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Rectifying and Reconciling: Planet-X and Geophysical Signs; Eschatology and NWO; First Antichrist Emerges; Then Jesus (pbuh) Descends; Rapture; Cycle of Creation; Syria

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The 2012 timeline hoax was carefully crafted and placed, so the average human will not be able to connect the dots of geophysical changes around the world to the passage of Planet-X (Nibiru) until the final hours of its approach.  This timeline was promoted for mankind to focus on and ridicule this subject to the point after which no one would ever want to hear anything regarding the end time major events and signs until it is too late.  Unprecedented levels of changes in weather patterns, earthquakes, volcanic activity, atmospheric and oceanic disturbances are highlighted in this article, and how the acceleration of these changes are connected with eschatological events.  

In examining the monotheistic religious sources (Judaism, Christianity, Islam), one comes to the realization of something very important.  Judaism gives the good news of coming of the Messiah king in the future who will rule the world justly with unimaginable peace and security.  1500 years later came the Messiah Jesus (pbuh); majority of those waiting for him rejected him, and claimed that they killed him and that he was an impostor. Those of the children of Israel who believed Jesus (peace be upon him) was the Messiah are certain that the same Messiah will come back again.   

Then 650 years later comes Islam pointing to the same person Jesus (pbuh) and tells mankind he was in fact the true Messiah and for sure he is the one to come again.  Strange indeed, how this one man is so important that mighty messengers of the Creator prophet Moses (pbuh) before the Messiah, and prophet Muhammad (pbuh) after the Messiah’s miracle virgin birth and ascension, points back at him (Jesus pbuh) that he is to come again to rule the world from Jerusalem.  Also, how is it possible that Jesus (pbuh) who prophesied a great number of events leading up to his 2nd coming didn’t mention the coming of Islam and Muslims (1.5 billion humans) who also believe he is the true Messiah of God of Abraham. This is just an introduction to this subject, there’s immense depth and history behind it.  This is where current events of the world and history come together. 

We will also look at complexity of Syrian war and the geopolitical grand chess game.  In the 21st century we saw the destruction of a number of nations from Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine, Sudan, Yemen, and others.  No one cared as those nations were plundered, but when it came to Syria everyone jumped in.  Syria is the game changer and the cause for a great paradigm shift which is in progress now.   

Beginning of the Article: 

Those who see the world with both eyes open, see that there is a paradigm shift in progress today.  The false perception of reality (utilizing mass media) built upon falsehood around the world especially since the beginning of the 21st century has started to show its first signs of crumbling.  This is the beginning of the birth pangs of a new age, a new era, a time of fulfillment of prophecies.  The major global events that have passed were also prophesied in great detail.   

The outstanding prophecies paint a beautiful future, a peaceful world where no one sleeps hungry, and justice is dispensed by a divinely appointed king Jesus, son of Mary (pbut).  It’s going to be a golden era which mankind hasn’t seen since the fall of the pharaoh of Moses (pbuh).  If I was to spell out the human advancement in technology, spirituality, social welfare, and space exploration in that golden period, you wouldn’t believe a word I say, because from where mankind stands and views the world today, the true glory of the future is inconceivable no matter how good human imagination might be; just like the true glory of the era of king David (pbuh) and Solomon (pbuh) is still not well understood.   

Those who continue to acquire knowledge and connect with the Creator will be blessed with insights in to the hidden dimensions in the material/physical world and a peek in to the secrets of God’s plan on earth.  The benevolent ones of this generation and the next have been chosen by the Creator, God of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad (peace be upon them all) for a great purpose only to unfold bit by bit as they become ready to receive the next level of comprehension.  The only thing I request is that you give this information a chance and take a step in to what I am about to show you.   

(Understanding existence, phenomenon of Time, manual of life, see the article below) 

Understanding Existence; Phenomenon of Time; Manual of Life 

Read through and then decide by praying to the Creator, God of Abraham to show you signs if what I am passing on to you is the truth.  I am a student of this subject for over a decade, and it is my humble attempt to present to you the high level realistic condition of planet earth and reconcile monotheistic religious views of eschatology (study of end times), ancient prophecies, geopolitics, geophysical signs, passage of the destroyer planet/star through the solar system in the 21st century, historical facts along with future trend forecasts; hope what’s presented below will be of benefit to you.   

(pbuh)=peace be upon him/her 

(pbut)=peace be upon them 



Planet-X Passage - Geophysical Changes and the Paradigm Shift 

I am hoping that with this article I will add a unique dimension to your understanding of the world events as they unfold with the global paradigm shift which we see in progress today, and how pharaohs of today calculate the end time world events that were prophesied 14 centuries ago in Islamic tradition and 2000 years ago by Jesus (pbuh) in to their plans hoping to achieve their greater objectives.  This subject has been kept confused and discreet for over 3000 years from the mainstream educational institutions.  Even in the Quran (final revelation) the Creator has allowed this subject to be kept hidden, but has given signs for those who He has given the understanding.   

Around the world today, we see increased intensity and frequency of earthquakes, intense tectonic and volcanic activity, weather patterns changing due to ocean conveyor belt and sub-oceanic currents changing, and our ionosphere and upper atmospheric wind currents changing which is the cause of climate change in many parts of the world.  Birds falling dead in hundreds, fish and other marine life washing up dead in millions, snow and drought in areas never seen before, sky-quakes (unexplained trumpet or hammer like sounds), magnetic field of the earth being distorted.  All of these events are absolutely connected and happening due to the presence of an external force and close proximity of this huge elusive celestial object known as Planet-X, Nibiru or dwarf star unknown to mankind (general population), knowledge of which has been kept within tight knit circles for millennial.  

I personally believe that the acceleration and convergence of all major world events, wars, financial and economic pending collapse, reshaping of the Middle-East and Eastern-Europe, encirclement of China and Russia, military force re-position and changing geopolitical paradigm was initially designed to match the timeline of passage of Planet-X to compound the effects of the carnage and destruction of the world in favor of the pharaohs of today.  However, just like pharaoh of Moses (pbuh) miscalculated; history will repeat itself one more time in our times.   

My research on Planet-X is covered in great detail in my other articles.   

  1. Comprehending Planet-X’s Passage and Phenomenon of Time; Sequence of Events 

  1. Jesus (pbuh) in Islamic Eschatology (Study of the End Times); Planet-X and 10 Major Signs Prior to the Last Hour 

  1. Connecting the Dots – Mega Quakes Frequency and Intensity; Solar CMEs; Planet-X (Nibiru) and Nemesis; Magnetic Poles; Schumann Resonance Frequency; ‘Global Warming’; Ancient Prophecies 

  1. Comprehensive Analysis of Planet-X (Nibiru) and Binary Companion of the Sun (Nemesis); Quantum Physics; Khazars; Sun’s Radioactive Particle Decay Rate; Egyptian Pyramids 

Identifying and Comprehending — Planet-X’s Passage and Threat in the Quran; Nemesis Solar System; Extreme Temperature Fluctuation; Day of Reckoning 



Eschatological Analysis and New World Order (NWO): 

I am a research analyst of Islamic eschatology, political and religious history, geopolitics, macroeconomics, global finance, 4th and 5th generation warfare, international monetary system, and have added the subject of Planet-X in the mix for the last 7 years.   

The greatest objective of the forces of false messiah (antichrist) in the 21st century is to sow deep divisions between Muslims and Christians (totaling 3.5 billion humans) awaiting the same personality Jesus, son of Mary (peace be upon them) to come and deliver humanity from oppression and injustice, and establish the just rule of God of Abraham on every inch on the face of earth.  It is our prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who informed us that his brother Jesus (pbuh) (both are from the lineage of prophet Abraham (pbuh)) is the true Messiah of the Creator, and it is Jesus (pbuh) who will descend and rule the world in the last age; not any other prophet of God.  Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the seal of the prophets after which no new prophet will come to earth until the descent of Jesus (pbuh).     

Son of Mary, Jesus (peace be upon them) will descend from the sky in a magnificent show of power as a great sign of God to rule the world justly from the throne of prophet kings David (pbuh) and Solomon (pbuh) from Jerusalem as a fulfillment of the last condition of him being the true Messiah.  Jesus (pbuh) is the second most mentioned prophet in the Quran after Moses (pbuh).  Jesus (pbuh) is addressed 187 times in the Quran, 25 times by name.  Mary (pbuh) is mentioned 34 times by name.  Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is mentioned 4 times by this name and once by his name Ahmed.  

Those currently occupying the holy land (Jerusalem) will not accept anyone as their messiah unless he is born from among them as a Jew.  The Israelite establishment 2000 years ago had certainly rejected Jesus (pbuh) at the time of his miracle birth from Virgin Mary (pbuh) even after seeing countless signs and miracles by the Messiah.  Islamic tradition tells us that Jesus (pbuh) will not make his 2nd coming until and unless the false messiah has completed his mission of impersonating the true Messiah.   

Jesus (pbuh) will not be born again, but will descend from the heaven in the greatest of a sign to mankind, resting his hands on the shoulders of two angels, wearing saffron color clothing; he is white in complexion; his blessed scent will reach the corners of the earth as far as the eye can see.  The location of his descent will not be London, New York, DC, or Moscow but Damascus, Syria where the forces of good will be surrounded by the forces of antichrist.  The current crisis in Syria was foretold by Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in great detail and much more; a lot is yet to unfold around the world before the 2nd coming of Jesus (pbuh).   

Quran 61:14 – O believers, be you God’s helpers, as Jesus, Mary’s son, said to the Apostles. ‘Who will be my helpers unto God?’ The Apostles said, ‘We will be helpers of God.’ And a party of the Children of Israel believed, and a party disbelieved. So, We confirmed those who believed against their enemy, and they became uppermost. 

An entity, false messiah, was unleashed 2000 years ago when the rabbis rejected the true Messiah, and called him the imposter.  Jesus (pbuh), one of the 5 mighty prophets, one who could raise the dead back to life, blow his breadth in to a clay bird which comes to life and fly away, pray over little quantity of food and feed hundreds with it, and countless other miracles was no match to be captured by the forces of evil of his time.  Jesus (pbuh) was a proof of God on earth that no one could touch him with any evil.  He roamed around the earth among men all his life and never could the devil face him directly. 

Establishment rabbis left Jesus (pbuh) alone until he overturned their usury business, the money changers’ tables at the Solomon temple.  It is at this time that rabbis felt their monetary and banking system and livelihood was threatened, as they are the original bankers.  So, those rabbis said to the believers, followers of Jesus, pointing to the cross (Muslims believe Jesus ascended to heaven in body and soul, and was not killed), look you call him the Messiah and he hasn’t completed his mission and look he’s dead.  He was supposed to: 

1-liberate the Holy Land from the Romans 

2-bring back the children of Israel from all around the world 

3-create the state of Israel – like David and Solomon (pbut) 

4-rule the world justly from Jerusalem 

Today the false messiah with his accomplices and daemons is fulfilling the end of history events managing them from the realm of the unseen.  There will soon come a day when a man (antichrist) emerges in our space and time, claiming to be the true messiah and then will claim to be God.  He will be well built, short in height, with curls in his hair, said prophet Muhammad (pbuh).  The Jewish establishment of Israel will never accept a Muslim, a Christian or a Hindu as their Messiah; their messiah has to be born from among them, only then will they submit to him and that is now what they are waiting for.  The ancient rabbi establishment of Jerusalem rejected the true Messiah Jesus, son of Mary (pbut) in his first coming and have no plans to accept him again; the messiah they are waiting for is the antichrist.  We are given physical signs to monitor prior to the arrival of this entity (antichrist).  Drying of the sea of Galilee along with other 50+ socio-economic and geopolitical indicators prior to the emergence of the false messiah have been mentioned in Islamic tradition, all of which except a few have come to pass.  The ten major signs are detailed in this article. 

  1. Jesus (pbuh) in Islamic Eschatology (Study of the End Times); Planet-X and 10 Major Signs Prior to the Last Hour 

Holy land has been ‘liberated’ in 1917 by the forces of the antichrist; from 1917-1948 forces that ‘liberated’ the holy land, brought back the ‘promised people’ from Europe, created the state of Israel and now it has risen to become a major world nuclear (WMD) power.  Since when did the Semitic Jews migrate in mass to Europe from the Middle East, only to return to the holy land in 20th century, one wonders?  Even to this day many Semitic tribes of children of Israel (descendants of Prophet Jacob/Israel (pbuh)) around the world refuse to migrate to the holy land, believe in diaspora as they recognize the impostor state (Israel) and actors at play there.   

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), who is a descendant of Prophet Ishmael (pbuh) son of Prophet Abraham (pbuh), has told us the false messiah will come from Isfahan, Iran; a strange place indeed.  Take a look at the demographics there, and you’ll find a large community of ancient Jews still live there and enjoy a very close relationship with the Iranian government’s top leadership.  They refuse to migrate to Israel and held an anti-holocaust conference a number of years back. 

Then take a look at the Saudi Wahabi nation, ruling over Makkah (Ancient name Becca; Psalm 84:5-6 mentions this valley; see Note 2 below) and Medinah; those who created Saudi and protected it for the last 90+ years, you’ll find them the same people who ‘liberated’ and protected the holy land 100+ years ago.  These are two sister states (Saudi, Israel), only to add isis in the mix trained, logistically supported and managed very carefully from Israel; ideologically supported by Saudi.  Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) foretold the coming of heretics and called them dogs of hell.  He (pbuh) said whoever kills them is the best of man and who dies at their hands is the best of martyrs.  Their proxy franchise terror groups are present in other parts of the Muslim world and now finally being eradicated one by one.   

Now look at the Vatican, I don’t think I have to say much about them busy hoarding wealth buried in their coffers while majority Christians in Africa, South and East Asia, and South and central America suffer extreme poverty.  Politically Islam, Christianity and Judaism have been successfully hijacked by the antichrist henchmen that are present in all three religions.  The average simple good man is led by wolves.  All of this is allowed by the Creator as an argument against the hypocrites and evildoers on judgment day that God’s obedient men were true to their covenant even in the most difficult of times, and held the rope of faith firmly to be distinguished and rewarded immensely.   

I recognize that passage of Planet-X will cause major changes shifting the balance between good and evil for the last time as evil is prevalent in all aspects of human affairs today. The stage will then be set for the emergence of the false messiah, the antichrist.  Those who rejected Jesus (pbuh) and are still in rejection will claim that finally their version of truth has now triumphed and their messiah (antichrist) has finally arrived.  After the antichrist is followed by all those who will follow him in hell as well, that is when the son of Mary Jesus, the true Messiah (pbut) will finally make his return.  He will kill the false messiah and will rule the world from Jerusalem.  Truth will finally triumph over falsehood one last time.  In Islamic tradition it mentions the rule of Jesus (pbuh) to be of 40 years.  Then he will pass away just like all prophets prior to him and his final resting place is reserved in the holiest of places right next to Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) grave in the city of Medina.   


If rapture takes place before the 2nd coming then it would indicate that God of Abraham, the All Powerful, Al-Mighty is not capable to take down His enemies here on earth and had to evacuate His Messiah out of earth, and is not able to send His Messiah back to complete the task.  We know God is All Powerful and His Messiah’s absence from this world is a test for the believers.  Those who opposed Jesus (pbuh) the first time around, God is allowing them to exhaust all their efforts to try to control and rule the world.  The followers of antichrist are working tirelessly but their hard work will end in their own demise.  Rapture prior to the 2nd coming of Jesus (pbuh) could be in metaphorical sense; coming out of darkness (ignorance, falsehood, deception) in to light of truth regarding the end of history events; coming out of the false indoctrination of the this age where it teaches man that debt is wealth, same sex marriage is progress, 3 person babies are smarter, false wars are needed for peace, political correctness is not suppression of truth; teaches you to trust the mainstream media, politicians and History channel blindly, freedom to lie is freedom of speech, gender change and heedlessness is human evolution.  When majority votes in favor of euthanization, abortion, drugs, prostitution, and slavery it becomes legal; it’s a norm in this age to make lawful what God made unlawful and vice versa.   

After passing of Jesus (pbuh), mankind will enjoy prosperity as long as they are grateful to the Creator, God of Abraham.  Then one more time heedlessness will start to prevail; this is when rapture will take place; a sweet breeze around the world will sweep up all the good souls of the believers.  The day of reckoning will come upon the most wicked of humans.  This is when the trumpet shall be blown.  Once the physical world comes to an end, the Creator will raise up all humanity from Adam (pbuh) to the last of them and judgment begins.  Believers whose good deeds outweigh the bad will all be sent to paradise and evil ones will be cast in hell for eternity.  The wish to be “raptured” out is a psychological subconscious desire in a good person who sees chaos, destruction, bloodshed, heedlessness, and ignorance that has prevailed around him and wishes to exit this falsehood; if anything, it’s a sign of faith that is still embedded in the heart.  However, everything that is written in the book of predestination, the preserved tablet, must first come to pass.   

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in the Torah and Bible 

Today there are groups among men faithfully waiting for the 2nd coming of the true Messiah to rule the world with justice from Jerusalem, and then there are those who want to impose the world order of the antichrist.  This group is comprised of corrupt members from all religions.  Isn’t it interesting that Judaism points to the coming of the Messiah (pbuh) and the coming of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) (Song of Solomon chapter 5 verse 16; see Note1 at the end of this article).  Then came the Messiah Jesus (pbuh) verifying and authenticating the message of prophet Moses (pbuh), proclaiming he is the promised Messiah; majority rejected and he ascended to the heavens.  Then comes Islam, points to the 2nd coming of the Messiah Jesus son of Mary (pbut); pointing back 600+ years to the Messiah before Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), also authenticating and verifying the message of Prophet Moses (pbuh).  It is a historical fact that Islam grew and expanded its rule to 3 continents and for the past 1400+ years declares Jesus (pbuh) the true Messiah and openly claims that he will come at the end of time to rule the world.   

Current form of Judaism rejects son of Mary Jesus (pbuh) to be the true Messiah.  Rabbis are still waiting for their messiah to be born.  Many Jews born after Jesus’ (pbuh) ascension who only heard the corrupted truth and will perhaps believe in Jesus (pbuh) and submit to his authority upon his 2nd coming; a number of Semitic tribes still refuse to migrate to Israel.  It is inconceivable that Jesus (pbuh) did not mention monumental event of arrival of Islam which declares him the Messiah of God.   

In the absence of the original Aramaic Bible and Hebrew Torah, today any and all prophecy from Jesus (pbuh) and Moses (pbuh) pointing to the future coming of a monotheistic nation who also considers Jesus (pbuh) the true Messiah has been erased.  Jesus (pbuh) prophesied great number of events leading up to his 2nd coming but didn’t mention the rise of Islam, doesn’t add up.  Quran tells us that the best of friends to you ‘O Believers’ are those who call themselves the followers of Jesus (pbuh), the Christians.   

Quran 5:82 - Verily, you will find the strongest among men in enmity to the believers are the Jews and those who are Polytheists, and you will find the nearest in love to the believers those who say: “We are Christians.” That is because amongst them are priests and monks, and they are not proud.   

History is witness to what the 10 sons of Jacob/Israel (peace be upon him) did to their own brother Joseph (peace be upon him), attempted to kill him and then sold him in to slavery, but God chose Joseph to rule Egypt, and all of Israelites moved to Egypt, later after a long time, were enslaved by Egyptian pharaohs.  Israelites were blessed with prophet after prophet from Moses and Aaron all the way to Jesus (peace be upon them).  Jesus (pbuh) was betrayed like Joseph (pbuh) was betrayed by his own people.  God’s grace has been on the household of Jacob/Israel (pbuh) unlike any other nation in history.   

Quran praises righteous groups within children of Israel on numerous occasions.  The above verse points out those of the Jews who are hostile towards the believers.  Muslim men marry Jews and Christians (‘people of the book’).  Wife, the significant other is more than just a friend, a life partner who you trust with everything of yours.  Quran also admonishes severely the pagan Arabs for their initial hard heartedness towards Islam and warns the many hypocrites hiding their evil pretending to be Muslims.  God says it as it is, and does not feel the need to be politically correct.  The Creator is not biased towards his creation.    

Quran 2:62 – “Verily, those who believe and those who are Jews and Christians, and Sabians, whoever believes in God and the Last Day and does righteous deeds shall have their reward with their Lord, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve” 

Quran 3:33 – “Indeed, God chose Adam and Noah and the family of Abraham and the family of Imran (Mary’s father, Jesus’ maternal grandfather) over all the worlds.”  

Quran 61:6 - And [mention] when Jesus, the son of Mary, said, “O children of Israel, indeed I am the messenger of Allah (God; Creator) to you confirming what came before me of the Torah and bringing good tidings of a messenger to come after me, whose name is Ahmed.” But when he came to them with clear evidences, they said, “This is obvious magic.” 

Article: Common roots of Islam, Christianity and Judaism is discussed in the following article linked below. 

Ultimate objective of the anti Christ – Roots of Islam – Christianity and Islam waiting for Jesus (pbuh) explained 

Cycle of Creation:   

Adam (pbuh), mankind’s father in the heaven who came down to earth, was created without a father or a mother.  God created Adam (pbuh) with clay and breathed in to him His spirit.  Eve (pbuh), mankind’s mother in the heaven who came down to earth, was created from the rib of Adam (pbuh), a miraculous birth; so, from nothing came a man, and from a man came a woman. Then the sons and daughters came from man and woman.  The birth cycle was completed in the birth of Jesus (pbuh) son of Virgin Mary (pbuh), where a man came from a woman without a father, another miraculous birth indeed.  Now he is raised in the heaven and will descend to earth again with great glory.  Jesus is also known as Spirit of God in Islam.   

Antichrist’s greatest blow (in the 4th century A.D. in the council of Nicea) against the true Messiah Jesus (pbuh) after his ascension has been to finally change the fundamental doctrine of early Christianity; Oneness of God of Abraham, The Creator of all things.  Jesus (pbuh) came with proclaiming God’s oneness like his predecessors.  Also, to reaffirm and authenticate the message of Moses, Joseph, Jacob, Isaac, Abraham, Noah, and Adam (pbut) who all came with the same message that there is no other god, but a unique one God (The Creator), and they (the prophets) are the servants of the One and Only God.  Also inviting the people to shun idolatry, wickedness, corruption, social and moral decadence, promote good and forbid the vice.   

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) never claimed divinity and openly called himself the servant of God of Abraham.  It is inconceivable that the king of the children of Israel, Jesus (pbuh) would overturn the fundamental doctrine of the Torah of oneness of God of Abraham, and allow the most hated and banned meat in Israelite tradition of the swine back to the dinner table, and then go on to tell the children of Israel that he is their Messiah and he is on the religion of Moses (pbuh) and Abraham (pbuh).  Islam came after the original doctrine of Christianity was lost and Jesus (pbuh) returns when majority Muslims lost their true essence of faith and become heedless like majority Jews and majority Christians. 

There is always a small powerless scattered group among each of these religions that remains steadfast to the original monotheistic message and its true meaning.  These powerless oppressed ones God promises to bring back to being the dominant, and unite humanity under Jesus’ (pbuh) rule.  Last example of this was set by Moses (pbuh) when God delivered the oppressed children of Israel from the pharaoh, and within a few generations they saw the kingdom (super power) of the prophet kings David (pbuh) and Solomon (pbuh) the like of which mankind had never seen prior to that.   

The Creator is self-sufficient, is in need of no one.  God’s message from Adam (pbuh) all the way to Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (pbut) has been the same without discrepancy.  God neither begets, nor is He begotten.  Equal to Him has never been anyone.  The Creator is not created, and nothing created can be The Creator.  In the absence of the original Aramaic Bible, and Hebrew Torah it is very easy for the gatekeepers of Christianity to change and rewrite things at will.  In Islam the gatekeepers couldn’t change the original Arabic Quran but have misled many Muslims (80% are non-Arabic speaking) with their customized interpretations.   

The true righteous Islamic Caliphate rule ended 30 years after prophet Muhammad (pbuh) with assassination of the 4th Caliph Ali (pbuh) who was from the family of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and ever since kings and tyrants ruled over Muslims.  They then killed Prophet Muhammad’s (pbuh) cherished grandsons one after the other.  Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) forewarned us of this tyranny and said that Mahdi will unite Muslim world, and Jesus (pbuh) will return to restore the just and glorious rule over entire earth.  Majority Muslims today just like majority Christians are peace loving people and the biggest victims of terrorism.  Just to give you an idea, in the Islamic country of Pakistan in 2015 there were 1500+ terrorist suicide bombings against innocent civilians in mosques and marketplaces, majority of which never made the international news. 

 A few attacks were against Pakistan’s Christian minority who has been living in peace since the inception of the country in 1947.  In Pakistan alone, over 100,000 citizens have been killed (98% Muslims) in terrorism related incidents in the last 10 years alone.  Neocons’ regime change (of former friends and allied dictators) wars in the Middle East on false pretext of 9/11 (a false flag attack) have killed over 10+ million and internally displaced 100+ million people.  Any skeptics of 9/11 false flag attack should simply answer how a huge plane shed its wings right before it went through a circular round hole of the pentagon; how come the fire burnt, melted and evaporated the metal of the plane but 184 bodies were identified via dental records.  The commanders of the armed forces that were investigating $2.3 trillion missing from the military budget having a meeting in that exact section of the pentagon were all dead; case closed.   

In the last 100 years over 100+ million humans died (majority European Christians) in world wars initiated and fought among so called ‘Christian’ countries.  Brutal persecution in the last millennia of the Jews in Europe is also not hidden, where they would come and take refuge in Abbasid and Ottoman empires of North Africa and Middle East, and still remain there until today.  Not to forget Crusades of the 11th century where Christian armies decimated Christian lands that lay on their way over to Syria and Jerusalem killing more Christians than Muslims and Jews combined; along with the financial and economic oppression on those citizens of Europe who bore the cost of wars.  General Salahaddin, the one who expelled the Crusaders from Jerusalem in the 12th century first fought the Middle Eastern corrupt Muslim nations for almost a decade who were seeking help from the Crusaders, and vice versa.  Geopolitics is very complex matter indeed.  

The antichrist has a hold not only of the ‘Christian’ leaders of the West killing their own in the name of greater good, but also the ‘Muslim’ leaders installed by the British crown after decolonization who no one would hire as even security guards let alone hand them the security of entire nations.  In the last 16 years orchestrated false flag mass shooting events, false/fake media stories (information warfare), sustained fearmongering, creating and supporting terror outfits covertly, fighting fabled enemies has been the strategy in the West to maintain the upper hand.  In the East the so-called self-proclaimed ’scholars’ of Islam and the political establishment are the worst creation under the sky.  Those who join terror outfits which pay their mercenaries in US dollars are described in the Islamic tradition as dogs of hell and soldiers of the antichrist.  The lone wolf attacks that take place in the West where someone calling himself Muslim attacks innocent people to avenge another people are also criminals and dogs of hell, however majority of these attacks have all signs of a false flag for fearmongering.  Some of these attacks have huge discrepancies in the first reported facts by eye witnesses to then manufactured details by the media, and at the end all victims and the suspect(s) are dead and dead men tell no tales; case closed; nation terrified; objective achieved. Biggest give away to a false flag is when some security agencies are conducting a drill of same scenario of the event nearby the crime scene.  Everything happening in Syria today was foretold step by step in detail and its unfolding in that exact sequence.   

The tit for tat state terrorism and the retaliatory suicide bombings in the Holy Land started when a suicidal extremist Jew mowed down large number of people praying inside the holy mosque of Jerusalem.  Now the extremist Jews serve their agenda of bloodshed through joining Israeli military.  Even the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin of Israel was assassinated by these fundamentalist Jews.  In 1948 millions of people, Christians and Muslims living in what is now Israel were told to leave their homes with what they can carry on their backs.  Imagine if Mexico tries to force the Texans out, send in armed militias and claim that they own all the land, infrastructure and natural resources.   

This is what took place at the inception of Israel.  Systematic state terrorism policy pursued and attempted to enslave these masses who overnight lost everything they had.  Extreme poverty that ensued brought in extreme measures of the helpless destitute to retaliate in the way they did.  Prior to this for the last 900 years Jews, Christians, Muslims were living together in the Holy Land in absolute peace under the Abbasid and Ottoman Empires.  Imagine the scene of all the migrant Jews arriving from Europe to the Holy Land who were being handed weapons and told to drive the natives out and make your way in to their homes.  Whenever an unprecedented level of oppression is unleashed, it brings out unprecedented levels of retaliation.  The only beneficiaries of this are the satanist warmongers and weapons manufacturers.   

There still are sensible Jewish rabbis living inside Israel who call for the peaceful dismantlement of the state. This is not the Jerusalem of Jesus, David or Solomon (pbut).  It is the Jerusalem of the imposter antichrist built on the blood of innocent Muslims, Christians, and Jews.  Similar attempt of chaos and bloodshed is being made today with the refugee influx in to Europe.  The global chess players are using the criminal elements among the refugees that broke out of jails from the war-torn countries of Syria, Iraq and others to commit horrible crimes in Europe; largely unreported against other refugees in the camps; which in turn is to fan the neo-Nazi movements (Christian version of ISIS) to then destabilize Europe and turn neighborhoods against neighborhoods.  First the followers of the antichrist create dire situations in homelands of those refugees by wars over oil and gas pipeline routes and then force migration; no one wants to leave everything behind and migrate just with the clothes on their backs.   


Syrian war is mainly about $2.5 trillion per year revenue of newly discovered massive gas and oil reserves to be routed towards the biggest energy markets of Europe.  Europe alone spends almost a trillion dollars per year on energy bills.  China is always energy hungry.  Major powers want to secure their share of it and they certainly don’t mind cheap and desperate labor that arrives in the form of refugees.   

Today Syria consists of majority Muslims of Sunni-sufi order, large minority of Christians, Shia-Alawite order, Sunni-kurds, Duruz, Baath-party seculars, Yazeedis etc. etc.  The govt of Syria is of Shia-Alawite order and they have ruled Syria brutally with iron hand, but kept order in the country.  Then on another side you have Al-Qaeda, ISIL/ISIS, and Al-Nusra insurgent groups and FSA (free Syrian army) who ruled with chaos via armed gangs.  These groups alone within the last 5 years have killed 1000 times more Syrians than Syrian govt would have persecuted/killed in the next 1000 years at the rate prior to civil war.  Never can the killing of even one innocent human be justified.   

During the war of course the Syrian govt, US, UK, Israeli, Russian Air forces along with the armed terrorist groups bombed large areas killing indiscriminately in occupied territories.  All of these terrorist groups also fight among themselves and the govt; they ally together when they have a common objective; US/UK/Israel/NATO and Russians fight with one another and collaborate with each other the same way.  The terrorist armed insurgent groups have Sunni-Salafi/Wahabi ideology but due to their further extremist/twisted interpretations they are better classified as heretics (Khawarij; compare them with Neo-Nazis/KKK who identify themselves as Christian), and for them all of Syrian religious groups are fair game including Sunnis and they killed indiscriminately.   

A huge number of these insurgents were flown in on chartered flights from neighboring countries by covert foreign intelligence agencies.  The insurgents flying in from European countries and some Asian countries via Turkey were given special protection by covert intel agencies until they reached destination.  Embedded with the leadership of these terrorist groups are Israeli Special Forces for their advisory role, logistical, satellite, espionage support; securing the air bridge coordinating airdrop of weapons and resupplies needed.  We have to understand that all weapons these groups used, the brand new trucks and military grade hummers they drove in and resupplies were not pulled out of thin air; also, Israeli black ops included the monumental oil theft from areas controlled by terrorists and securing the oil exit routes through other neighboring countries.   

Now let’s come to yet another side of the war where we see US/NATO/UK/Saudi/Qatar on one side openly supporting the so called ‘moderate rebels’; Russia/China/Iran on the other side supporting Syrian govt.  Turkey, a NATO member, playing its own cards supporting the insurgency where needed and fighting them where needed; also tackling the Kurd rebellion which was re-energized by foreign covert agencies in recent years.  After the failed coup in Turkey, sponsored by NATO, Turkey switched sides aligning with Russians but still maintained hostility against the Syrian govt.  Egyptian military finally discreetly joined the Syrian govt and now tide has turned against the terrorists.   

Just like Syrian war is a proxy war between the US/UK/NATO and Russia, it is also a proxy war between Saudi and Iran.  Yemen war is also a proxy war between Saudi and Iran.  In Yemen the Houthi rebels are sponsored by Iran and the Yemen govt backed by the Saudis.  Since no proposed plans of oil and gas pipelines are present in Yemen, hence global powers are not interested in Yemen war except selling weapons to both sides.  The latest push by US for discarding deep-state assets dismantling the terrorist networks in Syria was facilitated by major political turmoil in the US (2016 presidential election) and UK (BREXIT).  This relative temporary calm now will allow all sides to regroup and re-strategize on how to create mischief again.  As of today, the net beneficiary of this war is Israel.  Neither Syrian govt nor the rebels, nor those countries that allied either side gained anything but infamy, and their larger objectives lay incomplete.  The biggest victims were average innocent civilians.   

Just 16 years in to this century mankind has witnessed the destruction of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, turmoil in Tunisia, turmoil in Egypt, Sudan, Yemen, Somalia, Palestine especially Gaza, excruciating oppression in Myanmar and occupied Kashmir.  Not to forget Ukraine and still I bet I am missing a few countries to list.  This doesn’t include other countries going through internal strife and power struggle and some are victims of 4th generation sustained asymmetrical decentralized warfare.   

Today the pinnacle of evil is rooted in the private central banking system and the international monetary system of the world.  All evil criminal networks depend on this financial system for preservation and movement of funds and financial assets.  These are the same money changers/lenders that Jesus (pbuh) overturned at the temple of Solomon (pbuh).  Today these predator banks have hijacked and blackmailed entire nations using them for proxy wars and have brought mankind at the brink of destruction.  License to print unlimited money out of thin air is their greatest weapon of mass destruction and control.  Evildoers plan and God plans, most certainly God is the best of planner.   

The end times personality in Islam called the awaited Mahdi (means rightly guided one) is the greatest disciple of Jesus (pbuh) in his 2nd coming.  Mahdi lays down the foundational work for the 2nd coming of Jesus (pbuh). Western corrupt media via Tell-Lie-Vision (TV) has done their best to label him as the Islamic Messiah, but never anyone in the last 1400 years in Islam confused Mahdi with Jesus (pbuh).  Jesus, son of Mary (pbut) is the only true Messiah and the only one capable of killing the antichrist.  Mahdi’s role in the 2nd coming is metaphorically that of John the Baptist’s (pbuh) role in the first coming; preparing the world for the coming of the Messiah.  

This subject is vast, deep, and needs to be untangled knot by knot.  Without making this article too long if I haven’t done so already, I will let you divulge in to other information linked in this article.  I truly hope that you’ll also add the variable of Planet-X in to your personal analysis of the world situation, and if the Creator wills, He will enlighten upon you a weighty word and make it easy for you to comprehend.   

Conclusion of all of this: 

As the passage of time continues, man is in a state of perpetual loss; unless he realizes the purpose of his creation and existence which is to recognize THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH using his free will, not just bits and pieces of the truth, and with it recognize the Creator; commit to do good deeds and work to establish justice and peace on earth in whatever capacity he is able to.  Transfer knowledge of truth and enlighten as many to the best of his ability; then exercise patience with those who don’t heed or are ignorant, and wait for God’s command (justice, equality, peace, freedom, truth) to manifest on earth.  Vision cannot comprehend God, but God comprehends all vision.   

Salvation today is in knowing the truth, which is like the Ark of Noah, whoever boards it with conviction from within himself/herself is the one that will inherit the earth after the deluge is over. Sons of Adam (pbuh) come to this earth to prove in so many ways whether they are denizens of hellfire by committing evil or dwellers of paradise in the next eternal life.  The moment man’s test and purpose is over in this world and he has proven himself one way or the other, the All Forgiving, All Knowing, All Seeing Creator calls him back.   

The above analysis doesn’t include many other aspects of geopolitical chaos, pending economic and financial turmoil, other low intensity wars, subversion of truth and steering masses by social media giants and mainstream media mega corporations alike, social and moral decay that is imposed upon mankind by the henchmen of the antichrist.  



Song of Solomon Chapter 5 verse 16 

In reading the English translation of Song of Songs 5:16 it finishes the description by saying: “He is altogether lovely” but what most people don’t know is that here the name of that man was given in the original megilot. Here is the name written in ancient Hebrew as it appears in verse sixteen: מחמד . It is read and pronounced as : ”Mahammad”.  

Hebrew: חִכּוֹ, מַמְתַקִּים, וְכֻלּוֹ, מַחֲמַדִּים; זֶה דוֹדִי וְזֶה רֵעִי, בְּנוֹת יְרוּשָׁלִָם. 

English: His mouth is most sweet; yea, he is ALTOGETHER LOVELY. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem. 

There is a plural used together with this Hebrew word, with the plural it’s pronounced “Mahamadd-im”. The ending letters ‘im’ is a plural of respect, majesty and grandeur for God’s prophet, just as in the word Eloh-im. 

According to Ben Yehuda’s Hebrew-English Dictionary, it is correctly pronounced as “Mahammad”.  

Note 2: 

Makkah’s ancient name is Becca.  This is place of annual pilgrimage, the largest gathering of humans on earth.  The cube covered with black cloth in Makkah called the Kabah which Muslims circumambulate was the first house of worship built by prophet Abraham (pbuh) and his son prophet Ishmael (pbuh).  This is the valley of Becca referenced in the Bible Psalm 84:5-6.  The natural water spring called Zamzam right next to this house of worship first poured out miraculously when baby Ishmael (pbuh) struck his heel on the ground while his mother Hagar (pbuh) was desperately searching for water to survive. 


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