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Anon 11.11 -- Q Drops the Bomb. FISA Declass That Q Promised Is Not What You Think it Is ... (QRV)

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submitted 10.2 hours ago by 2836802?

Trump came out a little while ago and said there will be harsh penalties for voter fraud.

What is FISA?
Americans who speak with foreigners who mean to do the country harm, they can get spied on.
Trump said China is interfering with our election.
Vice President Pence said Venezuela paid for the caravan.
What does this permit? FISA warrant on everyone connected to the caravan.
FISA warrant allowed spying … but not just on the caravan (though it certainly is a big part of it).
The FISA warrant, allowed by the Trump administration because China was interfering in our election through Venezuela and the caravan … gave Q the right to spy on all the democrats who were involved with it.
Once spying, and Q is listening (legally), they picked up all the details they needed on Soros $$$ paying for illegals to vote, to flip just enough house seats so democrats win.
Trump just mentioned there will be harsh penalties for voter fraud.
Everyone thought Q’s reference to “FISA will bring down the HOUSE” was reference to the Obama administration’s abuse.
Military sting operation regarding democrat fraud and voting.
Ask yourself, how is it that republicans did so very well that we picked up governorships, and did well in the senate … but we didn’t do well in the house?
The democrats don’t have the wherewithal to cheat on a grand scale.
Instead, they focused on cheating on small scale house seats … surgical precision, enough to barely get them the house. So far, 26 seat flip (they needed 23) …
FISA will bring down the HOUSE!
FISA will bring down the HOUSE!
FISA will bring down the HOUSE!
What does that mean? It means the intelligence gathered with FISA warrants proving democrat voter fraud will cast the legitimacy of the House into question … they won’t be able to accomplish anything against Trump’s agenda … the leadership of the house may even be under question while they resolve it all.
Q said we will be united as a country again on 11.11 … and Q just confirmed that DECLAS brings down the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES
DECLAS overrides all potential House blockades.
Why? The old Obama administration FISA abuses had absolutely NOTHING to do with the HOUSE!!! Only the above explanation makes sense!
11.11 … 4 short days away.



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    [–] 14871144? 70 points (+73|-3) 10 hours ago 
    I don’t know the plan but I surely trust The Plan. It ain’t over till it’s over. Roll on Sunday. WWG1WGA
    [–] 14872787? 25 points (+33|-8) 8.4 hours ago 
    After 11.11 what date will it be next? The magic always happens in the future. Never today. Why not?
    [–] 14872949? 83 points (+87|-4) 8.2 hours ago 
    Because, Neo. You have been enslaved. Trapped in a prison that has been 3,000 years or more in the making. Because what you think is a free world is a myth. Even America, land of the Free, well. What they don’t tell you, is Land of the Free(mason). Everything has been a fiction to get us to this point. The last hundred years of history, the history books are half fiction half truth. Q pointed it out for a reason. Nothing we’ve been told is True.
    The courts are filled to the brim with corrupt judges who are all part of secret societies and have given death oaths, there are C_A agents in positions of power. And never let anyone tell you they’re “ex” C_A without taking what they tell you with a huge grain of salt. Trust but verify as it were. Why do you think Q keeps mentioning Rule of Law? Why do they have to go through Military Tribunals? You think it’s merely because of treason charges? Then you aren’t paying attention.
    The lies, the amount of lies and treason on a mass(read: World Wide) Scale.$%#* hell.
    Why can’t we just overturn all of this with a flip of a switch
    I fucking wonder. With everything being an illusion I can’t possibly imagine why they have to take the bandages off bit by bit. Q wasn’t kidding when he said when everything is disclosed, many will be hospitalized. That even among the so-called awakened, there are only a few who really “Get it”. A lot of you are like this individual here. You don’t “Get” the scope of it. You think it’s some $%#* game. You think giving up actually $%#*  matters. Do you not realize you’re at war? Your very $%#*  life is on the line. “Oh Q never pulls through for us when he says he will. You know, publically, to the enemy, all the time. Like a retard. God damn, why doesn’t he ever just nakedly tell us what he’s going to do? I mean it’s not like the enemy literally accesses the same fucking public board or anything like that right? It’s not like the first law of War is All War is Based on Deception
    Disinfo is REAL
    Disinfo is NECESSARY
    But no, I’m some magical fucking self important fucking who clearly understands all that is going on and therefor when I don’t see enough evidence I’m self important enough to be worthy of being heard as I spew ignorant shit.”
    Shill harder. Please.

    Continue article here NESARA- Restore America – Galactic News

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      Total 4 comments
      • DangerWillRoberson

        why does glen candy claim Q is a larp? what does this mean? Q+++ :idea:

        • DieJobi

          Because Q has stated on many occasions to trust Session. Today Sessions resigned.

      • Windwarrior7777

        I liked your reference to 3000 years. It shows you have a much clearer understanding than most to what is really happening right now…and what is really at stake. What I am about to disclose in undeniable graphic detail in the next 15 days or less will prove everyword of what you are about to read next. I believe Trump and M.I. knows exactly what I am talking about. If not they are in for a major major surprise. But all is headed in the same direction….all at the same real enemy. The only question is…Do they know the real size, The real power, the real technology, The real intention this enemy has for the future of humanity in the very near future.They are absolutely correct about the most important point.It is that from a human perspective, IT……THEY…..ARE ….PURE….EVIL…..beyond your wildest, most abhorrent, most grotesque, most horrifying imaginings. MAGA////and then the world… on……it begins…The real threat is much worse than a civil war. It is much worse than a world war. It is actually a war of the worlds, a war between dimensions, a war against insidious forces and beings of pure negative energy that have infiltrated and ruled this planet from the portals of a grand masquerade as they have emulated a human countenance and entrapped enslaved and completely controlled our minds, our souls our consciousness and fabricated our false systems of beliefs about EVERYTHING inclusive of science, history,religion,sociology, economics, psychology, and a falsified limit upon human consciousness that they have engineered. They are reptilian. They eat us in body and spirit by the millions each year. They are the progenitors the creators of all that is satanic in nature and power. THEY are Satan, They are Lucifer, They may even be what we now worship as Jesus the Christ God forbid. What we term as Black Magic and the powers of Satan is really their technology that we in our still primitive state cannot even begin to recognize for what it really is… there astronomical advance in technology. We have been duped by them for at least 2000 years and that is a low estimate.They were here before us. This has never been our planet. We have Never been in full control of human destiny. They reign over all from beneath our feet inhabiting the outer crust of the inner earth. Their human hybridized and cloned Demons do their bidding and run our civilization in accordance with their desires and mandates. We are their oxen and cattle for slaughter allowed to roam and feed in “Free Range”. The Human spirit is strong, we have multiplied beyond their limits of control.WE have been used like cattle to feed their entire universal species. But they have been cloning us like sheep now for 60 years.They do not need “free range” Beef anymore. Our sheer numbers have become a problem.They believe it is time to “thin the herd” down to only mindless millions….no longer billions. They will soon be coming up to complete that task. Their agents and infrastructure surround us. They are already here. They have been in control and working hard to guide us to the slaughter, the Earthly “killing fields” acting as “Judas Goats”. But they have been found out. They are known. A resistance has formed couched within the auspices of a “Patriot Movement” even they do not know the full portant and description of the enemy. BUT THEY RECOGNIZE EVIL WHEN THEY SEE IT. The rest of America is too damn dumb to even get out of their own way. They in essence of their stupidity have closed ranks to protect the enemies agent provocateurs they cannot even recognize. When the mind has been struck blind, deaf, and dumb…..the Eyes shall never see. The battle lines are formed. Their is no time left for reeducation or we are all lost in the doldrums before an unsurvivable storm that will swallow ALL of Humanity and drag us ALL to the deoths of our dark ending.This is not a moment for democracy for endless bickering with fools over what is right in a “proper” world. This is NOT a proper world. WE ARE AT WAR. THE ULTIMATE BATTLE FOR THE SURVIVAL OF A CONSCIENT HUMANITY. WE HAVE A WAR TIME PRESIDENT IN PLACE. WE HAVE A MILITARY AND AN INTELLIGENCE THAT BACKS HIM AND IS WILLING TO FIGHT AND IF NEED BE DIE TO PROTECT US, SAVE THE COUNTRY, AND THUS SAVE THE WORLD AND BEYOND. LET US NOW GO TO WAR AGAINST ANY AND ALL WHO STAND IN THE WAY OF US AND OUR GOD GIVEN EXISTENCE. SURRENDER IS NOT AN OPTION. AS GENERAL PATTON said to the NAZI HORDE…..NUTS!!!!. WE MUST EFFECT A REVERSE COUP DE TAT…. A “DEVOLUTION”. Democrat or Republican….no matter. If it walks like the enemy and talks like the enemy. TAKE THEM ALL DOWN. LET GOD SORT THEM OUT LATER. They would do much worse to us….and to the blinded sheep. WE MUST MOVE NOW…A MILITANT LEADER A MILITARY FORCE. MARTIAL LAW. MILITARY COURTS FOR IN ESSENCE ALL OPPOSITION IS TREASON. ALL HANGS IN THE BALANCE, OUR COUNTRY, OUR WORLD, OUR PLANET, OUR UNIVERSE, ALL OF HUMANITY, OUR GOD AND GODS. EXECUTE THE PLAN IN THE NEXT 72 HOURS. INCARCERATE, INTERROGATE, ELIMINATE! DO NOT EVER PLACATE! LOCK AND LOAD! LETS MOVE…. WHILE WE STILL HAVE OPTIONS. THE ELEMENT OF SURPRISE IS STILL OURS. MOVE OUT FROM ALL SECTORS. MAKE THE WRITER OF THESE MESSAGES AMONG THE FIRST EXAMPLES. MAGA! WWG1WGA! GOD BLESS AMERICA AND ALL WHO SHALL AND HAVE EVER LIVED FOUGHT AND OFTEN DIED IN HER DEFENSE. GOD HELP US ALL> WE FIGHT FOR YOU! NO you foolish demonic swine. THIS>>>>THIS IS HOW YOU GET A HOT CIVIL WAR!!! When this is done. WE MUST STILL FIGHT THE GREATER AND ULTIMATE ENEMY….TO THE DEATH! I am writing this to you POTUS. I know you and yours read all.A heads up on the first 20 plus line after “civil war is not the greatest threat.” I hope you really do ” have our “6″ covered. If you are shilling at all…humanity i finished. We only get one shot at this. Make it count. Strike the heartsblood of our enemy.If IT/THEY even physically have one. Get it?….GOT IT?…….GOOOOD???

        • DangerWillRoberson

          did you read the bible? :!:

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