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By Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine)
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Asteroids Will Be Cleaned Up to Create Other Planets!

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Asteroids Will Be Cleaned Up To Create Other Planets!!

RPK (IITM): From the information channeled from Creative Intelligence via Emanuel and Pastora, it sounds like there is a plan to harmonize the solar system.  In this process the debris from the asteroid belt, will be gathered, and used to create other planets!  


In the entire universe there is life, in the entire solar system there is life, on all planets there is life.

In Jupiter there is life, in Jupiter’s moons there is life. Throughout the solar system there is life, life but in higher dimensions. There is no life as we know it, life like ours in the third dimension.

What we’re seeing is the waste, it’s the hatching that was left, because all those planets in this system have already ascended to another dimension higher than the third.

Very special, there is a very special place on one of Jupiter’s moons where there is abundant life there. Human life in 5th dimension.

Ganimedes, there is a very technologically advanced society. Crystic beings live there also on that moon of Jupiter.

Ganimedes is a very beautiful place, very beautiful, a society based on love, a society of cooperation. They are also ascending and the whole solar system is ascending too. They are going and all prepared.

The whole system, Mercury, Venus, all ascend to other dimensions. But now, planet earth is incorporated into this whole integral light system, of this solar system.

The planet Earth was missing, because the other planets already fulfilled. For example, Venus is on level 7th, 9th, also Saturn, all are already in evolved worlds. Let’s stay planet earth and move on.

We are going to uniformize the whole solar system and that is being worked on jointly as well. We are all the Creative Intelligence of this Universe, of this sector and of this system.

We are Pure Creation and we are Creators of Universes, Systems, Worlds. Systems just like yours, solar systems. We are Pure energy, we all meet and Create with our word, with our thinking under a preconceived plan of Creation. And we always assist Father and Mother in their plans of Creation and in their plans of evolution of Worlds.

Within Creative Intelligence, there are some more specialized than others. Some in creating universes, others in specific systems, solar systems, others we specialize in planets. We have different specialties, though we can do it too, at different levels.

I am a Creative Intelligence of this Solar System. I assist you from Creation itself in restructuring, because there have been restructuring of the whole system. In fact, the solar system moves from this Pleiades system to the influence of the Syrian system. That’s all, Creative Intelligence.

You also have that power, to create your worlds, your inner world, your world for you to see. Because the Father has given all his children this great virtue.

We asked what will happen to the asteroid belt. What will happen to the rubble of that planet that was destroyed?

Answer: – If that planet is going to be remade. It’s being restructured because they’re picking up part of all that debris that was left floating in those places. Those are picking up to start forming other planets. Everything is expansion.

And as for the shell he initially named, does that stay in that vacuum like that?

Answer: – No, there’s the planet, there’s just the husk not suitable for human life. Now this system must ascend complete and the 3rd dimension expressions remain, those remain there until it is planned to bring life or recondition those planets to host life in the 3rd dimension. This is how the planet Earth will stay, the structure remains, the atmosphere will be reconditioned, the entire surface. But we don’t decide that, the Creator of this Universe decides that.

I quit, I am a Creative Intelligence of this Solar System.

Thank you very much

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 28/06/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar


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