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COUP ALERT: Operation American Spring is a Trap

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BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: CIA Planning “Anonymous” Cyber-Attacks During “Operation American Spring”
David Chase Taylor
May 12, 2013
— On Tuesday, May 13, 2014, President Obama will award the Medal of Honor to former Army Sergeant Kyle J. White at the White House. Sgt. White allegedly risked his life to save fellow service members during a 2007 ambush in Afghanistan.
Three days later on Friday, May 16, 2014, Retired Colonel Harry Riley will lead a march of thousands of so-called “patriots” to Washington D.C. to “remove Obama, Biden, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, Pelosi, and Attorney General Holder from Office”.
Interestingly, Col. Riley has termed the march “OPERATION AMERICAN SPRING”, a name synonymous with Islamic terrorism. In essence, “Operation American Spring” is a trap to set-up well-meaning “patriots” for acts of state-sponsored terror so that Obama’s political opposition can be vilified and a civil war can commence.
It is during one or both of these seemingly harmless events that a state-sponsored coup d’état and/or terror attacks will likely take place. Although terror plots are always subject to change, most likely target is Washington, D.C., namely the Obama White House and the Washington Monument.
The answer to the question posed in the April 17, 2014 Reuters report entitled “After Nevada Ranch Stand-Off, Emboldened Militias Ask: Where Next?” may just be Washington, D.C. A future terror scenario in which “militia” members (i.e., so-called “domestic terrorists”) execute a coup d’état against the Obama White House followed by terror attacks in Washington, D.C. is unfortunately very real.
In what appears to be a pre-White House terror exercise, it was reported on May 6, 2014, that a car allegedly trailing President Obama daughters’ motorcade prompted a White House lockdown. Whether the lockdown provided the necessary cover for the installation of demolition explosives and/or weapons inside the White House is not known, but said explosives could be detonated via remote control at a future date (May 13-16?) in order to give the appearance of a coordinated coup or terrorist attack.
Aside from the Pennsylvania man who was arraigned for a White House threat on March 24, 2014, two people were arrested and charged for throwing items at the White House on May 9, 2014. Prior to a state-sponsored terror attacks, patsies are often arrested for trivial crimes against the target in question in order to set the precedent for the real attack which is forthcoming.
Interestingly, on May 11, 2014, it was revealed that the Washington Monument will finally be reopened to the public on May 12, 2014. Whether the 3-year closure has provided the necessary cover for the installation of demolition explosives and/or weapons inside the Washington Monument is not known, but said explosives could be detonated via remote control at a future date (May 13-16?) in order to give the appearance of a coordinated coup or terrorist attack.
Coincidentally, it was reported on May 9, 2014, that a President James A. Garfield monument in D.C. was burglarized. Similar to the recent White House attacks, the attack on the Garfield monument was executed by intelligence operatives in order to set the precedent for a much larger attack on the Washington Monument which is forthcoming.
The notion that U.S. politicians are actively being targeted was recently witnessed on May 9, 2014, when the FBI allegedly arrested an Indiana man for threats against House Speaker John Boehner. Three days later on May 12, 2014, Keith Crisco, a politician from North Carolina, was found dead in his home. Needless to say, the blame for these events will likely be scapegoated onto so-called “patriots” in the wake of upcoming Washington, D.C.-related attacks.
In what may be “the” terror drill for a full-scale attack on the White House, the largest ever terror drill in the history of Boston, Massachusetts was executed on May 3-4, 2014, lasting a total of 24-hours and involving 2,000 personnel. Interestingly, the terror exercise involved the hostage rescue of elected officials, an explosive device on a transit system, a structural collapse, and a simulation of a terrorist takeover at the Convention and Exhibition Center. In order to hide their true target, state-sponsored terror drills are often held in nearby cities.
The notion that the White House is under the threat of a state-sponsored coup by Special Forces has been exposed ad nauseam by (e.g., White House Coup D’état Terror Plot, State of the Union Terror Plot, etc.). As documented, the CIA is desperately trying to stage a coup against the Obama White House (which is coincidentally slated for demolition) in order to demonize political opposition and raise Obama’s poll numbers which are currently at an all-time low.
As detailed in the report entitled “Top U.S. Landmarks Slated For “Controlled Demolition” Under Obama”, the entire city of Washington, D.C. has been rigged for demolition under the Obama administration (e.g., the National Mall; the Pentagon; the United States Capitol; the Supreme Court Building; the Washington Monument; the White House, and the FBI’s the J. Edgar Hoover Building). Therefore, within a few minutes, the entire city of Washington, D.C. can be turned into a raging inferno, thus giving the look of an elaborate and organized coup.
FLASHBACK: White House Correspondences’ Dinner

Back on May 2, 2014, issued a terror warning in respect to the 2014 White House Correspondences’ Association (WHCA) which took place on May 3, 2014. Interestingly, three days later on May 6, 2014, a car allegedly trailing President Obama daughters’ motorcade prompted a White House lockdown. What exactly a suspicious car had to do with the White House is not known, but evidently the subsequent lockdown provided the necessary cover needed so that weapons and/or explosives could be removed from the White House premises without drawing any suspicion.
FLASHBACK: Obama’s “Live” MSNBC Interview

Back on December 4, 2013, published a report entitled, “Live TV Obama Assassination “Event” Planned for December 5, 2013 on MSNBC?” in respect to a possible “live” Obama terror event planned for American University (AU). Two weeks later on December 16, 2013, it was reported that American University went into lockdown after an alleged gunman was reported on campus. Predictably, the gunman turned out to be an off-duty police officer but that fact wasn’t reported until the entire AU campus was locked down for 2 full hours. The gunman at American University was evidently staged in order to create a major diversion on campus so that intelligence agencies (i.e., the ATF, FBI, CIA, etc.) could dispose of any incriminating evidence (i.e., weapons and/or explosives) planted on campus in preparation for the planned attacks. In order to remove said incriminating evidence without drawing any suspicion from students and staff, a mini-false-flag was executed in order to provide the necessary cover needed to clean-up the now foiled false-flag. In other words, since the terror plots were exposed, a second operation had to be executed under the cover of an emergency in order to tie up loose ends.
FLASHBACK: Smithsonian Dinner

Back on November 20, 2013, published a report entitled, “Obama Assassination “Event” May Be Planned for JFK Legacy Dinner at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History”. Coincidentally, three days later on November 23, 2013, it was confirmed that an unidentified man fell to his death from the fourth floor railing at the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, D.C. Whether or not this man was involved in an Obama assassination “event” is not known, but his death is highly suspicious and has all the earmarks of a foiled state-sponsored terror attack.

The White House

The White House is the official residence and principal workplace of the President of the United States, located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, D.C. On September 12, 2012, it was reported that after nearly two years and $86 million worth of construction, the West Wing of the Obama White House has emerged from its visual seclusion “remarkably unchanged”. According to the report, the construction project began in September of 2010 with the excavation of a huge multistory pit in front of the West Wing. Whether or not the “construction” job will ultimately undermine the structural integrity of America’s most famous residence is not known, but the timely construction project could have theoretically provided cover for the installation of demolition explosives in and around the White House. These explosives could then be detonated via remote control at a future date in a calculated attempt to give the appearance of a “natural disaster” event or a coordinated terrorist attack. Aside from its suspicious construction, the White House has been the target of a number of high-profile terror plots and threats. On January 18, 2012, it was reported that an Occupy Wall Street protester threw a smoke bomb over the fence of the White House. Two months later on March 8, 2012, it was reported that a top hacker and committed anarchist who worked closely with the LulzSec, openly spoke of burning down the White House. Six months later on September 30, 2012, it was reported that the White House was attacked by hackers allegedly linked to China’s government. The unprecedented cyber-terror attack targeted the U.S. government’s most sensitive computer networks, ultimately breaching a system used by the White House Military Office for nuclear commands. A month later on October 21, 2012, it was reported that a year-long investigation by the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) has found that scores of known radical Islamists made hundreds of visits to the Obama White House, meeting with top administration officials. Prior to a high-profile terror attack on the White House, the public must be psychologically prepared to accept that this is in fact possible. Hollywood movie propaganda is a slick way of showing that yes, it can happen. “Olympus Has Fallen” (2013) is a film (see trailer) in which the White House is attacked by an ex-North Korean terrorist with military aircraft, suicide bombers and cyber warfare.
Washington Monument

The Washington Monument is an obelisk on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., built to commemorate George Washington, commander-in-chief of the Continental Army and the first American president. On August 24, 2011, it was reported that due to an earthquake, the Washington Monument had suffered a crack near the pyramid-shaped tip and had monument been permanently tilted. Although this report was later denied by officials, the Washington Monument is currently closed due to construction and is not scheduled to re-open until 2014. Whether or not the “repair” job will ultimately undermine the structural integrity of the historic American landmark is not known, but the timely construction project could have theoretically provided cover for the installation of demolition explosives in and around the Washington Monument. These explosives could then be detonated via remote control at a future date in a calculated attempt to give the appearance of a coordinated coup or terrorist attack. Prior to a high-profile terror attack or man-made “natural disaster” on the Washington Monument, the public must be psychologically prepared to accept that this is in fact possible. Hollywood movie propaganda is a slick way of showing that yes, it can happen. “Olympus Has Fallen” (2013) is a film (see trailer) in which the Washington Monument is attacked by an ex-North Korean terrorist with military aircraft, suicide bombers and cyber warfare.
About the Author

David Chase Taylor is an American journalist and the editor-in-chief of Taylor currently lives in Zürich, Switzerland where he has applied for political asylum after the release of The Nuclear Bible, a book credited with foiling a state-sponsored nuclear terror attack upon Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011. Taylor has also authored The Bio-Terror Bible, a book and website exposing the global bio-terror pandemic planned for 2014. To date, David Chase Taylor has blown the whistle on over 100 state-sponsored terror plots, including the man-made asteroid attack planned for 2014, and the drone strike which killed “Fast and Furious” star Paul Walker. Taylor was also the first to expose Alex Jones’ treacherous links to STRATFOR.
. Legal Disclaimer’s stated purpose is to stop terrorism by drawing unwanted global attention to terror plots prior to their fruition. Terror alerts and warnings made by DO NOT necessarily imply that these terror events will transpire in reality but rather that there is a distinct possibility that they may occur based on breaking terror-related news, events and data. Historically speaking, once a false-flag terror plot is exposed (e.g., 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot), it is immediately canceled or postponed (e.g., 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot). State-sponsored acts of terror must have a prior paper trail in order to set-up patsies, prime scapegoats, create plausible deniability, as well as mislead the public from the usual suspects of terror. Please support real citizen journalism and help make terrorism a thing of the past. Blessed are the Peacemakers. Namaste

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      “REMEMBER, it’s only the terrorists and those working for the terrorists who openly attack citizen journalists and state-sponsored terror whistleblowers.” —David Chase Taylor

      Stay updated with’s RSS feed:


      1. Alex Jones Cancels Speaking Tour 3 Days After Exposure As Possible STRATFOR Double Agent

      2. Trayvon Martin Is Older Brother Jahvaris Fulton

      3. 10 Reasons Why Alex Jones Should Be Tried For Treason

      4. Top U.S. Landmarks Slated For “Controlled Demolition” Under Obama

      5. Alex Jones Caught Setting Up JFK Protestors for 9/11-Style Attack on Dallas FED Building

      6. Obama to Resign Over “Terrorgate” Pending Charges of Conspiracy and Treason

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      8. Live NYC Nuke Attack During Super Bowl XLVIII Foiled

      9. Man-Made Asteroid Attack Planned for 2014

      10. 10 Reasons Why “Fast and Furious” Star Paul Walker Was Assassinated

      • liberty

        DEAR SIR …you put far more onus on “paranoia” then you do on PRAYER.

        Maybe you should learn about THAT instead , rather then your daily “warnings” that never , ever, ever , ever ,ever come to pass.
        Not even close .
        Sometimes I wonder for a person to be that obsessive in posting “outlandish warnings ” such as you do ( Im sure theres been 30 just within the past 45 days)… might have a borderline mental illness.

        First ….PRAYER makes a difference and unbeknownst to you there will be alot of people PRAYING for all whom come there to take a stand, but you seem to believe that staying away altogether , hiding in your homes, and going on continuing to be downtrodden and trampled on would be much better for all.

        Sir……those brave souls in EAST UKRAINE whom dared to VOTE even in the midst of gunfire all about , even with people dying PUT YOU TO SHAME and only expose what a Coward you truly are.

        I suggest you see for yourself what it truly means to face danger in the face sir , by watching this Video , for perhaps you might finally re-adjust your thinking about whats important.

        VOTE……and then……..
        and all CNN can talk about is some gay football player.

        Sorry but Gods wrath is building up towards America and those CNN folks will eventually
        regret all the BLOOD THAT IS ON THEIR HANDS because of their complicity to cover up all
        this EVIL

        Oh and by the way CBS called these peacefull citizens waiting to vote : “REBELS”-as though they
        were some kind of “bad” versus the vicious killers inside building seen as “good”.

        one more injured at 8 minute 20th second, and one killed at 12:41.


        Or perhaps the only answer you know is:
        “Hide in your homes out of Fear.. and just continue to be stepped on”.

        • jimmythehat

          very nicely said. is pathetic and gives the real truthers a bad name. stop posting your fantasy dreams because no one, absolutely no one gives a flying poo. and no, i will not donate money to your stupid, fake, pathetic cause. i could care less about david and keeping this jerk off safe. total bs posts does hear.

      • manufactured2012

        Every movement is a trap… including BIN..

        Now a days when u blog, you better know what side your on.. because everything is captured and saved.


      • Veriton

        What is the connection between OAS, Senator Patrick Leahy, and the “Dark Knight” movies? Check it out:

    • Paladin

      There will be a SIZEABLE armed Citizen Force just outside the DC area. Many are armed with long rifles with scopes, and most are extremely good at shooting varmints at long range…….

      • StavoV

        …..and don’t forget those drones….they have an ever longer range for killing. :lol:

        • Prudence Wright

          You know, it’s amazing how easy a citizen can get a drone…….

          Look at the rich boy in NY City that flies his around watching and listening to everyone with his audio/video cameras he mounted on them……

    • Dayton Flyers

      David, I sure hope you have researched the colonels bio since he served at NSA and was in army intelligence with a book written in psychological warfare.

      I joined for a few months and watched the chat site. The colonel says 10 million, but I talked to one of the organizers and that person told me no more than 2 million. Then, there was the resignation of 4 or 5 of the original organizers of the OAS.

      For me, I was told that I was a troll because I asked a few decent questions such as bathroom facilities provided, where to meet, etc. At the most the chat site had from 12-36 people and they were clannish to outsides.

      The concept is wonderful, but I doubt if they get more than 100 people show up and they being mostly from the east coast.

      • klikmaus


        Paul vallely is the individual who wrote “From Psyop to Mindwar” along with Michael Aquito, not Riley. HOWEVER, you are correct in your statement that Riley is an agent of the NSA…. and as we all know, once NSA or CIA…. ALWAYS WILL BE.

        • LAYNALAND

          his name is michael aquino, not aquito.

          No, that’s not necessarily true – when a man becomes a believer in Christ, even the c.i.a. and n.s.a. has no power over them, anymore.

          We are free in Christ – a new creature.

          I have corresponded with col.Riley and he told me, he is really weary of this connection to satanism that some folk continue to say he is involved with.

          He, personally, told me that Maj. Vallely is not involved with the creation of O.A.S.

          He is a believer and I wish you people would not live in this realm of fear – fear is not faith.

          We shall see, if a few days – if you can’t or won’t participate – then, instead of your negative commenting on the posts – get down to prayer for the protection of the people going, for the success of Operation American Spring.

          Enough of this jib-jabber – and that’s a word I have never used before – I believe the Lord just gave me it, and get down to constructive business for the Kingdom.

          L. :idea:

    • srsly1

      David Douche Taylor, shut your lying hole.

    • mrmibs

      Has this guy ever been right about anythiing? If so – post a link and his prediction of it…

      • Anonymous

        Not that I have ever seen. He sounds like a paid agent to me.

    • tracehdridefree

      Maybe Washington wants you to think it’s a false protest….(?) although….I want to see this happen..bad!!!! But…if everyone goes..,who will protect the cities and towns left behind!!!

      We need to get Washington out before it’s to late…I’m afraid they will false flag their own people…so, maybe we start at the local level…firing elected police, judges, city council, congress…ect. But then…our voting system is rigged, frauded, soo…we need action..we need organization…I fear the only way to change the crap going down is to revolt like we did and are doing concerning BLM Nevada – TX -OK-Utah….

      We need to do something fast. I just seen a speech by Chertoff…look it up, YouTube….MOX–holycrap…if you have any common sense…and can read between the lines…this guy is setting us up for a false flag I have no donut. He’s admitted to our economic downfall and you’ll never guess who he’s blaming…bin laden!!!! And he just gave this speech. It’s not 12 years ago!!!!!

    • Decleated

      All of this information yet you somehow did not include the Secret Service moving key personnel away from the WH perimeter to supposedly guard a friend of the director thus creating a potential security lapse – or did I miss that some where in your report? Curious omission of information if one is to believe your theory of imminent danger to the President. Interesting omission.

    • Godzilla

      I cant stand infighting amongst the truther movement. Anyone that criticises alex jones does not deserve any respect imho. Sure I may disagree with AJ on some issues but overall he is very honest and well meaning.

      This guy is a troll. And he lives in switzerland, probably the most corrupt country in the entire world, where bank of international settlements is headquartered, a country rife with annonymous banking, and lets not forget its masonic ties to the knights templar.

    • Bottousai

      This asshole has never been right.

    • NebraskaFilly

      OMG! What a whack-job!!! Absolutely NOTHING you have predicted has come to pass. I am a member of OAS and you are as far off base as anyone could possibly be! And I know exactly who “MountainHome” is – he came onto the site and continuously tried to distract with repeated harping about his worries about toilets! He was, and remains, a troll!

      • Trip


        I agree that this guys story about is irreational at face value. I mean, is it a “coup” or a “trap”, and how is Boston having an exercise about an attack on the D.C. capital?

        However I too have been a longstanding member of OAS, and you can find my discussions as TJ McCann in the OAS forum section on the Constitution.

        However there is absolute no doubt whatsoever that OAS is handing this administration, known for its utter lack of restraint and ethic, the perfect excuse for martial law, while serving up conservatives, the religious, and ex-military on a silver platter as scapegoats for that martial law.

        • NebraskaFilly

          Wow, TJ – so sad to read this from you! Never did I dream that YOU would chicken out!!! I enjoyed many of your posts very much but am seriously disappointed in you now!

        • Sentientstorm


          I got notice of your post on referencing our discussion here.. actually by one of the ex-OAS leaders.

          Has the thought entered your mind that I might know quite a lot more about what’s going on than is commonly known?

          If you go to be my blog and create an account, I will email you there with information that was just discovered yesterday, that may be discussed on the Pete Santilli broadcast tonight or this weekend. It’s quite disturbing and shows how extremely OAS has been infiltrated and co-opted by interests inside the beltway, particularly lobbists trying to build that infamous solar farm near the Bundy Ranch, and military Intel. It’s an enormous setup, no doubt about it.

    • House of John

      So let me get this straight.
      You are based in Switzerland? Right?
      Where the Cabal all live. Where the Elite’s bank their businesses.?
      Americans want to get together and put this country back on track
      and your ass is in Switzerland saying no, don’t do it?
      Well then I’ll I’ve got to say to you is…
      F U C K Y O U !

    • Who dat

      If this guy said it was raining outside, I’d check before grabbing my coat. Another paid poster doing his bit for the enemy me thinks.

    • VirusGuard

      Trap or not it’s a bad thing when people fear the government so lets spring this trap or are we all cowards ? That is the question

    • issa

      The coup already happened when Obama using fake IDs and a hidden background, took over our government and started ignoring the Constitution and the laws as passed by Congress.

    • Anonymous

      I’m a professional sports bettor based in southern Nevada, and I sure wish that I could bet against all of his predictions. I’d be rich.

    • Betty Liberty

      Dis info SHILL!

    • Patriot Games

      You have all the makings of a COINTELPRO

    • Mrs Ross

      With all due respect, I disagree with your assumptions. If there are attacks during OAS you can be sure True Patriots are behind it as self-defense against illegal detention or arrests. Please do not give credit to Merica for something Patriots accomplish. Thank you for listening.

    • PeterPan

      Truth alert!!!!!!!!!
      You are mentally unstable, in my humble opinion.
      Get some help.

    • Veriton

      I agree that OAS is a trap, but I think it’s really about the IMF’s agenda to replace the dollar as the world’s reserve currency with the SDR:

    • Necroshine1

      I like how you called it ‘Obama White House’.

      You are seriously the type that gives the real people of this country a bad name, and just makes the rest of us cover our faces with our palms. I have read some of your crackpot BS, and I am pretty sure you are nothing but a White House lackey that gets paid to spread propaganda and fear to divide the people of our Nation.

      It’s through separation, and all of the labels that we are kept slaves, and can get nothing done. Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Conservative…none of it matter, it’s all smoke screen to keep us all arguing amongst eachother instead of standing up for the Rights that our forefathers fought and died to give to us. One side takes religion, and the other side takes whatever goes against religion, and they -divide- us through that and keep our attention on the ‘issues’ while False Flag operations, and unconstitutional legislation goes through the works.

      This is what it really means to be blind, to not be able to see what is really happening behind the scenes because all you can do is hate your neighbor for whatever asinine reason you can come up with. We are taught -not- to help one another because it will harm our own success, and we are taught -not- to trust one another because who knows who might be a ‘terrorist’.

      If you want my opinion, and you are going to get it either way…that whole Freedom of Speech thing, we need to stand up and use our voices in a non-violent manner to take this country back from the hands of tyrannical rule…and if they shed blood and start a war, then they will find something out about Americans that they are underestimating.

      We are not small, we are not petty, and we will fight back against whatever you throw at us; we will stand together in the face of -rule- and demand our freedoms to be given back to us. Operation American Spring is just the start…people are tired of injustice, tired of the police state, and they are tired of living on their knees for the scraps from Big Business, and the Obama Administration to be passed down to us.

      I beg you people, stop with this arguing and stop closing a blind eye to what has been taken from us as a whole…for the sake of being right. United with your fellow brother’s and sister’s…whether they are white, black, brown, purple, red, yellow, green…it doesn’t matter, we all bleed red and we are all human beings; we all have the right to be who we want to be without someone standing over our shoulders telling us the ‘right’ way.

      • Who dat

        Well said, who voted this down?

    • get real

      total fraud

    • House of John

      This guy obviously works for STRATFOR

    • Bottousai

      This guy’s posts are gay.

    • Prudence Wright

      ” Three days later on May 12, 2014, Keith Crisco, a politician from North Carolina, was found dead in his home. ”

      He died from a fall in his home you moron…..if you are going to report the news at least don’t leave anything out, or try to “shade” a fact to fit into your agenda……

    • Who dat

      This place needs an ignore button, if you got rid of Uncle Sam here and them birds who clog up the first page, it would be a lot more enjoyable. Come on bin, give us an ignore button please.

      • manufactured2012

        this means U

        • Who dat

          ‘This means you’, for fks sake, what’s the matter with you are you 13? So you agree with me, I think it’s a great idea, the place would be a lot tidier and it would be more pleasurable to read.

    • Styxhexenhammer666

      I’m inclined to agree with this article- nothing Sanshilly has done seems to be for any purpose except money and airtime, and the OAS organizers are topheavy with zionists and neocons.

      The problem being even if they’re being honest and even if they did somehow magically manage to stage a successful coup, it would leave us all right back where we started with retarded GOP members running things instead of retarded democrats running them; that’s not helpful.

      And yes it could entirely be a ruse by the feds to stage attacks and blame militia movements; it would be the perfect way to instigate a crackdown.

    • WarAngel77711

      Well, well, but somebody still cannot figure my phone password.

    • Anonymous

      ALL “color revolutions” and ” ——- spring” are George SOROS, NWO, operations.
      Why would ANY Patriot go NEAR one?!
      They have such CONTEMPT for you they are waving the SOROS link right in your faces.
      NeoCon was INVENTED by Irving Kristol, a TROTSKYITE COMMUNIST.
      NeoCon is COMMUNISM wrapped in an American flag.
      NeoCons refuse to WEAR an American uniform ….
      they just wrap themselves in the flag and send YOU and YOURS to be maimed and killed.
      Today’s American NeoCons are yesterday’s Jewish Bolsheviks. SAME THING.
      The whole neocon-thing is nothing but a Zionist takeover of the conservative US establishment
      WHY did American “conservatives” allow a Jewish COMMUNIST to lead them away from putting AMERICA FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD in their priority list? Israel is NOT AMERICA and is NOT our “ally”. Israel is a SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST/TRIBE.
      NOTE: It was USSR ….. Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics not “COMMUNIST” Republics. Of the 502 highest officers of the 1917 First Soviet Socialist Government, 467 were Jews. Alexandr Solzenitzyn writes in his last book on the history of Russia that the Jews murdered over 66 million Russians. Marx, Engels, Trotsky, Bakunum, Lenin, Stalin, Kruschev, and others were all Jews by two or at least one parent. All the prison camps, torture chambers, gulags, etc were all commanded and run by Jews

    • I-Met-David-Chase-Taylor

      Unfortunately I met David Chase Taylor at Christmas 2014 in the lobby of the Youth Hostel Zürich (Jugendherberge Zürich, Mutschellenstrasse 114, 8038 Zürich). His approach to me was quite strange, but after a while chating with him I thought that he is a nice guy. I couldn’t have be more wrong.

      During several days we have been always chating together a bit in the lobby, till one day after Christmas he begun to tell me that his Sister Susanne should have send him money for the hostel, and that she is now in the mountain holidays so that he can not reach her. Thats why is his broke and has to leave the hostel and sleep in the streets, in the snow.

      I told him that will not going to be happen, I told him that we will find a solution. David Chase Taylor told me that in 3 days his sister will come back from the mountains and then she will transfer the money to the hostel by telling them her Credit Card number. I dis something which I usually dont do and gave him 300 Swiss Francs, thats now worth about $300.

      At the next day David still was miserable and I asked him way. He told me that people are snoring in his room and so he is not able to sleep. He would really wish that it is 2 days later so his sister Susanna can send him the money for a private room. I gave him then another 530.- Swiss Francs because his money would be transmitted in two days. Well, that was very naiv of me.

      Since this day 3 weeks went by and David still did not give me money back. I called the police and so David had to give me the address of his mother Ulrike Johanne Taylor in Salem Oregon and he had to sign a paper, that he ows me 830.- Swiss Franks. Without police he would not have done so.

      But what can I do with this paper? He has no job, he has no home, and with everyday we in the hostel notice more and more how crazy he is. His internetsites with the logo of CNN and logo of swiss government and logos of swiss newspapers is made by himself with the attention to make it look official and he writes about himself using the 3rd person, to make the impression like somebody else would write about himself.

      When talking to David he says weired things and that he prevented Texas from a nuclear attack and that now the CIA is looking for him and trying to kill him (like they would not find him in 10 minutes if they want to) …. and just eveything he tells us is weired, weired and gets daily even more weired.

      His family is very disappointed with him, because he is a scummer and ows many people money. He just betrays people like me by making up stories and then when he should pay it back he changes the story and says things like: “I always told you that I don’t know when I will he able to pay back the money”. What a bastard!

      He is not even willing to work. David Taylor sits all the day in the Youth Hostel behind his notebook, is looking football, writing weired things and surfing the web. Trying to find work and paying back his depts, no, that is not his style. When he was offered help to find a job he rejected arrogantly.

      I wish I would never have met this person.

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