
Deidre Madsen
Deidre Madsen, is the award-winning author of Happily Inner After - A Guide to Getting and Keeping Your Knight in Shining Amour. She is a relationship and life coach, lecturer and instructor. Deidre is a self styled quantum activist, following the theories of monastic idealism, sovereignity, 5D self-actualization, and is tenured as a Supra-consciousness Imagery Guide supported by quantum energetics and phenomenology. Some of her past and ongoing research include Depth, Archetypal and Analytical Psychologies, Indigenous Native ceremonial pujas and traditions. Member of Academy for Future Science. She is a film producer, writer, an avid actor and performer leaning toward depth or shamanic acting; she is also a vocalist and past dancer and model. She makes her home in Los Angeles, California with her two Maltese dogs. Photo: Alexander Drecun
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