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Globalists vs Nationalists: 'War of the Titans' Enters the Final Phase

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THE MILLENNIUM REPORT: Reporting the Most Important News in the World Today




The Final War for Planet Earth Pits the Globalists Against the Nationalists

Globalists vs Nationalists

By Anonymous Patriots
State of the Nation Exclusive

We have to tell you what Drudge Report cannot. The war is not Isis vs. Gays, Christians, or Americans.   World War III, a war that has been with us since many of us have been alive, is the war of the Globalists vs the Nationalists.  Fellow patriots, if we are going to win WWIII, we have to know precisely who the enemy is.

Our Enemy is Globalism

This enemy wants to destroy your country and all nations around the world; they are the Globalists. You are not new to this site, so you know exactly who we are referencing. They are the people who run the Bilderberger Group, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Federal Reserve, United Nations, International Monetary Fund, Bank of International Settlements, World Bank, Knights of Malta, Central Banks, offshore tax havens, Warlord Bankers, the Black Nobility, the City of London, the Bank of England, the Vatican Bank, and many other dark brotherhoods.

Who are the Globalists Fighting?

The Globalists are fighting the Nationalists, not only in the United States, but in the United Kingdom, Australia, Venezuela, England, the European Union, all around the world.  Anywhere the Globalists can destroy national cultures, borders, language, economies, currencies, natural resources and basically, anything of value, they do so to create a cultural of chaos to capitalize on opportunism. War fills the pockets of Globalists who gut nations and bleed their economies of cash and shelter it in offshore accounts.  

When we say Globalists, we are speaking about a very small group of people who are the principal stockholders in every national central bank throughout the world.  They are also the principal stockholders in the top multi-national industries who always get military contracts. TheMilitary-Industrial Complex is owned by the same people who own the central banks – Globalists, or what we sometimes called transnationalists.  

This small group of transnational Globalists provoke war to create an income stream to support their cabal.  Developing countries take out loans from these banksters, just to find their country can never pay back their war masters.

This is neo-feudalism, or the New World Order, that the Globalists are creating for us:

They also make the weapons for both sides and profit double there also.  War is the biggest “business” on the planet and only a handful of bankster families benefit. The blood your sons spill on the battlefield, the interest rates you pay to survive, the homes and assets that they seize from you, the moms and dads that were murdered in the World Trade Towers are the fodder these bankster families need to keep up their grand Ponzi scheme and put all of us in the chains of debt slavery.  

To achieve their goal of total world domination, their agenda is simple:

  1. Destroy all nations and unite under one world government, religion, and military.
  2. Depopulate the enemy (that’s us folks) through forced vaccinations, poisoned food (irradiated, GMOs, filled with deadly chemicals), and chemtrails full of poisons sprayed down on us like we are insects and rodents to be exterminated.
  3. Keep us uneducated and uniformed. From fluoridating the water to substandard education, to mainstream media propaganda and revisionist history—all have been in play for decades to make sure the enemy (that’s us folks) can’t think clearly.
  4. Keep the enemy (that’s us folks) off balance with their propaganda war machine, their criminal banking system, fixed elections, spiraling debt and inflation, broken educational system, crumbling infrastructure, bad trade deals, UN created laws, fake diseases, etc.  

In this way most people can’t even think thoughts that would lead them to understand that the government is responsible for false flag attacks that put FEAR into the population; that the government is responsible for not filling the EBT cards of the poor so that they could be weaponized to riot as George Soros’ paid armies on the street; that the government is responsible for turning over American sovereignty to the Globalist enemy through illegal executive actions, false debt owed to the Federal Reserve, a rigged banking system, gambling on Wall Street, creation of fraudulent derivatives, corporate theft, weaponizing the Internet, pervasive surveillance of all aspects of American life, destruction of the Bill of Rights via the Patriot Act, and the willful theft of the rights given to American citizens through the Constitution of the United States.

Their Modus Operandi

ISIS: a creation of the Globalists to terrorize citizens of the world starting with George W. Bush and Rumsfeld’s creation of Al-Qaeda through to Hillary Clinton and John Kerry’s creation, funding and protection of ISIS.  ISIS is Obama’s ally.  Obama, who can’t even say “Muslim terrorists,” has been funding ISIS and calling them “friendly rebels” who have the same interests as US policy in Syria, Iraq and the Levant.

Know how to spot a Globalist? Ask them to say “radical Islamic terrorism” or “Muslim terrorist.” They can’t and they won’t. Because these are their ground soldiers doing the dirty work of global war that the Kissingers, Windsors, Bushes, Clintons, Merkels, et al cannot do themselves.   

They are deliberately starving the poor in the cities this year to escalate the summer of riots. First earlier this year they started by withholding tax credit refunds of the poor without first presenting proper receipt documentation at an IRS field office. The next play started at the beginning of June when EBT cards were not loaded with funds. Then they go in with their Craigslist ads offering $15/hour to participate in anti-Trump rallies.   

Worldwide terror is a global form of war against the citizens of all nations. WWIII is not like a war of the past with geographical and national delineations of who is an enemy or ally. The Globalists operate within all areas of the government in all countries.

The United Nations is the Hub of Globalism: Take Down the UN and We Defeat the Globalists

Since space aliens did not arrive to help do the job of uniting US vs THEM, thereby creating an immediate need for the entire world to come together in a one world community to defend humanity against extraterrestrial invaders, ISIS was manufactured so that all nations could unite against a common enemy.  

Additionally, Globalists are creating the narrative of terrorism around the world, forcing nations to believe in the terror of ISIS and then surrender.  The U.S. Federal Government and its 17 agencies, that all answer to the president in matters concerning “national security”, are allowed to wage war against Americans on their own soil.  Terrorism is not exclusive to radical ideologies and theocracies but is also bred and perpetrated against Americans by traitors to the U.S. Constitution and the United States who are transnational Globalists.  

Who Are the Nationalists?

Who are the vocal patriots, the Nationalists that are doing their best to fight the Globalists?  On the U.S. national level, Senators Jeff Sessions and Rand Paul stand out as great patriots in our war against the Globalists. Both are leaders in Congress who have a track record of fighting the Globalists. In a recent email plea to all citizens Rand Paul urged Americans to wake up to the danger of Congress passing the UN Small Arms Treaty:

United Nations’ Small Arms Treaty Poses Direct Threat to the Constitution

Jeff Sessions warns us: “This election is our last chance to save U.S. sovereignty and to end the domination of the political establishment over the interests of working Americans.”

Who Really Owns and Controls the Military-Industrial Complex? Part II

Both of these patriots would serve us well as vice president or cabinet members in a Trump administration. And to be sure, the Globalists would not want to bring harm to Trump if either Sessions or Paul would be the next president.

The UN Military is the Globalist’s Military

Using U.S. funding for years, the United Nations has built an army that is hiding in plain sight all across America through the UN Safe Cities Initiative.  Jade Helm 2015 and Cascadian Rising 2016 were tactical exercises that hid the disbursement of UN heavy military equipment throughout American and especially to all major cities. There have even been multiple military and FEMA exercises that used multi-national troops on US soil.

This UN military equipment and UN presence in America is starting to have a more active role in our city streets as “unrest” is rising and summer riots predicted by the White House.   The average “dumbed-down” American doesn’t notice notice the UN’s military presence on U.S. soil or that the UN Small Arms Treaty has already been enforced in many nations that signed the treaty.  

UN troops have already come into those nations to help “round up” the guns and make sure there is no resistance from the citizens.  It is critical for the Globalist WWIII victory that all citizens in the U. S. be disarmed and placed under UN military control.

The Weapons Being Used Against Us

We have written extensively about this and if you haven’t read these articles, you are putting your head in the sand. Arming yourself with this knowledge is as important as having a gun or two in your home these days.

False Flags are Legal Propaganda Produced by the Department of Defense

Who Really Owns and Controls the Military-Industrial Complex PART ONE

Who Really Owns and Controls the Military-Industrial Complex PART TWO

What Does This Have to do with the Orlando Shootings

We just completed an article regarding the Orlando shooting and how it has all of the components of a False Flag event:

Orlando Shootings: Another B-Grade Production by the Bureau of Broadcast Governors

There are Nationalists within our country who are trying to defeat the Globalists using the very techniques that they are using against us – propaganda that creates narratives to support Nationalism.
Continue reading HERE.

Let’s take the Orlando slaughter of Christina Grimmie on June 10, 2016. We see the Globalist fingerprints all over this murder. They weaponized a killer who fit their narrative—a white, male gunman who committed suicide after the event. Sounds like the Uber driver in Kalamazoo, Michigan who just went out and shot people because his Uber dispatcher was controlling his mind through his cell phone – according to him.

Kalamazoo driver blamed Uber app for shooting rampage

We believe that this is an example of the weaponization of susceptible people who have been found to be easily controlled. These occurrences are increasing in number and the shooters who don’t commit suicide often say they were told to kill themselves but they couldn’t do it because of religious beliefs.  Religious narrative networks are the most powerful and the hardest to override with subliminal programming and brainwashing.

In many of the new cases of people going uncontrollably crazy and killing people, the blood work shows they were not on drugs or alcohol and had no prior record of mental illness.  People are becoming homicidal and suicidal without any prior history of violence, drugs, or military training.

The Orlando shooter supposedly, according to the FBI narrative, just recently became angry seeing two men kiss in public and this became the “motive” for the killings according to the FBI reports.  No one in their right mind could possibly believe such shallow nonsense, but it was sold to an unwitting public like cheap Hollywood entertainment.  

Due to the dumbing down of the “sheeple” of America via fluoridated water, high fructose corn syrup, GMO food, vaccination and chemtrail poisoning, Common Core curriculum, and the plethora of methods of subliminal brainwashing – few noticed or asked about such stupid motives for shooting over one hundred people.  

The message from the Nationalists, who made sure the shooter was committed to ISIS, was very clear in pointing at Muslim terrorism and the agenda to secure the borders and take the fight to ISIS on their own turf.  The scenario of a white shooter killing a Christian singer was a Globalist agenda item showing that anyone can be weaponized and turned into a killer; no one is safe, so all guns need to be confiscated.  

The shooter and the victim fit the narrative of the Globalists: “Guns kill Christians.” Then in complete fear, Christians will urge Congress to pass gun control laws and fall lock and step into the UN Small Arms Treaty strategy. The additional benefit is that Christians, who largely support the candidacy of Donald Trump, would change their allegiance to the Globalist Hillary Clinton who wants all guns confiscated from Americans and no borders to exist within 100 days of her administration.  This strategy is known as “killing two birds with one bullet.”

But what really happened was MURDER, plain and simple.

Now, four days later, the Nationalists use the same methodology as the Globalists have been using for many years: FALSE FLAGS. The most prominent one being Sandy Hook, but another was San Bernardino (at least the part where three white men were alleged to have killed the attendees at the party held at the Inland Regional Center event).

So the Nationalists say, “Two can play this game.” And they stage their own false flag event and disrupt any that they know the Globalists are planning.

But the Nationalists have a different narrative they want to establish and, not to be outdone by the Globalists, they make sure that their shooting is so big and heinous that the death of Christina Grimmie fades into the Internet and the short-term memory of dimwitted Americans.

The gunman and victims of the Orlando “massacre” fit the narrative for the Nationalists: “ISIS kills Gays”.  Again, we have “two birds with one bullet.”

The net result is that gays (LBGT community) and many other Americans go out and buy guns and put more calls into their congressional representatives to protect the Second Amendment, pushing the globalist agenda of the UN Small Arms Treaty further into oblivion.  And, the LGBT community that are #NeverHillary followers might vote for Trump in order to keep Hillary, the Globalist, from her final global play: total annihilation of the United States as an independent nation.  

Just like Sandy Hook where no children died, we should take comfort that no LGBTers were murdered at the Orlando night club. Perhaps only the Muslim patsy died, or at least that is what we are told by the “official narrative.” Perhaps no one died.

Will Obama Cry Really Big, Big Tears For The Murdered Victims of Orlando?  

The Globalists told Obama early on that his main objective in the transformation of America was to disarm all Americans. He must come to deliver the UN Small Arms Treaty deal before he leaves office.  The Sandy Hook staged event was staged after the U.S. Congress made it legal through NDAA to propagandize and terrorize U. S. citizens.  

Obama failed.  Too many of us didn’t fall for the narrative. So then the Globalists within the U.S. government put together the false flag event in San Bernardino. You know the story. Three white gunman entered the Inland Regional Center and killed a room full of people. Or at least that was the official story first released and supported by multiple eye witnesses.

No, no…that’s not what happened. Excuse me. It was two Muslims, Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook, that slaughtered a roomful of people.  We know this for sure because one, that’s right, just one single witness said he was told by the dying person in his arms that she positively identified Syed and Tashfeen as the shooters even though they were both wearing face masks and SWAT gear that covered their bodies.

Well folks, that’s what happened when the Nationalists found out what the Globalists were doing in San Bernardino and out-trumped them with inserting Muslims as the killers to promote their own narrative – the now famous “False Flag within a False Flag.”  Or the first time we all saw the two sides in open battle with one another: Globalists vs Nationalists.

While the Globalists were planning their false flag narrative that would sway the public to ban guns because of the evil deeds of “three white men” with assault weapons, the Nationalists were setting up the Muslim patsies for their own narrative: Radicalized Islamists kill Americans.  

The Nationalists won the propaganda battle in San Bernardino and Americans continued to put pressure on Congress to back away from Second Amendment limitations.

We can then imagine that Henry Kissinger and the Globalist cabals called Obama to the woodshed for a serious talk about his inability to get guns taken away from Americans. Obama had nothing left in his play book, except crocodile tears, which is exactly what happened next as he cried for gun control measures on the eve of the congressional vote to ban long guns and create federal gun regulations for all 50 states – overturning States rights and the Second Amendment.

The video links below shows Obama crying for the supposed victims on January 5, 2016, just after the San Bernardino shootings and before Congress overturned the gun control legislation he so desperately desired.

Obama Crying About Victims of Gun Violence After San Bernardino False Flag

But crocodile tears were not new to Obama the Globalist-step-n-fetch it. Here he is crying just after the Sandy Hook (no children died) victims.

President Obama Tears Up Over the Sandy Hook Hoax

Let’s see how long it takes Obama to cry over the Orlando victims.  Of course, he won’t because he, like any devout Globalist, he cannot speak the term “radical Islamic terrorism.”

No Tears for LGBT Community

It is doubtful that Obama will make a speech, cry or acknowledge that radical Islamic terrorism had anything to do with this “hate crime.”  He will ignore the Nationalist’s (probably a faction of the FBI) insertion of a Muslim patsy because it does not work to disarm Americans. In fact, gun sales for pink pistols are probably exploding right now.

The Globalist (probably a faction of the CIA) might have seemed to have won the day with the first four killings around Orlando during this last week-end, but the clear message of the Nationalists is the one that was heard and will be remembered – radicalized Muslim ISIS member kills lesbians, gays, bi-sexuals, and transgenders on U.S. soil.  

So what is the Globalist’s Next Play?

More executive action by Obama? So far, this strategy has not worked.

More false flags that are not interrupted by the Nationalists? This has not seemed to work very well so far.

Staged financial meltdown?  Threats from the Federal Reserve and the IMF have not worked too well either. The next meltdown will bring down the whole pyramid.

Threats that the US currency will collapse when Russia and China are allowed as reserve currencies in the IMF?  This happened and it had zero net effect on US currency.

Faking another boom/bust cycle on Wall Street?  This was tried last September and only the billionaires who tried to manipulate the market lost money.

Drive all of the off-shore tax haven money into the U.S.?  This has happened for all but the British off-shore tax havens and now America is the largest off-shore haven in the world. Just corralling the criminal rich into one place for the Globalists to steal from them, too, now that the middle class and precariat class have been decimated.  

Bomb more Muslim countries to create new terrorists dedicated to annihilating America?  Obama is the only president who has remained “at war” throughout his presidency.  He is the number one mass murderer in U.S. history – along with Hilary Clinton his Secretary of State who supported these war-crimes.

Stage an alien visitation where super-human aliens demand we lay down our weapons? According to the Pope, this has happened in the past and Pope Francis is awaiting the alien arrival every day.

Declare Marshall Law? Obama has bundled the Executive Orders concerning all types of attacks against US national security: military, economic, banking, cyber-attacks, currency attacks, and many others so that the president can wage war without telling Americans a thing about it.  This has already happened with the bombing of Syria, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Sudan, Turkey, and Afghanistan.

Give the United Nations (the Globalists) control over America? This is happening quickly whether we know it or not.  This is more than likely the clearest path Obama and the Globalists have to conquer the United States of America.

We are at war and if you don’t know it, you might be the next victim.  

We keep writing these articles because we are too old to fight on the battlefield with our younger patriots. What we offer is wisdom and a world view that can see a larger picture than those who are just struggling to hold on to pay bills and feed their families.  

In whatever way you can, please take our words and articles and translate them to the community of people you influence.  We need to appeal the Patriot Act, arm ourselves, stand up for our country and protect its borders, language and culture (thank you, Dr. Savage), its Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  

We need the next president to immediately rescind every Executive Action created by Obama in his seven-year reign of terror. We need to pull out of the UN and immediately stop funding their Globalist agenda, which includes all CERN operations. Please read out article on CERN, another huge false flag, below:

CERN is the Biggest Science Scam in History

We must depose the Globalists from their ivory towers of “corporations too big to go bust”, UN warlord banksters and financial manipulators like George Soros, and the banking families of the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Warburgs, and the like.

We must take back our country and make sure that U.S. troops, FEMA, Homeland Security, FBI, CIA, ATF and the other federal agencies that have been infiltrated by the transnational Globalists do not continue to undermine U.S. freedom and democracy.

We must learn to know when the media is feeding us false flags as the truth and when the Department of Defense is conducting propaganda against its own people.  The rubric for analyzing a mass shooting to see if it is a false flag is one of the tools the Anonymous Patriots share with all Americans so that the true intent of the dark brotherhoods might be brought to the clear light of day.

Stay strong and free, fellow patriots and nationalists, and let no one control your connection to abundance, prosperity, ease, joy, and freedom.

And thanks to our friends in New Zealand who remind us how easy it is to herd a mass of sheep with the fear of a few barking dogs.  May we all live without FEAR and run to any pasture we desire!

VIDEO: Mass Sheep Herding in New Zealand

Originally posted at:

The Final War for Planet Earth Pits the Globalists Against the Nationalists | The Millennium Report

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    Your Comments
    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 17 comments
    • Mica Molecule

      Excellent article. But every revolution in past centuries that got rid of the old government ended up with a new government that eventually got to cheat, threaten, indoctrinate and oppress the people all over again. The problem is not with the politics but with the bad genes of the people who organise the politics and who exploit the system for personal gain.

      • dianecee

        The enemy is in plain sight. So, why aren’t we taking them out? Let’s begin by naming them:

        The Bush crime syndicate
        The Rockefeller crime syndicate
        The Rothschilc crime syndicate
        The Clinton crime syndicate
        Queen Beatrix
        Queen Elizabeth
        Cruz & wife
        JP Morgan
        Paul Ryan
        And the list goes on and on. I did not mention the imbecile in chief because he is a hired slave boy for those mentioned above. He is disposable to the plot once he has killed enough people.

        • wiseoldlady

          WRONG about Cruz & wife!!!!! But lets add to your list….
          Saudi princes
          Black pope
          Media owners
          Military Industrial complex
          all lobbyists
          liberal professors
          King Juan Carlos
          George Soros crime syndicate
          B Gates
          T Turner
          Bilderberg attendees…….
          And the list goes on.

          • dianecee

            You need to take a closer look at Heidi’s CFR position and Ted’s relationship and debt to the Bush clan. You might be oddly surprised. Truth should never be feared.

      • American Intelligence Media

        Thanks for your positive feedback. Our writing is a gift to all and when we can, we try to inform and educate any way we can. The list of “suspects” that you give below are all named in the series of articles that we have written since December 2015 about these grave matters. We packaged up several into an on-line magazine (free and available to anyone). Our regular readers are interested in philosophy so the first page in the magazine is on the Nature and Purpose of Evil. If this doesn’t interest you, please go the the second and third pages where we walk you through each step of the process that will lead the globalists to “win the war” where the greatest booty of all will be the prize: EARTH

        From these articles, we name people that are not on the comprehensive list below because they are very hidden from the public eye. But we have built enough FEMA camps to house all of them. Maybe i our next Anonymous Patriots article we can list them all.

    • Alan

      A rule to creating one religion, is’ demonise the rest. :smile:

      >No more carrots.

    • R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed.

      RESPONDING to this excellent article:
      The article outlines the PROBLEM, but not offer a SOLUTION. Hence, the people ‘wait, warn, and watch’, which does nothing for the people and helps the globalists. THEREFORE, men of America, there must be swift effective ACTION. The military/industrial/Vatican complex has a “kingpin” that holds together its agenda in the USA. It is the Office of the President, along with the hidden overseer in the Pentagon, who is called the “Black Pope.” (All of this info is posted online, if you don’t know the facts.)


      STEP ONE: Call the U.S. House members back into an emergency session from their vacation, and demand that they immediately Impeach the U.S. President for his “UNACCEPTABLE JOB PERFORMANCE” (aka, Orlando shooting).

      STEP TWO: Once impeached, the U.S. Senate has the duty to perform a Criminal Investigation into the impeachment allegations, which would include the recent invasion by unvetted foreign entities (aka Syrian refugees) into the USA and the growing terror networks inside of the USA. The FBI has the evidence ready for the Prosecution, so let’s busy and help the FBI use it. The investigation will lead to other “participants” and conspiracy charges.

      STEP THREE: It is up to the citizenry to discipline the local and state officials, who must uphold their own Oaths to protect and defend the Constitution and laws of the land. Citizens must use their own behaviors to bring force to the demands, like refusing to buy newspapers that tilt the news toward the President, or products from companies that participate in hurting this nation.

      STEP FOUR: Read the first sentence in the U.S. Constitution (any version will do) and notice the word secure: “”We the People (aka wealthy aristocrats) of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

      If the President, the Congress, and the DOJ cannot SECURE this nation, then the offices and those sitting in the seats of power are not performing according to their Job Descriptions, and they need to be charged and removed; thereby, it appears there is treason at the highest levels and there is a way to hold them accountable. As the Captain of the Enterprise would say: “Make it so.”
      R.E. Sutherland, M.Ed./ sciences
      Freelance Investigative Science Reporter since 1996
      24 years – Virginia Licensed Science Teacher (biology, chemistry, physics)
      9.3 years-Nuclear lab and Nuclear Radiological Protection Inspector
      1992 – Certificate of Completion for “Teaching Nuclear Topics”
      Author: American and Russian Alliance of 1858 (ISBN: 13: 9780595215010)
      1998 – GOP Primary candidate for SC State Superintendent of Education
      2000 – GOP Primary candidate for SC Governor
      2004 – Libertarian candidate for SC US Senate

      • American Intelligence Media

        Thank you for your thoughtful and persuasive reply, which I agree, that we need to get to the solutions NOW. We have actually tried to put solutions in all of our articles. But one article that I would like to point out to you is the one we wrote (at the link below). There is a very real play that is happening now that will unite the White Pope (Francis who is a Jesuit) and the Black Pope (Jesuit Superior Adolfo Nicolas). This will then bring the Catholic Church under total control of the Jesuits. King Carlos is also a global player in this final play for the NWO. Please take a moment to read this critical piece:

    • choose love, not fear

      Anonymous Patriots,
      I enjoyed reading your article. You guys certainly have a way with words and an attractive passion and devotion to your cause. I, personally, don’t know very much about the things you’ve expressed. My approach to helping America is more overtly spiritual. I’d like to share with you all some ideas that can empower you to make positive changes in the world and in any situation.
      Firstly, you might have noticed my user name, “choose love, not fear.” You see, EVERY choice we make is either born of LOVE, or of FEAR.
      A choice born of love will be helpful, and will result in only truly positive change. A choice born of fear will do harm.
      As a person who is trying to live a blessed and spiritual life, I see it as my purpose to always choose love, and never fear. I feel that in doing so, my life will be a blessing to everyone.
      Maybe you guys could spend a while thinking about what I’m saying, and determine if the ideas I’ve expressed can benefit your own lives and possibly benefit America through you.
      Love is the answer. Everyone knows what love is in their HEARTS. Don’t be afraid to look within and find the love that can heal your life and bless everyone else also.
      Peace and great love to you.

      • American Intelligence Media

        Thank you for the suggestion. We actually do write much about the spiritual life. Please visit our other writings at Additionally, we just posted this article on a beautiful story on the Black Madonna of Eiseindeln. We write LOTS about the subject you have mentioned, but, alas, you, at least on BIN, are the first and only person to ever suggest that there is another way to see the world. So now our cover is blown and you know who the Anonymous Patriots are. Godddess Bless

        • choose love, not fear

          Thanks, Our Spirit.
          I look forward to checking out your website and to reading the article about the Black Madonna.
          Sorry for blowing your cover, that wasn’t my conscious intention javascript:grin(‘:wink:’).

    • mastwow

      Donald Trump is neither globalist nor a nationalist.
      he is a simple patriot who loves America, and human life all over the world.

      And he is teaching all politicians to do the same, to love their own respective people in their respective nations.

      the influence Donald has already made all over the world and all countries of the world are mind blowing.
      and he is not even president yet.

    • The Thinning Veil Report

      the only solution is anarchy.

      anarchy literally means ‘without rulers’ , not ‘without rules’.

      they have us fearing anarchy, saying that it would be total chaos, like a pimp tells his girls they NEED him.

      government literally means ,”to govern the mind’.

      humanity has surpassed needing mind control. it is not difficult to take care of ourselves. we can cooperate. we can problem solve.

      freedom will never be attained through the ballot box because the same people own all the boxes.

      stop paying taxes to guvs who enslave and poison you. they rule by violence and threat of violence. this is not freedom, we are only free to do what we are told.

      slavery never ended. now we are all slaves via debt and government.


    • Anonymous

      Socialism’s true origin, intent and purpose:

      “The Fabian Society has in view the advance of Socialism.” – Fabian Tract No. 3, 1885

      As its own documents show, the Society has always aimed to establish a Socialist regime controlled by itself.

      Contrary to current political mythology (or disinformation) which has it that Socialism was a working-class movement, the fact is that it originated with the

      liberal capitalist middle classes where the Fabian Society was at home.

      The leading elements of liberal capitalism – the big businessmen, industrialists and bankers – who had amassed great wealth on the back of the industrial

      revolution, aimed to strengthen their position of power and influence by two means: (1) by monopolising finance, economy and politics; and (2) by

      controlling the growing urban working class.

      While the monopolisation of finance, economy and politics could only be achieved by the centralisation of capital, means of production, etc., the working

      class could only be controlled through organisation and promises of a larger share in resources. These measures formed the core of Karl Marx and

      Friedrich Engels’ Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848). Both authors were middle class and Engels, Marx’s financial supporter, was a wealthy textile


      - The Fabian Society’s links to subversive money interests
      - In addition to political intrigue, the Fabians were also adept at securing a higher social and financial position for themselves.

      The Fabian Society and World Government:
      “The ultimate objective of the parties of the Socialist International is nothing less than world government. As a first step towards it, they seek to

      strengthen the United Nations so that it may become more and more effective … Membership of the United Nations must be made universal” (“The World

      Today: The Socialist Perspective,” Declaration of the Socialist International Oslo Conference, 2-4 June 1962).

      The Fabian Society and the Bilderberg Group:
      It is interesting to note what leading Bilderberg members have had to say about the Group. David Rockefeller writes that “Bilderberg meetings must

      induce apocalyptic visions of omnipotent international bankers plotting with unscrupulous government officials to impose cunning schemes on an

      ignorant and unsuspecting world” (Rockefeller, pp. 410-1). Denis Healey writes that “in America they were attacked as a left-wing plot to subvert the

      United States, in Europe as a capitalist plot to undermine socialism” (Healey, p. 196).

      The Bilderberg Group’s role in the drive for world government has been confirmed by leading Fabian Healey himself, co-founder of both the Socialist

      International and Bilderberg, who admitted that the group aimed to achieve a “united global governance” (Birrell, 2013).

      In light of the above facts, the identity of the objectives of the Fabian Society represented by the Socialist International and parties like Labour, on one

      hand, and the objectives of international financial interests represented by the UN and Bilderberg, on the other hand, becomes indisputable (Ratiu, 2012).

      The Fabian Society Exposed (Communitarianism)

    • Anonymous

      Bernard Shaw a member of the Fabian Society.
      Irish born George Bernard Shaw is someone we have been trained to look up to, as a lovable eccentric vegetarian literary genius – the well known writer

      of plays and essays with the sharp mind and witty tongue. What most people are unaware of is his Darwinian hatred for normal people and his zest for

      their extermination. Shaw was a snobbish eugenicist and his uncontrollable big-mouth blurted eugenics more often than people seem to have even

      Eugenics is controlled evolution which should be orchestrated and administered by supposedly “superior” breeds of human – like Shaw.
      Eugenics is now called bioethics, transhumanism, posthumanism, genetics or by other high falutin or less sinister-sounding names, it is the real agenda

      behind abortion, euthanasia, and the many “liberation” movements. These counterfeit grassroots movements are about depopulation. Zealots of the

      eugenic religion such as the UN cult believe that we, the lesser breeds will drag down the ones who would be “supermen”. George Bernard Shaw was

      such a Darwinian zealot, and was an inspiration behind both Socialism and Hitler’s National Socialism which amount to the same thing when it comes to

      Inbred psychopaths will not tamper with their own genes or add technology to themselves, as that would be reverse evolution – stupidity. The elites must

      retain their own wildness. A cow can never run a farm. The proof of their godhood is in their lavish opulent lifestyles. They own the hierarchical financial

      system that feeds off us, the “lower” livestock. Economists and lawyers are their financial tenant farmers, we are the cattle to be milked of our labour to

      pay for it all. The elites are free to do as they please. They are forever upgrading their open-ended utopia. The aristocracy wouldn’t lower themselves to do any form of work. They fancy themselves as “The Lazy Boys”.

      Useful Idiots

      George Carlin – It’s a big club and you ain’t in it

    • Anonymous

      Lord Acton Quotes:

      “Men cannot be made good by the state, but they can easily be made bad. Morality depends on liberty.”
      “Duty [is] not taught by the state.”

      “Bureaucracy is undoubtedly the weapon and sign of a despotic government, inasmuch as it gives whatever government it serves, despotic power.”
      “Democracy generally monopolizes and concentrates power.”
      “The common vice of democracy is disregard for morality.”

      “Bureaucracy tries to establish so many administrative maxims that the minister is as narrowly controlled and guided as the judge.”
      “Despotic power is always accompanied by corruption of morality.”

      “Liberty consists in the division of power. Absolutism, in concentration of power.”
      “Authority that does not exist for Liberty is not authority but force.”

      “Free trade, to improve the condition of the people and fit them for freedom.” (We got the invert of this)

      “The central idea of Machiavelli is that the state power is not bound by the moral law. The law is not above the state, but below it.”
      “Socialism easily accepts despotism. It requires the strongest execution of power — power sufficient to interfere with property.”

    • truthseeker4809

      Let’s suppose that the US Congress passes a law saying that whoever commits terrorist crime in the US, the entire direct family of the said terrorist will be stricken of the US citizenship and deported back to their native country. I think this law will be pretty effective in preventing the Moslem terrorism in the US. The law is pretty simple and can be a formidable deterrence to terrorist crimes in the US. But then, why nobody thought about it?

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