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Obama Kill List Targets Used for Barbaric Research, Evidence With Sen. Wyden

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Target burned with military weapons used in United States against innocent victims of Barack Obama’s targeted kill list used for non-consensual human experimentation. (Photo Credit: Targeted Individuals)


Alleged survivors on Barack Obama’s Targeted Kill List have presented to Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon evidence of being slowly killed while used for barbaric, cruel and unusual, torturous research, according to a letter released to Before It’s News on Wednesday.

In a historic attempt for recognition and aid, a Targeted Killing advocacy group has presented documentation of the United States intelligence community applying covert slow-kill methods to silence victims while using them for research in American communities. 

Citizens Against Nonconsensual Research (CANR), that supports Wyden’s position on this important national issue, says its primary issue is non-consensual experimentation, including directed energy weapon testing, on unwitting citizens, according to Lynn Weed, co-director of CANR. 

“A secondary issue is the ‘citizen kill list,’” Weed says. “By the very nature of our issues and claims, many members believe they may have been placed on a FISA, Patriot, and/or, may be placed on  a secret ‘citizen kill’ list.”

Weed is a paralegal and has been a target victim advocate since 2001, when targeting individuals escalated under the Bush administration after 9/11.

At least 2000 Americans targeted under Secret Law

New FBI rules enable agents to “infiltrate organizations, search household trash, use surveillance teams, search databases, conduct lie detector tests, even without suspicion of any wrongdoing.” (See: FBI Cointelpro intensifies against Targeted Individuals.)

“We are presenting here, expert signal evidence reports, witnessing  unauthorized  human experimentation, using directed energy transmitters,” Weed told Wyden. “We include  specific testimony, and clear infrared photography.”

CANR says, “This  problem is nationwide, involving at least 2,000 citizens.”.

In recent months, U.S. Sen. Wyden has been ramping up efforts to address the Intelligence Community’s reliance on secret interpretations of surveillance law, arguing that while “Intelligence agencies need to be able to conduct operations in secret, even secret operations need to be conducted within the bounds of established, publicly understood law,” his website states.

“Wyden has been pressing the Intelligence Community to disclose more information about how it interprets surveillance law since 2008, while increasingly raising concerns – in both classified and unclassified settings – that there is a significant gap between what the American people and most members of Congress believe is legal under laws like the Patriot Act and how government agencies are interpreting the law.”

(See: Secret Law  on Sen. Wyden’s website.)

People allegdely included on Barack Obama’s kill list, who have managed to organize and come forward, include professionals, whistleblowers, and survivors of earlier experimentation survivors.  

“There is apparent involvement of the intelligence/military, in a covert capacity, directing these actions,” the CANR letter states. “We believe this may involve activities of known mil/intel existing, contracting agencies, such as Blackwater (now Ze), Haliburton and others.” 

According to CANR, the wrongdoings — illegal and harmful acts —  include a variety of tactics used against people on the list, including:

  • secret experimentation,
  • harassment,
  • attempts to discredit the complaining victim or whistle blowing parties.

“We find your position on the “kill” list to be humane, democratic, and lawful,” CANR wrote to Wyden. “When any governmental branch steps beyond lawful boundaries, or isn’t forthcoming with “secret” laws,  senate investigation and oversight is vital. 

“America is not and by democratic intention, never will be  —  totalitarian,” Wyden has asserted.

The letter highlights the Church Senate Subcommittee Hearings that found experimentation on unwitting dissidents to be unethical and illegal. “As the hearings concluded, the CIA and the military were directed to find unwitting citizens, who had been experimented on and notify them of these tests in 1976.  To date, it would seem that  this has not happened. 

“As can be clearly seen from the plaintiff’s information in the Vietnam Veterans’ case, the experimentation continued on, until at least 1966 (when Bruce’s implants were placed in his head.) The covert and non-consensual experimentation did not stop.

While some individuals claim to be implanted implanted without their knowledge or consent, CANR presents hard evidence of this human rights abuse.

“We represent a group of people who “remember” and who have found evidence of similar implantation.  These  are the ‘unwitting members of the public’ who were experimented on.  The Vets’ lawsuit is filed for military personnel who were consciously involved in MKUltra experimentation. 

“As the Church SS  noted,  there were members of the unwitting public who were experimented on without their knowledge of consent.  Many were children. 

“We represent those children who are now adults, dealing with memories and personal invasions, such as implants,” CANR states.

The letter says that the U.S. military spoke of “shock and awe” in its Iraqi military action.

“They refer to a device called the “Voice of God” to frighten Iraqi ground troops. This is a microwave audio (form of EM) transmission device.  These are the types of directed energy (EM, MW) weapons our group complains of being exposed to, in seemingly mil/intel non-consensual experimentation.”

Lisa Becker presented her account of no-touch torture to Obama through his Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues. (Watch video below.)


David Fulton, a reader commenter explained last year the type of allegations thousands of victims have written, many with phtographic and MRI evidence, to Deborah Dupré: 

A couple of my fellow Veteran friends, that had served during the Vietnam War, were torturously murdered by these activities. Rick Smith, a U.S. Marine Corps Vet, & brother in law, to State Trooper Andy Polumbo (…assigned to the State House, in Boston], who had married Rick’s sister Christine, had complained of a gas, that was constantly being sent into his living unit. Roger William Muldoon, a USAF Vet, was my room mate at 33 Barrett St, Lynn, MA (USA), for 10 years. Roger could not even entertain the thought, that this program of covert murder could, in fact exist.Rick had blamed the goings on, on his down stairs neighbor being an evil crack head,& angered over Rick’s complaining to police, of fumes entering Rick’s apartment.Roger & I, suffered the same, & further.My exposed skin would turn pink, from Directed Energy assaults coupled with chemical assaults. ( FBI Cointelpro intensifies against Targeted Individuals.)

CANR also states that its group was formed to specifically manage current and past abuses, and  non-consensual testing, of directed energy weapons, and other testing, by the military/intelligence community and third party contractors, engaged.  

“We also address the issue of  “surveillance lists”.  Many members may be on one, due to their activism on this very issue,” CANR says.

“The transmission of EM energy from one point to another is silent and unseen. Using miniaturized portable devices, it is possible to test and harass a human subject in one apartment from another, in one room from another, in one building from another. Even though it is illegal, it is very hard to prove that a transmission of microwaves or EM signals, is occurring.

“Some EM devices can cause human muscles to spasm, and vibrate, and it can cause nerve pain. This targeting, with bioelectric weapons, can occur in the individual’s home, workplace or on the street. These weapons, such as one that ‘tentanizes muscles’ (3) as one might be walking into a store to shop,  transmit silent unseen, electromagnetic energy, for a  specific purpose (often some sort of  targeted   experimentation or harassment).

CANR says it believes that Wyden’s statement, “Every American has the right to know when their government  believes it is allowed to kill them,” is central to this issue. 

To read the full letter to Sen. Wyden and see documentation presented to Sen. Wyden, see Citizens Against Nonconsensual Research (CANR) website:

Copyright 2013 Deborah Dupré. All rights reserved. 

Please respect copyright that allows you to: share only the link to this page; copy content for personal use only; and redistribute only limited extracts from this article.


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Human Rights news reporter Deborah Dupré is author of “Vampire of Macondo, Life, crimes and curses in south Louisiana that Powerful Forces Don’t want you to know,” 450 pages packed with mainstream media’s censored stories about the BP-wrecked Macondo Prospect in the Gulf of Mexico, continuing catastrophic human and environmental devastation.

Note: Vampire of Macondo includes an entire chapter on non-consensual human experimentation, due to its shocking role in the Gulf catastrophe and a century of similar documented cover ups in the United States, often involving the Department of Energy and the Pentagon.

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    Total 9 comments
    • Rocco

      This is an excellent article, Deborah. Thank you for reporting atrocities that main (lame) stream media won’t touch. This Is really happening and it Must stop!

    • Seti Starr

      Nice avatar Rocco! And also agreed on your comment! :) :lol:

    • Room With a View

      Welcome Nazi USA. open your eyes and ears. Start thinking of other people, not only yourselves. You might find yourself suddenly changing.

    • Decode the World

      These things are ILLEGAL for the government to do.

    • FUCK U

      Ok this is the news how they do it NANO implants rfid chips 666 number
      The nest is in holland they torture people all around the world with nano computers and software
      Psychiatric people are victims ……… voices pains death is what they do all day there

      I am a victim from it CIA HELPED ME for god sake homeland security helped people in secret

      But now it will open is my webpage 2 years ago made i fight with my life everyday dijkgraafgroep holland u will hear from them they kill people who tell this I HAVE A HART ATTACK NOW help us all be free and privacy cause they can see and hear what u think do something

      Thank u america for opening this Greetings Marcel

      • AxisOfEvil

        Medicine….. Use it.

    • Susan Littleton

      I didn’t send my testimony in because I was afraid that since my every move is monitored, it would cause me to be tortured even worse. Is it too late to send it in?

    • Susan Littleton

      Also, Senator Wyden plans to present this to the Führer. Will a fraudulent, gangster appointed sock-puppet dictator take action to help us?

    • Jake Maverick

      UK, Australia and many other countries to i’m sure…..

      Still like giving a running commentary to your rapist whilst they continue to rape you though…I struggle to see what can actually be achieved by doing this.

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