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POLIO Survival lesson # One:

God placed symptoms (physiological Reactions) in our bodies as a method or sign to find the real cause and cure for all illnesses. All illnesses have symptoms, but only the evil ones use “symptom cures” as a method to kill, control and enslave us, as the real cause and cure is intentionally hidden.

USE: Gogi Juice for blood cleansing and alkalizing of our blood with alkaline foods and alterative herbs and real natural vitamins.

Gogi Juice blood cleansing:

Alkaline health education:

Natural food based nutrients:

Your blood is intentionally being poisoned by junk foods which are mostly acidic, toxins, legal and illegal drugs, chemicals in foods, poisons in vaccines, fluorine, artificial coal tar based nutrients, etc.. by our elected Socialists in our Corporate government; who have succeeded in killing too many of us.

Now our children are being attacked again with a new form of POLIO.

In order to survive the socialists’ attacks, first look at the symptoms of the polio epidemic.

People with immunodeficiency (HIV, cancer patients, chemotherapypatients, for example), very young individuals, pregnant females, caregivers for polio patients, travelers to areas were polio is endemic, and lab personnel who work with live polioviruses are at increased risk for polio.

Polio, like smallpox, only infects humans. Polio spreads by person-to-person contact; the VIRUS LIVES IN the THROAT and in the INTESTINES; [CLUE: remember that parasites love your intestines???]

non-paralytic polio (minor) and paralytic polio (major).

Non-paralytic polio infections develop FLU-LIKE SYMPTOMSthat consist of FEVER, SORE THROAT, HEADACHE, MALAISE, AND MUSCLE STIFFNESS (NECK, BACK)SEVERE MUSCLE ACHES AND SPASMS, LOSS OF REFLEXES, AND FLACCID PARALYSIS (LIMBS BECOME FLOPPY) – The MUSCULATURE involved with breathing may become inhibited or nonfunctional; these patients need assistance with breathing.


What is the treatment for polio? Early diagnosis and supportive treatments such as bed rest, pain control, good nutrition, and physical therapy to prevent deformitiesextremity pain, muscle spasms, and limb deformities.

From what I see here, is another microscopic blood parasite bacterial infection attacking the muscles, and mucus linings causing extreme Vitamin C and mineral deficiencies.

We ex-Scientologists always know that a physiological reaction is nothing more than a symptom of the mind and body to help you find the real cause and cure of the real problem.

God gave us these physiological reactions to find the real cause and real cure — learn to use them!!! Every illness has the source of the problem written in the symptoms manifested.

Above you have the links for your education and cures. Especially mineral supplementation and blood cleansing and purification methods.

Remember that Lemon juice disinfects the throat and is anti-bacteria and alkaline forming??? Take LEMON JUICE mixed with water or straight and take  100 mg. of liquid Vitamin C if small child, to 100 mg. to 1000 mg of vitamins C, if larger child and heavy dosages of liquid minerals. 


Above are the Polio links that also work to cure HEP C AND B. Both types can be cured by a complete blood cleansing. The alterative herbs listed and liver cleansing herbs will cure both Hepatitis C and Hepatitis B.

Steps: HEPATITIS C AND HEPATITIS B –  both are from a LIVER FLUKE OR PARASITEthat infects mainly the liver and blood.

PROTOCOL TO USE: Black Walnut Husk, Wormwood, And Cloves in tincture form. 25 DROPS PER DAY.

One tablespoon of alterative herbs mixed in water or juice, or in pill form — 00 size capsules, and 5 to 10 drops of natural Iodine per day, juice of one lemon, 1000 mg of vitamin C per day.

There are many ways to clean out your liver, but all the best methods use real lemon Juice that dissolves the gallstones and sediment. All use Olive Oil to ease out the dirt and stones. And all tell you to sleep or rest on your right side for over an hour.

The alterative herbs all work, but I took a blend of ten back when I cured myself of Hep C in the year 2001. So you can pick and choose for your own formula. But it takes a while to completely clean out your blood. The BLOOD PARASITES or LIVER FLUKES must be killed and cleaned out first (takes 8 weeks) and then the liver cleansing is next (takes 3 to 5 days). And then the alterative herbs are used last (takes 5 weeks). In that order.


  The next update will be just before the  PATRIOTS' PLAYGROUND LAND IS SELECTED FOR CONSTRUCTION!!!

The survival of Patriots and Ex-Scientologists is my life's work. These socialists are the enemies of mankind. Why???

Look up "HIVE MINDS" and get a clue.

Steps for our survival starts with knowing "WHAT" the enemy is more than WHO he is. From here we learn to undo the harm he causes us.


These are all the protocols from every online source available to us in order to cure Ebola, Cholera and Malaria.  The Ebola  virus comes from  a microscopic blood parasite.  As with all illnesses that we face, the virus or bacteria comes from the toxins and wastesproduced from the parasites. Even when fleas or bats carry illnesses, they come from a microscopic blood parasite infestation in their body. The bush meat eaten by the natives of Africa brought us the parasite that is going to be used against us by the socialists.

There more than 1000 types of blood parasites that can infest  the human body. The Ebola parasite attacks the blood vessel walls. It eats and punctures the walls and bleeds you out. That is why you need the high amounts of vitamin C to strengthen the walls, and prevent all the collagen from being eaten by the parasite, on the walls of your veins. Vitamin C also kills viruses, bacteria and fungus in animals too. Vitamin C is also alkaline forming, which increases oxygen levels in the blood which also kill parasites. [see alkaline foods and alkaline forming foods.]

The virus stops your blood from (coagulation) clotting that is why we need vitamin k from pills or from the green vegetables we eat. But vitamin k is very slow acting.

The Ebola parasite is the fastest replicating  virus known to man. You die in 10 days after your symptoms start. The Ebola virus is very easily absorbed by the skin, since the parasite is microscopic in size. Your skin need not be broken or torn to absorb the parasites. Remember this fact — your skin is porous. Anything you put on your skin is absorbed.

So let no one tell you that what you need to do is dangerous. You don’t have time to argue with them.

1. Silver is just one protocol that is not fast acting to save you in 10 days. This is a long term method only, use it later.

2. Master Mineral Solution  –   takes a longer time to work too. This is a long term method only, use it later.

3. Vitamin C is fast acting, but will give you diarrhea above 4000 mg to 6000 mg depending on age and body weight. But it will help you stay alive until you kill the parasite and the eggs of the parasite with the other protocols. Warning the parasite infestation must be eliminated or you will still die. As just one worm egg will repopulate the infestation in one week. If you don’t kill the microscopic parasite it will reinfest you over again. Vitamin C will not kill the blood parasite or the worm eggs that are now lodged in every part of your body. Warning all parasites lay thousands of eggs in one day. Only Cloves can kill worm eggs, you will need to keep on taking cloves in tea or capsule form for months to eliminate each and every egg or you will still die.

4. Vitamin k in pill or capsules are slow acting. Vegetables supply vitamin K, but if you wait to resupply in this method, you will die soon.

5. Black Walnut Husk, Wormwood, And Cloves in tincture form is fast acting, so this one is your first protocol  along with natural iodine.

6. Natural 2% tincture of iodine (red color) is the fastest acting protocol to save you. There is also a more powerful iodine of 7% tincture for external use only. This one will kill cancer cells on your skin for melanoma type skin cancer and will also kill the parasites that cause the FLESH EATING BACTERIA, we can get from our swamps, rivers and lakes.

7. To keep you hydrated and nourished, in both Ebola and Cholera, I recommend liquid plant derived vitamins, and vegetables — liquefied and drunk as a lite juice,  and also lots of plain water, but never distilled water that sucks the minerals from your blood. No solid foods at all. Your nutrients and liquids must be available to you fast!!!

Do the slow acting protocols too if you have the strength to do them all.


Dr. Rima   silver solution or any other brand will do.

vitamin C      dosage — start at 4000 mg. to 6000 mg and go up to 25,000 mg.  Build up to 25,000 mg. in 3 days. you only have 7 days left before you die. Just do it and stop arguing about diarrhea. (see mega vitamin therapies).

Vitamin K     every hour in pill form.

Only green vegetables eaten each day that supply vitamin k, liquefied and drunk as a juice.

100 drops of NATURAL iodine twice a day. WARNING!!! Iodine is natural but IODIDE is toxic and artificial. It was invented as a cheap replacement, but it does not heal any illnesses.

50 drops each day of the tincture made out of Black Walnut Husk, Wormwood, And Cloves.

Master Mineral Solution


As with all viruses and bacteria deadly to man and dogs, it comes from microscopic blood parasites and/or large worm parasites. From the black death, and the bubonic plague that kills about two thirds of infected humans within four days; to every other plague, each one is from a parasite.

For cholera, constant diarrhea is what kills you. For uncontrollable diarrhea, Bentonite Clay is your best bet. There are many types of clay — red, green, white etc., but whichever you have — just use enough to stop the discharge. Take four to six tablespoons or more if needed, mix with water or juice, until you become constipated. Drink plenty of water and start the other protocols to kill the parasites. Bentonite clay removes the toxins, poisons and waste that cause the viruses, from the parasites and eggs. Then use the protocols above, exceptvitamin c for when you have Cholera. When you know that you have passed the point of death, there is an herb to get you un-clogged and permit you to evacuate. It is senna leaves, make a tea and drink it ounce a day.

If you have Malaria, the protocol is these.

100 drops of 2% tincture of natural (red) iodine twice a day. Buy from Walgreen’s pharmacy or

50 drops each day of the tincture made out of Black Walnut Husk, Wormwood, And Cloves.  Buy from


Every survivalist knows this to be true.

In order to clean malaria swamp water, to purify it enough to drink it, add one drop of iodine for every ounce of swamp water. Wait at least one hour or two. Then everything in the water dies, water now has no malaria or parasites, or viruses, bacteria or toxins etc. The socialists know that lack of iodine is a slow death sentence for us, that is why they make us drink Fluorine in our waters and toothpaste. Each year thousands of our kids die of Fluorine poisoning and it is covered up. FLUORINE RIDS THE BODY OF IODINE!!! OUR IMMUNE SYSTEM IS DESTROYED WITHOUT IODINE.

Garlic and lemon juice, and white vinegar is  helpful  in all recovery protocols for parasite infestations.


1. People with severe colon blockages can be saved from the need of an intestinal operation by giving him 2 to 5 teaspoons of Senna leaf as a tea or as a  senna leaf powder in capsule form.

2. Magnesium and Cayenne Pepper (add to foods daily) is great for the heart. It will ease (or completely eliminate Mild cases) your irregular heartbeats and normalize the heart.

Taking 1000 mg of magnesium will also ease a tight back in the morning, loosen tight LEG muscles before and after you exercise, allowing you to avoid cramps. And if you also take some calcium, then you can outrun all others as they will slow down because of the pain and fatigue.

But as with all nutrients, when you have one deficiency you most likely have others too. Anytime that one nutrient helps you, your body tells you that you have the need for other natural nutrients too. Remember this rule!!!

3. 1000 mg of Calcium each night will prevent cramping of your feet, toes and legs at night. Also if you take 100 mg. of Vitamin B6 each night, you cure your own Bruxism (teeth grinding while you sleep) condition.

4. Taking 4000 to 7000 mg or more of calcium depending on body weight, will make you have the mother of all bowel movements, works for when you need to get Xrays.  Good for severe colon blockages. Warning stay close to a toilet!!! Every one’s body will have a difference tolerance level for any nutrient. So maybe more will work for you and less will work for someone else. Go slowly to find the level that works for you.

5. Regain back your ability to have erections (erectile dysfunction) by ingesting, un-cooked and un-heated nine (9) soft egg yolks each morning. When you regain your erections go down to 2 to 3 a day as a maintenance level. Your brain uses more cholesterol than any other part of your body. You have been lied to by the symptom doctors.  See Dr. Wallach’s videos on YouTube. You will learn to clean out your mind by learning the truth.  Erectile dysfunction drugs make billions for these corrupt people. The ED drugs can kill you or make you blind. Be smart and learn that our government is corrupt and is a socialist corporation.  Taking egg yolks, eating butter, natural un-processed cheese will keep you vibrant, like the farmers of ages ago. Also do a liver detox, as this will be for the hard cases that can’t recover their erections.

The body first needs cholesterol first to feed your brain and make hormones, then take iodine for your thyroid glands to help you make these hormones: pregnelolone, progesterone, androstenedione, DHEA, testosterone. It is low cholesterol that first causes ED and lack of iodine that completes your destruction of a normal life. It won’t take long to get back your erections unless you need to get a liver detox.

6. PET OWNERS PAY ATTENTION!!! There is no need to hire an exterminator to clean out your house or grounds or kennels of Fleas. CANOLA OIL KILLS EVERY INSECT IN THE WORLD. Just put on a pair of slippers and coat your legs with canola oil, but not too much to make you slip and fall. Walk around each room or the grounds or kennels slowly. They will jump on your legs and die within  a minute. The slower you walk, the better to wait for the tiny baby fleas to catch up with you. Take another walk around the property again the next day. Soon they will be gone. If you missed just one, they will come back. Then  let him jump on you again.

Have no worry — the Fleas can’t bite you, because they are dying and in no mood to eat you.

7. Canola oil to kill the fleas, is very good for bathing dogs and puppies. Start by wetting with dish washing detergent and water. Then add the canola oil and rub all areas from the tip of the tail to the snout. Avoid letting the oil go into the ears and eyes. First kill all the fleas on the property, including the house and then wash the pets with canola oil. 

Pure and clean Canola oil can be substituted as an fuel in diesel engines in an emergency.  On the road, in an emergency, it can also be put in as a lubricant motor oil, and put in when your car’s engine has a too low a level of motor oil to keep it from  seizing up. For constant use, you can filter your used canola cooking oil and use it as fuel if you ran out in an national emergency.

8. Canola oil and white vinegar mixed together will kill all flying insects. Mix two parts of white vinegar, to one part canola oil and 1/4 cup of any cheap dish washing detergent and pour it into a spray bottle or exterminator’s metal or plastic spray tank, and spray flies, wasps and any other flying bugs. It will also kill roaches.

You can kill fire ants on your property by pouring one cup on the ant hill. The workers and the soldier ants will come to remove it and die later. Pour some more the next day and more will come and finally the queen will have no food brought in, as the soldier ants are useless as workers. This is a safe way because if you have small kids on the grounds, dogs or cats, they can eat or place their paws on the commercial poison and lick their paws and die.

9. THE FLESH EATING VIRUS in our lakes can kill you or make you lose an arm or a leg.

Simple solution. A natural 2% tincture of natural iodine will kill the BACTERIA. Pour one ENTIRE bottle over the rotten flesh, and then take internally 50 to 100 drops of iodine in a cup of water each day. Be careful not to buy iodide, that is an artificial form of iodine. Use white vinegar to clean around the flesh. You can use the 7% tincture of iodine selectively on the badly infected areas, making sure you don’t use it internally. Then use the other fast acting parasite protocols to kill the parasites and eggs in the blood.

you can purify the filthiest swamp water by pouring one drop of 2% tincture of iodine (red color) for each ounce of water. Be careful not to buy the artificial  iodide.      

Wait one hour or two, and everything (virus, bacteria, pathogen, fungus, parasites) in the swamp water is dead. There is also a more natural form called “nascent” iodine, at a cost of around $35 a bottle. Or the (red color) natural 2% tincture for $6.00 a bottle that I use — being a poor man. let’s call it the poor man’s iodine.

10. NAIL FUNGUS, buy the 7% tincture of iodine, but make sure it is not lugol’s solution as this is diluted and not full strength. The real one comes in a very small bottle.

Put five drops on each toe nail and around the flesh of the toe every morning. This will kill the fungus. Very simple.

11. Isopropyl alcohol or rubbing alcohol is a liver killer.Use white vinegar and natural iodine for all dis-infections of the skin. Remember what I told you — everything you put on your skin or face goes straight to your liver and blood stream. I use white vinegar after I shave. You can use it to clean your private parts and teeth, also use it in your foods too.


Pica in mostly all cases can only be cured with a natural Iron supplement such as “Ferrofood”. Chemical or artificial Iron supplements don’t work to permanently cure Pica. But that is not the end of the story. To have Pica in the first place, you also have the deficiencies of nutrients associated with nerve problems.

Therefore, the B complex vitamins and magnesium will help you end your pica problem. The  Bruxism cure — it is just due to a Calcium and Vitamin B 6 deficiency; but also looks like you have emotional and/or mental problems. People get prescriptions for Psychotropic Medications, and/or braces for your jaw to protect from grinding away your teeth.

When you have PICA, use Senna leaf tea, to clear any intestinal blockage of dirt or foreign matter. ONLY USE: Natural Ferrofood, Calcium, magnesium and the B Complex Vitamins are your way out of this trap. REMEMBER THIS RULE — NATURAL IS LIFE — ARTIFICIAL IS DEATH.

These are going to be a must for us all on this earth. Remember that the socialist agenda is to kill 80% of us off — for a manageable social order.



There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world and that is an idea whose time has come!

~Victor Hugo

“In the beginning of a change, the Patriot is a scarce man – brave – hated – scorned.  When his cause succeeds,  however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a Patriot.” Mark Twain

John F Kennedy once said – “Man will be what he was born to be: free and independent.”

The idea going around is this — that it is better to die than permit your own government to humiliate, harass, rob and arbitrarily imprison, torture, kill and abuse their own citizens.


“Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.”



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    Total 18 comments
    • HfjNUlYZ

      I was diagnosed of hepatitis in 2011, I have tried all possible means to get cure but all my effort proved abortive, until a friend of mine introduced me to a herbal doctor from South Africa, who prepare herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including hepatitis b virus (HBV), when i contacted this herbal doctor via his email, he sent me hepatitis b herbal medicine via courier service, when i received the herbal medicine he gave me step by step instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed i was totally cured from the virus within 8 days of usage. Contact this great herbal doctor via his email [email protected]

    • member221

      I was diagnosed of hepatitis in 2012 and I have tried all possible means to get cure but all to no avail, until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal doctor from South Africa who prepare herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including hepatitis b virus, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try, when i contact this herbal doctor via his email, he prepared a herbal medicine and sent it to me via courier service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me step by instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed, i was cured of this deadly virus within 18-20 days of usage, I am now free from the virus, i was tasted negative. Contact this great herbal doctor via his email [email protected] Goodluck

    • 12Geeta

      Viewers i am Geeta Kamar, am from India in new delhi, Me and my entire family has been suffering for hepatitis B from birth, We have gone to all the hospitals and there wasn’t any solution even our family DR confirm it to us that there is no cure for this disease but can only be control even my first child is Hepatitis B positive, till this day a friend of mine told me about this Dr Osele who have help her to get rid of this incurable disease name Hepatitis B, That was how i give it a try, to my fullest surprise me and my entire families are now Negative of Hepatitis B even it was a surprise to my scientist Dr who graduated with PhD here in India, he now direct all his Hepatitis B positive patient to this wonderful Dr Osele who cured all diseases with herbal medicine, don’t be left out contact him if you are diagnose with this same disease, after be cured he told me that he cured all manners of diseases,i am sharing this testimony both in internet and everywhere so that people who are diagnosed with kind of diseases should contact Dr Osele via email [email protected] whatsapp no. +27846531636

    • Corbin12

      I want to thank Dr Osele for the herbal medicine he gave to me and my sister, i and my sister have been suffering from chronic Hepatitis B for the past 10years and ever since we were infected with this disease,we have been in tears everyday, but to God be the glory that we are both heal with the herbal medicine that Dr Osele gave to me and my sister when i contacted him,i want to use this medium to tell everyone that the solution to every of our disease has come, so i will like you to contact this great healer who live in South Africa, on his email address: [email protected] or whatsapp no. +27846531636, with him all your pains and troubles will be gone, i am really happy today that i and my sister are cured of chronic Hepatitis B, we are now negative after the use of his medicine,my doctor confirm it. once more i say a big thank to you Dr Osele for his healing hands upon my life and my sister, he has all the cure to all manner of diseases like HIV, Cancer, Syphilis, Hepatitis B all types of cancer (HPV) , Gonorrhea, Diabetes,herpes and many more, i say may God continue to bless you abundantly and give you more power to keep helping those that want your help in their lives. contact his Email: [email protected] whatsapp no. +27846531636

    • 11Manish

      I was hepatitis B carrier, and I found it out 3 years ago when I need some medical test for applying for a job. It scares me a lot, and I have been so hopeless since I heard it, I feel like I’m an outcast and different from others. I cry all night, I can’t think properly, I’m so down. Even my doctor advised that I cannot transmit the virus using same utensils, saliva, etc., except if I have sexual intercourse. I’m still sick, no one in my family has this disease. And I don’t know where I got it. I have taken blood tests many times and my liver is okay, and I never feel pain in my body, but I can’t sleep well every night since I have known my situation.I came on the internet to see if I will be able to get any Information as to curing this disease, on my search i saw various testimony about (MED LAB) who cure Hepatitis and all manners of diseases,i contact them, and I got Hepatitis b medicine, after the period of days given to me by the MED LAB, i was completely cure, CONTACT THEM IF YOU ARE diagnosed OF HEPATITIS B VIRUS or any other sickness, email. [email protected]

    • member221

      I can’t believe this. A great testimony that i must share to all patients of [HBV] in the world. i never believed that their could be any complete cure for HEPATITIS B or any cure for HEPATITIS B,Mr JAmES introduce me to Dr Lusanda herbal doctor who brought him back to life i had to try it too and you can,t believe that in just few weeks i started using the herbal medicine he sent to me i was perfectly OK and . Right now i can tell you that few months now i have not had any symptoms of HBV and i have just went for test last week and the doctor confirmed that there is no trace of any HBV in my body system. Glory be to God for leading me to this genuine Dr Papa I am so happy as i am sharing this testimony. My advice to you all who thinks that their is no cure for HBV that is Not true ,just contact him and get cure from Dr Papa via his email drlusandaherbal(AT)gmail(DOT)com or visit his website on www(DOT)drlusandaherbals(DOT)weebly(dot)com and you will be free and free forever, Try it and you will not regret it because it truly works. One thing i have come to realize is that you never know how true it is until you try.

    • member221

      I can’t believe this. A great testimony that i must share to all patients of [HBV] in the world. i never believed that their could be any complete cure for HEPATITIS B or any cure for HEPATITIS B,Mr JAmES introduce me to Dr Lusanda herbal doctor who brought him back to life i had to try it too and you can,t believe that in just few weeks i started using the herbal medicine he sent to me i was perfectly OK and . Right now i can tell you that few months now i have not had any symptoms of HBV and i have just went for test last week and the doctor confirmed that there is no trace of any HBV in my body system. Glory be to God for leading me to this genuine Dr Papa I am so happy as i am sharing this testimony. My advice to you all who thinks that their is no cure for HBV that is Not true ,just contact him and get cure from Dr Papa via his email [email protected] or visit his website on and you will be free and free forever, Try it and you will not regret it because it truly works. One thing i have come to realize is that you never know how true it is until you try.

    • member221

      I was diagnosed of hepatitis in 2012 and I have tried all possible means to get cure but all to no avail, until i saw a post in a health forum about a herbal doctor from South Africa who prepare herbal medicine to cure all kind of diseases including hepatitis b virus, at first i doubted if it was real but decided to give it a try, when i contact this herbal doctor via his email, he prepared a herbal medicine and sent it to me via courier service, when i received this herbal medicine, he gave me step by instructions on how to apply it, when i applied it as instructed, i was cured of this deadly virus within 18-20 days of usage, I am now free from the virus, i was tasted negative. Contact this great herbal doctor via his email drlusandaherbal(at)gmail(dot)com or website on www(dot)drlusandaherbals(dot)weebly(dot)com Goodluck

    • 11Manish

      i am Manish Gautam, i live in Guwahati india, September 2015 I learned my HBsAg was reactive when I was required to undergo medical exam for an employment in Broad, and the doctor told me there is no permanent cure for the disease, I was worried and confused thought my life has come to an end, in December i came across a forum, (MED LAB) Who cured all kind of diseases including hepatitis b, I contacted them via email [email protected] and made purchase of the hepatitis Vaccine, i received the Vaccine through DHL within 3 days, when i received the Vaccine i applied it as prescribed and i was totally cured of hepatitis b within few’s days of usages, i went back to my doctor and he confirmed i was free curable cured from the disease, am so happy now living a normal life again thanks to MED LAB. Viewers contact MED LAB via email: [email protected]

    • Rahul1

      I am Rahul Verma, i never knew I was living with Hepatitis B not until I went for an Airforce Interview and that was what screened me out of getting that Job. Then, I look at myself without any hope again. I had another 3 test after the one at AIRFORCE hospital May 2015 making it 4 times, and it all tested REACTIVE. I had no feeling of any symptoms except the feeling of tiredness from waking up in the morning and sometimes the two tissues of my leg used to ache me. I have met with doctors and nurses and they gave me confident that it will go and which I accepted with faith. I don’t know how I contracted it. The painful part of it is that I have not given birth to any children and am afraid of having sex with my wife to be, because I didn’t want her or the baby to contact it. I believe in GOD almighty. But today am totally cure with the help of MED LAB i came across on HEALTH FORUM, here is their email: [email protected] CONTACT THEM IF YOU ARE diagnosed OF HEPATITIS B VIRUS or any other sickness.

    • Asha

      I am so happy, i never believe i will be this happy again in life, I was working as an air-hoster ( cabby crew ) for 3years but early 2016, i loose my job because of this deadly disease called Hepatitis B (HbsAg), I never felt sick or have any symptom, till all workers were ask to bring their doctor report, that was how i got tested and i found out that am HbsAg positive that make me loose my job, because it was consider as an STD and is incurable disease, i was so depress was thinking of committing suicide, till i explain to a friend of mine, who always said to me a problem share is a problem solved, that was how she directed me to this MED LAB, that was how i contacted them and i get medication from them and i got cured for real, I just went back to my work and they also carry out the test to be real sure and i was negative. Please contact this MED LAB if you are hepatitis B positive or any kind of diseases their email is: [email protected]

    • rebecca

      Hepatitis b virus do not have medical cure because the virus is capable of hiding within the human cells, it remains protected from your immune system. Hepatitis abc isn’t a special virus – your immune system has the tools to fight it back. But because it is able to lay dormant in protected cells, your immune system is unable to remove it from your body,But this herbal medication is very strong and reactive in getting rid of the virus gradually and totally from your body without damaging any of your cells, Am so happy, i never believe i will be this happy again in life, I was working as an air-hoster ( cabby crew ) for 5 years but last year i loose my job because of this deadly disease called Hepatitis B (HbsAg), I never felt sick or have any symptom, till all workers were ask to bring their doctor report, that was how i got tested and i found out that am HbsAg positive that make me loose my job, because it was consider as an STD and is incurable disease, i was so depress was thinking of committing suicide, till i explain to a friend of mine, who always said to me a problem share is a problem solved, that was how she directed me to this clinic called HEALTH MED LAB CLINIC, that was how i contacted them and i get medication from them and i got cured for real, I just went back to my work and they also carry out the test to be real sure and i was negative. Please contact this clinic if you are hepatitis B positive their email is ( [email protected] ) they are life saver.,the herb kills the virus totally not reducing just the out break okay… write email to: [email protected]

    • Celina22

      I was diagnosed with hepatitis B two years ago and I became so scared that I was crying every day, I was told that I’d had it since I was small and I can’t explain how I got it, and the Doctor told me it was chronic hepatitis b, and there is no cure for it, I was so scared and i keep on visiting many hospitals and site for information on hepatitis cure because sometimes I get flu-like symptoms or a stomach disorder and I get scared and begin to wonder if the virus will ever get rid off on my life, i also sleep quite a lot, I do not drink alcohol or engage in sexual activities, i was so depressed, one night i came across MED LAB on Health FORUM, who cure all diseases including Hepatitis b, immediately i contact them, and i got the medicine from them, but today i am totally cured of this virus called Hepatitis B, any one diagnosed with this virus or others should contact MED LAB. via email: [email protected]

    • Rajander1

      I am Rajander Singh, i live in Maharashtra in India, i was diagnosed with hepatitis b for 6years ago i lived in pain with the knowledge that i wasn’t going to ever be well again, i contacted so many doctors on this issue and all was in vial, because i was determined to get my life back so one day i saw a post about HEALTH LAB who cure all manners of diseases, including hepatitis b, I contacted them via email: [email protected] and made purchase of the hepatitis Vaccine, i received the Vaccine through DHL within 3 days, when i received the Vaccine i applied it as prescribed and i was totally cured of hepatitis b within few’s days of usages, i went back to my doctor and he confirmed i was free curable cured from the disease, am so happy now, Viewers contact HEALTH LAB via email: [email protected]

    • Regina01

      I was diagnosed with Hep B way back in 2013 when I was supposed to donate blood to my nephew. It was normal to do laboratory check on my blood hence it was found out that I’m reactive to the illness. I’m very depressed and demoralized since this disease has been unacceptable just like the unpopularity of AIDS. I was so nervous that I’ve got ashamed to talk with other people my mom subjected me to series of tests so that damage to the liver may be traced. The doctor told me that; YES i am chronic carrier, i was so depressed was thinking of committing suicide, till i came across a forum on internet, about HEALTH LAB who cured various diseases like Hepatitis B, Herpes, liver fluke hiv and others, without waisting time, i contacted them and i get medication from them and after the days given to me, I just went back to my doctor and they also carry out the test again, and i was negative of Hepatitis B. Please contact this HEALTH LAB if you are hepatitis B positive or any kind of diseases their email is: [email protected]

    • member221

      I was a hepatitis B carrier, and I found it out 2 years ago when I need some medical test for applying for a job. It scares me a lot, and I have been so hopeless since I heard it, I feel like I’m an outcast and different from others. I cry all night, I can’t think properly, I’m so down. Even my doctor advised that I cannot transmit the virus using same utensils, saliva, etc., except if I have sexual intercourse. I’m still sick, no one in my family has this disease. And I don’t know where I got it. I have taken blood tests many times and my liver is okay, and I never feel pain in my body, but I can’t sleep well every night since I have known my situation.I was desperate for help to help me feel better. i was introduced to Health herbal clinic in Johannesburg who have successful herbal treatment to hepatitis B . I spoke to few people who used the treatment here in USA and they all gave a positive response, so i immediately purchased the hepatitis B herbal formula and commenced usage, i used the herbal supplement for only 7 weeks, all symptoms gradually faded away, herbs are truly gift from God. contact this herbal clinic via their email healthherbalclinic @ gmail. com or visit www. healthherbalclinic. weebly. com

    • member221

      I was diagnosed with HepB 3 months ago and was devastated by the news. I have been ill and sore for over 10 years, with no one being able to figure out what was wrong with me. It was always written off as a virus or infection. Then 2 years ago the severe muscle cramps started. I had them from scalp to toes, and it was when they ran the full spectrum of tests to figure the cramps out, that they discovered the HepB along with severe Vitamin D deficiency, which I link to the HepB. I was so tired and nauseous and in constant pain. I am just sick and tired of feeling sick and tired!!nothing was really working to help my condition.I went off the Sebivo (with the doctor’s knowledge) and started on hepatitis B herbal formula i ordered from Health Herbal Clinic, my symptoms totally declined over a 5 weeks use of the hepatitis B virus natural herbal formula the disease is totally reversed!! Visit there website www. healthherbalclinic. net

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