
I am a born again, Fundamental, Dispensational, Millennial Pre Time of Jacob\'s Trouble Catching Away of the Saints believer and I am waiting for The Lord and Savior to call my name from the clouds in the Trump of God and to be instantly changed into a being incorruptible and no longer able to sin or die. My soul and body groan within me while I wait as His coming draws ever closer. I share God\'s Gospel for this dispensation; the Gospel of Salvation by Jesus Christ. I belong to no affiliation or church body but the body of Christ. God continually adds to my learning and sanctification as long as I am willing. I have grown much in the Spirit in the last 7 years since I have found that all other versions of the bible other than the King James Version are PER versions and I have given them up. I have an NIV bible that I used to be so proud to show people how battered and used up it was. It now sits on the shelf with all the other perversions. I memorize scripture from the KJV and I read and study from the KJV. I have kept copies of other bibles as a reference and learning tool to show others how many things have been left out, added in, or have completely changed the intended meaning of the original King James Version which is THE bible to the English speaking people of this dispensation. I am constantly on the lookout for false teaching and I readily expose them as I find them. There are many kinds of heresy that have infiltrated sound bible teaching, many with fancy Christian titles to draw in the ignorant like flies to a Venus Fly Trap. I will go to the end of the world if God calls me to share the Truth with someone. I admonish a heretic once then twice with a witness and then I won\'t stand their heresy anymore. Everything I do is for the Lord and I don\'t stop thinking about Him for one minute of any day. My own family thinks I am a fanatic and I can\'t talk about the things I love with any of my family. Yet there is rejoicing in this as well because Jesus said that if they hated Him, they will hate me too and this is verily the reality in which I live. I am completely sold out for my Savior Jesus Christ for what He has done for me and I want to be clothed with my immortal body so that I could see Him as He is! Even so, Come, Lord Jesus! Maranatha.
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