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Lucifer Explains the Structure of His Flat Earth

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                               LUCIFER EXPLAINS THE STRUCTURE OF HIS FLAT EARTH    

                                           BY LEE AUSTIN  NARRATED BY MORNING STAR   

The illusion of planet earth remains one of my favorite deceptions. Truth be told. And I rarely do. My earth is flat. With a sea firmament dome above. A diamond shaped underworld below. It’s the floor of the universe. And ground zero of the first heaven. My flat earth is the only physical plane in existence…. Take a deep breath. Nothing is as it seems.

The Book of Enoch Chapter 18 Verse 2 says, “I surveyed the stone, which supports the corners of the earth. “

Psalms Chapter 104, Verse 5 says, “He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved.”

It’s not the high-def digital clarity that holds the key to deception. Rather it’s the lens of perception through which your eyes view reality. In this case, the cameras lens brings the lie into focus. There’s no denying that videos taken from above distinctly show the earth’s curvature. However, the only curvature is in the fish eye lens of the camera. It’s not the earth that has curvature. But the lens itself creating the illusion of curvature. Like a mirage rising off a desert highway in middle of the summer. These ultra-wide-angle lenses produce a strong visual distortion. All the while creating a wide panoramic hemispherical image, like when a fish-eye lens is tilted up or down in relation to the horizon. The result is the illusion of curvature. Tilting it down creates an orb curved effect. Panning the shot from a low orbit position above to the flat earth below displays the mirage of an orb curved effect. You’ve been programmed to believe you live on a magical, rotating ball with a circumference of twenty-four thousand nine-hundred and one miles. If this were true, then logically the ball would have curvature. To save time, here’s the Pythagorean curvature equation. Based on the fictional round earth circumference of twenty-four thousand, nine-hundred and one miles, eight inches times the distance squared.

 1 mile=8 inches of curvature 2 miles= 32 inches of curvature 5 miles=16.6 feet of curvature 10 miles= 66.6 feet of curvature 20 miles= 266.6 feet of curvature
For example, a boat ten miles off shore should be sixty-six-point-six feet below eye level or visible horizon. It’s not. On my flat earth, the horizon always rises to your eye level. Whether standing on a beach or the penthouse of an ocean-front building. That’s because it’s flat. What you believe is the earth’s curvature is, in fact, the vanishing line of perspective from your point of view. The flat horizon changes in relation your vantage point. Whether its viewed from ground level or a jet at thirty-five thousand feet, each flat horizon will have a different line of perspective. A boat disappearing over the vanishing line of perspective comes back into view through a pair of binoculars. An impossibility if the earth were a ball. There’s a reason they call it sea level. Water will always find its level. To believe the heliocentric, spinning ball theory you must believe that the water’s surface is in the shape of what’s underneath. If earth was a ball, jets would have to compensate for the curvature with a constant downward trajectory. Otherwise they would crash into water firmament dome. In truth, jets fly level because there isn’t any curvature.

The artificial horizon instrument in the cockpit of a plane indicates whether the pilot is flying level to the horizon. This gauge is a mechanical gyroscope without a single internal electrical component, adjusting itself into an upright position indicating a level flight in relation to the ground. Therefore, if a jet followed the true curvature of the fictional earth ball, the artificial horizon should roll back to reflect curvature. The constant flat line on the artificial horizon instrument proves the horizon is always flat. In addition, the sundial, periscope, and lighthouse could not function on a round spinning ball.

What about the Coriolis Effect? This is whereby a mass moving in a rotating system experiences the Coriolis force, acting perpendicular to the direction of motion and to the axis of rotation. This is the fictional cousin to gravity. In theory, the Coriolis Effect deflects moving objects to the right in the Northern hemisphere and to the left in the Southern. It’s allegedly the force that makes a plane conform to the curvature of the earth. So much fiction, so little time.

Job Chapter 38 Verses 4-7 says, “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?” Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone?”

The evolutionary, heliocentric theory states that you live on a spinning ball rotating at one thousand miles per hour. Simultaneously, this fictional earth ball is traveling around a burning sun ball at sixty-six-thousand miles per hour, as the sun and other ball planets orbit the Milky Way galaxy at four-hundred abd eight-six-thousand miles per hour. These heavenly bodies within the Milky Way galaxy are collectively expanding from the original Big Bang at six-hundred-and- seventy-million miles per hour.

The foundational belief of the Big Bang Theory is as follows: “Two of dots collided.” Ha ha ha!!… I love the evolutionary child-like faith of Darwin!! Your indoctrination began in kindergarten, focusing your innocent, impressionable eyes on the ubiquitous, fictional ball. So thorough was your brainwashing that you believe a magical, invisible force called gravity makes the oceans, buildings and people stick to the fictional round ball, all the while spinning faster than the speed of sound. Gravity is why people in Australia don’t fall off the earth.

Truth be told, and I do on occasion, gravity doesn’t exist. Rather, it’s a question of density. If its lighter than air, it rises. If it’s heavier than air, it falls. No gravity; just density. A helium balloon rises because it’s lighter than the atmosphere. Those who adhere to the illusion of gravity believe it’s powerful enough to conform the oceans to the planet. And yet weak enough for a butterfly to stay aloft. Gravity must be believed, or the spinning ball heliocentric model …. wait for it…. falls flat.

Here’s another example of the cosmos hiding in plain sight. You’ve been indoctrinated to believe the sky and ocean get their blue color from the white sunlight reflecting off the oceans. In truth… I love that word… in truth, the sky and oceans get their blue color from the localized sun illuminating a singular, encased, sea firmament dome thirty-five hundred miles above the surface of the flat earth. Spanning three-hundred and sixty degrees around my flat earth. The sun and moon are positioned below the water firmament dome, rotating in a clockwise motion above the flat earth. The water firmament dome divides the mortal first heaven and third dimension from the eternal second heaven of the fourth dimension. The second heaven of the fourth dimension is the abode of my rulers, the authorities and mighty powers of darkness. They govern the first two heavens and hell thirty-six hundred miles under the surface of my flat earth.

The Book of The Secrets of Enoch 1 &2 says, “And those men took me and led me up on to the second heaven, and showed me darkness, greater than earthly darkness, and there I saw prisoners hang, watched, awaiting the great and boundless judgment, and these angels were dark-looking, more than earthly darkness, and incessantly making weeping through all hours.” “And I said to the men who were with me: “Wherefore are these incessantly tortured?” They answered me: “These are God’s apostates, who obeyed not God’s commands, but took counsel with their own will, and turned away with their prince, who also is fastened on the fifth heaven.” We’ll now take a five-minute break to reset your theology.

Genesis Chapter 1 Verses 6-8 says, “And God said, ‘Let there be space between the waters, to separate water from water.’” And so it was. God made this space to separate the waters above from the waters below. And God called the space sky.

Genesis Chapter 7 Verse 11 says, “In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, on the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.” These windows of heaven are the water gate-portals affixed to the water firmament dome. You live below a sealed dome that contains a vast ocean.

The Book of Enoch, Chapter 53 Verses 8-11 says, “All the waters, which are in the heavens and above them, shall mix together. The water which is above heaven shall be the agent; And the water which is under the earth shall be the recipient; and all shall be destroyed who dwell upon the earth, and who dwell under the extremities of heaven. By these means shall they understand the iniquity which they have committed on earth: and by these means shall they perish.”

Job 34 verse 18 says, “Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass.” Another deception is the fiction of planets. Millions of spinning balls, rotating around millions of burning star balls. Actually, the planets and stars are a collective habitation of angelic beings known as luminaries and stones of fire. Flickering, sentient, intelligent orbs contained within the sea firmament dome. If you want to see extraterrestrial beings, just look up into the night sky. The function of these inter-dimensional luminaries are to glorify my name. He would tell you otherwise… Just one of our many disagreements. I was the first stone of fire to be cast down from the fifth dimension of the third heaven.

Luke Chapter 10, Verse 18 says, “He replied, ‘I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.’”

Isaiah Chapter 14, Verse 12 says, “How you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How are you cut down to the ground, who did weaken the nations!” Through the lens of a telescope, luminaries appear to have ripples; a natural occurrence, since my stones of fire are encased within the sea firmament dome. The sun and moon don’t display water ripples because they are below the water firmament dome, rotating clockwise above and around the flat earth, within the third dimension of the first heaven.

Jude Chapter 1, Verse 13 says, “They are wild waves of the sea, foaming up their shame: wandering stars, for whom blackest darkness has been reserved forever.” Seven of these luminaries left their preordained courses and are known as the wandering stars. Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon are the seven rebellious luminaries. And the number of my Luciferian council of seven. I am the Morning Star who rules over the seven luminaries.

The Book of Enoch Chapter 18 Verses 14-15 says, “Then the angel said, This place, until the consummation of heaven and earth, will be the prison of the stars, and the host of heaven.”

Thirty-five-hundred miles above the surface of my flat earth, the sea firmament dome acts as a translucent lens, revealing the luminaries in the second heaven, revolving clock-wise around the flat earth. Again, it is the refraction of the luminaries through the hardened lens of the sea firmament dome that creates the illusion of ripples. Your eyes are not deceiving you. That’s my job. The stones of fire rotate around Polaris the North Star. Perception is reality. Polaris and my flat earth are the only two immovable center points in the universe. Polaris is true north and the direction of the third heaven. In sum, there are ten heavens. The Ancient of Days rules the universe from the tenth heaven. Contained within the first heaven of the third dimension, the sun and moon move from the east to the west around a geocentric, motionless, flat earth. The host of luminaries are divinely positioned above within the sea firmament dome.

The Book of The Secrets of Enoch, Chapter 3 says, “It came to pass, when Enoch had told his sons, that the angels took him on to their wings and bore him up on to the first heaven and placed him on the clouds. And there I looked, and again I looked higher, and saw the ether, and they placed me on the first heaven and showed me a very great sea, greater than the earthly sea.”

Planeta is Latin for planet or wandering star. Neither the planets nor stars are comprised of terra-firma and therefore impossible to land on. These stones of fire are illuminated through sonoluminescence, which is sound creating light. These are short bursts of light emitting from imploding bubbles through a liquid within an intense acoustic frequency. When displaced in water, these sound waves create heat in the form of light. I can see the glaze forming over eyes… yes, sound creates light. In fact, every animate and inanimate object in the universe is energy, corresponding to its own unique vibrational frequency. The Ancient of Days created every physical and material object from his light. Infused at the speed of thought. To see is to be. It was good because he looked at it. He doesn’t build. The material world is formed out of his creative desire. The supernatural laws of his fifth dimension kingdom supersede the natural laws of the flat earth’s third dimension. Desire is the key to unlocking dimensional limitations. It corresponds to the intent and condition of the heart. Unregenerate images cannot function under the laws of his kingdom and are subjugated to the prison of time and space. Before my rebellion, creation was in harmony. Presently electrons move around the outside of the nucleus orbit in an elliptical fashion, causing creation to groan. The original vibration is out of divine alignment. When his kingdom comes, the electrons will return to their circular orbit around the nucleus, allowing the light of a redeemed image to shine from within.

As it was with Adam and Eve before the fall. Everything is based on the one you choose. Decide not to choose and you’ve made your choice. The Light Bearer is your default selection. Rockets always curve after lift-off, preventing a crash into the water firmament dome thirtyfive hundred miles above the surface of my flat earth. In truth, outer space is the beginning of the second heaven and fourth dimension. No astronaut has ever penetrated the sea firmament dome and Van Allen Belt. Only redeemed images who’ve severed the silver cord (died) trans-relocate through this mortal barrier, arriving home in the fifth dimension of the third heaven, where they are cloaked in the garment of an eternal, trans-human body. Hard to believe? I hope so.

The Book of the Secrets of Enoch, Chapter 8, Verses 1-3 says, “And those men took me thence, and led me up on to the third heaven, and placed me there; and I looked downwards, and saw the produce of these place, such as has never been known for goodness. And I saw all the sweetflowering trees and beheld their fruits, which were sweet-smelling, and all the foods borne by them bubbling with fragrant exhalation. And in the midst of the trees that of life, in that place whereon the Lord rests, when he goes up into paradise; and this tree is of ineffable goodness and fragrance, and adorned more that every existing thing; and on all sides of it is in form goldlooking and vermilion and fire like and covers all, and it has produced from all fruits.” Unredeemed images who put off the mortal coil descend into hell, thirty-six hundred miles below the surface of my flat earth. This is the second death. My moment of victory. Well, technically. On the great Judgment Day, death and hell are cast into the lake of fire. The second death. I just like to celebrate early.  Hell has a body similar to that of an image, positioned on its back in the center of the earth. Constructed with multiple chambers of torment. The spirit of every image attracts like-minded spirits. It’s always been a choice between the Ancient of Days and myself. Death triggers the manifestation of like-minded spirits, escorting each image Unredeemed images who put off the mortal coil descend into hell, thirty-six hundred miles below the surface of my flat earth. This is the second death. My moment of victory. Well, technically. On the great Judgment Day, death and hell are cast into the lake of fire. The second death. I just like to celebrate early.  Hell has a body similar to that of an image, positioned on its back in the center of the earth. Constructed with multiple chambers of torment. The spirit of every image attracts like-minded spirits. It’s always been a choice between the Ancient of Days and myself. Death triggers the manifestation of like-minded spirits, escorting each image to their diametrically opposed final destination.  Too much?

Lee Austin is an American Broadcaster. In 2017 he wrote “Morning Star’s Tale” a sci-fi novella. 



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    Total 30 comments
    • wheeties

      does the mental ward let you out of your padded cell often to write this bull shett?

      • my2pesos

        WHO AM I ~ WHOM AI
        OH WM AI ~ HOW MIA
        HA WM OI ~ HIM O WA
        I AM MLW ~ MW MAIL
        MIL MAW ~ AIM WLM

        • Rockledge

          Seriously, Sheldon, start taking your meds.

      • No time

        There is no sense telling people the truth, let them have their fake life. The people have made Buzz Lightyear their Deity. To infinity and beyond, is just another way of saying, Heaven and Hell. Hell is where most people in this world will end up. Very few will make it to heaven.

      • HypothesisFree

        A number of years ago I made an equally compelling case how the Bible presents a flat earth model, but truth be told, I could also make an equally compelling case how the Bible does not present a flat earth model. It is amazing how easy it is to manipulate the minds of non-thinking humans either way using Bible verses. Case in point, Genesis 1:20 states that birds fly through the firmament, so it should be obvious that the firmament is the atmosphere/sky, not a hardened dome. People should also watch a video by Pastor Steven L Anderson called “The Flat Earth Debunked”:

        Under the flat earth model, what we would expect to see at dusk is the sun disappearing into COMPLETE darkness well above the horizon (combined with a slight reduction in the perceived size of the sun). However, this notion of a flat earth is COMPLETELY debunked by simply observing a bright sunset event over the oceans horizon. Not only does the BRIGHT sun appear to come into contact with the oceans horizon (which in and of itself is sufficient to dispel the flat earth theory already), the sun also completely disappears below the oceans horizon (with no perceived reduction in the sun’s size).

        See also: “10 easy ways you can tell for yourself that the Earth is not flat”:

        Regardless of Intent Your Vote is Effectively a Hate Crime:
        - /v3/new-world-order/2018/8235.html

    • Rockledge

      For all we know the “stone” is the core of the earth that generates gravity that holds the earth together.

      If the earth is flat , why don’t you see if you can find the edge of it. At night. During an eclipse.

    • rockstar21

      yep its flat and nasa is as real as cartoons………ask yourself how will every eye see Jesus coming back if on a spinning ball……your not.

    • counselor john

      Wow. Attributing the mindset of the ancients and transliterating that vocabulary to today. When a Cana always in South America thought that the airplanes flown by missionaries were birds, are we to then call airplanes birds? People are always able to take a paradigm and bend today’s vocabulary around it so that whatever they want to be true actually is…to them.

      • my2pesos


    • church of the 1stborn

      Isaiah 40:22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

      webpqk@ gmail dot com Randy Lewis (i love teaching no last 7 years of tribulation no wrath in all 66 rapture books of the bible,
      we are introduced to John as we watch the sheva chotamot (seven seals) ) being opened & we Acts 15 Gentile rapture bride,Lamb’s
      2nd wife & Christ RETURN as saviors & judges/we save & rebuild for divorced wife #1. Israel & Judah her sister & Save 50% of the
      Daniel12:1-5 is Matthew 25 10 repenting virgins & slaughter the rest(we have a secret we were given a flaming double edged sword
      in our mouths also 1 Corin 6:1-5 & Heb 4, Hebrews 1:7 And of the angels he saith,Who maketh his angels spirits,and his
      ministers a flame of fire.

      1 Corinthians 4:1 Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God.
      2 Corinthians 3:6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament;
      not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

      Acts 15:14 Simeon hath declared how God at the first did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name.

      2 Corinthians 8:4 Praying us with much intreaty that we would receive the gift, and take upon us the fellowship of the
      ministering to the saints.

      Acts 15:16 After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again
      the ruins thereof, and I will set it up:

      Acts 15:17 That the residue of men might seek after the Lord, and all the Gentiles, upon whom my name is called, saith the Lord,
      who doeth all these things.

      2 Corinthians 3:6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter,
      but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.

      Mark 2:17 When Jesus heard it, he saith unto them, They that are whole have no need of the physician,
      but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

      hidden rapture mystery YOU cant be saved with out knowingabout the no tribulation no wrath rapture of Jesus 2nd wife Acts 9 to Hebrews
      Job24:18He is swift as the waters;their portion is cursed in the earth:he beholdeth not the way of the vineyards
      #1.Father gives the rapture name a sign for the House of king David/house of the seed of Promise house of by faith alone for
      vessels of 1st judgment rapture mercy (Immanuel )

      1 Kings 2:33Their blood shall therefore return upon the head of Joab,and upon the head of his seed for ever:but upon David,
      and upon his seed,and upon his house,and upon his throne,shall there be peace for ever from the Lord

      Isaiah 7:11Ask thee a sign of the Lord thy God;ask it either in the depth,or in the height above
      12 But Ahaz said,I will not ask,neither will I tempt the Lord

      13 And he said, Hear ye now,O house of David;Is it a small thing for you to weary men,but will ye weary my God also?

      14 Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign;Behold,a virgin shall conceive,and bear a son,and shall call his name Immanuel

      15 Butter and honey shall he eat,that he may know to refuse the evil,and choose the good

      16 For before the child shall know to refuse the evil,and choose the good,the land that thou abhorrest shall be forsaken of both her kings
      Rom9:16 So then it is not of him that willeth,nor of him that runneth,but of God that sheweth mercy.

      -Hidden wise other sheep,congregation of the righteous Acts 15 Gentile rapture bride Lamb’s 2nd wife church of Christ,
      church of 1st born 1st fruits from the dead

      John 10:16 And other sheep I have,which are not of this fold:them also I must bring,and they shall hear my voice;
      and there shall be one fold,and one shepherd

      1 Corin15:1-4 Hidden other sheep Gospel then 5-58 making of church of 1st born 1st fruits from the dead

      1Moreover,brethren,I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you,which also ye have received,and wherein ye stand;

      2By which also ye are saved,if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you,unless ye have believed in vain.

      3For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received,how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;

      4And that he was buried,and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

      1 cor15:9 For I am the least of the apostles,that am not meet to be called an apostle,because I persecuted the church of God.

      1 Cor1:13 Is Christ divided?was Paul crucified for you?or were ye baptized in the name of Paul?

      1 Cor1:14 I thank God that I baptized none of you,but Crispus and Gaius;

      1 Cor1:15 Lest any should say that I had baptized in mine own name.

      1 Cor1:16 And I baptized also the household of Stephanas:besides,I know not whether I baptized any other.

      1 Corin1:17For Christ sent me not to baptize,but to preach the gospel:not with wisdom of words,
      lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.

      Rom9:18 Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy,and whom he will he hardeneth.

      -Free rapture gift to the world

      Romans 11:29 For the gifts and calling of God are without repentance.

      Rom11:30 For as ye in times past have not believed God,yet have now obtained mercy through their unbelief:

      Rom11:31 Even so have these also now not believed,that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy.

      Rom11:32 For God hath concluded them all in unbelief,that he might have mercy upon all.

      Rom11:5 Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.

      Rom11:6 And if by grace,then is it no more of works:otherwise grace is no more grace.But if it be of works,
      then it is no more grace: otherwise work is no more work.

      Rom11:7 What then?Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for;but the election hath obtained it,
      and the rest were blinded.

      Rom11:8 (According as it is written,God hath given them the spirit of slumber,eyes that they should not see,
      and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day

      Rom11:9 And David saith,Let their table be made a snare,and a trap,and a stumblingblock,and a recompence unto them

      Rom11:10 Let their eyes be darkened,that they may not see,and bow down their back alway

      Rom11:11 I say then,Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid:but rather through their fall
      salvation is come unto the Gentiles,for to provoke them to jealousy

      Rom11:12 Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world,and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles;
      how much more their fulness?

      Rom11:13 For I speak to you Gentiles,inasmuch as I am the apostle of the Gentiles,I magnify mine office

      Rom11:14 If by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh,and might save some of them

      Rom11:15 For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world,what shall the receiving of them be,
      but life from the dead?

      Rom11:16 For if the firstfruit be holy,the lump is also holy:and if the root be holy,so are the branches

      Rom11:17And if some of the branches be broken off,and thou,being a wild olive tree,wert grafted in among them,
      and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree

      Rom11:8Boast not against the branches.But if thou boast,thou bearest not the root,but the root thee

      Rom11:19Thou wilt say then,The branches were broken off,that I might be grafted in

      Rom11:20 Well;because of unbelief they were broken off,and thou standest by faith.Be not highminded,but fear

      Rom11:21For if God spared not the natural branches,take heed lest he also spare not thee

      Rom11:22Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God:on them which fell,severity;but toward thee,goodness,
      if thou continue in his goodness:otherwise thou also shalt be cut off

      Rom11:23And they also,if they abide not still in unbelief,shall be grafted in:for God is able to graft them in again

      Rom11:24For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature,and wert grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree:
      how much more shall these,which be the natural branches,be grafted into their own olive tree?

      Rom11:25For I would not,brethren,that ye should be ignorant of this mystery,lest ye should be wise in your own conceits;
      that blindness in part is happened to Israel,until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in

      Rom11:26And so all Israel shall be saved as it is written,There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer,and shall turn
      away ungodliness from Jacob:Rom11:27For this is my covenant unto them,when I shall take away their sins

      Rom11:28As concerning the gospel,they are enemies for your sakes:but as touching the election,they are beloved for the father’s sakes

      • humaka

        None of those scriptures, change the reality, to better for others, let alone you, u poor blinded one, with eyes gouged out, trying to lead others to water, when all you have your self, he mud.

        And quicksand appoach these.

      • Majestic 12

        I’ve literally had it up to here with you religious pieces of dog shit that do nothing in life except waste their time trying to convert other morons to your phony religion. I’ve said it to you Bible thumpers once and I’ll say it again. Nobody gives a fuck about your stupid Bible verses that you cocksucking faggots seem to want to inject into every BIN comment board. Go fucking drink a gallon of bleach for all I care.

    • counselor john

      And to answer the other comment on how the whole world sees Christ at His return, to understand this from a flat earth perspective is simple, but the verse cannot be used to prove this. That’s silly. For God to expose Christ to the world at His Son’s return is just a matter of His power and will. There will be so many other cosmic things going on not to mention the earthly total destruction that His appearing to the entire world as a miracle of a God is just not a stretch at all.

    • humaka

      Somebody’s gettin off, on them self, writin these words.

    • Josie

      I totally agree the earth is flat it’s in the bible. That should be enough. Most everything we’ve been told or taught is a lie. The truth will come out eventually.

    • ButtPincher

      Research flat earth or shut up. 90% of people who earnestly research the subject are now flat earther’s.. Because the fckrs flat.

      • humaka

        Hope those who think there armed with new data to fuel global armies, never forget, somebody built the platform, to put such info into the world, into the publics minds.

        And you deem that platform evil.


        But believe what it “show and tell”, like kids do in kindergarten…

        Believing such be waaaaaaaay too smart for others to do, to outwit, and discredit, hence eliminating competition, by proving them as idiots, by setting them up, but kindergarten humans can do it.

        Your 50 years behind.

        The ruse.

        The gloat, the mote, the goat.

      • Wirkbot

        He said as the chemtrails and the jet plane disappeared over the horizon

    • Man

      So the Earth is flat but the Moon and Sun isn’t?

      • Wirkbot

        Hey Man,

        My personal favorite is Jupiter. The big red spot goes round and round due to the rotating of the large spherical planet. The red spot has been continuously observed for 188 years, since 1830.

      • Majestic 12

        It’s really sad that the Cabal aka Illuminati is literally fucking the entire world and a bunch of low IQ retards are wasting their time on a phony conspiracy theory. It really makes me not care if they died in a house fire or horrific multi car wreck. Darwanism doesn’t always work as intended unfortunately.

    • awake

      I have studied for a long time about this subject and thankyou you are spot on.i don’t waste my time trying to convince anyone how has been indoctrinated for their whole life and never questioned and accepted what they have been told. I still try and fail to get people to see chemtrails which they can see and still don’t believe. Sound familar

      • Wirkbot

        He said as the plane and the chemtrails disappear over the horizon of the round planet.

    • Justin Case

      I don’t know what the shape of the earth is. Maybe it is a globe, maybe it is flat, Neil Degrass Tyson says it’s “pear shaped”. The one thing I DO KNOW for sure is this. There is truly no way to absolutely know. You can tell the shape no better than a flea can tell the shape of the dog it’s on. So you have to believe someone else that has “proof”. Good Luck with that…..

      • Wirkbot

        Have you heard about CubeSats?


        No longer do nation states and multi-million dollar corporation have a monopoly on space, space exploration, and scientific research of space. CubeSats (ultra miniature satellites measuring roughly 10 x 10 x 11 centimeters can be placed in low earth orbit for about $100,000 dollars. There were approximately 75 CubeSats in orbit by the end of 2012. Other cubesat formats include 12×24×36 cm and 24x24x36 cm. Think of the possibilities in regard to “flat earth” research. No balloons required. This puts original space based, low earth orbit within the budgets of larger universities which could rent out research time to non university entities that could make use of instruments such as cameras, transmitters, thermometers, barometers, gravimeters, etc.

        Over 800 of these have been launched so far. Yep, pictures of the edge of the earth any day now.

    • Wirkbot

      I am still waiting for satellite pics of the edge of the earth.

      I also need a detailed explanation why all the other planets in the solar system are round.

      Why the sun sometimes circles the horizon at the north pole.

      Why I can’t see China or Japan from Long Beach but I can see the moon coming up over the horizon at the beach.

      Why some satellites move and some are geostationary.

      Are all the galaxies spinning around the earth every 24 hours.

      Lunar eclipses.

    • bigalese

      the earth is really Flat.

      • Wirkbot

        Thanks. That explains everything.

    • No time

      I guess Lucifer doesn’t like comments.

    • Wirkbot

      Have you heard of the constellation called Crux? It is also known as the southern cross. It is not visible from the northern hemisphere:

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