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Birther Think Tank
Prior to April 27, 2011, The Birther Think Tank was dedicated to discussing WHY Obama didn’t cough up his long form Birth Certificate, and resolve at least one divisive issue facing our country. However, due to unrelenting pressure from The Birther Think Tank and others, Obama finally caved in and, on April 27, 2011, coughed up his long form birth certificate!!! That issue is now behind us. Internet Articles relating to this issue before April 27, 2011 can be found under Pre-Long Form Birtherism. Related articles and analysis after that date will be found under Post-Birtherism Analysis.
As of October 1, 2011, The Birther Think Tank enlarged its original mission to include the de-bunking of what I call the two citizen-parent Birthers, who are people who believe it takes two citizen parents for a person to be a natural born citizen and eligible for the presidency. Their beliefs are based primarily on the writings of Emerich de Vattel in his book, The Law of Nations. (Sometimes I purposely mis-spell his name as Vattle to tease them.) These people are either liars, or innocent dupes who believe the core of liars. The law is clear that if you are born in the United States, and are not the child of a diplomat or invading soldier, then you are a natural born citizen. Internet articles relating to this CULT, can be found under Anti-Vattel Birther Analysis.
The Birther Think Tank believes that as of November 24, 2011 – there is no need to continue doing post-Birtherism analysis on the Birth certificate question. The Reality is, that the birth certificate issue is just over. Obama proved he was born in Hawaii. This is just said, done, and over with. Period. There is less than a year before the 2012 Presidential elections. Discussing pixels and layers in online documents is a silly waste of time when compared to 9+% unemployment, and trillion plus dollars per year deficits. This issue has become nothing but a silly distraction, and it is time for it to end.
Therefore, from this date forward, November 24, 2011, the main focus of the Birther Think Tank will be two-fold. First, to continue de-bunking the two citizen-parent foolishness, and second, to bring an end to questioning Obama’s birth certificate.
Larry Klayman Is Dressing Up Like A Lawyer For Halloween!!! (Or, Loser Suit Larry)
61 views | Opinion - Liberal | Oct 17 2012 01:11
61 views | Opinion - Liberal | Oct 17 2012 01:11
Very Interesting. . . But Stupid!!! (Or, A White Rose By Any Other Name)
282 views | Opinion - Liberal | Oct 17 2012 01:11
282 views | Opinion - Liberal | Oct 17 2012 01:11
Affirm Foundation!!! (Or, Twisting Judge Sullivan’s Opinion)
37 views | Opinion - Liberal | Oct 03 2012 13:21
37 views | Opinion - Liberal | Oct 03 2012 13:21
Very Interesting. . . But Stupid!!! (Or, A White Rose By Any Other Name)
67 views | Opinion - Liberal | Sep 29 2012 03:13
67 views | Opinion - Liberal | Sep 29 2012 03:13
World Famous Brazilian Expert Examines The Long Form Image!!!
22 views | Opinion - Liberal | Sep 27 2012 20:33
22 views | Opinion - Liberal | Sep 27 2012 20:33
Lord Monckton’s Mathematical Folly (Or, Odds Botchkins!!!)
27 views | Opinion - Liberal | Sep 27 2012 20:33
27 views | Opinion - Liberal | Sep 27 2012 20:33
Stupid Kentucky Birther Denies Being A Stupid Birther!!! (Or, More KY Puh-lease!)
34 views | Opinion - Liberal | Sep 26 2012 16:53
34 views | Opinion - Liberal | Sep 26 2012 16:53