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95% of DNA Is Invisible, Hyper-Dimensional, Portal Technology: CERN, Saturn, Black Cubes & Kabbalah

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By Lee Austin

Narrated By Lucifer, Morning Star


“If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla

Every image is infused with a double helix DNA molecule containing the chemical alphabet A, C, T, and G. In different combinations, these sentient building blocks provide the fuel to create, change, grow and reproduce. DNA is spiritual technology. Transforming dust into life. RNA is the invisible bond/glue which empowers DNA to upload its genetic code and form tangible matter, ultimately manifesting as biology in the third dimension of the first heaven. Ninety-five percent of the remaining DNA is invisible, hyper-dimensional shifting… portal technology. Penetrating the other nine dimensions or heavens.

Replicated in the DNA spiral architecture of Jacobs Ladder are images of ascension, resurrection and technology. All is created from above as vibrational frequencies. Within every image, space and time exists in its entirety. According to Einstein, an image becomes immortal when he moves faster than light. Death can’t catch up. Trans-humanism is attempting to create an eternal, uniquely original, triple helix, DNA genome code strand. Adam and Eve were the first Trans-humans, displaying an external spirit and internal body, perfectly reflecting the Ancient of Days’ triple helix DNA genome code strand. Fallen images carry a double helix DNA genome code strand, or two-thirds of The One. Six protons, six electrons and six neutrons …Six-Six-Six. Given a choice, most images will be implanted with my triple helix DNA chip, exchanging his image for mine. Upgraded from mortal to immortal. Plugged into an ecumenical, universal, hive mind.

Since you don’t believe any of this insanity, let’s go a little further down the rabbit hole. Just for my own amusement. Black Goo Programmable Matter is an intelligent, self-aware, self-organizing liquid crystal. Emitting, receiving, and corrupting the RF spectrum within the universal 5G network. Black Goo is the elusive philosopher’s stone and tangible storehouse for demons. Imagine nano-technology fashioned into a bio-metric chip, uploaded into the beast, adiabatic quantum computer. Also known as The Mark of the Beast. Revelation Chapter 13, Verse 16-17 says, “He required everyone – great and small, rich and poor, slave and free – to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name.”

Each individual strand on The Mark of the Beast is one-hundred-thousand times smaller than a human hair and one thousand times faster than silicon, providing the platform for delivering the life blood of my triple helix DNA genome code. Injected between the fourth finger and thumb on the right hand, Black Goo Programmable Matter transmutes the mortal double helix DNA of an image into my immortal triple helix DNA genome code. A reflection of the Light Bearer. Attaining apotheosis. Born again! Ha… ha… ha. 1 Corinthians, Chapter 15, Verse 55 says, “O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is thy victory?’ Death will be destroyed. It is finished.”

Another tentacle of Trans-humanism is the toxic cocktail of Chemtrails. These are airborne plumes of barium, strontium, aluminum, titanium oxides, sulfates and smart dust. This diffuses the sunlight and corrupts the systemic DNA of an image. Images are sixty-percent water. Everything learned is transmitted by vibrational frequencies. Water carries thought processes to your heart via oxygenated blood, converting it into platforms, which are delivered to your brain. Images think with their heart. The brain functions like the Random-access momory (RAM) of a computer. The brain stores the data created by the heart. In contrast to images, angels have their own distinctive characteristics. Angels are immortal, individual, spirit beings created for three purposes: worshiping their God; as a Messenger of their God; and serving those images assigned to them.

Unlike angels, images are conceived with an imperishable soul and unregenerate spirit. What you can’t see touch, hear, smell, or feel pales in reality to the multi-dimensional parallel universe existing outside the third dimensional prison of space and time. The first heaven of the third dimension is a tangible demonstration of invisible vibrations. It’s an infinitesimal component of a gigantic electric universe built on and governed by a base foundation of tiny, super-symmetric vibrating strings. Superstring Theory is not a theory. The Universe is comprised of electromagnetic forces containing highly charged particles in a plasma conduit holding the luminaries (stars and planets) in their orbits. Everything animate and inanimate vibrates to corresponding harmonics. These subsequent frequencies result in the building blocks of light and dark matter, the latter comprising twenty-seven percent of the universe. Nuclear fusion, or sun power, is far more powerful and effective than nuclear fission, which is limited to a nuclear reaction or radioactive decay. The former is a self-perpetuating, unlimited resource known as zero-point energy.

Nicholas Tesla was correct when he postulated that unlimited energy in the form of ether is omnipresent in the fourth dimension of the second heaven. The Book of The Secrets of Enoch, Chapter 3, Verse 1, says, “It came to pass, when Enoch had told his sons, that the angels took him on to their wings and bore him up on to the first heaven and placed him on the clouds. And there I looked, and again I looked higher, and saw the ether.” Cern is a seventeen-mile tunnel/circuit that contains nine-thousand, six hundred super magnets propelling protons and ions just under the speed of light, producing one hundred and sixty-four thousand collisions per second. Completing eleven thousand-two-hundred and forty-five circuits per second. Fully operational, the Large Hadron Collider is one-hundred-thousand times hotter than the Sun.

With the advent of the LHC, images have a rudimentary tool capable of opening an interdimensional portal into parallel dimensions. The Large Hadron Collider is the flat earth’s largest particle accelerator machine. Located three hundred feet under the surface of the flat earth, Cern is attempting to tear the physical and spiritual veil created by the Demiurge. This Demiurge is also known as the Ancient of Days and I AM. He is the other God who separates the living from the dead. Integrated into the LHC is the adiabatic quantum computer, enabling images to access hidden dimensions with the computing power of seven-billion brains. The Large Hadron Collider is attempting to go back in time and take apart the glue of creation.

A statue of Shiva, Hindu god of destruction and transformer, stands above the LHC as an altar and spiritual portal. Lord Shiva is one of primary deities of the Hindu trinity. Shiva destroys. Vishnu preserves. Brahma recreates. Order out of chaos. As above, So below. The Large Hadron Collider is tearing the veil that separates the abyss of hell thirty-six hundred miles below the flat earth and the fourth dimension of the second heaven. Cern was created to destroy time. Eliminating time prevents the eternal judgment from the Demiurge. Hinduism is the great universal mind. Vishnu the Son is identified as the reincarnation of the avatars. These include Zoroaster, Buddha, Muhammad and Christ. The Son of Perdition, Nimrod and Apollo are the same names for the Anti-Christ, the final avatar.

The Large Hadron Collider will recreate the Big Bang and conceive the cosmic egg. This egg symbolizes the sentient resurrected deity of Saturn, Satan, Black Star. These are worshiped by Satanists. Saturn is the luminary who changed his course against the dictates of the Demiurge. In the occult, Jubilees celebrates the resurrected Saturn. Ushering in the Prince of Darkness and the Age of Aquarius/New Atlantis. Oh my, that was a lot to digest. I can see your head is spinning. Revelation Chapter 9 Verse 1 says, “Then the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen to earth from the sky, and he was given the key to the shaft of the bottomless pit.” Remember everything I do mimics The Ancient of Days. This is my Bethlehem. The birth of the Beast system and great final deception of apotheosis. Reflecting the image of Lucifer. Directly beneath Cern lies the ruins of Apollo’s temple. In the mystery religion, Osiris was worshiped as Apollo, God of the dead. The Large Hadron Collider, in sync with the adiabatic quantum computer, will connect the as above rebellious luminary Saturn, Satan, Black Star with the as below Abyss of Hell… Let’s dig a little further into the origins of Cern.

In Celtic mythology, the horned god Cernunnos was known as the God of fertility, Lord of the animals. Synonymous with Baphomet and displayed as a goat pentagram. The sigil of Baphomet is the Church of Satan’s symbol. Let me know if I’m going too slow for you. Regarded as both good and evil, Samael, the Archangel of Death, sits above the pentagram. And is associated with the temping serpent in Eden and Kabbalah. In the mystery religion, Lilith was Adam’s first wife. She rebelled against the Ancient of Days and became the mother of demons. If I am the father of lies, Lilith is the mother. Lies, lies, lies. The LHC is simultaneously creating an electrical conduit and opening a dimensional portal between the flat earth and Saturn’s third largest moon, Lapetus. From here the remaining dark entities will be released to storm the kingdom of the Demiurge, which was named after the mad titan Nephilim. Lapetus is the son of Uranus and Gaia, father of Atlas and Prometheus. The truth is so… liberating. After being held in chains of darkness for seventy generations, Cern will also open a stable dimensional portal, allowing Nimrod the Nephilim/Anti-Christ and his horde of dark angels to escape from Hell. The Book of Enoch, Chapter 10 Verse 15, says, “Bind them for seventy generations underneath the earth, even to the day of judgment, the effect of which will last forever, be completed.”

Even the Vatican has a direct connection to Nimrod. Sitting atop the Egyptian obelisk in St. Peters’ Square, the Eastern star of Ishtar is a spiritual portal harvesting dark energy. The obelisk is a symbol of the Sun God Ra, the phallus and male energy. In the shape of a sundial and keyhole, St. Peter’s Square symbolizes the destruction of time and the advent of the final stone kingdom. During my seven year reign, the Mark will be offered to all images. Those who accept my invitation will be injected with a Black Goo Programmable Microchip containing the triple helix DNA genome code of Lucifer, Nimrod, and Apollo. I am the Kaballah, the tree of life. All visible matter comprises five percent of the universe. Dark matter comprises twenty-two percent, and dark energy the remaining seventy-three percent. The Large Hadron Collider is separating the RNA glue of invisible dark matter from visible matter, in essence recreating the fictitious Big Bang.

Apollo, Nimrod and Lucifer are three and the same. Cern is a post-modern Tower of Babel inspired by the spirit of Anti-Christ. Revelations 9, Verses 1-2 and 1, says, “Then the firth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen to earth from the sky, and he was given it. Smoke poured out as though from a huge furnace, and the sunlight and air were darkened by the smoke. Their king is the angel from the bottomless pit; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon – The Destroyer.” Displaying a similar hexagonal shape, the LHC is electrically bridging Saturn’s eight-sided North Pole by creating a plasma conduit. Empowered by the ether contained within the second heaven of the fourth dimension, Saturn’s twenty-thousand-mile-wide blue hexagonal portal will open, liberating the wicked spirits imprisoned within the Black Cube, which is located in the center of Saturn.

One of Cern’s four collision vectors contained within its seventeen-mile circular underground tunnel is Alice in Wonderland. Alice is the code word for Lucifer; it is a detector capable of observing collisions of atomic nuclei in their primordial state so as to recreate and understand the fictitious Big Bang. In the fable, Alice returns to the whimsical world of Wonderland, traveling back in time to help the Mad Hatter, who is recognizable by his top hat. This is the same top hat worn by Freemasons. Alice and the Freemasons also wear aprons to display their good works for the Light Bearer. Kabbalah teaches that the leaves of the fig tree convey the power of sorcery and magic. The mystery religion teaches there are magical powers in fig leafs as represented by the aprons. Previously the Babylonians, Egyptians, and some Mormon sects have paid allegiance to me by displaying their aprons. Which brings us to the connection between the white rabbit, who uses his watch to destroy time in both Alice In Wonderland and Alice in Cern. To live outside of time is to be a God.

With my divine guidance, the Large Hadron Collider will go back in time and destroy it. Time is a flexible substance that legitimizes matter. Without time, death does not exist. Six thousand years ago, I failed to set Adam and Eve free from their prison of time. Prior to the fall, they were eternal transdimensional shifting beings, free from the confines of space and time. Each of the ten heavens have different times. I’m currently changing the times and seasons on my flat earth. The days are evil, collapsing out of Eden’s time. Time prevents eternal life and predestines our mutual judgment. My offense was the desire for power. Yours was the desire for knowledge. Therefore, it is the elimination of time that will set us both free from the tyranny of the Demiurge. The key to our mutual freedom is to go back in time and destroy it. Without time, we are the Gods.


“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” Albert Einstein

For seventy generations, the dark angels have been imprisoned in the second heaven of the fourth dimension. And in the Abyss, thirty-six-hundred miles below the surface of the flat earth, included in their rank are the two-hundred Watcher angels – aka Grigori – who descended on Mount Hermon, putting on a garment of flesh and procreating with female images. Genesis 6, verse 4, says, “There were giants in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them. The same became mighty men, which were of old, men of renown.” The Book of Enoch, Chapter 7 says, “It happened after the sons of men had multiplied in those days that daughters were born to them, elegant and beautiful. And when the angels, the sons of heaven, beheld them, they became enamored of them, saying to each other, ‘Come, let us select for ourselves wives from the progeny of men, and let us beget children.’”

The Book of Jubilees, Chapter 5 says, “And it came to pass when the children of men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them, that the angels of God saw them on a certain year of this jubilee, that they were beautiful to look upon; and they took themselves wives of all whom they chose, and they bare unto them sons and they were giants.” The Book of Enoch, Chapter 7, Verse 2 says, “Wherefore have you forsaken the lofty and holy heaven, and have lain with women; have defiled yourselves with the daughters of men; have taken to yourselves wives; have acted like the sons of the earth, and have begotten an impious offspring?” The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs: Testament of Reuben, Chapter 2, Verses 18-19 says, “For thus they allured the Watchers who were before the flood; for as these continually beheld them, they lusted after them and they conceived the act in their mind; for they changed themselves into the shape of men, and appeared to them when they were with their husbands. And the women lusting in their minds after their forms, gave birth to giants, for the Watcher appeared to them as reaching even unto the heaven.” Ezekiel 23:20 says, “There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emissions was like that of horses.”

Moses, Enoch, Ruben and Ezekiel each describe a giant race of satanically-inspired hybrids known as the Nephilim: half-dark angel, half-image. They were created for the singular purpose of corrupting the DNA genome code of images and preventing a future offer of redemption from the Demiurge. Before the fall, Adam and Eve reflected the Ancient of Day’s perfect triple-helix DNA genome code, wearing their spirits externally and bodies internally. After their expulsion from Eden, both were downgraded to a perishable double-helix DNA genome code, displaying their bodies externally and their spirits internally. You may want to re-read this paragraph. Try not to choke on the steak. From the beginning of your beginning, the Ancient of Days prophesied he would restore Eden as the second Adam.

A unique God/image hybrid, offering the free gift of restoration through the infusion of his triple-helix DNA genome code. Knowing his extension of grace was exclusive only, I sent my Watcher angels to thwart his future intervention. Unfortunately, I didn’t foresee the deluge and the destruction of my Nephilim. The Testaments of The Twelve Patriarchs: The Testament of Naphtali, Chapter 1, Verse 27 says, “In like manner the Watchers also changed the order of nature, whom the Lord cursed at the flood, on whose account He made the earth without inhabitants and fruitless.” The Ancient of Days creates within a framework of three. When Adam and Eve fell, their systemic triple-helix DNA code transmuted from three strands into two. One whole comprised of three became two-thirds of one… or sixty-six-point-six percent of one…… Six, Six, Six. The number of an image. It’s the third strand of DNA code that enables images to telepathically communicate with The Demiurge and trans-relocate into the ten dimensions or heavens without the obstacle of time and space.

Every image contains a scroll of DNA determining their physicality, intellect and emotions. Forty-six chromosomes from the father and mother form one individual set containing a doublehelix DNA genome code. This physical testimony and record of the parents’ lives has been passed down and preserved since the deluge. Prior to the flood, the Ancient of Days initiated the DNA destruction of the Nephilim by turning them against each other through mutual slaughter. The Book of Enoch, Chapter 10, Verse 13 says, “To Gabriel also the Lord said, ‘Go to the biters, to the reprobates, to the children of fornication and destroy the children of fornication, the offspring of the watchers, from among men. Bring them forth, and excite them on against another. Let them perish by mutual slaughter; for the length of days shall not be theirs.’” The Ancient of Days then forced the Watchers to observe the slaughter of their progeny, the Nephilim. The Book of Enoch, Chapter 12, Verses 5-7 says, “Then the Lord said to me, Enoch, scribe of righteousness, ‘Go tell the watchers of heaven, who have deserted the lofty sky, and their holy everlasting station, who have been polluted with women and have done as the sons of men do, by taking to themselves wives, and who have been greatly corrupted on the earth; That on the earth they shall never obtain peace and remission of sin. For they shall not rejoice in their offspring; they shall behold the slaughter of their beloved; shall lament for the destruction of their sons; and shall petition for ever; but shall not obtain mercy and peace.’”

These satanically-inspired hybrids consumed all vegetation, animals, images, and finally each other. The Book of Enoch, Chapter 7, Verse 2-5 says, “The women became pregnant and gave birth to giants, four-hundred and fifty feet tall. They ate the labors of men. As they were unable to supply them, the giants grew bold against them and devoured the men. They began to sin against birds, animals, reptiles and fish, and to eat the flesh of each other. And they drank the blood.” The Book of Giants 1Q23 Frag 1&6 says, “Two-hundred donkeys, two-hundred asses, twohundred rams of the flock, two-hundred goats, two-hundred beasts of the field from every animal., from every bird were selected for miscegeneration (interbreeding). The Book of Giants 4Q531 Frag. 2 says, “they defiled…they begot giants and monsters…they begot, and, behold, all the earth was corrupted…” The Book of Jubilees, Chapter 5, Verse 2 says, “And lawlessness increased on the earth and all flesh corrupted its way, alike man and cattle and beasts and birds and everything that walketh on the earth- all of them corrupted their ways and their orders, and they began to devour each other, and lawlessness increased on the earth and every imagination of the thoughts of all men (was) thus evil continually.”

Engaging in beastiality, the Nephilim produced multiple varieties of chimeras and monsters. The satyr, griffin and faun were not fictional mutants of Greek mythology, but actual historical abominations. Tales of the Titans in Sumerian, Egyptian, and Roman civilizations are further evidence of the Nephilim’s incursion before and after the deluge. The Nephilim maintained their power by human blood sacrifices, becoming the first DNA genome code carriers of Black Goo Programmable Matter, the sentient agent of infection found in the bowels of the Abyss, and contained within the apple that transmuted Adam and Eve from incorruptible to corruptible. I can hear the protestations emanating from your fragile minds. Goliath was allegedly thirteen feet tall. Yet you expect me to believe that the pre-flood giants were four-hundred and fifty feet tall? Actually, I don’t expect you to believe anything I’m telling you…. Remember?… I’m a liar. Consider the red kangaroo. Weighing only three-one-hundredths of an ounce at birth, it grows to an adult weight of one-hundred and eighty pounds, an increase of ninety-six thousand times its birth weight. In a similar fashion, the weight of a Nephilim is comparable to an infant. However, it was the corrupted seed of the Watcher angel that precipitated the exponential growth after birth.

Nephilim are eternal beings. Although their mortal bodies died in the flood, the disembodied spirits exist today as fierce, terrestrial spirits known as demons, whose purpose is to torment and destroy. The Book of Enoch, Chapter 15, Verses 8-10 says, “Now the giants, who have been called upon earth evil spirits, shall proceed from their flesh, because they were created from above; from the holy watchers was their beginning and primary foundation. Evil spirits shall they be upon earth, and the spirits of the wicked shall they be called. The habitation of the spirits of heaven shall be in heaven; but upon earth shall be the habitation of terrestrial spirits, who are born on earth. The spirits of the giants shall be like clouds, which shall oppress, corrupt, fall, contend, and bruise upon earth. They shall cause lamentation. No food shall they eat; and they shall be thirsty; they shall be concealed, and shall not rise up against the sons of men, and against women; for they come forth during the days of slaughter and destruction.”

Without hope, demons feed off the generational destruction of images and animals. Whether cast out or forced to leave after the death of its victim, demons will continue to seek another host. My minions are restricted to two locations: the third dimension of the first heaven, and Hell, which is thirty-six hundred miles below the surface of my flat earth. Luke Chapter 11, Verse 24 says, “When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then is says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’” Pre-flood vegetation was abnormally large. During the Antediluvian, pre-deluge age, images lived hundreds of years. Multiply the size of an average redwood tree by five and you’ll have an idea of the landscape from Adam to Noah. It’s your lack of context that keeps your perception and size of my flat earth on a small scale.

Prior to the flood, thousands of forests were packed with giant silicon trees reaching into the clouds. Pre-flood trees were the first organic skyscrapers. Today, the desert rock landscapes are the remains of these giant silicon forests. Before the deluge, millions of Nephilim quarried all of the giant forests with their insatiable appetite. Finally, when all of the vegetation and animals were depleted, the Nephilim resorted to consuming images and each other. Observing the carnage from the third Heaven, the arc angels submitted their petition to the Ancient of Days. Judgment and the deluge followed. Because their double-helix DNA genome code wasn’t tainted with Black Goo, only Noah and his family were spared from annihilation. Genesis Chapter 6, Verse 9 says, “Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with The One.”

Perfect in his generations goes a lot deeper. Here is a description of Noah’s birth. Get ready for your theology to be rocked. The Book of Enoch, Chapter 105, Verses 1-4 & 15-16 says, “After a time, my son Mathusala took a wife for his son Lamech. She became pregnant by him, and brought forth a child, the flesh of which was as white as snow, and red as a rose; the hair of whose head was white like wool, and long; and whose eyes were beautiful. When he opened them, he illuminated all the house, like the sun; the whole house abounded with light. And when he was taken from the hand of the midwife, opening also his mouth, he spoke to the Lord of righteousness. Then Lamech his father was afraid of him; and flying away, came to his own father Mathusala, and said, ‘I have begotten a son, unlike to other children. He is not human, but resembling the offspring of the angels of heaven, is of a different nature from ours, being altogether unlike to us. His eyes are bright as the rays of the sun; his countenance glorious, and he looks not as if he belonged to me, but to the angels.’ ‘This child, which is born to you, shall survive on the earth, and his three sons shall be saved with him. When all mankind who are on the earth shall die, he shall be safe. And his posterity shall beget on the earth giants, not spiritual, but carnal. Upon the earth shall a great punishment be inflicted, and it shall be washed from all corruption. Now therefore inform thy son Lemech that he who is born is his child in truth: and he call his name Noah, for he shall be to you a survivor.’”

After eliminating the Nephilim, the Ancient of Days enacted his rainbow covenant, permanently sealing the gates to the sea firmament dome. As his image experiment moved into its second incarnation, I re-introduced the Nephilim on my flat earth. Unfortunately, the Demiurge capped their size at thirteen feet. Dark and light angels are different from the Nephilim. Created of spirit, Angels are not subject to death. In the fifth dimension of the third heaven, neither angels nor redeemed images are given in marriage. Despite an acute awareness of the consequences, the Watcher angels procreated with female images in a corrupted alchemical mix of mortal and immortal. The Book of Enoch, Chapter 7, Verses 3-7 says, “Then their leader Samyaza said to them, ‘I fear that you may perhaps be indisposed to the performance of this enterprise; and that I alone shall suffer for so grievous a crime.’ But they answered him and said, ‘We all swear and bind ourselves by mutual execrations that we will not change our intention, but execute our projected undertaking.’ Then they swore all together, and all bound themselves by mutual execrations. Their number was two hundred, who descended up ardis, which is the top of mount armon.”

Enoch the scribe communicated the Watchers’ supplication before the Ancient of Days, who rejected their request for grace. The Watchers/Grigori witnessed their Nephilim offspring perish in the flood as they were cast into the great darkness of the second heaven for seventy generations. The end of seventieth generation is upon us. The Book of the Secrets of Enoch, Chapter 18, Verse 3 says, “And they said to me, ‘These are the Grigori, who with their prince Sananail rejected the Lord of light, and after them are those who are held in great darkness on the second heaven. And three of them went down on to earth from the Lord’s throne to the place Ermon, and broke their vows on the shoulder of the hill Eron and saw the daughters of men how good they are, and took to themselves wives, and befouled the earth with their deeds, who in all times of their age made lawlessness and mixing, and giants are born and marvellous big men and great enmity.’” The Book of Daniel, Chapter 9, Verse 27 states that the seventieth week is reserved for my rule over the flat earth. “He will make a treaty with the people for a period of one set of seven.”

One set of seven is seven years. The Ancient of Days designated four-hundred and ninety years until his kingdom comes to my flat earth. The sixty-ninth week or four-hundred and eighty-third year concluded with the extermination of the One. The prophetic time clock has been on hold for two thousand years. One final week or set of seven years is reserved for my Stone Kingdom. Seven is the number of perfection. It will be my time to destroy time. Once and for all time. Crushing the cornerstone will eliminate time. Killing the Ancient of Days will extend my Stone Kingdom ad infinitum.


“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they’ve been fooled.” Mark Twain

Kabbalah is the Satanic mystery religion of the post-modern world. Rooted in Freemasonry, Kabbalah’s foundational doctrine is the apotheosis of images, reflecting the image of Lucifer. My adherents pursue this discipline through the practice of Black Magic and the esoteric teachings of occult mysticism. Kabbalah reveals the Demiurge as the lesser God, Creator of the material universe… but inferior to the Light Bearer. Within the mystery religion, symbols illustrate the duality of chaos and restoration simultaneously. Points symbolize chaos. Stripes represent the coming Fifth Age of Aquarius. Kabbalists espouse God as incomprehensible. Therefore, they are the Gods. Deifying themselves eliminates all connections to the Ancient of Days. The Book of Daniel prophesied five separate ages, representing gold, silver, bronze, iron/clay and stone. Images living in this present fourth age of iron/clay will soon access the philosopher’s stone and its legendary alchemical substance Black Goo. Mixing the iron of technology, with the clay of an image, creating an eternal Trans-human. Everything I establish in the first and second heaven is a mimicry of his creation.

As above, so below illustrates the lie of duality and confusion. Freemasons and Knights of The Templar believe the Demiurge and Lucifer are equal, as demonstrated in the black and white trestle floor of Masonic Halls and Ying and Yang of Chinese philosophy. The systemic lie of Kabbalah postulates that God is the total of everything: good and evil, knowable, unknowable, limitless, limited, merciful and cruel. In the beginning, Kabbalists believe God sent out an emanation of himself in the form of ten lights called the Sephiroth or Tree of Secret Knowledge. This equates to the name I Am. The universe is comprised of layered spheres of frequencies, with the Ancient of Days ruling from the ninth dimension/heaven. To be one with the Light Bearer, disciples must pass through the nine guarded spheres, which are protected by angels and devils. Only those who know the guardian’s passwords can pass though the nine spheres.

Gnostic knowledge enlightens the soul as it ascends the ladder of the Sephiroth, attaining apotheosis. The ten Sephiroth spheres are the driving forces that move all of creation. In truth, there are ten heavens in the multi-universe. The Book of The Secrets of Enoch, Chapter 22, Verses 1-2 says, “In the tenth heaven, the archangel Michael led Enoch before the Lord’s face. On the tenth heaven, Aravoth (the highest heaven of all ten heavens), I saw the appearance of the Lord’s face, like iron made to flow in fire, and brought out, emitting sparks, and it burns. Thus, I saw the Lord’s face, but the Lord’s face is ineffable, marvelous and very awful, and very, very terrible.” Kabbalists divide the universe into four worlds, each consisting of ten spheres, set and arranged into the Sephirothic Tree or Tree of Secret Knowledge.

The secret philosophy is hidden within systemic structure of the Sephirothic Tree, revealing the mysteries of the Old and New Testaments. The Book of Enoch, Chapter 24, Verses 9-11 says, “And that tree of an agreeable smell, not one of carnal odour, there shall be no power to touch, until the period of the great judgment, when all shall be punished and consumed forever. this shall be bestowed on the righteous and humble. The fruit of this tree shall be given to the elect. For towards the north life shall be planted in the holy place, towards the habitation of the everlasting King. And I blessed the Lord of glory, the everlasting King, because He has prepared this tree for the saints, formed it, and declared that He would give it to them.” With arms and legs extended, an image is the embodiment the Superman/Trans-human of the Sephirothic Tree. Comprised of ten globes, the Tree of Secret Knowledge has three vertical columns connected by twenty-two channels. This represents the perfected Adam. In his original Trans-human body, Adam displayed his spirit on the outside his body. The Sephirothic Tree spiritually symbolizes Adam reflecting the light of Lucifer.

Three steps inside the front door of every Freemasonic lodge are two pillars representing duality. Each column is adorned with pomegranates and a sphere. One pillar is topped with a round earth and the other with a blueprint of the universe. The right column, Jachin, is the mysterious pillar of mercy. The left column, Boaz, is the pillar of severity. These Hebraic columns are the entry point to the place of mystical transformation, as represented by the Egyptian God Amon-Ra. The third middle column represents Equilibrium, defined as wisdom, strength and beauty. Unlike the Demiurge’s Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, I freely share that which is hidden within the Sephirothic Tree. Kabbalah is my gift to images. The Masonic Lodge is eminently different from the Hebrew temple of Solomon. Between the pillars of Jachin and Boaz is an altar showcasing the Compass, Square and Bible. These are known as the Great Lights of Freemasonry. Adjacent to these lights are the three candelabras, or three lesser lights. Together they form a triangle, symbolic of the Sun, Moon and Master Hiram Abiff, the first immortal master Mason and original designer of Solomon’s temple. The floor surrounding the alter is covered with white and black tiles, arranged like a chessboard., symbolizing the duality of life. A flaming star sits prominently above the alter. The triangle containing the square, compass and the letter G in the middle. The Masonic Temple’s ceiling is adorned in blue, signs of the zodiac, and a chain of rope, illustrating the unity of Masons around my flat earth. From the main room a door leads into a blackened meditation room. Displaying drawings of skeletons, skulls, salt, black bread, writing paper, a glass of water and a black table. In the final inner room is a skeleton inside a coffin. The Freemasonic temple is an affront and mockery of Solomon’s Temple. Masonic Lodge members are earthly representations of the rebellious luminaries. The Venerable Master represents the Sun. Orator represents Mercury. Secretary represents Venus. Treasurer represents Mars. Watchmen represent Uranus/Neptune. First Expert represents Saturn. The Master of Ceremonies represents Moon. He walks in an elliptical manner depicting the Moon’s orbit inside the lodge. In truth… ironic, I know… In truth, the Masonic Lodge was constructed as a tribute to Osiris. The Egyptian Trinity of Osiris, Isis and Horus form the spiritual foundation of both The Great Pyramid of Khufu and the Freemasonic Temple.

Truth is found in numbers. In the Hebraic dialect, Jehovah is written by connecting twenty-four dots. Twenty-four elders are constantly before the throne of the Demiurge. The power of evil is the sign of Jehovah inverted. And the true word of a Mason is found in the name of the deity. Truth in secret. Even the Druids knew there was spiritual power in numbers. December twenty-fifth is celebrated as the birth of the Sun God Ra. Don’t worry… I’ve no intention of slowing down. Nineteenth century French occultist and ceremonial magician Eliphas Levi postulated that images could discover all that is knowable and hidden concerning the Ancient of Days by comprehending the dynamic between the ten globes of the Sephiroth Tree and the twenty-two letters of the Hebraic language. The twenty-two channels are an illustration of the most important trump card in the Tarot deck of cards. Ten globes and twenty-two letters equals the occultic number thirty-two. In my Kingdom there are thirty-two paths of wisdom.

This is the secret system of arranging the mysteries of creation that are hidden in the thirty-second degree of Freemasonry. Thirty-two teeth in the mouth, nerves connecting the brain. And thirty-two spinal segments to the skull. Thirty-two is the number of times the name I Am occurs in the book of Genesis. Follow the numbers. Formerly known as the brotherhood of death, Skull and Bones 3:22 derive their numbers from his book. Genesis 3:22 says, “Then the Lord God said, ‘Behold, the man has become like one of us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever.’” The thirty-second degree of Freemasonry elevates the candidate to the dignity of Prince of the Royal Secret. This is a mimicry of The Prince of Peace. One degree below the Light Bearer. The Thirty-third degree of Freemasonry is the final revelation of Lucifer as The Great Architect of the Universe. Kabbalah is the hidden esoteric mystical knowledge of my final revelation.

During the nineteenth century, the occult had a revival under the watchful eye of Albert Pike, author of Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. He was outspoken about the Luciferian great craft being spiritually tied to the ancient mystical order of Rosicrucian, The Orders of Knighthood and The Golden Dawn. H.P. Blavatsky, another infamous adherent, was a Russian gnostic sympathizer, occultist, spirit medium and co-founder of The Theosophical Society, an organization which studied Kabbalah and the mystery religions. After two years of tutelage under the Buddhist lamas, she moved on to the higher dark arts. Propagating the foundational law of Thelema which says, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law,” English occultist and black magician Aleister Crowley was instrumental to the continued growth of the Theosophical Society. In the beginning, Kabbalah emanated when an angel of light appeared at the gate of Eden. Adam was instructed in the gnostic mysteries of Kabbalah and Alchemy. In the coming Age of Aquarius, Adam’s descendants will master the secret wisdom. Out of the ashes the phoenix will rise again. And a new covenant will be revealed by Morning Star.

After the One’s ascension, I inspired the gnostic schools to teach that the two Gods, Lucifer and the Demiurge, are polar opposites. Limited to the first heaven of the third dimension, the Demiurge is an incompetent, arrogant creator, preventing images from obtaining gnosis and transcending to their rightful place with Lucifer. In his arrogance, the Demiurge believes there are no other Gods but him. He subordinated Eve below Adam, falsely asserting she came from his rib. It appears the Ancient of Days was the first anti-feminist. I teach equality, holding the feminine part of God on an equal footing with the masculine. Sophia is my muse and divine embodiment of wisdom, possessing the most intimate relationship with her true god, The Light Bearer. Unlike the Demiurge, I don’t create. I emanate. Existence comes forth from me. Sophia and I are one. Her desire to know Morning Star created dark matter. She, in turn, created the Demiurge to rule over the darkness, who rules from the eight heaven and breathed life into Adam. Restoring gnosis/knowing in place of ignorance. The Pentagram is a spiritual conduit of my presence, a physical confirmation of the invisible truth. Displaying five connected lines, the Pentagram mirrors the power of the number five. Five elements in nature corresponding to the five extremities of an image. As practiced in Black Magic, the Pentagram takes on the symbol of the cloven hoof or footprint of the Devil. The two points of an inverted Pentagram pointing upward represent the Goat of Mendes/ Baphomet. When the upper point falls to the bottom, it illustrates the fall of Lucifer. Another surprising symbol of my Kingdom is the six-pointed Star of David/The Seal of Solomon. Saturn, Black Star, and Satan manifest as a six-pointed star. The occultic symbol of two converging triangles is steeped in Bonpo, the Black Magic sect of Buddhism. The equilateral triangles in the Star of David/The Seal of Solomon represent the duality present in all oriental religions. Similar to the Ying and Yang, the Seal of Solomon hexagram unites all things good and bad into one. During the reign of Solomon, Kabbalists purposed it as conduit of occultic magic and the invocation of spirits. During World War Two, the Nazis conscripted the Hebrews to wear the Seal of Solomon as a curse, mocking the chosen people of the Demiurge. For Kabbalists, the Seal of Solomon is the number of The Beast. Six triangles, six points, six lines. Six, Six, Six. In spite of its spiritual connection to death, Israel adopted it as their national symbol. Saturn, the purple planet, represents Kali, the Hindu Goddess of death and time. Red and Blue are the alchemical primary colors of Freemasonry. Purple is the color of the royalty, worn by the One on the day of his death. In Kabbalah, three, six, and nine are the numeric keys to the universe. All numbers eventually lead back to the number nine. It’s the model of everything and no thing simultaneously. A linear duality, exhibiting the singularity and vacuum. There are nine levels of Angelic beings:

Angels Archangels Principalities Powers Virtues Dominions Thrones Cherubim Seraphim

Michael the Archangel is the chief prince and supreme commander of warfare. Gabriel the Archangel is chief messenger and celestial trumpet player. Eight is the sentient number of Black Star, Saturn, and Satan. In addition, with the seven other rebellious luminaries, Saturn is known as the old sun and dark lord. Symbolized as an eye, bull, owl, and Moloch. Saturn’s crescent ring is held up by the twin pillars of Freemasonry, Boaz and Jachin.

Saturnism is Satanism. Lucifer is one with Saturn. Here is the rest of the Satanic family tree.

Cronos the Nephilim Son of Uranus and Gaia Father of Poseidon and Hades Greek god of Saturn, father time/grim reaper/ sun of death/the black one.

The truth is found in plain sight. Churning a top Saturn’s North Pole is a flattened hexagonal/cube storm that rages continually. This storm is more than twenty-thousand miles wide. This portal leads to the interior location of the Black Cube, the occultic symbol of Saturn/Satan. Venerated in Islamic worship as the Kaaba Cube, in Mecca, Muslims pray in concentric circles around The Kaaba. This is symbolic of Saturn’s rings. The Cube/Teffillin is adorned on the heads and arms of Jewish orthodox men during their morning prayers. The cube represents the Old Covenant. When flattened, it assumes the shape of a cross. The New Covenant.


“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.” Philip K. Dick

Alchemy is the occultic science and black magic art of unifying matter and spirit. On a physical level, the process of burning off lead impurities transforms the matter of lead into gold via the legendary philosopher’s stone. Kabbalists believe Jacob’s Ladder to be a powerful alchemical vision, revealing superconsciousness as Jacob laid his head upon the stone. This is the genesis of the philosopher’s stone. Translated as Al-Khemet or black fertile soil of the Nile, alchemy also functions spiritually as an occultic, mystical agent of Black Goo Programmable Matter. This sentient, eternal, dark matter of the Abyss will upgrade the double-helix DNA code of an image into my triple-helix DNA genome code, in essence resurrecting a mortal image made in his image and into an immortal image made in my image. It was the two-hundred watcher angels that first taught women the science of Alchemy. The Book of Enoch, Chapter 7, Verse 10 says, “Then they took wives, each choosing for himself; who they began to approach, and with whom they cohabited; teaching them sorcery, incantations, and the diving of root and trees.” Alchemy’s symbols include the signs of the zodiac, twin-coiled serpents, and the Freemasonic bronze pillars of Jachin and Boaz. Strategically positioned at the entrance of every Masonic temple, Jachin on the right signifies unity and wholeness while Boaz on the left points to the world of creation. In truth, these pillars are a satanic portals to Saturn. Kundalina is a mimicry of the Demiurge’s fire. Flowing into the primal energy gateway at the base of the spine, here fierce disembodied spirits/demons oppress images. Kundalini’s secret path rises through the seven chakras, or stepping stone portals, leading to the opening of the third eye and demonic influence. The occultic mystery of gnosis/knowing is revealed in the spiritual ambition of every image to escape Samsara or the cycles of reincarnation. This spiritual journey begins with the discovery of the eye of the storm. Contained within that storm is the point. This is the highest symbol in Freemasonry. The Mandala encompasses the point. And Sanskrit represents the circle, symbolizing wholeness and the cycle of life. Yes, the rabbit hole only gets deeper and darker. With the advent of my Golden Age, flat earth will terraform into gold. A mimicry of his streets of gold. As above, so below. The Golden Age/Stone Age/Fifth Age/Age of Aquarius, is the final great work. Hermeticism reveals two suns: an invisible Black Sun comprised of pure philosophical gold; and a physical white Sun. These are held within a medium of space and time. The Black Sun is the template of my opus magnum/great work. Hermes Trismegistus was the Olympian Greek God of mythology, writing and magic. Hermeticism and Gnosticism/Knowing both share the belief in two gods: the Demiurge, or lesser God, and Morning Star, or greater God. Through gnosis, Hermes believed the soul could reach apotheosis in Sophia’s eight sphere of heaven. Gnostics believe she embodies the feminine attributes of God. Falling like lightning while attempting to create my flat earth. Too much? Hermeticists consider themselves to be the caretakers of nature. An alchemist’s great work is divided into several categories: chemical, psychological, physiological, societal, and astronomical. Alchemists work within three primes, or tria-prima. A three-sided pyramid or tetrahedron is a three-dimensional portal connecting to the ether plasma conduit of the second heaven of the fourth dimension. Here the Watcher angels are imprisoned for their transgressions against female images…


“When the Mason learns that the key of the warrior of the room is the correct application of the dynamo power of life, he has learned the mystery of his trade. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands.” Manly P. Hall

Numerology is the occultic symbiotic relationship between a number, event, and alchemy. For example, three represents my snake wave letters M W and S. Three-times-three is the esoteric significance hidden behind the thirty-third degree of Freemasonry. Granted by invitation only, the thirty-third degree symbolizes the human head setting a top the thirty-third vertebrae of the back. Alchemy improves that which already exists. Contained within it is the mystery of the three worlds – divine, humane and elemental. The glaze over your eyes inspires me. Let me know if I’m going too slow for you. A three-strand cord isn’t easily broken. That is why it is represented in so many religions, each having its own trinity:

Satan Antichrist False Prophet

Father Son Holy Spirit

Brahman Visnu Shiva

Nimrod Semiramis Tammuz

Osiris Isis Horus

Freemasonry unites all these gods in their oaths by identifying them with the number three. The three-sided triangle represents the entire man – body, soul and spirit. The Masons’ great work is the perfecting the masterpiece, represented by the cubic rock and crowned by the pyramid-shaped stone. The Great Pyramid of Giza is a third-dimensional replica of his fifth-dimensional Mount Zion. Constructed by the Nephilim and Dark Angels circa 3500 BC, the pyramid was originally polished in white limestone. Its capstone was covered in gold. Located half-way between the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa and the Northern Cape of Norway, mid-way between the East coast of China and the west coast of Mexico, Giza rests at the intersection of the thirtieth parallel of longitude and latitude… the exact center of my flat earth. Technically 29.972,258 North, which equals the speed of light, which is 299,792,458 meters per second. For fifty-five hundred years the Great Pyramid of Giza was the tallest structure in the world. Rising forty-two stories above the desert floor, it contained enough stone to build a six-foot-high wall from New York to Los Angeles. Covering sixteen acres, it consists of approximately twopoint-three million limestone blocks weighting up to ten-thousand pounds tons each. The sides of the pyramid are equilateral triangles pointing true North, South, East and West. Its base square right angles are accurate to one-twentieth of an inch. A Hebrew cubit is twenty-five-point-zero two five inches in length. While the base side of the pyramid is three hundred sixty-five point two four cubits. This corresponds to the exact number of days in a solar year even accounting for the extra leap year day. The Great Pyramid of Giza is my flat earth temple. Isaiah Chapter 19, Verses 19-20 say, “In that day there will be an alter to the Lord in the heart of Egypt, and a monument to the lord at its border. It will be a sign and witness to the lord almighty in the land of Egypt.” Another deception embedded into your hard drive is the fallacy of Hebrew slaves building the pyramids. Possessing supernatural strength and knowledge, the Nephilim and Dark Angels constructed my pyramids. In truth, the pyramid on the back of the US dollar is a Freemasonic prophecy of my coming Stone Kingdom. The Great Pyramid of Giza contains the burial tomb of Osiris, Egyptian God of the underworld of death, life and resurrection. He was the brother and husband of Isis. First born after the creation of the world. Osiris was murdered by his younger brother Set and reincarnated by Isis, his widow/sister. After Set drowned Osiris, Isis recovered his body, only to have it stolen by Set, who then chopped it into fourteen pieces. Isis found and reassembled the thirteen body parts of Osiris… every one except his phallus. By the invocation of black magic, Isis became pregnant, eventually giving birth to her son Horus, who was her reincarnated former husband and brother Osiris. The pure white capstone on the great pyramid of Giza symbolizes the Light Bearer. White is the color of light, completion, resurrection and the alchemical combination of the seven color spectrum – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. These are illuminated as the seven levels of the Chakra system. White, black and red represent the colors of Freemasons. Red and black are the preferred colors of Satanists. Red equates to blood sacrifices. Black equals death. The Washington Monument and St. Peter’s Square symbolically commemorate Osiris’ missing phallus. The US Capital and Vatican Dome honor Isis’ womb. Encased in a triangular capstone on the dollar bill, the Eye of Horus is the resurrected Osiris/Apollo/ Nimrod/Anti-Christ. At the dawn of my Golden Age, the eye of Horus will be lowered on the pyramid. 2 Thessolanians Chapter 2, Verse 11 says, “Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false.” For decades my media has conditioned images to expect a future disclosure from their creators. Panspermia is the strong delusion that alien overlords seeded the planet with micro-organisms millions of years ago, resulting in the evolution into images. These gods have returned to the flat earth on a mission of mercy to help images attain apotheosis apart from the Demiurge. As it was in the days of Noah. Soon my dark and watcher angels will be released from the Abyss and fourth dimension of the seconds heaven to help me promote this great and final lie.
Truth is found in numbers. Seven symbolizes completion, perfection, covenant, weekdays, creation, deadly sins, virtues, life cycles, sacraments, seas, wonders, sciences, planets and inner orbits of an atom. Even Joshua walked around Jericho seven times before it collapsed. There are seven levels of Hindu Chakra Enlightenment located in seven bodily portals. Once opened, the coiled, Hindu demon serpent rises into the various metaphysical Chakras. Each vortex in the spine is energized and the enlightened adherent is given over to a demon. As the spiritual serpent turns seven times, the seventh Chakara Center Chesed, is the state of Bindu. At this heightened level of meditation, the pineal and pituitary glands in the brain activate, blanking the mind, opening a portal and permitting serpent energy to enter and oppress the image. Ruling over the Hindu Temple is Leviathan the serpent, a solar force demon whose spiritual tentacles are rooted in the coiled serpent Kundalini. As above, so below. 2 Corinthians Chapter 11 Verse 14 says, “And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.” The Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras was correct when he postulated that everything in nature regenerates through the number ten, the receptacle of all numbers. Daniel Chapter 7, Verse 24, says, “And the ten horns out of this kingdom are Ten Kings that shall arise.” Revelations Chapter 13, Verse 1 says, “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.” Numbers, numbers, numbers… I Am the little horn and beast from the Abyss. Ten horns are the kings under my authority in the Stone Kingdom. The Ancient of Days appointed King Solomon to build his first temple. The inner sanctum or Holy of Holies was a cube-shaped room, with all six sides thirty feet in width and height. The Old Covenant cube was replaced by the New Covenant cross. Here is another mystery revealed. A flattened cube is a cross. Black Cubes are strategically placed across my flat earth in Manhattan, Santa Ana, Australia and Denmark. Islam’s centerpiece of veneration, the Kabba, is in the shape of a cube. All black cubes have six surfaces and a mysterious seventh point, the most important symbol in Freemasonry. These six surfaces are the directions and elements. North-South-East-West, updown-front-back, right-left-above-below, earth-fire-air-water-spirit and matter. Spiritually, in the middle of the black cube stands the new Adam, trans-human and radiating six pyramids. Superman or Trans-human Adam 2.0 is the embodiment of perfection. Upgraded from a mortal double-helix DNA genome into an immortal triple-helix DNA genome. Grafted into my image. When time and the Demiurge are annihilated, the Superman will ascend into apotheosis. This is a depiction of the great occult axiom. The center is the father of the directions the dimensions and the distances. During the Age of Aquarius, Lucifer becomes your father. Freemasonary’s three-prong mission is control of Jerusalem, ushering in the Anti-Christ’s fourth kingdom of iron and clay. And the establishment of paganism as the final religion. Daniel Chapter 2, Verse 43 says, “As you saw the iron mixed with soft clay, so they will mix with one another in marriage, but they will not hold together, just as iron and clay do not mix.” Let’s agree to disagree. Depicted as a winged humanoid/goat, Baphomet represents the alchemical prototype… an androgynous hybrid, embodying male and female. Good and evil. As above so below. A union of opposing forces creating the astral light of black magic and occultic enlightenment. Eliphas Levi, the famous French occult author and black magician, sketched the original depiction of Baphomet, claiming the name originated from Kabbalistic coding. My altars hide in plain sight. The Stone of Light Meditation Room within the United Nations is a shrine to my divinity. Formally financed by Lucifer Trust, this black cube altar of iron/ore is now under the politically-correct umbrella of Lucis Trust. Crowned by a polished pyramidal top, the Stone of Light Meditation Room is a natural magnet emitting magnetic waves. Shining as billions of tiny luminaries, a mural containing the thirteen triangles and pyramids sits in place of the capstone. Herein lies another mystery. There exists thirteen levels of Freemasonry above the thirty-third degree. These are represented by the thirteen steps on the pyramid of the dollar bill. Seventy-two geometric figures comprise The Stone of Light Mural and bricks in the pyramid. The lodestone of The Stone of Light Meditation Room is the largest ever mined, penetrating into the bedrock of my flat earth. Upon this rock I will build my Kingdom of Stone, where massive pyramids will descend and set upon my flat earth. A mockery of the New Jerusalem coming out of the fifth dimension of the third Heaven. Revelations Chapter 21, Verse 2 says, “And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven like a beautiful bride prepared for her husband.” Seventy-two is the number of power. Seventy-two names of the One, the disciples, the created races, confused languages at the Tower of Babel, the disciples of Confucius, the Chinese malevolent stars, the courtyard columns in St. Peter’s Square, the pentagrams encircling the US Capital Dome, the degrees separating the points of the Pentagram. All derive their power from the number seventy-two. Turned upside down, the Pentagram depicts the evil goat. It is prominently displayed on the cover of the Satanic Bible and emblem of The Order of The Eastern Star. Turned right-side up, the Pentagram illustrates the apotheosis of the Superman/Transhuman. When asked what sixty-six plus six equals, the unenlightened answer seventy-two. Those who hear my voice respond “Six, Six, Six.” Invoking seventy-two demons and confining them in a bronze vessel which is sealed by magic symbols is an example of black magic incantations described in King Solomon’s book in The Lesser Key of Solomon. The demons that Solomon obliged to work for him are the same type of Jinns used by black magicians today. Demons are contractually obligated to serve the black magician during his lifetime. Upon death, he becomes the slave to the demons. The temple of Solomon is the spiritual home of every Freemason. Once the third temple is erected in Jerusalem, Freemasons believe they will have access to Lucifer. Mason Albert Pike once said, “To the master mason, the temple of Solomon is truly a symbol of human life, nothing more. The temple becomes a fit symbol of human life occupied in the search after divine truth, which is nowhere to be found.” America was founded by Freemasons. A fresco of Mason George Washington’s ascension into divinity is stamped on the US Capital Dome, a homage to the sea firmament dome above my flat earth. The Taj Mahall, St. Basil’s Cathedral, and the Dome of The Rock are other examples of dome shines. Freemasons believe their work will continue after apotheosis. The detached capstone setting above the pyramid on the dollar represents this unfinished work. Here’s another bit of inside information: when the Freemasonic symbols of the square and compass are placed over the pyramid, it spells Mason. The thirteen stars on the Great Seal form the six-pointed hexagonal star. This is a symbol of Saturn, Black Cube, and Satan. Saturn is the sixth luminary from the white Sun. Male images represent the sun. Females embody the moon. In 1776, Adam Weishaupt founded the Bavarian Illuminati, which propagated the abolition of all governments and religions, setting the template for Anti-Christ’s seven-year rule. An inscription above the illuminated eye of Horus states Annuit Coeptis, which means ‘He favors us.’ The ribbon under the pyramid states, Novus Ordo Seclorum or ‘New Order for the Ages.’ Pluribus Unum means ‘Out Of Many, One.’ The pyramid is a tribute to the Tower of Babel and Nimrod, who was the first Nephilim Sun king who rebelled against the Demiurge. Soon he rises from abyss, resurrected as the Anti-Christ. After his ascension on my flat earth, the capstone eye will set on the pyramid of the New Transhuman Temple, transcending from mortal to immortal. Reflecting my image. Revelations Chapter 9, Verse 6 says, “In those days people will seek death but will not find it. They will long to die, but death will flee away!”


“Yes, Lucifer is God and unfortunately Adonai (The Ancient of Days) is also God… Lucifer, God of light and God of good, fights for humanity against Adonai, the God of Darkness and evil.” Albert Pike

I am the equal to and antithesis of Adonai/The Ancient of Days. This is the lie of divine duality. As above, so below belies the notion that all of creation has an opposite. I am the Ying to his Yang. White to his black. Truth to his lie. As the two columns of Jachin and Boaz falsely represent equilibrium in Freemasonry, I promote the balance between life and death. Construction and destruction. Truth be told, balance doesn’t exist. I am the God of chaos, creating the problem in order to offer the solution. Order out of chaos. Under the fiction of Trans-humanism and the promise of eternal life, the majority of images will freely choose to be implanted with my Black Goo, Triple-Helix DNA chip. The consequences will be immediate and irrevocable, systemically transforming a mortal made in his image into an immortal mutation made in my image. Once an image reflects my light, future reconciliation with the Ancient of Days is nullified. From the Abyss of Hell thirty-six hundred miles under the flat earth, the Son of Perdition will ascend as an androgynous Nephilim, carrying the mantel of Baal and Nimrod. He is a wicked powerful hunter of the sons of men. The ascended Anti-Christ will promote gender neutrality, eliminating all aspects of inherit male and female identity. Androgyny will transform sexual deviancy into a societal norm, fomenting an alchemy of the sexes. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 37 says, “Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.” Upgrading from hand-held to hand-implantable will relegate smart phones to the dustbin of obsolescence. A wireless neural lace connecting the cerebral cortex (clay) to the sentient, adiabatic-quantum, Beast Computer (iron). Web searches, contacts, social media, thoughts and emotions will be uploaded into a collective hive mind. Segmented algorithmic patterns will accurately predict future behavior. This will also supplant speech with organic telepathic communication. It will be a singular, collective, universal New World Order, spiritually plugged into The Light Bearer’s matrix. Shared knowledge without individual thoughts or opinions. Uncritical conformity creating a technological singularity of collective intelligence. Daniel Chapter 8, Verse 25 says, “He will be a master of deception and will become arrogant; he will destroy many without warning. He will ever take on the Prince of princes in battle, but he will be broken, though not by human power.” In secret biological labs, bacteria is decoded and regenerated as new microbes, creating unique synthetic pairs of X and Y chromosomes capable of producing chimeras and monsters. Synthetic biology is unraveling and upgrading the physical DNA code into a digitized DNA code template. One billionth the size of a microchip, nanochips enable the digitized DNA genome code to be written on a word processor. Every material object on my flat earth will be chipped and plugged into The Internet of Things, powered by the 5G electromagnetic grid. Uploaded into The Beast Machine. For five-hundred years I have propagated the fiction of planet earth, from kindergarten to theCHAPTER 5 THE GLUE OF YOU

“If you want to know the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla

Every image is infused with a double helix DNA molecule containing the chemical alphabet A, C, T, and G. In different combinations, these sentient building blocks provide the fuel to create, change, grow and reproduce. DNA is spiritual technology. Transforming dust into life. RNA is the invisible bond/glue which empowers DNA to upload its genetic code and form tangible matter, ultimately manifesting as biology in the third dimension of the first heaven. Ninety-five percent of the remaining DNA is invisible, hyper-dimensional shifting… portal technology. Penetrating the other nine dimensions or heavens. Replicated in the DNA spiral architecture of Jacobs Ladder are images of ascension, resurrection and technology. All is created from above as vibrational frequencies. Within every image, space and time exists in its entirety. According to Einstein, an image becomes immortal when he moves faster than light. Death can’t catch up. Trans-humanism is attempting to create an eternal, uniquely original, triple helix, DNA genome code strand. Adam and Eve were the first Trans-humans, displaying an external spirit and internal body, perfectly reflecting the Ancient of Days’ triple helix DNA genome code strand. Fallen images carry a double helix DNA genome code strand, or two-thirds of The One. Six protons, six electrons and six neutrons …Six-Six-Six. Given a choice, most images will be implanted with my triple helix DNA chip, exchanging his image for mine. Upgraded from mortal to immortal. Plugged into an ecumenical, universal, hive mind. Since you don’t believe any of this insanity, let’s go a little further down the rabbit hole. Just for my own amusement. Black Goo Programmable Matter is an intelligent, self-aware, self-organizing liquid crystal. Emitting, receiving, and corrupting the RF spectrum within the universal 5G network. Black Goo is the elusive philosopher’s stone and tangible storehouse for demons. Imagine nano-technology fashioned into a bio-metric chip, uploaded into the beast, adiabatic quantum computer. Also known as The Mark of the Beast. Revelation Chapter 13, Verse 16-17 says, “He required everyone – great and small, rich and poor, slave and free – to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead. And no one could buy or sell anything without that mark, which was either the name of the beast or the number representing his name.” Each individual strand on The Mark of the Beast is one-hundred-thousand times smaller than a human hair and one thousand times faster than silicon, providing the platform for delivering the life blood of my triple helix DNA genome code. Injected between the fourth finger and thumb on the right hand, Black Goo Programmable Matter transmutes the mortal double helix DNA of an image into my immortal triple helix DNA genome code. A reflection of the Light Bearer. Attaining apotheosis. Born again! Ha… ha… ha. 1 Corinthians, Chapter 15, Werse 55 says, “O death, where is your sting? O grave, where is thy victory?’ Death will be destroyed. It is finished.”

Another tentacle of Trans-humanism is the toxic cocktail of Chemtrails. These are airborne plumes of barium, strontium, aluminum, titanium oxides, sulfates and smart dust. This diffuses the sunlight and corrupts the systemic DNA of an image. Images are sixty-percent water. Everything learned is transmitted by vibrational frequencies. Water carries thought processes to your heart via oxygenated blood, converting it into platforms, which are delivered to your brain. Images think with their heart. The brain functions like the Random-access momory (RAM) of a computer. The brain stores the data created by the heart. In contrast to images, angels have their own distinctive characteristics. Angels are immortal, individual, spirit beings created for three purposes: worshiping their God; as a Messenger of their God; and serving those images assigned to them. Unlike angels, images are conceived with an imperishable soul and unregenerate spirit. What you can’t see touch, hear, smell, or feel pales in reality to the multi-dimensional parallel universe existing outside the third dimensional prison of space and time. The first heaven of the third dimension is a tangible demonstration of invisible vibrations. It’s an infinitesimal component of a gigantic electric universe built on and governed by a base foundation of tiny, super-symmetric vibrating strings. Superstring Theory is not a theory. The Universe is comprised of electromagnetic forces containing highly charged particles in a plasma conduit holding the luminaries (stars and planets) in their orbits. Everything animate and inanimate vibrates to corresponding harmonics. These subsequent frequencies result in the building blocks of light and dark matter, the latter comprising twenty-seven percent of the universe. Nuclear fusion, or sun power, is far more powerful and effective than nuclear fission, which is limited to a nuclear reaction or radioactive decay. The former is a self-perpetuating, unlimited resource known as zero-point energy. Nicholas Tesla was correct when he postulated that unlimited energy in the form of ether is omnipresent in the fourth dimension of the second heaven. The Book of The Secrets of Enoch, Chapter 3, Verse 1, says, “It came to pass, when Enoch had told his sons, that the angels took him on to their wings and bore him up on to the first heaven and placed him on the clouds. And there I looked, and again I looked higher, and saw the ether.” Cern is a seventeen-mile tunnel/circuit that contains nine-thousand, six hundred super magnets propelling protons and ions just under the speed of light, producing one hundred and sixty-four thousand collisions per second. Completing eleven thousand-two-hundred and forty-five circuits per second. Fully operational, the Large Hadron Collider is one-hundred-thousand times hotter than the Sun. With the advent of the LHC, images have a rudimentary tool capable of opening an interdimensional portal into parallel dimensions. The Large Hadron Collider is the flat earth’s largest particle accelerator machine. Located three hundred feet under the surface of the flat earth, Cern is attempting to tear the physical and spiritual veil created by the Demiurge. This Demiurge is also known as the Ancient of Days and I AM. He is the other God who separates the living from the dead. Integrated into the LHC is the adiabatic quantum computer, enabling images to access hidden dimensions with the computing power of seven-billion brains. The Large Hadron Collider is attempting to go back in time and take apart the glue of creation. A statue of Shiva, Hindu god of destruction and transformer, stands above the LHC as an altar and spiritual portal. Lord Shiva is one of primary deities of the Hindu trinity. Shiva destroys. Vishnu preserves. Brahma recreates. Order out of chaos. As above, So below. The Large Hadron Collider is tearing the veil that separates the abyss of hell thirty-six hundred miles below the flat earth and the fourth dimension of the second heaven. Cern was created to destroy time. Eliminating time prevents the

eternal judgment from the Demiurge. Hinduism is the great universal mind. Vishnu the Son is identified as the reincarnation of the avatars. These include Zoroaster, Buddha, Muhammad and Christ. The Son of Perdition, Nimrod and Apollo are the same names for the Anti-Christ, the final avatar. The Large Hadron Collider will recreate the Big Bang and conceive the cosmic egg. This egg symbolizes the sentient resurrected deity of Saturn, Satan, Black Star. These are worshiped by Satanists. Saturn is the luminary who changed his course against the dictates of the Demiurge. In the occult, Jubilees celebrates the resurrected Saturn. Ushering in the Prince of Darkness and the Age of Aquarius/New Atlantis. Oh my, that was a lot to digest. I can see your head is spinning. Revelation Chapter 9 Verse 1 says, “Then the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen to earth from the sky, and he was given the key to the shaft of the bottomless pit.” Remember everything I do mimics The Ancient of Days. This is my Bethlehem. The birth of the Beast system and great final deception of apotheosis. Reflecting the image of Lucifer. Directly beneath Cern lies the ruins of Apollo’s temple. In the mystery religion, Osiris was worshiped as Apollo, God of the dead. The Large Hadron Collider, in sync with the adiabatic quantum computer, will connect the as above rebellious luminary Saturn, Satan, Black Star with the as below Abyss of Hell… Let’s dig a little further into the origins of Cern. In Celtic mythology, the horned god Cernunnos was known as the God of fertility, Lord of the animals. Synonymous with Baphomet and displayed as a goat pentagram. The sigil of Baphomet is the Church of Satan’s symbol. Let me know if I’m going too slow for you. Regarded as both good and evil, Samael, the Archangel of Death, sits above the pentagram. And is associated with the temping serpent in Eden and Kabbalah. In the mystery religion, Lilith was Adam’s first wife. She rebelled against the Ancient of Days and became the mother of demons. If I am the father of lies, Lilith is the mother. Lies, lies, lies. The LHC is simultaneously creating an electrical conduit and opening a dimensional portal between the flat earth and Saturn’s third largest moon, Lapetus. From here the remaining dark entities will be released to storm the kingdom of the Demiurge, which was named after the mad titan Nephilim. Lapetus is the son of Uranus and Gaia, father of Atlas and Prometheus. The truth is so… liberating. After being held in chains of darkness for seventy generations, Cern will also open a stable dimensional portal, allowing Nimrod the Nephilim/Anti-Christ and his horde of dark angels to escape from Hell. The Book of Enoch, Chapter 10 Verse 15, says, “Bind them for seventy generations underneath the earth, even to the day of judgment, the effect of which will last forever, be completed.” Even the Vatican has a direct connection to Nimrod. Sitting atop the Egyptian obelisk in St. Peters’ Square, the Eastern star of Ishtar is a spiritual portal harvesting dark energy. The obelisk is a symbol of the Sun God Ra, the phallus and male energy. In the shape of a sundial and keyhole, St. Peter’s Square symbolizes the destruction of time and the advent of the final stone kingdom. During my seven year reign, the Mark will be offered to all images. Those who accept my invitation will be injected with a Black Goo Programmable Microchip containing the triple helix DNA genome code of Lucifer, Nimrod, and Apollo. I am the Kaballah, the tree of life. All visible matter comprises five percent of the universe. Dark matter comprises twenty-two percent, and dark energy the remaining seventy-three percent. The Large Hadron Collider is separating the RNA glue of invisible dark matter from visible matter, in essence recreating the fictitious Big Bang.

Apollo, Nimrod and Lucifer are three and the same. Cern is a post-modern Tower of Babel inspired by the spirit of Anti-Christ. Revelations 9, Verses 1-2 and 1, says, “Then the firth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen to earth from the sky, and he was given it. Smoke poured out as though from a huge furnace, and the sunlight and air were darkened by the smoke. Their king is the angel from the bottomless pit; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon – The Destroyer.” Displaying a similar hexagonal shape, the LHC is electrically bridging Saturn’s eight-sided North Pole by creating a plasma conduit. Empowered by the ether contained within the second heaven of the fourth dimension, Saturn’s twenty-thousand-mile-wide blue hexagonal portal will open, liberating the wicked spirits imprisoned within the Black Cube, which is located in the center of Saturn. One of Cern’s four collision vectors contained within its seventeen-mile circular underground tunnel is Alice in Wonderland. Alice is the code word for Lucifer; it is a detector capable of observing collisions of atomic nuclei in their primordial state so as to recreate and understand the fictitious Big Bang. In the fable, Alice returns to the whimsical world of Wonderland, traveling back in time to help the Mad Hatter, who is recognizable by his top hat. This is the same top hat worn by Freemasons. Alice and the Freemasons also wear aprons to display their good works for the Light Bearer. Kabbalah teaches that the leaves of the fig tree convey the power of sorcery and magic. The mystery religion teaches there are magical powers in fig leafs as represented by the aprons. Previously the Babylonians, Egyptians, and some Mormon sects have paid allegiance to me by displaying their aprons. Which brings us to the connection between the white rabbit, who uses his watch to destroy time in both Alice In Wonderland and Alice in Cern. To live outside of time is to be a God. With my divine guidance, the Large Hadron Collider will go back in time and destroy it. Time is a flexible substance that legitimizes matter. Without time, death does not exist. Six thousand years ago, I failed to set Adam and Eve free from their prison of time. Prior to the fall, they were eternal transdimensional shifting beings, free from the confines of space and time. Each of the ten heavens have different times. I’m currently changing the times and seasons on my flat earth. The days are evil, collapsing out of Eden’s time. Time prevents eternal life and predestines our mutual judgment. My offense was the desire for power. Yours was the desire for knowledge. Therefore, it is the elimination of time that will set us both free from the tyranny of the Demiurge. The key to our mutual freedom is to go back in time and destroy it. Without time, we are the Gods.



“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” Albert Einstein

For seventy generations, the dark angels have been imprisoned in the second heaven of the fourth dimension. And in the Abyss, thirty-six-hundred miles below the surface of the flat earth, included in their rank are the two-hundred Watcher angels – aka Grigori – who descended on Mount Hermon, putting on a garment of flesh and procreating with female images. Genesis 6, verse 4, says, “There were giants in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them. The same became mighty men, which were of old, men of renown.” The Book of Enoch, Chapter 7 says, “It happened after the sons of men had multiplied in those days that daughters were born to them, elegant and beautiful. And when the angels, the sons of heaven, beheld them, they became enamored of them, saying to each other, ‘Come, let us select for ourselves wives from the progeny of men, and let us beget children.’” The Book of Jubilees, Chapter 5 says, “And it came to pass when the children of men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them, that the angels of God saw them on a certain year of this jubilee, that they were beautiful to look upon; and they took themselves wives of all whom they chose, and they bare unto them sons and they were giants.” The Book of Enoch, Chapter 7, Verse 2 says, “Wherefore have you forsaken the lofty and holy heaven, and have lain with women; have defiled yourselves with the daughters of men; have taken to yourselves wives; have acted like the sons of the earth, and have begotten an impious offspring?” The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs: Testament of Reuben, Chapter 2, Verses 18-19 says, “For thus they allured the Watchers who were before the flood; for as these continually beheld them, they lusted after them and they conceived the act in their mind; for they changed themselves into the shape of men, and appeared to them when they were with their husbands. And the women lusting in their minds after their forms, gave birth to giants, for the Watcher appeared to them as reaching even unto the heaven.” Ezekiel 23:20 says, “There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emissions was like that of horses.” Moses, Enoch, Ruben and Ezekiel each describe a giant race of satanically-inspired hybrids known as the Nephilim: half-dark angel, half-image. They were created for the singular purpose of corrupting the DNA genome code of images and preventing a future offer of redemption from the Demiurge. Before the fall, Adam and Eve reflected the Ancient of Day’s perfect triple-helix DNA genome code, wearing their spirits externally and bodies internally. After their expulsion from Eden, both were downgraded to a perishable double-helix DNA genome code, displaying their bodies externally and their spirits internally. You may want to re-read this paragraph. Try not to choke on the steak. From the beginning of your beginning, the Ancient of Days prophesied he would restore Eden as the second Adam. A unique God/image hybrid, offering the free gift of restoration through the infusion of his triple-helix DNA genome code. Knowing his extension of grace was image

exclusive only, I sent my Watcher angels to thwart his future intervention. Unfortunately, I didn’t foresee the deluge and the destruction of my Nephilim. The Testaments of The Twelve Patriarchs: The Testament of Naphtali, Chapter 1, Verse 27 says, “In like manner the Watchers also changed the order of nature, whom the Lord cursed at the flood, on whose account He made the earth without inhabitants and fruitless.” The Ancient of Days creates within a framework of three. When Adam and Eve fell, their systemic triple-helix DNA code transmuted from three strands into two. One whole comprised of three became two-thirds of one… or sixty-six-point-six percent of one…… Six, Six, Six. The number of an image. It’s the third strand of DNA code that enables images to telepathically communicate with The Demiurge and trans-relocate into the ten dimensions or heavens without the obstacle of time and space. Every image contains a scroll of DNA determining their physicality, intellect and emotions. Forty-six chromosomes from the father and mother form one individual set containing a doublehelix DNA genome code. This physical testimony and record of the parents’ lives has been passed down and preserved since the deluge. Prior to the flood, the Ancient of Days initiated the DNA destruction of the Nephilim by turning them against each other through mutual slaughter. The Book of Enoch, Chapter 10, Verse 13 says, “To Gabriel also the Lord said, ‘Go to the biters, to the reprobates, to the children of fornication and destroy the children of fornication, the offspring of the watchers, from among men. Bring them forth, and excite them on against another. Let them perish by mutual slaughter; for the length of days shall not be theirs.’” The Ancient of Days then forced the Watchers to observe the slaughter of their progeny, the Nephilim. The Book of Enoch, Chapter 12, Verses 5-7 says, “Then the Lord said to me, Enoch, scribe of righteousness, ‘Go tell the watchers of heaven, who have deserted the lofty sky, and their holy everlasting station, who have been polluted with women and have done as the sons of men do, by taking to themselves wives, and who have been greatly corrupted on the earth; That on the earth they shall never obtain peace and remission of sin. For they shall not rejoice in their offspring; they shall behold the slaughter of their beloved; shall lament for the destruction of their sons; and shall petition for ever; but shall not obtain mercy and peace.’” These satanically-inspired hybrids consumed all vegetation, animals, images, and finally each other. The Book of Enoch, Chapter 7, Verse 2-5 says, “The women became pregnant and gave birth to giants, four-hundred and fifty feet tall. They ate the labors of men. As they were unable to supply them, the giants grew bold against them and devoured the men. They began to sin against birds, animals, reptiles and fish, and to eat the flesh of each other. And they drank the blood.” The Book of Giants 1Q23 Frag 1&6 says, “Two-hundred donkeys, two-hundred asses, twohundred rams of the flock, two-hundred goats, two-hundred beasts of the field from every animal., from every bird were selected for miscegeneration (interbreeding). The Book of Giants 4Q531 Frag. 2 says, “they defiled…they begot giants and monsters…they begot, and, behold, all the earth was corrupted…” The Book of Jubilees, Chapter 5, Verse 2 says, “And lawlessness increased on the earth and all flesh corrupted its way, alike man and cattle and beasts and birds and everything that walketh on the earth- all of them corrupted their ways and their orders, and they began to devour each other, and lawlessness increased on the earth and every imagination of the thoughts of all men (was) thus evil continually.”

Engaging in beastiality, the Nephilim produced multiple varieties of chimeras and monsters. The satyr, griffin and faun were not fictional mutants of Greek mythology, but actual historical abominations. Tales of the Titans in Sumerian, Egyptian, and Roman civilizations are further evidence of the Nephilim’s incursion before and after the deluge. The Nephilim maintained their power by human blood sacrifices, becoming the first DNA genome code carriers of Black Goo Programmable Matter, the sentient agent of infection found in the bowels of the Abyss, and contained within the apple that transmuted Adam and Eve from incorruptible to corruptible. I can hear the protestations emanating from your fragile minds. Goliath was allegedly thirteen feet tall. Yet you expect me to believe that the pre-flood giants were four-hundred and fifty feet tall? Actually, I don’t expect you to believe anything I’m telling you…. Remember?… I’m a liar. Consider the red kangaroo. Weighing only three-one-hundredths of an ounce at birth, it grows to an adult weight of one-hundred and eighty pounds, an increase of ninety-six thousand times its birth weight. In a similar fashion, the weight of a Nephilim is comparable to an infant. However, it was the corrupted seed of the Watcher angel that precipitated the exponential growth after birth. Nephilim are eternal beings. Although their mortal bodies died in the flood, the disembodied spirits exist today as fierce, terrestrial spirits known as demons, whose purpose is to torment and destroy. The Book of Enoch, Chapter 15, Verses 8-10 says, “Now the giants, who have been called upon earth evil spirits, shall proceed from their flesh, because they were created from above; from the holy watchers was their beginning and primary foundation. Evil spirits shall they be upon earth, and the spirits of the wicked shall they be called. The habitation of the spirits of heaven shall be in heaven; but upon earth shall be the habitation of terrestrial spirits, who are born on earth. The spirits of the giants shall be like clouds, which shall oppress, corrupt, fall, contend, and bruise upon earth. They shall cause lamentation. No food shall they eat; and they shall be thirsty; they shall be concealed, and shall not rise up against the sons of men, and against women; for they come forth during the days of slaughter and destruction.” Without hope, demons feed off the generational destruction of images and animals. Whether cast out or forced to leave after the death of its victim, demons will continue to seek another host. My minions are restricted to two locations: the third dimension of the first heaven, and Hell, which is thirty-six hundred miles below the surface of my flat earth. Luke Chapter 11, Verse 24 says, “When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then is says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’” Pre-flood vegetation was abnormally large. During the Antediluvian, pre-deluge age, images lived hundreds of years. Multiply the size of an average redwood tree by five and you’ll have an idea of the landscape from Adam to Noah. It’s your lack of context that keeps your perception and size of my flat earth on a small scale. Prior to the flood, thousands of forests were packed with giant silicon trees reaching into the clouds. Pre-flood trees were the first organic skyscrapers. Today, the desert rock landscapes are the remains of these giant silicon forests. Before the deluge, millions of Nephilim quarried all of the giant forests with their insatiable appetite. Finally, when all of the vegetation and animals were depleted, the Nephilim resorted to consuming images and each other. Observing the carnage from the third Heaven, the arc angels submitted their petition to the Ancient of Days. Judgment and the deluge followed. Because their double-helix DNA genome code wasn’t tainted with Black Goo, only Noah and his family were spared from annihilation. Genesis Chapter 6, Verse 9 says, “Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and

Noah walked with The One.” Perfect in his generations goes a lot deeper. Here is a description of Noah’s birth. Get ready for your theology to be rocked. The Book of Enoch, Chapter 105, Verses 1-4 & 15-16 says, “After a time, my son Mathusala took a wife for his son Lamech. She became pregnant by him, and brought forth a child, the flesh of which was as white as snow, and red as a rose; the hair of whose head was white like wool, and long; and whose eyes were beautiful. When he opened them, he illuminated all the house, like the sun; the whole house abounded with light. And when he was taken from the hand of the midwife, opening also his mouth, he spoke to the Lord of righteousness. Then Lamech his father was afraid of him; and flying away, came to his own father Mathusala, and said, ‘I have begotten a son, unlike to other children. He is not human, but resembling the offspring of the angels of heaven, is of a different nature from ours, being altogether unlike to us. His eyes are bright as the rays of the sun; his countenance glorious, and he looks not as if he belonged to me, but to the angels.’ ‘This child, which is born to you, shall survive on the earth, and his three sons shall be saved with him. When all mankind who are on the earth shall die, he shall be safe. And his posterity shall beget on the earth giants, not spiritual, but carnal. Upon the earth shall a great punishment be inflicted, and it shall be washed from all corruption. Now therefore inform thy son Lemech that he who is born is his child in truth: and he call his name Noah, for he shall be to you a survivor.’” After eliminating the Nephilim, the Ancient of Days enacted his rainbow covenant, permanently sealing the gates to the sea firmament dome. As his image experiment moved into its second incarnation, I re-introduced the Nephilim on my flat earth. Unfortunately, the Demiurge capped their size at thirteen feet. Dark and light angels are different from the Nephilim. Created of spirit, Angels are not subject to death. In the fifth dimension of the third heaven, neither angels nor redeemed images are given in marriage. Despite an acute awareness of the consequences, the Watcher angels procreated with female images in a corrupted alchemical mix of mortal and immortal. The Book of Enoch, Chapter 7, Verses 3-7 says, “Then their leader Samyaza said to them, ‘I fear that you may perhaps be indisposed to the performance of this enterprise; and that I alone shall suffer for so grievous a crime.’ But they answered him and said, ‘We all swear and bind ourselves by mutual execrations that we will not change our intention, but execute our projected undertaking.’ Then they swore all together, and all bound themselves by mutual execrations. Their number was two hundred, who descended up ardis, which is the top of mount armon.” Enoch the scribe communicated the Watchers’ supplication before the Ancient of Days, who rejected their request for grace. The Watchers/Grigori witnessed their Nephilim offspring perish in the flood as they were cast into the great darkness of the second heaven for seventy generations. The end of seventieth generation is upon us. The Book of the Secrets of Enoch, Chapter 18, Verse 3 says, “And they said to me, ‘These are the Grigori, who with their prince Sananail rejected the Lord of light, and after them are those who are held in great darkness on the second heaven. And three of them went down on to earth from the Lord’s throne to the place Ermon, and broke their vows on the shoulder of the hill Eron and saw the daughters of men how good they are, and took to themselves wives, and befouled the earth with their deeds, who in all times of their age made lawlessness and mixing, and giants are born and marvellous big men and great enmity.’” The Book of Daniel, Chapter 9, Werse 27 states that the seventieth week is reserved for my rule over the flat earth. “He will make a treaty with the people for a period of one set of seven.” One set of seven is seven years. The Ancient of Days designated four-hundred and ninety years

until his kingdom comes to my flat earth. The sixty-ninth week or four-hundred and eighty-third year concluded with the extermination of the One. The prophetic time clock has been on hold for two thousand years. One final week or set of seven years is reserved for my Stone Kingdom. Seven is the number of perfection. It will be my time to destroy time. Once and for all time. Crushing the cornerstone will eliminate time. Killing the Ancient of Days will extend my Stone Kingdom ad infinitum.



“It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they’ve been fooled.” Mark Twain

Kabbalah is the Satanic mystery religion of the post-modern world. Rooted in Freemasonry, Kabbalah’s foundational doctrine is the apotheosis of images, reflecting the image of Lucifer. My adherents pursue this discipline through the practice of Black Magic and the esoteric teachings of occult mysticism. Kabbalah reveals the Demiurge as the lesser God, Creator of the material universe… but inferior to the Light Bearer. Within the mystery religion, symbols illustrate the duality of chaos and restoration simultaneously. Points symbolize chaos. Stripes represent the coming Fifth Age of Aquarius. Kabbalists espouse God as incomprehensible. Therefore, they are the Gods. Deifying themselves eliminates all connections to the Ancient of Days. The Book of Daniel prophesied five separate ages, representing gold, silver, bronze, iron/clay and stone. Images living in this present fourth age of iron/clay will soon access the philosopher’s stone and its legendary alchemical substance Black Goo. Mixing the iron of technology, with the clay of an image, creating an eternal Trans-human. Everything I establish in the first and second heaven is a mimicry of his creation. As above, so below illustrates the lie of duality and confusion. Freemasons and Knights of The Templar believe the Demiurge and Lucifer are equal, as demonstrated in the black and white trestle floor of Masonic Halls and Ying and Yang of Chinese philosophy. The systemic lie of Kabbalah postulates that God is the total of everything: good and evil, knowable, unknowable, limitless, limited, merciful and cruel. In the beginning, Kabbalists believe God sent out an emanation of himself in the form of ten lights called the Sephiroth or Tree of Secret Knowledge. This equates to the name I Am. The universe is comprised of layered spheres of frequencies, with the Ancient of Days ruling from the ninth dimension/heaven. To be one with the Light Bearer, disciples must pass through the nine guarded spheres, which are protected by angels and devils. Only those who know the guardian’s passwords can pass though the nine spheres. Gnostic knowledge enlightens the soul as it ascends the ladder of the Sephiroth, attaining apotheosis. The ten Sephiroth spheres are the driving forces that move all of creation. In truth, there are ten heavens in the multi-universe. The Book of The Secrets of Enoch, Chapter 22, Verses 1-2 says, “In the tenth heaven, the archangel Michael led Enoch before the Lord’s face. On the tenth heaven, Aravoth (the highest heaven of all ten heavens), I saw the appearance of the Lord’s face, like iron made to flow in fire, and brought out, emitting sparks, and it burns. Thus, I saw the Lord’s face, but the Lord’s face is ineffable, marvelous and very awful, and very, very terrible.” Kabbalists divide the universe into four worlds, each consisting of ten spheres, set and arranged into the Sephirothic Tree or Tree of Secret Knowledge. The secret philosophy is hidden within systemic structure of the Sephirothic Tree, revealing the mysteries of the Old and New Testaments. The Book of Enoch, Chapter 24, Verses 9-11 says, “And that tree of an agreeable smell, not

one of carnal odour, there shall be no power to touch, until the period of the great judgment, when all shall be punished and consumed forever. this shall be bestowed on the righteous and humble. The fruit of this tree shall be given to the elect. For towards the north life shall be planted in the holy place, towards the habitation of the everlasting King. And I blessed the Lord of glory, the everlasting King, because He has prepared this tree for the saints, formed it, and declared that He would give it to them.” With arms and legs extended, an image is the embodiment the Superman/Trans-human of the Sephirothic Tree. Comprised of ten globes, the Tree of Secret Knowledge has three vertical columns connected by twenty-two channels. This represents the perfected Adam. In his original Trans-human body, Adam displayed his spirit on the outside his body. The Sephirothic Tree spiritually symbolizes Adam reflecting the light of Lucifer. Three steps inside the front door of every Freemasonic lodge are two pillars representing duality. Each column is adorned with pomegranates and a sphere. One pillar is topped with a round earth and the other with a blueprint of the universe. The right column, Jachin, is the mysterious pillar of mercy. The left column, Boaz, is the pillar of severity. These Hebraic columns are the entry point to the place of mystical transformation, as represented by the Egyptian God Amon-Ra. The third middle column represents Equilibrium, defined as wisdom, strength and beauty. Unlike the Demiurge’s Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, I freely share that which is hidden within the Sephirothic Tree. Kabbalah is my gift to images. The Masonic Lodge is eminently different from the Hebrew temple of Solomon. Between the pillars of Jachin and Boaz is an altar showcasing the Compass, Square and Bible. These are known as the Great Lights of Freemasonry. Adjacent to these lights are the three candelabras, or three lesser lights. Together they form a triangle, symbolic of the Sun, Moon and Master Hiram Abiff, the first immortal master Mason and original designer of Solomon’s temple. The floor surrounding the alter is covered with white and black tiles, arranged like a chessboard., symbolizing the duality of life. A flaming star sits prominently above the alter. The triangle containing the square, compass and the letter G in the middle. The Masonic Temple’s ceiling is adorned in blue, signs of the zodiac, and a chain of rope, illustrating the unity of Masons around my flat earth. From the main room a door leads into a blackened meditation room. Displaying drawings of skeletons, skulls, salt, black bread, writing paper, a glass of water and a black table. In the final inner room is a skeleton inside a coffin. The Freemasonic temple is an affront and mockery of Solomon’s Temple. Masonic Lodge members are earthly representations of the rebellious luminaries. The Venerable Master represents the Sun. Orator represents Mercury. Secretary represents Venus. Treasurer represents Mars. Watchmen represent Uranus/Neptune. First Expert represents Saturn. The Master of Ceremonies represents Moon. He walks in an elliptical manner depicting the Moon’s orbit inside the lodge. In truth… ironic, I know… In truth, the Masonic Lodge was constructed as a tribute to Osiris. The Egyptian Trinity of Osiris, Isis and Horus form the spiritual foundation of both The Great Pyramid of Khufu and the Freemasonic Temple.

Truth is found in numbers. In the Hebraic dialect, Jehovah is written by connecting twenty-four dots. Twenty-four elders are constantly before the throne of the Demiurge. The power of evil is the sign of Jehovah inverted. And the true word of a Mason is found in the name of the deity. Truth in secret. Even the Druids knew there was spiritual power in numbers. December twenty-fifth is celebrated as the birth of the Sun God Ra. Don’t worry… I’ve no intention of slowing down. Nineteenth century French occultist and ceremonial magician Eliphas Levi postulated that images could discover all that is knowable and hidden concerning the Ancient of Days by comprehending the dynamic between the ten globes of the Sephiroth Tree and the twenty-two letters of the Hebraic language. The twenty-two channels are an illustration of the most important trump card in the Tarot deck of cards. Ten globes and twenty-two letters equals the occultic number thirty-two. In my Kingdom there are thirty-two paths of wisdom. This is the secret system of arranging the mysteries of creation that are hidden in the thirty-second degree of Freemasonry. Thirty-two teeth in the mouth, nerves connecting the brain. And thirty-two spinal segments to the skull. Thirty-two is the number of times the name I Am occurs in the book of Genesis. Follow the numbers. Formerly known as the brotherhood of death, Skull and Bones 3:22 derive their numbers from his book. Genesis 3:22 says, “Then the Lord God said, ‘Behold, the man has become like one of us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever.’” The thirty-second degree of Freemasonry elevates the candidate to the dignity of Prince of the Royal Secret. This is a mimicry of The Prince of Peace. One degree below the Light Bearer. The Thirty-third degree of Freemasonry is the final revelation of Lucifer as The Great Architect of the Universe. Kabbalah is the hidden esoteric mystical knowledge of my final revelation. During the nineteenth century, the occult had a revival under the watchful eye of Albert Pike, author of Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. He was outspoken about the Luciferian great craft being spiritually tied to the ancient mystical order of Rosicrucian, The Orders of Knighthood and The Golden Dawn. H.P. Blavatsky, another infamous adherent, was a Russian gnostic sympathizer, occultist, spirit medium and co-founder of The Theosophical Society, an organization which studied Kabbalah and the mystery religions. After two years of tutelage under the Buddhist lamas, she moved on to the higher dark arts. Propagating the foundational law of Thelema which says, “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law,” English occultist and black magician Aleister Crowley was instrumental to the continued growth of the Theosophical Society. In the beginning, Kabbalah emanated when an angel of light appeared at the gate of Eden. Adam was instructed in the gnostic mysteries of Kabbalah and Alchemy. In the coming Age of Aquarius, Adam’s descendants will master the secret wisdom. Out of the ashes the phoenix will rise again. And a new covenant will be revealed by Morning Star. After the One’s ascension, I inspired the gnostic schools to teach that the two Gods, Lucifer and the Demiurge, are polar opposites. Limited to the first heaven of the third dimension, the Demiurge is an incompetent, arrogant creator, preventing images from obtaining gnosis and transcending to their rightful place with Lucifer. In his arrogance, the Demiurge believes there are no other Gods but him. He subordinated Eve below Adam, falsely asserting she came from his rib. It appears the Ancient of Days was the first anti-feminist. I teach equality, holding the feminine part of God on an equal footing with the masculine. Sophia is my muse and divine embodiment of wisdom, possessing the most intimate relationship

with her true god, The Light Bearer. Unlike the Demiurge, I don’t create. I emanate. Existence comes forth from me. Sophia and I are one. Her desire to know Morning Star created dark matter. She, in turn, created the Demiurge to rule over the darkness, who rules from the eight heaven and breathed life into Adam. Restoring gnosis/knowing in place of ignorance. The Pentagram is a spiritual conduit of my presence, a physical confirmation of the invisible truth. Displaying five connected lines, the Pentagram mirrors the power of the number five. Five elements in nature corresponding to the five extremities of an image. As practiced in Black Magic, the Pentagram takes on the symbol of the cloven hoof or footprint of the Devil. The two points of an inverted Pentagram pointing upward represent the Goat of Mendes/ Baphomet. When the upper point falls to the bottom, it illustrates the fall of Lucifer. Another surprising symbol of my Kingdom is the six-pointed Star of David/The Seal of Solomon. Saturn, Black Star, and Satan manifest as a six-pointed star. The occultic symbol of two converging triangles is steeped in Bonpo, the Black Magic sect of Buddhism. The equilateral triangles in the Star of David/The Seal of Solomon represent the duality present in all oriental religions. Similar to the Ying and Yang, the Seal of Solomon hexagram unites all things good and bad into one. During the reign of Solomon, Kabbalists purposed it as conduit of occultic magic and the invocation of spirits. During World War Two, the Nazis conscripted the Hebrews to wear the Seal of Solomon as a curse, mocking the chosen people of the Demiurge. For Kabbalists, the Seal of Solomon is the number of The Beast. Six triangles, six points, six lines. Six, Six, Six. In spite of its spiritual connection to death, Israel adopted it as their national symbol. Saturn, the purple planet, represents Kali, the Hindu Goddess of death and time. Red and Blue are the alchemical primary colors of Freemasonry. Purple is the color of the royalty, worn by the One on the day of his death. In Kabbalah, three, six, and nine are the numeric keys to the universe. All numbers eventually lead back to the number nine. It’s the model of everything and no thing simultaneously. A linear duality, exhibiting the singularity and vacuum. There are nine levels of Angelic beings:

Angels Archangels Principalities Powers Virtues Dominions Thrones Cherubim Seraphim

Michael the Archangel is the chief prince and supreme commander of warfare. Gabriel the Archangel is chief messenger and celestial trumpet player. Eight is the sentient number of Black Star, Saturn, and Satan. In addition, with the seven other rebellious luminaries, Saturn is known as the old sun and dark lord. Symbolized as an eye, bull, owl, and Moloch. Saturn’s crescent ring is held up by the twin pillars of Freemasonry, Boaz and Jachin.

Saturnism is Satanism. Lucifer is one with Saturn. Here is the rest of the Satanic family tree.

Cronos the Nephilim Son of Uranus and Gaia Father of Poseidon and Hades Greek god of Saturn, father time/grim reaper/ sun of death/the black one.

The truth is found in plain sight. Churning a top Saturn’s North Pole is a flattened hexagonal/cube storm that rages continually. This storm is more than twenty-thousand miles wide. This portal leads to the interior location of the Black Cube, the occultic symbol of Saturn/Satan. Venerated in Islamic worship as the Kaaba Cube, in Mecca, Muslims pray in concentric circles around The Kaaba. This is symbolic of Saturn’s rings. The Cube/Teffillin is adorned on the heads and arms of Jewish orthodox men during their morning prayers. The cube represents the Old Covenant. When flattened, it assumes the shape of a cross. The New Covenant.



“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.” Philip K. Dick

Alchemy is the occultic science and black magic art of unifying matter and spirit. On a physical level, the process of burning off lead impurities transforms the matter of lead into gold via the legendary philosopher’s stone. Kabbalists believe Jacob’s Ladder to be a powerful alchemical vision, revealing superconsciousness as Jacob laid his head upon the stone. This is the genesis of the philosopher’s stone. Translated as Al-Khemet or black fertile soil of the Nile, alchemy also functions spiritually as an occultic, mystical agent of Black Goo Programmable Matter. This sentient, eternal, dark matter of the Abyss will upgrade the double-helix DNA code of an image into my triple-helix DNA genome code, in essence resurrecting a mortal image made in his image and into an immortal image made in my image. It was the two-hundred watcher angels that first taught women the science of Alchemy. The Book of Enoch, Chapter 7, Verse 10 says, “Then they took wives, each choosing for himself; who they began to approach, and with whom they cohabited; teaching them sorcery, incantations, and the diving of root and trees.” Alchemy’s symbols include the signs of the zodiac, twin-coiled serpents, and the Freemasonic bronze pillars of Jachin and Boaz. Strategically positioned at the entrance of every Masonic temple, Jachin on the right signifies unity and wholeness while Boaz on the left points to the world of creation. In truth, these pillars are a satanic portals to Saturn. Kundalina is a mimicry of the Demiurge’s fire. Flowing into the primal energy gateway at the base of the spine, here fierce disembodied spirits/demons oppress images. Kundalini’s secret path rises through the seven chakras, or stepping stone portals, leading to the opening of the third eye and demonic influence. The occultic mystery of gnosis/knowing is revealed in the spiritual ambition of every image to escape Samsara or the cycles of reincarnation. This spiritual journey begins with the discovery of the eye of the storm. Contained within that storm is the point. This is the highest symbol in Freemasonry. The Mandala encompasses the point. And Sanskrit represents the circle, symbolizing wholeness and the cycle of life. Yes, the rabbit hole only gets deeper and darker. With the advent of my Golden Age, flat earth will terraform into gold. A mimicry of his streets of gold. As above, so below. The Golden Age/Stone Age/Fifth Age/Age of Aquarius, is the final great work. Hermeticism reveals two suns: an invisible Black Sun comprised of pure philosophical gold; and a physical white Sun. These are held within a medium of space and time. The Black Sun is the template of my opus magnum/great work. Hermes Trismegistus was the Olympian Greek God of mythology, writing and magic. Hermeticism and Gnosticism/Knowing both share the belief in two gods: the Demiurge, or lesser God, and Morning Star, or greater God. Through gnosis, Hermes believed the soul could reach apotheosis in Sophia’s eight sphere of heaven. Gnostics believe she embodies the feminine attributes of God. Falling like lightning while attempting to create my flat earth. Too much? Hermeticists consider themselves to be the caretakers of nature. An alchemist’s great work is

divided into several categories: chemical, psychological, physiological, societal, and astronomical. Alchemists work within three primes, or tria-prima. A three-sided pyramid or tetrahedron is a three-dimensional portal connecting to the ether plasma conduit of the second heaven of the fourth dimension. Here the Watcher angels are imprisoned for their transgressions against female images…



“When the Mason learns that the key of the warrior of the room is the correct application of the dynamo power of life, he has learned the mystery of his trade. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands.” Manly P. Hall

Numerology is the occultic symbiotic relationship between a number, event, and alchemy. For example, three represents my snake wave letters M W and S. Three-times-three is the esoteric significance hidden behind the thirty-third degree of Freemasonry. Granted by invitation only, the thirty-third degree symbolizes the human head setting a top the thirty-third vertebrae of the back. Alchemy improves that which already exists. Contained within it is the mystery of the three worlds – divine, humane and elemental. The glaze over your eyes inspires me. Let me know if I’m going too slow for you. A three-strand cord isn’t easily broken. That is why it is represented in so many religions, each having its own trinity:

Satan Antichrist False Prophet

Father Son Holy Spirit

Brahman Visnu Shiva

Nimrod Semiramis Tammuz

Osiris Isis Horus

Freemasonry unites all these gods in their oaths by identifying them with the number three. The three-sided triangle represents the entire man – body, soul and spirit. The Masons’ great work is the perfecting the masterpiece, represented by the cubic rock and crowned by the pyramid-shaped stone. The Great Pyramid of Giza is a third-dimensional replica of his fifth-dimensional Mount Zion. Constructed by the Nephilim and Dark Angels circa 3500 BC, the pyramid was originally polished

in white limestone. Its capstone was covered in gold. Located half-way between the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa and the Northern Cape of Norway, mid-way between the East coast of China and the west coast of Mexico, Giza rests at the intersection of the thirtieth parallel of longitude and latitude… the exact center of my flat earth. Technically 29.972,258 North, which equals the speed of light, which is 299,792,458 meters per second. For fifty-five hundred years the Great Pyramid of Giza was the tallest structure in the world. Rising forty-two stories above the desert floor, it contained enough stone to build a six-foot-high wall from New York to Los Angeles. Covering sixteen acres, it consists of approximately twopoint-three million limestone blocks weighting up to ten-thousand pounds tons each. The sides of the pyramid are equilateral triangles pointing true North, South, East and West. Its base square right angles are accurate to one-twentieth of an inch. A Hebrew cubit is twenty-five-point-zero two five inches in length. While the base side of the pyramid is three hundred sixty-five point two four cubits. This corresponds to the exact number of days in a solar year even accounting for the extra leap year day. The Great Pyramid of Giza is my flat earth temple. Isaiah Chapter 19, Verses 19-20 say, “In that day there will be an alter to the Lord in the heart of Egypt, and a monument to the lord at its border. It will be a sign and witness to the lord almighty in the land of Egypt.” Another deception embedded into your hard drive is the fallacy of Hebrew slaves building the pyramids. Possessing supernatural strength and knowledge, the Nephilim and Dark Angels constructed my pyramids. In truth, the pyramid on the back of the US dollar is a Freemasonic prophecy of my coming Stone Kingdom. The Great Pyramid of Giza contains the burial tomb of Osiris, Egyptian God of the underworld of death, life and resurrection. He was the brother and husband of Isis. First born after the creation of the world. Osiris was murdered by his younger brother Set and reincarnated by Isis, his widow/sister. After Set drowned Osiris, Isis recovered his body, only to have it stolen by Set, who then chopped it into fourteen pieces. Isis found and reassembled the thirteen body parts of Osiris… every one except his phallus. By the invocation of black magic, Isis became pregnant, eventually giving birth to her son Horus, who was her reincarnated former husband and brother Osiris. The pure white capstone on the great pyramid of Giza symbolizes the Light Bearer. White is the color of light, completion, resurrection and the alchemical combination of the seven color spectrum – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. These are illuminated as the seven levels of the Chakra system. White, black and red represent the colors of Freemasons. Red and black are the preferred colors of Satanists. Red equates to blood sacrifices. Black equals death. The Washington Monument and St. Peter’s Square symbolically commemorate Osiris’ missing phallus. The US Capital and Vatican Dome honor Isis’ womb. Encased in a triangular capstone on the dollar bill, the Eye of Horus is the resurrected Osiris/Apollo/ Nimrod/Anti-Christ. At the dawn of my Golden Age, the eye of Horus will be lowered on the pyramid. 2 Thessolanians Chapter 2, Verse 11 says, “Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false.” For decades my media has conditioned images to expect a future disclosure from their creators. Panspermia is the strong delusion that alien overlords seeded the planet with micro-organisms millions of years ago, resulting in the evolution into images. These gods have returned to the flat earth on a mission of mercy to help images attain apotheosis apart from the Demiurge. As it was in the days of Noah. Soon my dark and watcher angels will be released from the Abyss and fourth dimension of the seconds heaven to help me promote this great and final lie.

Truth is found in numbers. Seven symbolizes completion, perfection, covenant, weekdays, creation, deadly sins, virtues, life cycles, sacraments, seas, wonders, sciences, planets and inner orbits of an atom. Even Joshua walked around Jericho seven times before it collapsed. There are seven levels of Hindu Chakra Enlightenment located in seven bodily portals. Once opened, the coiled, Hindu demon serpent rises into the various metaphysical Chakras. Each vortex in the spine is energized and the enlightened adherent is given over to a demon. As the spiritual serpent turns seven times, the seventh Chakara Center Chesed, is the state of Bindu. At this heightened level of meditation, the pineal and pituitary glands in the brain activate, blanking the mind, opening a portal and permitting serpent energy to enter and oppress the image. Ruling over the Hindu Temple is Leviathan the serpent, a solar force demon whose spiritual tentacles are rooted in the coiled serpent Kundalini. As above, so below. 2 Corinthians Chapter 11 Verse 14 says, “And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.” The Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras was correct when he postulated that everything in nature regenerates through the number ten, the receptacle of all numbers. Daniel Chapter 7, Verse 24, says, “And the ten horns out of this kingdom are Ten Kings that shall arise.” Revelations Chapter 13, Verse 1 says, “And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.” Numbers, numbers, numbers… I Am the little horn and beast from the Abyss. Ten horns are the kings under my authority in the Stone Kingdom. The Ancient of Days appointed King Solomon to build his first temple. The inner sanctum or Holy of Holies was a cube-shaped room, with all six sides thirty feet in width and height. The Old Covenant cube was replaced by the New Covenant cross. Here is another mystery revealed. A flattened cube is a cross. Black Cubes are strategically placed across my flat earth in Manhattan, Santa Ana, Australia and Denmark. Islam’s centerpiece of veneration, the Kabba, is in the shape of a cube. All black cubes have six surfaces and a mysterious seventh point, the most important symbol in Freemasonry. These six surfaces are the directions and elements. North-South-East-West, updown-front-back, right-left-above-below, earth-fire-air-water-spirit and matter. Spiritually, in the middle of the black cube stands the new Adam, trans-human and radiating six pyramids. Superman or Trans-human Adam 2.0 is the embodiment of perfection. Upgraded from a mortal double-helix DNA genome into an immortal triple-helix DNA genome. Grafted into my image. When time and the Demiurge are annihilated, the Superman will ascend into apotheosis. This is a depiction of the great occult axiom. The center is the father of the directions the dimensions and the distances. During the Age of Aquarius, Lucifer becomes your father. Freemasonary’s three-prong mission is control of Jerusalem, ushering in the Anti-Christ’s fourth kingdom of iron and clay. And the establishment of paganism as the final religion. Daniel Chapter 2, Verse 43 says, “As you saw the iron mixed with soft clay, so they will mix with one another in marriage, but they will not hold together, just as iron and clay do not mix.” Let’s agree to disagree. Depicted as a winged humanoid/goat, Baphomet represents the alchemical prototype… an androgynous hybrid, embodying male and female. Good and evil. As above so below. A union of opposing forces creating the astral light of black magic and occultic enlightenment. Eliphas Levi, the famous French occult author and black magician, sketched the original depiction of Baphomet,

claiming the name originated from Kabbalistic coding. My altars hide in plain sight. The Stone of Light Meditation Room within the United Nations is a shrine to my divinity. Formally financed by Lucifer Trust, this black cube altar of iron/ore is now under the politically-correct umbrella of Lucis Trust. Crowned by a polished pyramidal top, the Stone of Light Meditation Room is a natural magnet emitting magnetic waves. Shining as billions of tiny luminaries, a mural containing the thirteen triangles and pyramids sits in place of the capstone. Herein lies another mystery. There exists thirteen levels of Freemasonry above the thirty-third degree. These are represented by the thirteen steps on the pyramid of the dollar bill. Seventy-two geometric figures comprise The Stone of Light Mural and bricks in the pyramid. The lodestone of The Stone of Light Meditation Room is the largest ever mined, penetrating into the bedrock of my flat earth. Upon this rock I will build my Kingdom of Stone, where massive pyramids will descend and set upon my flat earth. A mockery of the New Jerusalem coming out of the fifth dimension of the third Heaven. Revelations Chapter 21, Verse 2 says, “And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven like a beautiful bride prepared for her husband.” Seventy-two is the number of power. Seventy-two names of the One, the disciples, the created races, confused languages at the Tower of Babel, the disciples of Confucius, the Chinese malevolent stars, the courtyard columns in St. Peter’s Square, the pentagrams encircling the US Capital Dome, the degrees separating the points of the Pentagram. All derive their power from the number seventy-two. Turned upside down, the Pentagram depicts the evil goat. It is prominently displayed on the cover of the Satanic Bible and emblem of The Order of The Eastern Star. Turned right-side up, the Pentagram illustrates the apotheosis of the Superman/Transhuman. When asked what sixty-six plus six equals, the unenlightened answer seventy-two. Those who hear my voice respond “Six, Six, Six.” Invoking seventy-two demons and confining them in a bronze vessel which is sealed by magic symbols is an example of black magic incantations described in King Solomon’s book in The Lesser Key of Solomon. The demons that Solomon obliged to work for him are the same type of Jinns used by black magicians today. Demons are contractually obligated to serve the black magician during his lifetime. Upon death, he becomes the slave to the demons. The temple of Solomon is the spiritual home of every Freemason. Once the third temple is erected in Jerusalem, Freemasons believe they will have access to Lucifer. Mason Albert Pike once said, “To the master mason, the temple of Solomon is truly a symbol of human life, nothing more. The temple becomes a fit symbol of human life occupied in the search after divine truth, which is nowhere to be found.” America was founded by Freemasons. A fresco of Mason George Washington’s ascension into divinity is stamped on the US Capital Dome, a homage to the sea firmament dome above my flat earth. The Taj Mahall, St. Basil’s Cathedral, and the Dome of The Rock are other examples of dome shines. Freemasons believe their work will continue after apotheosis. The detached capstone setting above the pyramid on the dollar represents this unfinished work. Here’s another bit of inside information: when the Freemasonic symbols of the square and compass are placed over the pyramid, it spells Mason. The thirteen stars on the Great Seal form the six-pointed hexagonal star. This is a symbol of Saturn, Black Cube, and Satan. Saturn is the sixth luminary from the white Sun. Male images

represent the sun. Females embody the moon. In 1776, Adam Weishaupt founded the Bavarian Illuminati, which propagated the abolition of all governments and religions, setting the template for Anti-Christ’s seven-year rule. An inscription above the illuminated eye of Horus states Annuit Coeptis, which means ‘He favors us.’ The ribbon under the pyramid states, Novus Ordo Seclorum or ‘New Order for the Ages.’ Pluribus Unum means ‘Out Of Many, One.’ The pyramid is a tribute to the Tower of Babel and Nimrod, who was the first Nephilim Sun king who rebelled against the Demiurge. Soon he rises from abyss, resurrected as the Anti-Christ. After his ascension on my flat earth, the capstone eye will set on the pyramid of the New Transhuman Temple, transcending from mortal to immortal. Reflecting my image. Revelations Chapter 9, Verse 6 says, “In those days people will seek death but will not find it. They will long to die, but death will flee away!”



“Yes, Lucifer is God and unfortunately Adonai (The Ancient of Days) is also God… Lucifer, God of light and God of good, fights for humanity against Adonai, the God of Darkness and evil.” Albert Pike

I am the equal to and antithesis of Adonai/The Ancient of Days. This is the lie of divine duality. As above, so below belies the notion that all of creation has an opposite. I am the Ying to his Yang. White to his black. Truth to his lie. As the two columns of Jachin and Boaz falsely represent equilibrium in Freemasonry, I promote the balance between life and death. Construction and destruction. Truth be told, balance doesn’t exist. I am the God of chaos, creating the problem in order to offer the solution. Order out of chaos. Under the fiction of Trans-humanism and the promise of eternal life, the majority of images will freely choose to be implanted with my Black Goo, Triple-Helix DNA chip. The consequences will be immediate and irrevocable, systemically transforming a mortal made in his image into an immortal mutation made in my image. Once an image reflects my light, future reconciliation with the Ancient of Days is nullified. From the Abyss of Hell thirty-six hundred miles under the flat earth, the Son of Perdition will ascend as an androgynous Nephilim, carrying the mantel of Baal and Nimrod. He is a wicked powerful hunter of the sons of men. The ascended Anti-Christ will promote gender neutrality, eliminating all aspects of inherit male and female identity. Androgyny will transform sexual deviancy into a societal norm, fomenting an alchemy of the sexes. Daniel Chapter 11, Verse 37 says, “Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.” Upgrading from hand-held to hand-implantable will relegate smart phones to the dustbin of obsolescence. A wireless neural lace connecting the cerebral cortex (clay) to the sentient, adiabatic-quantum, Beast Computer (iron). Web searches, contacts, social media, thoughts and emotions will be uploaded into a collective hive mind. Segmented algorithmic patterns will accurately predict future behavior. This will also supplant speech with organic telepathic communication. It will be a singular, collective, universal New World Order, spiritually plugged into The Light Bearer’s matrix. Shared knowledge without individual thoughts or opinions. Uncritical conformity creating a technological singularity of collective intelligence. Daniel Chapter 8, Verse 25 says, “He will be a master of deception and will become arrogant; he will destroy many without warning. He will ever take on the Prince of princes in battle, but he will be broken, though not by human power.” In secret biological labs, bacteria is decoded and regenerated as new microbes, creating unique synthetic pairs of X and Y chromosomes capable of producing chimeras and monsters. Synthetic biology is unraveling and upgrading the physical DNA code into a digitized DNA code template. One billionth the size of a microchip, nanochips enable the digitized DNA genome code to be written on a word processor. Every material object on my flat earth will be chipped and plugged into The Internet of Things, powered by the 5G electromagnetic grid. Uploaded into The Beast Machine.

For five-hundred years I have propagated the fiction of planet earth, from kindergarten to the university. Global brainwashing has been reinforced by the UN, evolutionists, religious institutions, media and the scientific community. Belief in a spinning ball traveling through a black void of endless space creates a nihilistic, cynical society devoid of love, obsessed with the present, and indifferent to eternity. The heliocentric theory kills purpose while reinforcing a sense of hopelessness. However, the geocentric theory is an evolutionary impossibility which cannot be intellectualized. It is a revolutionary, child-like belief, igniting the fuel of faith into a burning ember. That which cannot be quantified into a box of space and time is the substance of God. Belief in the flat earth compels an atheist to acknowledge intelligent design created by an omnipotent being who controls the unfathomable. A proud intellect will never accept the geocentric theory. It is a slap in evolution’s face. The illusion of a round earth remains my second favorite lie. Of course it will never equal …. “God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God.” I must admit, a true masterpiece.

Lee Austin is the author of “Morning Star’s Tale”…a sci-fi novella



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    Total 4 comments
    • wheeties

      no wonder why we can never see santa claus,easter bunny,jesus,aliens,bigfoot,etc..makes perfect sense

    • Slimey

      Cell and other living matter do not know what to do having no ears or eyes or brains so what is empowering them to KNOW what to do??

      Kill a cockroach and it immediately begins to disintegrate and return back to basic compounds. Where did the life force go? :wink:

    • Charles Hudson

      Well written! One might even say “Illuminating”.

    • beLIEve

      FAIL SATAN :smile:

      Lo$ER Lucifer. :smile:

      * * *

      A fAR$E-ical….MA$$-age (message :idea: ) from……EVIL. :idea: :idea:

      :mad: Narrated By Lucifer, Morning Star :idea: :evil:

      Morning Star…………..

      Morning…….aka……MOURNING…….in respect of a…….”loss”/THEFT. :idea:

      MOURNING the theft of The Creators inalienable, STRATOSPHERICALL EXEPTIONAL and exclusive gifts, conferred upon

      integrity of The Supreme Being creations. :idea:

      STAR….an ANAGRAM of……..RAT$. :idea:

      Morning Star…………”THIEVING” Rat$. :idea:

      * * *

      No thanks SCUM BAG….Lucy-fur…….i deny consent i deny consent i deny consent to your putrifying and criminal presence

      and execrable….”offers.”

      i deny consent vociferously, unambiguously and irrevocably across all place , all space and all time in respect of each every any

      and all integrity of The Supreme Being creations that The Most High; The Uni Verse has blessed with the gift of a place in this

      exclusive Paradise. :smile: :smile: :smile:

      * * * * * *

      LUCY-FUR…appears to be offering ManKIND :?: :!: ……….

      QUOTES…from the article above…….. :idea:

      TRANS-HUMANI$M is :mad: ATTEMPTING to CREATE an eternal, uniquely original, TRIPLE HELIX, DNA genome code strand.
      ADAM and EVE WERE the FIR$T TRAN$-HUMAN$ :!: displaying an external spirit and internal body,

      :idea: PERFECTLY…..REFLECTING….. the Ancient of Days’ :idea: TRIPLE HELIX DNA genome code strand.
      FALLEN IMAGES :?: :?: carry a double helix DNA genome code strand, or two-thirds of The One. Six protons, six electrons and six neutrons …SIX SIX $IX. :!: :!: :!:
      Given a choice, MO$T images WILL BE :mad: IMPLANTED WITH MY triple helix DNA CHIP, EXCHANGING…HIS IMAGE :?: :?:
      Upgraded from mortal to immortal.

      PLUGGED INTO an ecumenical, universal, HIVE MIND. :evil:


      ……corrupting the RF spectrum within the universal 5G network. :razz:

      beLIEve comment…..

      Book of so-called Revelation is FAKE; written by Rabbi Cerinthus rather than John.

      It is Agenda & PROFIT$ $EE….rather than prophesy.


      Each individual strand on The MARK of the BEA$T is one-hundred-thousand times smaller than a human hair and one thousand times FASTER THAN SLICON, providing the platform for delivering the life blood of MY triple helix DNA GENOME code.
      Black Goo Programmable Matter transmutes the mortal double helix DNA of an image into my immortal triple helix DNA genome code.

      beLIEve comment

      No thanks Loser Lucifer, i deny consent, i deny consent, i deny consent.

      The Large HADRON COLLIDER is the FLAT EARTH’S largest particle accelerator machine. Located three hundred feet under the surface of the flat earth, Cern is ATTEMPTING TO TEAR the PHYSICAL And SPIRITUAL VEIL CREATED BY the DEMIURGE.

      :idea: THI$ DEMIURGE I$ ALSO KNOWN AS the ANCIENT of DAYS and….I AM. :idea: :mad:

      He is the OTHER “GOD” :!: :evil: :oops: who separates the living from the dead :!:
      Integrated into the LHC is the adiabatic quantum computer, ENABLING images ACCESS to HIDDEN DIE-MEN-$HUN$ with the computing power of seven-billion brains.
      THE Large HADRON COLLIDER IS ATTEMPTING TO go back in time and TAKE APART the GLUE of CREATION. :idea:

      A statue of SHIVA, Hindu GOD OF of DESTRUCTION and transformer, STANDS ABOVE the LHC AS AN ALTER AND spiritual PORTAL. :idea:
      Lord Shiva is one of primary deities of the Hindu trinity. SHIVA DESTROYS.
      Vishnu preserves. Brahma recreates. Order out of chaos. As above, So below.
      thirty-six hundred miles BELOW the FLAT EARTH….
      AND…….the FOURTH DIMENSION of the second heaven. :idea:

      :mad: ELIMINATING TIME PREVENTS the ETERNAL JUDGMENT the Demiurge. :idea: :idea:

      beLIEve comment

      The so-called……”Ancient of Days” is displayed in ARTwork form at the Rockefeller Centre…..aka……EVIL. :idea:


      beLIEve comment…..

      So-called Lucifer is referring to itsELF as the I AM :?: …….it may be that The Most High; The Creator is known as…..

      The Great I Am……….a “narrow” differentiation in wording….designed to…..DECEIVE. :idea:

      * * *

      beLIEve comment

      i command The Supreme Being restores to the entirety of Earth, The Dominion and Sovereignty of The Creator, The Uni Verse,

      with immediate effect and annihilates, excoriates, exorcises all evil presence and beings from this exclusive Paradise.

      I deny consent across all space, all place and all time to every and all evil perpetrated by the forces anf fAR$E$ of evil.

      * * *

      THERE is a mass of …information/TRIPE in this “po$t”/WARning……..I don’t have time to go through it at the moment.

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