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By Mort Amsel (Reporter)
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The Real Powers Behind President Barack Obama

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Barack Obama is truly not the President of the United States. He is not a powerful person at all. Rather, he is a front man for more powerful entities that hide in the shadows.

The real power in the world is not the United States, Russia, or even China. It is Rome. The Roman Catholic Church (Vatican) is the single most powerful force in the world.  

However, the Vatican has been under the control of it’s largest all-male order, the Jesuits. The Jesuits were created in 1534 to serve as the “counter-reformation” — the arm of the Church that would help to fight the Muslims and the Protestant Reformers. However, they fought with espionage. The Jesuits were expelled from at least 83 countries and cities for subversion, espionage, treason, and other such things. Samuel Morse said that the Jesuits were the foot soldiers in the Holy Alliance (Europe and the Vatican) plan to destroy the United States (Congress of Vienna). Marquis Lafayette stated that the Jesuits were behind most of the wars in Europe, and that they would be the ones to take liberty from the United States.

The head of the Jesuit Order is Adolfo Nicholas. His title is Superior General of the Jesuits. The use of the rank “general” is because the Jesuits are, in reality, a military organization.

Nicholas, as the Jesuit General, is the most powerful man in the world. He ultimately issues the commands that are administered by drones like Obama.

The Jesuit General is nicknamed “The Black Pope” because he always wears black robes. Pope Benedict XIV is, thus, the “White Pope”.

Directly under the Jesuit General is Fr. James E. Grummer, S.J. — one of the five Jesuit priests who serve as direct “assistants” to the Jesuit General. Grummer is his American assistant, and controls the US Jesuit Conference. He is the controller of every American Jesuit university and every American Jesuit Provincial. The New York Provincial has the most contact with Grummer (as the top provincial).

Under Grummer is the President of the US Jesuit Conference, Fr. Thomas H. Smolich, S.J., who was the Jesuit Provincial of California during the reign of Governor Arnold Schwarznegger. Smolich was the power behind Arnold during these years. Smolich is a key force behind the planned Sino-Soviet-Muslim invasion, which the Jesuit Order is planning to use to bring down the United States. He is also actively involved in the orchestration of the Chinese-Mexican invasion.

Under Smolich is Fr. David S. Ciancimino, S.J., the Jesuit Provincial of New York. He is the top Jesuit Provinical in the United States, as New York is the capital of the Jesuit Order’s power (that’s why it was chosen as the staging area for 9/11). Here, Ciancimino (and the Jesuits beneath him) control Wall Street, the NYSE, and the Federal Reserve Bank. Ciancimino controls Archbishop Timothy Dolan, the most powerful Roman Catholic official in the United States who is not a Jesuit. Ciancimino is an occultist, as are many other top Jesuits.

Directly under Ciancimino is Fr. Joseph M. McShane, S.J., who is the President of Fordham University — the Jesuit college of New York, and the Jesuits’ military stronghold there. It is through McShane that the Jesuits (led by Ciancimino in New York) control Archbishop Timothy Dolan. He has become known as the “penholder” for Dolan. He wears a decorative necklace that features an equilateral triangle, a Masonic symnol of the Risen Horus.

Under the control of these powerful Jesuits is Pope Benedict XIV, the Vicar of Christ (Horus) and the current Roman Papal Caesar. He represents Osiris in mystery-school/occult mythology.

Below Pope Benedict XIV is the Timothy Dolan, the Archbishop of New York. Dolan is the “American Pope” and the “Archbishop of the Capital of the World”. He heads the American branches of the Knights of Malta and Knights of Columbus. He is a likely occultist and the controller of American Freemasonry, the CFR, the ADL (B’nai B’rith), the Pentagon, and the intelligence community.

Joseph A. O’Hare, S.J. is the President Emeritus of Fordham University and the man directly under Egan. He is a Knight of Malta and has presided over CFR meetings as Egan’s operative. He is an adviser to David Rockefeller (Knight of Malta), Henry Kissinger (Knight of Malta), and Mayor Michael Bloomberg of New York. He is, thus, the Jesuit who directly controls the city mayor. He is also the Jesuit who controls the Rockefeller-Kissinger apparatus, of which the CFR is a key part.

O’Hare is a devoted Zionist who supports the State of Israel, which was created in 1948 by the United Nations (UN) — a creation of the Archbishop of New York’s Council on Foreign relations). It was Archbishop Francis Spellman of New York who solicited votes at the UN for Israel. Spellman played a key role in Israel’s founding. The founder of Zionism was Theodor Herzl, who had frequent meetings with the Pope and had once planned to lead the jewish people in a “mass conversion” to Roman Catholicism. The true designers, financiers, and promoters of Zionism are the Rothschilds, who Encyclopedia Judaica describes as “guardians of the papal treasure”. That’s right — the Rothschilds are the banking agents of the Papacy. The State of Israel is just the revived Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, and it’s under the Vatican’s thumb.

Below O’Hare is John J. DeGioa, the President of Georgetown University. DeGioa is also a Knight of Malta and a member of the CFR. He is one of the over-seers of the State of Israel.

Below DeGioa, we find Richard N. Haas — the Chairman of the CFR. Haas is ultimately simply a lowly agent of Archbishop Egan. Haas is a Jewish Labor Zionist and oversees the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). These Jewish Zionists are mainly just Papal Court jewish people.

Below Haas is Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was a member of the CFR, Bilderberg Group, and Trilateral Commission. Brzezinski had co-founded the Trilateral Commission. He was a Knight of Malta, as was the other founder of the Trilateral Commission – David Rockefeller. Brzezinski is a Polish Roman Catholic and an adviser to Georgetown University.

Brzezinski was Soetoro’s professor at Columbia University, and recruited him for presidential grooming. Are we beginning to see the big picture?

Once Brzezinski created “presidential candidate” Obama, his campaign was financed and promoted by the multi-billionaire behind hundreds of organizations on the “political left” — George Soros. Soros was a high-ranking CFR member and a member of the Carlyle Group, an international corporation that served as a front for the Vatican. Soros, a Hungarian jewish, was a strong socialist-communist (like Brzezinski). Like Haas, Brzezinski was a Papal Court jewish and a Labor Zionist. He is also a Freemason. He is a friend of Rupert Murdoch. Soros is a major stockholder in Halliburton.

Murdoch is the protector of Obama, controlling his opposition. Murdoch was knighted by the Pope in 1998 for making large contributions to the Roman Catholic Church. He has said that his corporation – News Corp – is “just like the Jesuits” while speaking at Georgetown University. Murdoch is a member of the CFR.

Joseph R. Biden is the Vice President, and is directly under the Vatican’s big-wheel operatives (Soros and Murdoch). He is Roman Catholic and has been honored at two Jesuit universities. His son is a Jesuit volunteer and a lobbyist for a Jesuit university he attended.

Under the guidance of Biden, we find Barack Obama, a 32nd Degree Freemason who has been trained in Romanism.


I always wondered how much sway the Vatican still has in the year 2014.  They use to be an obvious powerhouse.  Kings and Queens bowed before the Pope and did what he told them to do.  That is just not the case anymore.  Even within the church itself, power dwindles.  Scandal, abuse and a lack of faith has been eating the church, and every church in every religion, from the inside out.  And since when did Freemasons and Catholics get along?  Conspiracies are funny like that..  Keep in mind, Protestants have never liked Catholics. -Mort

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    Total 63 comments
    • Josey Wales


      • Anonymous

        Hudes conveniently forgot to inform us that Mudoch is a JEW, not a jesuit. His MOTHER IS JEWISH.

        Hudes is another manufactured “Whistleblower” ala Assange and Snowden, Alex Jones etc whose job is to cover for the ZIONISTS.
        ZIONIST MASONS are at the top of the pyramid steering everything below. What the jew Hudes, refuses to reveal, is that Ignatius Loyola was a JEW, as was Xtian “convert” Adam Weishaupt. The most notable “Xtian convert” was Karl Marx (Mordechai ‘Marduk’ Levy) who came from a long line of rabbi rabble and took dictation from The Elders of Zion to write Communist Manifesto, which is simply secular TALMUDISM.

        The eastern European jews back in the middle ages had a council decreeing that to infiltrate their enemies was far more effective than head-on warfare. One term was “Marrano jews”- or in Turkey called Donmeh Turks etc according to nation…This has been their policy ever since.

        Jewish Hudes also neglects to mention that the ROTHSCHILDS have controlled the VATICAN BANK since 1832.

        Churchill- jew. (Mother American Jenny Jerome). Eisenhower- Swedish jewish pedigree etc etc. Now we have Obama whose mama was jewish, like Kate Middleton whose mother’s maiden name was Goldsmith and on it goes. The Supreme English Law of the Land is not the Queen Mother- who must bow down to the Rothschild Mayor of The City of London upon entry- not vice versa. That is documented FACT.

        It was Bnai B’rith that controls the British Israelists and the zionists run that show. I dont have much use for the Pope- never did- but to say he outranks the zionist Pharisee Grand Masons is just tired, and uninformed.
        Dont bother presenting the zio-criminals as victims and “tools” just used by the Vatican (and by extension persecuted by the Xtian world). That manipulation is 100% garbage and any who really digs the archives knows it. The NWO Plan began long before Jesus arrived, and the “Hebrew/Nibirew” scum are still running the same scam today.

        Bingo. Jarett is Iranian JEW, hiding as a “Muslim” to incite Islamophobia. This is done by strategically OMITTING that she is jewish, until she is asked or confronted head on.

        Just like Rahm Emanuel was Mossad handler… Where is the Vatican equivalent of Rahm or Jarrett? MIA. When the JESUITS have more power than AIPAC ? Give us a call. lolol
        what sheer rubbish! another phony disinfo shark, and as usual a jew.

        • Anonymous

          “New York is the capital of the Jesuit Order’s power (that’s why it was chosen as the staging area for 9/11). Here, Ciancimino (and the Jesuits beneath him) control Wall Street, the NYSE, and the Federal Reserve Bank. ”

          LOLOL so now its the VATICAN behind 911!! Not the Mossad? No sale dude. I’ve never seen such assinine trash as this. Cui bono? The Vatican? HOW? 911 was a jewish operation from soup to nuts.
          The jews control it all via their Masonic franchises across the world. Masonry= zionism for the stupid goyim. The Babylonian system was brought back from Babylon exile by the Pharisees and pushed by the demonic satanist, King Solomon- long before Jesus was born and 1000+ yrs before the “Vatican” was cooked up. The Vatican is another Zionist/Pharisee tool to implement world domination- not vice versa. Even timeline sequentially, Vatican the creator of NWO is an obvious LIE.

        • Anonymous

          What in God’s name are you smoking???

      • Anonymous

        :twisted: hilarious article!

    • GK

      Aaaaahahahahahah. Do you actually believe the stuff you typed here?! This is a massive load of unsubstantiated, speculative garbage, and no rational human being would give this a second glance.

      • fuzzy696

        And what theory do you have……until you give us one STFU.

        • INSIGNIA777

          Have pity on him. He expresses no reasoning, no interpretations or any knowledge of the subject at hand, but only vile outburst of ignorance and discontent.

          Unless the “Wales” are the yelping of a shills attempt at misguidance. (I like the childish funny round face laughing… feeble)

      • equal eyes

        Actually, no rational human being would give you a second glance

      • Anonymous

        Short and sweet Karen. Beautiful!
        You could have written a hundred times as much true grit but you made your point succinct and exact.
        When the Vatican stands up in Jerusalem it will take away the breath of the world, in more ways than one.
        The Church of Rome and the Sanhedrin are ONE in mind and body but they will perish as though cleaved in two.
        Look forward to the Doom of Damascus in just 4 months. Beginning of the end.

    • raptor45

      Save yourselves everyone……turn catlick rat now!!. :lol:

    • capoprimo

      What load of crapola, unfounded and completely devoid of facts.

    • Al Case

      Actually, my vote goes for the Rothchilds. The catholic church has a checkered past, and they are definitely a money power, but the rothchilds own the fed, control Soros, and Obama and a bunch of other minor but key players. Al from

      • INSIGNIA777

        Why is anyone surprised of these revelations.

        We are living under the same global financial enslavement mechanism, that was employed in ancient Babylon.

        This is the cherished “secret” that the elite world banking system has held in high esteem, for hundreds of years. (start in the city of London, Rothschild’s)

        The pedal was pushed to the metal in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act, instigated by the London Rothschild families Satanic, monetary manipulation of “print as thou will” currency. (currency is not money, look it up)

        Ultimate enslavement and control under the guidance of their Babylon god, Lucifer.

        Been there… Done that. There is nothing new under the sun.

      • Anonymous

        tried toi give you an UP vote, but the tabulator kept erasing it. hmmmm

    • LiberalsRCommies

      Anyone who has had close contact with Jesuits and spent time studying their history can figure this out fairly easily. The Jesuits are the Vatican’s KGB. Everything that was said in the story above is absolutely right. One thing they left out is that the Vatican is NOT in control of the world, they are just one piece of the ruling class. The International Banking Cartel (Federal Reserve in this country) owns a big chunk as well as the Freemasons. When you look at the head of each of these organizations you will see jews. For instance you cannot rise above the 30th degree in freemasonry unless you have jewish blood. Pope Paul 2 real name was Katz. His mother was Wanda Katz and if you know anything about Judaism if your mother is a jew you are automatically a jew.

      • Болеслава

        Its not a crime to be a Jew. Nor is it a reflection on your character. I can’t figure out how people like you and Br Nathanael even exist.

        • madmike9

          Question… Not all Jews are bankers but all bankers are Jews. true or false?

    • angelfood

      Amen to this. It is Rome. Rome is playing the major role toward the end of times.

    • dimitri

      So it’s been the Jewsuits all along. Damn. Can’t trust anyone.

    • Leostar

      Thank you Karen for all your hard work at exposing the truth. Obviously many (most?) people who read this are of lower consciousness and cannot grasp what is actually happening in the world, they would rather believe the Cabal’s lies than the truth, it’s so much easier than checking it out for themselves. WHAT WOULD KAREN HAVE TO GAIN BY LYING OR MAKING THIS UP ??? NOTHING. What does she gain by exposing the truth? peace of mind in that she is revealing the deadly situation we are in that she was exposed to as a HIGH RANKING LAWYER for the World Bank. Instead of accepting the evil and hiding, she is extremely courageous and risking her life by revealing the truth. Many others have ‘disappeared’ while making the effort.

      • Ahura Madza

        Speaking the truth must never be stopped by the fear of reprisal or ridicule.
        As Orwell has been quoted as saying “In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”

    • Anonymous

      Karen, Your as big a liar as Obama, fiction not news is what you are spreading. Only a complete and total Liberal could lie like this and the story is false from start to finish. I will pray for God to forgive you for all your lies and hate. I can see the Devil himself in your writing, no hiding that he moves the fingers who wrote this lying sinful puke. :evil:

      • equal eyes

        you sound like you are suffering from a low IQ brought on by the fluoride and GMOs you’ve been consuming.

        Another wake-up call here please.

      • greyfox

        interesting how some people refuse to look outside the box and research information. Don’t confuse them w the facts, same thing w the President, they don’t want his facts either.

    • _2Lolo

      The Catholic Church is the one true church of our Lord Jesus Christ. When the gates opened, releasing Satan and three of his demons, their first destiny was for the Vatican. This occurred in 1972 according to the interior locutions from The Blessed Mother of God in the Bayside Prophecies. Of course, the Catholic Church, now controlled by Satan and the Communists, have rejected the prophecies, which included the revelation of Pope John Paul I’s murder by Cardinal Villot.

      • _2Lolo

        I meant to say, when the gates of HELL were released for Satan. However, there no question a lot of harm was done to the RCC prior to 1972. Refer to the parable of the wheat and tares in Matthew 13:36-43, of the devils infiltration and the warp of human DNA (Noah’s and latter day times). Also, Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuit Order, was an uneducated womanizing swashbuckler in the royal Spanish courts before becoming enamoured with St Francis of Assisi and other saints. He was warned repeatedly from the RCC for his many ‘errors’ with regards to paganism (Satanism) from the sacred (his visions of a beautiful eyeless serpent) which lead to his establishing his own school, the Jesuit Order, and we know the rest of this history.

    • Mirabolin

      God damn gentiles! Who needs a gay mafia when you’ve got all the gentiles. Abnegating Commies the lot of them!

    • Jess

      Rome itself is not the empire mentioned in the bible it is a symbol of the countries
      That made up the Roman empire when they migrated from the black sea into Germany and then
      Italy which was gog and magog which will make up the final Roman empire.
      Thats why the bible says they will be of the ancestry that destroyed Jerusalem in AD 70

    • Other Mr. T.


      • Jess

        Its sad you can’t see strait you just believe everything your told instead
        of understanding what God Say’s for yourself.

    • BuelahMan


      What a maroon.

    • Болеслава

      Basically it boils down to this. If you’re American and you watch tv you are insane. This could easily be proven scientifically. . . if only the scientists didn’t watch tv.

    • Болеслава

      it is true that Rome is now the seat of the prophet of the antichrist, Francis 1.

      St Francis of Assisis himself was not a priest so I’m not sure even that title is legitimate for a Pope.

      The antichrist himself has not revealed himself yet.

      When he does I will post the info immediately.

      This antipope as well as the antichrist work by deception. Only those with discernment will escape their demonic spell

      • Jess

        Wrong the seat of the Antichrist head quarters will be Jerusalem.
        Just before Armegedon. Good gracious read the Bible

        • Болеслава

          how bout yu read it to me esp. the part where it says jesusalem will be the seat of the antichrist. the one world religion is being formed now in rome not in jerusalem. no one would buy a one world religion out of jerusalem, esp. the jews…who happen to run the city in case yo0u haven’t noticed.

        • Jess

          2 Thess chapter 2-verse 4
          Ezekiel 38 Gog Magog the Armies of the Anti Christ
          Daniel 9-27
          Matthew 24 verse 15

    • Anonymous

      It’s difficult to comment for fear of adding attention to this article. What I find amazing is the obvious amount of work that has been done to gather some facts being wasted on such a conclusion.
      No, it is far better to remain silent than to theorize for the sake of theorizing. One can remain neutral without ignorance.
      I hope that the author focuses more upon patience in her investigative endeavors, for the work is noble to search and research beyond measure. It is The Way.
      But to gain ability to resist the temptation of concluding…
      Unless of course, the work is designed to misdirect.
      There, I have offered two choices, a third if tacitly the suggestion of doing nothing is gleaned.

      Finally, some levity: The old saying, if I told you I’d have to____ you, certainly comes to mind here. Anyone who had factual information even this deep better be using a nom de plume.

    • robobbob

      “Keep in mind, Protestants have never liked Catholics….”
      How about the Catholics spent several centuries KILLING Protestants, and others. This is not a small detail to be buried in history past. The Jesuit war against the “heretics” just took on a covert form, but is still in full force.
      Good overall article Mort, though IMHO the Jesuits are just one of several high level factions that are pulling the strings.

      • wunmansho

        Catholics are going to react to protestants in the same way politicians and bureaucrats would react to a downsizing of government…diverting funds is a hit on the status quo.


      Behind all of this explanation by Miss Hudes are the real ”shadow puppeteers”
      – they are Other Worlders and we do have a couple of names for them
      The ”Tall Whites” of Tom Hall and ”Grayles” from Marcab in Pegasus
      and from Al Kaid in Ursa Major. The CIA is comprised of these guys.
      Then of course there are factions of the Anakim who are involved
      and are the masterminds of our monetary system.(YHWH/Enlil for one)
      These people look just like we do, if you include Brzezinski as looking like we do.
      According to 2 49 4 in the texts it is the ”Seneca” to the president who is the puppeteer.
      Seneca was born Hispanic as is Juan Verde Suárez who is International Co-Chair for the re-election campaign of President Barack Obama
      In addition to developing and directing a strategy designed to mobilize millions of American citizens residing outside of the United States, Mr. Verde serves as an advisor to President Obama on international trade, Hispanic vote and Sustainability related issues” (Wiki, not that one can believe Wiki all the time).
      There is a line in the quatrains: It is quatrain 1 4, …
      line 4 ”When the ship of papacy [age of the fish A.D] will be lost, governed to its greatest detriment”. … the word ‘ship’ means the Earth.
      The word which is used in this quatrain line has been interpreted as ”papacy”
      it is ”piscature” which means ”fish”.
      When one looks at the mitre (crown) of the pope, this is what it means –
      the age of the fish, not only the age of Pisces, but the fish symbol for Jesus.
      But there is a hidden meaning too (as always).
      The two opposing factions (three really including the line of our queen)
      for this age have been the Jewish nation of YHWH/Enlil (Azkhenazi the ”banksters”)
      and the Papal (the other reptilian of Marduk or Ninurta/Oannes. The symbol of Ninurta is the 2 headed eagle).
      If we take this quatrain line ”governed to its greatest detriment” meaning we have been the slaves to the papacy on the one hand (but also to the Azkhenazi who run America on the other hand).
      Where does Rockefeller fit in with these factions?
      Which side? Marduk/Ninurta or the Azkhenazi (who ”play” both sides).
      If we stand back and look at what is happening in Southern Afrika (Marduk) against Egypt, we will eventually see that Egypt will be warring with South Afrika.
      So who is really running Egypt? The outcome will affect us all.
      Plus make a lot of money for the armaments providers. (The queen is one)
      OBAMA from the texts hiden by Nostradamus
      1 33 1 Pres d’vn grant pont de plaine fpatieufe
      [Apple tree zodiac is Yuletide/Capricorn)
      (and hog tied Muslim fashion 4 85)
      (everywhere (Obama goes his DNA is wiped clean)
      this must be very important to gaining the true identity of the 'glove puppet' Obama
      It is dawning on me that the 'addiction' to this work is because of lines like this one
      1 33 2 Le grand lyon par forces Cefarees
      (delusions of grandeur, can only be Obama)
      1 33 3 Fera abbattre hors cite rigoreufe
      BRIEFER CARRIAGE THEREABOUTS in OS (shorter trips in Capricorn)
      IS CARRIER BAG OR THEREABOUTS FEE[which will cost him].
      OF ARAB CURSE, [Muslim?] BEG HERE
      [g.m.] CHEESE-BURGER IRRITATE in OS (Capricorn)
      does Abbot have a vested interest in Gina Rinehart’s industry?
      1 33 4 Par effroy portes luy feront referees
      (thinks he got away with the ”fry off”.
      Is this nuclearization/radioactivity?
      FURY OF SUPREME PERPETRATORS OFF [him – kill? this offender?
      (This would be the shadow corporate, the Marcabian Grayles from Pegasus
      (at a guess, this is saying to be independent of the corporate

      By the way 2Lolo
      in 11 97 sixaine Nostradamus says :
      NOMINATES HELL HAZARD AS HOCUS POCUS (Hades is a star gate)
      The gates of ”hell’ have always needed to be protected.
      The ”boogey man” has been ustilized for millenia
      Star gates is the more correct term.

    • Anonymous

      Much like the previous popes, Francis would not know The Lord even if The Lord actually could and did come down out of the sky and beat him like a mule. Francis is a short term lip service to help the weak of mind forget that the previous pope was run off by the Italian government for trafficking in children.

    • becomingme

      Vatican Assassins by Eric Jon Phelps, available online.

    • tsimitpo

      Who does she think she’s kidding? Anybody with half a brain knows that there isn’t anyone or any consortium with enough money and influence to have more pull than the all-powerful voters of America! [sarcasm off]

    • highwithaltitude

      Interesting article but I still believe that Valerie Jarrett is pulling all the strings!!!

      • Anonymous

        Bingo. Jarett is Iranian JEW, hiding as a “Muslim” to incite Islamophobia. This is done by strategically OMITTING that she is jewish, until she is asked or confronted head on.

        Just like Rahm Emanuel was Mossad handler… Where is the Vatican equivalent of Rahm or Jarrett? MIA. When the JESUITS have more power than AIPAC ? Give us a call. lolol
        what sheer rubbish! another phony disinfo shark, and as usual a jew.

      • vic_ious

        Valerie Jarrett is Obama’s handler. But don’t for a second think that she doesn’t have one as well.

    • mortimerzilch

      well that’s a Zionist rant if I ever heard one!


      🌐U Ye Left Out; why ALL The Pope Franchises WorshipSaturn BUTT Lucky :idea:
      🌐Laughing Buddha [Mort Amsel]‘s Not Blind / OtherWISE He wouldn’t ALL^SEE
      🌐sllıds ǝuıʍ ɹoɟ ǝpɐɯ ǝɹǝɥʍ / sǝoɥs pǝᴚ & ʇɐɥ pǝɯɯıɹq pǝᴚ :ʎƎʞ-Ǝ∩˥Ͻ-ϽIWSOϽ

    • Geotracker

      I must agree, she came to light just as the Zionist pulled ahead as “exposed” for what they truly are, the Jesuit story is meant to defuse the Zionist control and agenda (NWO takeover of America). Just more spin.
      Brother Nathanial hits the nail on the head.

    • Daybreak

      Difficult to fathom. I have Catholic friends and family. Not sure how kindly they would take to this story. I am aware of all the conspiracy theories mentioned and could probably add some to the lot, including conspiracy theories involving the mob, Mafia, military industrialists, bankers, Democrats, Republicans, Congress, Israel, Egypt… God is in His Heaven and He is in control. The plots of men will amount to nothing. They are spinning their wheels and they are their own worst enemies. I am going to send this link to several and ask them their opinion. I am not discounting anything she has said. I am not criticizing anything she has said. :eek:

    • Anonymous

      It’s not the Vatican, it’s the corporate plutocrats who run the show. They like to see people arguing about whether it’s the Jews or the Catholics. It takes the scrutiny off them.

    • Ahura Madza

      Insignia777 said “We are living under the same global financial enslavement mechanism that was employed in ancient Babylon.”
      I am totally on board with that statement.
      I say the same, but add, “Since before the time of ancient Babylon”
      The way I see it, there has always been a need for control systems, a mutual survival requirement where, as a group, we decide upon a system and a way of managing that system in which we all benefit. Over time the system matures and the certain leaders gain more and more power and elevate themselves to the self-given status of elite. This requirement/need relationship has been played over and over again. Each time it has failed and been replaced, at great cost, by something or someone new.
      At one time, when populations were small, the control groups were small and local. Likely they lasted for only short periods. They grew to city states, then Empires and each system growing in power and longevity.
      The Catholic System
      Prior to the “Catholic Religion” the Romans defeated the Carthage Mercenary armies with “patriotic” romans in the Punic wars (264 to 146 BC), but as the empire became too large they needed a control mechanism that would unite what would have been untenable territories under something other than the Roman Sword.
      In 313 AD Emperor Constantine the 1st saw such an opportunity in the struggling Christian Church and stopped their persecution, and In 380, under Emperor Theodosius I he made it the State Religion and they developed a system that could be used to capture their growing strength and use it for control over the diverse Roman holdings.
      It is a testament to the strength of the Catholic organization that it still exists with almost all its original structure.
      Like all organizations of control, they slide into obsolescence and begin to see challenges to their authority.
      For instance, Mort said “Keep in mind, Protestants have never liked Catholics. –Mort”
      So, where did Protestantism come from? In 1517 Martin Luther moved into action, and separated from the Popes control. I bet that was an unpopular event.
      In our world today, we have a huge power vacuum, unlike any in history.
      The deterioration is accelerating; word of the deterioration spreads around the world instantaneously.
      Which powers have brought us to this point are constantly in debate. Theories abound about who has caused this vacuum in our world today, like Illuminati, Jesuits, Zionists, Communists, Etc.
      One thing for certain is that a vacuum exists, and another thing for certain, there are many groups who are vying to take the reign and be that Elite group of Rulers.
      The stakes are enormous. Nothing less than the rule over the entire planet is up for tenure.
      Every organization existing is trying to influence the outcome; Islam, Catholics, Corporate powers, Political systems.
      There is one simple rule to watch for in all of this, which is: “The enemy of my enemy is my friend”
      Alliances are made and broken on an almost weekly basis.
      Is Al-Qaeda fighting for us, or are we fighting for them? Are we against Russia and China? Then why are we partaking in war games together?
      Each vying interest stands alone and attempts to locate an ally in the most unexpected places. Israel and Saudi Arabia for instance. (Not confirmed allies, but all the talk must have some bearing on reality)
      The bottom line, someone will be the big losers, and like Cartage in 146 BC the loser will not be just dominated, they will be wiped from the map.

    • Болеслава

      This is the woman who said the queen of England has been dethroned because of her involvement in child trafficking, in Canada. convicted by a court in said country.
      But last I looked the boob was still on its throne.

    • Anonymous

      Hudes is another manufactured “Whistleblower” ala Assange and Snowden, Alex Jones etc whose job is to cover for the ZIONISTS.
      ZIONIST MASONS are at the top of the pyramid steering everything below. What the jew Hudes, refuses to reveal, is that Ignatius Loyola was a JEW, as was Xtian “convert” Adam Weishaupt. The most notable “Xtian convert” was Karl Marx (Mordechai ‘Marduk’ Levy) who came from a long line of rabbi rabble and took dictation from The Elders of Zion to write Communist Manifesto, which is simply secular TALMUDISM.

      The eastern European jews back in the middle ages had a council decreeing that to infiltrate their enemies was far more effective than head-on warfare. One term was “Marrano jews”- or in Turkey called Donmeh Turks etc according to nation…This has been their policy ever since.

      Jewish Hudes also neglects to mention that the ROTHSCHILDS have controlled the VATICAN BANK since 1832.

      Churchill- jew. (Mother American Jenny Jerome). Eisenhower- Swedish jewish pedigree etc etc. Now we have Obama whose mama was jewish, like Kate Middleton whose mother’s maiden name was Goldsmith and on it goes. The Supreme Law of the Land is not the Queen Mother- who must bow down to the Mayor of The City of London upon entry- not vice versa. That is documented FACT.

      It was Bnai B’rith that controls the British Israelists and the zionists run that show. I dont have much use for the Pope- never did- but to say he outranks the zionist Pharisee Grand Masons is just tired, and uninformed.
      Dont bother presenting the zio-criminals as victims and “tools” just used by the Vatican (and by extension persecuted by the Xtian world). That manipulation is 100% garbage and any who really digs the archives knows it. The NWO Plan began long before Jesus arrived, and the “Hebrew/Nibirew” scum are still running the same scam today.

    • becomingme

      Look up a free nonfiction ebook,Vatican Assassins, by Eric Jon Phelps. In the book, he gives the history of the Vatican, and the real reason they are the ones in control. Hint: They never really stopped the Holy Inquisition until possibly the time Pope John Paul II apologized for it. And even then, with all the wars still going on around the world, I doubt it.
      Look up Operation Paperclip, when thousands of Nazi’s escaped to the Vatican, and they were given papers and passports to various countries by the Vatican.
      And also the 3rd Godfather movie, where the Godfather kneels in front of the Pope and kisses the ring? What do you think that means???

    • chefjim

      The Vatican is simply drenched in Satanic symbolism and awash in evil. It is the seat of the Woman that rides the beast of Revelation 17. The Vatican is the seat of antichrist and if you can read the whole bible, have a good knowledge of what it says by using the proper hermeneutics and treating it as a WHOLE instead of parts then by the time you get to Revelation, you will see perfectly that the Vatican is the ONLY place that fits the description given in Rev. 17 and 18.

    • Rose

      Not one mention of de Rothschild? How convenient, why not lie about your enemy “The Catholic Church,” and then let the useful idiots burn it down for you. Sheesh, just because Hudes is a World Bank lawyer doesn’t make her honest. No doubt the Church has its scoundrels as do all the institutions of this world we live in, but to claim they are the head of the snake is more telling about this messenger, the fact that she is still breathing and using BIN as her format is another sign, imho.

    • Bohunk

      From who is controlling Obama to the Catholic Church is this article rambling on. The author has managed to exploit several conspiracy theories in an attempt to ad substance to am article a bit short of it. In my opinion. the author only managed to confuse the intent of the article with superfluous unproven insinuations. It appears the author either didn’t have enough information to the article or just has a short attention span. This article left me without any valid information. It left me yawning, disappointed, and feeling that I have wasted my time reading it.

    • MSG Chicken

      If these people are so powerful they certainly did not influence me when I went to buy eggs for breakfast this morning and took a dump after.

    • Busta Myth

      Great Article that is VERY LIKELY, SPOT ON!

      I have just recently started looking in to the crazy world of Politics since the EU turned in to a disfunctional Freak Zone that resembles something Adolf Hitler wanted, as for America, it already looks like Nazi Germany

      It was the Vatican, Prescott Bush and the Wallstreet Banksters that put Adolf Hitler and the Nazis in to power, and it was the Vatican that smuggled out loads of Nazi Scum and their loot AFTER WW2 and America HIRED tens of thousands of Nazi scum bag war criminals including Hitlers Arab Nazis aka The Muslim Brotherhood who they sent to live in Said Arabia, they taught Osama Bin Laden a thing or two

      911 was the “American” equivalent of Hitlers Reichstag Fire in 1933, is it any surprise!, they are Jesuits like Adolf Hitler was !

      Anybody seen the Jesuit Oath?

      ” heretofore you have been taught to act the dissembler: among Roman Catholics to be a Roman Catholic, and to be a spy even among your own brethren; to believe no man, to trust no man. Among the Reformers, to be a Reformer; among the Huguenots, to be a Huguenot; among the Calvinists, to be a Calvinist; among other Protestants, generally to be a Protestant; and obtaining their confidence, to seek even to preach from their pulpits, and to denounce with all the vehemence in your nature our Holy Religion and the Pope; and even to descend so low as to become a Jew among Jews, that you might be enabled to gather together all information for the benefit of your Order as a faithful soldier of the Pope. You have been taught to plant insidiously the seeds of jealousy and hatred between communities, provinces, states that were at peace, and to incite them to deeds of blood, involving them in war with each other, and to create revolutions and civil wars in countries that were independent and prosperous, cultivating the arts and the sciences and enjoying the blessings of peace; to take sides with the combatants and to act secretly with your brother Jesuit, who might be engaged on the other side, but openly opposed to that with which you might be connected, only that the Church might be the gainer in the end”

      keep reading below…it gets much better :eek:

      Obviously the vast majority of Catholics would not agree to what the Jesuits are doing , if they knew, but they are oblivious

    • kengg

      EXACT PROOF JESUITS KILL U.S. PRESIDENTS & Many Famous Leaders and Women the Church/Jesuits Deem “Witches” (princess Diana, Indira Gandhi, Benazir Bhutto, Rosa Luxemburg, Whitney Houston… while tormenting others like Yulia Tymoshenko…) HOW THIS NEW PRAETORIAN GUARD STAGES TERROR ATTACKS, WARS, GENOCIDES, QUAKES…

    • Are you sure!!

      Its all true and I cant believe people dont know it yet. People who dont know are people too arrogant to read it all written down cause theyre too scared to believe in Jewish History cause its in a book called the bible. Its not just Jewish history , its the history of all mankind. if you cant see that then I guess your not meant to. Sorry for your sorry ass.

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