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Bombshell of Bombshells! Evidence That Blows Christine Ford’s Case Wide Open! (Video)

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                     Brett Kavanaugh, Georgetown Prep school classmate Chris Garrett



BREAKING: FORMER SCALIA LAW CLERK Drops Pictures and Evidence That Blows Christine Ford’s Case Wide Open!

Is this a case of mistaken identity? 

Accuser Christine Blasey Ford is waging a war on Trump’s SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh with decades-old, unsubstantiated claims of sexual assault in an effort to derail his confirmation to the Supreme Court.

Judge Kavanaugh has categorically denied the allegations and even told Senator Orin Hatch he wasn’t at the party in question.

Ed Whelan, Justice Scalia’s former law clerk and president of conservative think tank the Ethics and Public Policy Center (EPPC), came out in defense of Brett Kavanaugh and said compelling evidence will come out next week exonerating Kavanaugh.

On Thursday afternoon, Ed Whelan started dropping pictures and evidence that may blow Christine Ford’s case wide open.

The “Maryland suburban home”–the scene of the alleged sexual assault described by Christine Ford to WaPo as being ‘not too far from the Columbia Country Club’ may have belonged to Kavanaugh’s friend named Chris Garrett.

Follow this thread by Whelan… (Continues after the video below)

Christine Blasey Ford’s Parents Lost Court Case Involving Kavanaugh’s Mother

Today News

An unusual connection between Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh and his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, has some questioning her possible motives. Ford has accused Kavanaugh of sexual assault when they were teenagers in the 1980s. While the accusations seemed plausible, Ford’s motivations are now being called into question by some. According to records in the state of Maryland, the parents of Christine Blasey Ford were involved in a foreclosure case in 1996 and 1997 in which one of the judges was Martha Kavanaugh, the mother of Brett Kavanaugh. While the exact details of the case are still unclear, it appears Ford’s parents were sued in a foreclosure case, which they lost. Martha Kavanaugh was not the deciding judge on the verdict or settlement, but her name is included as the presiding judge on several filings made by the plantiffs in the case. If Christine Ford knew Martha Kavanaugh was one of the judges involved, there could be some animosity towards the family over what was likely an emotional foreclosure case. Kurt Schlichter highlighted the discovery today on his Twitter account, but made it clear the details were uncovered by Richard Armande Mills of Turning Point USA. The revelations comes among other aspects of Ford’s life that some say may have motivated her to speak against Kavanaugh. As we reported earlier, Ford participated in a march against Trump in 2017, and even wore a variation of the “pussy hat” in the march. We also reported that Ford has strong ties to the Democratic party. The registered Democrat donated to Bernie Sanders’ 2016 presidential campaign, and she is currently represented by Debra Katz, a liberal activist lawyer who calls herself a member of the Trump “resistance.” is reporting that Ford signed a letter earlier this year, signed by numerous professionals in the psychological industry, demanding that President Trump end the practice of separating illegal immigrant families at the border. Some found the connection just a bit too coincidental.

News article continued:

Who lived in this house? Chris Garrett, a Georgetown Prep classmate, friend, and football teammate of Brett Kavanaugh’s.

Garrett and Kavanaugh looked a lot alike in high school.

Here they are now…

Ed Whelan went on to say, “If you’re at a gathering of “four others” in someone’s home, you’d ordinarily think that the four others include the host who lives in the home. And that host would be the person least likely to act like a guest and most likely to use private areas of the house.”

“If the gathering was at Garrett’s house and Garrett was there, then one of the “four others” wasn’t there.” Whelan continued.

Ed Whelan concluded his tweetstorm saying, “To be clear, I have no idea what, if anything, did or did not happen in that bedroom at the top of the stairs, and I therefore do not state, imply or insinuate that Garrett or anyone else committed the #sexualassault that Ford alleges. Further, if Ford is now mistakenly remembering Garrett to be #Kavanaugh, I offer no view whether that mistaken remembrance dates from the gathering or developed at some point in the intervening years.”

#Feinstein is refusing to give Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley the unredacted letter Christine Ford sent Senate Democrats in July further fueling suspicions there is exculpatory evidence in the letter.

The Gateway Pundit

#christineFord #mistakenIdentity #politics #scandal





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    Total 2 comments
    • Andy

      what a non story – another farticle

    • FauxScienceSlayer

      Ed Whelan and ZeroHedge have retracted this detailed article, but left all the dots for readers to connect.

      This is DNC-CIA directed, Holton-Arms prep school sex and alcohol indoctrination smear.

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