijah, is that what Christ taught??? — NO not ever !

        We are to judge right from wrong and run from the wrong.

        Christ taught that “WAY” and that “Way” is a very narrow path that FEW find.

        No one has all the answers? why not?? the answers – the TRUTH — has always been in HIS WORD !!!

        Does our Savior in HIS WORD tells us we shall KNOW the TRUTH and the TRUTH SHALL MAKE US FREE?

        In the papers I post I extensively quote the TRUTH from GOD”S WORD.

        Yes I KNOW where to find the TRUTH and I DO.

        Elijah quit listening to man and listen to our Father and HIS SON.

        DO not believe me or anyone — you must prove it for yourself. “prove all things”

        • RAINSCRYPT

          “”prove all things”" well that’s the heart of the matter.


    • Judge Roy Bean

      The resurrection took place but not on the first day of the week.

      Amazing organized religion gets away with a Friday crucifixion.

      The last supper would have been on what we call Tuesday evening but was already the beginning of a new day and preparation day for the high Sabbath day of Passover, early morning Yahshua was arrested and tried and later crucified.
      Had to be off the cross and entombed before sundown as that would be the high Sabbath of pass over. Yahshua would be in the tomb three days and three nights same as Jonas in the big fish and even today that is still 72 hours.

      • Truthseeker

        judge Roy

        you and I must be studying the same book.

    • jknbt

      This is not hard to understand if you take into consideration how they kept time in those days. Trying to put the modern way of understanding time on reading the scripture concerning a culture 2000 years ago causes confusion.

      1) There was not a single defined time and calendar authority back then like there is today. The Essenes separated from the Jerusalem establishment. They calculated their own schedule of calendar days for the observance of holy days.
      2) The Jewish day starts at sundown and goes to the sundown of the next day. It does not start at midnight.
      3) The Bible has several examples of rounding off. For example, it only rained for 39 days and a few hours in Noah’s flood. This would be called 39.54 days in the current modern scheme. The Bible simply rounds off and calls it 40 days. Similarly, the children of Israel were in the wilderness wandering for 39 years and a few months. The Bible rounds off and calls this 40 years. This is not deception or inaccuracy. This is a legitimate Bible way of counting the days and rounding off the years.
      When it comes to the time spent in the tomb, this means that part of a day is counted as a day. When Jesus said he would be in the grave three days, our modern mentality says, “Oh, he means 76 consecutive hours”. This is not how a Jewish man 2000 years ago would have heard that.
      Therefore part of a day equals a day.
      4) The Law required that the Passover lamb come into the camp on 10 Nissan. That year this date fell on Sunday as the Essenes calculated the year. This is the day we call Palm Sunday. Jesus made his triumphal entry on Sunday.
      5) The Law requires that the lamb be sacrificed on 14 Nissan. Sunday plus four days is Thursday. Since the day starts at sundown, this means that the Passover sacrifice must be done anytime between 7:00 pm Thursday evening to 7:00 pm Friday evening.
      6) The Essenes correctly calculated the calendar so that their Passover started on Thursday night. The temple Jews calculated their calendar so that their Passover started on Friday night. This is a source of much confusion.
      7) The Law required families to have their family Passover. If the family was too poor to serve a lamb, they could use a piece of bread. This is the origin of the use of unleavened bread which is served as communion bread. Jesus and the disciples broke bread and had their Passover on Thursday evening after 7:00 pm. This fulfilled the Law.
      8) Jesus was arrested, tried, beaten, and crucified on Thursday night and Friday. This was not the Jewish Sabbath or the Jewish Passover. To do any work like convicting and executing a criminal was prohibited along with all other work on the Sabbath or Passover. That is why there was a rush to get everything done by sundown 7:00 pm Friday.
      This means that Jesus was sacrificed as the Passover lamb on 14 Nissan according to the Law.
      9) Jesus was placed in the tomb before sundown 7:00 pm on Friday. This means he spent part of the day Friday in the tomb. I think he was entombed 3:00 pm Friday. This was the hour of the evening sacrifice according to the Law.
      10) Jesus was in the tomb all day Saturday (Friday 7:00 pm to Saturday 7:00 pm), which is 24 hours. This day was also the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
      11) The next day, Sunday, started at sundown Saturday. Jesus spent part of the day Sunday in the tomb.
      12) Jesus arose Sunday morning sometime. This is what we call Easter. In the Law, this is the day of the Feast of Firstfruits. Jesus is the first fruits of the dead. He is the first person to be resurrected into a glorified body.
      13) This is how the days tally out:
      Friday……Jesus in the tomb from 3:00 pm Friday to 7:00 pm Friday evening, four hours.
      Saturday…..Jesus in the tomb from Saturday evening to Sunday evening, 24 hours.
      Sunday….Jesus in the tomb from Saturday evening 7:00pm to 7:00 am Sunday morning, 12 hours.
      14) Part of a day counts as a day. So Jesus was in the tomb Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. This is three days in the grave according to prophecy.
      15) The number 40 is so important in God’s scheme of timing in the Bible. The number 40 speaks of repentance where you get yourself turned around. Here is a short list of examples of 40 in the Bible:
      40 days rain in Noah’s flood
      40 years wandering by the children of Israel
      40 days’ warning by Jonah to Nineveh
      and many others, see:
      The point I am making is that if you add up the exact hours that Jesus was in the tomb, the total is 40 hours. This is significant according to the pattern of prophecy in the Bible.

      Conclusion: Jesus was in the grave three days: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday as N.T. Jews recon their days.
      Jesus was in the grave 40 hours total.

      This should end the endless confusion out there. Jesus was not crucified on a Wednesday or Thursday. Any Passover sacrifice made on those days would have been counted invalid by the Law. God would not have accepted the sacrifice.

      Mr. Truthseeker, I think you need to seek for the truth a little harder. Sorry, but you missed it.

    • jknbt

      Further clarification…I missed the comment on Palm Sunday…oops….

      This is not hard to understand if you take into consideration how they kept time in those days. Trying to put the modern way of understanding time on reading the scripture concerning a culture 2000 years ago causes confusion.

      1) There was not a single defined time and calendar authority back then like there is today. The Essenes separated from the Jerusalem establishment. They calculated their own schedule of calendar days for the observance of holy days.
      2) The Jewish day starts at sundown and goes to the sundown of the next day. It does not start at midnight.
      3) The Bible has several examples of rounding off. For example, it only rained for 39 days and a few hours in Noah’s flood. This would be called 39.54 days in the current modern scheme. The Bible simply rounds off and calls it 40 days. Similarly, the children of Israel were in the wilderness wandering for 39 years and a few months. The Bible rounds off and calls this 40 years. This is not deception or inaccuracy. This is a legitimate Bible way of counting the days and rounding off the years.
      When it comes to the time spent in the tomb, this means that part of a day is counted as a day. When Jesus said he would be in the grave three days, our modern mentality says, “Oh, he means 76 consecutive hours”. This is not how a Jewish man 2000 years ago would have heard that.
      Therefore part of a day equals a day.
      4) The Law required that the Passover lamb come into the temple on 10 Nissan. That year this date fell on Monday as the Essenes calculated the year. Jesus made his triumphal entry on Sunday after 7:00 pm. As the Greeks or Romans calculated the days, this was still Sunday, since it was before midnight. We would all consider 8:00pm Sunday evening as still Sunday. This is the day we call Palm Sunday.
      5) The Law requires that the lamb be sacrificed on 14 Nissan. Sunday plus four days is Thursday. Since the day starts at sundown, this means that the Passover sacrifice must be done anytime between 7:00 pm Thursday evening to 7:00 pm Friday evening.
      6) The Essenes correctly calculated the calendar so that their Passover started on Thursday night. The temple Jews calculated their calendar so that their Passover started on Friday night. This is a source of much confusion.
      7) The Law required families to have their family Passover. If the family was too poor to serve a lamb, they could use a piece of bread. This is the origin of the use of unleavened bread which is served as communion bread. Jesus and the disciples broke bread and had their Passover on Thursday evening after 7:00 pm. This fulfilled the Law.
      8) Jesus was arrested, tried, beaten, and crucified on Thursday night and Friday. This was not the Jewish Sabbath or the Jewish Passover. To do any work like convicting and executing a criminal was prohibited along with all other work on the Sabbath or Passover. That is why there was a rush to get everything done by sundown 7:00 pm Friday.
      This means that Jesus was sacrificed as the Passover lamb on 14 Nissan according to the Law.
      9) Jesus was placed in the tomb before sundown 7:00 pm on Friday. This means he spent part of the day Friday in the tomb. I think he was entombed 3:00 pm Friday. This was the hour of the evening sacrifice according to the Law.
      10) Jesus was in the tomb all day Saturday (Friday 7:00 pm to Saturday 7:00 pm), which is 24 hours. This day was also the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
      11) The next day, Sunday, started at sundown Saturday. Jesus spent part of the day Sunday in the tomb.
      12) Jesus arose Sunday morning sometime. This is what we call Easter. In the Law, this is the day of the Feast of Firstfruits. Jesus is the first fruits of the dead. He is the first person to be resurrected into a glorified body.
      13) This is how the days tally out:
      Friday……Jesus in the tomb from 3:00 pm Friday to 7:00 pm Friday evening, four hours.
      Saturday…..Jesus in the tomb from Saturday evening to Sunday evening, 24 hours.
      Sunday….Jesus in the tomb from Saturday evening 7:00pm to 7:00 am Sunday morning, 12 hours.
      14) Part of a day counts as a day. So Jesus was in the tomb Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. This is three days in the grave according to prophecy.
      15) The number 40 is so important in God’s scheme of timing in the Bible. The number 40 speaks of repentance where you get yourself turned around. Here is a short list of examples of 40 in the Bible:
      40 days rain in Noah’s flood
      40 years wandering by the children of Israel
      40 days’ warning by Jonah to Nineveh
      and many others, see:
      The point I am making is that if you add up the exact hours that Jesus was in the tomb, the total is 40 hours. This is significant according to the pattern of prophecy in the Bible.

      Conclusion: Jesus was in the grave three days: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday as N.T. Jews recon their days.
      Jesus was in the grave 40 hours total.

      This should end the endless confusion out there. Jesus was not crucified on a Wednesday or Thursday. Any Passover sacrifice made on those days would have been counted invalid by the Law. God would not have accepted the sacrifice.

      • Truthseeker


        The Word of God according to jkndt ???— not one of your points can be corroborated in the WORD of GOD.

        If you were to read the entire paper point by point – every point is backed up by factual and clear scripture.

        as to your point they were not able to keep track of time — have you ever run across this scripture??

        40 Now the sojourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in Egypt, was four hundred and thirty years.

        41And it came to pass at the end of the four hundred and thirty years, even the selfsame day it came to pass, that all the hosts of the LORD went out from the land of Egypt.

        So according to you Christ is our easter —- Ishtar the pagan goddess. I think not!

        • jknbt

          On lunch break, thought I might answer your objection….my answers are in UPPER CASE….not shouting or being rude, just making it easier to read…

          This is not hard to understand if you take into consideration how they kept time in those days. Trying to put the modern way of understanding time on reading the scripture concerning a culture 2000 years ago causes confusion.



          1) There was not a single defined time and calendar authority back then like there is today. The Essenes separated from the Jerusalem establishment. They calculated their own schedule of calendar days for the observance of holy days. The Greco-Roman calendar was in use also.
          2) The Jewish day starts at sundown and goes to the sundown of the next day. It does not start at midnight.


          3) The Bible has several examples of rounding off. For example, it only rained for 39 days and a few hours in Noah’s flood. This would be called 39.54 days in the current modern scheme. The Bible simply rounds off and calls it 40 days. Similarly, the children of Israel were in the wilderness wandering for 39 years and a few months. The Bible rounds off and calls this 40 years. This is not deception or inaccuracy. This is a legitimate Bible way of counting the days and rounding off the years.

          A. ROUNDING OFF OF PI TO 3 INSTEAD OF 3.14 1 KINGS 7:23
          B. NUMBER OF PLAGUE DEATHS….NUM 25:9 SAYS 24,000, PAUL ROUNDS DOWN TO 23,000 1 COR 10:8
          E. YEARS OF CAPTIVITY IN EGYPT: 400 YEARS ACTS 7:6; 430 YEARS EX 12:40
          F. NUMBER OF ABLE MEN OF ISRAEL: 600,000 EX 12:37; 603,550 NUM 1:46

          When it comes to the time spent in the tomb, this means that part of a day is counted as a day. When Jesus said he would be in the grave three days, our modern mentality says, “Oh, he means 76 consecutive hours”. This is not how a Jewish man 2000 years ago would have heard that.
          Therefore part of a day equals a day.
          4) The Law required that the Passover lamb come into the camp on 10 Nissan. That year this date fell on Monday as the Essenes calculated the year. Jesus made his triumphal entry on Sunday after 7:00 pm, which by the Jewish reckoning was Monday. This entry is celebrated in Christianity on Palm Sunday. The scripture in Mark 11:11 says that this was late in the day. It was probably around 8:00 while there was still twilight.


          5) The Law required that the lamb be inspected for four days. Jesus appeared and taught in the Temple Monday through Thursday. He answered the questions and objections of the priests and scholars.
          5) The Law requires that the lamb be sacrificed on 14 Nissan. Monday plus four days is Friday. Since the day starts at sundown, this means that the Passover sacrifice must be done anytime between 7:00 pm Thursday evening to 7:00 pm Friday evening.
          SEE EX. 12:6
          6) The Essenes correctly calculated the calendar so that their Passover started on Thursday night. The temple Jews calculated their calendar so that their Passover started on Friday night. This is a source of much confusion.


          7) The Law required families to have their family Passover. If the family was too poor to serve a lamb, they could use a piece of bread. This is the origin of the use of unleavened bread which is served as communion bread. Jesus and the disciples broke bread and had their Passover on Thursday evening after 7:00 pm. This fulfilled the Law.
          8) Jesus was arrested, tried, beaten, and crucified on Thursday night and Friday. This was not the Jewish Sabbath or the Jewish Passover. To do any work like convicting and executing a criminal was prohibited along with all other work on the Sabbath or Passover. That is why there was a rush to get everything done by sundown 7:00 pm Friday.
          This means that Jesus was sacrificed as the Passover lamb on 14 Nissan according to the Law.


          9) Jesus was placed in the tomb before sundown 7:00 pm on Friday. This means he spent part of the day Friday in the tomb. I think he was entombed 3:00 pm Friday. This was the hour of the evening sacrifice according to the Law.
          10) Jesus was in the tomb all day Saturday (Friday 7:00 pm to Saturday 7:00 pm), which is 24 hours. This day was also the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
          11) The next day, Sunday, started at sundown Saturday. Jesus spent part of the day Sunday in the tomb.
          12) Jesus arose Sunday morning sometime. This is what we call Easter. In the Law, this is the day of the Feast of Firstfruits. Jesus is the first fruits of the dead. He is the first person to be resurrected into a glorified body.
          13) This is how the days tally out:
          Friday……Jesus in the tomb from 3:00 pm Friday to 7:00 pm Friday evening, four hours.
          Saturday…..Jesus in the tomb from Saturday evening to Sunday evening, 24 hours.
          Sunday….Jesus in the tomb from Saturday evening 7:00pm to 7:00 am Sunday morning, 12 hours.
          14) Part of a day counts as a day. So Jesus was in the tomb Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. This is three days in the grave according to prophecy.
          15) The number 40 is so important in God’s scheme of timing in the Bible. The number 40 speaks of repentance where you get yourself turned around. Here is a short list of examples of 40 in the Bible:
          40 days rain in Noah’s flood
          40 years wandering by the children of Israel
          40 days’ warning by Jonah to Nineveh
          and many others, see:

          The point I am making is that if you add up the exact hours that Jesus was in the tomb, the total is 40 hours. This is significant according to the pattern of prophecy in the Bible.

          Conclusion: Jesus was in the grave three days: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday as N.T. Jews reckon their days.
          Jesus was in the grave 40 hours total.

          This should end the endless confusion out there. Jesus was not crucified on a Wednesday or Thursday. Any Passover sacrifice made on those days would have been counted invalid by the Law. God would not have accepted the sacrifice.



          • Truthseeker


            I did not call you an Ishtar worshiper I was following your line that Passover is now called easter which would make Christ our easter and that is a pagan goddess.

            using your “facts” and your knowledge of the Bible what you seemed to have determined is – God has a wide tolerance for when things He has planned take place and it matter not if what occurs is not in accord with what was foretold?

            The only sign Jesus Christ is our savior is He would be 3 days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth.

            If that did not occur — He is not our Passover and according to you it — DID NOT OCCUR.

            I have a huge problem with that!

            Genesis 1: 5 states a day is the period of light and the night is the period of darkness and Christ stated there are are 12 hours i.e. 12 divisions of the light i.e. the day

            Unless Christ lied — He was in the heart of the earth for 3 periods of light each having 12 divisions or hours, not parts of this day and parts of that. and He absolutely did not rise at sunrise or in the dead of night.

            . Here is your statement above: “I think he was entombed 3:00 pm Friday”

            I will not bother to correct the bulk of what you wrote above — this statement alone explains you care not what the Word of God says

            It clearly states He was bled to death around the 9th hour our 3 PM —

            jknbt — I reject the teaching of all of the 4000 favors of so called Christianity, and I certainly reject what you are espousing.

            • jknbt

              the bible says to speak the truth in love (eph 4:15)

              in the most loving way possible, I wish to inform you that you are a hardened pharisee. Your method of strict interpretation, devoid of the Holy Spirit, is the same method used by the crowd that killed the Lord Jesus.

              You crucify him afresh with your rejection of the simple truth of the word. (heb 6:6)

              and to answer your objection, the Lord was in the grave for three days according to the perspective of a Jew in 30 AD, which I have tried to describe here. if that doesn’t quite jive with your understanding of “thre days” in 2016, that’s too bad.

              so please don’t think of this as an insult, but rather a call to repentance. If the rest of your doctrine is as goofy as what you have put up here, I doubt your salvation.

            • Damien

              3 barrels of day and night.

              1 tree apple slung into one barrel, one tree apple slung into another barrel and a third tree apple slung into a third barrel.

              2000 years of Christian tradition that existed before your fellow post-Zionist Christards ponced into existence seemed to UNANIMOUSLY like them apples.

            • Truthseeker


              What is LOVE?? But the keeping of the Commandments.

              Have I lied to you, threatened to harm you etc. ? NO I have showed you love.

              When Christ was confronted with false doctrine – He spoke His mind in love but in blunt hard terms and the apostles as well — so will I.

              Christ strictly understood the Bible in its smallest detail and so will I.

              You spoke earlier of the simplicity in Christ, As Jesus Christ is the God in the Old Testament times it is HE that spoke all the words and caused the more then 1000 pages to be written so we could have the instruction book we call the BIBLE today.

              Christ with His own finger wrote the 10 Commandments on 2 table of stone and then in the Torah broke the 10 down in fine detail.

              Christ gave us great and many details in specific terms and all those falsely calling themselves christians hate the details and hate to be told how they are to live — all they “will accept” for doctrine is they will — “LET — they will — “allow” — JESUS to come into their hearts” isn’t that sweet and loving?

              AND I have ask repeatedly what does that mean???? Christ wants to be in your heart that pumps blood? What??? none ever answer because they have no idea what it means,

              jknbt I am angry because I see the time of the end right before us and 100′s of millions just in America are going die because Satan has deceived them and they love to be deceived — it is so easy.

              I have been watching for what is coming since 1968, I see it clearly and I am moving to the woods ASAP.

              Christ told those in Jerusalem to head for the hills when they see the armies — I see the armies.

    • Syco

      Bahh more bible babble and nonsense, magic men in the sky and zombie jews to wash away your “sins” grow up, no need for fairy stories in the real world.

      • jknbt

        NO ATHEISTS IN FOXHOLES…they learned this in WWI….even the most hardened atheist will call on God when howitzer shells are exploding around him just mere feet away….

        your comfortable little “modern world” is about to fall apart in the severe judgements of the endtimes tribulation.

        you will call on God in your little foxhole when the figurative howitzer shells of judgement are falling all around you.

        • Syco

          My happy ass, been shot, stabbed, motorcycle wrecks (plural) several broken bones, poisoned, nope never gave a shit about god then, not gona start now. Been to war, had to wipe brain matter off my pants, how about you bible humper?

        • Syco

          Ohh and for the record, never said I was an atheist, jebus is a punk and nailed to lumber, some son of a god LOL no demigod would ever allow such disrespect!

      • Big dog.../small fish...

        It’s amazing isn’t it that in the 21st century there could still be people who believe that 2000 yr old book of fairy tales. Explains that they also think: the earth’s flat, the moon hollow, ISS doesn’t exit, that the government listens in their every conversations and read their google searches.

        • Syco

          IT isn’t that the alphabet monkeys don’t snoop, they just don’t have near enough annalists to see all they capture. Besides they really could not give 2 damns less about the tin foils hats here LOL Flat earth LOL what a joke!

        • jknbt

          Argument by exception is not a valid argument…let’s not paint with too wide a paintbrush, okay? there are always going to be fringe nut-cases that are paranoid and delusional, especially among the looney left…You’re not talking about me or any of the Christians I know with these goofball fringe beliefs. So don’t overgeneralize.

          I find it amazing that in the 21st century there are people who:

          …still think socialism is a good way to organize a national economy, never mind the miserable failures of socialism since 1917 Russia to the modern EU socialist states…

          …still think that humanists are humane and have the best interest of the human race at heart…explain that to the 74 million babies the humanistic abortionists have killed in the US since 1974. This is the biggest holocaust in history, and it is all their fault. Period.

          …still think that modernism and post-modernism are morally and intellectually superior religious belief systems after 100 years of trying (and failing). The liberals are raising a generation of kids who have no morals, other than the moral belief of “if it feels good, do it; if it gets you high, smoke it.

          …still think that liberals are all tolerant, gracious, easy-going people who allow for their neighbors to have a wide range of beliefs and philosphies without challenge…the real world is that liberals believe in free speech, but only when they are doing the speaking; they believe in majority rule, but only when they are in the majority; they believe in tolerance and open-mindedness, but only when people are tolerating their opinions and opening their minds to their philosophies. Otherwise, they suppress wrong thinking in the name of political correctness or disrupt political rallies of candidates they don’t like.

          So why not straighten out your own liberal crowd first before you start to enlighten your fairy tale believing neighbors down the street? Set your own house in order first, okay?

        • Damien

          We KNOW you and your kind exist baby bomber


      Lost IN Translation

      First, I’m interested to know, who wrote this?

      Second, I see that included here is a “breakdown” of the phrase, “shall kill it in the evening”.
      Although an expansion of the term, bayin, is provided, why not also further this path by then defining the English “IN” or “BETWEEN” or…, as well? What, Exactly, is meant by those words? Are we to pick and choose for ourselves which definition of those words then apply also?
      Long winding road, eh.. but let’s pull over and deal with “between the evenings” as author here states it..

      “As nothing can be found to explain what the term “between the evenings” could possibly mean as the word ‘evening’ is singular and as nothing is found pointing out markers of any type that could possibly occur on either side of a sunset”

      Well.. from the Hebrew, the original wording is ben ha-arbayim – between the (two) evenings. Why? because arbayim is the DUAL form of erev.. yeah, a few peculiar dual plural nouns exist in the Hebrew.. take for example, been ha-shemashot – between the.. suns
      Of course, the ages old debate of the timing of the kill centers around the meaning of “between the two evenings”. Some “translators” have bypassed it all by redefining the original as “in the evening”..

      Lost IN Translation.. who knows what all, eh? or should I say, who all..?

      • Truthseeker

        desert rain

        of course one could just read the account of the timing of the slaughter of Jesus Christ.

        According to the record of Matthew, Mark Luke and John, eye witnesses, Christ was hung on the stake around noon, died about the 9th hour our 3 PM and was placed in the tomb just before sundown.
        Christ was sacrificed IN THE EVENING.

        If HE was not — He then is not our Passover.

        • Damien

          If HE was not — He then is not our Passover.


          Like He ever WAS you and Mustaffa Maymouds TRUE EASTER

        • RAINCAT

          I understand your point but that was not the issue to me. It concerns the meaning of “between the two evenings” as being “in the evening”.

          Am I drawing an unimportant distinction?

          Thanks for providing here.

          • Truthseeker

            desert rain

            what is between the evenings? a night and a day.

            evening -night- day- evening.

            I have found nothing ever stating or even slightly alluding to two events at the beginning of sunset and sunset.

            Explain “between the mornings”? I can not.

            I let the Word of God explain itself, which is why I point to the actual time line of events in the slaying of Christ.

            • RAINCAT

              A night and a day, you say?

              I should remind you that in the Hebrew wording, it is written, beyn ha- arbayim. This isn’t indicating two events or the “beginnings” of two sunsets.
              An ordinary plural of a noun would usually be designated either -im (for masculine nouns) or, -ot (Female nouns)

              “-ayim” however, is a dual plural, reserved for the things that come in pairs, such as hands.. (kap-ayim)
              So why is evening (or sun, for that matter) treated as a dual plural, where the term “reflects” a singular duality plural?
              “between the evenings” in context does seem to denote a same-evening interval of time spanning. e.g. the beginning of sunset through sundown. Two states of evening, or two states of sun.
              Because of the peculiar use of the dual plural here, and that it is written explicitly as such, translating this as “in the evening” seems to be less exacting and so, relatively vague.

              In your article here, it is stated, “..the word ‘evening’ is singular…” It is not, as explained by -ayim.

              You also have here,

              “‘Between the evenings’ most likely came into existence only because Bayin can be translated as ‘between’.” – again that clearly is not the case.
              beyn ha-arbayim is an ancient biblical term expressing a dual plural.
              probably something not many would concerned with but i find it interesting. Thanks for your post..

    • Alan Schuetz

      When someone mentions Nisan or the other “Babylonian” months, you know you’re about to hear a bunch of BS…[email protected]/msg00674.html

      The calendar of the Most High discovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls…

      • Jostler

        Bro how about the “calendar of the Most High” from His own lips?

        Exodus 12:2 (KJV)

        This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you.

        I’m not certain why I would need more evidence than that? The month referred to is in fact “Nisan”.

    • Jostler

      Truthseeker, all I can say is thanks for your patience in putting this all together. For years I have been getting my head around the differences between how God keeps time and how different western concepts are. That clear explanation of “day” and “night” from God’s perspective may have been the last realization I needed.

      I had already learned to stand in awe of God’s precision and perfect accuracy in fulfilling his Word, but that understanding alone kicked that up another notch. So much fits into place so much better now. So much in fact its going to take me quite some time of reviewing and chewing on well worn passages to see what fresh nuggets this reveals.

      Sheesh! I need a nap after that brain burn. Fire is a bit uncomfortable but it cleanses :)

      Your labor in the Lord has blessed me. I thank Him for you and I thank YOU.

      Be blessed :)

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