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By Sound Of Heart - Galactic Free Press
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~ Happy New Beginning In Love~~~

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Greetings Love Beings, Welcome to a New day, and The Beginning of the CO Creation of the New Earth=Heart. How will we accomplsih this? Together! This is by Being Present IN The Moment of Now and Participating In the Oneness Energies, simply by being in the Flow. There will be alot to accomplsih this Year we can say This is a Big Year for This Planet and Humanity. It will Be Magical for those who are awake. We will also see many more awaken which will Light Up this Planet. We Love You, Cheers to This New Year of Love! Love The Earth Allies

Plasma being’s and further aknowledgement, hope this helps


All creation is from source, awakened or not, unconsciously we are working beyond dark and light, to achieve this awareness to higher consciousness and awareness within sense’s upbeat differential of other race’s capability’s. Unity from biological body’s capability’s of emotion’s manipulated by our unawakened unaware state’s of unity self to cyclical beingness, cyclical beyond to cyclical eternal and cyclical neverless.

Breaking the cycle the brick wall

Neutrality is only a plaine for state’s to build gather information and create without the need’s of manipulation from any state’s emotion’s joy to fear, panic to peace able to attain knowledge beyond and become whom we are without letting our guard down meaning as primal state as frozen or hardened by cold, not to be affected by dark entity’s not humans, but one’s working unparallel over this earth’s electromagnetic capability’s that have risen out of distorted mechanic’s from time space, we do not see them they see us, as angel’s do can neutralize our awakening sense’s manipulate from light or dark but none of neutrality, they are LIVING OR DEAD meaning within human body’s or the other realm’s dormant or manipulating.


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Latest Earthquake Activity – January 1, 2013

Follow the link to see quake
activity for the past seven days.

Visit Live Earthquakes Map
for live quake reporting.

Map of the quake in KURIL ISLANDS

All quakes with magnitude 4.5
or greater are highlighted.

January 1



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A Message From Our Lady for January 1, 2013

Sweet Children,

There is happiness around you on the road ahead. Some of you have challenges. Some of you are struggling. (she touches her heart with both hands and looks sad) This I understand. When the going gets toughest, you have to persist–have to persist! (shows her finger and thumb about an inch apart).This is the difference between a failure and success! It is this very inch when you cannot make it any more. It is when your mind and your body are telling you, ‘I have had it! I am bound to quit! I have made a mistake in getting in to this! I am in far over my head!’ (her voice gets soft and gentle) This is why you came to Gaia to suffer and wail in the beginning: to have the chance to doubt yourself and find the diamond that is within…the courage…and the faith that had to be fired like metal to gain strength.

Hold on my little children. The wonderous world is going to amaze you! And fill you with delight!

Everything happens for the best. I ask you to keep reminding yourself of this, writing it down on little cards where they will be easy to see and placing them about your home and your desk and your automobile…

(Note: MY favorite childhood show theme song just came on while the family was looking at a TIVO episode of Scooby Doo–the Banana Splits–these words in the captions on the song stand out–
Making up a mess of fun    making up a mess of fun    lots of fun for every one tra la la tra la la la… I am captivated by the coincidence and the memories that start welling up in me.–Reiki Doc)

I want you to recall the sheer joy of childhood. Even if you had a sub-optimal youth, I want you to recall themoments of pleasure and comfort that you experienced at this time.

Everything happens for the best! Onwards and Upwards! Everything is happening in the moment of sheer perfection and awesomeness!

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David Icke ~ The Future Beyond 2012

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The Council of Nine ~ 31 December 2012 ~ by Tazjima

Note to Readers: This message came after a long hiatus. It took me getting back to my center and releasing all expectations and all fear. It also took me getting out of my own way, listening within and feeling the grins of my guides. They can be quite humorous and always are loving. Happy New Year, everyone!

The Council of Nine – Into a New Year and a New World – 31 December 2012, by Tazjima.

We are the Council of Nine.

Greetings! As the date December 21, 2012, has slipped into your “past”, your world is now slipping quietly into a new phase, a new age. The age of domination through fear is over; the foundations of the old rigid three-dimensional matrix have been removed. The powers that were, are no longer the masters of the earth – you are, the collective you who is humanity, star-seeds of the galaxy.

We rejoice to find you now willing to let go of your old ways of thinking, of being and of doing. Open to the new, the yet undiscovered parts of yourself. Open to the possibility that you are all ascending into the fifth dimension, along with your Mother Gaia, the conscious living breathing being upon which you all live.

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P.E.A.C.E. Inc. – Transformation 2013

Welcome to a NEW ERA when PEACE WILL PREVAIL in 2013.  
WHEN LEADERS SIGN THIS TREATY, the mentality of the weapons industry WILL CHANGE.  YES!  
Soon we will know who the BRAVEST LEADERS on our planet are who will CREATE this TRANSFORMATION.  
This is not a dream. 
to take NOW.  
“This is the most important document of our time!”
Honorable Paul Hellyer, Former Minister of Defense of Canada

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Mild ash explosions reported at Colombia’s Geleras volcano

Source: The Extinction Protocol – 12/31/12

December 31, 2012 – COLOMBIA – Mild ash explosions continue to occur sporadically at the volcano, such as recently seen on 29 Dec. For the month of December, this is the 6th time ash emissions were observed (although more could have occurred and gone unnoticed during times of bad weather). In comparison, there have been 2 emissions observed in November, 12 in October, and 5 in September. The volcano’s last major eruption occurred in 2010. –Volcano Discovery

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Don’t panic! Preliminary data suggest earthquakes are indeed increasing worldwide

Source: The Extinction Protocol – 12/31/12


December 31, 2012 – EARTHCHANGES – In recent weeks, worldwide earthquake data indicates an increase in the magnitude and a significant increase in the frequency (magnitude 5.5+) of earthquakes. Current graphs clearly show an alarming worldwide trend of increasing earthquake strength and frequency. These results are in agreement with the USGS statistics page, which shows an increase in the frequency of stronger earthquakes (M 5.0+).

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3MIN News January 1, 2013: ISON, A Great Comet?


By: Suspicious0bservers

Published on Jan 1, 2012

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Weird in the USA: The Wacky Weather of 2012

Decoded Science – 12/31/12, Tricia Edgar

Hurricane Sandy visited the US East Coast this fall, wreaking havoc on the shoreline. Photo: MDGovpics / CC by 2.0

As the year winds down, what crazy and extreme weather we have seen.

It’s been a year of wind and water in the United States, as superstorms and intense fire and drought have damaged crops, homes, and ecosystems across the country. Here are some of the top weather stories of 2012.

To read the rest of this story, visit Decoded Science.

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2012: The Year of Storm Surge – 12/31/12, Matt Sampson

Homes in Fenwick Island, Del. are surrounded by floodwaters from Hurricane Sandy on Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2012. Officials said Fenwick Island and nearby Bethany Beach appeared to be among the hardest-hit parts of the state. (AP Photo/Randall Chase)

October 29, 2012, the barrier island just over the bridge from Tom’s River, NJ was all but destroyed by storm surge. The force from hurricane Sandy filled living rooms with the Atlantic Ocean, forced new channels that sliced the island into pieces, and erased the landscape.

On another island to the north, Manhattan, water spilled over barriers into the nation’s biggest city, cascading down into the subway, the commuter tunnels, and the construction site at the World Trade Center. Images of cars floating down New York City streets were projected around the world.
To watch the videos and read the rest of this story, visit

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2012 In Review – Solar activity & space weather

The Watchers – 1/01/13, By Chillymanjaro

We are now in period called Solar Cycle 24 which started in January 8, 2008 and it is the 24th solar cycle since 1755, when recording of solar sunspot activity began. The solar cycle is the periodic change in Sun’s activity (including changes in the levels of solar radiation and ejection of solar material) and appearance visible in changes in the number of sunspots, flares, and other visible manifestations. Solar cycles have a duration of about 11 years.

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2012 In Review – Volcanoes

The Watchers – 1/01/13, By Adonai

As far as the volcanic activity goes 2012 had lots of interesting moments and Pacific Ring of Fire was focus of almost all of it. 2011 finished with our eyes on the Cleveland volcano, Alaska. Cleveland sent ash 4.5 km in the sky during a single explosion event on Thursday, December 29, 2011.

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~ You can Join us for a New Year’s Eve Internet Love Party~ Beginning at 6:30 Pacific

Greetings Love Beings You can Join us Live Beginning at 6:30pm Pacific for an Internet Love Party to ground IN the Incoming Energies coming from The Sirus Star System. You can join us at this Link:

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The Galactic Free Press Update: The New Earth Has Arrived For Complete Activation

Bringing Humanity Home ~ Energy and Event Update~

Greetings Love Beings, Welcome to another day In The Age Of Aquarius, The Golden Age, in which we Truly Have entered. We are about to arrive into a new Year 2013 and for some of You, you already have! This is the Year we Begin The Co~ Creation of the New Earth and this will Unfold in the Oneness Energies. Many Changes will be occurring this year as the inner transforms to the Outer. Be Present and In Joy and It will be a smooth ride.

Quoted from Mike Quinsey and Salusa “The 21st. December alignment took place, and you have commenced the New Age with a higher level of consciousness. It will enable you to accelerate the process of Ascension, and you will see changes taking place in quick succession. Everything you have been led to expect to herald the New Age in will still occur with a greater backing than before, as the way ahead is now virtually clear….

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Wes Annac~Gaia’s Energetic Framework is Changing and Transforming

The Pleiadian Council of Nine: Gaia’s Energetic Framework is Changing and Transforming

Note from Wes: This message, as well as the previous one from the Pleiadian High Council, was channeled before the 12-21 alignment and while some may not see the material as relavent to where we are currently, I think you will still find it helpful.

Greetings, dearest souls, I am Mariara representing the Pleiadian Council of Nine and we are happy and delighted to be in the vicinity of your energies at this time. Dearest SanJAsKa is usually representing all of our Councils when speaking through this specific scribe, but we are allowing dearest Mariara to speak because this soul is training for the very work performed by SanJAsKa in representing us and our Councils.

The collective of Earth is reaching a very important time in your history, and the pure states of consciousness you are all going to find within yourselves will not be matched by what you experience currently.

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This is a message from creator’s

This is a message trough telapatic knowledge for me, and am posting because free will exist human’s have the right to know.

This is what no one know’s from experiance in parallel’s trough what is known as higher self or manipulation if you can hear and not wright directly from SELF.

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Man Captures Video Of Strange Explosion In The Sky « CBS Sacramento 12/30/12

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Another Source Of Energy Hitting Our Planet, Huge NASA Coverup!

Sun & NASA disinfo exposed! Another force twisting Earth’s magnetic field & sending particle influx!
Strange 1400 Frequency Returns On The 18th July
Induction Magnetometer:
Aurora Oddity: Northern Lights Display Dazzles Without Big Sun Flare:
End of Web service:

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Sonja Francis – The Year Ahead: 2013 – Seek Unity – 30 December 2012

Thanks to Lucas2012infos

Published on Dec 30, 2012

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James Gilliland ~ Dealing With The Multilevel Shift ~ 30 December 2012

It is now common knowledge we live in an electric universe yet lets take it further to say we live in a conscious universe where everything is connected and affected sometimes instantaneously. There are influences daily many unseen affecting our daily lives. There are planetary influences and alignments, massive Gamma and Xray blasts from other systems as well as energies coming in from other dimensions. We are multidimensional beings with mental, emotional, astral, etheric, and higher spiritual bodies. The consciousness, light and energies coming from all levels affect the entire vibrational continuum. Changes in consciousness, “Cause”, affect everything down to the physical. Incoming light and energy also have an effect as well as magnetic energies due to planets, suns and our relationship to galactic core. Solar flares, CMEs coronal mass ejections have the greatest impact on our bioelectric fields, weather, earthquake and volcanic activity. Watch the activity of the sun and observe your own emotional state during solar flares. People ride the highs and lows of the waves with emotional outbursts, agitation, followed by lethargy. These releases of energy including the Earth’s pisoelectric waves during major quakes can even make people sick, feel disoriented, dizzy, have muscle or joint pain and heart palpations. Many sensitives use their bodies as tools for divination.

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12-31-12 Bill Ballard ~ Questions Asked About Heart Chakra Activation

Published on Dec 31, 2012

I have had several persons message me on how to find that “sacred G-spot” within the heart chakra. This is where you must shift your consciousness to in order to activate your heart chakra beginning your enlightenment and ascension mastery process. Im not saying that everyone has to go through this process for ascension now, but this is how I did it and the same as so many other masters also describe. Instead of searching out the old vids where I spoke of this before, it is easier to make a new video… So here it is! Happy New Year Guys, as this is the last light of 2012 as the sun goes down this New Year’s Eve. LOVE!

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12/31/2012 — [watch in HD] — Saint Louis, Missouri — Snowy Weather Share

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Transforming Your Ego A Message from Sananda Kumara

through Elizabeth Trutwin, December 31, 2012

 Greetings Beings of Light on Earth. This is Lord Sananda. A major shift is happening and those attuned can be uplifted. Be In Joy! The Planets who are current Members of the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds are elated at the success of Ascended Earth. There are many trillions of our Galactic Family from Home celebrating New Earth in 2013. 

We are in a period of change. As your midnight approaches there is a very good opportunity to move forward exponentially. It has to do with leaving the old behind.
You hold the keys to your Freedom. You may now look forward to a complete Transformation of Ego.

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ART: “Healing Hands” by ~InfiniteFiend,

MUSIC: “Sun Ra – Sun song”,

“Come On, People! Raise the Vibration!”

♥ 11:11 MAKA WICAHPI WICOHAN (Word of Love, The Way of the EarthStar, Universal & Spiritual Laws of Creator):
DAY: OILELE CEKPA WINYAN TWIN FLAMES, Opens Wellspring of Creative Intuition, in the SPIRITUAL LAW OF INTUITION, Earth, Turtle Day, Red Root Star, Essence of Love. “You must remember that your genetics, that your biology and your Mind has its source directly in that place known as Lyra where the guardians of the human race–of this galaxy and beyond–dost hold THE ORIGINAL EIGHT CELLS OF HUMAN LIFE. ” Code for the Day:

★ 12:12 UNCI IKTOMI WICAHPI WICOHAN (Word of Alignment, The Way of the StarSpider, Universal & Spiritual Laws of Universal Mother):

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Blue StarShip/UFO Report, December 31, 2012

1952-Washington D.C.During the dawn of Ufology in the United States, unidentified flying objects made themselves known to leaders of the free world in 1952, buzzing over the White House, the Capitol building and the Pentegon.


 2012 UFO sightings in review

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Looking towards 2013: Let us begin the healing of this nation — and our Earth — in our homes, our families, our communities of care.

Exopermaculture Posted on December 31, 2012 by Ann Kreilkamp

Look closely, to see my grandkids Drew (left) and Kiera (right) flying (bungy jumping) at the mall, yesterday.

Let’s use our imaginations, fly into new realities. Realities that all of us, in our heart of hearts have at least touched upon, or glanced at. It’s not too late. It’s actually just the right time.

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Sophia Love ~ Thank You!! ~ 31 December 2012

I thought I’d make a video to start off 2013 and I still may, but linear time is moving fast.  So I’ll just say now thank you, and welcome to the rest of our story.

It’s been one heck of a ride, 2012 is a year that we aren’t likely to forget.  In it we found the outrageous, the heavenly, the galactic and the deeply spiritual.  We are left now looking only at ourselves.  What a glorious view that is!

We hold in our eyes the greatest of all possible outcomes; it is us.  We are the best part of our own story!  Funny, quirky, talented, determined, brilliant, loving, forgiving and forever hopeful – we are human.

2012 was the Year of Revelation.  We’ve seen now the truth of our oppression and what have we done?  We’ve declared ourselves an independent race.  We are One.  It is an honor to be part of this group called humanity.  Thank you for all that you are.

You are the ONE we were waiting for.

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Centuries-old Bridge Washed Away In Deluge That Never Ends – 1/01/13, John Chapman

The Tarr Steps across the swollen River Barle near Dulverton

TORRENTIAL rain battered Britain last night – bringing a soggy end to one of the wettest years on record and threatening to dampen New Year’s Eve celebrations to ring in 2013.Up to 1.3 inches of rain was forecast in areas of Wales and the south of England.To read the rest of this story, visit

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Heart Song January 1st 2013

The Heart Song for January 1st 2013 is Bridge Over Troubled Water by Paul Simon


Bridge Over Troubled Water

When you’re weary, feeling small,
When tears are in your eyes, I will dry them all;
I’m on your side. when times get rough
And friends just can’t be found,
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down.
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down.
When you’re down and out,
When you’re on the street,
When evening falls so hard
I will comfort you.
I’ll take your part.
When darkness comes
And pains is all around,
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down.
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down.

Sail on silvergirl,
Sail on by.
Your time has come to shine.
All your dreams are on their way.
See how they shine.
If you need a friend
I’m sailing right behind.
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind.
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind.

Love Geeta

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Max Crystal Skull~ Happy New Year!

Greetings, I am MAX the Crystal Skull,

Happy New Year!

On this first day of 2013 my channel has already been wondering “what next?”.

After the intensity of 2012, especially the Fall season of 2012, it seems almost natural to wonder, What’s Next!

“Wwhat’s next” is some down time, a time to stop and reflect. The Winter season is about regeneration and renewal. It’s about incorporating everything that has happened during the previous cycle and preparing yourself for the coming year ahead that starts on the Spring Equinox.

Connect with Winter, slow down, take time to replenish in every way, — Body, Mind and Spirit. Welcome this season into your hearth with love and appreciation.

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Archangel Michael ~ A Message for the New Year

 by Lumire:

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Zen Gardner ~ The Rising Of The Conscious Warrior ~ 1 January 2013

[I thought this would be a good message to highlight as we move together into what will certainly be a challenging new year. We chose to be here so we're clearly up to whatever tasks will befall us.  Knowing the nature of the times we're living in, how much better then to take the conscious initiative rather than be on the defensive. The conscious respond to spirit rather than just react to manipulated circumstances.

And what a thrill that makes or our journey!

Have a love-filled new year and thanks for making this such a wonderful year of wondering! Love you all, Zen]

by Zen Gardner

Life is a struggle. How much more then is the spiritual life, the fight to remain conscious in an illusory world where deviant forces vie for control more than caring, battering your very body and soul day in and day out on top of your struggle to survive?

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Channeled Interview with the Pleiadians: Galactic Technology, What has Happened and What to Expect

Posted by Wes Annac

Happy New Year! We face a new time filled with glorious new opportunities, and we now have the full collective and individual ability to anchor miracles unto ourselves. The following is an automatic-writing based “interview” with the Pleiadian High Council, channeled through yours truly. I was excited to get to interact with our Pleiadian brethren and ask them questions, and we hope the resulting communication is helpful.

Wes Annac: My dearest friends, I would like to get to know you in a deeper way and interact with you during this communication. I have a few questions to ask and I would Love to connect with you on this night.

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We’re All Still Here (We survived Dec. 21st, 2012! Funny music video.) Laurell Eden

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Opening into the Truth

 BY Divine Mother Church

SunVision at Dawnsite

You are opening into the Truth. When you see from the level of Truth, you will see the beauty that is occurring around you. There is great beauty occurring all around you. Learn to look with your heart. Use the eye in your heart to see the beauty that is building on this planet.

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New Year on New Earth

I want you to get on with why you are here. Mother Earth is in a huge transition, huge, the biggest she has ever faced in her existence. The human race is moving through a huge transition also,the whole human brain is changing. It is changing to awaken all the latent abilities that human beings have but have never used. What is awakening it is Light, very refined Light, very subtle fluctuations of energy activating the human system in such a way that it wakes up to its true nature. But the human system needs an environment in which it can thrive, and the present environment on Earth is not appropriate for this new human system. So as the human beings are developing the new human system, the environment, the whole society, the whole culture of Mother Earth has to change. So that is the first step. That is why you are here. You have things to offer which can change the direction of this planet.

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11.28.2012 12:30am Tarpon Springs, FLspiritwalk8

MONTHLY    HOROSCOPES   by Beverley 



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Adjusting To The Energies Of This New Cycle~ Cmdr. Lady Athena & The Ashtar Command~

The energies of this new cycle are powerful and some of you are reporting experiencing various effects as your body-mind unit is adjusting.

Some of you are experiencing the impact of these energies more than others due to the different levels of Spiritual Awareness and integration.

The support of those of you who better understand what is taking place and can serve as spiritual mid-wives can serve in assisting those who are struggling at this time—- (and assist us—and me as I’m not able to address each one of you physically and personally.)

Please know that all pertaining to this dimensional shift is going very well and that every one of you within our ground crew and upon this Earth is loved, important and is being personally monitored and looked after–so there is nothing whatsoever to worry about.


The more you focus your energies mentally and emotionally in cultivating and maintaining this higher vibration of loving goodwill, the easier it will be for you to adjust and harmonize with this “new norm”.

This higher vibration basically involves living with an open hearted attitude in relating with everyone and everything.

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SOLAR ACTIVITY UPDATE: New Years Day is quiet (Jan 1st, 2013).

QUIET BEGINNING: 2013 has begun. This is supposed to be the year of Solar Max, yet New Years Day is quiet. There hasn’t been a significant solar flare in more than a month, and none of the sunspots on the Earthside of the sun appear poised to erupt. NOAA forecasters estimate a slight 10% chance of M-class solar flares during the next 24 hours.

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Heavenletter #4421 Where Does Unkindness Come From?

HeavenLetters Published on: January 1, 2013

God said:

Who on Earth can understand why some of My children seem to be unkind, or are unkind without doubt. Who can understand why others do as they do? In personal terms, you are unable to. In personal terms, too often you just go around in circles trying to understand another who is not understandable to you. Even when you can understand someone’s insecurity and inadequacy, still, you can’t see as an excuse for rudeness or worse.

If someone deliberately wants to insult you, odds are he feels an insult has been given to him. He misunderstood you or he heard your voice as a voice from the past, and he passes on his resentment to you. He saw someone else’s face in yours. Invariably, he feels justified. You do not have to justify him. It is not necessary for you to make excuses for others.

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The Exceptional U.S. Wildfire Season of 2012 – 12/31/12, By Dr. Jeff Masters

Dr. Jeff Masters’ WunderBlog

Wunderphoto of Whitewater-Baldy Complex Fire submitted by AZMountaineer21.

The 2012 U.S. fire season was the 3rd worst in U.S. history, with 9.2 million acres burned–an area larger than the state of Maryland. Since the National Interagency Fire Center began keeping records in 1960, only two years have seen more area burned–2006, when 9.9 million acres burned, and 2007, when 9.3 million acres burned. Although the 2012 fire season was close to a record for most acreage burned, the total number of fires–55,505–was the lowest on record, going back to 1960, said scientists at a December 2012 press briefing at the American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco.


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Cyclone Freda weakening near New Caledonia

ABC Radio Australia – 1/01/13

 Satellite image shows Tropical Cyclone south of the Solomons and west of Vanuatu as it continues to move southward over the Coral Sea towards New Caledonia. (Credit: ABC licensed)

Tropical Cyclone Freda is located off northern New Caledonia, moving south-southeast at about 10 kilometres an hour.

The category two storm is generating sustained winds at the centre of around 110 kilometres an hour.

To read the rest of this story, visit ABC Radio Australia.

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Morning Blessing: 1.01.13 ~ Transformation

As we crest the milestone of another year lived, humbled and polished by time, let us remember that our lives are bigger than we can ever know or imagine. Each life has its own force field with a creator soul propelling it  — guiding it even from the absoluteness of Divine guidance. Today is the perfect day to intend living fearlessly by allowing yourself to breathe daily into the depth, wonder, beauty, craziness, and strife that represents the fullness of your life. Declare that you are going to take from every experience what it has to offer you. At times we’re determined to make changes; other times we are given a nudge to take a spot in life that could lead us into undiscovered territories. Whatever the perception, insurmountable joy or big-time crash, know they are all experiences that point you toward an amazing course of self-emergence. Our life journey is one of transformation and change so why not dissolve all your frustrations here and now.  


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Wes Annac ~ The Pleiadian Council Of Nine : Gaia’s Energetic Framework Is Changing And Transforming

This message, as well as the previous one from the Pleiadian High Council, was channeled before the 12-21 alignment and while some may not see the material as relavent to where we are currently, I think you will still find it helpful.

Greetings, dearest souls, I am Mariara representing the Pleiadian Council of Nine and we are happy and delighted to be in the vicinity of your energies at this time. Dearest SanJAsKa is usually representing all of our Councils when speaking through this specific scribe, but we are allowing dearest Mariara to speak because this soul is training for the very work performed by SanJAsKa in representing us and our Councils.

The collective of Earth is reaching a very important time in your history, and the pure states of consciousness you are all going to find within yourselves will not be matched by what you experience currently.

You are being led to realize the fluidity of your realities and your clear ability to shape and mold the very energy around you that forms your realities, in ways that suit and fit your needs and we could not be happier to see you dear souls integrate your ability to interact with your realities unto your everyday Lives, and experience the resulting benefits in yourselves.

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What Did Gene Roddenberry Know? (After the Cabal’s End ~ Part 2)

Posted by Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri _

Star Trek’s Enterprise

© Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri

 “To seek out new life and new civilizations.” – Gene Roddenberry, 1966

Over the last 40 years, millions of people around the world have been fans of Star Trek. Created by Hollywood producer Gene Roddenberry (1921-1991), the initial series was televised for three years from 1966-1969. This spawned a whole series of other futurist Star Trek sci-fi shows: Deep Space 9, Star Trek the Next Generation, and countless films (now on DVD). The series has become a classic. Enthusiasm was so great that other TV programs and many Hollywood films were produced. This wasn’t the first sci-fi series [think of Buster Crabbe in “Flash Gordon”], but its cultural impact continues to be huge.

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Visionkeeper ~ Change Is In The Air All Around Us~ 1 January 2013

Here we are starting off a new year in a new world. We might as well start it off on the right foot. Like the picture says, change your thoughts and you change the world! Let’s review what we have learned and urge all new blog readers who venture in to do as we have done. So what have we learned in the past year? Oh so many things where does one start the list? We began the journey by going within and learning to really know ourselves. Spending time alone with no distractions so we could really take a close look uninterrupted. It is not always an easy thing to do we live in such a techno world. We have forgotten the beauty and power of silence and what it can bring to our lives. We have forgotten simplicity and the truths it reveals to us about who we REALLY are! Take time as you enter into this New World New Year to see how much you have changed and be glad for that. Go inside and clear out those last remaining parts of you that no longer fit with how you think, throw away any baggage of self loathing you are dragging behind you and start looking for the love you are.

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Angel Wisdome with Sharon Taphorn ~ Happy Outcomes

Angel Wisdom Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Have confidence in yourself

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Jelaila Starr ~ Galactic Alignment ~ What Really Happened, And Why?



Nibiruan Council | December 31 2012

It’s December 31, 2012. Can you believe it, we are at the end of the much anticipated (and dreaded) year 2012? And we survived it! Not much seemed to occur, at least not on the surface. Did that galactic alignment happen? Did the universal cycle complete? Like you, I’m awaiting information from the astronomers regarding the actual planetary line up, but even if all the planets didn’t actually line up, I still felt something–a surreal sense of being in “No Time” as though we are floating through a dreamscape.

Don’t know about you but I spent this holiday season in a rather unusual way. Instead of getting into it and decorating the house, buying tons of presents and partying like there’s no tomorrow, I declined all but a few holiday invitations and stayed home. And sleep, boy did I sleep!

The funny thing about all of this is that as I stayed cocooned in my house, I was very aware of the world continuing on in its unusual manner. I talked on the phone to family and friends. I went to the store and once, when I began feeling a bit too house-bound, bundled the dogs into the back seat and drove around a while. (It’s been really cold here in the Midwest so walks were out of the question for my 10lb. little buddies).

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Laura Bruno ~ Time Keeps On Slippin’ … Into The Future!



by Gillian

Laura Bruno’s Blog |


I awoke this morning with “Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’ … into the future…” running through my head on a non-stop loop. “I want to fly like an eagle…” Some kundalini yoga chants got rid of it for a little while, but now it’s back with a vengeance demanding that I type. As we cross the threshold of 2012 into 2013, it strikes me that time is, indeed, slippin’, slippin’, slippin’ … into a future many people wondered if we’d ever see. With all the doomsday predictions, movies and “prophecies,” a major pause seemed to hang over the end of 2012. I put “prophecies” in quotes because the Mayans never predicted the end of the world, but rather the end of the Old World. Big difference.

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Oracle Report ~ Disseminating Moon Phase ~ Moon in Leo/Virgo

New Years Audio Report

There is beautiful energy in place for harnessing personal power and beginning anew. It’s not a natural time for a new beginning (that would be with New Moons) but there is much to work with if you want to start something. Disseminating Moon phase is the time for sharing. What we share with each other builds our awareness and provides information we need on our personal journeys.

Be aware that there is an element today where things are not as they appear (including some people). This is not a good day to sign anything important or to commit to something you aren’t one hundred percent sure about. There’s too much potential for deception.

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Gillian Grannum ~ 2013 Has Arrived (In The Gregorian Calendar)


Posted on


January 1, 2013

by Gillian

Gillian | January 1 2012 | Thanks for chart, Minty

We’ve made it to January 1 2013! Of course today has a different label in other calendars. In fact it’s still 2012 year of the dragon in China and won’t be “2013″ until February 10 2013 (Gregorian time). So how “today” is labeled depends on which calendar you believe in – except of course, if you rely on the heavens. Then you have a sky map with precise placements of planets at this moment in space/time. Regardless of calendar label this is what is.


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Suzanne Lie: The Arcturians ~ Living Your Highest Point of Perception


The Arcturians

You may think that your world is the same, but if you look deep into your consciousness you will find that it has greatly changed. Whereas before you looked within and sensed the warning to be careful and even secretive, you now find the message that something has changed. You may not, yet, know what that something is. However, there is a feeling of safety where once there was a sense of alert.

Your body, which has been running on adrenalin for much of this life, in fact most of your Earthly incarnations, is now going through adrenalin withdrawal. It is because of this withdrawal that you feel so exhausted and may even have episodes of anger for no apparent reason.

You awoke on 12-22-12 to a world that was apparently the same, but you did not know what a victory that “nothing” was. Great battles, both mental and physical, have been waged, and many lives were lost in the invisible battle to save Earth from the unseen Service to Self dark Ones.

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Connections by Suzi~My Heart Feels The Truth

Connections by Suzi

2013 January 1
Posted by Suzanne

I’m reminded of the moment when, after the breakup of a relationship, one realizes that it’s okay to be single. The thoughts come flooding in that it isn’t necessary to be half of a couple, because one is feeling comfortable in one’s own skin, independent and free.

There comes a time when hands are thrown up, and a subtle acceptance slips into awareness that one is complete unto oneself.

This comes to mind because I’ve arrived at that understanding in relationship to ascension.

Coming previously from a place of needing to know why the galactics can’t reveal themselves to those of us who do love them, and who do long for reunion. Coming previously from a place of asking how it could be possible for those of us doing the work for everyone to have to do it for longer because there’s just too many people diligently clinging to 3D.

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The Moon Hippie Mystic~Secrets


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Shedding Everything But Love in the Year of the Snake Cosmic Weather Report~Mark Borax


Happy 2013 Everyone !*!*!* Love You ALL ! Annie

 Cosmic Weather Report

SPECIAL IN-DEPTH 2013 New Year’s Report:
Shedding Everything But Love 
in the Year of the Snake
January 2013
Westminster West, VT

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Sharon’s Take January 2013 A New Beginning

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1-1-13 Bill Ballard ~ Welcome to 2013 ~ Happy New Earth Year 1 ~ LOVE~

Happy Happy New Year 2013! We Made It and All IS Well! There is an energy that is more pure each day since 12/21/12 that I am experiencing setting the stage for construction and building of a New Spiritual Earth in 2013 where peace and harmony reigns! Thanks to all the Wayshowers and Lightworker/Light Warriors who worked so hard to get us to this point. Now the work of building the New begins! There is much more en light en ment we will witness this year and much still to be cleaned up, BUT, It’s ALL GOOD! Welcome to Year #1! LOVE!

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Before It’s News® is a community of individuals who report on what’s going on around them, from all around the world. Anyone can join. Anyone can contribute. Anyone can become informed about their world. "United We Stand" Click Here To Create Your Personal Citizen Journalist Account Today, Be Sure To Invite Your Friends.


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