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By @OratorBlog Information Warrior
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Can Vaccinated People Be Tracked Wirelessly? Yes, That IS what the Graphene Oxide Nano-Bots are Programmed To Do

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If You Think that they can Crack Your Genetic Code and Alter Your DNA using mRNA Nano-Bots- But Can’t Track You With Wireless Technology- Then You Are Naive

MSM Fact Checkers are quick to Debunk Claims that those who have been Vaccinated have a Bluetooth Signal and Harshly Ridicule anyone who makes such a Claim, including Video Evidence.

They Claim Micro-Chip are Too Large to fit through the Eye Of A Needle.

Wrong. Nanotechnology Changes EVERYTHING

The Nano-Bot Graphene Oxide IS THE MICROCHIP!!!

The DARPA Technology from this old History Channel 7 minute Documentary reveals their True Intentions. But now the Technology to Directly Control Brain Functions Wirelessly Using Nano-Bots HAS BEEN PROVEN TO EXIST

Watch this video, and then read my B.I.O.N.I.C. article on Declassified Actual Advanced Military Research

<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”″ title=”YouTube video player” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>

America’s Book Of Secrets: DARPA’s Secret Mind Control Technology (Season 4) | History

DARPA’s Secret Mind Control Technology – this is what the fake ‘vaccines’ are doing to the brain by rewiring DNA and accessing the brain networks to make mass mind control possible via 5G and other electromagnetic radiation systems

ID 2020 The Plan To Assign A Digital ID To Everyone On Earth


All of these So Called Fact Checkers are doubious at best.

They are not playing with a Full Deck.

The Fact that all of the videos Showing this are IMMEDIATELY ATTACKED, RIDICULED AND SCRUBBED FROM THE INTERNET- Should Tell You Everything You Need To Know.

Sorry Billy, you have been overruled

“The AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine DOES NOT contains a Bluetooth microchip”

“The AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine DOES NOT contains a Bluetooth microchip”



The ingredients for the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine are publicly available online, including on government websites where the vaccine is approved for use, such as AustraliaCanada and the United Kingdom. (The vaccine has not been authorized for emergency use in the U.S.)

These fools obviously do not know that the mRNA Vaxxxines have Gene Altering Nano-Bots. This has been ADMITTED TO by the Vaxxxine Manufacturer’s themselves.

Toxic “Graphene Oxide” HAS BEEN PROVEN TO BE IN ALL OF THE mRNA Vaxxxines.

They have avoided disclosure that this Poisonous Substance is in their Toxic Brew by Claiming it to be A Trade Secret / Secret Ingredient.

Graphene Oxide has REMARKABLE CAPABILITIES, and is EXTREMELY CONDUCTIVE of Electricity and EMF Signals.

A N D, I just happen to have PROOF that the Military has this CAPABILITY.

See my previous post:

B.I.O.N.I.C. Bio-nano-enabled Inorganic/Organic Nanostructures and Improved Cognition For Jet Fighter Pilot Enhanced Capabilities


B.I.O.N.I.C. Bio-nano-enabled Inorganic/Organic Nanostructures and Improved Cognition For Jet Fighter Pilot Enhanced Capabilities  Sunday, August 29, 2021


But what is allowed for discussion on the MSM is a FAR CRY FROM THE TRUTH

Bluetooth tracking and COVID-19: A tech primer

In a scramble to track, and thereby stem the flow of, new cases of the Coronavirus, Governments around the world are rushing to track the locations of their populace. One way to do this is to write a smartphone app which uses Bluetooth technology, and encourage (or mandate) that individuals download and use the app. The aim of this piece is to provide more detail on the technology itself, rather than a deep dive into the risks and whether or not Bluetooth technology should be used

Even creepier COVID tracking: Google silently pushed app to users’ phones [Updated]

Massachusetts launched a COVID tracking app, and uh, it was automatically installed?!

by Ron Amadeo - Jun 21, 2021 

Over the weekend, Google and the state of Massachusetts managed to make creepy COVID tracking apps even creepier by automatically installing them on people’s Android phones. Numerous reports on RedditHacker News, and in-app reviews claim that “MassNotify,” Massachusetts’ COVID tracking app, silently installed on their Android device without user consent.

Google gave the following statement to 9to5Google, and the company does not deny silently installing an app.

We have been working with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health to allow users to activate the Exposure Notifications System directly from their Android phone settings. This functionality is built into the device settings and is automatically distributed by the Google Play Store, so users don’t have to download a separate app. COVID-19 Exposure Notifications are enabled only if a user proactively turns it on. Users decide whether to enable this functionality and whether to share information through the system to help warn others of possible exposure.

Google’s statement doesn’t really address the issue of auto-installing an app without asking. The “functionality” of COVID exposure-tracking apps are built into Google Play Services as an API that government apps can use for their tracking initiatives and can be “automatically distributed by the Google Play Store.”

@OratorBlog  9-15-2021



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    • Medium For God

      Thank you for your article. My Prophetic medium information says the computer microchips they sneak in humans are pellets the size of a grain of rice. Their snuk in food and beverages to do electronic harrasment to cause Havana Syndrome for medical kidnap, human traffick etc. The vaccinations microchips are said to be fragments of the pellets to fit through veins. So sad.
      I hope the human microchip frenzy is stopped.

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