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By Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine)
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High School Student Explains The Fourth Dimension In Simple Concepts!

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High School Student Explains The Fourth Dimension In Simple Concepts!

IITM: This is a very helpful summary of the dimensions and I cannot help but admire this young man’s geniusness, and his teaching abilities too!



In The Days Leading Up To Dec. 21st Solar Wave And Beyond!



Your Path Isn’t a Group Effort – Brenda Hoffman Channeling

(IITM: These are quite good at reading the current energies.) Monday, 11 December, 2023 (posted 12 December, 2023) Dear Ones, You are starting to disassociate from that which…


Jesus (Sananda) Is Preparing His Avatar For His Epic Return To Earth, And So Are The Spiritual Hierarchy!

Uh huh… avatars… wouldn’t you do the same thing, if you were in his shoes and were living in the fifth and sixth dimension?…


People Will Change Forever Around December 21st!! Upcoming Solar Wave Explained In Simple Terms By Merlin!

Is this ‘the’ Great Solar Flash? It remains to be seen, but we were previously told that there would be progressively stronger solar flashes…


Listen To The Strange Signal Bluetooth People Make!! The Chipped Are Communicating With Each Other As Network Nodes?!!

IITM:  Yup… the whole ‘communicating with each other’ may be because people are set up with this technology as ‘nodes’ in a NETWORK!


“The Event” Update! Putin Wants To Help Inform The World About Nibiru… And Told Trump “No More Stalling”!!

From Poleshift Ning Posted by Gerard Zwaan on December 8, 2023 at 7:45pm Will it be Nibiru visibility or a Russian announcement or the mere fact of…


Creator Offers Guidance If You Have Negative Feelings And Feel This Is Wrong!

Some will tell you that you are not supposed to and do not have negative feelings.  If you have them, they are stuffed down…


“The Event” Has Been Revealed! Earth Will Never Be The Same After This Happens!!

Well guys… now with this message, we see why it’s been so difficult to comprehend “The Event”… which has been revealed by Lord Maitreya…


Keycodes from Kuthumi – The Yellow Ray

IITM:  A Kuthumi message from 10 years ago, on the yellow ray.  “I embrace the yellow ray”… after all, why make strange with wisdom?


Mira from the Pleiadian High Council And Earth Council: the old third dimensional material world is over. Please take a few deep breaths as…

Channel: Valerie Donner Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian high Council. I am still working full-time with the Earth Council. Our Council is extremely busy…


Most Epic US Lawyer Todd Callendar Video!! He Predicted Monkeypox Years Before It Was Announced, Says It Comes With Readymade Vaccine, Zombies And One World…

IITM:  I remember when this video first came out. So under “Emergency Acts”… they can slip in a whole new regime? Callendar says too that for…


Mother Goddess has led a couple of Divine projects. One project is the age reversing process. Mother says that there are a few hundreds…

MainDec 4th, 2023Planet wide clearing effort has entered its sixth day Dear family of love and light, the planet wide clearing effort has entered…


Your homework for today; relax and recharge. Rest easy…breathe deeply…love unconditionally, and always remember

You feel it, The Universe knows you do. The energy has shifted/lifted to something a bit lighter and airier than it has been in…


Klaus Schwab WEF Has Been Connected With China From The Beginning!! Expects China Will Drive Forth Industrial Revolution!!

IITM:  Notice… you have no rights in their evil eyes. They have no love for you. You are a human resource. He is explaining how they are…


If You Are Experiencing Unusual Bodily Upgrades, There’s This!! Sanat Kumara: Special Assignment

Sanat Kumara: Special Assignment Channel: Jenny Schiltz Hi everyone, I have a channel to share. Things are shifting very quickly; this process has accelerated and…


The New Tezla Cyber Trook… The Conspiracy Version

Okay, I don’t know anything about that new cyber trook that is hot on the market, but I do know some things: I know…


How To Extract Graphene Oxide From Blood Using Magnet!! Surgeon Demonstrates On Camera How To Remove Nanoparticles That Can Be In Everybody!! IITM:  This is thrilling to watch, because this is essentially nanomaterial, and if you can see the amount that comes out… this method is…


Rapidly Melt Blood Clots With These Five Ingredients!!

IITM: Sounds good… and safe and affordable, and even super accessible. I’ve been doing lots of olive oil and eating lots of olives these…


New Mysterious Ringing In My Ears, Do I Still Hear It Out In Nature?

I could hear a new mysterious two-toned frequency in my ears, and went out into nature to see if it went away.


Emotional Cleansing & Healing Insights for Spiritual Growth | Message by Jesus Sananda & Hilarion

IITM: Some teaching from the incredible spiritual teachings of the Phoenix Journals from the 1990′s.  It is truth that we don’t need what is…


But how can help reach the helpless?

People’s thoughts can be overwritten. Our entire energy fields can be digitized can be downloaded unto a storage mechanism. You have several access points into you,…


Jane Ruby Fears For The People Of Israel And Tells Three Prominent Rabbis’ That Vaccines Sterilize And Modify DNA,  And Related Program Come From Their…

Jane Ruby Fears For The People Of Israel And Tells Three Prominent Rabbis’ That Vaccines Sterilize And Modify DNA,  And Related Program Come From Their…


Greatest Chemtrail Update In The History Of The Internet!! After Decades Of Mysterious Spraying Programs How Are They Pulling This All Off??

IITM: We owe it to ourselves and our species, and all creatures, to hear this man speak, and to send him our prayers and…


Feeling Something Extra Beautiful…

Feeling Something Extra Beautiful… Feeling Something Extra Beautiful… Dear readers, friends, allies, supporters, and others… I just had to let you know that I’m feeling something beautiful…


Massive Solar Storm Hits Earth… Did You Get Slammed, Or Get An Energy Boost In Past Few Days?

It looks like earth got hit with a major solar flare… they call it a ‘cannibal’ cme… but is that because it is a…


You Are Doing Amazing Says Pleiadian Star Sister, Tunia!!

Some incredibly powerful words of encouragement from our Pleiadian star sister, Tunia channeled by A.S., the music of Scott Buckley, “Filaments”, and spoken word…


Dr. Jane Ruby And Todd Callendar Vaxxx Mystery Ingredients Bombshells! Vaxxx Was All Metal Including Rare Metals!! Embalmer Clotshot Creatures Are 5G Antennas!! 

FEDERATION OF IRISH PATRIOTS IITM: Wow… this is just great news… as humans are closer than ever, to identifying what exactly is going on. Were the…


King Of UK Gregory Hallett Exposes Charlie Ward And Reveals The Pushback Against His Legally Provable Bloodline Claim To The UK Commonwealth!!

IITM: Gregory Hallett is a very interesting guy… you have heard how the royal family of England is German?  Well Gregory Hallett claims he…


The Ones Who Have Been Constructing Major World Events Have Been Defeated…The Sheeple Are Losing Their Negative Leadership… Now What?!!

Okay sheeples… our herders are going down… for corruption and for evil beyond epic proportions. So sheeples… we are now a herd without our…


Dr. Jan Halper AGAIN confirms that Military Tribunals have been and continue to take place.

IITM: This is definitely an incredible video, to help people realize there have been military tribunals taking place for a few years ongoing. …


***THE NEXT 12 MONTHS*** It Might Get Hectic Fast- Archangel Michael 2023


All Cars Will Be Digital With The Mysterious Autopilot, Breathalyzer And Turn-Off Features As It Permanently Spies On You And Reads Your Biometrics 24/7!!

IITM: It sounds like they will make the car ownership experience as a key part of a dystopian nightmare of epic proportions… including:  Surveillance …


Stephen Colbert Arrested Wearing $60,000 Sunglasses And Becomes First Prisoner At New JAG Detention Center Because Of Horribly Unspeakable Deeds? 1750 Hours Promoting Clotshot He…

JAG Arrests Stephen Colbert | Real Raw News JAG’s new detainment center on Guam will soon have its first detainee: Trump-hating, vaccine-loving, liberal talk show host Stephen Colbert, host of…


Humanity Needs To Invite Galactic Space Alliance To Land On Earth In The Light Of Our Creator Now!!

This is a track I recorded years ago… it seems very relevant to share it again… enjoy the experience of connecting heartfully with our…


The 144K & The New Earth SPLIT – Lord Ashtar 2023

IITM: This message from Lord Ashtar, aligns with this one: Humans Divided In Two Groups: One Vibrates Very Low And Second One Is Frustrated And…


What Is Plasma DNA? Is This Another Reason Why Bill Gates Insider Brags Next Pandemic Will Wipe Billions Of People Off The Earth!!



Lady Nada: Stay Connected Because This Is The Climax I Have Told You About

This important message was seen here and shared: Music: Temple of the Golden Heart – Indian in the machine YOU ARE INVITED TO…


Cellphone Towers Can Boil Your Blood Says Dr. Robert Young!!

Willyalfredo IITM: If someone set up bombs in your house, you would do something about it, but when someone weaponizes your neighbourhood OR YOUR…


Humans Divided In Two Groups: One Vibrates Very Low And Second One Is Frustrated And Ready To Ascend

You Are Almost There. Zetas Channeled by Erena Velazquez Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces You are almost there…


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Humic & Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral Complex

HerbAnomic’s Humic and Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral Complex is a revolutionary New Humic and Fulvic Acid Complex designed to support your body at the cellular level. Our product has been thoroughly tested by an ISO/IEC Certified Lab for toxins and Heavy metals as well as for trace mineral content. We KNOW we have NO lead, arsenic, mercury, aluminum etc. in our Formula. This Humic & Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral complex has high trace levels of naturally occurring Humic and Fulvic Acids as well as high trace levels of Zinc, Iron, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Potassium and more. There is a wide range of up to 70 trace minerals which occur naturally in our Complex at varying levels. We Choose to list the 8 substances which occur in higher trace levels on our supplement panel. We don’t claim a high number of minerals as other Humic and Fulvic Supplements do and leave you to guess which elements you’ll be getting. Order Your Humic Fulvic for Your Family by Clicking on this Link , or the Banner Below.

Our Formula is an exceptional value compared to other Humic Fulvic Minerals because...


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Is a Full Spectrum Complex

Our Humic and Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral Complex has Minerals, Amino Acids, Poly Electrolytes, Phytochemicals, Polyphenols, Bioflavonoids and Trace Vitamins included with the Humic and Fulvic Acid. Our Source material is high in these constituents, where other manufacturers use inferior materials.

Try Our Humic and Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral Complex today. Order Yours Today by Following This Link.

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