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Talmud Truth Exposed as the Synagougue of Satan!

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The Talmud EXPOSED!


Dear Real Zionist News Family -

This MUST be clearly understood.

Judaism has NOTHING to do with the Old Testament as most Christian-Zionists believe in their “romantic” view of the ‘chosen’ Christ-haters.

Judaism is BASED on The Talmud, WRITTEN in REACTION to Christ’s claims and His censure of their “traditions.”

Hopefully, we can get this Video spread around to the deluded Christian Zionists…

On Another Note:

I just got back from Street Evangelism in NYC and was not able to write up any reports due to my getting drenched in the rain the First Day out and fighting a cold for the rest of the week – ALTHOUGH I DID CONTINUE the Street Evangelism.

All went well AND I thank you all for your prayers.

SOON – a WHOLE NEW VENUE of “Vids” will be coming your way on Real Zionist News. STAY TUNED!

“We’re all one race, the human race! There’s good and bad in every race. There’s good and bad Jews! I don’t care if you’re Jewish, African-American or white (white is always lowercase).”

This is always my favorite blabbering from the multi-culturalist liberal.

Notice that “White” or “Christians” will always be lowercase and every other race or religions capitalized. The thing about these so called “Good Jews” is it’s like the Holyhoax. It requires faith.

Liberals can never point out one of these mythical “Good Jews” they just tell you some of their best friends are “Jews” and they’re good people. So you ask them “what does being a good person mean?” and then they’re stumped. That’s when they try to push you and then stomp away shouting “You Nazi, You Jew Hater!, You racist! I hate you – I hate you!” like a five year old.

Rather than debate an element intelligently, the liberal or Jew will always resort to be five years old. Hurling labels and insults. It’s all they’ve got. They can’t put up a sound argument.

Why you ask? Because there isn’t one to mount. Their miniscule brain is overloaded and what you’re saying is in stark contrast to all the programming and brainwashing they’ve been through.

You are actually causing them pain. They’ll cover their ears “Ooooooh!” because they’re in pain.

Logic and reason are hitting their central brain functions “Muuuuusssstttt reeee-jeeeect truuuuth…… Don’t want to lose favor with my master the Jew…….”

@ Brother Nathanael:

For an Orthodox Christian, you use a unique style to deliver your message, never seen it before – My wife had a mixed reaction and wonder if you were truly OC, I saw your comment where you say you are from the Russian Church.

I will come more often and hear more about what you have to say.

BTW – Interesting comments about silver, I was given the heads up last year in “It aint gonna Happen.”

Peace be with you in the Trinity and the Theotokos

Dear Wantobesafe -

Please tell your wife that the Orthodox Church has many saints that were questioned as to whether they were “Orthodox.”

St Simeon of Emessa, St Andrew of Constantinople, St Xenia of St Petersburg, St Nektary, St John Maximovich, Elder of Optina…

AND – Many others like them who in their “foolishness for Christ” appeared to be at times, very “unorthodox…” +BN

– Text — Text — Text — Text –

The Jewish Talmud Exposed
By Brother Nathanael Kapner
Copyright 2011
All Rights Reserved

Does Judaism as it is practiced today have anything to do with the Patriarchs and Prophets of the Old Testament?

Nothing, nothing at all.

You see, I was raised in Judaism and we were under the authority of the rabbis whose formulation of God and the world around us was based NOT on the Bible but on the Jewish Talmud.

Indeed, the Rabbinic Authority gave the first and final word on Jewish attitudes, Jewish belief, Jewish practice, and Jewish behavior toward the Gentiles, whom behind closed doors, we called, “the Goyim.”

The rabbis put “attitude” before everything else that we Jews were superior to the Gentiles…in intellect, in morality, and as a race. And this is ALL spelled out quite specifically in the Jewish Talmud.

The Talmud began as an “Oral Law” prevalent at the time of Christ. And it was Jesus Christ Himself who accused the Jewish leaders of His day of usurping the message of the Patriarchs and Prophets of the Old Testament by this Oral Law which Christ labeled, “the tradition of the elders.”

Enraged by Christ’s censure, the Jewish Elders arranged for Jesus Christ to be crucified and ignoring the significance of His resurrection, committed their “tradition” to writing which reached its final form in 800 AD in the multi-volume set known as The Talmud.

The Talmud, first and foremost, blasphemes the Lord Jesus Christ, calling Him a ‘magician who is now in Hell boiling in his own excrement.’

The Talmud also blasphemes Christ’s holy mother, the Virgin Mary, calling her a ‘hairdresser, a prostitute, who had sex with carpenters.’

Then The Talmud spews its venom on the Gentiles to be treated less than sub-humans, defrauded, cheated, and even murdered as civilians in times of war, though they be innocent women, and children.

Thus, we find most of World Jewry condoning the atrocities committed against the people of the Gaza Strip by the Israelis.

Why? Because, as historian Israel Shahak points out in his book: “Jewish Religion, Jewish History,” Jewry’s disparaging attitude toward the Gentiles has been formed, set in stone, throughout the centuries by the writings of The Jewish Talmud.

Indeed, The Talmud, formative of Judaism since the time of Christ, is nothing less than a religion of a Tribal Crime Syndicate.

The true followers of the Patriarchs and Prophets of the Old Testament are those who have embraced the hopes and predictions of those holy men realized and fulfilled in the New Testament.

As a former Jew, now an Orthodox Christian, I’m a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ. What about you?

Dear Brother Nathanael,

What does the word goyim mean?

I understand that it refers to Gentiles and it was demeaning. However a Jewish-defender says it means nation, the plural of goy.

Dear Dr Samuel Cross -

That “Jewish-defender” is really trying to pull some jew-wool over your eyes.

Of course “Goyim” means in Hebrew, “the nations,” as it is used over and over again in the Old Testament.

BUT – when Jews, (behind closed doors), call the Gentiles, “The Goyim,” they are NOT citing Scriptural language to denote those from “the nations.”

BUT, rather, to inflect a DEMEANING and DEROGATORY cast on all non-Jews, “the Goyim.”

Here’s an example. Growing up in Judaism we perhaps might have spoken about some Gentiles who liked to go to carnivals while spending their money on various games.

So, we might say, “Did you go to the carnival last night?” Answer: “No, but the Goyim were all there in their cowboy hats…”

Certainly, we were not referring to those from “the nations” going to the carnival.

ANOTHER Up to date example.

If you go to the airport these days, you will see many Gentiles there in sloppy clothes, torn jeans, T-shirts, eating their “fries” and going into Jew-Chertoff’s porno-scanners without blinking an eye.

You can almost hear Chertoff laughing with his Jew buddies at a Bnai Brith brunch, saying, “the Goyim just love my scanners…and you’ll never hear any of them opting out. Ha Ha ha! Those stupid goys!”

Another example.

Henry Paulson was CEO of Goldman Sachs before going on to Treasury.

BUT – ALL JEWS know that Paulson was simply a “window-dressing Goy” for Rubin, Cohn, and Blankfein, the Jews in charge at Goldman Sachs who use the Goyim for their own purposes.

+Brother Nathanael
Former Jew, NOW Orthodox Christian
I’ve Got The INSIDE Track on Jews

You could be killed if you enter a Satmar Hasidic synagogue

By Michael Hoffman Monday, March 28, 2011

Truth About the Talmud

Judaism’s Holiest Book @

Jews and Crime

Brother Nathanael,

I like and agree with most of your comments. I have a basic understanding of the Khazarian influence in present day Israel.

Is the Jewish Talmud and the Babylonian Talmud one and the same? Is the word Goyim synonymous with the word cattle?

Be well and keep up the good work!

Something I’m not certain is Talumudic in origin, but certainly stems from the bastardization of Christianity in the Caribbean is the way that Dominican ball players and Black athletes will make the sign of the cross before entering the batter’s box or the playing field.

Most certainly blasphemous to evoke the Lord’s mercy for a multi-million dollar athlete to believe that the Lord serves his vanity to assist him in fulfilling his overpaid sports contract.

This has also lent itself to the lemming in the audience that, as their idol enters the batter box, will clasp their hands together silently to evoke the Lord’s blessing “Please, please, please…. let him get a home run!”

When you want to do simple activism openly mock and shame these types.

Laugh at them out loud for the blasphemous idiots that they are. Tell them “Yeah, I’m sure Jesus is going to get right on that one” or “I think Jesus saw you come up on his caller ID and let that one go through to the answering machine.”

Then laugh at them again so that they see what an idiot they are.

Dear Elde -

Perhaps you mean the difference between the Jerusalem Talmud and The Babylonian Talmud.

Both are compilations of the Oral Law beginning with the tradition of the elders.

But it is the Babylonian Talmud that expanded the traditions in a Multi Volume set made up of Mishna and Gomorrah to form “The Talmud” commonly used today and which HAS INFORMED Judaism since the time of Christ.

Second question. No, “Goyim” is not synonymous with the word “cattle” but could connote the same depending on the context used. +BN

You Might want to read up on David Icke’s Works if you really want to know about the Talmud, Judaism and Religion in General.

David Pulls no punches so be sure you can stomach it.

Vox , regarding the Ball players from South America/Caribbean etc. Don’t be too hard on them, don’t forget that they grew up as staunch Catholics.

It’s a Catholic tradition to make the sign of the cross to ask for protection from their various saints, Italians do the same too, there is nothing nefarious about it.

Maybe you should have a little more respect for other peoples’ religion and traditions if you want others to respect yours.

Yes, of course dear Henrik -

David Icke is INDEED very good on The Talmud, especially when he publishes Real Zionist News articles on the subject:

Or you can go straight to the original @
“Satanic Verses Of The Jewish Talmud” By Brother Nathanael Kapner
Copyright 2008-2011



Which Is Actually Brother Nathanael’s “Satanic Verses Of The Jewish Talmud” @

The Talmud is “Holy Writ” for the Jews. The Talmud supercedes the Old Testament in authority for the Jews. And the Talmud is the most racist, hate-mongering, blasphemous book the world has ever known.

The Talmud was written in Hebrew between the 3rd & 6th Centuries as a codification of the so-called Oral Law that the Jewish rabble, er, rabbis claim was handed down from Moses. But the Messiah Jesus censored the “Oral Law” when He said, “By the traditions of your elders you make void the Word of God.” (Matthew 15:6).

The English translation of the Talmud has been watered down so as to conceal from the Gentiles the “satanic verses” contained in the original Hebrew.

The “Satanic Verses” of the Talmud can be classified into 3 categories:

1) Jewish Supremacy.
2) Hatred Towards The “Goys” (Gentiles).
3) Blasphemies Against Jesus Christ, The Virgin Mary, & All Christians.


* “If a ‘goy’ (Gentile) hits a Jew he must be killed.” (Sanhedrin 58b)

* “If a Jew finds an object lost by a ‘goy’ it does not have to be returned.” (Baba Mezia 24a)

* “If a Jew murders a ‘goy’ there will be no death penalty.” (Sanhedrin 57a)

* What a Jew steals from a ‘goy’ he may keep.” (Sanhedrin 57a)

* “Jews may use subterfuges to circumvent a ‘goy.’” (Baba Kamma 113a)

* “All children of the ‘goyim’ (Gentiles) are animals.” (Yebamoth 98a)

* “Girls born of the ‘goyim’ are in a state of ‘niddah’ (menstrual uncleanness!) from birth.” (Abodah Zarah 36b)


* “The ‘goyim’ are not humans. They are beasts.” (Baba Mezia 114b)

* “If you eat with a ‘goy’ it is the same as eating with a dog.” (Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b)

* “Even the best of the ‘goyim’ should all be killed.” (Soferim 15)

* “Sexual intercourse between the ‘goyim’ is like intercourse between animals.” (Sanhedrin 74b)

* “When it comes to a Gentile in peace times, one may harm him indirectly, for instance, by removing a ladder after he had fallen into a crevice.” (Shulkan Arukh, Yoreh De ‘ah, 158, Hebrew Edition only)


* “‘Yashu’ (derogatory for ‘Jesus’) is in Hell being boiled in hot excrement.” (Gittin 57a)

[’Yashu’ is an acronym for the Jewish curse, ‘May his (Jesus) name be wiped out forevermore.’]

* Yashu (Jesus) was sexually immoral and worshipped a brick.” (Sanhedrin 107b)

* “Yashu (Jesus) was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness and refused to repent.” (Sotah 47a)

* “Miriam the hairdresser had sex with many men.” (Shabbath 104b, Hebrew Edition only)

* “She who was the descendant of princes and governors (the virgin Mary) played the harlot with carpenters.” (Sanhedrin 106a)

* “Christians who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations.” (Rosh Hashanah 17a)

March 29, 2011

New American Revolution Warned Is Just Weeks Away

Is it any surprise, anyone, that the words of Christ are true?

That the Pharisees and Rabbis are “of their father the devil” (John 8;44)?

That they are the “synagogue of Satan” (Rev. 2:9 and 3:9) ???

Heaven and earth will pass away but the words of Christ endure forever.

Just as the Holy Bible is inspired by God and is the book of the Chosen People of God, the True Christians,

So is the filthy Talmud inspired by the devil and is the book of the Chosen People of Satan, the Jews.

They are his own private people.

Lucifer’s fall was very great when he descended from being a cherubim very close to the throne of God to the depths of hell.

And so did the Jews who rejected Christ as their God and Lord, fell also as tragically from being the messianic people, to being the primary satanic force on earth.

We need to liberate the Jews from their enslavement to the devil and this heinous anti-human Talmud. This has to be done wisely, firmly, and compassionately, that we may save at least a few.

In Christ Yahweh,
The God of the Old and New Testaments.

Dear people all,

We all know there are a lot of Madonnas, and Lady Gagas, and Georges Soroses and Bernankes, and that kind of human existences oriented to degeneration and cheating as a way of living.

But there are also families living with hard working positive innocence, and friendship and goodness and kindness. Jesus Christ proved once great Sanhedrin and common Jews followers wrong at a cost of big pain and his own life.

Once again, Jews, their great Sanhedrin leaders and the regular Jewish supporters and followers are being proved extremely wrong, by the love of Jesus, thanks to people like BN.

Jesus proved all humans are not soulless little animals in service to the Jews only satisfaction. Humans dignity is for all, not for a chosen few only.

Jews don’t understand the need of a sane soul because they believe they have it for free since they just were born from a Jewish mother. But all the rest have to fight very hard to earn that precious soul the Jews think they have for free.

United Nations industries and entities running the world like a farm full of animals and assets for the satisfaction for the Jewish very few chosen ones does not feel nice, is not a good feeling to feel treated like a disposable natural asset.

The non-Jews are not vegetables or animals like they treat us now. That is driving the world upside down falling to the abyss.

Dear Brother Nathanael,

I feel very sorry for you being raised in this sickness called the Talmud.

The teachings of the Talmud separate the Jews of today and yesterday from the rest of the human race and from God. They are alone but they do not comprehend it. They think that they are on the top of the world, yet they crawl on their bellies like their father, Satan.

Many of us they have tortured, starved, and killed. But, we go to a great reward. What do they go to?

An eternity of loneliness spending their time being emotionally tortured by a former arch-angel and his fellow angel rejects cut off forever from the splendor of God’s spiritual and physical universes.

Dear Kalif,

In RE: “New American Revolution Warned Is Just Weeks Away”

The author of the article you cited is a known liar named David Booth. There is no “Sorcha Fall,” there are no “sources within the Kremlin. What there is is an ISP address for ‘’ allegedly originating from Langley, Virginia (home of the CIA).

Does this mean that the report is entirely false? No. It is 95% true, as far as I can see. What is untrue is that it leads to conclusions which are distorted, and this is very important to understand. This is right wing fascist propaganda aimed at justifying a planned military police state takeover in May.

By conflating any populist tax and usury revolt with international Communism, Booth is priming his audience to accept and cooperate with a corporate/military junta which will lump all resisters together with the hardcore Commies, punishing all equally in a typical paranoid, right-wing manner. Actually, most populists are socially conservative by most standards.

I repeat for the sake of those who haven’t heard, a column of .50 cal MG armed, green Humvees was seen and photographed moving south on I-95 in Maine. It comprised no less than, and quite possibly more than, three flatbed semis with three Humvees on each one, escorted by no less than three driven Humvees with MGs locked and loaded, and a troop transport.

I surmise that there will be severe austerity starting on April Fools Day, when nobody will get a check from Uncle Sam. This outrage is virtually guaranteed to spark a revolt of some magnitude, which will no doubt be capitalized upon by the communist fifth column in hopes of a Mayday mass protest, coloring all dissidents RED.

Michael Kelley:

There is another possibility. See

This is a long (53 min) video which shows the demise of Japan and a quake along the New Madrid fault that inundates the central part of the US up to the Great Lakes.

It could be what you are saying it might be but it could also be in preparation for this quake. The guy who did this video believes that HAARP is responsible for some of the quakes. See the navy map showing the new way the US is to look.

He says that a harbor is planned in I believe St. Louis just east of this super highway going from Mexico to Canada. He says he sees a quake happening in this area about April 28th of this year.

I had to write you, a few years ago I saw you and I can’t remember where, but you were running with a tall pole with a cross on it.

Then just recently I came across your web site, and put it together. I don’t believe in coincidence and for some reason I needed to let you know.

I am one of the sheep but I know the shepherd’s voice. I’ve watched a few of your videos and found you intriguing.

Thank you for what you are doing. I know the angels are rejoicing at your love of Jesus.

Since we are in the same state I’d like to know your thoughts about the town Crestone.

About 9 years ago I had an experience there as if the Lord was telling me something evil is there, what do you think?


Dear Kalif,

In RE: “New American Revolution Warned Is Just Weeks Away”

Here are some of the claims which are offered as pat facts without any evidence:

1.) ‘Upon Common Purpose and AMD “operatives” gaining sufficient power, this SVR report continues, their next step was to create an “economic apocalypse,” which they succeeded in doing by collapsing the Global economy in what is now referred to as “The Panic of 2008.”’

RE: So, no Talmudic Jews here, no greedy Republicans, no long-term problems with usury practices and deregulation. Just commie “operatives.”

2.) ‘And the provocation being offered to these millions of human beings in the UK and US lie in the hundreds of slick documentaries attacking Wall Street and London bankers and financial elites, the US Federal Reserve, massive government debt, housing bubble woes, corporate greed, wars, outsourced jobs and big oil, drug company and corporate elites.’

RE: Yep, they’re all “slick documentaries” produced by “operatives.” As if there are no genuine populist documentaries, no grass roots activism. Sure there are some actual incitement propaganda documentaries, but how do they establish the actual source for any of them is commies?

They don’t, because they are exaggerating badly. In fact, one might as well suspect fascist “operatives” of trying to incite riots so they can declare martial law, but Booth seems oblivious to this possibility.

3.) ‘And to exactly what Obama and the SEIU have been “working on” was revealed in its stark brutality this past week when one of their former leaders, Stephen Lerner, was secretly taped outlining the “master plan” for America, and as we can, in part, read as reported by the Business Insider News Service in their article…’

RE: Well, there you have it on tape, red-handed — or not quite. Read into it a bit and see that the vaunted tape contains only, “…what appears to be a tape of Lerner’s remarks.” That’s somewhere between flimsy and libelous; and consider the source, some jackass new-right megaphone with no circulation and no credibility. Yet this is touted as a stark revelation.

In Conclusion, if you look at all closely at Booth’s work, the staples and tape holding this sloppy amateur JEW BRITISH HARLOT con job together ought to make you wonder, ‘What DOES it mean’? And in my opinion the answer is that it is another false-flag, just like the rest.

Beck and his war with Media Matters and Soros. Say what you will about Beck, but he names names.

Michael Kelley

It is not about the messenger that matters me but it’s about the message because Sorcha Faal may be just a pen name for all I know.

Reading any one of her numerous messages as found at will confirm that the messages are well researched, as ample links and historical references are always provided within the messages to reinforce the veracity of her messages.

Even at times when Sorcha Faal issues a message to explain a currently evolving world issue the relevant references she provides are often too obscure and historical for any one simple person to know them as a matter of common knowledge. This may imply that these messages are issued by some form of an intelligence agency although such an agency is never such as CIA or any other soup alphabet wannabe.

As I have informed you earlier that I entertain myself with her messages as some kind of an intellectual exercise and I also try to see how the world events fit and correlate with the explanations she provides in her unique alternate news views.

I am highly skeptical by nature yet her views sync with what I believe in and are most believable to me than what I read in the mainstream media.

I hope you can forgive me for this minor indulgence.

Sermon on usury.

What is usury? Jewish destruction and enslavement of the Goyim!

Preacher Delivers Sermon On The National Debt: “The American People Are Like Sheep”

Dear Kalif,

I guess you can tell that it makes my hair stand up when I hear Sorcha Fall’s name, but I’m not ill disposed towards you for bringing it up. I think you must be aware that the three fallacious items I pointed out above in the article in question were positioned between reams of stone cold factual statistics with ample links and references.

This is a propaganda technique to make you more receptive. Good propaganda is 95% facts, with the balance fallacious contextualization, plus a few minor lies which don’t merit close scrutiny, but are meant to subtly bias the reader without risking too much credibility if debunked.

Sorcha Fall, and others of the same ilk, rely on repetition of small lies and subliminal cues over time to gradually shift the worldview of the reader, and they do so mostly with facts. I admit that I read Sorcha Fall occasionally too, specifically around incidents in order to figure out what The Company is pushing.

Peace in Christ.

@ all @ Vox

“Most certainly blasphemous to evoke the Lord’s mercy for a multi-million dollar athlete to believe that the Lord serves his vanity to assist him in fulfilling his overpaid sports contract.” – Vox

One thing, I notice in Jew Hollywood is they are constantly showing villains, and ugly urban Black rappers, with the real big bling-bling jewelry, gold and silver crosses or having a big cross tattooed on them somewhere.

The Jew is not showing it out of RESPECT, like Bro Nate, in his street evangelism, they are trying to send a subliminal (like coke bottle across the screen in the 50s) message: associate OUR LORD’S means of salvation, as some cheap prop for criminals, mobsters, and all other unsavory characters in society.

It actually makes me physically SICK TO MY STOMACH they do it so frequently now in all the movies!

Case in point, this new Russian Mafia film (there is no Russian Mafia, it is the Zionist Mafia) where one of the main characters has a cross tattooed on him. No Star of David here, they save that for their heroes, what few they have.

David Duke alludes to it on his site.

I think, a thread by Bro Nate in the future on their constant defiling of Christianity in our culture would be nice?

From their Zionist Jew movies, Talmudivision sitcoms, figures of speech (all the curse words that contain Christian figures) they relentlessly attack Christianity everywhere.

One more plea, please DONATE TO BRO NATE.

The dude risks his life, name, and reputation to bring truth out in the open. Anybody that comes on here can afford a PC and Internet access, they can also afford to send this guy a donation.

To Donate Simply Click:

OR @

Donations By Mail: The Brother Nathanael Foundation / Or Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 1242; Frisco CO; 80443.


This is VERY IMPORTANT information for every BIBLE-BELIEVING Christian!!!

The Bible Believer’s Handbook of Heresies:

“We realize that many will be greatly offended by this booklet. This is largely because most people have never learned to take God’s side against themselves. It is my conviction that God’s word is RIGHT, and anyone who disagrees is WRONG, even if it’s my wife, my mother, my best friend, or myself.

I receive many letters from people who like to complain about my “attitude” and the way I have “attacked” them. My attitude can be found in Isaiah 8:20, and the only thing I attack is FALSE DOCTRINE. (Please read that statement again.) There is a large difference between attacking a person’s BELIEFS and attacking the person.

If I wanted to attack YOU, then I’d write about your weight, your wife, your unruly children, your clothing, or your bad credit. This booklet deals with FALSE DOCTRINE–not personal attacks. If more preachers would expose false teachers, like they have been commanded to do, then booklets such as this wouldn’t seem so arrogant and abrasive to so many.

We are only obeying God’s word by warning others about false teachers. In Romans 16:17-18, the Apostle Paul exhorts the church to MARK and AVOID those who do not teach sound doctrine:

“Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; and avoid them. For they that are such serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

If Bible-believing Christians had faithfully obeyed this command for only the past one-hundred years, then our generation would be well informed about false teachers, and the heresies in our midst would be very minor. We’re only doing what Christians should have been doing all along.

We fully realize that sincere Christian people can be found within the membership of any church, and that no church is absolutely flawless in every way. This booklet is simply our effort to warn people about many of the false doctrines that are being taught in these last days.

It should serve as a good reference tool for finding quick and accurate information about the main heresies in our midst. If you find it helpful, please understand that it can be just as helpful to your friends and family members. Order a few copies and do your part in warning others about the many heresies that make up the broad way to destruction.”

Dear Donna,

I am getting “The URL contained a malformed video ID. Sorry about that.” from that You Tube link you provided.

Do you want to double check that and see whether it is still there and whether the link info is correct? Thanks.

Yeah, I am sure Wolfowitz really cares abou Libya’s freedoms and their civil rights.

He could care less about the Palestinian’s rights in his own Zionist backyard.

Is there anyone on TV not Jewish? They cry so much about DIVERSITY, yet you only see them and their point of view on an type of media.


Is there any prominent Jew (Democrat or Republican) that has come out against Obama’s unconstitutional war?


Australian Prime Minister calls protestors against a Carbon Tax as “anti-Semitic” when clearly there was no mention of “Semite” involvement.

Carbon tax was proven a failure several years ago but is now being thrust down the throat of the Australian public, regardless of their growing opposition to this tax.

The Australians are waking up to the fact that this tax is for the benefit of the UN, as payment is to be made directly to the UN, and is just one step towards the one world government and NWO.

What is she hiding and under whose orders is she under? The very mention of “anti-Semitic” give you a clue.

“JULIA GILLARD: Associating himself (Tony Abbott – opposition leader) with One Nation, with the League of Rights, with anti-Semitic groups and with grossly sexist signs.”

Dear in Christ Joshua,

You are absolutely correct that heresies are the most destructive to Christians, worse than the plague, H1N1, the locusts, HAARP, and radioactive contamination.

Tragically, the divisions among Christians are deeper than many of us would admit. There is no freedom from the satanic grip of Judaism before we repent and seek the True Faith.

I have checked your proposed The Bible Believer’s Handbook of Heresies.

Two thumbs up!

It does not mention the Orthodox Church among its heresies.

Therefore you must believe that the Orthodox Faith is true!!!!

In Christ Yahweh,
The God of the Old and New Testaments.

Michael Kelley

I am so sorry. The devil must not want me to get this info to people and that is why he caused me to put the wrong info down.

Anyway here it is correct:

This video is called: Japan is dead, so is the USA. It is over 51 minutes long.

It is frightening to say the least.

Obama Raises US Hypocrisy To A Higher Level
By Paul Craig Roberts

A Day in the Life: A non-Muslim white girl relates how she’s treated after donning a Hijab

“[T]he leading cadres of Communist party in the postwar period [of Hungary] were Jews, who completely dominated the regime until 1952-53. ”

Page 89 of Stanley Rothman’s and S. Robert Lichter’s Roots of Radicalism: Jews, Christians, and the New Left, originally published in 1982 by Oxford University Press.

Andrew Jackson seems to be on shaky ground, relying on a Protestant book of heresies to validate his Orthodox faith?

Is that a contradiction in terms?

He then goes further, inferring that all others are Satanic including the Protestant faith because the Protestant Faith says so, by inferring that the Orthodox faith has no heresy.

Sounds like an oxymoron.


In 1921, Churchill reiterated the British government’s position on the Balfour Declaration.

One of the main reasons that it was issued is because the assistance of Jews from various parts of the world was needed to induce the nation states in which they lived to enter the war on Great Britain’s side.21

A similar agenda motivated Churchill during the late 1930s: he believed continuing British support for a Jewish home in Palestine would motivate American Jewry to help bring the United States to Britain’s side in the expected war with Germany. Here is a quote from a December 1939 Churchill memorandum:

“…it was not for light or sentimental reasons that Lord Balfour and the Government of 1917 made the promises to the Zionists which have been the cause of so much subsequent discussion. The influence of American Jewry was rated then as a factor of the highest importance, and we did not feel ourselves in such a strong position as to be able to treat it with indifference.

“Now, in the advent of [an American] Presidential election, and when the future is full of measureless uncertainties, I should have thought it was more necessary, even than in November, 1917, to conciliate American Jewry and enlist their aid in combating isolationist and indeed anti-British tendencies in the United States.”22

In order that there is no misunderstanding, we will quote Professor Cohen:

“[Churchill] believed that the Zionist movement commanded powerful political and economic influence, particularly in the United States. As late as in December, 1939, he lectured his cabinet colleagues on the important role Zionists could play in mobilizing American resources to the British war effort. He told them that it had not been for light or sentimental reasons that the Government had issued the Balfour Declaration in 1917, but in order to mobilize American support.

“In 1939, Churchill believed that history would repeat itself, that the Zionists, via their proxies across the Atlantic, could be influential in accelerating the vitally needed early entry of the Americans into the war.”23

Thanks Donna chestergimli

I watched that clip, it rhymes with what is actually going on in the world —

I believe truth will always out and we should expect to hear these things from whistle-blowers within these nefarious projects.

To this end we must pray for the safety of the likes of Bradley Manning because since when is a revelation of a crime a much worse crime than the crime committed ? And that a revealer of such a crime is made to pay a worse penalty than the criminals that committed such crimes ?

People that plan and commit these horrible crimes against humanity and life itself rely on the unbelievability and preposterousness reception by the general public against anyone claiming to reveal them.

But our weapon to defeat such criminals is never to dispute anything we hear at face value but rather investigate and the more so if such a claim seems highly improbable.


You have a message here

Here’s a Tard from the Tard Corral.

Saw this posted on Craigslist in the Rants & Raves.

Gee Shabbos Goy much? Clown doesn’t as yet realize the Jews only give out prizes to who they say get prizes. The contest isn’t open to everyone. Have a hearty laugh at the tard.

The Jews are the brightest…

Date: 2011-03-30, 12:25AM CDT


Now, I’m a card-carrying Lutheran, but the anti-Jews on here need a little education..
There are about 13 Million total Jews in the world. About 6.5 million live in North America, and about 6 million live in the US.
So they comprise about 2 percent of the US population.

Now, here are the Nobel Prize statistics.

(Jews currently make up approximately 0.2% of the world’s population and 2% of the US population.)

Chemistry (31 prize winners, 20% of world total, 27% of US total)
Economics (28 prize winners, 42% of world total, 55% of US total)
Literature (13 prize winners, 12% of world total, 27% of US total)
Peace (9 prize winners, 9% of world total, 10% of US total)4

Physics (47 prize winners, 25% of world total, 36% of US total)
Physiology or Medicine (53 prize winners, 27% of world total, 40% of US total

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist (although I am) to see that the Jews are the smartest people on the planet.

So, get off their case…

•it’s NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

PostingID: 2294619287

Laundry List of GOP Shabbos Goy running for President 2012


The United States of Israel?

One from way back in the gipper. I had always heard of the “Protocols of Zion,” some say real, some say not (and even supposedly, debunked).

So, from the nether regions in my research of the law (real law, the American Common Law), I stumbled upon this, and I give it freely to Bro. N, so that he may do with it as he wishes. It is not much, but it IS something. (Freely available, and public domain, at Google Books)

“The Review of Reviews”, February-July 1892, by Albert Shaw.
Page 579,
The Truth about the Russian Jew.

Mr. Arnold White’s paper in the Contemporary Review for May, written after eight months’ residence in Russia, is a very solid and masterly piece of work. Mr. White acknowledges the courtesy with which he has been received by all the Russian officials with whom he has been brought into contact during his stay in the country.

But not all his gratitude for the hospitality which he has enjoyed can blind him to the fact that in the presentation of the Jews Russia is making a great and ghastly mistake, which is attaining the dimension of suicidal crime.

Why the Jews are Harried.

Russia, says Mr. White, is honest in this matter. She considers the Jew’s religion to be an insult to her Church, his presence a menace to her unity, and his systems of life an outrage to her national pride.

“The main object pursued by the governing classes in repressing the Jew in Russia is sheer self-defense. Russians hold that the bright Jewish intellect, if allowed free play, would contaminate the whole Empire within a short space of time.

“It has been calculated that if the repressive laws of Russia were repealed, and the Jews allowed access to any and every post in the service of the Empire, eight years would not pass before every post worth having outside the army and navy would be filled by an official of the Hebrew faith. I believe the statement to be little if at all exaggerated.”

Intellectually, Mr. White declares, the average Jew towers above the average Russian. Intellectual jealousy and fear of supersession supply the effective force to anti-Semitic prejudices in Russia. In point of fact religious antipathy has little part in the measures directed against Russians of the Hebrew faith.

Are the Jews a Moral Plague.

Mr. White, with aid of official statistics, makes mincemeat of the popular Russian contention that Jews in Russia are a social and economic cancer. The percentage of criminality to the Jewish population is 259 per 100,000, as against 426 for 100,000 of the non-Jewish population.

What the Exodus will cost Russia.

Mr. White calculates that if the Jews were to clear out altogether it would cost a direct and immediate annual loss to the revenue of over ten millions a year, to say nothing of the loss entailed by a long series of economic disturbances, which, he thinks, would involve a direct and indirect money loss of two hundred millions sterling.

Mr. White once more describes the agricultural colonies of the Jews in Kherson, and reasserts his conviction that the Jewish RACE are excellent raw material for colonists.

“With patience and opportunity there is no reason why a great Jewish STATE should not be rebuilt. Religion, RACE, language and literature the Jews possess. Land only is wanting, and that is in a fair way to be supplied by the matchless generosity of ONE MAN.

The Aristocrats of the World.

“The principal note in the gamut of impressions left on my mind by close contact with the agricultural Jews was the aristocratic quality of mind common to the whole people. Their sense of honor would have satisfied Burke. They are gentle to women and tender to children.

They feel a stain like a wound, and the proof is that a Russian accepts their word for weighty contracts in place of a bond. But in addition to all these things there is that indefinable air of distinction about the lowest and commonest of these Jews which impresses the conviction on one’s mind that their unpopularity is due perhaps, if one may be frank, to their native superiority over the settled nations of the earth.

Trouble and pain have refined the Jews in Russia. Prosperity vulgarizes, whether in Brixton or Berdicheff. The Jewish race are in agony, and their agony is slow. Their patience is eternal, but the body fades and dies while the mind remains unconquered.”

Page 583-

Austria of To-Day.

Austria has a population of 43,000,000, consisting of 11,000,000 Germans, 7,000,000 Magyars, 7,000,000 Czechs, 5,000,000 Ruthenians, 4,000,000 Poles, 3,000,000 Serbs and Croats, 3,000,000 Roumanians, 2,000,000 Slovens and 1,000,000 Italians.

As many as nine different languages are spoken, and twenty-two varying dialects.

As a consequence of this polyglotism, Austria is forced to expend more money for governmental machinery and public institutions than any other country. “In order to secure to all the nationalities the enjoyment of equal rights, the courts and other governmental officers are obliged to keep interpreters, and do the work in two or more languages, causing a great loss of time and large expenses.”

The wealth in Austria is very unequally distributed.

“The profits of all the natural richness and the hard work of the laboring classes go largely into the pockets of a few great estate owners, manufacturers, bankers, and trusts. The lower classes are over-taxed, live very poorly, often near starvation, but they are beginning to be aroused by SOCIALIST IDEAS TO CLAIM THEIR SHARE OF THE PROFITS from the real or seeming VAMPIRES, and their malcontentedness is directed principally against the NOBILITY AND THE JEWS.”

Dr. Blum concludes that sooner or later the social discontent will lead to a violent outbreak in Austria, WHICH WILL END IN A GENERAL EUROPEAN WAR.

Captain Slappy

Mr. White must have been a Jew. I believe what Jesus Christ said and not Mr. White.

And Vox

13 million total Jews in this world? I am sorry but I believe that there are at least 3 times that many Jews in this world and most of them are crypto Jews.

This guy doesn’t know who runs the financial centers of the world. Or does he? And he doesn’t seem to be aware that the world economy is on the brink. And he says he is a rocket scientist? They need to fire him post haste.

More Jewish propaganda of the superior athleticism of the negro.

Whites no longer have any sports history according to this piece of Jewish propaganda. White children now should have “athletic heros” that look absolutely nothing like themselves. Ones with zero morals or ethics of the negro race.

In addition to the Talmud, the evil nature of Jewry is fully displayed in another very important document, “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.”

This is not easy reading, but it fully lays out the plan of the Jews for world domination under the rule of Jewry.

For instance, here is the complete text of Protocol 6:


1. We shall soon begin to establish huge monopolies, reservoirs of colossal riches, upon which even large fortunes of the GOYIM will depend to such an extent that they will go to the bottom together with the credit of the States on the day after the political smash … (Compulsory superannuation, Social Security).

2. You gentlemen here present who are economists, just strike an estimate of the significance of this combination! …

3. In every possible way we must develop the significance of our Super-Government by representing it as the Protector and Benefactor of all those who voluntarily submit to us.

4. The aristocracy of the GOYIM as a political force, is dead – We need not take it into account; but as landed proprietors they can still be harmful to us from the fact that they are self-sufficing in the resources upon which they live. It is essential therefore for us at whatever cost to deprive them of their land.

This object will be best attained by increasing the burdens upon landed property – in loading lands with debts. These measures will check land-holding and keep it in a state of humble and unconditional submission.

5. The aristocrats of the GOYIM, being hereditarily incapable of contenting themselves with little, will rapidly burn up and fizzle out.


6. At the same time we must intensively patronize trade and industry, but, first and foremost, speculation, the part played by which is to provide a counterpoise to industry: the absence of speculative industry will multiply capital in private hands and will serve to restore agriculture by freeing the land from indebtedness to the land banks.

What we want is that industry should drain off from the land both labor and capital and by means of speculation transfer into our hands all the money of the world, and thereby throw all the GOYIM into the ranks of the proletariat. Then the GOYIM will bow down before us, if for no other reason but to get the right to exist.

7. To complete the ruin of the industry of the GOYIM we shall bring to the assistance of speculation the luxury which we have developed among the GOYIM, that greedy demand for luxury which is swallowing up everything.



Can anyone doubt that this is happening today?

The Jewish plan for world domination is fully available, IN PRINT, for those who take the time and effort to read it.

@ All

As relates to possible liberals posting here: Keep in mind that your musings of liberalism are Jewish in nature. Liberalism like Communism is a Jewish invention. So any possible rantings you make of “You’re a RAY-SIS” are irrelevant. Race or the charge of “racism” are again a Jewish invention.

Now let’s keep in mind that RACE is imperative to the Jewish agenda, and the charge of racism is used as a weapon if and whenever it is “Good for the Jews.” Race is vital to keep in mind. Race in the context of Jewish Supremacism is vital in that it is part of the strategy of Divide and Conquer.

Let’s use an analogy of fishing. In simplistic terms a fisherman will say “I caught a fish.” Well that in of itself is only telling as to “okay, you caught something from the “fish” species. It doesn’t tell what variation of fish that they caught. This is relative to humans.

I will never accept the liberal statement “deep down we’re all the same.” Sure we have “similar” traits BUT we’re not all the same. That’s saying Dogs and Cats are identical because they’re both kept as human pets. We are either male or female to begin and “NO!” that’s not the same; and there is no third gender to encompass homosexuals, transsexuals, or other sexual deviants, as those are forms of mental illness not sexual orientations.

But I don’t want to digress we’ll save that for another time. Then of course is the matter of race.

The races are highly relevant to the topic of the subject of “which sub-species” of humans that we are i.e. White, Negro, Spanish, Asian, etc. This is where things widely skew.

Now of course the Jew says that they are a “race,” i.e. “Master Race,” “Super Race,” etc. Spotting or identifying them as a race is somewhat true in that they are most often of Eastern European or Khazarian ancestry and from there skews off in to possible Asian connections etc. They do often times have characteristic features which like spotting a criminal can be seen outwardly such as hooked nose, hunched over, paunchy, balding (prominent in both male & females of their species), wiry hair, ill tempered, etc.

However, after centuries of infiltration of the White race i.e. “soiling the shiskas,” many of their outward features have become muted in order to assist them in disguising themselves. However, their temperament has been carried forward, and once one becomes familiar with them, their other characteristics such as a bent towards criminality, usury, etc, can be identified.

Now as to the subject of Race in America, it is of absolute vital importance to the Jewish agenda. It is well known scientifically that Whites have much higher IQs on the average than do the brown races. This has been developed through nature’s need to program Whites to be more clever and a “thinker” so as to survive in our native White lands which are traditionally much harsher than the brown races had/have.

This development of higher brain functions is very problematic for the Jew as it allows us to identify threats to our survival and well being. We encounter a Jew and something is just not quite right. Our senses tell us this thing before us if not a friend, it is a predator but because of American societal programming (dumbing down) from the Jew, our other brain functions, from being White, prevent us unlike the brown races from behaving as the brown races do in a thuggish or animalistic way.

Now as we examine the brown races we know that they have lower IQs with much of the Negro race having IQ’s on average of 70 or below. Which by Government standards is below the level of retarded. This however has been kept close to the vest by the Jew as they know this is a huge weapon placed in their hands. They use the Negro as a weapon against Whites. Breeding in over generations a sense of entitlement in the Negro that all of it’s problems are the fault of the White. The White owes the Negro for past transgressions.

How this favors the Jew is that they use this redistribute wealth from Whites to the Negros and are the moneychangers in between, taking their cut as the money is changed hands. Classic Communism as invented by the Jew.

This insures a certain loyalty from the Negro towards the Jew. The Negro regards the Jew as being an “overseer of Justice” a mediator which navigates these transgressions by Whites to see that the Negro is paid for these injustices inflicted upon them.

The debt for the Negro for this administration of justice is whenever is needed or is required by the Jew, the Negro must administer street justice against the White whenever the White resists. This has also been relayed to the Negro to feel free to take justice themselves and that can be in the form of raping a White woman, murdering a White (because slaves were murdered and this is only justice), taking the belongings of Whites (because after all it was really stolen from the Negro first), etc.

So the Jew takes charge of the racial issue and benefits from the low IQ and more brutish aspects of the Negro race and uses it as it’s “Good for the Jews.” So the Negro is not “Y-T’s” pawn as they are told. They are the Jew’s victim. Continuously victimized by the Jew and the rage instilled in them is used to wage war on the Whites without the Jew ever having to dirty it’s paws.

I hope this makes sense and people can begin to wake up to a racial self-awareness that race is important. It is vital to our survival as the most important sub-species of the human race. Whites are builders and have morals and ethics that these other sub-species do not. We are a tribe and a clan and generally used to work towards common goals until the cancer of the Jew was inflicted upon us.

Now if you’re a liberal, then you can go suck government cheese because your mind is permanently damaged. I used to think that the mental health issues of liberalism could be addressed and cured but I no longer believe that to be true.

The mental illness is too deeply engrained and might even be at a cellular or DNA level due to Jewish influences in America. I state that simply as an observation of the White race and of what a disgusting mess/mix that it now is, trampy females, abortion, race mixing, fat-gutted, soft in the middle, Whites, Talmudvision watching, porn surfing, dufusses…

What does this reversed cross mean? Any thoughts?

Georgios, certainly you are kidding. Please don’t stir things up.

All you have to do is Google for an answer, so as to avoid confrontation with our Catholic brothers and sisters.

I sure wish this childishness would cease. It’s absolutely heart-breaking to me, a mere mortal. Just think how is affects the heart of our wondrous Creator.

1 Corinthians 13


Are you an enemy of the Cross? How can a Latin teach an Orthodox?


Pope kisses the “holy” Koran.

Pope Benedict Cites Talmud Approvingly, Suggests Jesus Acted in Accordance with it

(SEPTEMBER 12 – 15, 2008)



Elysée Palace, Paris
Friday, 12 September 2008

Dear friends, it is with great pleasure that I meet with you this evening. Our meeting auspiciously coincides with the vigil of the weekly celebration of the shabbat, the day which from time immemorial has occupied a significant position in the religious and cultural life of the people of Israel. Every pious Jew sanctifies the shabbat with the reading of the Scriptures and the reciting of the Psalms.

Dear friends, as you know, the prayer of Jesus also was nourished by the Psalms. Regularly he went to the temple and the synagogue. There he too listened to the word on the Sabbath. There he wanted to underline the goodness with which God cares for man, even in the arrangement of time. DOES NOT THE TALMUD Yoma (85b) say: the Sabbath is offered to you, but you are not offered to the Sabbath?

Christ has asked the people of the Covenant to recognize always the unprecedented greatness and love of the Creator for all humanity. Dear friends, because of that which unites us and that which separates us, we share a relationship that should be strengthened and lived. And we know that these fraternal bonds constitute a continual invitation to know and to respect one another better.

By her very nature the Catholic Church feels obliged to respect the Covenant made by the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Indeed, the Church herself is situated within the eternal Covenant of the Almighty, whose plans are immutable, and she respects the children of the Promise, the children of the Covenant, as her beloved brothers and sisters in the faith.

She compellingly repeats, through my voice, the words of the great Pope Pius XI, my beloved predecessor:

Spiritually, we are Semites (Allocution to the Belgian Pilgrims, 16 September 1938). The Church therefore is opposed to every form of anti-Semitism, which can never be theologically justified. The theologian Henri de Lubac, in a time of darkness, as Pius XII (Summi Pontificatus, 10 October 1939) described it, added that to be anti-Semitic also signifies being anti-Christian (cf. Un nuovo fronte religioso in: Israele e la Fede Cristiana [1942]).

Once again I feel the duty to pay heartfelt recognition to those who have died unjustly and to those that have dedicated themselves to assure that the names of these victims may always be remembered. God does not forget!

I cannot neglect, on an occasion such as this, to recall the eminent role played by the Jews of France in the building up of the whole nation and of their prestigious contribution to her spiritual patrimony.

They have given – and continue to give – great figures to the spheres of politics, culture and the arts. To each one of them I extend affectionate and respectful wishes and with fervour I invoke upon all of your families and upon all of your communities a special Blessing of the Lord of time and of history. Shabbat shalom!

Georgios is right.

How can a Latin teach an Orthodox?

No, dear Georgios,

I am not an enemy of the Cross. I love the Lord Jesus Christ with my life.

Also, Georgios, I love my RZN brothers and sisters in Christ.

None of us have the “whole” Truth. To say so is only deceiving oneself.

No one was asking to teach you…:-)


Your Pope is a Talmudist. What about you?


Thanks for posting that illuminating article, “Pope Benedict Cites Talmud Approvingly, Suggests Jesus Acted in Accordance with it.”


I wonder how much gold the Jews poured into Vatican coffers to get the pope to make such a blasphemous speech.

Being that the pope is an obvious Jew-lover (is he trying to “atone” for his Hitler Youth past?), his book exonerating the Jews from their crime of causing the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus comes as no surprise.


I place myself in the present of Jesus Christ and submit to His Lordship. I Put on God’s armour so as to be able to resist the devils tactics (Ephesians 6:10-11). I stand my ground, with truth buckled around my waist, and integrity for a breastplate (Ephesians 6:14). I carry the shield of faith to put out the burning arrows of the evil one (Ephesians 6:16). I accept salvation from God to be my helmet and receive the word of God from the Spirit to use as a sword (Ephesians 6:17).

In the name of Jesus Christ crucified, died and risen, I bind all spirits of the air, the atmosphere, the water, the fire, the wind, the ground, the underground, and the nether world.

I also bind the influence of any lost or fallen soul who may be present, and all emissaries of the satanic headquarters or any coven of witches or warlocks or Satan worshipers who may be present in some preternatural way.

I claim the blood of Jesus on the air and atmosphere, the water, the fire, the wind, the ground, and their fruits all around us, the underground and nether world.

In the name of Jesus Christ I forbid every adversary mentioned to communicate with or help one another in any way, or to communicate with me, or to do anything at all except what I command in Jesus name.

In the name of Jesus Christ I seal this place and all present and all family and associates of those present and their places and possessions and sources of supply in the blood of Jesus. (REPEAT THREE TIMES).

In the name of Jesus Christ, I forbid any lost spirits, covens, satanic groups or emissaries or any of their associates, subjects or superiors to harm or take revenge on me, my family and my associates, or cause harm or damage to any thing we have.

In the name of Jesus Christ and by the merits of His Precious Blood, I break and dissolve every curse, hex, seal, spell, sorcery, bond, snare, trap, device, lie, stumbling block, obstacle, deception, diversion or distraction, spiritual chain or spiritual influence, also every disease of body, soul, mind or spirit placed upon us, or on this place, or on any of the persons, places and things mentioned, by any agent, or brought on us by our own mistakes or sins. (REPEAT THREE TIMES).

I now place the cross of Jesus Christ between myself and all generations of my family tree. I say in the name of Jesus Christ that there will be no direct communication between the generations. All communication will be filtered through the Precious Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.

May the Immaculate, clothe me in the light, power and energy of your faith. Father, please assign the angels and saints to assist me. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for being my Wisdom, my Justice, my Sanctification, my Redemption. I surrender to the ministry of Your Holy Spirit, and receive Your truth concerning inter-generational healing.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the Beginning, Is now, and ever shall be. Amen

Glory B.

The bank of “Unholy Spirit” founded by Pope Paul V on December 13, 1605 brought much money to Vatican and to the Talmudists, while he denied his cattle to do money exchange, letting it to his fellow Zionists.

@ Georgios

“# Georgios March 30, 2011 @ 11:29 am

What does this reversed cross mean? Any thoughts?”- Georgios

I think, it has to do with the Apostle Peter being crucified upside down? He was the first Pope, I think, if I remember right, according to Catholicism.

Nice you are back Georgios, don’t get me wrong, the Satan overrun Catholic church is more sickening to me than you.

I don’t mind him kissing the Koran, just he does the Talmud 1000 times more, behind closed doors.

Ο αδελφός εν Χριστώ


Origins of Hamitic Myth from the Talmud:

The term Hamitic originally referred to the peoples believed to have been descended from the biblical Ham, one of the Sons of Noah.

When Ham dishonors his father, Noah pronounces a curse on him, stating that the descendants of his son Canaan will be “servants of servants”. Of Ham’s four sons, Canaan fathered the Canaanites, while Mizraim fathered the Egyptians, Cush the Cushites, and Phut the Libyans.[1]

During the Middle Ages, this was interpreted to define Ham as the ancestor of all Africans. The curse was regularly interpreted as having created visible racial characteristics in Ham’s offspring, notably black skin.

According to Edith Sanders, the sixth-century Babylonian Talmud states that “the descendants of Ham are cursed by being Black and depicts Ham as a sinful man and his progeny as degenerates.”[2]

Both Arab and later European and American slave traders used this story to justify African slavery.[3][2]


The pope really believes he can convert the Jews.

That is the reason for his dialogue with them.

He is encouraged by the words of the New Testament wherein St Paul states the Jews will eventually be converted, and you know something?

That is his prerogative and none of his detractors’ business; those who twist what the Pope has to say and when called out on it, then change tactic and twist the meaning of what he did say will be the losers in all this.

This Pope has done more than all the detractors combined can ever hope to do to advance the cause of Christianity, which is the rights of Jesus Christ amongst men.

For your salvation ….you will the thin string of faith which he holds which upholds the world only when he dies.

The Orthodox church is lucky I don’t hold the them to account the same way they do the Catholic Church.

There is no point. It does not build up the church.

If the Pope was a man of ill will, I would agree with you but he is not.

I’m not sure I can say the same for every person that attacks him.


Kyrios should eulogize you and lead you to the panethnic thesaurus of Ecumenical Trapeza of the Orthodoxy and its axioms, methods and policies, although there is an episode of cacophony of the Trapeza with Vatican.

With enthusiasm we should dialogue about the synods of our ecclesiastic fathers in which monomorphous dogmas are analyzed and synthesized.

Our critical problems such as the dogmatic plethora generate some agony and melancholy. This phenomenon is characteristic of our epoch. But, to my thesis we have the dynamism to program therapeutic practices as a prophylacis from chaos and catastrophe.

In parallel a unhypocritical christian synergy and harmonization in a democratic climate is basic. I apologize for my eccentric monologue. I emphasize my eucharistia to you Kyrie oxymoron to the eugenic and generous American Ethnos and to the organizers and protagonists of this amphictyonic forum.

@ Glory B.

The pope IS a Jew!

“Mrs. Van Hyning, I am surprised at your surprise. You are a student of history and you know that both the Borgias and the Medicis are Jewish families of Italy. Surely you know that there have been Popes from both of these house.

Perhaps it will surprise you to know that we have had 20 Jewish Popes, and when you have sufficient time, which may coincide with my free time, I can show you these names and dates. You will learn from these that: The crimes committed in the name of the Catholic Church were under Jewish Popes. The leaders of the inquisition was one, de Torquemada, a Jew.” – Woman’s Voice, November 25, 1953

The Pope speaks:

“Conformism which makes it obligatory to think and act like everyone else, and the subtle — or not so subtle — aggression toward the Church demonstrate how this conformism can really be a true dictatorship,” said the pope.

Good topic – good posts – I see much thinking and some real wisdom emerging from sound intellectually honest minds.

Vox’s comments on the REAL meaning of Jew influence on the Black people here in dead on target!

Of the two dozen or so nations I have visited as an adult in my life – - I can honestly say that ONLY – and I can’t stress this enough – ONLY IN THIS COUNTRY do I see this disgusting tribalism – of nauseous dress codes – street trash ‘Ebonics’ language – PREDICTABLY vile language and obligatory ‘entitlements’ attitudes of Negro trash.

If I listen to a person on the phone in Cuba or Nicaragua – or Spain – or – Costa Rica – or Panama – or Honduras – or for that matter – France or Italy – or Belgium – or almost anywhere else on the planet – I CAN NOT TELL IF THEY ARE BLACK OR WHITE. In the States – however – I can identify a Negro in a heartbeat 95% of the time in the first 30 seconds of conversation.

Now – that amazing phenomonon could ONLY happen in one of two ways:

#1 A freak of genetics indigenous ONLY to the USA – OR

#2 A calculated relentless ruthless self-serving program – sponsored almost exclusively by JEWS – to endear themselves as champions to these essentially stupid brain-sharing violence prone race – we are forced to address as African-Americans, even though less than 1% here were born in the African Continent.

The Jew has done his job well. The Jew OWNS the Negro here – body and soul – and VOTE!

Georgios is also absolutely correct. We have no more Catholic Christian Pope. He is more Jewish than the Jews themselves. The idea that he ACTUALLY believes that He can ‘CONVERT’ these demons is preposterously ridiculous!

If he REALLY wanted to ‘convert’ them – he would begin by admonishing them as the most demonic evil of creatures on earth – CLEARLY AND FORCEFULLY – WITHOUT PARABLE OR word mincing – as did our Lord Christ in the Gospel of John.

As for the quotes of Mr. White – a most transparent of Shabbus Goy as I have seen – what the hell is your point Mr. nameless?

Is it that Brother Nathanael is a intellectual dunce – an idiot – a liar who knows full well that the Talmudic Protocols are “not real and are debunked” and is a gossip monger? That we should believe this poster boy of the Jews – and that HE knows the TRUE situation better than my former wife’s grandmother as she witnessed her husband and sons murdered before her very eyes by the Jew Cheka – solely for the crime of being farmers – land owners – Kulaks?

Oh yea. The Jews are a nice, honorable, dependable, truthful, Godly, honorable people – always good neighbors – unless of course they are busy murdering some ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY MILLIONS OF INNOCENT CIVILIANS – mostly Christians – like those of my distant family – or busy transforming my country into a morally rotted corpse!

Do us all here at the Brother Nathanael Foundation – most who have suffered great loss – pain and sadness at Jew hands – INCLUDING BN himself – a favor – do your cheer-leading for the self-chosenites at the ADL or a ‘Stand For IsraHELL’ rally. Take a hike Mr.


“Georgios is also absolutely correct. We have no more Catholic Christian Pope”

Well lets face it — Georgios is the resident expert on all things catholic.

“The idea that he ACTUALLY believes that He can ‘CONVERT’ these demons is preposterously ridiculous!”

For beginners, I don’t think ‘preposterously ridiculous’ is a valid phrase.

Secondly, it may be “preposterously ridiculous” to you but not to him, and like I said that’s his prerogative.

“If he REALLY wanted to ‘convert’ them – he would begin by admonishing them as the most demonic evil of creatures on earth – CLEARLY AND FORCEFULLY – WITHOUT PARABLE OR word mincing – as did our Lord Christ in the Gospel of John.”


But he obviously doesn’t believe so.

He did not shy away from attacking the Koran for example.

The thing is the Pope knows the Jew.

He knows they will not be converted by the stick which has been wielded by the church for 2000 years, and mindful of Paul’s prophecy that the Jews will be converted in the end times, he is trying a different approach.

Dear Oxymoron,

You surprised me.

What a great response and a wise one indeed.

And I also would like to congratulate you on your good sense of humor.

In regard to the current pope; I don’t really like him either, but he must tread here very carefully.

After all, we all know how dangerous the synagogue of Satan can be.

Who knows,the next earthquake could occur in Rome..perhaps.. and thousands of Italian Catholics killed.

Maybe even Vatican destroyed.

Anything seem to be possible nowadays….

By the way, isn’t what we all are hoping here for: Paul’s prophecy to come true – the conversion of Jews?

Benedict XVI: Zionist Double Agent

“It should be obvious to everyone now, that we Catholics who have figured out that the Vatican is under Zionist control, have been right all along. They labeled us “extremists,” “sedevacantists,” “ultra right-wingers,” “fascists,” “Nazis,” etc. But when the Jews and their useful idiots have to resort to hurling those epithets at you, it usually means you’ve hit upon the truth. Well, we Catholic “extremists” have the Zionists’ number and we have been calling them on it for a long time. Now, maybe the rest of the brainwashed Christians will wake up.

It’s really not difficult to understand why Benedict XVI is encouraging emnity between the Catholics and the Muslims. All you have to ask is: cui bono? (who benefits?). The Zionists, of course. The Catholic Church was always their biggest enemy. So naturally the Jews were going to do anything and everything to get it under their control. It took almost 2,000 years, but it finally happened in 1958.

The Jews pulled off a coup d’eglise with the election of Freemason Angelo Roncalli (John XXIII) to the Papacy. Immediately upon his election, the media began calling Roncalli ”Good Pope John.” Be careful when the Jewish controlled media praises someone, especially a Catholic, that means that person is working for them. Contrast the media’s love affair with the post-1958 popes with their hatred of all pre-1958 popes, up to and including Pius XII (who died in 1958).

They accuse Pope Pius XII of having been a Nazi, which really means that Pius XII actually thought he was the Pope of the Catholic people and did not realize that he was supposed to be working for the Jews!

I have figured out that whoever the Jews hate, you can bet your bottom dollar, that person knows the truth about the Jewish agenda. The converse is also true: whoever the Jews love, that person is a traitor to the Christian people and is really a Zionist tool.”

“… most Catholics are not ready to accept the reality that the man who is supposed to represent Christian morality to the world is actually a Zionist tool. He is eithier a Jew himself, or a Freemason, or he has compromised himself in some such way that he is being blackmailed. Either way, it does not matter. He is not working for the Catholic people. He is working for the Zionists.”

The stupidity of the above person’s post is self obvious, unless you are a pawn of the Jews.

The current Pope has been vilified by the Jewish owned media from day one.

Thus by his own criteria he has exonerated the Pope while yet attempting to vilify him.

Over four billion Jews were killed by the Romans in 135AD… 64 million children wrapped up in Torah scrolls and burnt…. Apparently?

The Jews’ last stand at Bethar, Judea in the final Roman Jewish war 135AD

“The voice of Jacob’: this is the cry caused by the (Roman) Emperor Hadrian who killed in the city of Bethar four hundred thousand myriads”
- Babylonian Talmud Gittin 57B

Myraid = 10,000

400,000 x a myraid = 4,000,000,000 (four billion)

“There were four hundred synagogues in the city of Bethar, and in every one were four hundred teachers of children, and each one had under him four hundred pupils, and when the enemy entered there they pierced them with their staves, and when the enemy prevailed and captured them, they wrapped them in their scrolls and burnt them with fire.” – Babylonian Talmud Gittin 58a

Four hundred synagogues each with Four hundred teachers each with Four hundred students:

400 x 400 x 400 = 64,000,000 (sixty four million)

There weren’t 4,000,000,000 people on Earth until 1970, and ancient demography indicates that there certainly were not 16 million Jews in the entire world at that time, much less 64 million Jewish children or four billion Jews.

I think people need to point this out more often.

Was this ‘The First Holocaust’? I think we’re seeing a pattern here with these Talmudists.

You can’t believe a word they say.

And these people control our news media?

Yes. They do.

More from the Talmud:

“Come and hear!

A maiden aged three years and one day may be acquired in marriage by coition, and if her deceased husband’s brother cohabits with her, she becomes his” (emphasis added).” – Sanhedrin 55b

“When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this, (3 years and one day) it is as if one puts the finger into the eye; (I.e., tears come to the eye again and again, so does virginity come back to the little girl under three years.)” – Tractate Kethuboth 11b

Read more @ (If you want…)

It’s tough to read without becoming ill – but everyone should be aware of what’s in this collection of ‘Jewish wisdom.’

Speaking of ‘Goyim,’ Br Nathanael,

I understood that the expression, ‘Kodem kol, kol goyim hayot,’ oft used in Israel when two Jews are about to speak about a non-Jew meant:

‘First of all, all Goyim are animals.’




@ Etean:

The Pharisees & other Scribes commenced compiling the Talmud in 375 A.D. and later in Babylon in 500 A.D.

It is not based on spiritual faith but on laws, rules & tactics.

Israel Shahak, former professor at the Hebrew Univ of Jerusalem, was very critical of the Talmud, saying, “It must be admitted that the Talmud and Talmudic literature contain very offensive statements directed specifically against Christianity.”

“For example, in addition to a series of scurrilous sexual allegations against Jesus, the Talmud states that his punishment in hell is to be immersed in boiling excrement….”

Word Press will NOT let me post:

“Hmmm, your comment seems a bit spammy. We’re not real big on spam around here.

Please go back and try again.”

Reply to Wally: the Jews are certainly liars. Their media monopoly have helped them spread lies and falsify truths. Their worst enemy is the TRUTH.

They like to believe in their own lies and most of all they enjoy slaughtering people; this is why they are forever at war.

Before they left Algeria to follow the French who have given the French citizenship at the Decret Cremieux and whom they served for 132 years, they told the Muslims there: our revenge will be terrible. They have since been spreading lies telling the whole world they had been chased of the country and making out they were the poor, helpless victims.

They have since the independence in 1962 worked with a group of imposters from the town of Oujda Morocco to take away our freedoms and rob the country of its enormous revenues of billions of dollars a year and left the majority of the population living in terrible poverty without jobs, without water for months on end and are persecuting our immigrant population and exiles abroad.

They have been persecuting me and my children, my friends and many Algerians in Finsbury Park where they spent years sitting at the back of vans and watching anyone who would go in or out of the shops then have sent 600 policemen in riot gear to beat up many shopkeepers and their assistants, treat them badly and put their shops upside down.

These people are behind All our troubles in London. They have tried to run me over on many occasions in police cars, vans and jeeps in Goodge St., in Warren Street, Hamsptead Road, near Euston when they would surge like a bad penny, driving towards me at full speed like demented killers.

Those who work at the Whittington Hospital and UCH get rid of my blood and urine samples; their receptionists call me Mr; call me an IRA terrorist just because I was married to an Irishman; steal repeatedly from any address I have lived in including the present one.

They come in and destroy electrical appliances, leave water pipes open, steal letters, mess up with our radiators, confiscate many emails, make a racket in front of me and follow me and my friends, my son blowing their trumpets or horns, sounding their deafening alarms as soon as we enter their banks where their armies of employees, highly trained for terrorism start making piercing noises.

Armies of Zionists and their supporters go past the house at full speed as it at the rally of Monte Carlo, tooting like enraged sadists, repeatedly, under the windows, banging and drilling repeatedly they as well as armies of builders sent in from their freemasons masters, rudeness from their armies of aggressors employed in supermarkets alarms when we are paying for goods and overhead.

While outside the army of Israel, convoys of policemen, women, firemen and ambulancemen/women who have taken over this country and France as they behave there in the same say, start their satanic orchestra celebrating daily the Haganah or the feet of trumpets to get us out of our homes, out of a park, out of the country, directing weapons with blasting repeated sounds at us at the entrance of a surgeries, sounding loud deafening alarms in the Whittington hospitals as soon as we set foot there.

For many years we had to put up with loud alarms resounding in the tube and in buses overhead and the personnel there becoming agitated and running towards us,some men laughing as if amused by their own sick games.

As soon as we go out an armada of rescue (yellow) helicopters, police helicopters (green and yellow) some white and blue and others small spy-planes come out of the blue and start hovering noisily overhead and also appear when we are sitting in the park while the mad Zionists keep going round and round it till we leave.

Their editors have stolen all the work I have sent them and used it as their own most probably. These people have no dignity and I do not understand why the British people do not stand up to them.

They have been causing friction between us and many neighbours using them as agents provocateurs and thieves as well as mercenaries to carry out their dirty deeds. I believe that they US and European governments must start nationalizing all their industries, all their banks and taking away from them the monopoly of all businesses as well as the army and the police.

Without this, these new-world pirates and inquisitors will not be able to allow themselves to commit so many crimes against the human race, devastate entire countries as well as pollute their atmosphere with depleted uranium or even attack Palestinians daily, steal their crop or dare destroy them homes.

What are over 6 billion people doing? Why don’t they stand to these satanic preachers and murderers, these psychos who spend every second of them time spying on us and passing on wrong information, who have made me lose huge sums of money on my driving lessons through many years and used to come outside the driving school en masse, and park their cars and vans near the place where my driving instructor was waiting at exactly the same time, and would come behind us as soon as I drove off, making a racket to stop me from concentrating.

The others mobsters would appear as soon as I was about to start my maneuvers. Sometimes we would chose a quiet place with not a soul in sight, no cars being parked around.

Suddenly, many vans, cars would appear and their driver would park right in front of us. They have used my poster for peace in Algeria in the program Jenny Jones and many of their editors, have stolen an article, short stories, nearly a 150 poems and prose.

One thief has used one of my poems — ou est alle mon oiseau bleu? — one of the few accepted for publication by La maison de la poesie de Namur.

The thief used in his site called bi-polar problems with a lot of photos of Morocco; one of which has some goats standing on a the branches of a tree. When I sent my file to the EU court and told them the Jewish mafia was behind my problems 3 Khazar or Zionist judges sent me a letter saying my case was inadmissible (in French )which means unacceptable.

Also the last solicitor who wanted to represent me for free because the legal aid board of liars who kept lying to me, telling me he didn’t make a request although he showed me what he called a certificate or letter asking for it, in order to start the proceedings.



David Letterman’s hate is as old as some ancient Hebrew prophets.

Speaking of anti-Semitism, it’s Jerry Falwell and other fundy leaders who’ve gleefully predicted that in the future EVERY nation will be against Israel (an international first?) and that TWO-THIRDS of all Jews will be killed, right?

Wrong! It’s the ancient Hebrew prophet Zechariah who predicted all this in the 13th and 14th chapters of his book!

The last prophet, Malachi, explains the reason for this future Holocaust that’ll outdo even Hitler’s by stating that “Judah hath dealt treacherously” and “the Lord will cut off the man that doeth this” and asks “Why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother?”

Haven’t evangelicals generally been the best friends of Israel and persons perceived to be Jewish?

Then please explain the recent filthy, hate-filled, back-stabbing tirades by David Letterman (plus Sandra Bernhard, Larry David, Kathy Griffin, Bill Maher, Joan Rivers, and Sarah Silverman) against Christians like Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin, and explain why most Jewish leaders have seemingly condoned such “crucifixion”!

While Letterman etc. are tragically turning comedy into tragedy, they are also helping to speed up and fulfill the Final Holocaust a la Zechariah and Malachi, thus helping to make the Bible even more believable!

For even more stunning information, visit MSN and type in “Separation of Raunch and State,” “Michael the Narc-Angel,” and “Bible Verses Obama Avoids.”

PS – - – There’s nothing wrong with Hollywood that a 10-point earthquake couldn’t fix !!

Complied and edited by David J. Stewart

Read what the King James Bible, God’s Word, has to say about Israel and the Jews…

    1st Kings 9:6-8, “But if ye shall at all turn from following me, ye or your children, and will not keep my commandments and my statutes which I have set before you, but go and serve other gods, and worship them: Then will I cut off Israel out of the land which I have given them; and this house, which I have hallowed for my name, will I cast out of my sight; and Israel shall be a proverb and a byword among all people: And at this house, which is high, every one that passeth by it shall be astonished, and shall hiss; and they shall say, Why hath the LORD done thus unto this land, and to this house?”

Photo to left: Zionist false prophet, John Hagee, who says he’s not trying to convert Jews because they’re special and don’t need to be born-again to go to Heaven.

Israel today is a whoring after OTHER gods. God has cut Israel off and cast the temple out of His sight, just as He warned. Israel today is a barren land of misery and tumbleweeds. Tourists to Israel wag their heads in disbelief. The Jews know it, which is why Jewish rabbis spit on Christians. .

BOTH Judaizer Jews and Islamic Arabs reject Jesus as the Messiah, the only begotten Son of God. Therefore, BOTH religions worship the same false mythical god that doesn’t exist. Anyone who openly rejects Jesus Christ has also rejected the Father the Bible says.1st John 2:23, “Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.” Most Jews today, including the official Judaism religion of the nation of Israel, REJECT Jesus as the Christ. Therefore Jews DO NOT have the Father either, just as Arabs who follow Muhammad DO NOT have the Father. END

The Talmud

       Talmud is the Hebrew word signifying “doctrine.” The Jews say that Moses received on Mount Sinai not only the written law which is contained in the Pentateuch but an oral law, which was first communicated by him to Aaron, then by them to the seventy elders, and finally by these to the people, and thus transmitted by memory, from generation to generation

This oral law was never committed to writing until about the beginning of the third century, when Rabbi Jehuda the Holy, finding that there was a possibility of its being lost, from the decrease of students of the law, collected all the traditionary laws into one book, which is called the Mishap, a word signifying repetition, because it is, as it were, a repetition of the written law. The Mishna was at once received with great veneration and many wise men among the Jews devoted themselves to its study.

Toward the end of the fourth century, these opinions were collected into a book of commentaries, called the Gemara, by the school at Tiberias. This work has been falsely attributed to Rabbi Jochanan; but he died in 279, a hundred years before its composition. The Mishna and its Commentary, the Gemara, are, in their collected form, called the Talmud. The Jews in Chaldea, not being satisfied with the interpretations in this work composed others, which were collected together by Rabbi Ashe into another Gemara.

The former work has since been known as the Jerusalem Talmud, and that of Rabbi Ashe as the Babylonian Talmud, from the places in which they were respectively compiled. In both works the Mishna or law is the same; it is only the Gemara or Commentary that is different.

The Jewish scholars place so high a value on the Talmud as to compare the Bible to water, the Mishna to wine, and the Gemara to spiced wine; or the first to salt, the second to pepper, and the third to spices. For a long time after its composition it seemed to absorb all the powers of the Jewish intellect, and the labors of Hebrew writers were confined to treatises and speculations on Talmudical opinions.

The Mishna is divided into six divisions called Sederim, whose subjects are:

    The productions of the earth;
    The rights and duties of women;
    Damages and injuries;

Each of these Sederim is again divided into Massicoth, or treatises, of which there are altogether sixty-three.

The Gemara, which differs in the Jerusalem and Babylonian redactions, consists of commentaries on these Massicoth, or treatises.

Of the Talmud, Lightfoot has said that the matters it contains “do everywhere abound with trifles in that manner, as though they had no mind to be read; with obscurities and difficulties, as though they had no mind to be understood; so that the reader has need of patience all along to enable him to bear both trifling in sense and roughness in expression.” Stehelin concurs in a similar opinion; but Steinschneider, as learned a Hebraist as either, has expressed a more favorable judgment.

Although the Talmud does indeed contain many passages whose peculiarities found little favor with Doctor Mackey, he deemed it, nevertheless, extremely serviceable as an elaborate compendium of Jewish customs, and it has therefore been much used in the cretinism of the Old and New Testaments. It furnishes also many curious illustrations of the Masonic system; and several of the traditions and legends, especially of the higher Degrees, are either found in or corroborated by the Talmud. The treatise entitled Middoth, for instance, gives us the best description extant of the Temple of Solomon.

SOURCE: Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry

God Considers Worshippers Of False gods As Crap

By David J. Stewart

God warned that He would take away the Jewish house of Jeroboam as a farmer takes away crap…

    1st Kings 14:10, “Therefore, behold, I will bring evil upon the house of Jeroboam, and will cut off from Jeroboam him that pisseth against the wall, and him that is shut up and left in Israel, and will take away the remnant of the house of Jeroboam, as a man taketh away dung, till it be all gone.”

Do you think God feels any differently about Zionism and Judaism? Unbelieving Jews today are spitting on Christians in Jerusalem. Judaism and the Talmud reject Jesus as the Messiah. Zionism doesn’t care about anything except promoting the nation of Israel and Jewry in general. Israel as a nation pisses on Jesus Christ. Just read the Talmud and you’ll see it’s true. The Talmud teaches that Jesus is boiling in piss and crap in hell. That’s what Israel’s rabbis and Zionist Jews think about The Lord Jesus Christ. Yet they want the world to help restore them to Israel. God warned that He would take away the house of Israel as crap in the streets if they worshipped false gods. Considering that Jews and Israel today totally reject Jesus as the Messiah, I’d say that the shovel once again is headed their way.

The main religion in Israel is Judaism with 76.4% of the population following it. Islam compromises 16% of Israelites. This totals 91.4% of Israel who openly deny the Lord Jesus as the Messiah. The average woefully ignorant Christian thinks God will bless them for giving money to Israel; but God the Father considers their house crap ready to be shoveled away for rejecting Jesus Christ. God is kind to the thankless and evil (Luke 6:35); but God does not bless the wicked indefinitely. God is slow to anger and long-suffering, but His patience does wear out eventually. I’d say God has been incredibly patient. God is justified in all that He doeth.

Please understand that I’m not calling Jews crap. God forbid. I’m saying that God in 1st Kings 14:10 warned He would take away the house of the wicked, specifically, those who worship false gods. 91.4% of Israel today worships either Judaism or Islam. 2.1% profess to be Christian or Arab Christians. Just as God warned in 1st Kings 9:6-8, He would cut off Israel and cast away the temple of God. And so it has been for thousands of years. People today wag their head in disbelief, marveling over what happened to Israel, a once truly great people and nation. God’s judgment is upon Israel for their rejecting of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Christians in Israel are locking themselves indoors because of Jewish hatred against them in public…

    Christians in Jerusalem want Jews to stop spitting on them

    By Amiram Barkat | October 12, 2004

    A few weeks ago, a senior Greek Orthodox clergyman in Israel attended a meeting at a government office in Jerusalem’s Givat Shaul quarter. When he returned to his car, an elderly man wearing a skullcap came and knocked on the window. When the clergyman let the window down, the passerby spat in his face.

    The clergyman preferred not to lodge a complaint with the police and told an acquaintance that he was used to being spat at by Jews. Many Jerusalem clergy have been subjected to abuse of this kind. For the most part, they ignore it but sometimes they cannot. …

    According to Daniel Rossing, former adviser to the Religious Affairs Ministry on Christian affairs and director of a Jerusalem center for Christian-Jewish dialogue, there has been an increase in the number of such incidents recently, “as part of a general atmosphere of lack of tolerance in the country.”

    Rossing says there are certain common characteristics from the point of view of time and location to the incidents. He points to the fact that there are more incidents in areas where Jews and Christians mingle, such as the Jewish and Armenian quarters of the Old City and the Jaffa Gate.

    There are an increased number at certain times of year, such as during the Purim holiday.” I know Christians who lock themselves indoors during the entire Purim holiday,” he says.

    SOURCE: Christians in Jerusalem want Jews to stop spitting on them – Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Note from webmaster of Jesus-is-Savior:

       As you will see, the Talmud is a piece of garbage, not worthy to be compared to God’s precious Word, the Bible. The idea that Moses was given some verbal message, susceptible to human error, carried on from generation to generation by biased and sinful Jews, is preposterous and wicked!

What the Talmud Really Says About Jesus

Complied and edited by David J. Stewart

    “What exactly is so scandalous? How about Jesus punished in Hell for eternity by being made to sit in a cauldron of boiling excrement? That image appears in early manuscripts of the Babylonian Talmud, as does a brief account of Jesus’ trial and execution—not by the Romans, but by the Jewish high court, the Sanhedrin.” —From Publisher’s Weekly

The following article appeared in Publisher’s Weekly (, a mainstream literary magazine and website. It concerns a new book, Jesus in the Talmud, that exposes the shocking truth about the position of Judaism toward Jesus Christ. It was written by none other than Dr. Peter Schaefer, head of Princeton University Judaic Studies Program and one of the world’s most famous academic authorities on Judaism. Once again my research and writings have been verified by the most respected of academics.

The facts are clear. The Talmud, which is the highest authority of Judaism, not only makes hateful and pornographic attacks against Jesus Christ, it even boasts that the Jewish community, not the Romans, arrested, tried and executed Jesus. In fact, the Talmud exudes so much hatred against Jesus that it claims the Jewish priests subjected his body to a series of four different torturous executions.

It is not anti-Semitic to state these facts, it is simply the truth. It is not anti-Semitic to expose Jewish extremism and hatred, again, it is simply the truth. Why is it that radical Christians or Muslims are freely exposed in the mass media, but Jewish extremism is a forbidden subject? Why is it that when a political figure exposes racial or religious hatred among Christians or Muslims, he wins media praise and “humanitarian awards,” but if a political figure dares to expose Jewish hatred and extremism, he himself is called a hater and anti-Semite?

The fact is that there is no greater enemy of Jesus Christ and Christianity than Judaism and the Jewish extremists who run Israel and have so much influence over the American media and American politics. (The Washington Post admits that 50-60 percent of political contributions for President come from Jewish sources). Some so-called Christian evangelists are now raising money among Christians to support these anti-Christian, extremist Jews!

From Publisher’s Weekly — Will Peter Schaefer’s new book, Jesus in the Talmud.

His editor at Princeton University Press, Brigitta van Rheinberg, laughed but agreed: “You think, oh, whoa, this is not going to go over well in certain circles.”

Schaefer, who heads up Princeton’s Judaic studies program, has collected and analyzed all the passages in the Talmud that apparently refer to the founder of Christianity, texts that were previously censored from Talmud editions for centuries. In his book he argues—against other scholars—that the scandalous passages indeed refer not to some other figure of ancient times but to the famous Jesus of Nazareth.

What exactly is so scandalous? How about Jesus punished in Hell for eternity by being made to sit in a cauldron of boiling excrement? That image appears in early manuscripts of the Babylonian Talmud, as does a brief account of Jesus’ trial and execution—not by the Romans but by the Jewish high court, the Sanhedrin. The Jewish community, to the extent Jews were even aware of these excised texts, has been content to let them remain obscure and unknown.

Schaefer, a distinguished German-born Christian scholar who describes classical rabbinic literature as “my first love,” has now definitively let the cat out of the bag. This undermines a widespread assumption that, of Judaism’s and Christianity’s respective sacred texts, only the Christian Gospels go out of their way to assail the rival faith, whereas Judaism’s classical texts refrain from similar attacks.

It seems fair to say now, however, that the Talmud is every bit as offensive to Christians as the Gospels are to Jews.

The Talmud’s scattered portrait of Jesus unapologetically mocks Christian doctrines including the virgin birth and the resurrection. Which isn’t to say that the rabbinic invective is meant simply to insult. In his book, the author calls the Talmud’s assault on Christian claims “devastating.”

“It is a very serious argument,” said Schaefer, who emphasizes that the rabbis’ stories about Jesus were never intended as an attempt at historically accurate narrative. Rather, in the classic Talmudic style, they encode legal and theological argumentation in the form of sometimes-imaginative storytelling.

One naturally wonders, when Jesus in the Talmud is published, what the results will be for Jewish-Christian relations. “I certainly don’t want to harm Jewish-Christian dialogue. God forbid,” Schaefer said. But dialogue requires honesty, and “I’m trying to be honest.”

I was able to read some excerpts of the book on and look up some terms in the text search, a very valuable option Amazon now offers. Interestingly, the professor argues that there is a distinction between Balaam and Jesus. He maintains that the Talmud says that Balaam was boiled in Semen and Jesus in excrement. Of course, in Jewish Supremacism I quote major Jewish sources that say that Balaam was a pseudonym used for Jesus and cites the passage where Balaam is boiled in semen. Apparently, in at least some Talmudic passages Balaam did denote Jesus as part of their deceptive camouflage against non-Jewish prying into their texts. But, to me, it is no matter. Eternally being boiled in Semen or excrement offers not much qualitative difference.

So the only real rabbinic debate on Jesus is whether he is being boiled for eternity in semen or excrement.

It must be the height of insanity to think that probably millions of Christians at the behest of their sold-out leaders have sent money to these vile Antichrist Jewish extremists who boast of boiling Jesus in semen or excrement — take your pick!


PROOF that the Talmud Refers to Jesus Christ as Balaam!

 Under the name of “Balaam” the most lewd passages concerning Jesus appear. Proof that Jesus is called “Balaam” is found in the Jewish Encyclopedia (“Balaam”) which, after enumerating loathsome qualities, states: “Hence…the pseudonym ‘Balaam’ given to Jesus in Sanhedrin 106b and Gittin 57a.”

 In the same article, we are told that the Talmud likens the Gospel Christians and Christ to Baal sex-worshipers because of whose abominations 24,000 Israelites died of plague at the time of Balaam. (Numbers 25:1-9) Because Balaam had been asked to curse the Israelites but instead did not and foretold the coming Messiah (Numbers 24:17), the flimsy excuse is made that Jesus was a curse like Balaam. “He is pictured as blind of one eye and lame in one foot and his disciples distinguished by three morally corrupt qualities… ” He is called “one that ruined a people,” and His churches are likened to nudist Baal worship

 And, “this hostility against his memory finds its climax in the dictum that whenever one discovers a feature of wickedness or disgrace in his life, one should preach about it.” (Sanhedrin 106b) Hanging the calumny on the brief mention in the Bible that Balaam was slain (Numbers 31:8), this passage in Sanhedrin is cited by the Jewish Encyclopedia: “In the process of killing Balaam (Numbers 31:8), all four legal methods of execution: stoning, burning, decapitating, and strangling, were employed.” (Sanhedrin 1c) “He met his death at the age of thirty-three and it is stated that he had no portion in the world to come.” (Sanhedrin x, 2, 90a)

 Sanhedrin 90a denying “Balaam” a place in the world to come there it is stated that the resurrection being denied by Sadducees and Samaritans “It was to oppose these that the doctrine was emphatically asserted in the second of the Eighteen Benedictions.” The “sin” of pronouncing the Tetragrammaton is cited against Christ and Christians.

 Turning to Sanhedrin 106a-106b we see the likening of Jesus to the supposed act of Balaam in causing 24,000 Israelites to go whoring and die of plague (some 1450 years before Christ was born). He is due for his “reward” for this infamy. His mother, Mary, is “She who…played the harlot with carpenters…They subjected him to four deaths, stoning, burning, decapitation and strangulation…he was thirty-four years old.” Another says: “I…have seen Balaam’s Chronicle in which it stated, ‘Balaam the lame was thirty years old when Phineas the Robber killed him.”

 The footnote explains: “Balaam is frequently used in the Talmud as a type for Jesus.” And the mother of Jesus is identified, the four deaths enumerated, and “…all the Balaam passages are anti-Christian in tendency. Balaam being used as an alias for Jesus, Phineas the Robber is thus taken to represent Pontius Pilate, and the Chronicle of Balaam probably to denote a Gospel.”

Verifying the Jewish Encyclopedia account above on Balaam being Jesus in the Talmud we see “in the case of the wicked Balaam: whatever your find written about him, lecture upon it to his disadvantage.” Christian churches are likened to tents for Baal prostitution, with old women outside, young ones inside to get customers drunk and disrobe and worship the “IDOL,” Jesus, in Baal manner, by prostitution.


Jewish Talmud Permits Sex with 3-year Old Girls!

The Talmud Is Of The Devil

By David J. Stewart

       I love Jewish people, as I love all people.  As a born again Christian, it is my Biblical duty to contend for the faith.  Judaism clearly denies Jesus Christ as the Savior, and the Talmud openly desecrates His holy name. The Talmud was written by sickos. I do not, and never will, attack the Jewish people. Jesus Christ loves humanity, and died for all people (John 3:16).  My argument is against the false religion of Judaism, and the vile Talmud, which both dishonor my Savior.

The Talmud is some really tasteless and nasty writings. For example, in the Talmud’s Tractate of the Megillah, page 13a, infamous Rabbi Meir explains that Esther was in reality the wife of Mordecai. That is a lie of the Devil. Esther was a virgin as the Bible says, otherwise she would have been killed on the spot for fraud. The Talmud is infamous for attempting to justify sexual immorality and pedophilia, which is why Mormons revere the Talmud in their evil false religion. Freemasonry also holds the Talmud in high regard, as do of course, Judaizers.

The Talmud teaches that Jesus was the bastard son of a Roman soldier, and that Jesus was boiled in urine and dung, being sent to burn in hell forever. That is what the Jews and Jewish rabbis think of the Lord Jesus Christ. Clearly Jews hate Jesus Christ as much today as they did when their ancestors had Him crucified by the Romans. Not all Jews hate Jesus, but most of them do. Matthew 27:25, “Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.” And so it was in 70 A.D. when the Roman army under Titus invaded Jerusalem and murdered many of the Jews, not leaving one stone of the temple remaining atop another, just as the Bible foretold. God will not be mocked.

Today, 2,000-years later, most Jews still reject Jesus as their Christ, believing instead that the Messiah has not come. Thus, they will fully embrace the man of sin, the Antichrist, when he comes, who will stand up from the temple in Jerusalem and declare to be god, demanding worship or death (2nd Thessalonians 2:4; Daniel 9:24-27; Revelation 13:15). In these last days, I believe that the Talmud will be instrumental in the Abomination of abominations, The Great Whore of Revelation 171 and 19:2.

Whereas many Bible scholars have suspected that the Roman Catholic Church will be The Great Whore, I think not. I believe the Great Whore will be the Illuminati—the New World Order (NWO)—the Mystery of Iniquity that doth already work (2nd Thessalonians 2:7). Revelation 19:2, “For true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.” The Great Whore corrupted the earth through her wickedness. Is this not the globalists who were behind the 911 attacks (an inside job), and the illegal War in Iraq, and the illegal War in Afghanistan, and the illegal activates going on now in the Middle East? The globalists are behind the artificially created depression around the world, conquering nations through causing economic instability, deliberate social unrest and then blackmailing nations to sign or go under.

Here’s just a handful of related articles evidencing the signs of the times that we’re living in…

    Heroin Afghan Drug Wars 1 of 4 (global elite use troops to support pedophilia and heroine)

    Goldman Sachs Caught Investing In Sex-Trafficking Ring (Mitt Romney’s wife invested too)

    NSA Is Building The County’s Biggest Spy Center (beast computer will record EVERYTHING!)

    North American Union Will Attempt To Disarm The People Of The United States!

    PBS: Watch “The Man Who Knew” Online (John O’Neill murdered by globalists on 911)

    Power-Down Before WTC Demolition &Marvin Bush was Director of Security! 9/11

    New Program Spreading Across the U.S. Takes Neighborhood Watch to Scary New Level

    Homeland Security Unites with Abortion Industry (pro-life Christians charged with stalking)

    Top Secret America (how the CIA used the 911 attacks to create a Police State)

    Opium Brides (heroine &7-year old girls taken in Afghanistan for pedophile global elite)

Did you check out that last link? Little girls that are 7-8 years old are being raped by the elite. Afghanistan farmers are forced into poverty situations, then offered money by thug warlords who know they’ll never be able to pay the money back. Then they come take away their daughters to be sexual molested. The most shocking part is that UN so-called peace-keeping troops patrol the nation. NATO is there. The U.S. has thousands of troops there. Yet, we are told that the sexual molestation of children is “a part of their culture” and we mustn’t get involved. Who’s kidding who? Don’t tell me that the global pedophile elite aren’t behind this! Do some research and you will find, that wherever pedophilia exists at high levels of government or religion, the Talmud is connected. This is true of Kaballa, Mormonism, Freemasonry, Judaism, Wall Street, the Pentagon, the CIA, Hollywood and many other evil groups.

In the Old Testament, Satan failed to unite the world against God in Genesis 11:1-9. The tower and city of Babel were left unfinished, which is represented by the unfinished Great Pyramid in Egypt (the official logo of the NWO). Satan is now attempting to finish what he began 6,000 years ago with the creation of mankind. The NWO will be Babylon the Great restored and completed, headed up by the Antichrist. Then the Stone (Jesus Christ) cut out of the mountain without hands will smash the kingdoms of this earth. We are living in the last days, in the feet of mixed clay and iron (which I believe represents a melting pot of the national powers into a United Nations).

The Talmud was written by evil men. It is NOT oral tradition passed down from Moses. God gave Moses the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible) Word-for-Word, and no more. There is NO oral tradition. The Talmud is a cleverly crafted lie of the Devil, concocted by foolish unbelieving men who hated Jesus Christ. Whoever you are I beseech you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that you burn the Talmud and use only the inspired Words of God.


Complied and edited by David J. Stewart

Read what the King James Bible, God’s Word, has to say about Israel and the Jews…

1st Kings 9:6-8, “But if ye shall at all turn from following me, ye or your children, and will not keep my commandments and my statutes which I have set before you, but go and serve other gods, and worship them: Then will I cut off Israel out of the land which I have given them; and this house, which I have hallowed for my name, will I cast out of my sight; and Israel shall be a proverb and a byword among all people: And at this house, which is high, every one that passeth by it shall be astonished, and shall hiss; and they shall say, Why hath the LORD done thus unto this land, and to this house?”

Photo to left: Zionist false prophet, John Hagee, who says he’s not trying to convert Jews because they’re special and don’t need to be born-again to go to Heaven.

Israel today is a whoring after OTHER gods. God has cut Israel off and cast the temple out of His sight, just as He warned. Israel today is a barren land of misery and tumbleweeds. Tourists to Israel wag their heads in disbelief. The Jews know it, which is why Jewish rabbis spit on Christians. .

BOTH Judaizer Jews and Islamic Arabs reject Jesus as the Messiah, the only begotten Son of God. Therefore, BOTH religions worship the same false mythical god that doesn’t exist. Anyone who openly rejects Jesus Christ has also rejected the Father the Bible says.1st John 2:23, “Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.” Most Jews today, including the official Judaism religion of the nation of Israel, REJECT Jesus as the Christ. Therefore Jews DO NOT have the Father either, just as Arabs who follow Muhammad DO NOT have the Father. END

The Talmud

       Talmud is the Hebrew word signifying “doctrine.” The Jews say that Moses received on Mount Sinai not only the written law which is contained in the Pentateuch but an oral law, which was first communicated by him to Aaron, then by them to the seventy elders, and finally by these to the people, and thus transmitted by memory, from generation to generation

This oral law was never committed to writing until about the beginning of the third century, when Rabbi Jehuda the Holy, finding that there was a possibility of its being lost, from the decrease of students of the law, collected all the traditionary laws into one book, which is called the Mishap, a word signifying repetition, because it is, as it were, a repetition of the written law. The Mishna was at once received with great veneration and many wise men among the Jews devoted themselves to its study.

Toward the end of the fourth century, these opinions were collected into a book of commentaries, called the Gemara, by the school at Tiberias. This work has been falsely attributed to Rabbi Jochanan; but he died in 279, a hundred years before its composition. The Mishna and its Commentary, the Gemara, are, in their collected form, called the Talmud. The Jews in Chaldea, not being satisfied with the interpretations in this work composed others, which were collected together by Rabbi Ashe into another Gemara.

The former work has since been known as the Jerusalem Talmud, and that of Rabbi Ashe as the Babylonian Talmud, from the places in which they were respectively compiled. In both works the Mishna or law is the same; it is only the Gemara or Commentary that is different.

The Jewish scholars place so high a value on the Talmud as to compare the Bible to water, the Mishna to wine, and the Gemara to spiced wine; or the first to salt, the second to pepper, and the third to spices. For a long time after its composition it seemed to absorb all the powers of the Jewish intellect, and the labors of Hebrew writers were confined to treatises and speculations on Talmudical opinions.

The Mishna is divided into six divisions called Sederim, whose subjects are:

The productions of the earth;
The rights and duties of women;
Damages and injuries;

Each of these Sederim is again divided into Massicoth, or treatises, of which there are altogether sixty-three.

The Gemara, which differs in the Jerusalem and Babylonian redactions, consists of commentaries on these Massicoth, or treatises.

Of the Talmud, Lightfoot has said that the matters it contains “do everywhere abound with trifles in that manner, as though they had no mind to be read; with obscurities and difficulties, as though they had no mind to be understood; so that the reader has need of patience all along to enable him to bear both trifling in sense and roughness in expression.” Stehelin concurs in a similar opinion; but Steinschneider, as learned a Hebraist as either, has expressed a more favorable judgment.

Although the Talmud does indeed contain many passages whose peculiarities found little favor with Doctor Mackey, he deemed it, nevertheless, extremely serviceable as an elaborate compendium of Jewish customs, and it has therefore been much used in the cretinism of the Old and New Testaments. It furnishes also many curious illustrations of the Masonic system; and several of the traditions and legends, especially of the higher Degrees, are either found in or corroborated by the Talmud. The treatise entitled Middoth, for instance, gives us the best description extant of the Temple of Solomon.

SOURCE: Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Freemasonry

God Considers Worshippers Of False gods As Crap

By David J. Stewart

God warned that He would take away the Jewish house of Jeroboam as a farmer takes away crap…

1st Kings 14:10, “Therefore, behold, I will bring evil upon the house of Jeroboam, and will cut off from Jeroboam him that pisseth against the wall, and him that is shut up and left in Israel, and will take away the remnant of the house of Jeroboam, as a man taketh away dung, till it be all gone.”

Do you think God feels any differently about Zionism and Judaism? Unbelieving Jews today are spitting on Christians in Jerusalem. Judaism and the Talmud reject Jesus as the Messiah. Zionism doesn’t care about anything except promoting the nation of Israel and Jewry in general. Israel as a nation pisses on Jesus Christ. Just read the Talmud and you’ll see it’s true. The Talmud teaches that Jesus is boiling in piss and crap in hell. That’s what Israel’s rabbis and Zionist Jews think about The Lord Jesus Christ. Yet they want the world to help restore them to Israel. God warned that He would take away the house of Israel as crap in the streets if they worshipped false gods. Considering that Jews and Israel today totally reject Jesus as the Messiah, I’d say that the shovel once again is headed their way.

The main religion in Israel is Judaism with 76.4% of the population following it. Islam compromises 16% of Israelites. This totals 91.4% of Israel who openly deny the Lord Jesus as the Messiah. The average woefully ignorant Christian thinks God will bless them for giving money to Israel; but God the Father considers their house crap ready to be shoveled away for rejecting Jesus Christ. God is kind to the thankless and evil (Luke 6:35); but God does not bless the wicked indefinitely. God is slow to anger and long-suffering, but His patience does wear out eventually. I’d say God has been incredibly patient. God is justified in all that He doeth.

Please understand that I’m not calling Jews crap. God forbid. I’m saying that God in 1st Kings 14:10 warned He would take away the house of the wicked, specifically, those who worship false gods. 91.4% of Israel today worships either Judaism or Islam. 2.1% profess to be Christian or Arab Christians. Just as God warned in 1st Kings 9:6-8, He would cut off Israel and cast away the temple of God. And so it has been for thousands of years. People today wag their head in disbelief, marveling over what happened to Israel, a once truly great people and nation. God’s judgment is upon Israel for their rejecting of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Christians in Israel are locking themselves indoors because of Jewish hatred against them in public…

Christians in Jerusalem want Jews to stop spitting on them

By Amiram Barkat | October 12, 2004

A few weeks ago, a senior Greek Orthodox clergyman in Israel attended a meeting at a government office in Jerusalem’s Givat Shaul quarter. When he returned to his car, an elderly man wearing a skullcap came and knocked on the window. When the clergyman let the window down, the passerby spat in his face.

The clergyman preferred not to lodge a complaint with the police and told an acquaintance that he was used to being spat at by Jews. Many Jerusalem clergy have been subjected to abuse of this kind. For the most part, they ignore it but sometimes they cannot. …

According to Daniel Rossing, former adviser to the Religious Affairs Ministry on Christian affairs and director of a Jerusalem center for Christian-Jewish dialogue, there has been an increase in the number of such incidents recently, “as part of a general atmosphere of lack of tolerance in the country.”

Rossing says there are certain common characteristics from the point of view of time and location to the incidents. He points to the fact that there are more incidents in areas where Jews and Christians mingle, such as the Jewish and Armenian quarters of the Old City and the Jaffa Gate.

There are an increased number at certain times of year, such as during the Purim holiday.” I know Christians who lock themselves indoors during the entire Purim holiday,” he says.

SOURCE: Christians in Jerusalem want Jews to stop spitting on them – Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

Note from webmaster of Jesus-is-Savior:

       As you will see, the Talmud is a piece of garbage, not worthy to be compared to God’s precious Word, the Bible. The idea that Moses was given some verbal message, susceptible to human error, carried on from generation to generation by biased and sinful Jews, is preposterous and wicked!

What the Talmud Really Says About Jesus

Complied and edited by David J. Stewart

“What exactly is so scandalous? How about Jesus punished in Hell for eternity by being made to sit in a cauldron of boiling excrement? That image appears in early manuscripts of the Babylonian Talmud, as does a brief account of Jesus’ trial and execution—not by the Romans, but by the Jewish high court, the Sanhedrin.” —From Publisher’s Weekly

The following article appeared in Publisher’s Weekly (, a mainstream literary magazine and website. It concerns a new book, Jesus in the Talmud, that exposes the shocking truth about the position of Judaism toward Jesus Christ. It was written by none other than Dr. Peter Schaefer, head of Princeton University Judaic Studies Program and one of the world’s most famous academic authorities on Judaism. Once again my research and writings have been verified by the most respected of academics.

The facts are clear. The Talmud, which is the highest authority of Judaism, not only makes hateful and pornographic attacks against Jesus Christ, it even boasts that the Jewish community, not the Romans, arrested, tried and executed Jesus. In fact, the Talmud exudes so much hatred against Jesus that it claims the Jewish priests subjected his body to a series of four different torturous executions.

It is not anti-Semitic to state these facts, it is simply the truth. It is not anti-Semitic to expose Jewish extremism and hatred, again, it is simply the truth. Why is it that radical Christians or Muslims are freely exposed in the mass media, but Jewish extremism is a forbidden subject? Why is it that when a political figure exposes racial or religious hatred among Christians or Muslims, he wins media praise and “humanitarian awards,” but if a political figure dares to expose Jewish hatred and extremism, he himself is called a hater and anti-Semite?

The fact is that there is no greater enemy of Jesus Christ and Christianity than Judaism and the Jewish extremists who run Israel and have so much influence over the American media and American politics. (The Washington Post admits that 50-60 percent of political contributions for President come from Jewish sources). Some so-called Christian evangelists are now raising money among Christians to support these anti-Christian, extremist Jews!

From Publisher’s Weekly — Will Peter Schaefer’s new book, Jesus in the Talmud.

His editor at Princeton University Press, Brigitta van Rheinberg, laughed but agreed: “You think, oh, whoa, this is not going to go over well in certain circles.”

Schaefer, who heads up Princeton’s Judaic studies program, has collected and analyzed all the passages in the Talmud that apparently refer to the founder of Christianity, texts that were previously censored from Talmud editions for centuries. In his book he argues—against other scholars—that the scandalous passages indeed refer not to some other figure of ancient times but to the famous Jesus of Nazareth.

What exactly is so scandalous? How about Jesus punished in Hell for eternity by being made to sit in a cauldron of boiling excrement? That image appears in early manuscripts of the Babylonian Talmud, as does a brief account of Jesus’ trial and execution—not by the Romans but by the Jewish high court, the Sanhedrin. The Jewish community, to the extent Jews were even aware of these excised texts, has been content to let them remain obscure and unknown.

Schaefer, a distinguished German-born Christian scholar who describes classical rabbinic literature as “my first love,” has now definitively let the cat out of the bag. This undermines a widespread assumption that, of Judaism’s and Christianity’s respective sacred texts, only the Christian Gospels go out of their way to assail the rival faith, whereas Judaism’s classical texts refrain from similar attacks.

It seems fair to say now, however, that the Talmud is every bit as offensive to Christians as the Gospels are to Jews.

The Talmud’s scattered portrait of Jesus unapologetically mocks Christian doctrines including the virgin birth and the resurrection. Which isn’t to say that the rabbinic invective is meant simply to insult. In his book, the author calls the Talmud’s assault on Christian claims “devastating.”

“It is a very serious argument,” said Schaefer, who emphasizes that the rabbis’ stories about Jesus were never intended as an attempt at historically accurate narrative. Rather, in the classic Talmudic style, they encode legal and theological argumentation in the form of sometimes-imaginative storytelling.

One naturally wonders, when Jesus in the Talmud is published, what the results will be for Jewish-Christian relations. “I certainly don’t want to harm Jewish-Christian dialogue. God forbid,” Schaefer said. But dialogue requires honesty, and “I’m trying to be honest.”

I was able to read some excerpts of the book on and look up some terms in the text search, a very valuable option Amazon now offers. Interestingly, the professor argues that there is a distinction between Balaam and Jesus. He maintains that the Talmud says that Balaam was boiled in Semen and Jesus in excrement. Of course, in Jewish Supremacism I quote major Jewish sources that say that Balaam was a pseudonym used for Jesus and cites the passage where Balaam is boiled in semen. Apparently, in at least some Talmudic passages Balaam did denote Jesus as part of their deceptive camouflage against non-Jewish prying into their texts. But, to me, it is no matter. Eternally being boiled in Semen or excrement offers not much qualitative difference.

So the only real rabbinic debate on Jesus is whether he is being boiled for eternity in semen or excrement.

It must be the height of insanity to think that probably millions of Christians at the behest of their sold-out leaders have sent money to these vile Antichrist Jewish extremists who boast of boiling Jesus in semen or excrement — take your pick!


PROOF that the Talmud Refers to Jesus Christ as Balaam!

 Under the name of “Balaam” the most lewd passages concerning Jesus appear. Proof that Jesus is called “Balaam” is found in the Jewish Encyclopedia (“Balaam”) which, after enumerating loathsome qualities, states: “Hence…the pseudonym ‘Balaam’ given to Jesus in Sanhedrin 106b and Gittin 57a.”

 In the same article, we are told that the Talmud likens the Gospel Christians and Christ to Baal sex-worshipers because of whose abominations 24,000 Israelites died of plague at the time of Balaam. (Numbers 25:1-9) Because Balaam had been asked to curse the Israelites but instead did not and foretold the coming Messiah (Numbers 24:17), the flimsy excuse is made that Jesus was a curse like Balaam. “He is pictured as blind of one eye and lame in one foot and his disciples distinguished by three morally corrupt qualities… ” He is called “one that ruined a people,” and His churches are likened to nudist Baal worship

 And, “this hostility against his memory finds its climax in the dictum that whenever one discovers a feature of wickedness or disgrace in his life, one should preach about it.” (Sanhedrin 106b) Hanging the calumny on the brief mention in the Bible that Balaam was slain (Numbers 31:8), this passage in Sanhedrin is cited by the Jewish Encyclopedia: “In the process of killing Balaam (Numbers 31:8), all four legal methods of execution: stoning, burning, decapitating, and strangling, were employed.” (Sanhedrin 1c) “He met his death at the age of thirty-three and it is stated that he had no portion in the world to come.” (Sanhedrin x, 2, 90a)

 Sanhedrin 90a denying “Balaam” a place in the world to come there it is stated that the resurrection being denied by Sadducees and Samaritans “It was to oppose these that the doctrine was emphatically asserted in the second of the Eighteen Benedictions.” The “sin” of pronouncing the Tetragrammaton is cited against Christ and Christians.

 Turning to Sanhedrin 106a-106b we see the likening of Jesus to the supposed act of Balaam in causing 24,000 Israelites to go whoring and die of plague (some 1450 years before Christ was born). He is due for his “reward” for this infamy. His mother, Mary, is “She who…played the harlot with carpenters…They subjected him to four deaths, stoning, burning, decapitation and strangulation…he was thirty-four years old.” Another says: “I…have seen Balaam’s Chronicle in which it stated, ‘Balaam the lame was thirty years old when Phineas the Robber killed him.”

 The footnote explains: “Balaam is frequently used in the Talmud as a type for Jesus.” And the mother of Jesus is identified, the four deaths enumerated, and “…all the Balaam passages are anti-Christian in tendency. Balaam being used as an alias for Jesus, Phineas the Robber is thus taken to represent Pontius Pilate, and the Chronicle of Balaam probably to denote a Gospel.”

Verifying the Jewish Encyclopedia account above on Balaam being Jesus in the Talmud we see “in the case of the wicked Balaam: whatever your find written about him, lecture upon it to his disadvantage.” Christian churches are likened to tents for Baal prostitution, with old women outside, young ones inside to get customers drunk and disrobe and worship the “IDOL,” Jesus, in Baal manner, by prostitution.


Jewish Talmud Permits Sex with 3-year Old Girls!

The Talmud Is Of The Devil

By David J. Stewart

       I love Jewish people, as I love all people.  As a born again Christian, it is my Biblical duty to contend for the faith.  Judaism clearly denies Jesus Christ as the Savior, and the Talmud openly desecrates His holy name. The Talmud was written by sickos. I do not, and never will, attack the Jewish people. Jesus Christ loves humanity, and died for all people (John 3:16).  My argument is against the false religion of Judaism, and the vile Talmud, which both dishonor my Savior. 

The Talmud is some really tasteless and nasty writings. For example, in the Talmud’s Tractate of the Megillah, page 13a, infamous Rabbi Meir explains that Esther was in reality the wife of Mordecai. That is a lie of the Devil. Esther was a virgin as the Bible says, otherwise she would have been killed on the spot for fraud. The Talmud is infamous for attempting to justify sexual immorality and pedophilia, which is why Mormons revere the Talmud in their evil false religion. Freemasonry also holds the Talmud in high regard, as do of course, Judaizers.

The Talmud teaches that Jesus was the bastard son of a Roman soldier, and that Jesus was boiled in urine and dung, being sent to burn in hell forever. That is what the Jews and Jewish rabbis think of the Lord Jesus Christ. Clearly Jews hate Jesus Christ as much today as they did when their ancestors had Him crucified by the Romans. Not all Jews hate Jesus, but most of them do. Matthew 27:25, “Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.” And so it was in 70 A.D. when the Roman army under Titus invaded Jerusalem and murdered many of the Jews, not leaving one stone of the temple remaining atop another, just as the Bible foretold. God will not be mocked.

Today, 2,000-years later, most Jews still reject Jesus as their Christ, believing instead that the Messiah has not come. Thus, they will fully embrace the man of sin, the Antichrist, when he comes, who will stand up from the temple in Jerusalem and declare to be god, demanding worship or death (2nd Thessalonians 2:4; Daniel 9:24-27; Revelation 13:15). In these last days, I believe that the Talmud will be instrumental in the Abomination of abominations, The Great Whore of Revelation 171 and 19:2.

Whereas many Bible scholars have suspected that the Roman Catholic Church will be The Great Whore, I think not. I believe the Great Whore will be the Illuminati—the New World Order (NWO)—the Mystery of Iniquity that doth already work (2nd Thessalonians 2:7). Revelation 19:2, “For true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.” The Great Whore corrupted the earth through her wickedness. Is this not the globalists who were behind the 911 attacks (an inside job), and the illegal War in Iraq, and the illegal War in Afghanistan, and the illegal activates going on now in the Middle East? The globalists are behind the artificially created depression around the world, conquering nations through causing economic instability, deliberate social unrest and then blackmailing nations to sign or go under.

Here’s just a handful of related articles evidencing the signs of the times that we’re living in…

Did you check out that last link? Little girls that are 7-8 years old are being raped by the elite. Afghanistan farmers are forced into poverty situations, then offered money by thug warlords who know they’ll never be able to pay the money back. Then they come take away their daughters to be sexual molested. The most shocking part is that UN so-called peace-keeping troops patrol the nation. NATO is there. The U.S. has thousands of troops there. Yet, we are told that the sexual molestation of children is “a part of their culture” and we mustn’t get involved. Who’s kidding who? Don’t tell me that the global pedophile elite aren’t behind this! Do some research and you will find, that wherever pedophilia exists at high levels of government or religion, the Talmud is connected. This is true of Kaballa, Mormonism, Freemasonry, Judaism, Wall Street, the Pentagon, the CIA, Hollywood and many other evil groups.

In the Old Testament, Satan failed to unite the world against God in Genesis 11:1-9. The tower and city of Babel were left unfinished, which is represented by the unfinished Great Pyramid in Egypt (the official logo of the NWO). Satan is now attempting to finish what he began 6,000 years ago with the creation of mankind. The NWO will be Babylon the Great restored and completed, headed up by the Antichrist. Then the Stone (Jesus Christ) cut out of the mountain without hands will smash the kingdoms of this earth. We are living in the last days, in the feet of mixed clay and iron (which I believe represents a melting pot of the national powers into a United Nations).

The Talmud was written by evil men. It is NOT oral tradition passed down from Moses. God gave Moses the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Bible) Word-for-Word, and no more. There is NO oral tradition. The Talmud is a cleverly crafted lie of the Devil, concocted by foolish unbelieving men who hated Jesus Christ. Whoever you are I beseech you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that you burn the Talmud and use only the inspired Words of God.

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Humic & Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral Complex

HerbAnomic’s Humic and Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral Complex is a revolutionary New Humic and Fulvic Acid Complex designed to support your body at the cellular level. Our product has been thoroughly tested by an ISO/IEC Certified Lab for toxins and Heavy metals as well as for trace mineral content. We KNOW we have NO lead, arsenic, mercury, aluminum etc. in our Formula. This Humic & Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral complex has high trace levels of naturally occurring Humic and Fulvic Acids as well as high trace levels of Zinc, Iron, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Potassium and more. There is a wide range of up to 70 trace minerals which occur naturally in our Complex at varying levels. We Choose to list the 8 substances which occur in higher trace levels on our supplement panel. We don’t claim a high number of minerals as other Humic and Fulvic Supplements do and leave you to guess which elements you’ll be getting. Order Your Humic Fulvic for Your Family by Clicking on this Link , or the Banner Below.

Our Formula is an exceptional value compared to other Humic Fulvic Minerals because...


It Always Tests at 9.5+ pH

Preservative and Chemical Free

Allergen Free

Comes From a Pure, Unpolluted, Organic Source

Is an Excellent Source for Trace Minerals

Is From Whole, Prehisoric Plant Based Origin Material With Ionic Minerals and Constituents

Highly Conductive/Full of Extra Electrons

Is a Full Spectrum Complex

Our Humic and Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral Complex has Minerals, Amino Acids, Poly Electrolytes, Phytochemicals, Polyphenols, Bioflavonoids and Trace Vitamins included with the Humic and Fulvic Acid. Our Source material is high in these constituents, where other manufacturers use inferior materials.

Try Our Humic and Fulvic Liquid Trace Mineral Complex today. Order Yours Today by Following This Link.

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    Total 2 comments
    • Anonymous

      What a bunch of crap.

      • LedaOhio9

        Your brilliant well thought out post was worthy the time it took to write.. BRAVO!
        You idiot!

        If you have nothing nice to say.. Shut up for those who have worthy input that merits the time to write it…

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