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Celente – Putin, Ukraine, World War III & Einstein’s Warning

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King World News

Today the top trends forecaster in the world spoke with King World News about Putin, Ukraine, World War II and Albert Einstein’s warning. Below is what Gerald Celente, founder of Trends Research and the man considered to be the top trends forecaster in the world, had to say in this remarkable interview.

Celente: “When you read the headlines, ‘Putin Puts Forces On Alert,’ you should take them seriously. As I see it, this is just one more intervention by the United States and the European Union into a country and destabilizing it with ‘no exit strategy.’….

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    Question   Razz  Sad   Evil  Exclaim  Smile  Redface  Biggrin  Surprised  Eek   Confused   Cool  LOL   Mad   Twisted  Rolleyes   Wink  Idea  Arrow  Neutral  Cry   Mr. Green

    Total 16 comments
    • Ahura Madza

      Some guy says there is a line in the sand in Syria, don’t step over it.
      Putin says, if you go of half cocked over Syria, are you willing to accept the consequences? The other guy shuts up and goes away.
      The difference this time is that Putin has a HUGE vested interest in the Ukraine and is taking actions, not words.
      The West boys must really feel they have their ducks in a row, because unlike Syria, Ukraine can legitimately be viewed by Russia as part of their security.
      The ducks are in a row….

      • Anonymous

        US-Directed Regime Change In The Ukraine Guaranteed To Provoke Russian Fury

        “Were the staged sniper attacks in Kiev another CIA false flag operation?”

      • CHESS: PUTIN 7-0 OBAMA

        Putin sure knows what he is doing. It’s good to see that he is a man of his word.

        • Tralop

          So is Obama….he has, and is currently, fundamentally transforming America just like he said.

    • willhart

      There might be a quick burst of WWIII…but no nation has the money to fight a prolonged war right now…Would the American people really want to fund another war on top of two and run the debt up over $20 trillion in a few years? I don’t think so…Same for Russia…

      • tsimitpo

        The moneychangers are just about out of rope and NEED a war or something very devastating that they can “blame” for the economic collapse they have planned.

        • Joerg Klaemt


          You got that one right!

      • ecclesiatical

        …does this guy think he’s been nominated to be the next Prophet of a quick burst ?

      • Bronson

        Really………What BS, go back, this time understand your history books when you read them.
        No one can afford anything until backed into a corner, or have actually prepared.

        Also do not believe anything, because all is not as it seems………..There are lots that play the middle, and they are the ones to watch out for……

    • paul

      paranoid people living in a paranoid world,,,nucular war pah ,, got more chance of winning the lottery.

      • Mr. X

        Spoken like the little immature twit you must be.

    • Anonymous

      Are 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse?
      “Food For Thought”
      Hello: When Are Americans Going To Wake Up-God Bless America!
      Semper Fi!

    • willhart

      …does this guy think he’s been nominated to be the next Prophet of Israel or?

      • John

        which guy?….your question is very open

    • GC-Project

      Open letter to the Alternative Media – Read and Share if you want to win. /alternative/2014/02/open-letter-to-the-alternative-media-2895742.html

      • SkyWolf

        If the day ever comes that I need to access anything from Glenn Canady, so that I may gain insight and guidance into the “Truth,” I might as well start watching TV again.

        This guy is a self deluded joke.

        By the way, nice tie, is it standard CIA issue?

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