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By Nicole Morgan (Investigative Reporter)
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3 Agents With CIA, FBI And DEA Warn America (Video)

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(N.Morgan) 3 brave agents from the FBI, DEA, and the CIA come forward to warn Americans that we are now the enemy. That this regime is coming after us and using us in any way they can.

The govt is a drug dealing, assassinating, murdering mafia, Hell bent on taking over the world. In late 1996 / early 1997, Mike Levine and 3 fellow federal agents with CIA, FBI and DEA, came together for a broadcast, whose purpose was to warn America that those agencies whom we were trusting to protect us against terrorism were too inept and badly run to do the job – and that mainstream media’s inability to sound the alarm and an easily manipulated congress, would ensure that ‘horrific terrorist acts and the loss of our rights as citizens, would surely follow.’

Hear those prophetic words now, because nothing has changed.



The three participants:

Dennis Dayle — DEA

He began his federal career working for the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs in Chicago, a forerunner of the Drug Enforcement Administration, where he continued to distinguish himself.

From the mid-1970s to 1980s, Dayle led investigations into international drug smuggling for the DEA, heading up Centac, which were chronicled in 1986 in a best-selling book,

The Underground Empire: Where Crime and Governments Embrace, by James Mills.


Ralph McGehee — CIA

A 25 year veteran of the Central Intelligence Agency enlightened us with this following paragraph from his 1983 book “Deadly Deceits,” which edifies a familiar pattern of deception that we have witnessed but we never understood.

He stated the following about the CIA: “The CIA is not an intelligence agency. In fact, it acts largely as an anti-intelligence agency, producing only that information wanted by policymakers to support their plans and suppressing information that does not support those plans.

As the covert action arm of the president, the CIA uses disinformation, much of it aimed at the U.S. public, to mold opinion. It employs the gamut of disinformation techniques from forging documents to planting and discovering “communist” weapons caches.

But the major weapon in its arsenal of disinformation is the “intelligence” it feeds to policymakers. Instead of gathering genuine intelligence that could serve as the basis for reasonable policies, the CIA often ends up distorting reality, creating out of the whole cloth “intelligence” to justify policies that have already been decided upon.

Policymakers leak this “intelligence” to the media to deceive us all and gain our support.”


Wesley Swearingen — FBI

Former FBI Special Agent from 1951 to 1977, M. Wesley Swearingen wrote “FBI Secrets”. This important work traces his FBI career in “domestic counter-intelligence” from the time he signed on after World War II to his retirement and beyond.

Swearingen began his career doing “black bag jobs” on Communists in Chicago. In Kentucky and New York City, he spent years doing serious criminal investigations, which had been his goal in joining the FBI.

But J. Edgar Hoover fixated on the threat posed by such groups as the Black Panthers and the Weathermen — Swearingen is more explicit than most on the FBI’s unconstitutional role in an important pattern of political corruption and illegal repression of U.S. Civil Rights in the 1960s, under his one-time mentor, Hoover.




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    Total 50 comments
    • No time

      Truer words have never been spoken, bless you for these wonderful words from God. Hallelujah, Yeshua!

      • CHESS: PUTIN 6-0 OBAMA

        I would not trust any of these guys. Remember they are Americans. Americans normally lie and deceit the public in general.

        • Anonymous

          I disagree, it is Islam who lie and consider it ok to lie to further the movement of Radical Islam

        • Mangod

          All Praise to Putin! :!: :!: :!:

        • Gil Carlson

          What’s going on here… Has our government been making and flying their own UFOs? Why is this UFO being worked on at Area 51? Oops, maybe I wasn’t supposed to take this photo!

        • carsonking

          Gil,give it a rest and pay to advertise your book like everyone else, no one minds a bit of self publicity but your taking it to a whole new level. I don’t want to give you my money and nor do a lot of us, if we had the answer, we would distribute it for free, freedom from our slavery is the biggest reward. Please, pretty please. :smile:

      • plsnogod

        don’t be a silly billy. please stop worshipping stuff that is not real.

        try thinking for yourself. it can be refreshing!

        • Mirabolin

          Please stop parroting your peers overcompensation of their lack of a mind and consciousness plsnogod. Just sod off to your fundy roots. Your authoritarianisms dreams of using ‘reality’ to advance it self will only work on the mentally handicapped.

      • plsnogod

        ah mirabolin,

        despite your incomprehensible (that means i can’t understand it ) comment, i’m glad i am getting through to people.

        your deity,along with the rest of them have caused untold death,torture and destruction to mankind. the sooner we let go of this nonsense the better.

        religious people tend to get very aggressive when defending their god,and you illustrate the point beautifully. thankyou so much.

        p.s. if you would like help with your grammar and sentence construction,do let me know,i can recommend a couple of useful websites.

        just trying to help.

        • truthlovingsoul

          ok, i get it that you want to get the word out to people about your beliefs, but imagine if someone forced you to believe in god. would you appreciate it? it is true that organized religion has been a real scourge , but people have to come to that conclusion on their own. you are planting seeds and then screaming GROOOOOW!!!!!!
          there is more evidence that there is a god than not.
          god, creator, spirit, energy, whatever.
          could it be that you are wrong about god but right about religion? just asking.

    • Anonymous

      I have to ask, Why on earth would we trust these guys? This issue has been going on for decades and decades. Yet they were silent all those years. Why are earth are they finally speaking up?

      We know that these agencies readily practice psyops on Americans. We know just how they do it.

      What about these guys makes them believable, … now?

      I am not an Obama fan. However, these guys have been silent for so long, while high felonious crimes are committed by these agencies on a routine basis. WHY NOW speak out?

      • Odd Job

        That fluoride in your water is definitely working, and the aspartame in your soda.

        What part of

        “In late 1996 / early 1997, Mike Levine and 3 fellow federal agents with CIA, FBI and DEA, came together for a broadcast”

        did you not understand?

        • Anonymous

          Actually I drink reverse osmosis water, and don’t even brush with fluoride. There is nothing in my post that could make you think I am ignorant. However, you seem to be incapable of simply saying you disagree, which would be good statement for discussion. Instead you used insulting, which totally dissuades any type of decent discussion on this issue, … with you.

          From those few lines i wrote, you assumed way too much. A major error in communication.
          I understood the interviewees completely and agree with a good portion of it. But a good portion of this, I had already known, some of it known since the 90′s.

          So why are they coming out now?
          What is their history of whistle-blowing? Anyone know? I can look it up as well.

        • Болеслава

          Anonymous they are not coming out now. Writing a book is considered coming out…they wrote their books back then not now, but these books have been forgotten or never read. Everything we know today was known back then by those who were awake. These people don’t bother joining these discussions because they know if you are only waking up now it is too late for you. The horse has bolted. Instead they prepared their exit from the system long ago. They don’t want to be tracked, tagged, then targeted and destroyed.

      • Veritas

        They are either ready to get Arkancided Bill Clinton style or black mailed…

        Useful idiots!

      • Mother mary

        It think this is part of the NWO plan (Obama’s transparency) They want us to know. They have all these whistleblower agents come forward. When the people see all this corruption they will demand change. Of course that chapter has been written a long time ago. Reform… welcome to communism.

    • FunnyStrange

      Bring it. We’re still waiting. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Oh, and they better use a sniper because I’ve been itching to take out some testicles before i die. Sleep well. :evil:

    • IMC

      If our president and vice president are true psychopaths then they are extremely dangerous. A psychopath would murder the world to get what it wants, and sometimes what a psychopath wants is to avoid being held accountable.

      • Anonymous

        Actually I drink reverse osmosis water, and don’t even brush with fluoride. There is nothing in my post that could make you think I am ignorant. However, you seem to be incapable of simply saying you disagree, which would be good statement for discussion. Instead you used insulting, which totally dissuades any type of decent discussion on this issue, … with you.

        From those few lines i wrote, you assumed way too much. A major error in communication.
        I understood the interviewees completely and agree with a good portion of it. But a good portion of this, I had already known, some of it known since the 90′s.

        So why are they coming out now?
        What is their history of whistle-blowing? Anyone know? I can look it up as well.

        IMC, regarding your post below, I agree totally. But we must also include the last four presidents, including the Bushes, both the smart one and the stupid one. Irrationally, I still like Reagan.

      • Anonymous

        I also want to say that there is a book that shows how to combat the psyops, propaganda and power-mongering issues these fellas are talking about: DISPELLING WETIKO, by Paul Levy. I am only in the 4th chapter so I cannot speak widely on it. Do consider reading this book.

        The rogue aspects in our government are going to have to find a new way to control my perceptions.
        Even here on this site, I have a method I use to determine what is lie and what is not. I find it to be 100% fool-proof.

        I turned off cable TV, simply wasn’t watching it. I don’t get any major newspaper. I buy books, lots of them, hard copy. Between books and the internet, tho there is so much more to read, I think I am starting to be well-informed.

    • You People Are Nuts

      “After It’s News”

    • Grover

      The rich are the enemy.

    • fddddd

      The sound quality is very bad, cant listen to this.


      The United States is the laughing stock of th world. Obama is the laughing stock of the east.


      all the while I was listening to these retired agents I was silently screaming DONT YOU SEE – DONT YOU SEE! the CIA is RUN by Other World humans – and THAT is why the CIA SEEMS to be a FAILURE
      It is all one grand DESIGN. Part of the Big Picture
      By now some of you would know the work I have been doing – constantly corroborated by events formerly publicly stated actually coming true. Consistently now since 2009.
      I continue to DO the work simply because verification does ARRIVE WITHOUT WARNING -THAT TIME TRAVEL IS REAL, THAT THERE is AN AGENDA AGAINST EARTH BORN HUMANS AND THAT WE ARE all kept IN THE DARK – AND it all revolves around the MAIN STREAM ”news”


      Vid 58:35 What he was doing was recruiting the radical Islamic fundamentalists from around the world and bringing them … to Pakistan

      Vid 1:00:38 Something like 80% of the CIA support was going to the radical [Islamic] fundamentalists and people kept saying, hey you know what you’re doing. Once this war is over … you got maybe 100,000 radical Islamic fundamentalists … who are declaring their second most enemy after the Russians is the United States. Do you know what is going to happen when this all ends and what did happen, of course, is when the Russians were defeated, number two target, the United States, loomed high …. CIA has created … international terrorism

      The thrust of the DEA, FBI and CIA guys was ISLAMISTS ARE COMING TO GET YOU USA. The Freemason third world war, Islam v Christianity, Christianity v Islam. The guys want you all to believe it was mere ineptness on the part of CIA higher ups that there are now 100,000 or so radical Islamic fundamentalists and they are going to attack their enemy USA.

      Vid 3:30 Is our national security in capable hands right now … [Dennis the former DEA employee answers] I think on a very very serious level it is

      Vid 6:44 We are not in good hands [says DEA Dennis]

      DEA Dennis in a matter of about 3 minutes contradicts himself. So he believes that on a “very very serious level” the USA national security is in capable hands, and then he states that he thinks the USA is not in good hands in terms of national security.

      Vid 6:07 [DEA Dennis] I’m talking about Ivory Tower people rather than the people in the intelligence community who I’ve worked with very amicably, very effectively and very patriotically

      DEA Dennis says the solution has become the problem because elements in the solution have not been held accountable. And the CIA and FBI guests say the same about the CIA and FBI, solutions that have become the problem because the ivory tower people within those solutions are not held accountable. The DEA is the solution to what? The DEA should not exist and is not a patriotic organization. That people should be fined and jailed by government thugs for partaking of plants that grow in nature is preposturous. The DEA exists for nefarious purposes. The CIA should not exist. The USA has military intelligence. The CIA is a corrupt institution by its very nature, it exists for nefarious purposes. The FBI should not exist, assigning crimes as being federal crimes should not exist. The FBI exists for nefarious purposes. They are all of the central government, and the CG is in the hands of the Freemason elitists who rule unjustly over the USA people.

      As to patriotic, the US Constitution replaced a better deal, which was a voluntary union, confederation, among the states with no central government. There was no requirement for a central government. When the US Constitution was put in place, that is when Freemasons erected their Zeus-like image of George Washington in or about 1843. The Freemasons knew that with the USC having been adopted, they were on their way to aggregating great wealth and great power over the people of the USA and the statue of GW illustrated that power. They had created the central government and put themselves in the positions of power within the central government, and looked over the vast empire (the numerous states of the prior confederation union) over which they now became the supreme rulers.

      The USC is not all it is claimed to be. The right to appear before a judge to defend oneself if arrested (habeas corpus), is easily withdrawn under the USC, and is not even termed a right, but rather a privilege and may be suspended where rebellion or invasion threatens public safety.

      Prior to the USC, the states were free to allow immigration of any foreigner they wanted to live within their state. But under the USC, as of 1808, the states were not allowed to permit immigrants to their states unless Congress approved. As of 1808, Congress had sole authority to allow or disallow immigrants to the USA.

      VID 7:43 working with the most radical elements of the Muslims

      PROPAGANDA VIDEO, as from all angles Americans are being bombarded with the idea that their greatest enemy is radicalized Muslims. That way the propaganda jerks can maintain good Muslim, bad Muslims, want those good Muslims to immigrate to USA and Europe, they aren’t the problem. It’s the radicalized Muslims. This is the Freemason Morals and Dogma Albert Pike 3rd world war Christians v. Muslims and so the Freemasons are bringing Muslims into Europe and USA, mainstream and alt media blasts people with the constant mantra – radicalized Muslims are coming to get you western world. Ads on D.C. public Metro buses that state the Quran is anti-Semitic. American Freedom Defense Initiative is behind the ads and who they are? A Pam Geller is the face of AFDI but as to any board of directors, other members nothing is stated at the AFDI website. The Quran is a blood thirsty evil doctrine just as the gospel of Pharisee Paul is a blood thirsty evil doctrine. Both consider those outside their faiths are to be punished and/or killed. As to Pharisee Paul’s gospel:

      Ephesians 2:2 … all outside the church are children of disobedience

      2 Cor. 10:6 Be ready to revenge all disobedience

      If you ain’t in the church, then you are a disobedient person and the church members are to bring revenge upon all who are disobedient. Same with Quran, you ain’t a Muslim, then you are fit to have your possessions confiscated, to be exiled, to be imprisoned, tortured or killed.

      Council for National Policy, Council on Foreign Relations, one of a myriad of organizations that are all working to bring about Freemason envisioned third world war Muslims v Christians

      • Rose

        Nothing worse than a lousy interpretation of Sacred Scripture. Allow me to help you out here.

        In the past you were spiritually dead because of your sins and the things you did against God. 2 Yes, in the past your lives were full of those sins. You lived the way the world lives, following the ruler of the evil powers[a] that are above the earth. That same spirit is now working in those who refuse to obey God. 3 In the past all of us lived like that, trying to please our sinful selves. We did all the things our bodies and minds wanted. Like everyone else in the world, we deserved to suffer God’s anger just because of the way we were.

        2 Cor 10
        I, Paul, am begging you with the gentleness and the kindness of Christ. Some say that I am bold when I am writing you from a distance, but not when I am there with you. 2 They think our motives for what we do are like those of the world. I plan to be very bold against those people when I come. I hope I will not need to use that same boldness with you. 3 We live in this world, but we don’t fight our battles in the same way the world does. 4 The weapons we use are not human ones. Our weapons have power from God and can destroy the enemy’s strong places. We destroy people’s arguments, 5 and we tear down every proud idea that raises itself against the knowledge of God. We also capture every thought and make it give up and obey Christ. 6 We are ready to punish anyone there who does not obey, but first we want you to be fully obedient.

        (And just to clarify Paul’ intent)

        7 You must look at the facts before you. If you feel sure you belong to Christ, you must remember that we belong to Christ the same as you do. 8 It may seem as though we boast too much about the authority the Lord gave us. But he gave us this authority to strengthen you, not to hurt you. So I will not be ashamed of whatever boasting we do. 9 I don’t want you to think that I am trying to scare you with my letters. 10 Some people say, “Paul’s letters are powerful and sound important, but when he is with us, he is weak and the worst speaker you have ever heard.” 11 Those people should know this: When we are there with you, we will show the same power that we show now in our letters.

        12 We don’t dare put ourselves in the same class with those who think they are so important. We don’t compare ourselves to them. They use themselves to measure themselves, and they judge themselves by what they themselves are. This shows that they know nothing.


          The evil Rose and what is stated above is:


          What is the institution of the converts to Pharisee Paul? IT IS THE CHURCH, varying denominations BUT ALL HAVE IN COMMON the church altar, church rulers and they all teach as though commandments of God the doctrine of Pharisee Paul

          In Ephesians 2:2 Paul is speaking to his converts telling them they once lived according to the ways of the world and were under the power of the prince of the air (Satan) and says that spirit of the prince of the air works in those who are children of disobedience

          From KJV:

          Ephesians 2:2 wherein times past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience


          The EVIL EVIL EVIL Pharisee Paul teaches all who are not converted to his gospel are OF SATAN’S SPIRIT, that Satan works in all of them!

          Rose the child of Hell Pharisee Paul convert. The many totally self-deluded who even before Christ in Heaven will insist Christ must know them even though he tells them to leave him:

          MATTHEW 25:41 … Depart from me into everlasting fire prepared for Satan and his angels

          MATTHEW 7:22-23 … BUT LORD LORD WE DID MANY WONDERFUL WORKS IN YOUR NAME … And I will tell them, I NEVER KNEW YOU. Depart from me, workers of lawlessness

          Christ never knew those who converted to Pharisee Paul’s doctrine. They are so stupid, so evil that just like they defy Christ:

          Romans 3:20 … EVILDOERS HATE THE LIGHT

          and insist their evildoing master Pharisee Paul is of God (Romans 7:19 I DO EVIL), these children of Hell defy Christ in Heaven too, saying you got to be wrong Christ, we did a lot of good in your name, you got to know us


          and the evil Rose is another example of the many children of Hell I encounter on BIN. Total morons.


          KJV Version

          2 Cor. 10:6 And having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled


          Get these children of Hell who think their own ‘OBEDIENCE IS FULFILLED’, they are full of the Holy Spirit so they think, and are commanded by their master to now REVENGE ALL DISOBEDIENCE

          Rose is just a scumbag child of Hell apologists, deceiver trying to claim I am lying in stating that Pharisee Paul teaches that: ALL OUTSIDE THE CHURCH ARE CHILDREN OF DISOBEDIENCE. In fact, Pharisee Paul teaches that: ALL OUTSIDE THE CHURCH ARE OF SATAN’S SPIRIT being he says they are all under the power of the prince of the air, which is Paul’s term for Satan.


          How is the evildoing, doesn’t know how to do good wretched man who serves sin in his deeds going to make Gentiles obedient in word and deed? To the lake of fire go the converts to Paul’s gospel:

          Romans 7:19 I do not know how to do good. I do evil

          Romans 7:24 I am such a wretched man

          Romans 7:25 … I serve sin in my deeds

    • StavoV

      Disinformation….no more, no less. Think about what they said……there is nothing new or different, that you can’t hear or find on any rightwing, chicken farm. They all cackle the same old song. :lol:

    • Top Cat

      We are being dragged into the new world order and global government. Our constitution is being tossed into the trash.

      You will be required to have a chip inserted to participate in the new global economic system that’s coming. This along with facial recognition and the trap is set. No shopping, internet, cell phone, banking, without the mark of the beast system.

      You will be reduced to an animal without it. Public ridicule and scorn will follow you.

      People will try to convert you to the beast system. They will convince the weakest to go with them and get the mark. They will offer you food, drink, all of the luxuries of modern living.

      It will be the reverse of Christians trying to convert people to Christ. The tables will be turned.


        Christians do not convert people to Christ, they convert them to the false christ in Pharisee Paul’s gospel. The false christ says EVILDOERS CAN BE OF GOD, SOME EVILDOERS LOVE THE LIGHT

        The Christians love their evildoer Paul and say he is an apostle of Christ, an evildoer is of God’s spirit:

        Romans 7:19 I do not know how to do good. I do evil

        Elsewhere, the Pharisee says he knows how to do good, says he was a perfect righteous man absolutely blameless when it comes to following God’s law aka Moses’ law aka the oracles of God:

        Pharisee Paul, the founder of churches, he loved Moses’ law, and says that he was a perfect and righteous man:

        Philippians 3:4-6 … If any man thinks that he has done whereof that he may trust in the flesh, I more: circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews, as touching the law, a Pharisee; … touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless

        Pharisee Paul, the false apostle, says he was all righteous, blameless in the law (see Philippians quote above). But he says he gives all of that up to serve Christ. The Pharisee is a liar, he does not give up his belief that he is of his father Abraham, and he is righteous before God because he is blameless when it comes to keeping Moses’ law, as he states:

        Galatians 2:15 We are Jews by nature, and not sinners of the Gentiles

        Pharisee Paul acknowledges that the Jews possess the oracles of God (Romans 3:2), and in the quote from Philippians above, Paul states he, a Pharisee, was blameless as touching the oracles of God aka law of Moses. But elsewhere, Pharisee Paul says that to know the law is knowledge of sin and therefore all who keep the law are not blameless as touching the law, not blameless before God. Pharisee Paul the schizoid clown says he was blameless when he kept God’s law, but now calls those who do keep God’s law not blameless before God because knowledge of the law is knowledge of sin. Also, Pharisee Paul says God’s oracles caused people to do evil by giving them knowlege of sin, which knowledge was gained by knowing the law (the oracles of God), as Pharisee Paul teaches it is evil to have knowledge of sin:

        Romans 3:20 By the deeds of the law, no one shall be justified in his sight, for by the law is the knowlege of sin

        The darkness that is the doctrine of the anti-Christ Pharisee Paul (1 John 2:18). Twisted lies, nonsensical gibberish from Hell from the child of Hell, man of Satan and anti-Christ Pharisee Paul, for Christ says:

        Matthew 5:17-20 I have not come to do away with the law … teach and do God’s commandments ….

        Revelation 22:14 Blessed are those who do God’s commandments

        Pharisee Paul says one must run from the law of God because to know the law of God is to have knowledge of sin, (or in other words, to have knowledge of what is pleasing to God and what is displeasing to God), and Pharisee Paul says it is evil to possess knowlege of sin and therefore evil to possess knowlege of the law for such knowlege brings with it knowlede of sin.

        So Pharisee Paul gives up for Christ being a righteous man, as Paul says he was blameless before Moses’ law, he kept the whole of Moses’ law, and becomes a devilish freak schizoid who now claims his body (and all flesh) is captive to a so-called “law of sin”, and therefore he cannot help but do evil. He is relegated to serving God’s law in his mind and serving sin in his flesh. He does not know how to do good anymore. He cannot keep God’s law anymore because he gave up everything for Christ:

        Romans 7:25 I serve God’s law in my mind and I serve sin in my flesh

        Romans 7:19 I do not know how to do good. I do evil

        Romans 7:23 … all flesh is captive to the law of sin

        Pharisee Paul’s doctrine is that to have knowlege of God’s law is an evil thing because knowlege of the law is knowledge of sin, and having knowledge of sin is an evil evil evil thing. In the above quoted passage from Paul, he says that he serves God’s law in his mind. Okay, he teaches that knowlege of God’s law brings knowledge of sin and to have knowledge of sin is an evil thing, so that means Pharisee Paul is commiting evil in his mind and also in his deeds because in his mind he is serving God’s law and knowing the law is knowing sin and it is evil to know sin.

        One might ask why is Pharisee Paul delighting in God’s law in his mind when he says knowlege of the law is knowlege of sin, and says it is an evil thing to have knowledge of sin. And why is Pharisee Paul delighting in God’s law in his mind when he calls God’s law, death written in stone and the letter that kills, which descriptions of God’s law are in keeping with Paul’s claim that knowlege of the law is an evil thing because it brings with it knowledge of sin:

        2 Cor. 3:6-7 … the letter that kills … death written in stone

        Romans 7:22 For I delight in the law of God

        An attempt to make it very easy for the Pharisee Paul fence sitters:

        Romans 3:7 If the truth of God is being spread by my LIE why am I judged a sinner

        The Pharisee admits he is lying when speaking of God. Another shot at making it easy:

        John 3:20 … evildoers hate the light

        Romans 7:19 … I DO EVIL

        Pharisee Paul admits he is teaching lies about God. Christ says evildoers hate the light. Pharisee Paul says he does evil. So what is the problem that people want to hold on to Pharisee Paul? Chalk it up to them being children of Hell:

        Matthew 23:15 Pharisees and their converts are children of Hell

        The children of Hell hate Christ, they do not obey him, but they claim to belong to Christ. In the simpliest of matters, they disobey Christ. Clear cut Christ says, evildoers are not of God. But the children of Hell insist their master Pharisee Paul the evildoer, the servant of sin, is of God. And they are workers of lawlessness, as the entire thrust of Paul’s doctrine is: grace, no more law:

        Matthew 7:22-23 Many shall say to me in that day, but Lord Lord we did many wonderful works in your name … And I will tell them, I never knew you. Depart from me, workers of lawlessness

        Pharisee Paul is all about convincing to convert to his teaching that the law of God is an evil thing, one must not have knowlege of the law of God for in having such knowledge one gains knowledge of sin and it is an evil thing to have knowledge of sin. Pharisee Paul says:

        Hebrews 10:2 … the worshipers once purged should have no more conscience of sins

        Hebrews 10:3 But in those things there is a remembrance of sins

        Pharisee Paul fence sitters, since when is having conscience of sin a bad thing:

        Matthew 6:9-13 Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES [SINS], as we forgive those who trespass [SIN] against us….

        Christ gives us a consciousness of sins in the prayer he gave to recite because the prayer pleases the Lord. Pharisee Paul offers a false christ that declares that which is good makes the worshipers free of conscience of sin. But the true Christ makes us conscience of sin. Sin is that which is displeasing to God, and there are degrees of sin, such that the sin of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is never forgiven in this world or at judgment, as there is mercy extended at judgment as warranted, such as evildoers who God knows would have given up evil deeds had they received God’s message (Matthew 12:31, 11:23-24). Christ says there will be people who receive eternal life with God who broke the least of God’s commandments and taught others to do the same (Matthew 5:19).

        Pharisee Paul’s mantra is do not know sin, do not know the law of God so that you will not know sin. The workers of lawlessness is how Christ describes the converts to Paul’s gospel. And those many people honestly believe they are of Christ, because they argue with Christ, putting up reason why he should know them: we did many wonderful works in your name, etc. But these people are workers of lawlessness, pushing the doctrine of Pharisee Paul who preaches no more law, grace (Romans 6:15).


          Furthermore :lol:

          Beast microchip mark blah blah blah the legion of dopes who FAIL to recognize THERE WON’T BE ANYTHING OF MANKIND’S ELECTRICAL INFRASTRUCTURE LEFT STANDING prior to the

          Beast’s physical arrival on earth (he is on earth now in spirit form, he carries the Roman church, Rev. 17:7, 17:10-11, he arises in physical form – Rev Ch. 11)

          God’s revenge on the world for killing his people (Rev. 6:9-11, Matthew 23:35) kicks off with an earthquake so strong that every mountain and every island is moved out of its place, and such an earthquake will destroy all of mankind’s electrical infrastructure, no more petroleum infrastructure, etc.

    • Jango

      We are in the Last Days. For a timeline and events to soon happen see the End Times Prophecy article at

      • Truthseeker


        says the fellow using a fake picture of a false savior, but isn’t the guy in the picture so sweet, and hair that most girls would love. But it is a total lie and jango seems love fake and false things.

      • Louis

        JANGO = Holy roller out to lunch know-nothing fruit loop speaking of things he’s not even remotely qualified to comprehend.

      • MSG Chicken

        We were in the last days since Paul’s time where it was called that.

    • Equalizer

      All factual and “on record” do your homework ladies.

    • carsonking

      If god is real, he has deserted us and all the stars, planets and everything in the sky are more of his unfinished projects.

    • MSG Chicken

      I don’t know of anyone stupid enough to challenge 300 million Americans, do you?

      Come to think about it, they are some stupid enough like the idiot negro.

    • MSG Chicken

      And why 3 agents? Why not 1 1/2?

    • Things that make ya go hummm

      I haven’t watched the video yet but after reading the comments, I don’t think I will now. Religion is the cabals tool.

    • Ideas Time

      The lame stream media is owned by the same people who want to take you out. People need to understand they don’t care about the usless eaters and I would have to guess we don’t either.

      When shtf, the good guys will find out that most likey we are going to be fighting all of them. My advise would be, be prepaired and expect the worst. Every one who cannot survive will be after the informed.

    • Anonymous

      Wow, I didn’t know people were saying this and warning us of this that early on.

      I only see this in the last 8 years or so… I wish I had known these people, then, back then, when I needed this information.

    • Болеслава

      “we art now the enemy” – explains the police behaviour to a “T”.

      Everyone in america needs to carry a gun. It would reduce crime, eliminate murders and assaults by the police and eventually bring politicians, burocrats and crimocorp people into line especially if their photos are plastered all over the place so people know who they are. All of the above is legal and should be mandatory. In other words Americans still have it in their power to take their country back, but the window of opportunity is closing fast. This needs to go viral. Help! :idea:

    • MG

      The illusion of choice. The leaders of the world answer to their controllers. They play the “game” as to allow the Elite, “human resource ownership over their territories”. Using the military to control the human resources is too expensive, so they use a simpler method. They convince their human resources to fight each other, while they, our owners sit back and collect revenues from their crops, or Humans as we call them.

      Without hope, the human resources/crops will start to become unproductive and combative. The illusion of choice, the illusion of conflict is only theater for the crops to yield their highest returns. The SOTU speech was classic “face” speech offering “hope” while in reality not one word was true. It was created to manipulate both sides of the illusion of separation.

      Human resources are forced to either collect money so they can be used as a tool of separation for the masses, or they are forced to work for less than it costs to live as to keep the masses controlled. People suffer because your human owners placed you there to keep you so busy paying taxes to keep them rich, that you can’t speak out against them without their hired conflictors spreading negative feedback to the masses as to keep your situation in the argument stage. You can’t and will never win the argument that is fixed to lose. Because you are owned by your human controllers. Make no mistake, the game is fixed and the dealer never loses.

      How is it, we blame ourselves while those who can’t be mentioned without an argument walk free? Are any of world’s problems your fault, or the person across the street because of who they voted for? You’re existing in an illusion of misdirection.

      Do you jump when your “team” tells you to jump? Then you’re human owners have full control of your actions. You may not want to come out of the illusion, because once you see them for what they are. You will never chose a side again as there are only two sides to this coin.

      Those with all the Money, and those without.

      US, or THEM. Which are you?

    • truthlovingsoul

      now we all need to focus on solutions and action.
      we know everyone’s corrupt, so let’s move on with that knowledge.
      time’s running out.

    • truthlovingsoul

      for god’s sake, israel, saudi arabia, qatar and the us are behind these “islamic terrorists”. wake tf up, people.

    • No time

      This is an excellent article, but most the comments are totally ridiculous.

    • conscious soul

      There is ONLY ONE WAY, and that is through Jesus/ Yashaya. Please accept Christ into your heart and repent of your sins. Admit that you are a sinner and do everything you have within yourself to turn away from those sins. Jesus/Yashaya will not let you go once you give yourself to him. He sacrificed himself for ALL of us. Of course its not always easy.  Ephesians 6:12 ” For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”.  Accecpt the way of the light, grow your faith in Christ, stand in your faith. These are the last days and WE MUST FIGHT FOR OUR SOULS! Love you ALL! GOD bless and may he have favor with us all! :wink:

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