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By Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine)
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Archangel Michael Issues Warning About Cell Phones And Computers!!

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Archangel Michael Issues Warning About Cell Phones And Computers!!

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Greetings, I’m the Archangel Michael, I greet you from my heart to your heart. I wanted to comment to you especially, seeing the situation with Emanuel’s computer and I was commenting that to Pastora yesterday, with respect to electricity.

Those entities of negative energies, those two archons, all of them use electrical energy. We know, we know and you understand, that you are under the watch of the dark forces given the mission you carry out and develop, that you expose them.

They always find a way to attack them. When we do the daily protections, which sometimes we do 3 times a day, we free them from everything. For us it’s a little harder to control all the energy that comes in through electrical power. All that voltage that comes sometimes comes loaded. No matter the voltage level, they use different forms and voltage levels to introduce themselves into electrical grids.

I would recommend Emanuel, to the extent possible, that when working on the computer, he works without connection to the electrical grid. Once you feel that your computer is downloading, charge it, but don’t use it while charging. It’s one way to paly, because the more protection we put on all the devices, always through the electrical grids, they’re going to be out there doing their mischief.

And the amazing thing about this is that through electrical energy they enter the circuits and their energy expands to their bodies. On computer keyboards, all those signals, when you press a key there they take advantage and introduce themselves into the bodies, in the energy of you.

That’s what I want to tell you, because you have maximum protection in everything. If it wasn’t for the protection we give the blue team, they wouldn’t be here, they would be in other energetic conditions.

We protect their social networks, we protect everything, but they already have monitored and scanned all Emanuel’s brain energy.

So my beloved, I tell you for protection, so I wanted to come in at this moment and give you both this information.

As much as possible, work with the computer battery and then charge it, just like with cell phones. Never work with cell phones connected to the electrical grid and when using electrical devices, also use them, not for a long time, because they sneak around, down the electrical grid.

Well my beloveds, this was the info. I wanted to tell you that we are still fighting.

I am the Archangel Michael.

Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM

ERKS – 02/07/2024

Commanders Ishtar and Ashtar.


RPK (IITM):  It can be easily demonstrated with science, that a charging computer or cell phone gives off strong EMF signals.  That isn’t good folks.  Energy moving from artificial energy out of balance, to the natural… is not good. Anything out of balance is not good, overall.  


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