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RED ALERT: Malaysian Flight MH 370 Hijacked for Islamic Terrorist Invasion of America

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BREAKING NEWS: FEDS Caught Red-Handed Plotting Bio-Chemical Attacks on U.S. Trains and Subways
David Chase Taylor
March 15, 2014

SWITZERLAND, Zurich — Back on March 8, 2014, reported that Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370 was likely hijacked and that the plane may be used in an Islamic 9/11-style terror attack. Although international intelligence agencies insisted that there was no terror link in respect to Flight MH 307 (despite the stolen passports used to board the plane), they have now reneged and confirmed’s assertion that the plane was hijacked. As of March 14, 2014, officials are reportedly investigating an “act of piracy” in respect to the missing jet and have confirmed that the plane’s communication system “was disabled before it disappeared”, an ominous sign of foul play.
READ: Operation Northwoods 2.0 Authorized By Obama
Therefore, it now appears that Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370 will be used by an army of Islamic terrorists to invade the United States of America. The plane, which according to the latest reports was heading towards the Indian Ocean, will likely end up in Somalia, Yemen, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria or another predominantly Islamic country with a history of terrorism. Upon landing, the Boeing 777 (the world’s largest twinjet which holds up to 451 passengers) will be loaded with hundreds of Islamic Jihadists as well as a cocktail of Syria’s infamous biological and chemical weapons. The hijacked plane will then fly non-stop to the United States, most likely crash-landing in the state of Florida or the Island of Cuba.
READ: U.S. Terrorist Invasion by Islamic Terrorists Green Lit
The state-sponsored terror plot featuring Islamic terrorists from Africa and the Middle East invading the continental U.S. has previously been identified and thwarted by on three separate occasions: U.S. Terrorist Invasion Terror Plot (August 24, 2013); “Operation Northwoods 2.0” (April 4, 2013); and U.S. Invasion by Islamic Terrorists (February 22, 2014). In each case, a concoction of so-called Islamic “terrorists” including  but not limited to Al Qaeda, Al Shabaab, Boko Haram, the Free Syrian Army (Rebels), Libyan Rebels, the Lord’s Resistance Army, and Somali Pirates were slated to invade the U.S. in order to launch a wave of unprecedented terror attacks which would inevitably  spark the bio-terror pandemic planned for 2014.
READ: Islamic Terrorist Invasion of America: A State-Sponsored Terror Threat Assessment
In the wake of an Islamic terrorist invasion, U.S. President Barack Obama would declare martial law and set-up military checkpoints throughout America in order to “look” for the terrorists. The concoction of Islamic terrorists would evade capture by working together with American citizens who would commit future acts of terrorism. This would bring about the emergence of “White Al Qaeda” which would ultimately give Obama carte blanche to authorize autonomous drone strikes on all American citizens. The predator drones would systematically dispose of all political opposition (e.g., gun owners, conservatives, preppers, etc.) along with the Islamic terrorists at the same time. Naturally, this type of aggression by Obama would spark a civil war—exactly what it’s intended to do.
Malaysian Flight MH 370 Scenarios:
Plan A: Chinese 9/11
Plan B: Iranian Hijack
Plan C: Islamic Terrorist Invasion of U.S.
Plan D: North Korean Missile Strike
Plan E: Mechanical Failure/Bad Weather/Pilot Error
North Korean Missile Strike?
Since the plot to use Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370 as the means of transportation for an Islamic terrorist invasion of the Unites States has been exposed herein, intelligence agencies may resort to “Plan D” which may scapegoated the disappearance of the plane on a North Korean missile strike. This particular narrative was first identified on March 5, 2014, when a North Korean missile allegedly passed near a Chinese passenger jet. International intelligence agencies who plan false-flag terror events always give themselves plenty of options and the North Korean angle appears to be one of them. In the event that they pass on this particular option, they will likely be forced to report to mechanical failure, bad weather or pilot error as the alleged cause of Flight MH 370’s demise. Regardless of the final conclusion reached by the government and media in respect to the mystery plane, there is always the real possibility that the plane may have never existed in the first place.
FLASHBACK: Iranian Terror Plot Foiled
After the plot to use Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370 in a Chinese 9/11-style terror attack was ultimately exposed, intelligence agencies resorted to “Plan B”—Iran. This particular narrative was first identified on March 10, 2014, when it was reported that the 2 stolen passports were used with 2 tickets purchased by an Iranian man who: a) bought the tickets at the last-minute, b) paid cash, and c) only purchased one-way tickets—All three of which are red-flags for terrorism. Three days later on March 10, 2014, it was reported that the mystery fake-passport holders on flight MH370 were in fact Iranian, ultimately confirming an Iranian hand in the disappearance of the plane. A day later on March 11, 2014, Iranian lawmaker blamed the U.S. for the plane’s disappearance, an ominous sign that Iran was attempting to shift the blame of the hijacking on the U.S. However, since exposed the Iranian terror angle, the Iranian terror angle was all but forgotten on March 12, 2014, when it was officially declared that there was no Iranian terror link in respect to flight MH 307. On any other day and in any other situation, Iranians using stolen passports to board a plane that has since disappeared would be considered terrorism, but strangely not in this case.
Airplane Terror Trending
Aside from the mysterious disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370 on March 8, 2014, a plane carrying 170 people caught fire while landing in Nepal on the very same day. Two days later on March 10, 2014, a plane hit a parachute in Polk County, Florida. A day later on March 11, 2014, a man disrupted JetBlue Flight 1969 from Boston for Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Three days later on March 14, 2014, Flight 1702 from Philadelphia to Fort Lauderdale, Florida was canceled after the nose gear failed during takeoff. Of the 5 airplane-related emergencies which occurred within a one-week period, 3 involved planes flying to, from or in the state of Florida. Aside from all but confirming that these were staged events, these incidents have set the precedence for a plane (i.e., Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370) to crash land in Florida in the imminent future.
Syria Trending
Regardless of where hijacked Malaysian Airlines Flight MH 370 ultimately lands, its cargo of bio-chemical weapons will originate from Syria. Coincidentally, just days prior to the disappearance of the plane, Syrian Rebel terrorists suddenly began trending after months of silence. Starting on March 3, 2014, it was reported that Los Angeles gangbangers have now surfaced in Syria, ultimately providing a direct terror link between the United States and Syria. A day later on March 4, 2014, it was revealed that Syria still has over two-thirds of its chemical weapons supply, a clear violation of international law. Six days later on March 10, 2014, it was reported that 13 nuns were freed by Syrian kidnappers, a propaganda report designed to show Syrian kidnapping and hostage taking prior to the hijacking of Flight MH 370 by Syrian-based terrorists. A day later on March 11, 2014, it was revealed that UK police had arrested 4 men on suspicion of Syria-linked terror offenses, confirming that terrorists are now traveling out of Syria to the West. Three days later on March 14, 2014, it was reported that Saudis hardened by the wars in Syria and Iraq have joined al Qaeda in Yemen, furthering the notion that terrorists are traveling with ease from Syria. Also on March 14, 2014, it was reported that Spain had arrested 7 Islamic militants who recruited and sent fighters for al Qaeda terrorist organizations in Syria and Mali. Needless to say, the aforementioned reports were designed to show that terrorists emanating from Syria are traveling at will across Europe and the Middle East, thereby making the notion of a massive terrorist collaboration and invasion all the more likely.
About the Author
David Chase Taylor is an American journalist and the editor-in-chief of Taylor currently lives in Zürich, Switzerland where he has applied for political asylum after the release of The Nuclear Bible, a book credited with foiling a state-sponsored nuclear terror attack upon Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011. Taylor has also authored The Bio-Terror Bible, a book and website exposing the global bio-terror pandemic planned for 2014. To date, David Chase Taylor has blown the whistle on over 100 state-sponsored terror plots, including the man-made comet ISON hoax and the drone strike on “Fast and Furious” star Paul Walker. Taylor was also the first to expose Alex Jones’ treacherous links to STRATFOR.
. Legal Disclaimer’s stated purpose is to stop terrorism by drawing unwanted global attention to terror plots prior to their fruition. Terror alerts and warnings made by DO NOT necessarily imply that these terror events will transpire in reality but rather that there is a distinct possibility that they may occur based on breaking terror-related news, events and data. Historically speaking, once a false-flag terror plot is exposed (e.g., 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot), it is immediately canceled or postponed (e.g., 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot). State-sponsored acts of terror must have a prior paper trail in order to set-up patsies, prime scapegoats, create plausible deniability, as well as mislead the public from the usual suspects of terror. Please support real citizen journalism and help make terrorism a thing of the past. Blessed are the Peacemakers. Namaste

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      “REMEMBER, it’s only the terrorists and those working for the terrorists who openly attack citizen journalists and state-sponsored terror whistleblowers.” —David Chase Taylor

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      About the Author
      David Chase Taylor is an American journalist and the editor-in-chief of Taylor currently lives in Zürich, Switzerland where he has applied for political asylum after the release of The Nuclear Bible, a book credited with foiling a state-sponsored nuclear terror attack upon Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011. Taylor has also authored The Bio-Terror Bible, a book and website exposing the 2014 global bio-terror pandemic. To date, David Chase Taylor has blown the whistle on over 50 Obama sanctioned terror plots, exposed the man-made ISON doomsday asteroid hoax, exposed the drone strike on “Fast and Furious” star Paul Walker, and exposed Alex Jones’ links to STRATFOR. Legal Disclaimer’s stated purpose is to prevent terror attacks by drawing unwanted global attention to these terror plots prior to their fruition. State-sponsored terror alerts, warning, assertions and forecasts made by DO NOT necessarily imply that these terror events will transpire in reality but rather that there is a distinct possibility they could theoretically occur based on the cited date. Historically, once a major false-flag terror plot is exposed (e.g., the Super Bowl XLV Nuclear Terror Plot), the terror plot is immediately canceled or postponed. State-sponsored acts of terror must have a prior paper trail in order to set-up patsies, prime scapegoats, create plausible deniability, as well as mislead the public from the true perpetrators of terror. By first identifying and then connecting the dots of the terror related paper trail, has successfully blown the whistle on numerous terror related plots. Please spread the word in helping make terrorism a thing of the past. Blessed are the Peacemakers. Namaste


      1. Alex Jones Cancels Speaking Tour 3 Days After Exposure As Possible STRATFOR Double Agent

      2. Trayvon Martin Is Older Brother Jahvaris Fulton

      3. 10 Reasons Why Alex Jones Should Be Tried For Treason

      4. Top U.S. Landmarks Slated For “Controlled Demolition” Under Obama

      5. Alex Jones Caught Setting Up JFK Protestors for 9/11-Style Attack on Dallas FED Building

      6. Obama to Resign Over “Terrorgate” Pending Charges of Conspiracy and Treason

      7. Secret History of Israeli Mossad Terror Exposed

      8. Live NYC Nuke Attack During Super Bowl XLVIII Foiled

      9. Comet ISON Hoax Exposed

      10. 10 Reasons Why “Fast and Furious” Star Paul Walker Was Assassinated

      • bumpkin

        Nony, REALLY! IF ye wanta pop off a nuke high in the sky, what wouldya need ta git it up there? Somethin that flies over 60K’ up? How biga pop would THAT make fer yer money? Bamma had ta git someone to git a passenger jet, because the military planes er too big a mark. Too EZ ta tattle on. But some flops from a war-torn country kin gitem a plane fair-ez. Ye wanna false flag? He kin say they promised ta bring them hi-jacked folk home so he hadta let’em in… haint his fault, an’ all… git yerself some narcissistic ‘thrown-out’ kid what was promised a BIG prize ta expose ‘imself ta hatred for his monkeyshines against the nation he hates, popim’ inta the potus seat, so’z his owners kin bump off the old world order and set themselves up in their nasty new one. They kin kill millions o’ folk in one sweep by poppin’ off a nuke in the air over the east coast, then they’ll pre-tend they gotta git all the preppers an ex-soldiers kilt because some will say its a prepper an’ a soldier what hijacked the plane. Them folks is SHAMELESS! They’ll take their time in fixin’ back the electricity ta folks, and those few folk what’er left alive what buy inta their evil kingship-plan will git electricity a’gin, an’ the privileges associated with electricity, like bankin’… ‘Spect folks will git a decal of a Zebra, -er mebbe a cat- mayhaps a tiger-like, or mountain lion, (since Bamma thinks he’s sly as a cat) …ta differentiate them from them what refuse ta join in. But depravity’ll be their reward in the long run… sick folk always wanna force ya ta prove yer fealty- usually by ye killin’ an enemy of theirs, – likely yer kin… Yep, That plane, if there WAS one, ‘ll be bringin’ a nuke here, shortly, secretly sanctioned by the LIC. …- Er else hit’d make a good novel…

      • Lisa Knowles

        You should also add this site for the BIG picture:

      • GabrielKing

        Your full of it Taylor. Just another punk dissing on a REAL patriot like Alex Jones. Jones is a hero and you are NOTHING. Jones does more in ONE DAY to wake up people to BASIC TRUTH, and BASIC TYRANNY than you will accomplish in your entire speculating smack talking life. :cool:

    • Anonymous

      Really it looks like a botched hijacking attempt. The plane did not have the fuel to reach somalia or any of those countries, I think they may have tried to hijack the plane possibly for nefarious purposes, but didn’t figure correctly, and ran out of fuel.

      • Gil Carlson

        I wonder if REMOTE VIEWERS have been used to try and locate this missing plane? I know that they have had success locating downed planes in the past.

        Did you realize that some amazing Info has even been obtained by several Remote Viewers who have actually viewed aliens! There’s a book out there detailing some of these remote viewers interactions with aliens.

        Now, using the same procedures used by the military to spy on enemy targets, with a very high success rate, some of these military remote viewers have actually spied on aliens! Not only on or near our planet, but also some more distant locations!

        Check out this website to see how it works:

        • Anon

          The BIG difference is, no one can refute their claims to have RV aliens etc, but a plane CAN be found as evidence of their RV. I bought Ed Dames’ videos, and found them interesting, but find it more interesting as to why neither he nor Courtney Brown – two guys who lecture and sell their RV skills, have not come forward to prove their skills to the world and alleviate some of the suffering of the families involved. Brilliant opportunity to prove RV to the world is sliding away. My guess – they know it is not 100% reliable.

        • itsmejohn

          listen to c2c. they’re having a guest on this week remote viewing

      • Mr. Miller

        They didn’t go that way, look where the radar last tracked them a straight path to Where? Look for your self! :evil:

    • GK

      You sure put a lot of effort into this BS story. There are at least half a dozen officials saying it ISN’T a hijacking, based on all evidence at hand. Good try though, A for effort, but F for having zero evidence corroborating your theory.

      • apache5

        evidently you don’t kow much about aircraft and you seem to be downplaying what lots of others know about. the 777 has many things the average Joe would not know including a hijacker, such as the aiplanes maintenance log that is computer generated and is NOT part of the pilots duties and there are several other things i will not go into. so when you run your TROLL mouth it is a sure sign your a disinfo agent, at least do your home work before walking on your lips!!!

      • MARY

        you have at least a half dozen officials saying it isn’t so…… hmmmmmm well that settles it for me then…… NOTTTTTTT, where the hell are you ? hiding under a rock or something ??? Obama and his crew blamed Bengahzi on a friggin video dude, and everyone bought it, at first, now it has been proven A BIG FAT LIE !!! Never mind all the other things we have been lied to, IRS, Fast & Furious, just to name 2….geeeessssshhh dude, hope you don’t vote

    • theconservativewife

      The Uighurs. They were released by Obama from Guantanamo to the area in 2009. Perhaps something nefarious planned to release the blind sheikh since his Benghazi plan failed.

    • Mr. Miller

      That plane could have flown anywhere in the united states!
      Distance and Speed Records: The 777-200ER (extended range), in Malaysia Airlines livery, established a new Great Circle Distance Without Landing record. The airplane flew from Boeing Field, Seattle, to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, covering 12,455.34 statute miles (20,044.20 km). The same airplane later went on to complete a record-setting circumnavigation of the world, establishing a new speed world record for its size and class of airplane. The Speed Around the World, Eastbound record was set by traveling the Seattle-Kuala Lumpur-Seattle route at an average speed of 553 miles per hour (889 km/h). :?:

      • Anonymous

        Well now, it appears that another lie has been exposed by your revelations! Just a few minutes ago a female “expert” on CNN claimed that the range is only between 7,000 and 8,000 miles!

    • Swearbox

      “will be loaded with hundreds of Islamic Jihadists as well as a cocktail of Syria’s infamous biological and chemical weapons. The hijacked plane will then fly non-stop to the United States, most likely crash-landing in the state of Florida or the Island of Cuba.”

      …and the point of crashing the plane when it’s loaded with hundreds of Islamic Jihadists is what exactly? Are they tired of life? Are they so desperate for those virgins that they volunteered to get on a plane that is going to crash? BIN sucks so bad – I only read it for a laugh.

    • Anonymous

      So, Islamists are going to fly this plane half way around the world without anybody recognizing it and shooting it down instead of just doing as last time OUR GOV’T used local planes? Yeah, next joke!

    • Anonymous

      You sure are fear mongering with this BS piece. There is evidence that this plane was hijacked using an AWACS automatically controlled flight system, which means that somebody’s military hijacked it. With top Chinese military officials and other important people from industry on board, it was VERY likely a high level government hijacking. The US government is known for such more than anyone else.

    • Anonymous

      Go through the passenger manifest and see who on the plane the US deep state might want dead.

      • YIPCARL


    • augustap

      I smell BS here…

    • Anonymous

      How do you propose this hijacked plane will ever make it across our US shoreline ?

      • Anonymous

        TSA will stop it ………… ROTF

    • clarkkent

      Please consider a possible Flight MH370 “..Flying Bomb Conspiracy..” – - A suicide crash by a bomb-laden passenger jet into any of the following civilian or military targets would be a serious blow to the USA and it’s allies – -

      Carrier Deployment:

      A modern nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, especially if sitting at dock in its home port, is a sitting duck and a high-value target for a suicide crash by a passenger jet.

      Trident Nuclear Subs:
      Subs currently assigned to Kings Bay as their home port:

      Kings Bay, Georgia:
      USS Alaska SSBN 732 FPO AP 96698-2111
      USS Florida SSGN 728 FPO AP 96698-2099
      USS Georgia SSGN 729 FPO AP 96698-2102
      USS Maryland SSBN 738 FPO AA 34092-2129
      USS Rhode Island SSBN 740 FPO AA 34092-2135
      USS Tennessee SSBN 734 FPO AA 34093-2117
      USS Wyoming SSBN 742 FPO AA 34093-2141

      At any given time, at least one of the Ohio-class boomers is in port.

      Also, the Lockheed missile assembly plant on Kings Bay is where MIRV’d Trident-II’s are assembled. That would be one Hell of a target for a suicide crash by a passenger jet.

      Anderson Air Force Base on Guam:
      B-1′s and B-2′s, are kept fueled, and with bomb loads on board. That could make an attractive and high-value military target for a suicide crash by a passenger jet.

      Gasoline Refineries:
      There are a few large key refineries (California, Texas) which would make very attractive targets for a suicide crash by a passenger jet. Each of these mega refineries account for a disproportionately large percentage of America’s total fuel supply.

      USA Nuclear Power Plants:
      Any plants currently in “turnarounds” (refueling cycle) would be very vulnerable and brutally easy and very sensitive targets for a suicide crash by a passenger jet. You can usually search these job boards, and figure out which plants are down for maintenance, and/or fuel rod changes. and If the core of the reactor is open and if the containment dome were penetrated at the same time by the impact of a suicide passenger jet, then there would be widespread dispersal of radiation. So, they would look for a nuclear power plant that is currently being refueled. The loss of power plant capacity wouldn’t be the prime objective. The terrorists would try to impact an open core, in the hope of creating a Chernobyl-like catastrophe.

      Just my 2-cents.

    • liberal army veteran

      they are not going to invade lol, they want to put a nuke or load it with explosives and fly it into a city or stadium. A plane full of terrorists can’t do a whole lot lol.

    • Thorin Oakenshield

      Does anyone really believe Islamic Terrorists have the technology to highjack a Boeing 777? I think not!

    • al most

      It was flown to Blair airport on south Andaman island to be fitted with a nuke that will be flown into and detonated over Israel.

    • Yolanda


    • Stevicus

      Fake plane & fake BS story. When the global game is afoot what better to cause a distraction than a good old wild goose chase ..


      Interesting the photo with the similar suspected shopped bottom halves have been in the news before. Interesting there’s funny business at the HAWAII STATE LIBRARY federal documents section – a passport office, and a similar fiction is reported to have been the story line in a LOST episode, filmed in HAWAII?


      Truther: We enjoy reading your Intel. Perhaps we can help. The Islamic Jihadists are already in the USA, as well as, the Communist China plants. In fact, they are everywhere. Also, There is the 50,000 Spetsnas troops and many others. Obama and your NWO sold you out a long time ago. The plane is not for any Jihad op. It’s a CIA NWO OP 100%.

    • Anonymous

      MOSSAD stole that plane …… for whatever reason ….. maybe ANOTHER 9/11

    • Odd Job

      I didn’t need to read past the 2nd paragraph to realise that this is total BS and disinfo.

    • soveriegnman1981

      “Have you pieced together the puzzle of missing flight 370 to Beijing China ?? If not, here are your missing pieces.
      Patents Patents Patents
      Four days after the missing flight MH370 a patent is approved by the Patent Office, 4 of the 5 Patent holders are Chinese employees of Freescale Semiconductor of Austin TX.
      Patent is divided up on 20% increments to 5 holders.
      Peidong Wang, Suzhou, China, (20%)
      Zhijun Chen, Suzhou, China, (20%)
      Zhihong Cheng, Suzhou, China, (20%)
      Li Ying, Suzhou, China, (20%)
      Freescale Semiconductor (20%)
      If a patent holder dies, then the remaining holders equally share the dividends of the deceased if not disputed in a will.
      If 4 of the 5 dies, then the remaining 1 Patent holder gets 100% of the wealth of the patent.
      That remaining live Patent holder is Freescale Semiconductor.
      Who owns Freescale Semiconductor ??
      Jacob Rothschild through Blackstone who owns Freescale.
      Here is your motive for the missing Beijing plane.
      As all 4 Chinese members of the Patent were passengers on the missing plane.
      Patent holders can alter the proceeds legally by passing wealth to their heirs. However, they cannot do so until the Patent is approved. So when the plane went missing, the patent had not been approved.
      Thus, Rothschild gets 100% of Patent once Patent holders declared deceased.”

      The patent that got this online message started is this one, US 008671381, from March 11, 2014

      • upchuck

        Well analyzed. You are definitely onto something here. It most definetly is all about the information these people had.

        • Fr.Duffy Fighting 69th

          Which is why they are sitting in an interrogation room on a Chinese Airbase in SW China.

    • Anonymous

      Chicken Little rides again. Go back and do your homework. Photoshopped Iranians to not make a case. All testimony thus should be thrown out. This stinks of jesuits and Britannia.

    • David king


    • dgwest7

      Please wakemup and cease wasting everyone’s time.

      Anybody with an IQ above room temperature knows that the 9/11 attacks did not involve Islam, or jet airliners. There were no planes used in 9/11, which makes your entire story no lwess than pathetic.
      Are you a shill?

    • The Beast


      RUMOUR FILE #1: Putin to be assassinated by Illuminati and Chinese elite to rule Asio-Russian Zone

    • gorganthium

      The jet is proberly already in Iran beloaded with a nuclear device headed for Isreal

    • Rufus Juice

      2-12-14 Alphonso Doss was found murdered~ the man who extracted 9-11 from KSM.

      2-19-14 the US issued a warning to look for Shoe bombs on flights to the US.

      THEY KNOW.

    • HealingMindN

      I read in my local paper that this is now a “hijacking” according to the Malaysian Experts; they also determined that the pilot was complicit with the hijackers. OK, let’s say this is what happened – that this is how all the transducer data was turned off suddenly.

      What about the other anomalous transducer data? In the same area over the Indian Ocean according to secondary radar data, one unknown airliner seemed to launch at mach 5, then suddenly stop in mid air. Another airliner seemed to disappear around the same time.

      Are the pilots of those airliners also complicit in this hijacking because they transmitted anomalous radar data? Why isn’t anyone discussing this further data? :?:

    • Thane36425

      Doesn’t make sense. They’d need a big airfield to land and service that thing. Those places are easy to find and any plane there would be easy to see, particularly one of that size. If they tried flying it to the US, it would be detected entering the airspace and challenged.

      But mainly why would they need such a method when hundreds, if not thousands, have already crossed the Mexican border? Even more easily than that, many thousands of others have vanished after getting student or work visas and the government can’t be bothered to go looking for them when they KNOW who they should be looking for.

    • Confessions of a Closet Republican

      oh, for feck’s sake… all this false flag B.S. you should be writing movies not passing this off as newsworthy.

    • GabrielKing

      David Chase Taylor- your a punk and your full of crap. Which was very obvious as soon as you began spouting the “zionist” propaganda garbage. Alex Jones is a damn HERO, who built up Infowars from a tiny operation into what it is today: the tip of the spear against the New World Order.
      Who the hell are you? Some wanna be bigshot talking smack about other truthers? I have nothing but respect for Alex Jones, who does more to wake up people to basic truth and tyranny in ONE DAY, than you will accomplish in your whole life.
      Alex Jones didn’t sign the NDAA. Alex Jones didn’t fluoridate my water. Alex Jones isn’t chemtrailing my skies. Alex Jones isn’t pushing Monsanto. Alex Jones isn’t supporting NSA spying, or TSA rape…. or a million other things.
      You ought to be ashamed of yourself talking smack about other truthers instead of fighting our REAL, and common enemy- the evil NWO and it’s institutions.
      Iv’e been “truthing” since Alex was in junior high, and when you were probably in diapers sucking on momma’s tit. If your not smart enough to recognize the basic facts, and Jones as the hero that he is…. then your just another paranoid kid who’s couldn’t overthink his way out of a box chasing shadows in your own imagination.
      As for your SPECULATIONS about the flight… I found it entertaining. :cool:

    • bumpkin

      Davie, I think yer coon-dawg is barkin’ up a cat-tree. But, ye’r REAL close! I’m ‘spectin’ that they’ll pop ‘emselfs a Nuke on that-there plane n fly hit right ta the USA, pretendin’ ta plan ta set ‘em hijacked folk onta the groun’- so they’ll say, and they’ll pop off a nuke above our heads. Yep. We needta expose ‘em.

    • Karen Brown

      Another distraction from the real truth.

      This is coming:

      Wake up People!

    • Mitch

      LIES– ☣ ☠ ⚠ ⚡ 卍– LIES –☣ ☠ ⚠ ⚡ 卍– LIES –☣ ☠ ⚠ ⚡ 卍 — LIES
      ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ HOAX ALERT ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ HOAX ALERT ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡ ⚡
      This asshat does NOT live in Switzerland.
      The gov’t is NOT after him
      He didn’t stop any attack
      His stories NEVER EVER prove to be true.
      Drone strike on drunk star in car? LOL and the missile harmed NOTHING else in the vicinity!?!? Was it a NERF missile? At least he could make his lies come close to actual physics and reality!
      The current story is hysterical ! How many terrorists can you fit in a plane?
      Have they made Stealth jumbo jets and we missed it?
      Are all the hundreds of radar and satellites systems all going to fail so it can lumber into the US?


    • Rob Kusters

      It is obvious there must been a motive and a plan – given the manouvres the MH370 airplane made.

      The Northern Route may be political inspired – but is very unlikely as one needs to pass unnoticed the defence systems of a number of highly militarized countries.

      A political motive makes not much sense for the Southern Route – but could there be an other motive for that route ? – What if the plane cargo held 0,5 billion of gold bars for the Bank of China ? – This could be an old fashioned plane robbery ! Where is the cargo manifest ?

    • The Whistleblowers

      Mouse Trap by The Whistleblowers

    • Chandra

      I bet you all any money it was hijacked by African radicals, that plane is probably chilling in Somalia in the middle of nowhere. :eek:

    • soba1

      Aliens got it not the kind that sneak across the southern US border.

    • kiwihaze

      “The last words heard from the missing Malaysian jetliner were calmly spoken and came after one of the Boeing 777′s communications systems had already been disabled, authorities said.”

      Pilot Involvement?

    • Jamsky79

      I think you are all wrong, I think the plane was indeed hijacked to use as a strike on a civillian population but the latest is it when off radar and supposedly landed at a secret location about 180km of the West Australian coast. I am a West Aussie and im seriously concerned as they may use it to deliver a payload to our home and West Australia is so isolated to the rest of Australia we would be cut off and in the shit, I also think that the terrorists are Malaysian islamists or Indonesian. Indonesia hates Australia it is no secret and we have had border clashes in Timor resulting in dead Indonesian soldiers its always been shaky between our countries, between Malaysia I am not so sure but this could be the start of a very big war. Either way I believe they would try make an example of Australia to make the western world come to terms, again we are an island nation cut off and inbetween us and our allies there is vast Asian countries that we have no real idea on their true feelings towards us, I mean we holiday over there and lets be honest a lot of westerners act like $#%# and give us a bad name. I believe a storm is coming and its unfortunately 180km away from my home. I hope I am wrong

    • Patriot

      With officials stating now that the jet could have flown for 6 1/2 – 7 hours more, at cruising speed, such a jet could possibly have reached Somalia, Yemen, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, or other “-istans” near China.

      They said a blip on military radar showed it may have turned West.
      That could indicate E. Africa or Yemen, known hangouts for terrorists.
      No nations to cross, so no radar to evade, eh?
      Jet supposedly climbed to 15,000 ft. last they knew.
      At that altitude, it could have been headed to cross mountains or gain upper level tailwinds for better fuel economy while crossing Indian Ocean expanse. Tailwinds at altitude could be what, 100-200 miles per hour? That’s a big boost!

    • Cg Arnell

      I keep hearing a million scenarios so far-flung from reality as to be annoying. Let me post, *one more time* the most likely MH370 disappearance scenario supported by the facts uncovered so far.

      For the record: This is the same story I laid out a week ago but many of the suppositions I made then are now fact. Flight MH370 left Kuala-Lumpur on what might have been one of several North Easterly paths on its way to Beijing. Forty five minutes later it was nearing Vietnamese Airspace and said its last “Good Night” and then *Somebody* switched off the transponder, did a near U-turn and headed for the tiny little Island called Car Nicobar on the Western side of the Malacca Straight. (Just use Google Earth like I did. to look for the necessary airport for fueling up again.

      Why go to Car Nicobar? The Airport is several miles from the town of Malacca and has three small airlines using it and has an *8000 Foot runway and FUEL*. This island is about 2 Hours West of where the plane ‘disappeared’, Hi-jacked by at least two Iranians.(Don’t expect anything but denial from Iran). The plane used three hours of fuel to get to Car Nicobar, more if they dropped down in altitude.

      The trip to Beijing is 2700 Miles. With an overage of 20% of FUEL, the plane would have had enough fuel to go another 400 miles (total of 3100 miles). Not enough to get home to Iran for the illegal travelers. Iran is 4000 miles from Kuala-Lumpur via the path the plane took when it left. They NEEDED a fuel stop AND they had a big bunch of people with them. (I know this next part might make a person sick.)

      They got to Car Nicobar, and unloaded everybody, perhaps even calmly, like sheep to the slaughter, and left them to be buried in a mass grave. They fueled up (By now it would be almost 4AM local time)and departed into the night for Iran. They either took a path across India very near or above the Himalayas or a path to skirt the southern shores of India.

      My first thought was Pakistan.. about the same distance as Beijing. Without bodies on Car Nicobar, it might mean they didn’t stop at Car Nicobar and maybe just headed on in to Pakistan or some other nearer Islamic stronghold. My bet remains on Car Nicobar.

      Obviously, whichever path they took worked or we wouldn’t still be looking for a *missing* or *crashed* Jet Airliner. The plane is neither missing nor wrecked. If you find the Hi-Jackers, you will find your plane. They have it.

      It’s time to get out the secret Transponder Activation Transmitter and find out where the plane is. NSA won’t tell you where it is. They didn’t know about the Boston bombing in spite of those bombers being funded to attend college in America. Must hurt to know they spent the money we gave those two Islamic terrorists to make bombs. Maybe its time to just pull the plug and get out of the spy business if you cant detect real terrorism or find a bomber or a hi-jacker before, or after they strike.

      MH370 is not in the Ocean, it didn’t wander off on a blind/mindless flight into the darkness. It was Hi-Jacked. Let’s stop dragging the local waters and go find it! It’s in the Middle East.. or long gone. They’ve had over a week now to comment or react to this scenario but I haven’t seen even one mention of it anywhere. Does the press only print what they believe always?

      By the way, to the two who left Iran, got tickets to Beijing via a certain Mr. Ali, spent the night with a friend from HS to get a free ride to the airport, I hope it wasn’t you the hi-jackers were after. But if you were just haplessly hoping to get to Europe as reported, your friend Mr. Ali picked a bad flight to put you on. My hunch is, though, that at least one of you was in on it.

    • faithbrother

      not like our little ears were not pricked up …Or they had U.S looking in the wrong area for 6 days before the muslim Malaysia airline told us they had turned another direction 6 days earlier. tools wake up.

    • songspk

      I was very pleased to find this site.I wanted to thank you for this great read!! I definitely
      enjoying every little bit of it and I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff you post.

    • paulenich

      I have a theory there was an attempted high jacking by the two Iranians and plane is now hidden somewhere at our naval military base in Diego Garcia in Indian Ocean. I believe the US government is definitely involved and it would be counter productive right now to share that information with the public especially if an interrogation and hunt for others involved is still in the making. That’s why they’re sending boats north and south but NOT directly west (where Diego Garcia is located) to survey for crash debris. It will be explained in theory that it was a “national security issue” not to be exposed earlier. It will have some involvement between China and the US. Plus it will entail a failed attempt by the 2 Iranians with fake passports to gain control of the plane. Because of the sheer number of contracted intelligence passengers and valuable freight on board (see link below) the plane was a high value target. After the failed attempt to high jack the plane (which explains the very high and low altitude climbs and descents), the plane was eventually brought under control and instead of going to the island of Hainin Hainan Province (which the flight was originally going to be diverted to) Flight 370 was diverted again from it’s original destination of Beijing to Diego Garcia possibly auto piloted by someone on ground and forced to land by our fighter jets at our military base in Diego Garcia. Why? Only logical place with a runway big enough and security tight enough. Plus there was only a limited amount of fuel left at this point so it made sense to land there. There were no sighted explosions by satellites, the cell phones were still working (but couldn’t receive/make calls), the engines were still monitoring, there’s no field debris and to block satellite surveillance on our military installation a NO brainer. Where else could it be but hidden in a hanger at our naval base. Right? The Russians know more than us. LOL!  “Flight 370 was already under GRU “surveillance” after it received a “highly suspicious” cargo load that had been traced to the Indian Ocean nation Republic of Seychelles, and where it had previously been aboard the US-flagged container ship MV Maersk Alabama. What first aroused GRU suspicions regarding the MV Maersk Alabama, this report continues, was that within 24-hours of off-loading this “highly suspicious” cargo load bound for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, the two highly-trained US Navy Seals assigned to protect it, Mark Daniel Kennedy, 43, and Jeffrey Keith Reynolds, 44, were found dead under “suspicious circumstances.” What remains “perplexing” about this incident, GRU analysts in this report say, are why the American mainstream media outlets have yet to demand from the Obama regime the radar plots and satellite images of the Indian Ocean and South China Sea regions as the US military covers this entire area from Diego Garcia like no other seas in the world due to its vital shipping and air lanes. Whatever was in the cargo hold of that plane was of high value to someone whether terrorists or the US government and I believe it was something nuclear in nature. ‎

      • Mr. Miller

        I think your comments are right on except for being in a hanger I couldn’t find one big enough to hide the plane. The distance they flew from the original destination was only about 8o miles different.

    • Dajjal observer

      Mar 28, 2014 7:34 PM
      IN SUMMARY. – Russia and China two super power countries supporting Iran and Syria hence preventing the USA & Co to enter Syria & preventing Israel to end Iranian advancement in atomic bomb. Hence to weaken Russia, a rebellion was created by conspirators in Ukraine, deal will be contracted with Putin not to interfere in Syrian war to get Ukraine back. To weaken China plane in low tech. country involving China hijacked. In future Iranian terrorist will be announced as cause of plane crash hence Chinese will object China supporting Iran. Wonder why Iranian will attack plane especially with Chinese when China always supported Iran. Like one brother said earlier, his iPhone can be traced without satelliteThen no one on that plane had an iPhone! Bizarre.. if this is not a conspiracy then I am Santa Clause…

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