
There was a feeling something was wrong and the question was what’s really going on? This lead me to begin to “unwrap” the lies and a drive to find the “Truth” about information on ‘Free Energy.’ Once I learned we “do” have these technologies this lead to the burning question “why then, do we not have access” to all of it, when it is available to us? Like a rooted tree I found that the (reasons) or “roots” take us to many (areas) or branches on a very big tree where the truth has always been (hidden) there in “plain sight!” We have been so “programmed” not to see what is truly there and what we “do see” is not the truth! Some of these “truths” that I was able to uncover are here now for “ALL” to see and the journey is to our “real Consciousness” and now I wish to pass it on to those of you that are “hungry” to learn about ‘Consciousness.” Up until I started this search I was like everyone else existing in this well-made ‘Matrix’ and ‘Construct’ which the book will help you “see” and what has been done to us all. You cannot totally understand it until you “look into it.” Even if you think you know what is going on, come and “see,” you didn’t! Please take up this challenge for yourself. It’s not going to cost you anything but it may very well save your life if you “dare” to accept the challenge, of your life! BIO/OVERVIEW: Website:
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