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Donald Trump Is In Serious Trouble…

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THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today.


…If He Really Is
    His Own Man


Donald Trump will soon reach a critical fork in the road to the GOP nomination, unless he crashes and burns first

State of the Nation

All presidential candidates eventually take the very same unavoidable road to their party nomination — bar none.

SOTN Editor’s Note:
Everyone here at SOTN wishes Donald Trump well and good political fortune.  His truly revolutionary candidacy has been a breath of fresh air for the body politic.  Although we don’t always agree with his foreign policy pronouncements, especially toward the Middle East, he seems to be evolving in the right direction.  The invitation Candidate Trump received from the Mayor of Yalta in the Crimea was also quite favorable.  So are his genuine and constructive overtures toward a collaborative relationship which he extended to President Vladimir Putin.

Trump Endorses Putin’s Bombing Of ISIS

‘Extraordinary person’ Donald Trump invited to visit Crimea – as US president

Regardless of what the future holds for The Donald, he will always be an American hero for the courage displayed as delineated below.  With the notable exception of Ron Paul, no other presidential candidate has ever displayed so much raw courage.  Trump has also exposed the underbelly of the American electoral process as no other candidate in U.S. history.  In this regard alone he has already been wildly successful and can exit the race at any time with great satisfaction.  Winning the presidency may not be in his destiny; educating and enlightened the electorate may be his much more important mission.

DONALD TRUMP has the courage of his convictions and speaks truth to power as no other candidate in U.S. history

The single most important contribution that Donald Trump has made to the United States of America is his spontaneous display of courage and intestinal fortitude.  In this particular regard there is simply no one like him … ever.  He takes fire from every direction and just keeps on plugging away.  He has also taken a number of truly righteous stands concerning the most volatile and sensitive issues of our day.  Hence, his total lack of political correctness is rarely, if ever, seen on the American political stage.

Go get ’em, D O N A L D ! ! !

Now, this is why Donald Trump may be in very serious trouble:

For those who are uninitiated in the ways of presidential politics it’s important to understand that Donald Trump will eventually hit the proverbial wall.  If he is truly his own man who has no intention on being controlled, he will not be nominated by the GOP. If he runs anyway as an Independent, the political establishment — working in concert with the mainstream media — will do everything in their power to marginalize, and then completely neutralize, him.
If, on the other hand, he plays nice and fully cooperates with the Republican Party, he will be forced to govern on their terms.  Otherwise, the Republican majorities in Congress will make his job impossible.  They will even go so far as to make Trump sign a confidential contract which they can, and will, enforce in any number of ways.  In this scenario Donald Trump would essentially agree to continue being the candidate that everyone knows so well, except that the compromises as president would start to come fast and furiously … right after his staged election.
These two scenarios constitute the essence of why The Donald is so much trouble.  He either has yet to face these grim political realities, or he is willing to sacrifice his life and reputation, estate and earnings for a higher purpose.  Given his lifelong preoccupation with the acquisition of ‘things’, it is unlikely that he is willing to give it all up.  His love of a good fight also seems to predispose him to duking it out since he often wins.  Perhaps he is purposefully ignoring the dire consequences should he take this fight to the max.  The JFK inside story would be highly instructive for him right now. ____________________________________________________________________________

John F. Kennedy Set The Bar Very High

There are only TWO directions that The Donald can take toward a successful GOP nomination.  Before those directions are explained, it’s very important to first understand the following conditions and qualifications that every president after John F. Kennedy was forced to meet and comply with–-without exception.

First, that every serious candidate, from both of the main political parties, are compelled to sign a contract not to prosecute the war criminal U.S. presidents who have served before them.  This stipulation is both non-negotiable and binding throughout their term, should they be elected.  Every U.S. President is actually recruited for their ability to sell American warmongering the world over.  This type of salesmanship is, BY FAR, the single most important trait that a presidential nominee can possess.

Even John F. Kennedy had passed their (TPTB) test by initially escalating the war in Vietnam.  Then he got smart and aborted their war plans.  Because JFK eventually left the reservation with such a vengeance, this specific promise not to prosecute previous presidents — for any serious crimes whatsoever — is considered an inviolable sacred cow. Therefore, every elected president must comply, on pain of death, should they violate this solemn oath.

Each and every president, after Kennedy, has knowingly and willingly committed high crimes and misdemeanors as a matter of routine.  In other words the mere willingness and pledge to commit serious felonies is a part of the job description of President of the United States of America.  Barack Obama’s serial criminal conduct, especially as Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, marks him as one of the greatest perpetrators of heinous crimes against humanity in U.S. history.

For those who doubt this self-evident assertion please review the unlawful and murderous wars of aggression that Obama has waged against Syria, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen and the Ukraine.  In each of these cases this President has proven himself to be as brutal and savage a war criminal as George W. Bush.  In light of this irrefutable truth, Donald Trump will be forced to sign an agreement not to prosecute Obama for those and many other crimes he and his administration have perpetrated against the American Republic and the world-at-large.  Trump will also be forced to promise not to prosecute Obama for fabricating a forged and fraudulent birth certificate, among many other illicit actions involved with his scandalous and unvetted pursuit of the presidency.

These promises not to prosecute are just a few examples of what any presidential nominee MUST agree to, especially Donald Trump being the loose cannon that he is.  Otherwise, each successive term would be fraught with prosecutions and counter-prosecutions of every U.S. President for the myriad crimes which they have systematically committed against the American people, as well as the serious transgressions they committed against the world community of nations.  The World Shadow Government could never advance their NWO agenda in such a climate of continual uncontrolled political payback.  After all, on one level, all of their machinations and schemes have been driven by the Zio-Anglo-American perpetual war economy pitched by every U.S. president.

Republican Presidential nominee Ronald Reagan and Vice Presidential nominee George H.W. Bush embrace on the podium during the 1980 Republican National Convention at Joe Louis Arena. Detroit, Michigan

Ronald Reagan’s First Nomination Is Quite Instructive

Most armchair political analysts are completely unaware of the fact that Ronald Reagan vowed never to allow George H.W. Bush anywhere near his administration.  Within the upper echelon of Republican circles this was common knowledge because of how vocally adamant Reagan was in this regard.  Then, on the very evening of his nomination, at the 1980 Republican Convention, Ronald Reagan mysteriously ‘chose’ Bush to be his vice-presidential running mate no less.  How the heck did that happen?

The critical point here is that unless Reagan had agreed to accept Bush on the GOP ticket, he would not have been nominated … at least that’s what he was told by his handlers. Hence, Ronald Reagan was coerced into a ticket that he found both intolerable and unacceptable.  Most everyone knows that Bush then attempted to have Reagan assassinated — only 69 days into his presidency — after the election.  Needless to say, Reagan never strayed from the Republican script again, nor did he ever speak ill of Daddy Bush henceforth.

In addition to this HUGE compromise, Ronald Reagan signed all the usual contracts of agreeing to do certain things and not doing certain things.  Essentially, every incoming US president is provided with a laundry list of things that they will do as per the orders from their masters.  Whatever the true masters require of a sitting president shall be done in 2015 and beyond.  After all, they don’t completely fund and finance winning campaigns for nothing.  These are cold, calculating bankers and businessmen.  And they only represent the first tier of the World Shadow Government among several tiers that are WAY above the U.S. President’s pay grade.

Now Fast Forward To 2015 And Donald Trump’s Path To The Nomination

At this point Donald Trump has only one path to the White House.  Either he rides the GOP elephant all the way or he gets out of the race altogether.  There is no realistic way for a 3rd party candidate to make it all the way, unless there is some type of serious deus ex machina operating in the background.  In view of this reality Trump will have only two alternatives as he proceeds to nomination, which is still extremely difficult to even fathom within the context of the Republican Party. The GOP leadership really does not want him anywhere near Washington, D.C.  He represents a perpetual assault on their carefully crafted veneer of political respectability, entirely fake and fraudulent though it may be.

Those two alternative routes are as follows:

First, if he is heading to a nomination, he will have to sign a contract — a contract he simply cannot refuse.  One of the contract terms will be his promise to avoid investigating Obama’s birth certificate, as well as every other crime that Obama committed during his two terms. Secondly, Trump will have to agree to conducting the same warmongering foreign policy as all the previous occupants of the Oval Office.  He will also have to dedicate himself to a series of domestic initiatives which he would find objectionable and contrary to his stated agenda.  In other words he would have to flip on immigration and gun control, his two signature issues, as well as on a number of other significant pillars of his campaign platform.

Would The Donald ever agree to these non-negotiable conditions of employment?  Quite unlikely!  He would find it way too difficult to live with himself.  He would also find these compromises to be both personally revolting and politically repugnant. Furthermore it would be too challenging to work with everyone else in the small West Wing.  Couldn’t do it, wouldn’t do it, won’t do it.

Which leaves Donald with only one other possibility, now known as the JFK route.  If he fakes his way through the nominating process, and then feigns his way through the election all the way to victory, he will set himself up for a HUGE fall.  Because once he gets to the Oval Office, he will surely meet his new masters.  Those masters are not even the real masters; rather, they will only be delivering messages from those on high.  Also, the Oval Office has been wired both literally and figuratively over decades in order to make sure there is never a replay of JFK.  They surely do not want to have to execute a very public and purposeful assassination plot … yet again.

Where does that leave the Trump candidacy?

Donald is first and foremost a businessman; he’s a dealmaker and really prides himself on that skill. However, he does have his principles, and values, which he will only compromise up to a certain point.  Beyond that line Trump seems to be incapable of trespassing like so many other politicians are willing to do.  Plus, nobody tells him what to do, as the highly entertaining campaign season has shown everyone on planet Earth.  In short, he is the poster child for Frank Sinatra’s “My Way”.

In light of these stark realities, the road leading to Pennsylvania Avenue gets narrower and more difficult by the day for Donald to safely negotiate.  The truth be told we now live in a time when only a perfectly obedient order-taker like Barack Obama can claim the presidential prize.  Even Hillary Clinton possesses too much baggage for the ruling cabal, particularly with Bill participating in every decision to come from the Executive Office Building.

They already tried to keep him in check with the totally engineered Monica Lewinsky scandal.  Surely he gets that by now, but does Hillary?!  Her responses to Emailgate +Servergate are as defiant and condescending, reckless and feckless as anyone has ever seen in American political history.  Her extremely inappropriate reactions to her own self-made Benghazi fiasco were equally as shocking and unbelievable.  Surely there is no longer a room available for the Hill-Billy in the White House.

By every indication, The Powers That Be have never been so determined to place the right character(s) in the White House.  The rest of this decade will prove to be the most tumultuous and turbulent years that the country has seen since the Civil War.  After all, the general circumstances throughout the USA are quickly shaping up very similar to the American Revolutionary War period when the colonists were terribly oppressed by the British Empire.

This time around the American citizenry is being oppressed and harassed by another tyrannical and self-serving government — the U.S. Federal Government.  Simply put, it is impossible for even Donald Trump to fight this war alone against the entire Congress, the Supreme Court and vast majority of those civil servants who are employed by the Executive Branch.  He will also find the many state governments, county commissions and city councils vastly arrayed against him.

The most important point here is that the World Shadow Government has never been so desperate.  In fact they fear chaos and unpredictability more than anything else.  A Donald Trump presidency represents just that: political pandemonium and social mayhem … according to their standards, not ours.  He would probably govern not too unlike President Putin which would really drive them crazy.  Hence, they will certainly do everything possible to thwart a Trump victory, unless they own him in some way that no one is aware of … even him.


Donald Trump’s Positions: 
In order to accurately assess the sincerity of candidate Donald Trump it is important to evaluate his most crucial political positions.  Whether he is a truly independent candidate can only be known by what he stands for.  For instance, he has taken strong stands firmly against gun control, against liberal immigration policies, and against dangerous vaccines. each of these is quite politically incorrect at this moment of American history.  He has also been very assertive about Barack Obama’s failure to produce his original birth certificate (Obama doesn’t possess one.)  He has taken an even more aggressive approach to the fact that Obama then posted a forged copy of a fraudulent birth certificate at the official website.  So far, everything that has been mentioned here demonstrates extraordinary courage on the part of Donald Trump.  Perhaps the most dangerous position he has taken is his willingness to work directly with President Vladimir Putin of Russia. Given so many extreme positions, it appears that Donald Trump has completely left the reservation of traditional politics as usual. He also seems to ignore the conventional wisdom crowd; therefore, he appears not to be controlled by anyone … … … so far.  This is also why the highly disgruntled voters really love his spink and in-your-face attitude.  How else can the NWO globalist cabal be fought.  



Donald Trump’s real job is to expose the Republican party for the fraudulent organization that it truly is, as well as lay bare the highly manipulative role of the mainstream media in electing our representatives.  He is also doing a great job of revealing the whole sham that the electoral process has become.  First, that you practically have to be a billionaire to even run for president.  That is, of course, unless you can convince the corporate kingmakers of your fitness to receive billions in campaign bribes cash.

Donald Trump has already inflicted enough damage on all of his competitors, on both sides of the aisle, that he can declare his campaign to have been a ‘smashing’ success.  He also gave voice to the massive anti-immigration crowd that had no other candidate they could really count on except perhaps Ted Cruz.  Most of the RINOs will cave on both of the hot button issues of gun control and immigration in the end.  Trump’s message then resonates deeply at a time when gun owners need an advocate more than ever as Obama gets ready to issue more executive orders on gun control.

Truly, Donald Trump is still the man of the hour.  If he stays in for the long haul, he will need prayers and blessings to keep him alive.  If he wins the nomination, something has changed — BIG TIME!  If he actually wins the election, he will require protection, both mundane and spiritual, similar to that enjoyed by President Vladimir Putin.  For those who are unaware Putin is only still with us because of the phalanx of divine protectors which surround him every moment of every day.

State of the Nation
October 12, 2015

Author’s Note

Were Donald Trump to win the GOP nomination a veritable sea change would have to occur before the Republican Convention, unless he went over to their side willingly.  Were he to win the general election, the whole nation must first experience an unprecedented transformation of consciousness.   That can only happen in a divinely preordained fashion by way of a Super Shemitah[2] series of events.


[1]  ‘Extraordinary person’ Donald Trump invited to visit Crimea – as US president

[2] Biblical Shemitah Jubilee Begins On 9/23/15, Anything Goes During The Super Shemitah


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Donald Trump Upends The American Electoral Process

Trump mixes it up with the big boys … the real BIG boys!

Trump’s Candidacy Exposes The RINOs, Brings Reality To 2016 Race

Trump Quotes

“Everything in Washington is a lie!” — Donald Trump

“Only way to get rid of Planned Parenthood money” is to “shut the government down” when money expires on Sept. 30. — Donald Trump

“I think I would get along very well with Vladimir Putin” — Donald Trump


Donald Trump Is In Serious Trouble… | SOTN

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    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 25 comments
    • Mike

      Successful deception … keeping you from Heaven … are the stunning lies against Catholic Dogma.
      Lies by a heretic cult … pretending and claiming to be the Catholic Church since 8 December 1965.

      Undeniable proof including photographic > > >

      Catholic writing of Romans 9:27 >
      “If the number … be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved.”

      Catholic writing of Saint James 2:10 >
      “Whosoever shall … offend in one point, is become guilty of all.”

      • Bob

        Hey Mike Give It A Break !

        Your Are Starting To Look Like The Village Idiot !

        • Equalizer

          BS, Cow pies, Road turds, Bird droppings, Fecal matter, what a crock of $hit.

        • Equalizer

          Anyone ignorant enough to vote for a “socialist Dem” deserves the cruelty they have inflicted on their family and themselves to live under federal enslavement, stupid idiots.
          Hitler Clinton??? NO way!

        • Brandon

          LOOKS LIKE HE IS!

        • Bill Lyle

          Starting to?

    • Antique White

      i oppose your article as a cheap cia front man attack on your drug lord jeb bush we can see a chill from the mountain tops friend of satan! get ye behind me ! you have zero credibility just look at the cia cnn girl hoax from jeb bush minion

    • Eggzactly

      You should tell Donald this and not us.

    • Decode the World

      Donald Trump hasn’t visited the CFR or Bilderberg group yet and he may never do so. They will oppose him with all their might. He could even end up like JFK or worse. Be careful.

      • Bill Lyle

        Like hell…. I bet he’s itching to get into those meetings. Problem is, it requires a measure of class and refinement that Trump will never possess. He’d be of absolutely no use to those groups.

        • Gus Fung

          Good points Bill.

          I bet “True News” knows exactly how Trump feels in that regard.

    • jdpent01

      jdp…No Trump will not sign or agree to anything like a pardon for OBAMA because its not his nature, He already offered him 50 million and the guy would not take it, so its over.

    • sarah

      Should the military decide to act and SOON arrest all those in Washington D.C. guilty of treason and other crimes,

      I would think Donald Trump might have a chance to be our first American President not controlled by overseas Powers That Be since George Washington.

      He has the business sense, and foreign government and business connections because of his past business deals, to put our country back on a sound financial foundation.

      Cleaning up Washington D.C. is going to take the joint efforts of the people, the U.S. Military, and a United States President who LOVES AMERICA.

      Putin loves Russia.

      Putin has brought the Russian people and his country back from the ashes of the former communist Soviet Union to the great nation it is today.

      Because Putin loves Russia.

      Americans want a PRESIDENT WHO LOVES AMERICA.

      Donald Trump could possibly be that man.

      But, our military is going to have to arrest the traitors in Washington D.C., and keep them in jail until their trials, so Americans can have A FAIR AND JUST UNITED STATES PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION.

    • Lord Humongous!

      When he is in the White House I’m sure your next article will be a plot to assassinate him. Move on folks. nothing worth your time here.

    • wiseoldlady

      This sounds like the kind of news they put on MSN…. the don’t bother to waste your time news which every windows 10 computer has automatically part of their stinking system. Even Yahoo news is better than MSN trash.

      If Trump runs as an independent…. then you have to know how to beat the system.
      1). Go register again…. as a democrat
      2). Vote Trump…. then your vote goes against democrats not republicans.
      3). Then afterwards you can register again as a republican.

      If you don’t register as a democrat when doing a write in then you are screwing up everything.

    • Anonymous

      I pray he will be divinely protected and supplied with wisdom that God can use such a man to wake those who never accepted the Biblical Gospel for eternal salvation.

      For a 100% proof from a single page see

    • they.pierced.My.hands.and.My.feet.

      1st Executive Order: All contracts that were signed during becoming the President are null and void, and all former criminals posing as President, and their helpers near and far, will be prosecuted according to the Constitutional directives.
      2nd Executive Order:Talmud written NDAA is null and void and sent back to hell where it came from.
      3rd Executive Order: All who employ illegals will be fined progressively, therefore sending the illegals back home FOR FREE !
      4th Executive Order: Executive Orders from this point on are inadmissible.

      • they.pierced.My.hands.and.My.feet.

        Executive Order #4 becomes #5 the last one, which rids us of all EO’s.


        #4 Executive Order becomes the absolute nullification of all BS Executive Orders, Obama Care, and any other Executive Orders from other
        “presidents” which are a tress-pass against the people of the 50 individual nation States.

    • Anonymous

      The REAL Putin has been replaced by a clone. Ever look at some of the older photos of this man? His face was never so puffy as it is now. His body was toned and not as fat or flabby. His gait was much more assured and swift. The gait now is almost stumbling. This is NOT the real Putin. Even his ex wife says it is not him. Putin also hated the JEWS. This Putin seems to even like them. The Real Putin hated faggots and closed down all the fag bars across Russia and replaced them with family restaurants. Now he lets dykes parade nude in front of him and other lewd acts in front of him. To me this proves that they replaced Putin with a clone. Also look at the lines on the forehead….the real Putin had different lines and would furrow up his forehead. This one does not move his forehead as he knows the lines don’t match. Lots of plastic surgery but no plastic surgery can change forehead lines.

      The same thing will happen with Donald if he does not go along with the ‘plan’ of trashing the USA. I don’t see the real Donald agreeing to all the crap the be the president has to sign and agree to. If he is elected he will be replaced by a compliant Donald.

    • Brandon

      Amazing…my parents were soo conservative…. how could they not see what Kennedy was saying!

    • Jeffery Pritchett

      Donald Trump Is Your Drunk Neighbor LMAO The Proof (Video)

      • Bill Lyle

        That’s funny as hell. Thanks, dude. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • liberty

      Sorry I believe in the Power of God and prayer for your nation.That supercedes all plans of any minions no matter how much “power and control they have.The rest is all “fear mongering, planting seeds of doubt and pessimism and”may as well roll over and play dead” and accept it cause you will never have hope for your future cause “the elite” is always too powerful.”
      Thats the “message” I receieve from this “rubbish”.You do sound EXACTLY like the pundits whom the REAL Americans are fighting against on Twitter.
      I highly suggest you spend some time over at #Trump2016 and see the real world over there, where REAL Americans are reporting the “news” from on the ground and kept from the lying, distorting media.
      I guarantee you sir , every “power” you speak of” will be dwarfed by the MILITARY men whom will gladly fight for Donald and protect him at all costs…BUT PRIMARILY….its been Divine Protection & favor that has kept him not only in the lead and NOW above Clinton Nationally…..but has enabled him to win every battle and “trump” every dart,missile , and bomb thrown at him.
      He even “trumped” the Democratic debate which he wasnt even IN.
      You dont know the Donald.You are basing your assumptions on the “past”…not on the man whom is MIGHTILY cloaked in Divine Protection and prayers of millions…and what the LORD Wills ( not any man ) will happen and not on mans terms either.
      The reason God had surely chosen Donald is because not only does the “cream eventually rise to the top” and the skeptics mouths will end up being shut..but He knows he will not compromise.
      This IS Americas last hope and unlike you sir, there are millions whom have discovered a breath of fresh air and have been invigorated , energized and feel empowered once again and THEY will fight 24/7 for a man whom is truly fighting for them…and God will not let them down.
      Let me show you some OTHER Videos to now give you all HOPE.

      He was DESTINED for this.This is his time :

      “The Calling” – TRUMP 2016

      Exposed! Donald Trump’s MISTRESS! Her Name Is…

      HEAR this mans story of Divine Inspiration.Quite chilling….

      Donald Trump Painting Story Of Inspiration Introduction

      JULY 9TH it started
      Artist Inspired To Paint Donald Trump Painting ‘Unafraid & Unashamed’
      OCT.5 2015

      This woman is on Twitter and Donald saved her life.No way in hell is God going to ignore her prayers.She will fight with all her being to get him into Office and LEAD the fight…
      (remember CREAM RISES TO THE CROP…the others the Pundits whom keep trying to “shove” as “serious candidates” look and sound like clowns in comparison-when you see this Video)

      Sabine Durden Speaks at Donald Trump Press Conference about Crime & Illegals 7/10/2015

      Heres 40 Black Pastors whom all endorse Donald and will not only be fighting for him in PRAYER but also leading the charge to unite all pastors round the country to fight in prayer for Donald.
      CNN deliberately CHOSE to “cut off” part of this speech because it would be a death blow to Hilary so desperate to get that Black Vote-because you see, the Lying Liberal Media is determined to make him look “racist” & this Video blows that “myth” out of the water…..but heres the unedited version:

      Donald Trump Pre-Rally Press Conference Norcross Georgia 10/10/15

      Heres another Black man leading the Charge.Once an Obama lover now completely disillusioned by him.The Media would NEVER report this.It would be another death blow to Hilary:

      20151010 1339491

      Want to see how GOD has grown this Movement?You think Hes going to stop NOW?..or cut it off , or scale it back or simply permit the utter disillusionment of so many millions of people by bringing forth someone else whom the “pundits” are trying to force down peoples throats?:
      Scroll down this page to the bottom, then scroll up and watch the momentum build through PICTURES the Media wont let you see:

      THIS WAS FRANKLIN TENESSEE.First pics are seen INSIDE which was beyond Capacity.Second pics were the crowds of thousands OUTSIDE whom couldnt get in but stood in the rain waiting for him to just come say hello;Which he graciously did and got rained on just like them:




      This shows the difference between “Other Candidates “rallies
      FIRST video was shot an hour and a half before Trump had even ARRIVED so people were still coming in ….(though only standing room only)

      ***SIR…you totally under-estimate the POWER of the American People and of God.THEY will have much power and a voice then any “elites”.

    • Scorpallain

      This message brought to you by the Democratic Party of America….no doubt.

    • Jase

      Go on youtube and go on CNN’s recent videos. And you will see the anti-trump propaganda videos already started.

      Still im not 100% keen on trump winning pres.

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