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Greer's Answer To My Comment

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(Check yesterday’s entry if you want to see what I wrote to JMG on his blog, The Archdruid Report.)

Well, now we know–

John Michael Greer said…Lucretia, fascinating. I’ve attended a couple of festivals of that sort, as attendee and speaker, and didn’t have anything like the same reaction you did — if anything, they made me think of Marie Antoinette and her courtiers playing at being shepherds and shepherdesses while France stumbled toward revolution around them. Still, I’m entirely willing to be wrong; it may be that since I have Asperger’s syndrome, I’m not neurologically equipped to tap into what’s going on at these events.

Ah— he thinks the hedonism of throwing a party while Rome burns doesn’t suggest anything spiritual maybe. But here’s the thing: we live in a world where we’re not encouraged to venerate the female, the earth, or our own spiritual selves– I don’t mean following rules in order to be moral, I mean reaching out to embrace the divine directly. These festivals all actively encourage that mode of operation, at least within the safe space of the festival. But that aspect of accepting more into your life can begin to change how one approaches many other aspects of human existence for a great many participants.

I see the festivals as a sort of inoculation against numbness and surrender. Given what we’re facing, throwing a party that can help remind you of why its worth bothering in the first place can be a very good thing. Ennui is a mighty force to confront as I’m sure he’s noticed! Changing  “Too hard, why bother?” into “Heck yeah, let’s do it!” requires something pretty powerful these days. Logic alone rarely motivates people. The festivals cater to the non-rational side of human nature pretty effectively.

Aside from that, however, are the values that get shared at the festivals, and over the last decade especially, I’m noticing a more serious underlying attitude and some actual consensus on several issues. As of yet, things are still very chaotic and juvenile for sure, but it wouldn’t at all surprise me if perhaps some people are inspired and invigorated to take things further. Every festival has its own schtick. Some are more spiritually oriented than others. Workshops are taking on more mature subjects and community is beginning to develop slowly but surely. There’s some potential there. That more and more people are being drawn towards these types of events may be indicative of other growing trends in the population that may, eventually, find other avenues of expression.

I grew up with a sister who has Asperger’s and my longest friend (since age 12) also has it, so I understand what you’re saying. My friend has attended a number of events that she may have enjoyed sometimes but often found utterly mystifying in many ways.

Hmmm…. I think I shall submit a version of that comment to his page in answer to his comment. Which will be the first time I’ve done that. Then I’m done for a while, I swear!


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