Muslim Beheads Christians In NJ, Mainstream Media Silent (Video)
Western Journalism
Yusuf Ibrahim, a Muslim man, targeted and murdered two Coptic Egyptian Christian men who lived and worked in New Jersey. He beheaded them and cut off their hands.
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WHY!! The answer is simple; they did not follow the teachings of that child molesting false prophet Mo-ham-head, or practice the Satanic/death cult of (P)Islam!
Grow a “pair” Americans! Keep kissing and accommodating muslims royal asses! They kill Christians, chop heads, burn churches, etc. But don’t you dare say, write or cartoon their gods. Its time to stop their migration to the USA! Soon you will probably start having “muslim / mosque area patrols ” like they are doing in England! I don’t like or trust any muslims? Why? Because when their radicals, kill, chop heads, use suicide bombers and dismember dead Christian bodies, you never see the muslim masses start protests, they all keep silent. France and England are going through lots of problems letting millions of muslims n their countries! And Obama is opening the gates for all illegals to stay here legally.
Almost time, must wait a little longer……..
I’m guessing your referring to this black awakening thing. What are you waiting for? Probably an occult holiday…I’m guessing mayday. You will find that many of the lambs have teeth of lions. You will also want to stock up on some Depends because I think it will play out much different then how you sicko’s expect.
Was he just following the commands of Muhammed, who states in the Quran:
8:12- “I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off.”
So many gods to choose from.
Make sure you choose the one that agrees with your murderous theology to justify your stupidity.
So now these Muslims can do this here on American soil.
No trial, no appeals, just hang them
For every one of them – we kill four of theirs.
court, years of appeals, BS.
Send them all back to the Middle East and nuke the entire area – problem solved.
well said
Try not to be be like them eh
Five words.
What the ever loving hell?
Damn more propaganda from are leaders the corruptive 10% not the 90% which is humanity. what is bothering me is that everybody judges an action without reasonable discussions or we think about somebody negatively forgetting we were born peaceful before we got violent we cryed before we laughed we crawled before we walked we learned from negative and positive we are all one and equal in gods eyes peace predictability.
The big difference between the Bible and the Koran is Muslims are out there killing. Christians are not. Islam’s evil, Christianity is not.
To.King of Shambhala. No u are incorrect look at any dictionary u will find that jesus is the most quoted person in the koran. christians on the other hand are like any other religion take the spec out of ur eye before u try to remove something u cant even accomplish urself. anyway it was the christians first to claim to be better and more wiser forgetting. it was god that saved humanity not religion. the bible is like attachment to ur soul remember u don’t know what goes on when ur physical body rests and ur spirit exists from ur body bad dreams lately???. peace predictability
Actually, the “Christian” West has been killing Muslims, mostly Arabs, in very large numbers.
And, it’s not a crazy person here and there doing it. The war machines of nations are doing it.
@ LifeIs
Dumbass, Killing civilians in a Christian country where they are the Guests,come on Buddy!,like to see a Christian living in any Arab country killing and mutilating an Arab.
War set different Rules.Not that I agree with Wars,on the contrary I wish the U.S.A./Israel
would mind their own Business Germany still being blamed what happened 60 Years ago while the U.S.A. and Israel are being sanctioned to continue their atrocities supported by the brainwashed News propaganda Machine of America. Some one else is setting us up,and it is not hard to see the Culprit,that will come and collect the Spoils without spilling any of their own Peoples Blood.
Our Treasonous Government is killing anything they wish to, including their own.l
Muslims are not human, they are sand people so they shouldn’t have any rights.
BIBLE 101 and QURAN 101:
The Bible commands believers to love God and to love others:
“And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.”
—Mark 12:30 and Deuteronomy 6:5
“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
—Mark 12:31 and Leviticus 19:18
The Quran on the other hand, contains no such noble verses about loving others. Here are some commands by Mohammad to Muslims:
9.5 – So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
48:25 – Muslims are harsh against the unbelievers, merciful to one another. –
48:29 – Muhammad is Allah’s apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another. Through them, Allah seeks to enrage the unbelievers. –
And no doubt the captors of Daniel Pearl had the following 2 verses in mind when they performed their demonic deed:
47:4- “Therefore, when ye meet the Unbelievers, strike off their heads.”
8:12- “I will instill terror into the hearts of the unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off.”
So to summarize, in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, the command for believers is to love God and love others. The Quran on the other hand, does not command Muslims to love others. It in fact commands Muslims to kill infidels (non-Muslims). The Bible commands believers to love others, the Quran commands believers to kill others. See the difference? One book is from heaven, and the other book is from hell.
u criticize the Quran because of the verses that were revealed during times of war verses that talk about killing the disbelievers are verses that were revealed in times of war a war that was not started by the muslim but by the unbelievers so the muslims had to defend there selvess Muslims were oppressed for 13 years by the unbelievers are they not then allowed to defend them selves and u made mention of christianity giving respect to neighbors islam has that 2 the teachings of Prophet Muhammad are that one is not a muslim if he fills his belly with food when his neighbor sleeps hungry another one Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-’As: Mujahid said that Abdullah ibn Amr slaughtered a sheep and said: Have you presented a gift from it to my neighbour, the Jew, for I heard the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) say: Gabriel kept on commending the neighbour to me so that I thought he would make an heir? – Sunan Abu Dawood, 2446 another one Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: The best friend in the sight of Allah is he who is the well-wisher of his companions, and the best neighbour is one who behaves best towards his neighbours. Transmitted by Tirmidhi. – Al-Tirmidhi, Number 120 do research before u decide to criticize
As a Christian if I had to choose between the Koran and the Talmud, I would certainly choose the Koran. Read both and you will know. The Talmud is for the Zionists or Ashkenazim Jews that rule America. That is why we are knackered.
u criticize the Quran because of the verses that were revealed during times of war verses that talk about killing the disbelievers are verses that were revealed in times of war a war that was not started by the muslim but by the unbelievers so the muslims had to defend there selvess Muslims were oppressed for 13 years by the unbelievers are they not then allowed to defend them selves and u made mention of christianity giving respect to neighbors islam has that 2 the teachings of Prophet Muhammad are that one is not a muslim if he fills his belly with food when his neighbor sleeps hungry another one Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-’As: Mujahid said that Abdullah ibn Amr slaughtered a sheep and said: Have you presented a gift from it to my neighbour, the Jew, for I heard the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) say: Gabriel kept on commending the neighbour to me so that I thought he would make an heir? – Sunan Abu Dawood, 2446 another one Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: The best friend in the sight of Allah is he who is the well-wisher of his companions, and the best neighbour is one who behaves best towards his neighbours. Transmitted by Tirmidhi. – Al-Tirmidhi, Number 120 do research before u decide to criticize>
The Koran says to kill all Jews and Christians. That’s enough to make it be outlwed in the whole world from East to West even to China. Ban the Koran throughout the world NOW FAST IMMEDIATELY TO SAVE THE WORLD AND GO TO HEAVEN.
To 123456. who*s criticising ?.
The problem I see here is divide and conquer at its finest but some day a little further down the line we must prepare ourselves for the realization that Jesus or whomever you call god(aliens) are not walking through that door
Even the American media has gone in the ”banana republic” mode. Never trust MSM.
I’m not supporting Christianity, I’m not pro-Christian.
Just that Islam is the worst thing in the world AND MUST BE BANNED WORLDWIDE EVEN IN CHINA.
Islam is the evilest thing in the world and it must be banned everywhere in the world totally and the Koran must be forbidden; it’s criminal and says to kill all Jews and Christians in it so it’s criminal and forbidden and illegal.
To.King of Shambhala. No u are incorrect look at any dictionary u will find that jesus is the most quoted person in the koran. christians on the other hand are like any other religion take the spec out of ur eye before u try to remove something u cant even accomplish urself. anyway it was the christians first to claim to be better and more wiser forgetting. it was god that saved humanity not religion. the bible is like attachment to ur soul remember u don’t know what goes on when ur physical body rests and ur spirit exists from ur body bad dreams lately???. peace predictability>
Islam -Koran and Zionists are bad Business for all nation but their Own.
Non-Jews are Not Human Baba Mezia 114a-114b. Only Jews are human
Jews are Divine, Sanhedrin 58b. If a heathen (Gentile) hits a Jew, the Gentile must be killed. Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God.
Jews May Rob and Kill Non-Jews, Sanhedrin 57a . When a Jew murders a Gentile (“Cuthean”), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a Gentile he may keep.
Baba Kamma 37b. Gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God has “exposed their money to Israel.”
Jews May Lie to Non-Jews, Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a Gentile.
Non-Jewish Children Sub-Human, Yebamoth 98a. All Gentile children are animals.
Gittin 57a . Says Jesus ( see footnote #4) is being boiled in “hot excrement.”
Yebamoth 63a. States that Adam had sexual intercourse with all the animals in the Garden of Eden.
Just a little bit of taste now look at the Christian Bible ….See the difference?
No Shambles, the most evil thing in the world is hate, based upon the lies of others, forced upon you until you take on the hatred of the teachers then become the teacher of hate.
Your momma needs to take you out back and give you a good ole fashioned whoopin, beat some of that hate right out of ya…
If we blindfolded you Shambles , put you in a dark room with 30 other people, all of mixed religions, but there was one rule, no talk of religion or God or you’ll be immediately ejected. So a bit like blindfold dating, which is done already.
Two things would happen to you Shambles.
1) You’d be immediately ejected.
2) You’d actually like the other human beings that were around you, as you would not see, or confirm their religions, therefore not stereotyping them which would lead you to hate…
Which one do YOU think it would be Shambles, and why??? Because either one would show you have been programmed to act like this.
Remove the blindfold, or put on one Shambles? Your Choice.
If you read the old testament you see that Judaism was (some might say that continue to) equal or worse than Islam.
You know the whole, Kill everyone including their cows and then steal their land in the name of God, thing.
How about Samson history. Apparently is OK to go and murder a group of people to steal their robes as long as you do it to pay a gambling debt and then later claim that it was the spirit of God that made you do it. But hey, its the bible so it should not be questioned, right.
To.King of Shambhala. I’m not supporting Christianity, I’m not pro-Christian.-predictabilitys response- good for u i never claimed i was my dear commentor-. To.King of Shambhala-Just that Islam is the worst thing in the world AND MUST BE BANNED WORLDWIDE EVEN IN CHINA.predictabilitys response- but u told me u believed in sexual yoga and tibet what does sexual yoga have to do with pureity?.To.King of Shambhala.Islam is the evilest thing in the world and it must be banned everywhere in the world totally and the Koran must be forbidden; it’s criminal and says to kill all Jews and Christians in it so it’s criminal and forbidden and illegal. predictability response- u may be right my dear commentor but why is it stated in all the dictionaries? globally that jesus is the most quoted prophet in the koran and im not even christian and i know moses got the TEN COMMANDMENTS truthfully peace predictability To.King of Shambhala.
to am123 u criticize the Quran because of the verses that were revealed during times of war verses that talk about killing the disbelievers are verses that were revealed in times of war a war that was not started by the muslim but by the unbelievers so the muslims had to defend there selvess Muslims were oppressed for 13 years by the unbelievers are they not then allowed to defend them selves and u made mention of christianity giving respect to neighbors islam has that 2 the teachings of Prophet Muhammad are that one is not a muslim if he fills his belly with food when his neighbor sleeps hungry another one Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-’As: Mujahid said that Abdullah ibn Amr slaughtered a sheep and said: Have you presented a gift from it to my neighbour, the Jew, for I heard the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) say: Gabriel kept on commending the neighbour to me so that I thought he would make an heir? – Sunan Abu Dawood, 2446 another one Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: The best friend in the sight of Allah is he who is the well-wisher of his companions, and the best neighbour is one who behaves best towards his neighbours. Transmitted by Tirmidhi. – Al-Tirmidhi, Number 120 do research before u decide to criticize
Partially right but there is more to it…………..
The same ideology exists in the T A L M U D ………. and those are the People that control the United States of America and everything that goes with it.
They not only hate Muslims or Christians no all other Races black yellow white and every color or religion in between.
do research before u decide to criticize, here is the Link you may want to start:
Your full of crap. Everything Americans have seen from muslims is violence. We are watching, we know who you are, dispite our gov. trying to tell us different. You damned muslims don’t fool us,we are well aware of your goals. My hopeful prayer is that Americans will rise up against you evil muslims .
@ txpatriot
The Muslims that perpetrate these things number as few as those that are in charge of this country in perspective.
The majority are quite peaceful.
dont blame the religion for wat some mindless people do muslims are not allowed to kill anyone unless in war killing 1 innocent person is like killing all of mankind and saving 1 person is like saving all of mankind this is wat Islam teaches
Islam is not a religion because it teaches to kill all Jews and all Christians and so it must be forbidden worldwide as a criminal organisation and the Koran must be forbidden worldwide.
Islam is the worst thing in the world existing today and all mosques must be blocked from building and they must be destroyed now until they’ve all disappeared worldwide everywhere even in China.
Every person murdered by Muslims must make one mosque be destroyed and we’ll soon have destroyed all mosques throughout the world until theres no more one single mosque exisitng in the world – so if Muslims want to keep their mosques they must stop killing people anywhere in the world or else we’ll bulldoze their mosque in their neighbourhood NOW.
> 123456
to am123 u criticize the Quran because of the verses that were revealed during times of war verses that talk about killing the disbelievers are verses that were revealed in times of war a war that was not started by the muslim but by the unbelievers so the muslims had to defend there selvess Muslims were oppressed for 13 years by the unbelievers are they not then allowed to defend them selves and u made mention of christianity giving respect to neighbors islam has that 2 the teachings of Prophet Muhammad are that one is not a muslim if he fills his belly with food when his neighbor sleeps hungry another one Narrated Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-’As: Mujahid said that Abdullah ibn Amr slaughtered a sheep and said: Have you presented a gift from it to my neighbour, the Jew, for I heard the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) say: Gabriel kept on commending the neighbour to me so that I thought he would make an heir? – Sunan Abu Dawood, 2446 another one Narrated Abdullah ibn Umar: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: The best friend in the sight of Allah is he who is the well-wisher of his companions, and the best neighbour is one who behaves best towards his neighbours. Transmitted by Tirmidhi. – Al-Tirmidhi, Number 120 do research before u decide to criticize>
Bush killed over 4,000 Americans and I lose count on the number of Iraqis, plus thousands in Afghanistan. He SAID he was a CHRISTIAN. But, then we find out that he is a secret Muslim, which actually makes more sense in a way.
if the first word out of your mouth, to respond to any question, is BUSH, you immediately discredit yourself ans show your ignorance. kinda like a child tattle-tailing to keep himself out of trouble and to SHIFT THE BLAME! bottom line is muslims are evil. plain and simple. as well as blame shifters. GFY
if the first word out of your mouth, to respond to any question, is BUSH, you immediately discredit yourself and show your ignorance. kinda like a child tattle-tailing to keep himself out of trouble and to SHIFT THE BLAME! bottom line is muslims are evil. plain and simple. as well as blame shifters. GFY
Well, they DO say 2 heads are better than 1…
Love the way the religious take the media bait to heart, baaaaaaa!.
And all on the speculative suggestion it was motivated by religious belief.
There are nut cases everywhere, religion seems to attract them. It appeals to their giant egos to believe they are ‘special’.
Damn you beat me to it again !! Share the above sentiment, mad men are mad men wherever they are and whatever God they follow, makes good news for the numbnuts though, whip em into a good ole frenzy of hatin…
Gotta be quick around here.
Buy yeah, with an extra dollop of hate all round. Still never mind just think, once they’ve gotten their religious war over and done with, aka the great religious culling program, there won’t be quite so many of them to put up with.
This is classic SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE!! You self righteous idiots better get a grip on reality!!!
Lol. I don’t whether the media is corrupted or not! or people are brainwashed! wait! did a court proof that he did in the name of Islam? Question? White-Supramist christians killed more than 60 millions in Americas and no one said they did in the name of Christianity! This seems the media is controlled by the same white-supramists christians who killed millions on innocent people in the name of Jesus!
There is nothing difference the ones who lie and the one who hate! How many Christians kill innocent people everyday? No one says they were Christians!
WTF are you talking about? BTW, making up facts doesn’t mean you’re accurate, correct, or even in the ball park. Quick making up stories as if to deflect blame from the Religion of Peace.
I think I speak for all when I say that it would be in everyone’s best interest if the home address of the alleged murderer were made available.
Most Muslims are not killing anybody for any reason. The ones I know are nice and good people.
Blaming Muslims in general for crime is like blaming Israelis in general for the crimes of the state, or for the murders carried out by individual soldiers.
The wars are not about religion, but the lack of sympathy for civilians, including children, that we kill IS about both race and religion.
What was once over there is now over hear and we have only our Goverment to blame.
Dirtbag (Yusuf Ibrahim) is no better than the old time mobsters that graced their victims with “Concrete Overshoes”. What a pathetic man and a BS religious excuse.
A hand for a hand and a head for a head… But very very slowly…..
Satanic/death cult of talmud[jewish,not islam
Obama Cousin Reveals Obama Dad’s Name
This is good news spread this.
Just another fine example of Tolerance from the religion of Peace.
When are people going to realize that Islam is completely incompatible with our laws and values, our culture and our way of life?
Islam is a barbaric dehumanizing ideology of hatred and oppression.
Obama has been importing Muslim Brotherhood operatives for several years using aliases and false documents. They are being spread into small towns and the FBI has been told these people are immune from any surveillance. They can dress up in a burka, pose as a woman and bypass TSA screenings. The set-up is well underway folks for our downfall from within.
or maybe he was just following the bible in deuteronomy that states:
If your own full brother, or your son or daughter, or your beloved wife, or you intimate friend, entices you secretly to serve other gods, whom you and your fathers have not known, gods of any other nations, near at hand or far away, from one end of the earth to the other: do not yield to him or listen to him, nor look with pity upon him, to spare or shield him, but kill him. (Deuteronomy 13:7-12
What a brainwashed Religious nutcase you are. Good luck with that whole finding out you were wrong when you die thing.
OR maybe the eqyptians were gays and he was only following the bible where it says:
If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives. (Leviticus 20:13
Maybe they were both.
Ya okay keep believing that people should die for what again? Man the sheep are everywhere, news flash God is imaginary, Jesus is imaginary and killing people for being human gay or not is divide and conquer rearing its ugly head. Remember this oh sheeple ones, there is no hell why because we are energy condensed light so all this bible crap is nothing more than a method of mass brainwashing. And somewhere down the line the truth will be revealed.
old covenant vs. new covenant. Misunderstood by believers and non-believers alike, for thousands of years.
How many wars and murders has Christianity benn involved with? Christians are a bunch self serving brainwashed apologists for the criminally insane. Why because people die everyday for a mystical figure who is as real as the easter bunny and some day down the line you’ll see how all religions are just tools used to rulle the masses.
Lifels, it’s Islam that does it in religion’s name and that’s criminal for religion to kill in religion’s name.
Christians have stopped killing for their faith, a long time ago – Islam’s now a dinosaur in the fact of killing people and it’s now the monster of the world.
Islam must be outlawed worldwide, all mosque-building stopped and all Korans banned in the world even in the Far East like in Thailand etc…. where the killing goes on, unabated, day by day: Islam is monstrous, the worst thing in the world today.
The problem I see here is divide and conquer at its finest but some day a little further down the line we must prepare ourselves for the realization that Jesus or whomever you call god(aliens) are not walking through that door>
Islam is the problem: why is always the Muslims who do the killing? We’ve got to get tough with them and forbid their religion as long as it kills people.
Like Yusuf Ibrahim comes from Indiana, we should slap Indiana with a ban on all selling of the Koran for 50 days in Indiana (enforced by the police) and raise that to 8 months if Ibrahim doesn’t show repentance and realizes he’d done evil and harmed Islam.
For example, if he’s asked: “Do you understand you’re destroying your religion Islam?”
and he answers: “No. Killing Coptics is a good deed.”… then slap Indiana with a 50 day Koran-ban.
Slap the place the guy comes from and the place where the attack happened.
If they kill people in Thailand tomorrow, slap the place the guys come from or just slap the place the attack happened.
Put in Koran-bans for 50 days to eight months and keep on adding time for as long as they guys don’t admit that their actions are killing Islam.
If the guys get blown up by their attack then we’re rid of them; just a 8-month ban is enough.
But if we catch them andhold them then we’ll make Islam disappear from the world for ever by slapping bigger ane bigger Koran-bans as long as they say their a ctions were good for Islam.
Prove them that they’re destroying Islam by being haters and killers. Destroy Islam day by day by Koran-banning ever logner and longer periods.
I can see the cops frisking u Muslims in Koran-searches like the TSA lol
islam does not teach not teach killing of all jews and christian go study Islam and then you will know
and the Quran mentions about Prophet Moses more then any other Prophet
12345, Islam kills people every day in terrorist attacks throughout the world even in the Far East, Thailand, India and inside the Islamic world the Muslims kill each other day after day.
It’s the worst thing in the world.
Supporting Islam is supporting n the Mob so shut up we’ll bulldoze YOUR MOSQUE. Happy?
You’ll save some people by fighting Islam.
Atlas Shrugs (Pam Geller) is cool and so is Geert Wilders. They want to wipe out Islam (ism) and say there’s no moderate Islam. Moderate Islam covers up for their Islamist madmen-cousins. It’s like the Mafia Mob. They’re all related. Nobody’s innocent in the Mafia.
i agree but not Islam people who call themselves muslims do these atrocious acts why blame Islam for the acts of people who dont know what their religion says in Islam it is forbidden to kill someone that is innocent
and Islam will not be wiped out Islam will rule the world the more people attack Islam the stronger it gets rememver this day when Islam and the Muslims are the ruling power in the world
No but the Talmud does for all of us none Jews.
islam does not teach not teach killing of all jews and christian go study Islam and then you will know123456
islam does not teach not teach killing of all jews and christian go study Islam and then you will know>
That’s not what the Taliban say.
They kill anyone in the world who’s not Islamic. They must be forbidden in the whole world and banned for all eternity because they’re evil.
You mean like these verses from the Quran
5:33 – The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement
9:123 – O you who believe! Fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness
8:12 – I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them
9:30 – And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah, and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah… Allah (Himself) fights against them. How perverse are they!
48:29 – Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. And those with him are hard (ruthless) against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves
9:29 Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
” …we are energy condensed light… ”
That is just as odiously arrogant as claiming a giant invisible fairy story character did it. You are claiming knowledge of the unknowable. You are a part of the problem just as they are. Other than that I agree with you.
So, your premise is “God is imaginary, and I have a YouTube link to prove it”? Get out of here man.
“Christians have stopped killing for their faith, a long time ago ”
That’s not true, Hitler wrote in his own book that he cleared Europe of Jews for the sake of Christianity. And Christian America funded him.
What has HALO got to do with it???
As soon as Christianity became legal in the Roman Empire by imperial edict (315), more and more pagan temples were destroyed by Christian mob. Pagan priests were killed.
Between 315 and 6th century thousands of pagan believers were slain.
Examples of destroyed Temples: the Sanctuary of Aesculap in Aegaea, the Temple of Aphrodite in Golgatha, Aphaka in Lebanon, the Heliopolis.
Christian priests such as Mark of Arethusa or Cyrill of Heliopolis were famous as “temple destroyer.” [DA468]
Pagan services became punishable by death in 356. [DA468]
Christian Emperor Theodosius (408-450) even had children executed, because they had been playing with remains of pagan statues. [DA469]
According to Christian chroniclers he “followed meticulously all Christian teachings…”
In 6th century pagans were declared void of all rights.
In the early fourth century the philosopher Sopatros was executed on demand of Christian authorities. [DA466]
The world famous female philosopher Hypatia of Alexandria was torn to pieces with glass fragments by a hysterical Christian mob led by a Christian minister named Peter, in a church, in 415.
Emperor Karl (Charlemagne) in 782 had 4500 Saxons, unwilling to convert to Christianity, beheaded. [DO30]
Peasants of Steding (Germany) unwilling to pay suffocating church taxes: between 5,000 and 11,000 men, women and children slain 5/27/1234 near Altenesch/Germany. [WW223]
15th century Poland: 1019 churches and 17987 villages plundered by Knights of the Order. Number of victims unknown. [DO30]
16th and 17th century Ireland. English troops “pacified and civilized” Ireland, where only Gaelic “wild Irish”, “unreasonable beasts lived without any knowledge of God or good manners, in common of their goods, cattle, women, children and every other thing.” One of the more successful soldiers, a certain Humphrey Gilbert, half-brother of Sir Walter Raleigh, ordered that “the heddes of all those (of what sort soever thei were) which were killed in the daie, should be cutte off from their bodies… and should bee laied on the ground by eche side of the waie”, which effort to civilize the Irish indeed caused “greate terrour to the people when thei sawe the heddes of their dedde fathers, brothers, children, kinsfolke, and freinds on the grounde”.
Tens of thousands of Gaelic Irish fell victim to the carnage. [SH99, 225]
Crusades (1095-1291)
First Crusade: 1095 on command of pope Urban II. [WW11-41]
Semlin/Hungary 6/24/96 thousands slain. Wieselburg/Hungary 6/12/96 thousands. [WW23]
9/9/96-9/26/96 Nikaia, Xerigordon (then Turkish), thousands respectively. [WW25-27]
Until January 1098 a total of 40 capital cities and 200 castles conquered (number of slain unknown) [WW30]
After 6/3/98 Antiochia (then Turkish) conquered, between 10,000 and 60,000 slain. 6/28/98 100,000 Turks (incl. women and children) killed.
Here the Christians “did no other harm to the women found in [the enemy's] tents – save that they ran their lances through their bellies,” according to Christian chronicler Fulcher of Chartres. [EC60]
Marra (Maraat an-numan) 12/11/98 thousands killed. Because of the subsequent famine “the already stinking corpses of the enemies were eaten by the Christians” said chronicler Albert Aquensis. [WW36]
So this is your Christianty. You are lying too much with hatred. Maybe You think this is 16th century where your demons were killing innocent civlians in Americas! Yes, this guy and you are kinda same for two reasons! You like killing Muslims. You are demon! nothing makes a difference when one kills in the name of religion while he is not following the religion
s soon as Christianity became legal in the Roman Empire by imperial edict (315), more and more pagan temples were destroyed by Christian mob. Pagan priests were killed.
Between 315 and 6th century thousands of pagan believers were slain.
Examples of destroyed Temples: the Sanctuary of Aesculap in Aegaea, the Temple of Aphrodite in Golgatha, Aphaka in Lebanon, the Heliopolis.
Christian priests such as Mark of Arethusa or Cyrill of Heliopolis were famous as “temple destroyer.” [DA468]
Pagan services became punishable by death in 356. [DA468]
Christian Emperor Theodosius (408-450) even had children executed, because they had been playing with remains of pagan statues. [DA469]
According to Christian chroniclers he “followed meticulously all Christian teachings…”
In 6th century pagans were declared void of all rights.
In the early fourth century the philosopher Sopatros was executed on demand of Christian authorities. [DA466]
The world famous female philosopher Hypatia of Alexandria was torn to pieces with glass fragments by a hysterical Christian mob led by a Christian minister named Peter, in a church, in 415.
Oh I get it, you’re trying to find the hypocrisy as if to deflect blame or try to equate this with other belief systems. Nice try, and I’m sure you think it’s cute, but when was the last time someone actually acted on what you just posted? BTW, it’s Deut 13:6-9, and has nothing to do with other beliefs as they are, but evil men trying to persuade good men from falling away from the true faith to worship false gods. The Islamic radical you’re trying to poorly defend, beheaded two people ONLY because of their beliefs.
Again, nice try, it’s real cute, I’m sure the college professors will give you an automatic A and a gold star for following their program. Anything taken out of context is just that, taken out of context, and irrelevant to the discussion.
The so-called “Christian wars”, are nothing in comparison to the death toll, in the 20th century alone, under the hand of Atheist regimes. Even the Jihadists can’t top that one. So get your facts together before you spout off just because you HATE Christians (without cause), and you HATE everyone who isn’t just like you.
> 123456
and Islam will not be wiped out Islam will rule the world the more people attack Islam the stronger it gets rememver this day when Islam and the Muslims are the ruling power in the world>
Hitler was destroyed. Islam will be destroyed. ISLAM WILL NOT DOMINATE THE WORLD LIKE HITLER.
Islam is the worst thing in the world. It must be destroyed. The Koran must be forbidden worldwide.
As soon as Christianity became legal in the Roman Empire by imperial edict (315), more and more pagan temples were destroyed by Christian mob. Pagan priests were killed.
Between 315 and 6th century thousands of pagan believers were slain.
Examples of destroyed Temples: the Sanctuary of Aesculap in Aegaea, the Temple of Aphrodite in Golgatha, Aphaka in Lebanon, the Heliopolis.
Christian priests such as Mark of Arethusa or Cyrill of Heliopolis were famous as “temple destroyer.” [DA468]
Pagan services became punishable by death in 356. [DA468]
Christian Emperor Theodosius (408-450) even had children executed, because they had been playing with remains of pagan statues. [DA469]
According to Christian chroniclers he “followed meticulously all Christian teachings…”
In 6th century pagans were declared void of all rights.
In the early fourth century the philosopher Sopatros was executed on demand of Christian authorities. [DA466]
The world famous female philosopher Hypatia of Alexandria was torn to pieces with glass fragments by a hysterical Christian mob led by a Christian minister named Peter, in a church, in 415.
Emperor Karl (Charlemagne) in 782 had 4500 Saxons, unwilling to convert to Christianity, beheaded. [DO30]
Peasants of Steding (Germany) unwilling to pay suffocating church taxes: between 5,000 and 11,000 men, women and children slain 5/27/1234 near Altenesch/Germany. [WW223]
15th century Poland: 1019 churches and 17987 villages plundered by Knights of the Order. Number of victims unknown. [DO30]
16th and 17th century Ireland. English troops “pacified and civilized” Ireland, where only Gaelic “wild Irish”, “unreasonable beasts lived without any knowledge of God or good manners, in common of their goods, cattle, women, children and every other thing.” One of the more successful soldiers, a certain Humphrey Gilbert, half-brother of Sir Walter Raleigh, ordered that “the heddes of all those (of what sort soever thei were) which were killed in the daie, should be cutte off from their bodies… and should bee laied on the ground by eche side of the waie”, which effort to civilize the Irish indeed caused “greate terrour to the people when thei sawe the heddes of their dedde fathers, brothers, children, kinsfolke, and freinds on the grounde”.
Tens of thousands of Gaelic Irish fell victim to the carnage. [SH99, 225]
Crusades (1095-1291)
First Crusade: 1095 on command of pope Urban II. [WW11-41]
Semlin/Hungary 6/24/96 thousands slain. Wieselburg/Hungary 6/12/96 thousands. [WW23]
9/9/96-9/26/96 Nikaia, Xerigordon (then Turkish), thousands respectively. [WW25-27]
Until January 1098 a total of 40 capital cities and 200 castles conquered (number of slain unknown) [WW30]
After 6/3/98 Antiochia (then Turkish) conquered, between 10,000 and 60,000 slain. 6/28/98 100,000 Turks (incl. women and children) killed.
Here the Christians “did no other harm to the women found in [the enemy's] tents – save that they ran their lances through their bellies,” according to Christian chronicler Fulcher of Chartres. [EC60]
Marra (Maraat an-numan) 12/11/98 thousands killed. Because of the subsequent famine “the already stinking corpses of the enemies were eaten by the Christians” said chronicler Albert Aquensis. [WW36]
Feb 20, 2013, 9:46 pm Like Dislike Report SPAM Reply
So this is your Christianty. You are lying too much with hatred. Maybe You think this is 16th century where your demons were killing innocent civlians in Americas! Yes, this guy and you are kinda same for two reasons! You like killing Muslims. You are demon! nothing makes a difference when one kills in the name of religion while he is not following the religion
s soon as Christianity became legal in the Roman Empire by imperial edict (315), more and more pagan temples were destroyed by Christian mob. Pagan priests were killed.
Between 315 and 6th century thousands of pagan believers were slain.
Examples of destroyed Temples: the Sanctuary of Aesculap in Aegaea, the Temple of Aphrodite in Golgatha, Aphaka in Lebanon, the Heliopolis.
Christian priests such as Mark of Arethusa or Cyrill of Heliopolis were famous as “temple destroyer.” [DA468]
Pagan services became punishable by death in 356. [DA468]
Christian Emperor Theodosius (408-450) even had children executed, because they had been playing with remains of pagan statues. [DA469]
According to Christian chroniclers he “followed meticulously all Christian teachings…”
In 6th century pagans were declared void of all rights.
In the early fourth century the philosopher Sopatros was executed on demand of Christian authorities. [DA466]
The world famous female philosopher Hypatia of Alexandria was torn to pieces with glass fragments by a hysterical Christian mob led by a Christian minister named Peter, in a church, in 415.
keep thinking that and when ISLAM takes over the world be sure to come back here and tell vey k u ignorant lil man
It is only forbidden to kill another “innocent” muslim all others are open game!
(P)Islam will never rule the world. This murderous death cult is destine to destroy itself & all who follow it! You and your people are doomed, but you are to blind or stupid to know it!
ur so ignorant but thats ok u’ll find out one day