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TRUNEWS All Hell Is Breaking Loose By Gerald Celente A Must See Video!

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All Hell Is Breaking Loose by Gerald Celente A MUST See Video!



Sep 9 2014



BEYOND the financial crisis and at-the-door demise, Gerald Celente delivers an astounding video as interviewed by Trunews!



Are you prepared?



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    Total 11 comments
    • Jarheadusmc

      I have a question on the bible – which bible is the most authentic ?

      In the second to fourth centuries literally hundreds of Epistles and Gospels were circulating in Christian Churches, many of these were non other than people, hearing a Gospel or Epistle would write down what they “thought” it meant or said, most being spurious and in fact many were terrible forgeries and renditions. Pope St. Damascus in the early 4th. century then commissions St. Jerome and his monks, who were among the most well educated, well read, and who spoke, read and write Hebrew, Greek and Latin expertly, to gather all these gospels and epistles and decide which ones were authentic and which were not.

      St. Jerome, then translated first the Hebrew Old Test into Latin, then he compared and translated the Greek Septuagint into Latin also. Many of the Hebrews, in the last few centuries before Christ, had moved to Greek provinces and Alexandria in particular for the reason it had become the center of commerce and trade in which they excelled; this resulted in the Hebrews families and children needing a Greek translation of Scripture as they eventually lost their Hebrew language.

      The difference between the Greek and Hebrew Old Test. was that the Greek Old Test had several more books in it than the Hebrew, being that it was kept more up to date up to the time of Christ. The Greek Septuagint was translated by Jewish Leaders and Rabbi’s for their families and people in Greek speaking Alexandria and its surrounding country.

      The difference between the “Catholic” bible and the “Protestant” bible is that the Protestant bible lacks “seven” books of the Old Test, parts of Esther and 66 vs of Daniel. It was Luther in the 16th century who threw out these seven books and parts of Daniel and Esther, for reasons first that the Hebrew Old Test had not these books and that Luther disagreed with their contents. Luther also wanted, by admission of himself and his close followers, to throw out the Apocalypse (Revelations), the Epistle of St. James (which he called – “an epistle of straw”), and the Gospel of St. John, because he refused to believe in their teachings, but was stopped by his associates who warned him that if he did so, none would follow him into his apostasy from the Catholic faith.

      All the “manuscripts” so to speak, the oldest copies of the Bible which we have today, several owned and some owned by the Vatican and the British museum, all have the same number of books as the Catholic bible. The principle reason that St. Jerome used the “Greek Septuagint” which has all the same books as the Catholic bible, is that Our Lord and the Apostles themselves quoted from the Septuagint and not the Hebrew, thus giving the Greek Septuagint the full authority of Christ Himself.

      In the Christian/Catholic Councils of Rome/332 A.D. – Hippo/393 A.D. – and Carthage/ 397 & 419, it was decided by the studies and investigation of St. Jerome that we have the bible as we – at least the Catholic Church – has today, with the Protestant Reformation/Deformation later rejecting several Old Test books that had been accepted and incorporated into the bible from the 4th century on wards. St. Jerome, after translating the Old Test. books and then the New Test. books, put them together and called it the “Bible” which is Greek for “collection of books”. In the New Testament itself the Apostles mention “22″ other books of Scripture, books of Divine revelation equal to those we have today, by name, books which are lost to us today, so that we have many more books of the Old Test. that have been lost even during the time of the Apostles, but are mentioned by them by name. Consequently, the “Bible” is and was put together by the authority of the Catholic Church, which even the Mormons give the Catholic Church credit for. It is by the Catholic Churches authority and word that we accept Scripture, albeit the Protestants lack several Old Test books of serious content, including the Jewish belief in “Purgatory” found the the Books of the Maccabees.

      Being that we see and now know that many books of Scripture of the Old Test were lost, that it was St. Jerome who threw out literally dozens if not hundred of spurious scripture, we come to understand why the Apostle taught that we are to listen and believe what they have given us “by word or epistle”, 2 Thess. 2:15, meaning Tradition or Scripture. This is why the Catholic Church places “Tradition” equal with “Scripture”, as was given us to understand by the Apostles themselves.

      For centuries before the advent of Gutenberg’s Printing Press, the only bibles were those hand written by the Monks and Priests of the Church, all translating from St. Jerome’s “Latin Vulgate” which the Church still has as the authentic and whole of Scripture. In fact the first printing from Gutenberg’s press was the Catholic Bible.

      In order to obtain a bible, one needed “parchment” or animal skins, which were the sole ownership of the King or ruler. The monks would have to get permission to kill enough animals to use to write a bible and usually the King would demand one for his personal use and ownership. Many monks went near blind writing these bibles which are “artworks” themselves, all written by hand and elaborate decor and penmanship. Usually, one of these bibles was attached by a chain, as they were rare and expensive to make, in the back of a Church for the faithful to read whenever they wished, and in times of old in Europe, the center of Christianity, many understood Latin as this was the language the bibles were mostly written in, although later years began to see other languages.
      The printing press then opened up the availability of the bible to all.

      In the days of old, when these bibles were scarce and very few obtainable, the priest would teach Christianity from the pulpit, and the usage of paintings, pictures, plays, etc, were also used to teach the faithful. One readily understands how much a “painting” can teach, if done so for that reason, many of the Masters, incorporated much of Scripture into their paintings for that very reason.

      Now: In Scripture, we read the Apostles made priests, deacons, Bishops, etc, to pass on the Christian faith. In Scripture we read of one reading the Old Test and the Apostle approaches and asked the person what he is reading, he responds, ‘scripture’ and the Apostle asks does he understand it, to which he replies, how can I unless one ‘teach’ me, and how can one teach thee, says the Apostle, unless “he is sent”.
      Every Catholic priest in the world from the time of Christ to today “regardless of their holiness”, can trace his “ordination” back to the Apostles themselves, they were all “sent”. Now, dear people, who sent the Protestant ministers, who gave them the authority to teach? none but themselves; they have no authority to teach Scriptures any more than I, none have been “ordained” by any real authority from Apostolic succession, none, they have themselves set up colleges and religious schools. You can name the author and originator of every religion in the world, Luther, Huxley, Wesley, Calvin, Zwingli, Henry VIII – lol – etc, etc, but the creator, the originator, the head of the Catholic Church was Christ himself; as St. Ignatius of Antioch 35 A.D.-107 A.D. writes, “Wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church” – Letter to Smyrnaeans, St. Cyprian/251 A.D – Origin/258 A.D. – Tertullian/160-225 A.D. St. Lactanius/ A.D. 307 – St. Augustine/ 393 A.D. – etc, etc, all the early Church fathers testify that the Church of Christ is the Holy Roman Catholic Apostolic Church.

      The 4th Century “Athanasian Creed” or sometimes called “The Creed Quicumque” in the taught prayed and believed by all early Christians/Catholic’ and since then, with the same profession of belief’s that the Church has today: (The faithful that is):

      “Whoever wishes to be saved, needs above all t hold the Catholic faith; unless each one preserves this whole and inviolate , he will without a doub t perish in eternity. – But the Catholic faith is this ————-

      This includes the Pope himself, all the hierarchy, and faithful members of the Catholic Church “Outside of which there is no salvation” – de fide – Catholic “dogma”.

      Whosoever, even if he be the Pope himself (and this is now happening to our sorrow), denies or teaches contrary to the doctrine and dogmas of Holy Mother Church , will upon his or her death, if unrepentant, will be lost forever in the fires of Hell.

      This was foreseen by the Apostles and saints that a time would come that even the Church “again vs the Jews of the Old Test” would again attempt to abandon Christ and His teachings, that they would attempt to establish a new faith, a new “world religion” contrary to the laws of God. But we have what is called the doctrine and dogma of “Indefectability” – “….the gates of hell shall not prevail against thee until the consummation of the ages. Meaning, Christ foreseeing this, promised that in the last resort He would intervene to stop the devil from prevailing against the Church established by Christ Himself, albeit it will be in the very end, when all seems lost and the result will be a most terrible chastisement that is soon to come.

    • 2GodBtheGlory

      I have grown leery of reading your articles or watching your videos. I have noticed, over the past few months, how your approach to the delivery of your content has changed. The titles of your articles parallel Lyn Leahz and Lisa Haven’s approach. If your intention is to wake people up and spread the gospel it is not done nor has ever been done through fear. Yes, scary times are upon us but fear is for the wicked for they have nothing to place their hope in. I think you are chasing views and mouse clicks to service whatever agenda you have. What you are doing is not conducive to the advancement of the kingdom. You really need to seek understanding and examine yourself. You are playing a dangerous game with the word of God.

    • ConfuciousSay

      Gerald Celente does not believe in God.

    • James Smith

      I’m not impressed with celenta, because Ferguson was proven to be a false flag hoax, period…. where nobody died and nobody was shot, and those who believe that lie are very stupid and indeed uninformed. A lot of what celenta says is correct, but peacefully taking back our land…. that was blatantly stolen…. is “not” going to be a possibility. It’s not going to happen peacefully, period…. those who use the no violence talk… say that in correlation with the word arresting these known communist infiltrating foreign criminals…. as in violence and that’s a vile cowardly mistake and a bald face. It’s not violence to arrest these punks, it’s your job and your duty period. Grow a pair because the American people are going to have to fight now or fight when our door-to-door slaughter begins and that could be any moment, because you’re stupid. American’s sat on their tuffs and watched way too much TV…. for so long you’re demented and completely incapable of defending your or our country. I wouldn’t want either of you sissy punks in my foxhole when crap gets real…. I don’t need pansies around when the SHTF.

    • The Wall by Bob

      :idea: :arrow:
      The only 100% Guaranteed Top Secret way(s) to stop the Police State / Martial Law in each and every single small town U S A. Please make this VIRAL FOR ALL FREE PATRIOT CITIZENS to keep our freedoms.

      One example – Know your #1 enemy; who is surprisingly your very own local neighbor Police Officer. When your very own community starts to mass together for any reason, your local Law authorities will be doing the same, in order to counter and gain control over their community. But if each single town can peacefully keep each of your neighborhood police officer(s) in their very home and away from gathering together, they will not be able to gather into a major government gang of thugs to stop you; like we all seen in Ferguson, Missouri.

      Find out more here:

      Top Secret reason why the gov gave military grade war weapons? Fact

      Top Secret way to dismantle any Police State or Military Law force? Fact

      Pt 1 of 4 of a 4 part series gives all you need to know tactically.

      These put many facts down for each of to use and think about, and how each one of us can really play a role in stopping the insane direction our country is heading. These are from a unknown patriot friend of yours; who is dedicated to help save you and your loved ones; not just another Patriot friendly story line, that only passed along someone elses stories; that have no honest impact, nor helps save or protect you. These are a completely different aproach and gives you real knowledge that can save you, your loved ones, and your entire community.

      Love the Share. Share the Love. The Wall by Bob

    • Anonymous

      all hell is going to break loose wow that’s original

      what about … all shocking jaw dropping, creepy awesome spine chilling ball busting leg breaking face collapsing fart blowing head exploding eye popping zit smearing butt humping hell is going to bust a nut in your disturbing fat ugly sister.

    • Anonymous

      fear porn

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