
The Conservative Pen
There has always been a controversy over the relationship of the church and the government. How should we as Christian\'s and God\'s people react to an ungodly government such as we have today? The Lord tell us plainly in His word that we are to respect the government of the land and to obey the laws. This is true because the people need certain restraints to stop the chaos and the breaking of the laws which come from sin. However the government of any given country, including ours, is just like anything else: They are subject to God\'s laws and His instruction. God, in the Scriptures, says the government is His servant to you {the people} for good. Now What does that mean? It is really simple, if you read and study God\'s word you will soon see in detail what our Lord means! When any government abandons its proper roll or function it stops being the governing body that the Lord designed. Let me make that even more plainer for those of you that are having a hard time with what I\'m saying. When a government puts into place a law that does not agree with God\'s law we are to oppose it and speak out against it because it is no longer blessed by God! You can read my blogs at
Valid 10 years unless revoked
First amendment rights: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
The Obama Mandate
42 views | Politics | Nov 18 2012 07:19
New Word For The Day - "Dhimmitude
74 views | Healthcare | Nov 05 2012 13:53
VOTE: Return To The Old Paths
18 views | Election 2012 | Nov 05 2012 08:28
The Real Agenda
384 views | Obama | Oct 23 2012 16:06
Obama Voters
232 views | Election 2012 | Oct 21 2012 10:42
OBAMA: Strange And Baffling
792 views | Election 2012 | Oct 21 2012 06:14
AMERICA: Land Of The Nicolaitans
187 views | Religion | Oct 20 2012 16:37
Living By Faith In Jesus Above!
94 views | Religion | Oct 17 2012 14:49

