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The Guns Of October Report From Colonel In Confedrate Intelligence Servive From Erasmus Of America

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 ”Anyone who doesn’t take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.”- Albert Einstein

     “Nations have never been civilized except by religion.” – Joseph-Marie de Maistre

     “The people cannot be safe without information.” – Thomas Jefferson

     I am receiving intelligence reports from various sources which I will not identify. I thought this might be a sober intelligence report for the American people to read as Obama is trying to engineer a civil war in America so he can take over America for life as Communist dictator. He is prepared to kill off 50% of all Americans if required to secure power for Communism in America. Lenin, Stalin, etc. killed off likely 40 million to 50 million Russians in order to secure power for Communism in Russia. Mao Tse Sung of China once boasted in an interview with a French publication that 50 million Chinese had to be killed off so Communism would be secure in China. So that our clever psychological warfare operatives in C.I.A. can’t twist my words into what I did not say, I did say that Wash., D.C. could be hit with a scaled down Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb if that was necessary. That was in the context if Washington, D.C. is now under foreign control and domination and merrily killing off 50% of all Americans, they could be stopped with a scaled down Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb. The Communists in Cambodia killed off one-third of all the national population to obtain national control. Americans are too soft to face a genuine Communist takeover of the nation through Wash., D.C., so it is healthy to have the image that somewhere in America exists a source that can save maybe half of the American people from being slaughtered off by Communist Obama and foreign allies.

     Oh God is on my side! In 1990 I pray for a Seneca Police Officer L.B. who had everything in his body smashed to pieces when his car door to his police car was smashed against him when he tried to exit his car. The man to be ticketed run his car at high speed against that door to try and crush him alive. He arises from the hospital bed where they had already told the local newspaper that he would be dead before the day was over. And if he somehow lived, he would be paralyzed for life. Jesus answered my prayer for his life and healing by him suddenly arising from his hospital bed with all injuries gone. He puts on his police uniform and starts walking out of the hospital. The startled Chief Surgeon who knew him well mumbled to him as he left, “I don’t understand this!” Our local church rejoiced over this sudden Miracle of God with his life restored and he instantly healed of all injuries. That folks is public record! That was intended by God to tell Washington officials and personnel that you face the Wrath of God if you mess with this boy. God likes him and God backs him. Washington, D.C. always lies against and tries to smear any leader in America who stands up for truth, justice, and God over America. I have had other miracles of God to occur in my life, but this one was intended by God to warn all in Washington, D.C. that God will be provoked in wrath against any and all in Washington, D.C. dumb enough to try and stop this person who is trying to save up to 300 million Americans from being killed off by the Satanists, Communists such as Obama, and other lunatics now running Wash., D.C. in positions of power. Not that all are bad in Wash., D.C., but the power is held by those who are despised by God who is waiting for them to die so God may show them how colossal is His Wrath for all eternity against them.

     Now you in Washintgton, D.C. know how to push all the wrong buttons with God to make God madder and madder at you.  In Lev. in the Old Testament, it is listed how when you really make God mad at you, God is prepared to increase punishment on you 7 times 7 times 7 times 7 times or equal to 2401 times greater punishment to you than you would originally have received for outraging God against you. Each time the punishment is increased 7 times is when you refuse to repent of your evil before God and stop mocking God by your arrogant sinning and rebellion against God. I earlier told you that I expected Washington, D.C. to return the federally stolen $525,000 to me which was stolen so I could not reestablish the Vatican endorsed food process needed or else according to university tests the whole human race on earth will go extinct like the dinorsaurs. Wash., D.C. laughs in the face of God. You laugh in the face of God and say to God, “What the hell are you going to do to us, God? Ha! Ha!Ha!” You boys in Wash., D.C. have really done it. God is if I understand what is happening really getting mad at you. Director of F.B.I., what is your excuse before God why the federally stolen $525,000 was not returned to me and promptly long ago? Director of C.I.A., what is your excuse before God? Obama of the White House, what is your excuse? Members of Congress, what are your excuses before God? You think ignoring God is going to get you off the hook with God? You must not understand what the Bible teaches then. Because the survival of the human race is at stake, I call upon God and mankind for witness. For each 10 days from now, I call for God to increase eternal punishment for every federal official and personnel not seeing I am returned the federally stolen $525,000. The formula is for God if He so honors my request to increase your punishment by 7 times for each 10 days until the federally stolen money is returned until the final maximum of 2041 times increased punishment for all eternity as listed in the Bible. We start with the beginning formula of I in public record said that I asked God to punish those in Wash., D.C. with feeling the pain and suffering of those estimated 3 billion humans or so who already died due to God-mocking policy of repeatedly suppressing my father’s Vatican endorsed food process Pope Pius XII also endorsed as potentially the greatest news for mankind since the coming of Christ since it was so important to world health and survival of the human race on earth. By the time we multiply the pain and suffering of 3 billion victims of Wash., D.C. by 2,041 times, even Satan will laugh at you as his punishment for all eternity will be like a Sunday School Picnic in comparison to yours! The students of Satan will end up suffering maybe even billions of times more painful and incredible than human imagination could ever conceive of. And this punishment for all eternity. And Obama and co-mockers of God, you will scream your heads off and God will laugh at you for all eternity! As an old famous New England sermon prior to the American Revolution said, it was a terrible thing for a sinner to fall into the hands of a righteous God! By 40 days from release of this, you hit the jackpot of a punishment multiplier of 2,041 times your original punishment of feeling for all eternity the pain and suffering of an estimated 3 billion or so murdered by cold-blooded policy of Antichrist Wash., D.C.

     Speaking of a prophesied Antichrist, some Jewish scholars looked up in Bible Code if Obama was listed in the Old Testament prophecies. His name comes out as the most evil leader and most despised of God in nearly 6,000 years! He can be stopped, but he already made according to the Bible the rank of being the most evil and despised leader God has ever seen in the human race since man began on earth. Jewish Bible scholars earlier had found that the Old Testament is loaded with these Bible Codes in Hebrew defying odds of even billions to one that they would exist in the Old Testament by random chance. For example, 66 prominent Jewish scholars and leaders were listed for the last 2,000 years with the year of their death for each. This defied odds of 3 billion to one against this being possible by random chance in the Book of Genesis. I was curious and checked out my own name in the Old Testament in Hebrew and my name in Greek in the New Testament. I will not admit what all I found but the message seems to be from the Old Testament that God smiles with enormous approval of me for when I arise in history. And in the New Testament in Greek Code, my name is there again. And the message comes out that Jesus approves higher of me than any prior political leader in history. According to the Bible Code, Jesus is colossally proud of me because I had the courage to stand up for Jesus all the way whereas colossal numbers of other Christians were ashamed before the world to admit they were Christians and did not want Jesus to ask them to do anything for Him in this life. My name is spelled out in Greek Code in the New Testament when Jesus prophesied twice that He will have His Chief Steward on earth just shortly before Jesus returns to earth. The real Christians back me automatically. Those who don’t will have some powerful explaining to do to Jesus later on why they would not back me when I was going to return the Bible and prayers to the public educational system, going to use the economic teachings of Jesus to skyrocket the economy of nations I am suppsosed to bless and help the poor rise out of their poverty to a God-blessed prosperity and life on earth. Much more but I will not list it here.

      How dumb the atheists are! You revise population figures for mankind and math shows that man has only been on this earth for a few thousand years, not 4 million years old for a woman fossil as claimed by psuedo-scientistic evolutionists. Especially you remember earlier mankind did not need social security for retirement because the ancient formula with ancient races was try to have at least four children per married couple and the children would support their parents in old age. The so-called Theory of Evolution never occurred. Two British scientists (censored from school courses because they scientifically proved that the so-called “theory of evolution” is scientifically impossible and never occurred) found that all living cells have enzymes in them which correct genetic damage to the genetic code of living cells. That makes evolution of life forms into new life forms scientifically impossible. Never happened!

      I have had a few stunning Miracles of God occur in my life, not because I was perfect, but I assume because God liked my heart and that I “cared” about important things for mankind that most of mankind do not want to be bothered by. When God creates stunning Miracles of God, there is logic and common sense behind it, but maybe hidden from us why God would do this. I think I could with financing totally document from previous records left us by history probably 50,000 or more stunning Miracles of God for nearly 2,000 years starting with Jesus and the Apostles and ending up with us in 2012. A recent Miracle of God occurred. I lost a copy of a small book on God-given rights showing the Founding Fathers of America founded American law upon this legal concept. I had lost the book in my house and when I checked on the internet, could not conclusively line up another copy of this book nationally either new or used. By 4 days I sort of complained to Jesus as to why Jesus would not help me find this book. It was so important as I wanted this reprinted to be used in the schools of America. On the 4th day I think in April, 2012, there was the book all covered with lint sitting beside my refrigerator which I pass many times a day. It got the lint from elsewhere in my house where a very awkward piece of furniture is never moved and the book had to be knocked behind it where no one could reach it or find it once there. That is the reason for the heavy lint. One other person at the house said they never saw this book nor moved it. Some of my friends said they believed that either Jesus or an angel under orders of Jesus moved this book of the founding legal concept of America to where it could be found. And left the heavy lint on it so I would know where it had been. This was the endorsement of Jesus that Jesus backed my drive for passage of the Omni Law and Jesus wanted this concept of God-given rights taught in the atheistic, Antichrist public schools of America today. Jesus helps those who love Him, not those who hate him such as Obama and other demonically possessed people in Wash., D.C.

     Since I just told those in Wash., D.C. that it was not smart to oppose what I stand for as God is on my side, not yours, might as well give you a preliminary introduction to God who you deny and despise and hate. About 50 trillion years from now as you face eternal damnation from God who you hate so fiercely and try to spit in the face of, you may remember reading this and wishing that you had listened to me and made yourselves friends of God while you could. I personally don’t think that Obama is worth being damned for trillions upon trillions of years for!

      In a moment, I will reprint a very interesting intelligence report on Obama I received from a Confederate Colonel in the Confederate Intelligence Service, but separately, another of my secret spies and moles has been reporting to me of the Chinese training across the border in Mexico preparing when they go over the border into America for mass invasion of America under the Communist Obama Plan. If any sources having information on Chinese soldiers already in America, feel free to let us know.

      Anyone has permission to reprint this report and send it all over America. I have a very good military brain and also engineering mind. Studying the Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb technology, something with Russian technology caught my eye. Soon I came up with my new version of a military bomb never seen by the world before. I have already started having instruction on how to make the Soviet-era Doomsday Bomb given to personnel of the Confederate Intelligence Service. Anyone shows a foreign source with nuclear bombs how to do this and we will fast have as many Soviet-era Doomsday Bombs as we want for the Confederate Army. Of course, there will be a giant, super secret deal made is why they will let us arm ourselves with Soviet-era Doomsday Bombs. If we see millions of Americans being mass slaughtered by Obama and traitors in Washington, D.C. or else mercenaries hired by Obama to kill millions of Americans, then we will not sit idly by and let this massacre of millions of Americans go unopposed. My military policy based upon study of military history is I will totally smash any military force I ever fight with in national or international war. Along that line, I know professional military would understand the concept if I showed my newest top secret ultimate weapon system design. I just came up with a brand new concept of warfare. I call my ultimate weapon system “The Population Bomb.” It does not need nuclear supplies to make it and so deadly any underground organization once possessing it could easily militarily defeat America, Russia, China, Europe, Middle East, or whatever part of the world you want to defeat. It does not kill, but instead crashes the government of any nation on earth by the colossal disaster that hits their nation. I spent eleven calendar years in military academies and my military instructors would have been startled if I ever showed them this brand new concept of warfare in the world. This weapon system means that the Confederate States of America can now easily assert its national independence. If anyone tries to oppose us with military force, we will easily defeat the enemy government and with a taste of economic science which I am very good at, automatically bankrupts that government so they have no money for army or anything else. They are bankrupt and wiped out as a government. My population bomb concept is a brand new concept of warfare and no government on earth has any military defense against this new style of warfare if used on it. For foreign sources, my mother was once rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American history and my own I.Q. had been once scored to be they claimed “beyond scientific measurement.” So if we decide on November 8, 2012 to assert the national independence of the Conferate States of America, let Wash., D.C. respect our national independence and elect to have peace rather than war with us. If we fight, we will win! If the remaining 50 states want to join with us, we will offer you a very free nation to live in, great economy, and a wonderful society where all may live in brotherly love with their fellow citizens in the Confederate States of America.

      But if Russian soldiers do not leave America before Nov. 7, 2012, we reserve the right to leave the federal union anytime now. I do not believe that Russian and Chinese soldiers are to be here in America to “free” the Americans from evil people in Wash., D.C. Prove me if wrong! Otherwise, we ride on a trigger-ringer that we can say “good-bye” to Wash., D.C. any time we want to. If one hostile act is made towards the American people at an earlier date than the Nov. 7 election, we reserve the right to annihilate Russia and China if they try to mass harm the American people in either North or South, East or West of America. Our legal claims only reach to the boundaries of the Confederate States of America and the Louisiana Purchase, but if we save the necks of Americans all over America, we really do expect you to then join the Confederate States of America after we save millions of you from being murdered by Obama and his hired foreign mercenary soldiers and ex-American soldiers who used to be Americans until they became soldiers for Obama Communism instead. If they fight for Obama, they are no longer Americans in our eyes and we will treat them accordingly in war and in peace after that. 

Some key points to consider. The Confederate States of America will start with no national debt and with a sound monetary system. Wash., D.C. will have the largest national debt in human history and with a typical unsound monetary system created by typically corrupt Washington politicians. Also, if the South becomes an independent nation now, Wash., D.C.will crash as it will go bankrupt once we leave the federal union.

     Wash., D.C. stop playing like little children in your sandblox of a world of fantasty and nonsense. Fast pass the Omni Law before Nov. 7, 2012, pay me back stolen federal money you robbed from me to prevent me from reestablishing my father’s Vatican endorsed food process. And behave yourself to keep the peace between the South and you! I am giving you briefly a way to save the federal union. Once we leave the federal union, we are independent and will never return to you. When our Confederate generals hear how to build and use our “Population Bombs”, they will know that we can easily defeat you if you ever try to start a war with us. Last chance to win the South back! Better behave yourself! And give rid of Obama who is the main reason why events got pushed to the point of no return for either side!

      Now report of “The Guns Of October” released September 1, 2012 by a Colonel in the Confederate Intelligence Service. Report abridged. Not all items shown that were reported.

     1. High Security orders 1.4 Billion Rounds of .40 cal. Ammo

     2. Weather Service 400 K rounds; 400 K Soc. Security; 300 K FDA, 300 K Forrestry Service – Massive Ammo Purchases Bought By Civil Agencies To Hide Bought For Crushing Of American Citizens.

      3. High Security Orders 1,400 lbs. of C4 – Explosives. Feds will detonate explosives and claim “terrorist” attacks by American citizens. Excuse of Obama to declare martial law and cancel national election.

     4. Operation Northern Eagle: Joint Russian & U.S. Air Force Training Excercises just completed in Colorado. Russian Generals inside NORAD. Russian Gen. and U.S. Gen. in Air Force Plane. Russian General is the VIP. Russian Mig29 seen in U.S. airspace during the exercises (drill).

     5. B2 seen flying Low Level Practice Mission with Fighter Aircraft escort. States to be bombed are NC, Georgia, Alabama, among others. Expect heavy resistance in these states.

     6. 600-900 (updated report) Russian Special Forces troops being landed on aircrafts at night to Minneapolis Airport. A secluded part of airport being used to disembark. Carrying duffel bag wearing U.S. Uniform.  No landing lights are cargo lights. Being placed on buses upon arrival and transported to locations throughout the country. Speaks with Nebaskan Natural Slur but are Russians according to reports from pilots and ground crew personnel.

     7. 83rd Civil Support Unit (USArmy) camped at Aluminum Factory at Montana. When approached, the Col. stated they had divided Montana i nto 10 Regions and they were working with Gov. in Fire Dept. and Civilian Authority in the event of civil unrest – Insurrection.

     8. Russian Armored Column seen by observer crossing Canadian- US Border.

     9. White House: High level High Security officer states he heard the verbal order “Greenlight to Go Hot.” Reported what he heard to 30 year law enforcement trooper turned investigator who had done covert surveillance for F.B.I. and State Law Enforcement Agencies. When asked, “Why don’t you go public?,” he replied, “What do you think I am doing?!”

    10. Sheriffs Dept.’s Nationwide have been told to Get Ready for all Hell to break loose late Oct. – early Nov.Updated estimate is from Oct. 22 – N0v. 2. Latest report identifies it is to be 3rd week in October.

     11. Feds issued Fed I.D. Badges to Police Departments.

     12. Brigadier General – National Guard states that 14 states are now preparing for Civil War.

      13. Black Hawk helicopters drills on urban assault – St, Paul, Minnesota. 3 helicopters lingering over urban building (practicing disembarking troops). Another helicopter (attack helicopter) seen practicing assault on St. Paul, Minnesota bridge, both caught on video.

     14. Russian helicopter with Russian markings spotted in Kentucky by residents.

     15. 60% of Sheriff Depts. being laid off in guise of budget cuts. In truth, the forces of civilian authority is being reduced so that military forces can be introduced when insurrections begin. Also, this reduces forces(law enforcement) which could side with the people.

     16. Fort Bliss abuzz with Army High Security and Police cross training and training to work side by side.

     17. Russian Nuclear Submarine spotted in Gulf of Mexico close to New Orleans. Script has hidden nuclear sub can demand military surrender of America which Obama agrees to secretly in advance. America is now made Communist nation by Russian and Chinese occupation.

     18. Russian-Chinese Pact agreeing that they will play along and help New World Order to set up long enough to Pre-Position Eqipment And Supplies. Then they will turn guns on America Forces to destroy America.

     19. The Russians in Bosnia while going house to house to confiscate guns, stated: “We are training to do this in America,” and laughed!

     20. New Army Manual on Detention/Interment of American citizens as well as gun confiscation.

     21. Army has drills going on to practice taking towns: Town Hall, Law Enforcement, Utilities, setting up check points.

     22. The plan is to put US under UN and Nato control.

     23.  The country will be split into Regions and states won’t exist anymore. The Soviet Doctrine.

     24. U.S. Secretary of Army states: ” The U.S. Military is under UN and Nato control now.”

     25. Banks told to prepare for collapse in late October.

     26. Fed Prison guard reports that a huge quantity of Ammo is being stored at his prison and at other prisons throughout the country: Fed Distribution Points.

     27. Sheriff Depts. everywhere “Are Ordering Riot Gear.” 

     28. Alaskan civilian reports: Unusual activity all over Alaskan Air Force Base: “Never saw anything like it.”

     29. Personal private comment of Confederate Colonel : A Prophet says, “There is going to be dead in the streets.” Prophet has a strong history of being right.

     30. Russian Troops at Denver Airport. Hub of continuity of Government – Shadow Government.  Back up Government location in case Wash., D.C. destroyed.

     31. C.I.A. Whistleblower (some in C.I.A. are still loyal to America! They let us know what is really going on!) states that there are 100 K – 300 K Russian Troops here or on their way here.

     32. Military Presence in Miami, Indiana, and St. Louis.

     33. High Security Official states, “We’re preparing for major Civil War.”

     34. Drills going back 4 years with 15 nations participating. Training Urban Warfare, Martial Law and Gun Confiscation. Drilling also to fight terrorists (means U.S. Citizens!) & Insurgence.

     35. Russians being dessed in US Uniforms to hide which side they are.

     36. New Executive Order bans Imported Ammo.

     37. U.S. Bases building power generation systems on US military bases. They are going to cut off electric grid for Americans.

     38. Marines at Camp LeJeune drilled this past week with Lethal Force enforcement: Urban warfare drills.

     39. Marcus Wool (now dead) And Yugun Prencroff, former E. German Stasi, Hired To Organize FEMA and now with High Security.


      End of his report. Maybe now you will understand why if I do it (if I have already done it, can’t admit that yet!) I make secret deal to make Soviet-era Doomsday Bombs. But with new system of Population Bomb, can make ultimatum weapons without foreign help. Can wipe out any government on earth if necessary. Only strength will keep America free of military occupation by Russia and China. I do not see evidence that I can trust Russian or Chinese soldiers on American soil to be on side of American people. If I do not see Russian soldiers leave America before Obama tries to crash American economy and C.I.A. plants are supposed to incite Americans to civil strife so Obama then before world looks like he has justification for martial law in America, I may be forced to annihilate Russia and/or China with Soviet-era Doomsday Bombs. Get out of North America or Russia and China may be dead and annihilated before 2012 is over. If Soviet-era Doomsday Bombs are built by my order and I may already have them as I can be sneaky if necessary, they will be set on timing systems. They automatically launch unless humans return to the locations to disarm them. They would be on trick systems so any untrained person tries to touch them, they launch and China and Russia then annihilated. This is a chessgame of military options and time for the planned military takeover of Obama to be cancelled and now! I promise Obama and his supporters deaths beyond your human imagination if you try to destroy America and kill off the American people as you currently plan.

     For those who want to be considered for positions in the Confederate Government if events get out of hand, send an email to me at [email protected] . Just to clear the air. If anyone contacting me this way is harmed, threatened, etc. by agents for Obama, this will be considered an act of war against the Confederate Government and we will take justified actions after that. For those who want us to stop Obama from engineering his planned civil war in America, financial backing welcome. Send checks, etc. to NIFI at NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679. For corrupt news media trying to protect Obama from exposure for planning the legal overthrow of the U.S. Republic and U.S. Constitution by military means, if things, if the American people are enraged at much of the news media for being active backers of the foreign invasion of America by Russian and Chinese soldiers, maybe we should give you after we have won the treatment the French people gave to Nazi collaborators after Nazi forces were defeated in France.

      Feel free to copy and send this report all over America. Washington, D.C., your plans have been exposed for all of America to see. Want to calm things down? Immediately pass the Omni Law. No games. Without that, you have no leverage to calm down the situation. Once past passage of the Omni Law, the Confederate Government will sponsor civilian militias for all 50 states where the people are armed to defend themselves from schemes of high treason against the American people. All your massive ammo you bought will be turned over to these civilian militias in all 50 states, all your robot drones intended to mass kill off the American people will be turned over to these civilian militias in the 50 states. Since you do not believe in nor are loyal to the American people at this time, we will be the champions of the American people in this deadly hour as you no longer care for the American people nor are loyal to them.

      Folks, look up my Omni Law in the search box at the top left of the archive listing for Nesara News by putting in Omni Law. Also, I wrote many other reports and can be seen by putting in Erasmus of America in this search box. These maneuvers of international law, military maneuvers and options may be like a bad dream to many Americans, but if you still have a free nation Nov. 7, 2012 and without millions of Americans either dead or else dying by then, thank the Confederate Government and cause for saving America for you. You were guaranteed defeated until we stood up for the American people and made moves which we hear have secretly been breaking up more and more elements of the support Obama previously had for his mass murder of the American people and end of America as a nation.

      Yours for God and Country, Erasmus Of America (pen name to buy us time to outmaneuver the most evil conspiracy ever seen in history and by the archtraitor Obama, not a U.S. Citizen, but foreign agent for the KGB of Moscow is why Putin was willing to back him in the military takeover and then mass slaughter of America)

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    Total 4 comments
    • Joshua

      Y does everything relate to god. The bible’s..where written by men for control ethics and morals. Sumerians where on earth long before great book of Egypt or genisus or even all the latian gods how many people where killed due to religion belief. Roman Catholics killed anyone who tried to start a new religion same as Christian faith and so on. So if god is so powerful why is there so many interpitations of his rule over man. Because it is meant to seperate and confuse you while making it seem like his words are all mighty but when you read the books with no arthor it reads like a fairytail. Like arcs that hold all the animals.. how do you feed all of them or keep them from eating you or each other a person from a rib. History repeats its.self that’s how connections then can be made now there a powerful being to a human I’m sure there is….but if someone has a terminally ill they need a human doctor to treat them payer will not n they will die..if a group is trying to control the world then the world most make a choice to stand up for themselves nobody is going to do it for you no matter the connections in a book or payer or faith if people don’t do what is right then everything that is wrong in the world will be the outcome. Because you did nothing at all well freemen think for themselves not fallowing a religion but morals and beliefs that all men should treat eachother how you want to be treated with respect peace and loyalty not lies and deception if there is truth in this article then men need to stand together not seperated in their beliefs ….

      • Joshua

        Just as incas and native American Indians unaware of white men’s bible but yet they worshipped a god like person from the stars….n who is to say that person that alien didn’t create man in his image to use us similar as to how we use the land for our needs to many questions not enough solid proof.. what is locked up in the Vatican and how all things pressented in life r used for control religion. Money . Technology how would the world be effected if the internet was not made public would n.w.o already b in place if corporate empire rules the world man will never b equal nor will he b free as debt keeps us occupied to live in society with little time to have a say not to mention the idiot box t.v that brainwashes us by being entertained with dancing with the retards Hollywood the control factor influencing millions of behavior that r to simple to realise it.

    • sten

      Starts off brilliant then melts into this “god fearing” BS. Shame that because with thinking like that the country and its people are screwed. “God” is not going to save anyone. If anyone dies then “god” decided “it was their turn” if they live then “god is great” if they lose a war then “god works in mysterious ways” if they win then “God was on our side” :lol: :lol:

      Just like the witch hunters of the middle ages if the woman on the ducking stool drowned then she was innocent, if she did not then “she has the devil to help her” and gets killed anyway :lol: You cannot rely on the BS of the bible or the scriptures. ITS ALL MAKE BELIEVE :eek:

    • WTFU

      Everything in his body smashed ‘eh.Walked out on his own accord ‘eh.Jesus answered your prayer ‘eh.

      I think there are far more important things to right befor you get back the money they “Apparently” stole from you,’eh. :lol:

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