
Stand Up America Now
Stand Up America Now with Dr Terry Jones America is no longer free. We are slaves to our National Debt, to reckless spending, to lumbering bureaucracies, to crippling government control. Internationally and at home America is mocked and manipulated by less powerful nations, foreign ideologies and interests. We are no longer our own master. What leaders will challenge America’s slavery? Barak Hussein Obama is a fraud whose treasonous actions go unchecked by a cowardly Congress. Obama should be impeached. But the media scrape and bow to their handlers, selling their show of the rich and beautiful to a hypnotized nation. America is no longer free. Terry Jones stood before the world during the week of 9/11/2010 and continues to stand as a champion of freedom. His life and actions prove that he is not enslaved. He believes there is still enough freedom left in America that America’s greatness and independence can be reclaimed. The critical security threat is not overseas. It is at home in America. It is America’s economic and moral weakness, it is fear and apathy. Bold leadership is absent at this crucial moment in history. Terry Jones with Stand Up America Now are stepping forward to expose America’s bondage and offer a road to freedom. We must hold on to the US Constitution, especially The Bill of Rights with the First and Second Amendments. These are weapons our Founding Fathers used to secure our freedom. We have begun to toss them aside under assault from progressive compromise. This is not progress. It is suicide.
Valid 10 years unless revoked
First amendment rights: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

