Bill Maher: We Need To Promote Death
‘The planet is too crowded – let’s kill the right people’
Paul Joseph Watson
October 11, 2012
During a recent appearance on the StarTalk Radio Show, Real Time host Bill Maher expressed his desire to see more people killed via abortion, suicides and the death penalty because “the planet is too crowded and we need to promote death.”
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Asked by host Neil deGrasse Tyson what he thought about the death penalty and abortion, Maher re-affirmed his support for both, remarking, “The Pope is consistently pro-life, I am consistently pro-death.”
Expressing how he was pro-death penalty, Maher said, “my motto is let’s kill the right people.”
“I’m pro-choice, I’m for assisted suicide, I’m for regular suicide, I’m for whatever gets the freeway moving – that’s what I’m for,” said Maher, adding, “It’s too crowded, the planet is too crowded and we need to promote death.”
Explaining how he knew many people who felt the same, Maher went on to say that “people who’ve earned it” deserved to die, remarking, “kill the right people.”
My comment is maybe Mr. Bill Maher , would like to volunteer to be the first, after all he is over 50 too.I love people that are so willing to give up other peoples life so easily, I think the person who thinks this is a good idea SHOULD be the first to see if it works. He has no value for life, let him be the first to try it out..
Truly NOT “anonymous”
Sounds like a Soylent Green devotee!
Hey, Billy, boy, start us off; put YOUR money where YOUR mouth is. The planet would be a lot better off if you would follow your own advice.
Those that promote should lead by example .
Lead the way Bill.
What a sick, garbage society we’ve created… Luckily this will never last.
obama took his million huh?? birds of a feather?
Bill, your so obviously pro-government and a tool of the establishment. I’d say your the “right kind of person to be offed.” Be a trend setter and put the barrel of a colt .45 in your obnoxious big mouth. Show us useless eaters how it’s done.