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ObaMAGIC how and why he won the election! Updated!

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“When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him”


 Dear Readers;  

As expected so many unconscious people proclaimed the veracity of modern astrology  and joined by Dr. Turi’s Internet Enemies they all rejoice of my “failed” prediction. What is truly amazing in the ratio of two to one how come with such a simple prediction over 50% of American and billions of other human beings on foreign grounds were right and Dr. Turi was wrong? I can also proudly say, it seems to be the ONLY “prediction” I failed while being accurate endlessly on radio, on television and in my endless chain of articles - CIA Director’s Secrets

What’s going on here? Today I have decided to fully explain the “magical” reasons behind President Obama’s SHOCKING reelection, knowing only a hand full of advanced souls will perceive and accept my theory. First read the victory email I received from Mr. Baker a columnist from United Astrology Conference. Incidentally not astrology but their ego made sure I would not participate at any of their events because they all refuse to acknowledge Astrology is an Art and Dr. Turi is the Master.  

On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 3:19 PM, <<a href=”mailto:[email protected]” target=”_blank”>[email protected]> wrote:

“The election is over and I wish to remind readers that the vast majority of professional astrologers were correct in their forecast about the outcome. At the United Astrology Conference, held in New Orleans in late May 2012 and as reported in this column, I emceed a panel of six professional astrologers on the Election 2012. They gave their astrological reasons as to the outcome of the election. All six concluded that their astrological studies indicated Barack Obama would be re-elected. It was consistent with the conclusions discussed in this column and the Forecast Book 2012 as well. I may have no joy about being right because of the continued gridlock that this “no change” election portends, but I am very proud of the fact that once again, the study of Astrology proved to be a valuable and accurate forecasting tool regarding the cycles of human activity. ”  Quote from this weeks financial preview by Ray Merriman of MMA Cycles Report -  My work agreed……….the western astrological approach is doing fine……………


 DT rebuttal:  First I can guarantee you that, LL Baker will not report anything I am about to divulge to his own readers but knowing he himself read all my Cosmic Code newsletters, chances are the millions of other astrologers learning from my work all over the world, including India will read my response. Forbes Financial Astrology from “India”

Little do they know of the Scorpius “Power of the Dragon” or the South and North nodes of the moon secrets which they know nothing about, teach or even understand. Now how wonder if any of the “six professional astrologers” picked by United Astrology Conference elites, either spoke about it at the conference or wrote a 515 page book like I did? Do you want the facts then help me find the fact if you attended this conference and have a DVD of all speakers, then you can always tell me who’s right and confirm my claims. 

Again Six professional astrologers were right with a ridiculous choice between two people and I missed it? Come on readers what’s wrong with me when I did thousands of predictions right?  By the way out of the six professional astrologers how many of them post regularly  fulfilled predictions made months ago?  CIA Director’s Secrets . I wonder how many of the ”six professional astrologers” picked by United Astrology Conference elites offered you TWO FREE books so you can read the facts of their dated, printed and published predictions?  

It seems again only Dr. Turi does so! Again out of the six professional astrologers which one has a well documented set of predictions on their websites for the public to judge their talent and put the green where the mouth is? And exposing the facts on how to pick the right Astrologer should not not mistaken for yet another of Dr. Turi’s ego ride because even if the media and the United Astrology Conference are trying to stop my message, the Scorpius Dragon is on my side.Warning Scorpius Dragon Has Arrived!

The fact is there is much more behind astrology forecasting than what the eye and mind can see  and while I warned of the strong possibility of a rigged election and  to prepare for a HUGE SHOCK weeks ahead of time it seem once again my prediction came to pass. Now how many of the Six professional astrologers or any other “talking Heads” invited by George Noory on Coast to Coast made such an obvious prediction?

The fact is ONLY Dr. Turi  because on November 6th both the blue and the red has the anticipated SHOCK I saw and warned about!  Obama and his team were happily surprised  while Mitt Romney and supporters SHOCKED to death!  Yes or no readers, do you agree or not? But now the question is if you just landed on Dr. Turi you have absolutely no clue of what other faithful readers of mine who followed me since my first post on the election have experienced, including all my warnings. 

Nostradamus 16th century  rare Divine Astrology methodology taught me that human will, the supra-conscious and a mercury retrograde producing natural disasters, technical confusions and death “Sandy” lead to a rigged election… In fact all modern astrologers KNOWS this fact and while guessing the outcome they were all right and I was wrong? Then the  CIA Director’s Secrets came to light on the election night?  Its common knowledge with a Mercury retrograde (or a Super Nova window) for the affairs of the past, chain reaction accidents, natural disasters and confusion to reign and I kept warning the world hours before the election. Red Fire Wind Water To Dance

I worked my butt off for weeks made my predictions for that specific time well before the United Astrology Conference elites invited their professional astrologers but why do they speak now? where were they when all the drama was unfolding? QUIET as can be because they DID NOT KNOW what was going to be the outcome, but I knew! 

Come on readers, it does not matter now who won or who lost the elections, we have the facts in hand and a new elected Obama President, but ask yourself where you SURPRISED or SHOCKED on 11/06/12 when the results came? SHOCKING SHELL-SHOCKED Election!

If so regardless of it all my prediction came true if you were.  Did any of  the 6 professional astrologers  picked by United Astrology Conference elites, either spoke about it at the conference or posted anything on all major public networks? Do you want the facts then help me find the fact if you attended this conference and have a DVD of all speakers, then you can always tell me who’s right and confirm my claims yes? Don’t bother they did not…

And you wonder why George Noory or the  United Astrology Conference elites did not invite me? John Hogue versus Dr. Turi on Nostradamus part 2 because when asked for the election results this is exactly what I would have said… Be prepared for a big shock, explosions, large earthquakes and  on that night if President Obama get re-elected its because the election will be rigged and this will  make his life in serious danger. In fact millions of George’s listeners KNOWS how I work and I am asking the reader to take the time to click on this link – Because the same type of  Uranic energy then produced my unarguable predictions - A Note To George Noory about my predictions

Now let me explain Obama’s magic…Remember we are dealing with the spirit here, with the archetypal realm of consciousness and with REAL astrology.  

1 – On that night (at least in my Astropsychology work) Mercury the planet of communication was in retrograde motion  and produced all *predicted natural disasters experienced a few days before the elections…Sandy death toll hits 113 | Photos Then total confusion on November 6th  and still to this day there are thousands of people without power, gas or heat Sandy relief: 5,000 pizzas, 1,000 sliders.

COME ON AMERICA, LIPA to restore last 80000 NY power outages from Sandy on Tues and do you think the situation was better on November 6th 2012 or a week ago on election night? If you do not realize that the technology used was affected and more than unreliable or down on the election night because of the Mercury retrograde motion I will never be able to help you and make you realize the stars DID NOT support Obama’s re-election but the human will, the interest groups, the crooks in power did the job and USED the malicious stars at their advantage. 

Now will you trust George Noory’s unconscious Nostradamus psychics wanna be talking heads, the 6 professionals astrologers picked by the United Astrology Conference elites or Dr. Turi? Lets find how many accurate predictions those astrologers or any “psychic” did in the past and use logical mathematics if intuition is missing? 

2 – How many of you took the time to read my warnings about Mitt Romney being very unlucky with foreigners and Latinos at large? Mitt Romney Bad News For the US Foreign Affairs!  If fact Latinos are the  main reason for Obama’s re-election because Obama’s humanitarian, altruistic Aquarius Dragon’s Tail endorse the uneducated mass of workers. I tried so hard to make the reader understand the relationship between Princess Diana, America and Obama’s Fated Stars but how many took the time to read my work on the Aquarius Dragon’s Tail and my visions in full? 

3- Tell me readers, how many countries in the world would benefit from having Obama as a President? Tell me now how many billions of foreigners HATE America and want to see us and our regime, our freedom, our might, our wealth and power and all that we represent and stand for, DECIMATED!  Gee I am French but I feel more American inside than half of the unconscious American born and  raised in this country! 

4- This is indeed what I perceive as the utmost “magic” than finalize my findings…I tried again to wake people up on such possibilities I know to be very real  when I wrote Psychic Terrorism Iran, Syria Haarp Behind Hurricane Sandy - But how many people can assimilate such high spiritual wisdom when the vital education,  experiences and natal UCI *Unique Celestial Identity is missing?  How can any young soul build cosmic consciousness when my students and I are part of such a ridiculous insignificant numbers of light teachers? 

To this day our infantile science is still wondering of the formation and the  unusual direction Sandi Super Storm took.  Why in hell this Super storm decided to HIT N.Y which is perceived by all foreigners as the heart of America and chosen by the terrorists in 2001 to attack the World  Trade Center. Most of all why in hell Sandi hit N.Y only a few days before the elections? Did those questions occur to your mind readers or do you need Dr. Turi to raise your awareness?  Did any of George Norry’s guests or  the six professional astrologers picked by United Astrology Conference elites gave you any plausible answers yet? 

Let me tell you something our infantile scientific community and 99.09% of the world is about to uncover with my help…There are such a thing as “Psychic Terrorism” and you just experienced one on November 6th, 2012 readers. 

But what is so detrimental to America is;  all its political, religious and educational leaders including President Obama and Mitt Romney themselves, not to forget the Homeland security and all the FBI and CIA agents reading my work are  totally  UNCONSCIOUS of the inner power of the supra-conscious in time and space responsible for our common future.  The billions of  ”Talking Heads” from all corners of this world are trying to make sense to why Obama got re-elected but the Supra-conscious forces are so subtle, so real and so dangerous if my wisdom fall in the wrong hands… Knowing humanity has lost the essence of its spirit and God’s celestial divinity is ridicule daily by the agnostics, the skeptics, the atheist  all human have left is conspiracy theories, science and religions…

But God has his own way of teaching his sinners I guess, regardless of my endless efforts and requests to help me and give me a bigger voice. Meantime the gravity of the situation for the USA is extreme… Remember there is no hell for you to go to, hell is right here, in your own ignorance, in your religious fears, in your skepticism, your assumptions and your lack of curiosity…  Everyone is turning against me, my wisdom, my visions as the angel of darkness lead by evil are working overtime to shut the precious light I have for you. 

“When a true genius appears in this world you may know him by this sign that the dunces are all in confederacy against him”



It all can be summarized in this short  four minutes video  I hope you will watch as to understand such a deep manifesto…

May God Bless and protect America against psychic terrorism and may god give me the strength to keep enlightening my world wide reading audience…

Lastly watch the news and be cautious on those dates so you can really  appreciate my gift and help me to reach the world  SOS To The World Nov 12/13/14


Israeli airstrikes target Gaza ‘terror tunnel’ Trading fire   - Wake Up Call?

UK to release radical cleric on bail -  Terrorism?

Extremist would destroy Sphinx -  Terrorism?

Sandy death toll hits 113 | Photos - Death News?



 Important note to all my supporters; on December 1st 2012 I will stop posting on all popular public websites including face book. I don’t have much to prove about my predictive gift anymore and I must concentrate on my VIP’s while bringing those worth my wisdom to my existing highly spiritual cosmic coders family. 
Joining me you can participate and communicate with my students or others VIP’s or simply read and learn about their lives etc. 
My webmasters are hard at work preparing the launch of a radio/TV show right from the Cosmic Code website  where I will perform endless mini readings, do personal predictions, offer SOS window to the world, teach the Cosmic code secrets, do monthly forecast, transits and so much more. Its like being the “George Noory” of the metaphysical world because I am forced to do so due to the importance of my information and predictions for America. No more censoring if Coast to Coast is afraid of me and the competition I represent then so be it. My posts are also banned from their website and dictate how insecure they became with Dr. Turi.  
The current Scorpius dragon force me to act and become the voice of truth where censoring me  and my wisdom is not an option anymore. Think of your 2013 12 months cosmic code subscription as a donation to my mission and your participation for the truth and the same dedication I own working endlessly for the children of the future and their spiritual freedom. 
Its time for you to show the same drive for uncovering and sharing God’s cosmic will and his divine celestial nature unfolding daily through the signs.  

 Thank you all
Dr. Turi




Dr. Turi   Important note to all my supporters; on December 1st 2012 I will stop posting on all popular public websites including face book. I don’t have much to prove about my predictive gift anymore and I must concentrate on my VIP’s while bringing those worth my wisdom to my existing highly spiritual cosmic coders family. 

Joining me you can participate and communicate with my students or others VIP’s or simply read and learn about their lives etc. 
My webmasters are hard at work preparing the launch of a radio/TV show right from the Cosmic Code website  where I will perform endless mini readings, do personal predictions, offer SOS window to the world, teach the Cosmic code secrets, do monthly forecast, transits and so much more. Its like being the “George Noory” of the metaphysical world because I am forced to do so due to the importance of my information and predictions for America. No more censoring if Coast to Coast is afraid of me and the competition I represent then so be it. My posts are also banned from their website and dictate how insecure they became with Dr. Turi.  
The current Scorpius dragon force me to act and become the voice of truth where censoring me  and my wisdom is not an option anymore. Think of your 2013 12 months cosmic code subscription as a donation to my mission and your participation for the truth and the same dedication I own working endlessly for the children of the future and their spiritual freedom. 
Its time for you to show the same drive for uncovering and sharing God’s cosmic will and his divine celestial nature unfolding daily through the signs.  
 Thank you all
Dr. Turi

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