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By BARRACUDA (Reporter)
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Highest HAARP Readings Ever 10+ In The Northeast

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October 26, 2012 – 1:00p EDT

Strongest readings in the history of this project have peaked. A never before seen white-shade indicates that a value higher than 10 on the
1-10 scale has been indicated. It has no color assigned!

HaarpStatus has finally come to a bullseye over what looks like Rhode Island and Connecticut.

Current projections at NOAA say Hurricane Sandy will hit New Jersey. Our status numbers disagree. The storm is being steered toward the higher concentration numbers.

Truly remarkable numbers and it is one to archive because this may never be seen again in a very long time.

Follow Hurricane Sandy on our partner’s page at’s Facebook Page by Clicking Here.   

Wavelengths -
Shortwaves indicate near events, a high short spike usually means a short term major event is about to happen in that area.
Longwaves and steady increases usually mean a large scale change is developing in the area that will effect a large area’s upper level jet stream.

Is Hurricane Sandy Being Manipulated By Weather Modification ?

Could ‘Frankenstorm’ Delay Presidential Election?

M1 – M2 - Slight change is expected, but overall the weather pattern is not being affected.

M3 – M5 – Change is expected and the reading indicates between then and and a few days it will happen. This is considered a moderate reading, which if a short spike can be a nearby event such as severe weather, unexpected lightning, or a tornado.

M6 – M9 – Significant change is expected. Anything over M7 is rare and special attention must be directed when readings go seven and higher. Severe storms are associated with this reading, which if a short spike can be a nearby event and a long duration and slow build being a large scale change.

M10 – Associated with tornado outbreaks. This also can be strong hurricanes and blizzards.

Frankenstorm Hurricane Sandy manipulated by HAARP to disrupt presidential election?


Published on Oct 26, 2012 by

What is HAARP? :
Is Frankenstorm Hurricane Sandy being manipulated by our government using HAARP to disrupt the Presidential Election?

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    Total 21 comments
    • Enough Anonymous

      Time is Truth!

    • BadBoYeed

      we’ll have to see if there are riots due to power outages, and if then martial law is declared. If that happens…..proof positive of gov’t made storm

    • American People in 2016

      I’m in Miami Beach and our local media barely spoke about it until the day it was actually affecting us (they normally hype it days prior). But it seemed odd that even before “Sandy” got to Jamaica, the national media was already targeting NYC, well outside the normal 5-day cone.

    • Maverick

      Oh great.. now Barracuda is posting’s dis-info. is a HOAX… do some research.


        I did the research your STUPID :twisted:

        • Maverick

          Instead of resorting to insults, how about you try elaborating for the benefit of everyone else reading and myself by at least by typing one sentence or providing one link on why you think Im wrong.

        • Maverick

          still waiting…

        • Maverick

          still waiting….

        • Maverick

          still waiiting…..

          I know I wont get a reply because there is ZERO evidence to support as being legitimate.

    • Anonymous

      Looks to me, considering all factors visible and not, like NYC or DC are the primary targets. Maybe that whole region.
      Will the cold front intersect there and if so with what result?

    • Anonymous

      THEY POUNDED the midwest and TEXAS, all summer and killed millions of animals worldwide,ALL YOU devil worshippers should get a job with the US AIR FORCE you could spend your entire tour killing things and never have to face a treason trial for it,americans don’t believe in anything they can’t see,unless it hits them on the side of their head “HARD”……………………….

    • whitehorse1179

      Maverick is a HOAX. Such a loon. Get a real job. You tell us the sky is pink when we can clearly see that its blue.

      • Maverick

        Yeah, Ive got my own troll

    • Decode the World

      They’re steering it inland. NYC is the target

    • nastyned

      With all we know about frequency manipulation I can’t understand why someone has not designed a device that would disrupt or negate the effects of the HAARP system. We have a lot of big minds out there and one of them need to put their brain power to work for the good of the people. Money is a good thing to have but the freedom to make that money is much more important. There is a sure fire way to know if they are using this system will be the sudden massive kill off of birds and fish in the area that is being targeted. This would also stand as evidence that the storm intensity is man made. The sudden death of large bird community’s and the evident boiling of fish in a localized area would without a doubt be a defining indication that a microwave pulse could be responsible for the action being that no other natural occurrence has ever been shown to cause such an incident throughout history.

    • Mellissa

      Sucks that I live right where the jet stream and the two different systems meet…. Luckily the Canadian side and we will not be having an election

    • terry the censor

      Barracuda, still posting hoaxes!

    • Anonymous

      I will have some Haarp to go pls over here so there is no voting…and we can cheat and have our Satanist dead friends vote in the election coming….sighed SATAN the homo! :arrow: :twisted:

    • asterflower

      If it took HAARP at least a week to come up with a Category One Hurricane that is losing strength to a tropical storm, then HAARP is not a powerful as one might think. This storm will peter out on Nov 7th.

    • Anonymous

      Harp has nothing to do with this. Nature does.

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