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Fukushima Update: "Your Radiation This Week, Dec 26, 2015 to Jan 2, 2016"

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“Your Radiation This Week, Dec 26, 2015 to Jan 2, 2016″
By Bob Nichols
 ”I didn’t say it would be easy. I just said it would be the truth.”
- Morpheus

(San Francisco) January 2, 2016 – “Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week.” These are the recorded Radiation Highs that affected some people this week around the United States. You should compare the Rad numbers directly with the Rad numbers in with my articles listed on the VT Author’s Page hereThese are the American cities that exceeded 1,000 CPM this week. Thirty-one (31) American cities topped 1,000 CPM this week. There were Thirty-one (31) Cities last week, too. There are Thirteen (13) American cities between 900 and 999 CPM. Unfortunately, the Rad Contagion has swelled the American cities between 900 and 999 CPM to Eighteen Cities. Stay Alert and take all appropriate precautions.

The Rad poison has spread all over the country and settled in for the long haul. The most prevalent isotope, Cesium 137, takes a daunting 600 years to decay to infinitesimal levels. It is not even particularly long-lived radiation. The Cesium will remain, though; we won’t.
All Radiation Counts reported are partial Counts. Uncounted types of radiation include Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Neutron and X-Ray radiation. Uncounted radiation, if added, makes the actual Count higher and more dangerous. The highest radiation reporting city is listed first, the least radioactive city reporting is listed last. All reporting cities are above normal. I just could not overlook Washington, DC 401 CPM subtotal Gamma and Beta for a High Rad reading. This is not even a low for the District. The low Beta only reading was only 76 CPM. The benefits of living in Washington, DC are never ending and far surpass those of Normal men and women living in other cities, towns and metropolitan areas – even New York. NY City recorded a 973 CPM Radioactive High this week.

Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM. 50 CPM is an alert level.

1,747 CPM,  349.4 Times Normal,  Colorado Springs, CO.  Beta, Gamma.
1,555 CPM,  311 Times Normal,  Albuquerque, NM  KIA-CPM not PC
1,460 CPM,  292 Times Normal,  Tucson, AZ  Beta, Gamma.
1,405 CPM,  281 Times Normal,  Miami, FL.  Beta, Gamma.
1,355 CPM,  271 Times Normal,  Little Rock, AR  Beta, Gamma.
1,342 CPM,  268.4 Times Normal,  El Paso, TX.  Beta, Gamma.
1,318 CPM,  263.6 Times Normal,  Idaho Falls, ID  Beta, Gamma.
1,303 CPM,  260.6 Times Normal,  Raleigh, NC.  Beta, Gamma.
1,294 CPM,  258.8 Times Normal,  Fresno, CA  KIA-CPM not PC
1,256 CPM,  251.2 Times Normal,  Kansas City, KS  Beta, Gamma.
1,254 CPM,  250.8 Times Normal,  Spokane, WA.  Beta, Gamma.
1,230 CPM,  246 Times Normal,  Navajo Lake, NM  Beta, Gamma.
1,208 CPM,  241.6 Times Normal,  Amarillo, TX.  KIA-CPM not PC
1,202 CPM,  240.4 Times Normal,  San Diego, CA.  Beta, Gamma.
1,180 CPM,  236 Times Normal,  Rapid City, SD.  Beta, Gamma.
1,179 CPM,  235.8 Times Normal,  Denver, CO.  Beta, Gamma.
1,173 CPM,  234.6 Times Normal,  Portland, ME  Beta, Gamma.
1,167 CPM,  233.4 Times Normal,  Bakersfield, CA  Beta, Gamma.
1,160 CPM,  232 Times Normal,  Billings, MT  MIA-CPM not PC
1,157 CPM,  231.4 Times Normal,  Charleston, WV.  Beta, Gamma.
1,151 CPM,  230.2 Times Normal,  Tulsa, OK  Beta, Gamma.
1,145 CPM,  229.2 Times Normal,  Kearney, NE.  Beta, Gamma.
1,139 CPM,  227.8 Times Normal,  Pierre, SD   Beta, Gamma.
1,118 CPM,  223.6 Times Normal,  Miami, FL 2010  Beta, Gamma. 2010 5 Yrs ago
1,107 CPM,  221.4 Times Normal,  Worcester, MA.  Beta, Gamma.
1,095 CPM,  219 Times Normal,  Mason City, IA  Beta, Gamma.
1,078 CPM,  215.6 Times Normal,  Phoenix, AZ  Abandoned.
1,053 CPM,  210.6 Times Normal,  Oklahoma City, OK.  Beta, Gamma.
1,052 CPM,  210.4 Times Normal,  Louisville, KY  Beta, Gamma.
1,048 CPM,  209.6 Times Normal,  Anaheim, CA.  Beta, Gamma.
1,036 CPM,  207.2 Times Normal,  Laredo, TX.  Beta, Gamma.
1,026 CPM,  205.2 Times Normal,  Wichita, KS.  Beta, Gamma.
401 CPM,    80.2 Times Normal,  Washington DC  High Beta, Gamma.
76 CPM,     15.2 Times Normal,  Washington DC  Low Gamma.
Fresno, California has stopped reporting for the time being or permanently; it is not clear which. We’ll see what happens. In the meantime as a reminder, Fresno’s Five year Radioactive High was 2,504 CPM.
Most Radioactive City in America: Colorado Springs wins and is the most radioactive City in the nation this week. There is no prize. Albuquerque, NM is close behind in the CPM race to the end.
Categories added in list are:
• Abandoned. The Rad Unit was removed from public viewing by the governing authority.
• Tampered-with. The Rad Unit was altered by the governing authority.
• MIA-CPM not PC. The Rad Unit has gone missing after reporting High Rad numbers that were not “Politically Correct.”
• KIA-CPM not PC. The Rad Unit was obliterated after reporting High Rad numbers that were not “Politically Correct.”
Five Year Rad Analysis in the US 2010 – 2015:
Are the Rad readings getting better or worse? I suppose we all ask ourselves that question from time to time, in one way or another. One good way to formulate an answer for some would be to look at records from Earth’s recent radioactive past and try to glimpse the future. Others would pray for Guidance from Above. A few determined public and private entities actively collect records, publicly available, about the Radioactive Era we now occupy. If the records are not public, they are no good to me, 24/7/365 access is required. That is easily done with computers; but; computers are also easily tampered with by friend and foe alike.
For those tampered-with Rad Reading I have created and new category of designation: Tampered-with. Enjoy it, if it wasn’t so serious, it would be a real Hoot. Of course, any mention of tampered with Rad readings must start with good ole Washington, DC, our nation’s capital. Why do they do that for one city and not for all? Other than with an artificial High Pressure area, which can easily be created, it is a mystery to me how they do it. Washington, DC definitely meets the criteria, whatever they maybe, whereas New York City does not. Go Figure that. Honolulu, Hawai’i is another Tampered-with Rad Unit. The Rad Readings shown maybe tampered-with as in pure fiction or actual readings. You research it and decide for yourself.
The rest of the country’s Rad Readings are much like those of Miami, Florida. On December 26, 2010 the High Combined Rad Reading in Miami for that week was 1,118 CPM. Today, for the week of December 26, 2015, five years later, the same Combined High CPM reading is 1,405 CPM. That is a 25.6% increase in 5 years. There are 31 cities > 1000 CPM right now and 13 between 900 and 999. Not much change. Of course, we’re talking about elements with very non-human type life spans. 90 Billion years compared to 70, is not a joke…”
Baby Pulse Spikes Rad Monitors in US: On December 21 EPA Beta and Gamma Rad Monitors registered a sharp peak in the recorded radiation readings in 17 Rad Monitors to date. The radiation Spikes lasted approximately six hours each. The affected cities were: Lincoln, NE; Omaha, NE; Des Moines, IA; Aurora, IL; Madison, WI; Champaign, IL; Chicago, IL; Grand Rapids, MI; Indianapolis, IN; Detroit, MI; Cleveland, OH; Tulsa, OK; Jefferson City, MO and Springfield, MO. The Rad Spikes all were from 250 to 450 CPM points and all sharply upward.
Yuma, Phoenix and Tucson Go High, Are Shutdown: Yuma, Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona all saw extended absences in their Rad measurement units this week after Yuma’s nation leading High Rad last week. Seems the Old Westerners turn tail and run at the first sign they need to Man Up, or Woman Up, as the case may be. Gender is meaningless here, they deserted. All the publicly reporting Rad Monitors were Switched Off when called on to perform. Y’know, what the staff get paid good money to do, keep the machines running. Who ordered them to shut down? Were the machines lobotomized, like in Billings, MT?
The real question is still the same question as always: Where did the Rad come from – nuke weapons or nuke reactors? Yup, there are only two possible sources for this much Rad. Exploding nuclear weapons or daily venting of nuclear reactors. Take your pick; You are damned if you do and damned if you don’t. There are no other big nuclear sources on this planet.
It takes about 40 days for High Rad intermingled with the Jet Stream to come around again and re-hit the States. There is so much Rad high up in the air that this is always a possibility. Closer to home there is Sen John McCain’s favorite reactor near Phoenix. Getting long-in-the-tooth, it is. The Nuke Weapons Labs know, of course where the Rad came from, but, they aren’t talking. The original sources are still the same, though: weapons or reactors. Take your pick.
St. Louis and the Rad problem: St. Louis, now and forever more, will be remembered as a Manhattan Project nuclear garbage dump. It was for the most poisonous, flammable elements in the universe that just happen to also be radioactive. What will happen to the pieces of the rocks that incinerated Hiroshima, Japan and turned former people into mere shadows on the concrete? Nagasaki was blown away by Plutonium, manufactured by all reactors.
What is going on at the St. Louis City/Federal Nuclear garbage dump is the two have more or less run together 100 to 200 feet below the ground. This is out by the Airport in a poor section of town in a flood plain. As garbage dumps frequently do, it caught on fire. Now that is not very unusual, however hundreds of tons, if not thousands of tons of highly radioactive, flammable rocks mixed with or next to the garbage dump is not solvable in this lifetime; or ever. There is no fix.
As YRTW readers and commentators have pointed out, this nuke fire in St. Louis could be the result of many different things or nothing at all. That is real “plausible deniability” for you; an old term fired President Nixon popularized. The real criminals are the long dead people who thought of digging a plain hole in the ground for the Uranium bomb making left overs from the Manhattan Project in the first place and those workers who buried it many years ago. Their atomic legacy just keeps on killing.
St Louis is certainly not alone in experiencing the reckless disregard for life and health of the powerful federal/private Manhattan Project. The same highly radioactive throw-aways from building the Bomb are used as an under-pavement for roads in Niagara Falls, New York and West Chicago, Illinois. There are no doubt more cities with such a curse from WWII days and the 1950’s.
The St. Louis dump grounds now make up a giant nuclear powered cooking pot because the Uranium brings it’s own heat with it as a free built-in Property. This stuff burns really hot – up to 10,832 D. F. A real devils brew of explosive and poisonous stuff is cooking up in St. Louis. Worse, it is probably already on fire up to 200 feet below ground. The garbage fire is called a “smouldering fire” and is starved for oxygen. Digging it up is not a good idea since that just exposes the burning garbage fire to more oxygen.
The Uranium products don’t require oxygen to burn. Uranium products can burn without oxygen and underwater – it makes no difference. Plus, the fine Uranium particles can catch on fire at room temperature all by themselves. No ignition sources are required. When people use the old expression “It was bound to happen,” this is one of those things.
Now – 70 years later – it is kind of a Perfect Crime. The original Perps are long dead and buried or almost dead. The Feds are using a standard cover story that emphasizes that it was an illegal dumping operation of radioactive waste. Ha! That’s preposterous! The hundreds or thousands of workers, ranging from engineers to laborers digging a huge hole out by the Airport did exactly what they were told to do by the Manhattan Project. The Feds are just trying to escape liability by these idiotic lies. The Feds broke it; they have to pay to fix the impossible situation the folks are in now – It’s theirs! Now – Not 50 years from now.
Uranium is also chemically active. It can and does provoke the creation of explosive and poisonous gases at the St. Louis Garbage/Nuke Dump that migrate through the upper layers of dirt to poison and harm people in St. Louis. That is the natural way of things when substances are exposed to Radiolysis. It is defined by the Free Dictionary as: “Radiolysis – Molecular decomposition of a substance as a result of radiation.” –  Pissin’ On The Roses has a good piece on Radiolysis. It is here.
My recommendation remains the same for healthy,
 able-bodied people in St. Louis – Just leave, get out of town.
I’ll keep you advised.
Amarillo: A word about Amarillo, Texas. Since we all know what was there, there no need to go into all that. The Rad report from EPA and all the historical Rad records are totally gone, totally blown away. There is nothing left to report the Rad numbers now or in the past; the EPA records vanished overnight. The town is fine, omitting the obvious, as far as I know.
“Radiation Sensors in Major U.S. Cities Turned Off By EPA”Billings, Montana on Oct 16, 2015 was reading a Combined Beta and Gamma Rad of 1,227 Beta and 703 Gamma for a Combined reading of 1,930CPM. The Beta Rad unit stopped publicly reporting, then four (4) days later on Oct 20, 2015 at 12:37:25 the unit came to life again. It’s… ahh, personality had changed, though. The new Beta and Gamma reading was 926 Beta and 401 Gamma. The new Combined radiation number on Oct 20 was 1,227 CPM Combined. The Combined reading was 603 CPM less than it was 4 days before. There was no Note or Comment on the missing four days. It was a 4 Day Rad Gap and an unexplained disappearance of 603CPM. The disappearing CPM was comprised of 302 CPM Gamma and 301 CPM Beta. In the next 4 Hours the Combined CPM eroded another 550 CPM for a total CPM Loss of 1,153 CPM. Billings, Montana today is barely in the List of cities above 1000 CPM. Billings is now 23rd on the list and reads 1,101 CPM. The missing Radiation remains “Unaccounted For.” Presumably it [the radiation] did not go to the Moon; therefore, it is on Earth somewhere now. (So, they apparently tried to “rig” the system and failed, so instead turned it all off. Just my hunch… – CP)
German Analysis of Certain Isotopes after Meltdown: Hold on to your hat… In 1992 Germany calculated that in reactor meltdowns like Fukushima Daiichi the radioactive isotope Strontium 90 would aggressively poison the environment for 109.2 years and then decline slowly over the next 273 years. Of course, we will ALL be long dead by then. Other deadly Rad isotopes put Strontium 90’s generous life span to shame. The German study is here for those brave enough to tackle it. Source: The IAEA: Dispersion of radionuclides and radiation exposure after leaching by groundwater of a solidified core-concrete melt by Bayer, A.; Tromm, W.; Al-Omari, I. (Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (Germany)) from 8. International congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA8)
Isotope Count reporting: These CPM numbers do not represent the actual radiation counts in your radiation weather this week. It is higher [or worse] than these government certified partial reports say. Use these report numbers as your Starting Point in adding up your daily, monthly and annual exposure from your Rad Weather. Most radiation monitors report on the radioactive presence of Cesium 137 at the detector. YRTW will report on “the secrets the Pros use” in estimating the actual Total radiation counts. It is not a pretty picture. Squeamish readers may want to turn to other Veterans Today articles reporting on usual things like wars and people getting blown up by an actual named enemy you can see in pictures.
Day One out of the reactor use a news reported Cesium multiplier of 150 Times. After 15 days outside the reactor the multiplier is still approximately 100 times the Cesium Twins. Take all appropriate Rad precautions. A second Multiplier is for Rad particles that have been outside the reactor for ten years or more. The Total radiation declines to approximately Five (5) Times the Cesium level. The Lethality is still increasing though. Here’s how you can calculate an estimate of your Total Rad today: Use a reported account of the Cesium 137/134 CPM in your area and Multiply Times 5. Another way to say it is:
Cs137/134 CPM X 5.0 = Total Radiation released in CPM
Radiation types commonly measured by radiation monitors include Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Neutron and X-Ray radiation. Only Beta and Gamma are reported by the EPA and here on YRTW. There are 1,944 other individual Rad elements, only a few are ever mentioned in articles. In short: The newer disaster’s Cesium 137/134 radiation CPM that is conveniently echoed by local and national news outlets, tells you right away by simple Multiplication how big the disaster really is, even if they are lying. At least it gets you closer than “There is no danger to the public.” That would be You. Think of it as the insider’s secret code. Multiply away! That’s it. No magic or VooDoo, just the facts as close as you can calculate it. However, provided Cesium 134 is present you are experiencing a recent radioactive release and all bets are off. Why is that? Because the two Rad Isotopes decay at greatly different rates. The relatively long lived Cs 137 is half gone in 30.1 years. The shorter lived Cesium 134 is half gone in only 2.06 years. As a result the Multiplier changes very rapidly. Good Luck.

The Lethality goes up for 35 years; then declines slightly and hangs steady for millions of years, for that release. New releases start a new clock all over again. Regrettably for all normal Humans, that is a bunch of generations. The end result is extinction, of course.  Everybody is included; no one is left out. Truthfully, it is a bummer and I know of no variety of radiation-exempt Human Species.

How often do radioactive releases occur? The answer is: Radioactive releases occur almost daily in most reactors. This venting does complicate your health and your estimated Rad readings. May you always have better Rad Weather; but, that’s not likely.”
Sources and Notes:
1. The Radiation charts and graphs of the EPA at  Don’t skip the “2” in www2.
2. The EPA based reporting of, an LLC.
3. * This station’s Radiation equals combined Beta and Gamma Radiation. Note: Not all locations have reporting Beta Radiation Monitors. Gamma Radiation Monitors are functioning at all these locations.
4. “…If you pollute when you DO KNOW there is NO safe dose with respect to causing extra cases of deadly cancers or heritable effects, you are committing premeditated random murder.” – John W. Gofman, Ph.D., M.D. (1918-2007), associate director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 1963-1969) — Comments on a Petition for Rulemaking to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, May 21, 1994.
5. CPM. “Although we can’t see it, taste it, smell it or hear it we can measure radiation and observe its effects. One way to measure radiation which the United States Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] has chosen to use on its radiation websites is in Counts Per Minute. Each Count is One Radioactive Decay.” Quote from the ‘Your Radiation, This Week.’” Apr 3, 2015.
7. ENENEWS, August 7th, 2015, US Gov’t: “We don’t know what’s going on” in Pacific — Many ill baby seals being abandoned; Dozens of walruses found dead; Dying whales, birds, fish — “Unprecedented things happening” — Experts: “It’s been a very unusual marine mammal year… I’m really worried, very concerned” (AUDIO)
8. Dispersion of radionuclides and radiation exposure after leaching by groundwater of a solidified core-concrete melt by Bayer, A.; Tromm, W.; Al-Omari, I. (Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (Germany)) from 8. International congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA8)
9. Resuspension and redistribution of radionuclides during grassland and forest fires in the Chernobyl exclusion zone: part I. Fire experiments., Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 86 (2006)
“Throughout this time the reactors continuously plumed out radiation into the environment. When seen through the refracted gaze of the media, it seemed as though the radioactive plumes that escaped the Daiichi plant were severe, but episodic and limited. In fact, the plumes that made their way into the atmosphere after the venting and hydrogen explosions were peak releases, but they were merely steps above an already elevated level that fluctuated but never stopped. One way to visualize this is to imagine the plume as a spotlight that swept back and forth, continuously pluming out radioactivity in the direction that light was shone: as the wind shifted the plume would move, but it never stopped. The plume was unrelenting (and, arguably, still is today in another mode, as contaminated water leaks into the ocean), and as this radioactivity has been released into the environment, it has incrementally distributed collective, cumulative doses whose consequences for public health were terrifying in the early days of the crisis but may well be even worse in the long-term.”

Aboard the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan, 100 miles offshore of Fukushima: “During that March 13 phone call, Cleveland wrote, Troy Mueller — the deputy administrator for naval reactors at the US Department of Energy — said the radiation was the equivalent of “about 30 times what you would detect just on a normal air sample out at sea.” “So it’s much greater than what we had thought,” Mueller reportedly warned other American officials after taking samples on the Reagan. “We didn’t think we would detect anything at 100 miles.” After Mueller made that remark, according to Cleveland’s transcript, Deputy Secretary of Energy Daniel Poneman asked him if those levels were “significantly higher than anything you would have expected.” He responded yes. Poneman later asked Mueller, “How do the levels detected compare with what is permissible?” Mueller replied that those on the scene could suffer irreversible harm from the radiation within hours. “If it were a member of the general public, it would take- well, it would take about 10 hours to reach a limit,” he said. “At that point,” Mueller added, “it’s a thyroid dose issue.” If people are exposed to levels beyond the Protective Action Guideline threshold released by the Energy Department, Cleveland acknowledged in his report, radiation could have ravaged their thyroid glands.”
So within 10 hours of exposure to 30 times the normal background radiation level “radiation could have ravaged their thyroid glands.” Find the nearest location to you in the listing above. 10 hours? 30 times normal exposure? Remember this is 24 hour a day, 7 days a week exposure for over 4 1/2 years now. Draw your own conclusions…


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