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By Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine)
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Corona MegaRitual Olympics 2012 Revisited With Eyes Wide Open!!  

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Corona MegaRitual Olympics 2012 Revisited With Eyes Wide Open!!  

Dancing doctors and nurses?

Flaming corona and phoenix!!

Russel Brand doing the home isolation gig for the queen?

Naiomi Campbell… corona model working it for the queen???


Annie Lennox… doing her bit for the queen… singing ‘this little bird’… about unleashing a bird… a virus perhaps?


Dead child? Hospital beds?

Happy place


Uh, more happy place?


Virus spreading?


Giant needle?

Boy band sings “Rule the world” with corona in front of them (couldn’t find a sharable pic)



33 Points Highlighting Corona Fishy Business

Indian in the machine - April 11, 2020


Covid-19 is not a virus…DAVID ICKE


Corona Is A Mutating Thing And Multi-Faceted Event!


New York City Ambulance Not Busy!! Hospitals Across USA Are Empty! Empty! Empty! – A Must Video!


In The Eye Of The Storm!! Three Days of Darkness, Three World Split, Easter Great Reveal 1st-13th April 2020

ALEXA “Did The Government Release The KoronaVllrus?”

Corona March 31, 2020

Covid-19 Progress Report for Humanity From Extraterrestrial Perspective!!

Corona March 29, 2020

Epstein Island And Ellen Show Control Grid Explained!!

Corona March 28, 2020

Epstein Island Celebs Mission IS Corona!! Do You See The Crown…

Corona March 28, 2020

Tom Hanks And Dan Brown Helped Spread It First!! Decode This…

Corona March 27, 2020

10 Days Of Darkness Starts April Fools Day? Watch These Videos…

Corona March 26, 2020

Ellen House Arrest Controversy Grows Because She Exposed Something!!

Corona March 26, 2020

Sneaky Tom’s Corona Psyops And Instaghoul Page Merge Here, And Yes…

Corona March 26, 2020

Corona, Operation Covfefe, Black Eye Club, White Rabbit, And Adrenochrome Side…

Corona March 25, 2020

Prince Charles Conveniently Got Corona Virus So Prince William Can Be…

Corona March 25, 2020


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