Domestic Terrorism? Another Train Derails! (VIDEO)
Another commuter train was derailed just hours ago in Paris, with casualites being reported (see video below)
Six days ago it was Quebec where criminal activity for the derailment is being investigated. On May 29th a train derailed near Baltimore along with a massive explosion. We’ve also seen derailment over the last 10 days in Florida, Tennessee, Texas, and even Russia to name just some of them. In March, a train carrying crude oil derailed in Minnesota spilling 20-30,000 gallons of oil.
Besides train derailments there have been other explosions that could point to something other than just an accident. The Texas fertilizer explosion was not without it’s controversy on how that happened (was it a bomb or torpedo? See video here).
Besides all of this, we’ve recently had the fertilizer plant explode in Texas, two large explosions at a chemical plant in Lousiana and a propane facility in Indiana. (See that video here)
Seems to some that there is more here than meets the eye. A Jihadi group claime responsibility for last week’s Arizona fires that claimed the life of 19 firefighters, although officials deny that is possible.
july 16th will be a big news day…. the all star game could see a dirty bomb or chemical terror attack. I have always said “americas pastime would be a major false flag target…and this is the year of numbers of the cycle of nine!
july 20th and 22 will also see major quake and mideast activity unfold.
the racial element has been interjected by sharpton-jackson obama and others in the media,and americas good hard working people will pay the price as usual.
get ready