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Don't Take the Mark - Received by Julie Whedbee

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‘The Mark Of The Beast Is Here’ 

Received by Julie Whedbee July 29, 2020   

The following is excerpted from here.

The implementation of the plans to alter your DNA and make it programmable by something other than Me, your Creator, are here. I control and govern the DNA I have placed within you, but if you allow man to administer anything within your bodies, that will recode your DNA, I will no longer be the controller. I will no longer recognize you as My creation. You will have become a mixture of something else, an altered form of man and technology, and therefore, not in My image any longer. Do you understand what I am saying? Truly the hour is here when you must prepare to make the choice to remain fully human, infused with My Spirit. The enemy wants nothing more than to deceive you through propaganda, fear and manipulation and cause you to allow either a mark or an implant (vaccine or digital tattoo) into your bodies that will forever separate you from Me. This is your reality right now! You must know what you will choose to do.

When you open doors to the enemy through sin and through your choices in life outside of My ways, the demonic spirits appoint gatekeepers over your heart, your mind, and your soul. Then those spirits invite more, and when no repentance occurs, strongholds occur. The heart of an unregenerate man is wicked and deceitful above all things. But My Word is quick, powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing apart of your soul and spirit, your joints and marrow, as I discern the thoughts and intentions of your heart. Allow Me to write My laws on your heart and you will know truth at last. You will know what is now directly in front of you and the choices that are here for you and your loved ones. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge, but it does NOT have to be this way. Allow My glory to penetrate your spirit so that your soul will come under submission. To not allow this, means you will remain in bondage and you will be easily deceived. If I do not dwell in you fully, and your gates have been breached, another will easily influence you and take governance.

My people, I have given you the keys to the Kingdom. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven and whatever is loosed on earth will be loosed in Heaven. Bind the strongman, bind the strongholds on your life and be delivered!

The technology for the mark of the beast is here. It is upon you. It will be presented at first to be taken voluntarily, then very soon after, you will not be able to buy, sell or work. Do not wait another moment. Come out of Babylon and make Me King of your heart, the Divine Gatekeeper of your soul.

The evil ones have set in motion their wicked schemes, as it must be so according to My Word. Many, many judgments will occur as I allow them. This is to wake up My church. You must know where you stand in your walk with Me, because in an instant, everything will change, and there will not be another opportunity to choose, because the choice will be made for you. You are either all in, or I am turning you over to your carnal mind and nature. You have the choice My loves, choose life and eternity in Me over eternal death in darkness. The time is now..


Excerpted from Julie’s prophecy of May 16th 2019

My warnings shout out again to you: DO NOT ACCEPT THE MARK OF THE BEAST!!

Do not take anything in your body, in your forehead or in your hand in order to buy or sell or do business, as by doing this, your very DNA will be altered, restructured and programmed, and you will not be fully human any longer, and you will not belong to Me. Many, many who profess My name at that point and refuse the mark will be martyred, but this is a great honor for those who will suffer for My name’s sake. 

Once the mark is taken, those who have the mark will be used by the enemy to lure those who have not taken the mark into traps to trick them. These programmed individuals who have been altered and are not Mine anymore will appear in forms resembling those you know and love in order to capture you. It is imperative that you know of these things before they happen, so that you will be informed and very circumspect. So many will perish from lack of knowledge. Do not be one of these! Many more than you are aware of, even right now walking amongst you, are not fully human. They are soul-less beings that can take the shape or form of anything familiar to deceive you. Only those who walk intimately with Me are gifted with the discernment to distinguish between these altered beings and My creation. 

As I have spoken through My daughter in the past, hybrids and offspring, once known, are being released as well, to appear again as part of the great war on My people by the enemy. He has gone to great lengths to amass an army that will fight against Me and My people in these last days. Those whose DNA is changed by the mark will join the men of renown (Nephilim) in forming this vast multitude. This is why I speak to you that you are no match for the wicked one and the evil schemes he has implemented. 

When you don’t know My voice, when you haven’t discarded all the menial distractions of this life that you use for entertainment, you continue to drift further and further into the sea of complacency, numbness, and apathy. The programming being done by all your devices and your media drown out the voice of your Creator, and you cannot expect Me to come to your cries of help when all suddenly changes, if you have not taken the time to learn of Me and seek Me with all your heart, soul and strength. What more can I say to you as your Father? 

You do not have years left to figure this out. You do not have months. The clock strikes midnight, the hourglass is empty, the shofar is blasting My warnings, the die is cast. Recompense is here. Judgment is set. What has begun will not be stopped. It is come.

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