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By Dr. Bob Uda, Ph.D., CM, CHSP, ILO (Reporter)
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Freedom of Speech Should Not Include Burning the American Flag

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Idiot burns the American flag, but the flag fights back. 
Third-degree burns.  Good!


Burning your own American flag is not vandalism–it’s just stupid and a waste of money to spend the money to buy a flag and then burn it. Usually these people with such low respect for the American flag will steal one and burn it. It is not a punishable offense to burn your own American flag because of the “loose constructionist” way the courts have interpreted the First Amendment where freedom of speech means you can burn the American flag.

If the flag happens to be government property, a violator would be committing vandalism or defacing government property. Those are a couple of laws that they would be violating. If it is private property, they can also be arrested for vandalism.

I cannot see how anyone could revel in burning the American flag. Those who do would probably revel in burning down the United States of America–these are the America haters…and there are lots of those people living in this country.

The flag represents our country. By defacing the flag, that shows disrespect for our country. People have no respect for anything anymore these days. Nothing is sacred anymore. People disrespect God, the Pledge to the Flag, Religion, Christianity, the military, our returning injured soldiers, prayer, the institution of marriage, and the Constitution itself.

The definition of “freedom of speech” has been stretched so far by loose constructionists and judges that legislate from the bench that it includes things such as free expression in art (paintings), photography, music, literature (books and magazines), cinema (movies and videos), gestures (hand, facial, and body), and even burning of the American flag!

To me, who happens to be a strict constructionist, speech includes only the spoken word, speaking only with the mouth, verbal, oral, talk. It does not mean free expression by yelling “fire” in a crowded theater or burning of the American flag! This malicious, disrespectful vandalism has nothing to do with speaking as intended by the framers of the Bill of Rights. Some people have taken things too far with this freedom. Too much freedom can become bondage. Freedom should always be associated with personal responsibility.

If you are a liberal, you would disagree with me. However, liberalism has taken us down a very steep slope over the years since the establishment of the Constitution of the United States. If I were to have any flexibility in my “strict constructionist” view, I would include the printed word. That is it—the spoken and written word, period! It is all the other things that are included in the definition that has been screwing the United States throughout the past 235 years of our country’s existence.

Libertarians believe in total freedom. Unfortunately, total freedom without any personal responsibility ultimately leads to tyranny. When everyone has the total freedom to do anything as he pleases, problems result. If everyone was good and followed gospel principles totally, then there would be no problems. However, that would be Utopian conditions. Unfortunately, a lot of people in the world lie, cheat, steal, kill, and do everything contrary to the laws of God and man. Hence, laws, regulations, and guidelines need to be enacted to keep the bad guys from taking advantage of the good guys.

Usually, the bad guys do not practice personal responsibility and self control. Hence, we have tyranny and all kinds of sins and law breaking. Mitigation of the freedoms of those who sin and break the law is necessary to protect the freedoms and liberty of the good guys. I agree that you have the personal obligation not to partake of that which offends you. However, how do you not partake of some bad guy cutting your head off at the neck, which would obviously offend you? That is why we have laws and punishment to curtail the freedoms of those who desire to kill us just because the Quran tells them that it is okay to kill us. Would that tell you that freedom is alive and well? We will be totally free only when we are laid in a coffin and buried six-feet under.

People who desire total freedom also prefer to have freedom of choice to choose to abort unborn babies, to have free sex, to return to the Wild, Wild West where you either kill or be killed. That would take us back to the caveman days where it was the survival of the fittest. That would be total freedom for those who are the strongest, fastest, toughest, and most cunning. Total freedom only works if we had the City of Enoch here on earth where everyone is so good that we all would be translated to heaven as was the City of Enoch. However, evil exists in the world.

Civil laws, religious laws, and God’s commandments all curtail everyone’s activities just so those who break the laws can be effectively dealt with and brought to justice. Personal responsibility only works for good people. Bad people couldn’t care less about personal responsibility. That’s why you see them blaming others for everything they do wrong. Being obedient to all laws and commandments does not shackle you. Instead, it frees you from bondage. If you want total freedom, you will soon be in bondage or controlled by the strong, powerful people who usually want to control you.

Would you prefer minority rule as opposed to majority rule with minority rights? Do you prefer Sharia Law over the Constitution of the United States? Great efforts are being made to replace American law with Sharia Law.  By the way, Sharia Law is already being incorporated in some of our States. Islamists have a 100-year plan to have Sharia Law totally replace the Constitution of the United States.  If things continue the way they are, Sharia Law will replace the Constitution within a decade. Do you believe in honor killings? That’s part of Sharia Law.

I think you can believe in something and not maintain a conviction of it. Belief is superficial; however, gaining a testimony of it is conviction in my opinion. First, we have faith in something. Faith then grows into belief. Then, belief progresses to a testimony. Once we gain a testimony, we possess conviction and nothing jars us from a strong conviction in something. For example, Obama has faith in himself. He believes that there is a God. He professes Christianity. However, his words and actions indicate a strong testimony of the Quran and Islam. Hence, he has a strong conviction of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sharia Law, and world domination.

I love the way Christianity is being purged from every aspect of American society, yet progressive pols are bending over backwards to allow Sharia law to be practiced in Muslim enclaves, schools, and communities. If we don’t confront them at some point, they will continue to push the envelope until they finally envelope us. We have too much PC in our society. Have you ever noticed that intolerant progressives want everyone else to be tolerant? Progressives preach for their own demise. Relativism of the humanists and progressives is screwing up society.

The professed goal of Islamists is death to the Great Satan (America) and world domination with a Caliphate in charge, one-world religion (Islam), and Sharia Law to replace The Constitution of the United States. Only one person can rule the world, and that’s Jesus Christ–when he returns, which may be sooner than later.

The double-standard democrats, left-wing liberals, progressives, socialists, statists, and Marxists believe it is their right to say and do whatever they always say and do (as noted on television and the print media). However, let a constitutional conservative express what the founding fathers expected from all of us, and we get nothing but denigration and politics of personal destruction. They call all conservatives, tea partiers, and “We the People” as racists, un-American, extremists, xenophobes, brown shirts, fascists, etc.  Maxine Waters even told us to go straight to Hell. I don’t think it is possible to change these people’s minds. They already have it made up. They do not want to be bothered with the facts. Just watch what these leftists will unfold and spew out over the next several months in this most important general election in American history. They surely give meaning to the book, “Blood Sport.”

I have sat on the sidelines being a nice, meek Asian for my entire life. After hearing year after year the venomous words the leftist liberals spew, I cannot take it any longer. Hence, this old man will not take any longer the garbage that they spread over the general public, and I will start fighting back. It is important that all constitutional conservatives stand up and say something any time these leftists spread their lies, untruths, innuendo, and falsehoods. We must not let them bowl us over come November 6, 2012. The survival of our great country is at stake. Remember, Rome fell after about 200 years. The USA is at 235 years old. We could fall come November 6, 2012, if we don’t take our country back from the Progressives who desire to put all of us in bondage.

“We the People” must not take all of that garbage any longer. Gordon B. Hinckley wrote a book titled, “Stand for Something.” Spencer W. Kimball had a sign on his desk that said, “Do Something.” I am going to do both. I am going to stand for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as well as the good old-fashioned American Way. I am also going to do something about it. I hope all of you loyal Americans and patriots will do likewise. The only way that evil will prevail in our country is if good people will stand by and do nothing. Therefore, stand up and do something!

I’m at the age now where I can and will say anything I so desire. If they kill me, so be it. I have already had a good 70 years of living. They can kill me, but they cannot silence me. Some people believe in freedom of speech only for themselves but not for those who disagree with them. Those people are anarchists and totalitarians who do not deserve freedom of speech only because they want to keep it from all dissenters. Be vigilant!


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