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By Mort Amsel (Reporter)
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China, Russia Send Aircraft Carriers To Venezuela

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Russia & China send aircraft carrier to the coast of Venezuela The Russian aircraft carrier “Alexander Kuznetsov “heads to the coast of Venezuela, in theory, for military exercises With the Bolivarian Navy.  
Moreover, According to some sources, the Chinese aircraft carrier “Shilang -07″ escorted by warships, Also in September to change its course towards Caribbean waters and engage the Russian aircraft, to-sources-According To support  Venezuela from a possible U.S. military intervention.
“The smear campaign and incitement to violent antigovernment actions must stop, “the Russian Foreign Ministry said. The stress does not subside in Venezuela after holding two weeks of protests in behalf and against the administration of President Maduro, taking the life of many Demonstrators and Govt. supporters. guild On Monday the Venezuelan motorcyclists have staged a caravan in support of President Nicolas Maduro. Meanwhile, anti-government groups up barricades and burn garbage in protest. 
I cannot confirm this and this is the only source I can find for the moment but the Russians do have a missile boat/Corvette docked in Havana, Cuba unannounced.  From Russia’s Point of view I can understand this move, but China?  So I would take this information with skepticism at least until somebody else can confirm this.

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    Total 13 comments
    • Thorin

      I read this as well. I will say that if China has in fact sent a carrier there, it’s on. That move would be such a “slap to the face” of the U.S. and the fact that Obama turned off all southern defenses, there could easily be a launch off of one of those capable ships. Very interesting.

    • VirusGuard

      The Bully known as the USA needs to back off or face whats coming because the world has grown tired of the land grabs, the occupation forces sold to the public as a protection force like we have in Europe and… well all over the world

      Carrier fleets are good at sending out a political message but are sitting ducks today given missile advancements (Mostly by Russia) but make prime targets being out at sea for false flags and US-Liberty style of involvement

      Now rush back to your government, demand even more spending on the Military to protect yourselves from a War that the USA and it’s bankers are creating in the first place with these land grabs and do stop screaming because someone dares to stand up to the scum known as the United States Government that ran from Israel in any case

    • willhart

      Why do Americans think their national interests are defined by every square foot of the land and very square mile of the ocean? We have naval vessels and bases all around Russia and China…so what if Russian and Chinese boats come near the American continent…no war….

    • Anonymous

      Are 9 Dead Bankers A Sign Of Pending Economic Collapse?
      “Food For Thought”
      Hello: When Are Americans Going To Wake Up-God Bless America!
      Semper Fi!

    • aznavyvet

      Those are second rate Aircraft carriers compared to US Navy vessels.

      • jmd343

        Not the planes they carry .

        • Awabnavi

          Well they are making progress, NO?

      • taptap

        our US military is 3 times larger than the chinese military and 5 times larger than the russian (1970′s) era war machine. we suprpass all other nations globally, both in the sky and on water and in space. no human has ever seen the full might of the US military and pray to the gods that no human will ever have to. as long as any war remained conventional, the USA would wipe russia and china off the maps. dont forget we have with us, israel, great britian, austrailia, japan( who are angry with china right now) south korea, canada, france, ireland,poland, georgia, and the wild card india, plus a couple more dozen countries that would surely side with us. though we only need them for logistical reasons. EVEN! with obamas proposed military drawdown we will still remain a titan amoung nations


      Red pill, I like you buddy. Great to see there are sensible people on this site just like me! Keep doing the good work.

      • Mayhem

        You’re too easy, Ripper, but if you’re going to load the gun. Narcissistic much?

    • Vigilant2012

      China only has one Aircraft Carrier, The Liaoning and its never gone farther than the South China Sea….

    • Bohunk

      Id this is true Obama has perpetrated his biggest act of treason to date. Even though the detail facts are not known, the fact that Russia has ships near us is known and so is that Obama has turned off our southern defenses. Also known is that Chinese ships were sent to South America. To what purpose are these events heading towards, is the missing part of all this. But it is not hard to conjure up a horrible scenario. Even if this is not really happening, America is very vulnerable. Obama has reduced our military capability to pre-wwII status. That was when no one had the power to stop Hitler. Is there any power to stop Putin or China? I can’t think of anyone. We are in the same position as Poland and Czechoslovakia. Poland tried to stand against Hitler and was devastated. Czechoslovakia and other countries saw the folly of standing up to Hitler and capitulated. America, basically unscathed was able to rearm and build a military machine to outlast Hitler. To day there is no one to take up the fight.

    • Sean

      All planned a very, very long time ago, they are all in it together, don’t think for a minute our government isn’t doing this with russia and china to start ww3, China is first in the NWO order

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