
Founded in 1980 and headquartered in Westport, Connecticut, Euro Pacific is a full service, FINRA-registered broker/dealer that has historically been recognized for its expertise in foreign markets and securities. Through its direct relationships with countless foreign trading desks, the firm's clients are able to avoid the large spreads often imposed by domestic market makers of foreign securities, thereby substantially reducing overall transaction costs. See The Euro Pacific Advantage Though we offer access to all U.S. stocks and bonds, and are certainly knowledgeable in domestic investments, we specialize in international securities. By trading foreign stocks and bonds through Euro Pacific Capital, individual investors can benefit from our extensive experience in this highly specialized area. Euro Pacific Capital's clients gain access to foreign markets which are out of reach for most individual investors trading through traditional brokerage firms. With Euro Pacific's guidance, buying foreign stocks and bonds, and building a truly global portfolio, has never been easier. Let us put our experience to work for you. Euro Pacific Capital does not engage in any market making activities, thus the firm's individual and corporate clients can be assured that any recommendations given are free from the various conflicts of interest so prevalent among Wall Street brokerage firms. Peter Schiff, the firm’s president, and a renowned pioneer in the field of international investing for individual investors, leads a team of investment professionals and support staff dedicated to the highest levels of customer service, a team literally searching the world over for valuable investment opportunities.
Valid 10 years unless revoked
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