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Day 8 No Money on EBT Cards! Riots Next? – Get Prepared!

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By Ray Gano

It interesting over the weekend I got several emails telling me about cell phones being down, internet being down, and get this, EBT cards not working and having no money associated to them.

This is a concern because when the US Government has payment failures, then there is possibly something happening that the press is not telling you about.

Now, we know that computers have problems and that states, counties and cities run on computers. But what is interesting is that since the beginning of 2016, The US government has had over 2,700 reports on showing that they have been late loading the money onto these EBT cards.

Folks, we are now going on 8 days where the Government has not paid the EBT payments so that people have food.

Why is this?

Are we looking a possible Venezuela event taking place here in the US?

Right now, believe it or not but a dozen eggs are going for $150 in Venezuela. A pound of powdered milk is going for approximately $110.

Are we just seeing some computer glitches going on here or is there a possibility that the US government is starting to have a hard time keeping up with all those EBT payments?

According to the Food Research and Action Center, there are now 44,391,436 people on the food stamp SNAP program.

Depression Had Soup Kitchens – Today We Have EBT Cards

It is interesting to think, but during the great depression there were soup kitchens all over the US that were feeding people. You have seen the pictures of all those people lined up outside just waiting for something to eat.

One of the ways the government is hiding how bad things really are is by having these EBT / SNAP cards that people use like a debit / credit card.

You load up your cart, to the cashier, they ring up your food and the person swipes their EBT / SNAP card. The money is deducted and no one knows the difference.

One of the biggest issues to take place during the great depression was severe malnutrition.

In a pamphlet entitled Tenant Farmer, published in 1935, Erskine Caldwell describes a four year old girl dying of malnutrition and anemia, a six year old boy in the process of starving to death and “two babies, neither a year old, sucking the dry teats of a mongrel bitch.” He goes on to write “The dog got up and shook herself and lay down several feet away. The babies crawled crying after her.”

The Grapes of Wrath – A Foreshadow of Things To Come

A very moving book that you need to read now is “The Grapes of Wrath.” There was a movie made of the book also staring Henry Fonda. The book & movie follow a family that lost their farm and homestead in the great depression. The entire family loaded up a truck and headed out looking anywhere where they could in hopes of getting any sort of job and earn some money.

People in the US were literally starving because of a lack of food in many places. Oklahoma and other states in the Midwest have become a dust bowl and the ground became unfertile due to being over worked and the top soil being eroded away.

The Joad’s, the family which the story follows, try to go out west where they heard that there was at least crop picking jobs to be had in California. Sad thing is that they along with hundreds of thousands of others also heard the same thing.

No jobs were to be had. Just day work here and there.

Hardship followed them and things get even worse for the family. It is these hardships that the book / movie tells about. But the book is more graphic and spells out things that are not so pretty.

How The Book Ends

The Joad’s, who have been traveling the US, are forced to leave their truck / trailor with all their possessions due to severe floods. A little way up the road from where they were camped they find a barn and decide to take shelter. Once inside they encounter a man starving to death, almost too weak to even move.

If you read the book, you are like me and will remember the ending for the rest of your life.

Rose, the daughter loses her baby while giving birth during the flood.

Pa Joad puts the tiny body to the currents and he tells it: “Go down an’ tell ’em. Go down in the street an’ rot an’ tell ’em that way. That’s the way you can talk.”

The child’s corpse becomes a symbolic message charged with the task of testifying to the people’s suffering.

The last image is that of Rose, weak from giving birth, goes to the man dying of starvation and sits next to him. She then brings the starving man, who is almost to weak to move, to her breast and lets him suckle her milk, nursing the half-starved man.

This is perhaps one of the most startling and moving images in all of literature.

It is also an image of what we could be facing when things are at its darkest.

This ending offers brotherly love and a glimmer of hope, but also the destitute that the nation fell too.

Grapes of Wrath could be a glimpse into a possible future.

Back To The Future – DAY 8 and EBT Cards Still Not Working

If you go to and look at the comments, there are people who still have not had the EBT / SNAP cards filled and they are still waiting for those food stamps.

You can see that these people are starting to get a little upset. Cupboards are bare, refrigerators are empty, and these people do not like what is going on.

Right now they are just complaining on a website.

But what is going to happen when they finally get fed up and start getting ugly?

I hate to make assumptions, but odds are some of these people who are on the US welfare dole are also the same type that show up to cause havoc at Trump rallies.

Just look at the violence they are doing there and a lot of these people are being paid.

In fact this add was found recently on Craigslist.

Just look how ugly these people are getting and they are being paid. Just think how ugly they will be when they are not getting their food stamps.

What happens when they start showing up at grocery stores to protest?

What is going to happen when you might be there shopping and this mob shows up at your store and you have to walk to your car with your food. What are you going to do?

We have seen an EBT glitch take place before and it happened in a few states and it was just over a weekend.

Well this EBT situation is lasting more than just a weekend, we are on day 8 and people still do not have their food stamps.

How many more days will the EBT Horde remain at bay and when are they going to start to strike back and start raiding Grocery Stores?

Think it can’t happen? Think again.

Tin Foil Hat Speculations

Well if you have been one of my readers for some time, you know that you should have been preparing for this sort of event.

I have been warning of this now for over 6+ years and have been pointing to the writing on the wall.

I want to state that I am not a financial expert, nor am I a financial planner. The information that I am sharing is personal opinion and if you choose to follow it, you do so at your own financial risk.

OK… that out of the way.

As many of you know I am a history buff and I look to history to help with answers for today.

The EBT system is down in CA, NY, NJ WA, AZ, TX and others states.That means that a LOT of people were not able to buy food and as far as I know based on, there are people who STILL do not have any means to buy food.

Are we seeing what I am calling a “Systematic Trickle Failure Effect” taking place? Is the powers that be “testing” the people to see how much they can bare before they melt down? In fact, wouldn’t it be convenient to have a meltdown of welfare folks at say around the election time?

Again, I mentioned that cell phones were down is some states and also internet down. In fact, let me ask you this. How would you know that all the cell phones are down in your state or just your area? You could not call out, so how would you know? Same goes with the internet. Think about that for a moment.

The Possible EBT Horde Coming To Your Town – How To Prepare

With all that in mind, we need to take action so that we are not part of the crazy horde of people who will be freaking out.

ACTION ITEM #1 -Get Cash

Cash is King – In the case of a “Systematic Trickle Failure Effect”, banking institutions may be closed, ATMs may not work, etc. Get some cash out of the bank and sit on it. The more you can pull out the better, but only take out what you can afford. Don’t take out so much that you bounce checks and do not have the ability to pay bills.

Having cash on hand will enable you to be more “fluid” in your abilities where “IF” a default happens and “IF” banks and financial institutions are affected, you will have the ability to still conduct day to day life with the limited cash on hand.

ACTION ITEM #2 – Stock Up The Pantry

Look at your food as an investment.

Food is money, food is something to barter with. If you are able to grow and raise food, you are in a very strong position.

In fact look at anything that you use in day to day life as a hard commodity. I say this because “IF” there is a default, there will be a run on stores and shelves will empty in a matter of hours due to herd mentality.

The goal is to NOT be part of the herd.

By having a month or so worth of food on hand, this is money you will not have to spend down the road, thus the cash on hand can be used for other things.

You will also be hedging against inflation. “IF” there is a default, the odds are that inflation will kick in and prices will rise. What you buy today might only cost $1.00 where in days and weeks that same item may cost $5.00 – $7.00.

Because you thought ahead and purchased, you saved money.

Money saved is money earned.

ALSO – do not forget water. Get some bottled water. Rule of thumb is one gallon per person per day.

You can also purchase sturdy garbage cans and fill them with water, but you need a way to filter it so you can drink it. Pouring it through several cotton towels will do this in a pinch. You are looking to filter out dirt, debris, and the occasional bug that flew into the water.

NOTE – This is NOT a long term water storage solution, just a short term. If you do not use this water in say seven days, empty it out and put in new fresh water. Keep rotating as needed.

Food That I Recommend

Many people have asked me about all the different foods out there. I have to admit that I have tried a lot of the foods and many are not any good. They taste like salty cardboard mixed with a few dehydrated veggies thrown in. Think over glorified Ramin noodles.

THRIVE LIFE FOODS – At the top of my list isTHRIVE LIFE Foods. We have been using THRIVE Foods for over 6 years. We raised our two youngest kids on it and my oldest son is raising his children on it.

Yes it is the Cadillac of food, but I refuse to skimp on my family’s health, welfare and nutritional needs.

One of the things I like about THRIVE LIFE Foods is that they have what is called “The Q.” What you do is choose a wish list of food, associate it to your “Q” and then associate an amount, anything over $50 a month, and then tell them what day they can hit your credit card. About seven days later your first batch of food you chose from your wish list shows up on your front porch.

Pick the food, pay and forget it. It keeps showing up every month with more items from your wish list.

Another thing that THRIVE LIFE has is non-GMO and also Organic foods available. This is a real plus over many of the other companies out there that are in the survival food arena.

If you are interested in THRIVE LIFE Foods, then check out our Thrive website –


NOTE – If you are wanting to order over $500 worth of food, please contact, I might be able to save you some money by running it through my back office. Contact me at[email protected] and lets set up a time to talk.

AUGASON FARMS FOODS –   Augason Farms runs a close second in my book when it comes to emergency / bulk food. I have tried them in the past and they are really good. The great thing is that they also are sold on Amazon and the prices are pretty affordable when you look at the nutritional value as well as the really great taste that you are getting.

One of the recommendations that I make is for Augason Farms 30-Day Emergency Supply Pail Storage Food. One thing about this is that they have calculated over 1800 calories a day, where some of these other “survival buckets” only have calculated 1200 calories a day.

Don’t want to go for the full 30 day meals, then Augason Farms also has their “Augason Farms Lunch & Dinner Emergency Food Supply”

For just over $65 you can get 92 servings / half a month’s supply of lunch and dinners. If you couple this with the 30 day supply, you will have a very well rounded food supply for a solid month.

Augason Farms – 30-Day Emergency Supply Pail Storage Food

Augason Farms Lunch & Dinner Emergency Food Supply


I learned about Survive2Thrive from my friend Steve Quayle and found out that this is the only Certified Organic, Non-GMO Grab & Go Food Storage on the market today.

Survive2Thrive created this 40-Day Organic Emergency Food Supply because the majority of food storage option available are absolutely horrible. They are just empty calories that are loaded with GMO’s, preservatives, and extremely high levels of sodium while offering very little nutritional value. I personally can’t imagine thriving on such ‘food’, and I use the term loosely here, for any length of time. If you are looking for Non-GMO, Certified Organic Food Storage that will keep you healthy for a long period of time look no further.  Shelf Life is 10-15 years if stored properly!

To learn more about SURVIVE2THRIVE – Check out the following link….


ACTION ITEM #3 – Stock Up on Other Needed Items

Yes this is a lot to swallow, but if you have been preparing as long as I have been advising, then you should be good to go. But if you have not, you are seriously behind the 8-ball.

The goal is not to be part of the herd and develop herd mentality. The herd does stupid and dangerous things when it is in a panic.

If you are sucked into herd mentality then it will cost you. You will do unwise things and make unwise purchases all because the herd is doing it. All of a sudden you have a bunch of “Stuff” that you really do not need and you and your family are still behind the 8-ball.

A great primer to get you off and going is reading my article – “Create Your Own Custom 5 Gallon Survival Bucket”

Read it here…

Use this article as a guideline. I am not saying to go out and get everything on that list, but it will give you a guideline as to what you can rule in our rule out in this short amount of time that you have.

If you choose to start a 5 gallon survival bucket, it is something that you can then build upon as you continue to prepare. But by getting your 5 Gallon Survival Bucket going now, you will have a jump on your preps and at least have the basics covered.

ACTION ITEM #4 – Secure Your Home Against The Herd

“IF” there is a default and “IF” banking institutions go down, there is a very good chance that there will be panic. Again, this is part of the herd mentality taking hold of 80% of the masses who did nothing and did not think ahead.

They will be in a panic and “IF” store shelves start becoming empty, the herd will begin to look elsewhere. Remember the LA Riots? That was a taste of what could happen.

You need to secure your home and loved ones.

Get some inexpensive motion detectors to put outside your front door, front yard, back yard. This will give you an early warning of possible intruders.

Add some more security devised to your doors and windows to prevent easy access. If you do not have dead bolts on your exterior doors, add some.

Get some “kick bars” for your doors. These are bars that slip under the door handle and you “kick” them into place. They will not prevent the door from being completely kicked in, but what it will do is buy you more time to either exit the home or grab more security measures.

One that I totally recommend is a product called the Buddy Door Jammer.

The Buddy Door Jammer, I own one of these myself and I can attest to the strength that this has. Using this properly will make your door almost impenetrable. The person/s will have to destroy your door to get in.

Here is good video review of the Buddy Door Jammer.


Buddy Bar Door Jammer –

The time is now to harden our security BEFORE someone tries to conduct a home invasion.

Where we live I have implemented several security systems.

First, I have the Voice Alert System-6 Home/driveway Alarm system. I learned about this from a friend of mine when I heard his announcing that someone was at the side of the house, and then it announced that someone was by the tool shed. Come to find out it was just his dog and he forgot to turn set the alarm to daytime.

After doing a bunch of research on pricing and features and such, I had to agree that this was a great system to give us early warning.

Here is what it says about the system on Amazon.

  • Would you like to be alerted when…
  • Cars are coming up the driveway
  • Children go inside your tool shed
  • Intruders approach the front or backyard
  • Someone enters your garage
  • Visitors are walking to the front door
  • Your parked boat or motor home has been boarded
  • Kids or pets are trampling your flowers …then you need the Voice Alert System-6.

System-6 allows a maximum of six user recorded messages. Each message is specific to one zone. For instance, zone one could be for a driveway alarm -“Car coming up the driveway” while zone two could be for a sensor monitoring the back yard- “Alert! Child by the pool!” Perhaps a third sensor guards a side entrance against intruders. However, when this PIR detects movement, the base unit plays “Intruder on patio” and triggers a floodlight using one of four relays included on the base unit.

System-6 can monitor all three zones simultaneously and still have three additional zones available when needed. Users can alter their messages and place the wireless sensors wherever they wish.

Voice Alert System-6 sets up in minutes and can be completely customized to fit their individual needs.

The wireless PIRs feature: all weather protection, adjustable mounting and sensitivity, and can send a signal 300 feet through walls and up to 1000 feet in open space.

This is not some cheap system either. The starter unit and one sensor is about $125.00. Each senor costs about $50.00 per and they are weather proof. I have multiple sensors all over our perimeter giving us early warning of anyone entering our yard. But they are the best out there for the dollar when it comes to home security systems that you can install yourself.

Voice Alert Alarm System –

ACTION ITEM #5 – Weapons

If you have weapons, get them out, check them, clean them and get them ready to be used. Anyone in the family who can operate the weapon needs to be taught right then, right there on proper safety and operation of the weapon.

Acquire multiple forms of defense. Stun guns, pepper spray, machetes, axes, pole arms like spears or sharpened poles to keep aggressors at a distance are needed. Arm everyone who is able and has the mental capacity to carry with multiple weapons.

Store / hide multiple weapons all over the home so that you have access to a weapon no matter where you are in your home. I am a fan of machetes and Butcher/Chef knives.

You can acquire both of these items cheaply at your local dollar store, Walmart, Target, etc. You are not looking for the best money can buy, you are looking at putting these all over them home. You are able to afford a slew of $5.00 butcher / Chef Knives to place all over the home.

Nice thing about butcher / Chef Knives is that even the cheap ones, most are “full tang.” Meaning the metal for the knife runs through the knife handle. You want this when buying a knife. Full tang means it is stronger and will hold up to serious cutting and stabbing.

Duct taping a butcher knife to a closet pole makes for a good pole arm that will also keep aggressors at bay.

Want something a little more aggressive and will scare the tar out of people? Then take a step up from a butcher knife and go with a meat clever.

Here is a great meat cleaver that has a 10” blade and is also full tang, which means the metal goes all the way through the handle. I have to say that this is a beast of a blade and if I had someone coming at me with it, I would turn tail and head the other direction.

For $25, you have a great multipurpose weapon and kitchen utility tool that will serve you well by keeping your home safe and your food… well, nicely chopped up.

Meat Cleaver w/ 10” Full Tang Blade –
All these suggestions are short term and will help you jump start your preps for long term.

“IF” nothing happens and congress kicks the can down the road, then you have gotten a good start on your preps and no matter what, it is not money wasted. Look at what you are doing as an investment in you, your family and your family’s health, welfare and wellbeing.

“IF” something does happen, this will give you a jump start and you will be able to redirect resources in other areas and you can then build on this to better improve your families health and welfare.

What happens if a person gains access? Again the focus here is defense without a gun. So what can you do to defend yourself against would be invaders?

I am a huge fan of Cold Steel Inferno. This is a pepper spray that is a foam, but once it is on the person, it melts and is very difficult to wash off. This stuff is bad to the bone and because it is a foam, you do not have to worry about a breeze blowing liquid pepper spray mist back in your own face. This is one of the problems with most liquid pepper sprays and Cold Steel got that covered.

I highly recommend that people keep a good flashlight by their bed in case of an emergency, but why not have a good weapon and light at the same time.

My go to flashlight and stun gun is the Zap Million Volt Flashlight. This is actually a rechargeable million volt stun gun and it is wicked. But you know what? It has a pretty good flashlight on it as well. This is perfect for the office, for on walks, keeping in your purse or backpack, use it to walk to your car, there are a lot of uses for it. I have had mine for over 2 years and it still holds a great charge and push the button and it is like lightning going off. It is very easy to operate and even in a panic one could use it with ease.

The Zap Flashlight is also hefty enough that if you wanted to use it as an impact weapon, well it would do the job. It has some weight to it and it is a tad bulky. That is good when you need to slam this into someone and then let them have a million volts. You get this on any bad guy and push the button, they will drop. THEN.. while you have them down, I would zap them again for a good 10 seconds to make sure they are not getting back up for several long minutes. This is a good time to pull out the Cold Steel Pepper Spray and spray the bad guy in the face for a double whammy. They will not be getting up and good chances are that you will be the family hero for taking out the bad guy.

Man uses katana to stop home invasion, this is the gory aftermath

Let’s face it, we all know someone that has a few samurai swords. Whether they’re there to prevent a home invasion, or an attack by zombies after the SHTF has occurred, everyone has a reason for owning swords.

Well, in this case, the swords came to a very good use and helped to defend a man’s family from home invaders. This is the gory aftermath. The home invaders were stopped immediately upon entry into the man’s home. They bailed to their getaway car but did not make it very far due to massive blood loss. They were found by police shortly after driving away, both unconscious due to blood loss.


This is one of the reasons that I am a huge fan of the Katana, aka the Samurai sword. It is a very easy weapon to use and if you can swing a golf club or baseball bat, you can do a lot of damage to a home invader.

The Katana is a weapon that a common person can quickly learn to use and actually use it effectively. It is also fun if one gets out in the back yard and practice cutting bottles and such.

I am very partial to the Musashi Company and their excellent swords. Not only are they great quality, but they are priced right too. Sitting around $100, you can have a sword that is truly battle ready and a beautiful piece of art.

Here is the description from Amazon…

Part of a new 1060 high carbon series from Musashi. With the result being well within that goal, this blade is nothing short of an excellent value. Handmade, the blade hamon is formed by the clay temper process during production. The blade is differentially hardened and comes extremely sharp. Like the more expensive models, this blade can even be bent 45 degrees and returned to the straight and true form. This sword is well balanced and the tight handle wrap feels great.

Materials and Way of Forge:

  • Traditional hand forge Muku-kitae method.
  • 1060 High Carbon Steel with clay temper process.
  • 55 HRC blade hardness. Hamon and hardness created with temper process.
  • Real hamon, not wire brushed or printed.
  • Real ray skin wrapped grip with black cotton cord wrap.
  • Extremely sharp hand honed edge.
  • Steel tsuba, fuchi, and kashira; Brass habaki.
  • Can be disassembled for care or display. Dual bamboo mekugi (peg), hardwood handle.
  • Hardwood scabbard with high quality piano paint finish.
  • 39 3/4 in. overall, 27 1/2 in. blade, 10 3/4 in. handle.
  • Includes black cotton sword storage/carry bag.

Here is a video review of my Musashi 1060 Clay DH hardened katana.

VIDEO – Musashi 1060 Deferentially Hardened Katana – Review –

Here is my video of me cutting banana trees with my Musashi Katana.

VIDEO – Musashi 1060 DH Katana First Cuts Vs. A Banana Tree –

There are many other things that you can do to help harden your home defenses, but the key is to make the bad guy ask himself “do I really want to go into this guy’s home?”

Home intruders do not want a fight, they want to get in, get stuff and get out. The more things you have in place to deter the bad guy, the better.

Here are links (IN BOLD) to the products that I have talked about. We personally own many of these items, but I also wanted to share alternative items that I like but may not own or have tried yet.

Voice Alert Alarm System –

Buddy Bar Door Jammer –

Flip Action Door Lock –

8 Mil Security Window Film –

GE Personal Window / Door Alarm –

Cold Steel Inferno 2.5 oz / 70 grams –

Cold Steel Inferno 1.3 oz / 37 grams –

Zap Million Volt Flashlight –

Musashi – 1060 Carbon Steel – Clay Tempered Samurai Sword *SHARP* –

My Musashi DH 1060 sword –

Sabre Home Defense Pepper Spray –

Doberman Ultraslim Window Alarm –

Door Stop Alarm –

Window and Door Alarm –


Full Tang German Bastard Sword *SHARP* –

15th Century Hand-And-A-Half Full Tang Tempered Battle Ready Hand Forged Sharp Sword *SHARP* –

Musashi Handmade 1060 Carbon Steel Clay Tempered Katana (Burgundy) *SHARP* –

Windlass Patton’s Sword –

United Cutlery M48 Kommando Survival Hammer –

United Cutlery M48 Tactical War Hammer –

United Cutlery Honshu Boshin Trophy Master Bowie Knife with Sheath –

United Cutlery Honshu Combat Fighter Knife with Sheath *SHARP* –

Columbia River Knife and Tool – CRKT – Hisshou Knife *SHARP* –

Cold Steel Barong Machete with Sheath –

Cold Steel Rajah II Grivory Handle –

Cold Steel G-10 Espada Knife (X-Large) –

Cold Steel Spartan Grivory Handle –

Cold Steel Voyager XL

Cold Steel Kuban

Cold Steel Gladius Machete

COVERT WEAPONS / Weapons You Can Hide in Plain Sight

Monkey Fist Key Ring –

Multipurpose Tool /Screwdriver / Wedge Weapon –

CIA Defense Tool Set –

Concealable Handcuff Key –

Personal Defense Spike –

Self Defense Money Clip –

Tactical Letter Opener / Pen Set –

Uzi Tactical Pen –

Messermeister 8-Inch Take-Apart Kitchen Scissors –

Cold Steel Nightshade / FGX Boot Knife –

Cold Steel Nightshade / FGX Tanto –

Cold Steel Nightshade / FGX Tai Pan Dagger –

Cold Steel Nightshade / FGX Skean Dhu —

The Strike Spike –

Ray’s Infidel Baseball Cap –

Gotcha Baseball Cap –

Cold Steel Pepper Spray Pen –

Zap Million Volt Flashlight –

Stainless Steel Coffee Mug –

Long Term TODO

You need to put a long term food, water, medical supplies plan into place now. Do you like this feeling of disarray that you are experiencing now? By being more self-sufficient and less leaning on the Gov, you will be able to weather the coming storm a lot better.

Now if you are expecting the Government to come pick up the pieces, forget it. FEMA has made very clear that being prepared is YOUR responsibility and not that of the Government.

SO when the poo hits the fan, and it will someday, you are on your own. What you have done to build your ark is what you will have to depend upon to help you get through that storm.

Yes this sounds a lot but if this financial cliff does not take place, then we have been given a little bit more time. Learn from this and start preparing now.

Don’t be part of the 80% who are “sheeple” following the herd.

The herd is always slaughtered in the long run. You want to go that route? If not, then start doing all you can to prepare for this storm.

More great articles & info here:

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    Total 36 comments
    • Jango

      We are at the 3rd seal where it will take a day’s wages to buy a few loaves of bread. What is happening in Venezuela is going to happen all over the world. The elite have destroyed our future, our economy, and our world. The tribulation starts at the 6th seal, very soon now. After that it all goes from bad to worse. But…..there is hope…..get right with God NOW and you will be spared the grief. This Is Not a Joke…’s real and it’s coming. Are you ready to meed your maker? Find out at

      • Just me

        If you don’t think a day’s wages for a loaf of bread is part of the tribulation you are deceived. It’s the WRATH of God that starts at the 6th seal.

        • Anonymous

          That was just what happens before the GREAT BIBLICAL FLOOD.

        • The Clucker

          A days wages for a loaf of bread doesn’t sound all that bad, really. I imagine much worse.. like “where is there ANY bread?!?!” A days wages implies there are still jobs and people working also. I don’t think in those times people will bother going to their jobs. They will be looking to simply survive.

    • Anonymous

      “God wants goodness.
      God wants light.
      God wants mayhem.
      God wants a clean fight”.

      Roger Waters From “Amused to Death”

    • beefree

      Research “urine therapy” or “orin therapy” … youtube, facebook groups … urine is a superfood… our creators gave us a back up system to survive (and no fecal matter is not a superfood that is a waste product) …. do your research, start to practice ..and if the big $$ bomb hits… will not have to worry… share this info… also helps one recover from all disease…. save lives…. be free…

      • Ambicatus

        xD, no EBT? DRINK PEE!

        hahahaha classic! good Ragna-advice! wee drinking idiot

        • AmbrociousXP

          Although drinking your own urine is NOT a replacement for food, it is known to be able to pretty much cure you of a LOT of ailments, although the thought of it sounds DISGUSTING! There is some truth behind urine therapy, I’d suggest reading up on it to get the facts (as gross as they are):

          • Ambicatus

            drinking any kind of bodily excrement is against The Constitution and is grounds for exile, after severe beating for being “tottalyy fecked up” dont drink pee man. come on now, thats up there with flat earth, YES PEE FOR MINOR WOUNDS then you go to my favorite, my brother, re-named his wife “betty” because of this movie, and goes ” i bring you jewels betty” this reminds me of me and my dad:


            • Ambicatus

              ja. that movie, is like drinking yer own pee. ja

            • The Clucker

              Freddie Got Fingered is one of my favorites ever!!!

              I love it when he just gets the LeBaron from his parents and he’s pulling away but some old lady walks in from of his car and he screams “Get the f___ out of the way!!! So many good moments in that movie.

              Anyone got a bamboo cane for gettin’ freaky in the bedroom?

      • The Clucker

        Yeah don’t drink your own urine, man. Bad idea.

        • Central Scrutinizer

          One of the all-time classic movie quote, [from DodgeBall]:

          Peter La Fleur: [after Patches hits Justin in the face with a wrench] Yeah, uh, Patches… are you sure that this is completely necessary?

          Patches O’Houlihan: Necessary? Is it necessary for me to drink my own urine?

          Peter La Fleur: Probably not.

          Patches O’Houlihan: No, but I do it anyway because it’s sterile and I like the taste.

          Peter La Fleur: …Okay. :mrgreen:

          • The Clucker


            Thanks for the reminder. That is a great movie.

            • The Clucker

              “If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball.”

          • The Clucker

            Apparently someone doesn’t like that movie. Nah. Odds are they just don’t like me and the Almighty Scrutinizer. Meh.

      • Jack Shlitz

        Now, that’s just nasty.


    • Anonymous

      Stop hating evil murdering rapist Satan worshipers.

      They have the right to kill anyone.
      in the constitution .

      freedom to Satan and gays

      That’s in the bible

    • zero

      It’s a lucky coincidence that there are some really great earning opportunities available right now…

      “I was given $3,500 to protest Donald Trump’s rally in Fountain Hills,” said 37-year-old Paul Horner. “I answered a Craigslist ad about a group needing actors for a political event. I interviewed with them and got the part.”

      Trump supporters have been claiming that protesters are being paid by the Bernie Sanders’ campaign, but Horner disagrees.

      “As for who these people were affiliated with that interviewed me, my guess would be Hillary Clinton’s campaign,” Horner said. “The actual check I received after I was done with the job was from a group called ‘Women Are The Future’. After I was hired, they told me if anyone asked any questions about who I was with or communicated with me in any way, I should start talking about how great Bernie Sanders is.” Horner continued, “It was mostly women in their 60’s at the interview that I went to. Plus, all the people that I communicated with had an AOL email address. No one still has an AOL email address except people that would vote for Hillary Clinton.”

    • YouPeopleAreIdiots

      :arrow: Rumor has it that, “NESARA IS GOING TO BE ANNOUNCED JULY, 4, 2016″!! :wink: :wink:

      • 1 darkstar

        And rumors and rumors and rumors and rumors.

    • srsly1

      Wow, snap is ONE day late and you’d think it’s the end of the world. Over-exaggerate a bit?


      does this make sense in regards of the true Shabbath?

      Yahweh’s Calendar – Easy as 1, 2, 3, 4

      We have worked our way through the rules for the Biblical Calendar and discovered that they are simple and logical:

      1. Start and end days at sunset (Genesis 1:5).

      2. Start weeks at day one and end on day seven, the Sabbath (Leviticus 23:15-16).

      3. Start months with the sighting of the new moon (Deuteronomy 16:1).

      4. Start years in the month barley will be harvestable by the middle of that month (Leviticus 23:4-14).

      These rules require you to observe Yahweh’s creation – sighting a sunset or a new moon and looking at a barley crop. Psalm 33:8 says, “Let all the earth fear Yahweh: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him.” Is there a better way than to get outside and look at some of these awesome, timekeeping sights of creation?

      see also-

    • artichoke

      So EBT down in CA and NJ on the Dem primary day. Probably a lot more Bernie supporters than Hillary supporters relying on EBT. If their EBT isn’t working, those Bernie supporters have other things to worry about above whether they vote.

      • Big dog.../small fish...

        They could turn to Donut STrumph, he’s soooo rich, he’s got a gold toilet in his jet. He could spare a couple of millions to help the DESTITUTE after all: HE LOVES THE UNEDUCATED.

    • Redlist Renegade

      Brotherly love , compassion and all that goes with it only goes so far ! You have to protect yourself and your family from the masses PERIOD !!! When the SHTF be well armed ammo’d and armored and if they come for YOUR food and you and yours don’t aim to maim shoot to kill and feed ‘em lead till they’ve had their fill !!!

    • becomingme

      To John Rolls:

      I do not know where you get your information, but my neighbor has EBT and it gets loaded on the EIGHTH DAY OF

      THE MONTH, and I asked her to check, and her card has all the money, and we live in CALIFORNIA!!!

      :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

      • Sean

        You didn’t really think John Rolls and BIN were giving you real information

        Did You?

      • Morgana Le Fay

        I have an EBT card too, and my money arrived on time on the 9th—I’m in Kentucky (and no, I never take anything I read on BIN for face-value, considering anyone can post anything on here and there is no vetting process for the stories. That said, it’s entertaining and a way to pass time).


      The enemy is not the one you see, but the one you don’t. What EBT payments are you referring? I have family members on it. They just got their usual first of the month payments added. Seems awfully odd that you spout this sh*t and don’t supply anything to back it up. There’s no lack of payments going on that I can find anywhere or with anyone I know on the program.

      Folks, don’t listen to every fear-monger apocalyptic-porn freak that posts on here. Ask questions. If you don’t get answers, assume they’re lying.

    • A Commentator

      Nope, sorry, you’re wrong, none of the things in your headline are happening.

      In fact a quick search on your scary EBT being down brings up only articles from a year + ago of people fear mongering the same thing.

      Go get a job.

    • Anonymous

      Socialism works…….NOT

    • LindaJoyAdams

      The government has no control over this at all. Cannot en find out what is really going on and if crimes have been committed cannot investigate or arrest anyone. IN 2002 CONGRESS DEFUNDED CIVIL AND CRIMINAL OVERSIGHT OF GOVT CONTRACTORS. And everything began to be contracted out especially in programs where lots of money got spent and huge sums have been disappeared and stolen especially out of Medicare as well as federally funded state programs. WE HAVE HAD A HIRED HEAD OF ANINTERNATIONAL CABAL IN CHARGE OF THE USA FOR OVER A DECADE NOW AND YOU MAY ONLY KNOW HIS NAME I YOU HAVE READ ME OR OTHER ARTICLES THAT ONCE IN A WHILE GET INTO SOME MEDIA. states have begged the SEC FOR HELP TO GET HIM OFF THEIR MEDICAID PROGRAMS WITH NO LUCK. THE SEC WAS DEFUCNED ALSO UNDER THE E GOVERNING LAWS. HE IS THAT POWERFUL. This is an cabal of shell companies, and illegal secret deal partnerships. HEALTH CARE FROM EVERY END IS UNDER HIM AS THERE IS NO GOVT RUN HEALTH CARE PROGRAMS, BUT TAX PAYERS PAY AND CONTRACTED OUT. CEO LYNN BLODGETT. HIS BROTHER TOM WAS OVER THE EU AND HAS BEEN IN SOUTH AMERICA FOR AOCUPLE OF YEARS NOW. he has all workers comp in his control now and deaths and harm and illegal dumps onto Medicare that insiders say is a couple of trillion owed back to it. How do I know? He has ordered “let her die” on me and I began to investigate and file papers and he is in defiance of 38 federal agency judges on my cases alone. Most of Congress did not even know what they voted on then and few know now they have to budget monies for internal audits of govt contractors and for OIG to be able to stop crimes by govt contractors. DOD got some , and Sen sanders got some at VA and some arrest already made . GOVT CAN DO NOTHING UNTIL CONGRESS ALLOWS THEM TO. while everyone was focused on the Patriot act and the govt contractor being able to snoop, with no oversight. and media even gets that wrong. A real govt employee still has work audited and can be arrested. TELL CONGRESS PEOPLE ARE HUNGRY AND GET THE GOVT BACK IN CHARGE SO IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG THEY CAN ACT, IF NOTHING ELSE THEY COULD HAND OUT PAPER CHECKS IN CASE OF EMERGENCIES AS THEY WERE ONCE ABLE TO DO. DO YOU GET IT? THERE IS NO GOVTIN CHARGE AND HS NOTBEEN SINCE 2002. AND GOVT CAN ONLY ACCEPT WHAT THEY ARE TOLD AND CANNOT REALLY GET IN AND FIND OUT. AND CONGRESS HAS NOT ALLOWED ITSELF TO BOTHER A CONTRACTOR EITHER The BEAST SYSTEM HAS ALREADY HAPPENED AND NO ONE KNEW BUT THOSE LIKE ME ALREADY IN DIRECT FIGHT AGAINST IT. BUT MASSES WERE AFFECTED AND NOW THIS IS HORRIBLE AS CHILDREN ARE NOT IN SCHOOL TO EVEN GET FREE LUNCHES. CHRUCHES NEED TO OPEN YOUR KITCHENS AND THEN CONGRESS ACT NOW! Linda Joy Adams

    • Tedx

      John, try experimenting with real journalism. Like, identify the cities where your sources say the EBT cards don’t work. That is if there are sources making these claims, and you are not just doing fiction for the Matrix dreamers. People from those cities may be able to verify or challenge those claims. Without attribution, you’re just the guy at the end of the bar.

    • BrianBatten

      To those of you who want to start prepping and don’t know where to start I highly recommend checking out this guys blog. He reviews some awesome ebooks that helped me out a ton when I was first starting out.

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