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Queen Elizabeth II Confirmed Cannibal: What the Masses Are Saying

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Any blog worth its salt and Google Ads will keep its readers updated on past story progressions, including the universe’s reactions to them. Here at Dear Dirty America, we are no different with our website’s most intriguing events and happenings from around the web. On June 4 of this year, the Newswire kicked out an incendiary, possibly-out-of-line story titled, Queen Elizabeth II Confirmed Cannibal. The article maintained that Her Highness literally ate strips of meat she kept frozen in her freezer.

Notorious and infamous exiled cultural philosopher Hubert Humdinger weighed in on the matter from his undisclosed home in Northern Europe. He’d been abreast of the Queen’s cannibalism tendencies since the 70s:

Humdinger called the Queen “violently vibrant” and “packed with more energy than the sun”. He said it at a small dinner party, and nobody in attendance remembers that he did, except for him. Humdinger also offered his analysis in 1973 about how the Queen could be so energetic. “She must eat human flesh,” he wrote bluntly in an article for We Royalty magazine, “to be so vivacious. There is an immense amount of spiritual energy in human muscle.” He also hinted at the royal family engaging in Satanic rituals and bloodlust.

 After the Dear Dirty Newswire kicked out the article featuring quotes and stories from an old serviceman and an English carpenter named John Bellows, an online shitstorm erupted. Everybody’s deeply held suspicions of the Queen’s possible cannibalism had been confirmed.

Here is an exchange from a couple disconcerted readers. The fight seems to revolve around whether or not the term “cannibalism” used to describe Her Highness is metaphorical or literal. One anonymous reader commented:

No one with any credibility has said any of this.

You people will write anything for attention.

Queen Elizabeth II is the legal heir to the Throne of David.

She did not STORM the throne and she is far too dignified to eat human flesh.


 So this reader had an obvious (all-CAPS obvious) problem with the verb used to describe the pointy-toothed Elizabeth’s path to the throne. And then he (I assume he’s a he for some sexist reason) charges DDA with being a tabloid! Is DDA dominated by headlines? Or lurid, sensational material, often presented in a vulgar way? Well, maybe

Coming to the story’s defense, another reader trumpets:

“No one with any credibility has said any of this.” -Anonymous on Wensday 6/6/2012

That’s calling the kettle black, as you don’t even have a user-handle.

Nice try to minimize, but you fail.

This blood-sucking @)*$@ is flaunting her wealth, while the country and economy collapses around her.

Briton is past-due for a revolution!

The Queen is a blood-sucking…what? Could this precious Newswire article have spawned hate speech against the bloody Queen of Fucking England? I’d be honored, along with this gracious reader, to inspire the next inflammatory Newsweek cover, with a picture of the Queen’s bejeweled neck and head, with the overarching headline: Blood-Sucking Cunt?

Speaking of due for a revolution, this reader seemed to glean a deeper message behind the blood and gore sensationalism of the Queen’s suspected cannibalism. But then the anonymous reader comes back with one better, and it turns out he too is taking it as satire, or an extended metaphor:

The BERITH-ISH (Covenant People) are definitely due for a revolution. And I am not saying that the dear Queen isn’t a WHORE riding on the Beast of the Rothschild Banksters, but she isn’t a cannibal in the literal sense of the word.

I have no doubt but that the fate of Ephraim (GREAT BERITH-AIM) and Manasseh (USA) are tightly entwined.

Both of our governments are occupied by the treasonous Zionists. Those Bolsheviks will stop at nothing; INCLUDING THE DESTRUCTION OF THE LAST VESTIGES OF THE MONARCHY!

Make no mistake, the Throne of David WILL stand until Shilo comes to claim it. That is something we cannot change. And if the dear Queen must sit on it until that happens, then so be it. She will be judged according to her deeds.

 So does it matter if Elizabeth uses her stained, sharpened, human-flesh tearing teeth to gobble one young man’s limbs, or one hundred? Or has the Newswire inspired a deeper, greater dialogue about abuses by the monarchy of the common people by issuing such a rash, tabloid-styled headline? Or is this blog just the WHORE riding the Beast of the Google World Empire?

Dear Jesus, nobody knows any more. Dear Krishna, we’re all caught in a rut of dis- and mis-information. We can only wonder what the masses would have done with this Queen Elizabeth II story: Queen of England takes on new surprising responsibility



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Queen Elizabeth II confirmed cannibal

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    Total 18 comments
    • TimOsman

      Royal Family eats human body parts, police open Queen’s refrig, guess what they found ? They covered it up, but now cashing in on a tell all book about their horror inside Queens Palace kitchen

    • Roninsteel

      The queen does not cook her own food ! she has a staff of about 11 in her kitchens which are commercial in size

      Get a grip you bunch of crazy people and stop taking the bath salts

    • Anonymous

      Nonsense. Eating human flesh makes people extremely ill and eventually kills them.

    • blulight

      QE11 is only a Queen by default. Her Uncle Edward abdicated to marry a divorced woman and thus. Lizzy’s father stepped into the role of King making her Queen when he died.

    • nimbunje

      No your all wrong ,the Queen has lots of dogs , corgis ,dachshunds and dorgies .She is in fact just just a projection or life support system for her dogs .As God on earth (dog’s spelling was never good whoops God in mean )

    • jenchen

      Who do you think satan and his demons-want to possess?
      The richest and most powerful.
      They certainly don’t want your stupid life.
      Demons crave material pleasures and the desires of the flesh.
      In order to get them-they must possess the living.
      The more powerfully evil a demon is-which is satan and those directly under him in evilness,
      The oldest of the devolved beings-demons-who regressed backwards-Into more sociopathic destructive hate filled fear driven lunatics.
      rather than evolved forward into more loving angelic beneficial to life beings.
      They can only possess those who have chosen to be evil.
      As a rich person-they ignore the poverty and are the cause of all poverty=by profiting from Capitalism, which is satanism-the economic system of slavery and inequity that is anti-Christ.
      Poverty causes child abuse/abandonment/ malnutrition /neglect/starvation/and misery.
      When you are a capitalist or any type of elitist-who ignore the suffering all around you,
      Someone who hoards wealth they will never use while their brethren starve and suffer to survive.
      When your wealth is stolen and plundered from those who work while you are idle, a useless eater-a parasite.
      Then you belong to satan-you are responsible for all the suffering you cause-all the child abuse-all the theft of others equal shares. We all are equal.
      Those who bring separation-into classes and elite status their brethren,
      Who profit from the misery they inflict on others,
      Are not christian-they have no love in them.
      They must pay for all their sins in Hell.
      Read the bible-it states clearly that the rich will never go to heaven.
      She has earned her demonic possession.
      She may be Queen-but her life is a living Hell.
      She is the last ruler of Britain, Britain will go into the sea-the same as Japan.
      She is possessed by Satanic demons so she is a satanic being.
      When it says in the Bible that Jesus went to hell-for three days,
      Do you morons really think he was tortured in Hell for three days?
      No the three days of torture-the soldiers inflicted on Jesus,
      By the laws of reality-you get back what you give.
      Jesus watched in Hell as the demons-that were the truth of those soldiers-did the same to the soldiers who tortured him.
      Time is different in Heaven and Hell.
      The rich-the elite-the Queen and her family-they are already in hell-their spirit is in hell.

      • don alfredo

        Interesting about capitalism. Jesus didn’t go to hell to watch people or angels get tortured like you are claiming. He went to the grave (his body) because hell doesn’t exist yet. In the bible sometimes when it said hell it actually just meant the grave. I am not sure the actual scripture but it said don’t leave my soul in hell and allow the holy one to see corruption. The soul is not immortal and dies when we all die this includes Jesus. The soul can die because it’s just your mind will and emotions. That scripture about the holy one shouldn’t see corruption has to be about Jesus and of course we are only talking about the physical body. I think Jesus said right before he died father I commit my spirit. So his spirit went back to the father. Ezekiel 18:20 says the soul that sins shall die which proves the soul is not immortal. I think it’s ecclesiastes 12:7 where it says your body returns to the earth and the spirit returns to God who gave it. So actually hell cant exist yet. The book of Job proves Satan is not trapped in hell either but roaming around. The earth is his prison however he can’t roam the stars like he used to before the fall.
        Hell will be right here on the surface of the earth and it won’t be until judgement day but no physical harm because we are all raised spiritual bodies(exact same way Jesus did) not affected by physical fire. Jesus was already a pre existing spiritual being (we were not though) and came back for his physical body to immortalize it. Jesus will be the spiritual side of hell which I can prove in a few scriptures. Here is Jesus right before the cross – psalm 22:6 I am a worm and no man and despised of the people. Let’s go to a hell scripture Mark 9:46 where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched. Jesus is both the worm and that unquenchable fire. Question what do worms do? Eat dead or decaying flesh. What is compared to flesh in the bible ? The corrupt part of your soul.
        Put the two together and Jesus is that worm consuming(purifying,refining) our flesh(corrupt part of our soul). So basically hell will be as bad in how you lived life and treated him and other people. That’s why he told the people who rejected/crucified him it will be better for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgement than it will be for you. He will be the judge in hell and they had him standing right in front of them and they still didn’t believe and that’s why it will be especially harsh for them. Eternal hell is bs because you only stay as long as it takes to deal with your sin and unbelief or rev 5:13 would be a false scripture.
        Revelation 5:13King James Version (KJV)

        13 And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever.

    • oladyinashu

      You all seem to think this Queen is human. I don’t think she is. That goes for all ‘royalty’ blood lines.
      Who do you think this ‘royal’ blood line comes from?
      It certainly is not of God, but the serpent.
      Woe to them that devise iniquity, and work evil upon their beds! when the morning is light, they practise it, because it is in the power of their hand.
      2 And they covet fields, and take them by violence; and houses, and take them away: so they oppress a man and his house, even a man and his heritage.
      3 Therefore thus saith the LORD; Behold, against this family do I devise an evil, from which ye shall not remove your necks; neither shall ye go haughtily: for this time is evil.
      And death shall be chosen rather than life by all the residue of them that remain of this evil family, which remain in all the places whither I have driven them, saith the LORD of hosts.

      This is an evil family, the Queen, the Bushs’,Clintons,Madonna,Obama… all these ‘people’
      are in the same blood line and are the rulers of this world because it belongs to Satan.

    • tiggers

      of course she eats Humans. it is part of there Satanic-Bloodline all of them do. has anyone heard of the up coming Court case coming against the POPE for the on going pedophilia. and the Queen in Canada for the Disappearance of all those Children in the Indian School. and there remains that the Queen was involved? I Think his name is Kevin Arnett. Who is taking it to the High Courts coming up soon. If so HE IS A TRUE HERO TO HUMANITY..

    • Archie1954

      There are certainly a large number of whacked out individuals on this blog. Filthy thoughts, dirty words and evil deeds are all present in this particular article and responses to it. Perhaps mental disease is becoming infectious.

    • pigsdofly

      Hence TRUTH can be stranger then fiction. And, since the damned freaking secret societies continually lie about their activities-I would be of the belief ALL OF THE SATANIC CABALISTS DO! Including the Vatican. TRUTH BE KNOWN, raised as a catholic-disgusted by the lying TOP filth! Just like our OWN government truth exposed. These pigs are all over……………

    • HfjNUlYZ

      wealth shouldnt be the problem. the Humans are a problem. if you take a bunch of notes and lay them on the floor, they wont pinch their eyes, get up and cause problems. its what you do with success or wealth that is the problem. there are poor people who may be cannibal somewhere in the world and just because the Bible says only the poor will inherit heaven’ doesnot mean that is necessarily literal. same for rich.

      as for the queen and her stolen riches, and human strips and blood, I DEFINITELY WOULDNT BE SURPRIZED IF THIS TURNED OUT TO BE TRUE. look around you, you think the cabal members dont have nothing to cover up?
      you must be living in denial..
      AND i heard she is not even the legal heir to the throne, thats just mind games they are playing. these are allegedly Archon-Reptilian descendants that have invaded planet GAIA and usurped the true heirdom, resulting in the society we have today. plus the reasoning quality you see displayed by society in blogs or news sites that have exceeded pathetic.
      people will do anything to defend status quo even with evidence or the fact that there is definitely something very very wrong with monarchs around the world, including the British ‘monarch’.

    • youstopandthink.disqus

      Unknowingly, we all may have ingested human tissue. Now that there are reports that Kraft Foods, Pepsi, Nestle and many others have been using aborted human embryo/fetal tissue in food and drink as flavor enhancers.
      China is said to use dead babies to make fetal soup which is a delicacy and ground up babies put in capsules for sexual enhancement. Refer. and

    • Anonymous


    • TimOsman

      Prince William Maneater – video song YT

    • Archie1954

      It is not responsible or appropriate to make foolish and insulting statements about the royal family and especially the Queen. She is a woman who has taken on the role of a living Constitution and has dedicated Her whole life to the job. Yes there are many perks that come with the position but just as many problems. She is a virtual “slave” to the State. She is told what to do and where and when to do it by the government of the day, the same that is elected by Her subjects. She in fact works for them. Her royal decrees are the government’s decrees and therefore the people’s decrees.

    • celestial-visions

      She has no claim to the throne to be crowned you must be standing on the stone of scone and that was stolen long ago and resides in Ireland and it is stated that to become queen or king you must be coronated on this stone if you check out this report you will see the illegitimate heritage of em all crazyness, the Rothchildes have had breading rights with these things for years
      please check out

      • ausfi

        Not in Ireland, Scotland. The Stone of Scone —also known as the Stone of Destiny, and often referred to in England as The Coronation Stone—is an oblong block of red sandstone that was used for centuries in the coronation of the monarchs of Scotland, and later the monarchs of England and the Kingdom of Great Britain. Historically, the artefact was kept at the now-ruined Scone Abbey in Scone, near Perth, Scotland. The Stone of Scone was last used in 1953 for the coronation of Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
        So she was coronated on it!

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