
Traditional Britain Group
bout The Traditional Britain Group exists to offer a non-partisan, meta political and open alternative within traditionalist conservative thought. Under a new generation of young, enthusiastic and passionate talent we offer a focal point to promote ideas, discussion, networking, education and action and seek to galvanise and lend courage to like minded politicians, journalists, academics, students, businesses and community leaders who share our passion for a rejuvenated traditional Britain. Working alongside like-minded groups, organisations and individuals – and through the use of modern media, the internet, marketing campaigns, meetings, university groups, lectures and social events - we hope to be able to bring together those who broadly agree with a real conservative alternative to social liberalism. British traditions and heritage are under threat as never before. Political correctness and enforced multiculturalism have watered down our rich national character and have forced honest and intelligent people to hide their true feelings for fear of reprisals. Since World War II, assaults on our culture, heritage, constitution and institutions have gathered apace, leaving many dismayed and thirsty for a change. Most British people yearn for the attacks on British traditions to cease so that we can begin to rebuild our lost and damaged heritage. Today liberal-left ideas have come to dominate all areas of British society. The traditional, organic and intrinsic, social, spiritual, legal and economic institutions of the British have been undermined and destroyed in the name of vague promises of equality and freedom. Instead a vacuum has been created that has been filled by little more than blind consumerism, broken communities, and socio-economic and moral decline - as a result we are now faced with a small ideological, managerial and corporate elite that dominate Britain from Westminster and Brussels with little accountability. The Traditional Britain Group hopes to demonstrate that there is an alternative for Britain – and that the English, Welsh, Irish and Scottish nations are worth preserving! Traditional Britain Group Organisation The Traditional Britain Group is run by a small committe of officials and a Chairman, supported by a President and a Vice President. Every year we hold an Annual General Meeting where committee members are nominated and elected according to our Constitution. Officials President: The Lord Sudeley, F.S.A Vice President: Gregory Lauder-Frost, F.S.A.Scot Chairman: Louis Welcomme Committee members: Henry Hopwood-Phillips Liam Stokes Leigh Zouga Quilter George Jones --- Please feel free to browse our website and contact us for further information on upcoming meetings. Get involved today by becoming a member of the Traditional Britain Group. Take a look at our Traditional Britain meetings page or follow us on Facebook or Twitter to find out more about our events. Check out our local Traditional Britain Groups. Feel free also to sign up to our Traditional Britain e-newsletter to receive our latest blog articles, videos and group news
Valid 10 years unless revoked
First amendment rights: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

