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By Kyle Kenley Kopitke
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White House calls for the Military to administer COVID-19 vaccine by Kyle Kenley Kopitke, 16 May, 2020

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White House calls for the Military to administer COVID-19 vaccine by Kyle Kenley Kopitke, 16 May, 2020

An American Moment: 2020 Presidential Candidate: Doctor Kyle Kenley Kopitke’s Save the United States Constitution from Globalists and their One World Government of a New World Order Alternative News Media Weekly Blog. (Legal Disclaimer) The links provided are for educational and political purposes, and I do not necessarily agree or support any particular points in the articles herein listed; again these are for educational and political purposes. As American Citizens we have a mandate to review data from several points of view as we consider events and positions and policy. Our personal safety and the safety our dear families and our Constitution are at stake. We have opened up Alaska, Utah, Missouri, North Carolina, and Michigan for Ballot Access Signatures; please collect ten signatures so we can be on the November 2020 Ballot. If you cannot, please sponsor someone. Please pray over it. We need State Directors and Assistant State Directors in all 50 States.
Please pray for my 2020 Presidential Campaign to save our Beloved and Inspired Constitution from the One World Government of the New World Order.
Please visit
Donate at:

Story 1: The Lead Story: White House calls for the Military to administer COVID-19 vaccine. Anything the Military does – does not come with an opt out option. Perhaps you will realize this sooner than later.

Story 2: The Economy: With our massive trade deficit, Americans don’t have money to shop, and thus stores are closing in mass. This is a tactical plan by the Globalists to tank our economy. This is a literal American Retail and Shopping Mall Apocalypse by the Globalists of the One World Government of the New World Order.

Story 3: Vaccines, Autism and Natural Health Alternatives: Our vaccines are not safe; there are a number of government and peer reviewed reports showing a probable link to vaccines and Autism, and several other health problems. The stories below discuss this in varying details. As the Father of an American Son that is afflicted with Autism, I see the link daily.

Story 4: Trade Deficit: At a $30 Billion a month Trade Deficit with China ($50 billion with all other nations combined), we are destroying our economy; American families do not have money to shop. This is also building China’s Military; now surpassing us in some ways. The Mainstream News Media and Congress will not address this because … they have a financial interest here; directly or indirectly. (Note from Kyle: Done via the money China receives from our Trade Deficit).

Story 5: Military Readiness and Veteran Issues: The stories below show the need to fix our Military. It must be based on sound Military Tactics and not based on the political contributions of Defense Contractors, or due to the advice of Generals who are seeking to work with Defense Contractors after the retire.
I hereby Post to and for all Veterans and Active Duty Military Personnel General Orders from General George Washington. General Orders given on the 3rd of August, 1776 Anno Domini: “The General is sorry to be informed that the foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing, a vice hitherto little known in our American Army is growing into fashion. He hopes that the officers will, by example as well as influence, endeavor to check it and that both they and the men will reflect that we can little hope of the blessing of Heaven on our army if we insult it by our impiety and folly. Added to this it is a vice so mean and low without any temptation that every man of sense and character detests and despises it.” George Washington (Personally Signed)

Story 6: The March of the Globalists towards a One World Government of a New World Order: This is how they enslave us and keep their perpetual power and income. Remember, the Globalists that support a One World Government of a New World Order are counting on you not to donate, and also to be only an “arm chair Patriot” where you just sit there and do nothing. Try volunteering and collecting Signatures for Ballot Access. Tis up to you; act as becometh an American Man or lose your America. Please also remember that swearing and vulgarity, especially Taking The Name of God in vain are tactical tools of the Globalists and their aim of their New World Order; don’t swear.

Story 7: Fukushima and Nuclear Power Plants: In 2016 when I ran for President, I campaigned hard against dangerous Nuke Power Plants which are a nightmare waiting to happen (and are happening). The leaking Japan nuke plant at Fukushima is a good example of how bad this can get and will get. Greed of the 1% in action. We should be helping Japan with this and not stand by while this situation gets far worse.

Story 8: Terrorism and Immigration: We need to stop Terrorism and reform immigration before we become like Germany and Sweden.

Story 9: Alternative Energy: We must pursue clean and cost effective energy. This is the only Earth we have and we must save it. Big Oil” is merely a toy for the perpetual profits and power by the 1% and some of the Globalists. We need to move towards Hemp as a source of power. We need to release the secret hidden free or really low cost energy forms. Regarding Inventions: We used to invent many products in the old United States; the 1% today are suppressing inventions to keep all the profits from old ways. Common Core is also causing a loss of “Invention Thinking Skills.”

Story 10: Drinking Water Safety: The Water you drink should not make you sick or give you Cancer: Here we explore our precious Water Aquifers, Fracking and Drinking Water Safety:

Story 11: The Environment: To me, it appears, looking at it at the surface level, that the Globalists who support World Domination by a One World Government of a New World Order, where our God Inspired Constitution is destroyed, have hijacked the true Environmental Movement as a tactical plan for their World Domination. As a former President of an Environmental Group (see, I am so sorry to see so many actual Environmentalists being duped and manipulated by the New World Order. Instead of focusing on the core environmental issues of our day like moving away from oil under the ground to Hemp oil above the ground, or bringing forth real clean energy, or removing gender bending and cancer causing chemicals from our everyday products and vaccines, the New World Order Manipulators have the sincere Environmentalists running in the wrong direction. Classic “disinformation Campaign”; brilliant tactics by the Globalists and the 1%; we have to turn this around if we are going to save our Beloved Earth, which Almighty God has through His Infinite Goodness, given to us as Stewards. One in six women should not be getting breast cancer; same with prostate cancer; we can remove these cancer causing toxins from our everyday products. (Note from Kyle: In addition, I will do all I can to remove dangerous LED and CFL lightbulbs.) We must stop 5G.

Story 12: Globalist New World Order Drug War: In order to help facilitate the demise of the American Culture, our Republic form of Government and bring in their Evil One World Government of the New World Order, the Globalists are destroying the United States and her people by the process of a Drug War, where Americans are hooked on Drugs. The Globalists know that if American Men and Women become addicted to Drugs they can be walked over, and thus the Constitution be removed away. We could stop the inflow of heroin and others drugs if we wanted to. While I support the legal use of certain strains of Weed, we must stop these other drugs. Please understand that the “Drug War” is really a Tactical Tool by the Globalists of the New World Order; it is actually entitled, the “Globalist New World Order Drug War.” Call it for what it is.

Story 13: Education & Common Core & Student Loans & Home Schooling: Common Core is a Tactical Tool of the Globalists of the One World Government of the New World Order Globalist supporters to destroy American Education. They do this by removing correct and heroic American History. They do this by teaching students not to think or create; thus removing the advance of Critical Thinking Skills. Student Loan debt is another way of New World Order enslavement. If the youth are in debt with student loans, they postpone marriage, buying houses and settling down; they end up living back with Mom and Pop.

Story 14: Government Waste, Government Inefficiency, and Questionable Spending: This is caused by the Disease of Greed, and elected officials spending their time running for reelection and fundraising instead of “governance.” Some of these cross the line into “Legal Corruption.”

Story 15: False News & Mainstream News Media Censorship, & Mainstream News Media Cover-ups, & 1% censorship of the news: The Fourth Estate of Government (the News Media) is essential for our Free Society and Constitution to survive. Today, the Mainstream News Media appears to have been bought off by the Globalists of the One World Government of the New World Order. They are now a “Tactical Tool” of the Globalists that want to bring down our Sacred Constitution and replace it with a New World Order. Most of the Media is controlled by members of the 1% who support Globalism. The Globalists here do not cover many real important stories, and use fake news to promote their path to a New World Order. They also ridicule anyone who dares to question them or their protecting positions. I was censored when I ran for President because I spoke out against the New World Order. If you are an honest Journalist, then you should write a story about my 2016 campaign.

Story 16: Globalist New World Order war Against Christians, and other acts against Christians:

Story 17: 9-11 Cover-up: 9-11 appears to me to have been a False Flag by Globalists of the One World Government of the New World Order who had infiltrated our government at various levels and within various agencies.

Story 18: Social Security: It is time for the 1% to pay their fair share of Social Security taxes. (Note from Kyle: Just think if they paid their fair share in Social Security Taxes, and their companies too!).

Story 19: NixonCare: NixonCare was my 2016 plan to give health care to all Americans. Without health care, the American Dream is an American nightmare. Please send by surface mail your suggestions.

Story 20: Protecting the Constitutional Right to Bear Arms: I have added this to my topic list as it is as of 9 January Anno Domini 2019; a larger issue.

(Faster than a speeding bullet – Canada just lost much of their weapon freedoms.)

Story 21: Internet Security: We must protect your right to internet privacy and freedom. This is also a major National Security Issue. We have Hackers seeking to hack into our Nuclear Power Plants, Financial Institutions, and to launch our Nuclear Missiles, and crash planes and ships, and crash our Power Grids.

Thank you for your Votes on November 8th, 2016, and for your Prayers and other ways of supporting us. I was Blessed to finish in 24th place of all of the Presidential Candidates nationwide with over 1,096 Votes. Finishing in 24th place given that 1,786 persons filed a Form 2 (making a person an official Presidential Candidate) with the Federal Elections Commission was a great Blessing. We finished 10th in Colorado. Thank you for that opportunity to serve. Please visit my website at, and PresidentKopitke2016 at Youtube for campaign videos; my weekly Political and Natural Health Blog is found at

May we each do our part to save the Constitution from the Globalists of the One World Government of the New World Order that seeks to destroy Christianity and our Beloved and Sacred Constitution. We must do more in 2020. Please help genuine Patriots obtain Ballot Access by going out and collecting some Signatures so that said candidates can get on the Ballot. They can’t do it alone.

Please share my weekly Blog with one new person this week.

Praise Ye The Lord,
Please read one verse from Holy Writ today at

Spiritual Thought for the day: God will help in relation to your acts of “doing” while living His Commandments and exercising Faith in Jesus.


50 5G Towers destroyed in England by Kyle Kenley Kopitke, 9 May, 2020

An American Moment: 2020 Presidential Candidate: Doctor Kyle Kenley Kopitke’s Save the United States Constitution from Globalists and their One World Government of a New World Order Alternative News Media Weekly Blog. (Legal Disclaimer) The links provided are for educational and political purposes, and I do not necessarily agree or support any particular points in the articles herein listed; again these are for educational and political purposes. As American Citizens we have a mandate to review data from several points of view as we consider events and positions and policy. Our personal safety and the safety our dear families and our Constitution are at stake. We have opened up Alaska, Utah, Missouri, North Carolina, and Michigan for Ballot Access Signatures; please collect ten signatures so we can be on the November 2020 Ballot. If you cannot, please sponsor someone. Please pray over it. We need State Directors and Assistant State Directors in all 50 States.
Please pray for my 2020 Presidential Campaign to save our Beloved and Inspired Constitution from the One World Government of the New World Order.
Please visit
Donate at:

Story 1: The Lead Story: 50 5G Towers destroyed in England. I do not support violence. I support the rule of law. %G is dangerous according to some scientists. As Your President, I will remove all 5G towers. 5G is a False Flag by the Globalists who want to destroy our Beloved and Sacred Constitution in order to bring in their One World Government: — and you cannot see this?

People have burned down over 60 cell phone towers in England, in Laval & St-Jerome & Blainville, Quebec, and Auckland New Zealand, and there are reports of fires in China.
Story 2: The Economy: With our massive trade deficit, Americans don’t have money to shop, and thus stores are closing in mass. This is a tactical plan by the Globalists to tank our economy. This is a literal American Retail and Shopping Mall Apocalypse by the Globalists of the One World Government of the New World Order.

Story 3: Vaccines, Autism and Natural Health Alternatives: Our vaccines are not safe; there are a number of government and peer reviewed reports showing a probable link to vaccines and Autism, and several other health problems. The stories below discuss this in varying details. As the Father of an American Son that is afflicted with Autism, I see the link daily.

“Coronavirus patient, 42, kept testing positive five weeks after his symptoms disappeared as officials warn fragments of the virus can linger in the body for MONTHS”

“The novel coronavirus may remain in the human body for weeks or months longer than expected. Charles Pignal, 42, tested positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, on March 4 after displaying all the classic symptoms.”

Story 4: Trade Deficit: At a $30 Billion a month Trade Deficit with China ($50 billion with all other nations combined), we are destroying our economy; American families do not have money to shop. This is also building China’s Military; now surpassing us in some ways. The Mainstream News Media and Congress will not address this because … they have a financial interest here; directly or indirectly. (Note from Kyle: Done via the money China receives from our Trade Deficit).

Story 5: Military Readiness and Veteran Issues: The stories below show the need to fix our Military. It must be based on sound Military Tactics and not based on the political contributions of Defense Contractors, or due to the advice of Generals who are seeking to work with Defense Contractors after the retire.
I hereby Post to and for all Veterans and Active Duty Military Personnel General Orders from General George Washington. General Orders given on the 3rd of August, 1776 Anno Domini: “The General is sorry to be informed that the foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and swearing, a vice hitherto little known in our American Army is growing into fashion. He hopes that the officers will, by example as well as influence, endeavor to check it and that both they and the men will reflect that we can little hope of the blessing of Heaven on our army if we insult it by our impiety and folly. Added to this it is a vice so mean and low without any temptation that every man of sense and character detests and despises it.” George Washington (Personally Signed)

Story 6: The March of the Globalists towards a One World Government of a New World Order: This is how they enslave us and keep their perpetual power and income. Remember, the Globalists that support a One World Government of a New World Order are counting on you not to donate, and also to be only an “arm chair Patriot” where you just sit there and do nothing. Try volunteering and collecting Signatures for Ballot Access. Tis up to you; act as becometh an American Man or lose your America. Please also remember that swearing and vulgarity, especially Taking The Name of God in vain are tactical tools of the Globalists and their aim of their New World Order; don’t swear.

Story 7: Fukushima and Nuclear Power Plants: In 2016 when I ran for President, I campaigned hard against dangerous Nuke Power Plants which are a nightmare waiting to happen (and are happening). The leaking Japan nuke plant at Fukushima is a good example of how bad this can get and will get. Greed of the 1% in action. We should be helping Japan with this and not stand by while this situation gets far worse.

Story 8: Terrorism and Immigration: We need to stop Terrorism and reform immigration before we become like Germany and Sweden.

Story 9: Alternative Energy: We must pursue clean and cost effective energy. This is the only Earth we have and we must save it. Big Oil” is merely a toy for the perpetual profits and power by the 1% and some of the Globalists. We need to move towards Hemp as a source of power. We need to release the secret hidden free or really low cost energy forms. Regarding Inventions: We used to invent many products in the old United States; the 1% today are suppressing inventions to keep all the profits from old ways. Common Core is also causing a loss of “Invention Thinking Skills.”

Story 10: Drinking Water Safety: The Water you drink should not make you sick or give you Cancer: Here we explore our precious Water Aquifers, Fracking and Drinking Water Safety:

Story 11: The Environment: To me, it appears, looking at it at the surface level, that the Globalists who support World Domination by a One World Government of a New World Order, where our God Inspired Constitution is destroyed, have hijacked the true Environmental Movement as a tactical plan for their World Domination. As a former President of an Environmental Group (see, I am so sorry to see so many actual Environmentalists being duped and manipulated by the New World Order. Instead of focusing on the core environmental issues of our day like moving away from oil under the ground to Hemp oil above the ground, or bringing forth real clean energy, or removing gender bending and cancer causing chemicals from our everyday products and vaccines, the New World Order Manipulators have the sincere Environmentalists running in the wrong direction. Classic “disinformation Campaign”; brilliant tactics by the Globalists and the 1%; we have to turn this around if we are going to save our Beloved Earth, which Almighty God has through His Infinite Goodness, given to us as Stewards. One in six women should not be getting breast cancer; same with prostate cancer; we can remove these cancer causing toxins from our everyday products. (Note from Kyle: In addition, I will do all I can to remove dangerous LED and CFL lightbulbs.) We must stop 5G.

Story 12: Globalist New World Order Drug War: In order to help facilitate the demise of the American Culture, our Republic form of Government and bring in their Evil One World Government of the New World Order, the Globalists are destroying the United States and her people by the process of a Drug War, where Americans are hooked on Drugs. The Globalists know that if American Men and Women become addicted to Drugs they can be walked over, and thus the Constitution be removed away. We could stop the inflow of heroin and others drugs if we wanted to. While I support the legal use of certain strains of Weed, we must stop these other drugs. Please understand that the “Drug War” is really a Tactical Tool by the Globalists of the New World Order; it is actually entitled, the “Globalist New World Order Drug War.” Call it for what it is.

Story 13: Education & Common Core & Student Loans & Home Schooling: Common Core is a Tactical Tool of the Globalists of the One World Government of the New World Order Globalist supporters to destroy American Education. They do this by removing correct and heroic American History. They do this by teaching students not to think or create; thus removing the advance of Critical Thinking Skills. Student Loan debt is another way of New World Order enslavement. If the youth are in debt with student loans, they postpone marriage, buying houses and settling down; they end up living back with Mom and Pop.

Story 14: Government Waste, Government Inefficiency, and Questionable Spending: This is caused by the Disease of Greed, and elected officials spending their time running for reelection and fundraising instead of “governance.” Some of these cross the line into “Legal Corruption.”

Story 15: False News & Mainstream News Media Censorship, & Mainstream News Media Cover-ups, & 1% censorship of the news: The Fourth Estate of Government (the News Media) is essential for our Free Society and Constitution to survive. Today, the Mainstream News Media appears to have been bought off by the Globalists of the One World Government of the New World Order. They are now a “Tactical Tool” of the Globalists that want to bring down our Sacred Constitution and replace it with a New World Order. Most of the Media is controlled by members of the 1% who support Globalism. The Globalists here do not cover many real important stories, and use fake news to promote their path to a New World Order. They also ridicule anyone who dares to question them or their protecting positions. I was censored when I ran for President because I spoke out against the New World Order. If you are an honest Journalist, then you should write a story about my 2016 campaign.

Story 16: Globalist New World Order war Against Christians, and other acts against Christians:

Story 17: 9-11 Cover-up: 9-11 appears to me to have been a False Flag by Globalists of the One World Government of the New World Order who had infiltrated our government at various levels and within various agencies.

Story 18: Social Security: It is time for the 1% to pay their fair share of Social Security taxes. (Note from Kyle: Just think if they paid their fair share in Social Security Taxes, and their companies too!).

Story 19: NixonCare: NixonCare was my 2016 plan to give health care to all Americans. Without health care, the American Dream is an American nightmare. Please send by surface mail your suggestions.

Story 20: Protecting the Constitutional Right to Bear Arms: I have added this to my topic list as it is as of 9 January Anno Domini 2019; a larger issue.

Story 21: Internet Security: We must protect your right to internet privacy and freedom. This is also a major National Security Issue. We have Hackers seeking to hack into our Nuclear Power Plants, Financial Institutions, and to launch our Nuclear Missiles, and crash planes and ships, and crash our Power Grids.

Thank you for your Votes on November 8th, 2016, and for your Prayers and other ways of supporting us. I was Blessed to finish in 24th place of all of the Presidential Candidates nationwide with over 1,096 Votes. Finishing in 24th place given that 1,786 persons filed a Form 2 (making a person an official Presidential Candidate) with the Federal Elections Commission was a great Blessing. We finished 10th in Colorado. Thank you for that opportunity to serve. Please visit my website at, and PresidentKopitke2016 at Youtube for campaign videos; my weekly Political and Natural Health Blog is found at

May we each do our part to save the Constitution from the Globalists of the One World Government of the New World Order that seeks to destroy Christianity and our Beloved and Sacred Constitution. We must do more in 2020. Please help genuine Patriots obtain Ballot Access by going out and collecting some Signatures so that said candidates can get on the Ballot. They can’t do it alone.

Please share my weekly Blog with one new person this week.

Praise Ye The Lord,
Please read one verse from Holy Writ today at

Spiritual Thought for the day: It is up to you; now or never

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    Your Comments
    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 5 comments
    • Болеслава

      Trump has said the vaccination will be entirely voluntary. Perhaps you missed that.

      • Anonymous

        If its mandatory? Whydoes AntiChrist Dump call up 1 MILLION troops to ‘deliver’ them. wtfu
        Posse Comitatus, among other laws totally violated by this. Even Stalin didnt pull this criminality. Or Hitler.

      • MyTwoCents

        Technically, he said not everybody will want it.

    • raburgeson

      You saw the video with COV.19 on the 5G main board. Kill them at your door or the door of stores you need to shop at. Every one of them is following a illegal order.

    • Anonymous

      Not interested in a useless campaign that goes nowhere. Its too late for that now, the house is crashing down
      No time anymore for gestures and symbols. By election day, vax battle will already be long lost. UNLESS america ACTS to stop this AntiChrist monster and his Mark of the Beast vax NOW.
      Instead of exerting all this energy promoing yourself? Why not channel that into organizing DIRECT ACTION to save the country?
      those groups in states you mention, should be organizing teachins, rallies, fliers to educate about what this forced vax actually means.
      Instead of fundraising for travel stops? Fundraise for 1000s to surround and camp out outside Moderna CEO’s residence and Moderna itself. For MONTHS.

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