
I love food. Love. It. It’s one of my chief pleasures in life, and my only regret is that God didn’t give me a metabolism to balance it out! But since He didn’t, it’s a great goal of mine to create recipes that are healthy, healthful and lower fat and lower cal so that I can keep eating! I’m from Mississippi–yes the fattest state in the country–but I’m not a traditional southern cook. I’ve never deep fried anything in my life. I’m a huge fan of cooking with flavor not fat, so you will often see me substituting Splenda for sugar, Egg Beaters for full eggs, applesauce for oil, etc. I love to experiment and my spice rack is my best friend. But you can be sure that I’ll point you toward recipes that contain ingredients you can generally find at your regular small town grocery store. No specialized Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s ingredients here–the nearest one is 3 hours away! When I'm not in the kitchen, I'm busy crafting action packed paranormal romance for adults and teens. You can find more information on me and my work at
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