
Prognatus Septem
John and Bonnie Jean of the Mitchell family present valuable information about the current Earth Changes and Spiritual Ascension in video format, created by people around the world from all walks of life. Bonnie of and John of are combining their research efforts into the world of UFOs, alien abduction and the true nature of this reality. Bonnie is a life-long contactee who helps alien abductees with their experiences via The Forum at her website, Alien Abduction Help. Bonnie’s work with alien abductees began in 1993 when the Edgar Cayce Foundation’s Venture Inward magazine ran an article about her life-long alien encounters, which received positive response and ultimately led to the A.R.E.’s first UFO conference in 1995 featuring Dr. John Mack and Budd Hopkins. In 2005 she published her first book about alien abduction called Invitation to the Self; journey with the star people. John, with a background in the U.S. Navy and a U.S. Merchant Marine, traveled to the infamous Area 51, Nevada and filmed dozens of daytime UFOs in 2006. His experience in Nevada included five hours of missing time and the filming of two UFOs leaving the scene of his abduction. These events began John’s research into UFOs and global politics and their connections to both the enslavement and the freeing of mankind. John wishes to enlighten others to the truths which might help wake them up. Together, Bonnie and John are creating, an anthology of videos targeting planetary changes going into 2012, with categories like DNA Activation and Ascension, Reptilians, Masons and the New World Order, Wisdom of the Elders, Alternative Energy, HAARP and Project Blue Beam, Chemtrails, Meditation and Sacred Geometry. Bonnie and John encourage everyone to take control of their own lives and search their hearts and minds for the truth about life on Earth. Research the Internet on important topics such as chemtrails, vaccines, zero point energy, Merkabah, and DNA activation. Now is the time to take responsibility and discover the truth for ourselves while waking up to a new, higher state of consciousness. Ascension is happening NOW!
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