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War Must Come

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John Little –

The day after I wrote War and Collapse in 2015last weekSteve Quayle posted this link:

That article is a truly awesome bit of geopolitical analysis that spells doom for the American Empire. It indicates that there will be another war in the Ukraine. And, this time it will be far bloodier, with more civilians killed.

And, their blood will be on the hands of the American elites.

The other casualty of this war will be the EU. They will be forced to choose between Russia and the US – and will be torn apart as they dither.

The big winners?

China and Russia.


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War Must Come

As we fit the pieces of the future together, the picture that emerges is one of devastation and collapse. I showed you a lot of that picture last week, when I described 2015 as a year of war and collapse. But, my expertise is the Bible, finance and Israel.

I am on much firmer ground when writing about these subjects, than anything else. I do have quite a bit of understanding in other areas, but my foundations are far weaker in those areas.

That’s why I pay attention when obvious experts speak on subjects in which I have less expertise – because they allow me to take their pieces of the puzzle and fit them with my own. Unfortunately, when they demonstrate a severe lack of understanding in areas outside of their experience, I can’t take all of their ‘pieces’.

Martin Armstrong

Martin Armstrong is a perfect example.

His expertise in economic cycles and technical analysis is better than anyone that I know. If he says that we will have a sovereign debt crisis in late September or early October of this year… well …I will believe it, until there is overwhelming evidence that indicates that he is wrong.

However, Martin is extremely myopic when addressing the idea of broad, systemic financial manipulation and the existence of global conspiracies, such as the Illuminati. This is a fatal flaw, but it doesn’t negate the usefulness of what he has to say about economic cycles.

The Vineyard Saker

Well, we have another example in the form of someone who writes under the nom de plume of The Vineyard Saker. Saker is clearly an expert on Russia. In fact, I think that it is safe to say that he is a Russophile.

What he is not, is an expert on finance, economic cycles or the Middle East. Unfortunately, it is that last one that is the most glaring and personally painful. Anyone who uses the phrase AngloZionist Empire, demonstrates a complete lack of understanding about the history of Israel – and what Zionism is.

Saker’s Anti-Zionism

Anyone who is against Zionism, in any form… is an idiot.

I really don’t know how to put it any other way. Such an appalling level of ignorance and lack of wisdom is painful to see – no matter WHAT the subject is. Worse, any opposition to Zionism is an opposition to what God is doing in Israel.

I’m not saying that Israelis – or the Israeli government – are good. They aren’t. But, that doesn’t mean that God isn’t working with them and through them.

And, being something of an expert on most things Israel… I know that Israelis and the Israeli government are not nearly as bad as most people think. In fact, there are few countries that are as moral and ethical as Israel. I know that this isn’t saying much, but you should bear this in mind when leveling any criticism against the Jewish State.

Okay, that was a lot of wordage for an introduction, but I guess that it was necessary.

Okay… now …where was I?

Oh yes. Russia, the Ukraine and disaster.

Russia, The Ukraine And Disaster

The Vineyard Saker lays out a truly brilliant geopolitical analysis concerning Russia, the Ukraine, the EU and NATO. And, when you add his analysis to Martin Armstrong’s, you get a high definition picture of absolute catastrophe.

So, let’s talk about that.

Saker’s Article

Saker organizes his article around the players that are involved in the Ukraine. And, here is how he lists them:

  • The USA
  • The Ukrainian Junta
  • The Novorussians (DNR+LNR)
  • Russia
  • The EU
  • NATO
  • China

So, let’s start with the top of his list.


Saker provides us with quotes from three people:

Zbigniew Brzezinski: Without Ukraine Russia ceases to be empire, while with Ukraine – bought off first and subdued afterwards, it automatically turns into empire…(…)  the new world order under the hegemony of the United States is created against Russia and on the fragments of Russia. Ukraine is the Western outpost to prevent the recreation of the Soviet Union.

Hillary Clinton: There is a move to re-Sovietise the region (…) It’s not going to be called that. It’s going to be called a customs union, it will be called Eurasian Union and all of that, (…) But let’s make no mistake about it. We know what the goal is and we are trying to figure out effective ways to slow down or prevent it.

Victoria Nuland: F**k the EU!

Those quotes are extremely illuminating, especially the last one. But, I think that Saker places too much emphasis on them.

Yes, the US elites DO want to neutralize Russia, to remove her as a rival to America’s power, but this is a secondary objective. The primary objective centers on Middle East oil and preserving the hegemony of the petrodollar.

As the petrodollar continues to fail, America will engage in more and more wars and conflicts in a vain attempt to keep the dollars-for-oil system afloat. Eventually, China and Russia will realize that they will never be secure until they have ‘put down’ the rabid beast that America has become.

And, I’m afraid that we are very close to that moment of realization.

Here’s an interesting and illuminating paragraph from Saker’s article:

The US is now facing a paradox: “victory” in the Ukraine, “victory” in Europe, but failure to stop a rapidly rising Russia. Worse, these “victories” came at a very high price which included creating tensions inside the EU, threatening the future of the US shale gas industry, alienating many countries at the UN, being deeply involved with a Nazi regime, becoming the prime suspect in the shooting down of MH17 and paying the costs for an artificially low price of gold. But the single worst consequence of the US foreign policy in the Ukraine has been the establishment of a joint Russian-Chinese strategic alliance clearly directed against the United States (more about that later).

That alliance will destroy America, but like Saker said, more on that later.

Vineyard Saker is understandably uncertain about what the US might do in the Ukraine in 2015, because it’s a little difficult to understand WHY America started this war in the first place. The reason, of course, is money – but more specifically, the petrodollar.

Of course, Saker has left us with a brilliant analysis, and this paragraph demonstrates that:

The Ukrainians are told to attack Novorussia again. This time, they are more numerous, better equipped and their attack is fully supported, if not executed, by American “advisers” and retired US Army officers. Imagine further that the Ukrainians are given full intelligence support by US/NATO and that their progress is monitored 24/7 by US/NATO commanders who will help them in the conduct of the attack. Finally, let us assume that the Novorussians are overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude and speed of the attack and that Lugansk and Donetsk are rapidly surrounded. At this point the Russians will face a stark choice: either to abandon Novorussia to the Nazis or intervene. The first option would be catastrophic for Putin politically, and it would “solve” nothing: the Ukrainian junta, the US, EU, NATO have all clearly and repeatedly stated that they will never accept the reincorporation of Crimea into Russia. Furthermore, if the Russians let the Nazis overrun Novorussia, the next logical step for the Ukrainians will be to move south and repeat the very same operation in Crimea at which point Russia will not even have a choice and she will be forced to engage the Ukrainians to defend Crimea. Thus, if the Russians realize that the Ukrainians will push on no matter what, then Russia would be far better of engaging the Ukrainians over Novorussia then over Crimea.

He prefaced the above paragraph by saying ‘Imagine this:’.

Here is another insightful paragraph:

In the Ukraine and in Russia there is this black-humor joke which says that “the USA will fight Russia down to the last Ukrainian” and this is exactly what might happen as this option offers a lot of major advantages for the USA. For one thing, it is a win-win proposition: either the Ukrainians re-take Novorussia and then the very same plan can be repeated in Crimea, or they are defeated by Russia, in which case the resulting crisis offers huge benefits for US imperial ambitions.

This ‘win-win’ situation almost guarantees war in the Ukraine this year. And, when you look at the financial collapse that is barreling down on us, you can take the ‘almost’ out of that sentence and know that there WILL be war in the Ukraine – once the ground is dry enough for tanks.

A Side Note On ‘THE Ukraine’

By the way, ‘Ukraine’ means borderland, which is why we used to put a ‘the’ in front of it.

Borderland of what?


And, with America’s takeover of the Ukraine, I believe that we should go back to putting the definite article ‘the’ in front of ‘Ukraine’, again. Think of it as an inconsequential rebellion against the global elites.

So, strike a blow against the evil elites by putting a ‘the’ in front of ‘Ukraine’.

Take THAT Zbigniew Brzezinski!

The Ukrainian Junta

Here is yet another excellent paragraph from Saker’s article:

The Ukrainian budget has finally been adopted by the Rada. It can be summarized as such: less services, more taxes and everything for the military and security services (3% of the GDP for the former, 2% for the latter). For a country which is essentially bankrupt this is a huge effort. Not only that, but the junta has also announced that it will execute another mobilization next year (the 4th one in less than one year!!). Now ask yourself a basic question: could such a truly titanic effort have been made without some very real expectations of a “return on investment”? When you see a regime stirring up racial hatred against part of its own population and against a neighboring country while putting all of its tiny and much needed resources towards preparations for war – is that not a surefire sign that a war in imminent?

As a former military analyst myself I can tell you that by now the Russian intelligence community’s “indicators and warnings” should be “flashing red” and that in all likelihood Russia is already preparing for war (more about Russia later). But before we look at the Russian position, we need to look into the situation of Novorussia.

If you needed evidence that war was coming this Spring or this Summer, that was all that you needed to read. And, it makes me sick to see it.

The Russians and Ukrainians are people like anyone else. I’ve worked with many of both, over the years, and they are worth loving and respecting. But, the government of the United States is going to do their best to kill as many of them as possible.

The Novorussians

Russia calls the defiant part of eastern Ukraine as Novorossiya, but Vineyard Saker calls it Novorussia. However you want to call them, those plucky Ukrainians in Donetsk and Luhansk have pulled off a miracle, by repelling the army of those thugs in Kiev.


And apparently, the Russians were very careful NOT to give too much support to the Ukrainian rebels.

Russia is carefully tiptoeing through this mess, because they know that the Ukraine is a trap set by the globalists to destroy Russia. So, Russia will preserve her own safety while she does her best to support the rebels in the Ukraine.

Unfortunately, this means that a lot of Novorossiyans will die this year.


What Russia is trying to do should be obvious:

  • Survive
  • Redirect her economy away from the EU and the US
  • Neutralize the American Empire
  • Stop the Ukraine from becoming a base of operations against Russia
  • Prepare for an attack on Russia by NATO

I am paraphrasing what Saker said, but it’s a pretty obvious list of priorities. But, those are external goals for meeting external threats. What is harder to see are the internal threats that Russia faces.

Vineyard Saker illuminates these harder-to-see threats in the following paragraph:

I would, however, argue that the biggest threat for Russia is internal, not external. Nothing is more dangerous for the future of Russia then what I call the “Atlantic Integrationists” and which Putin even called the “5th column”. And make no mistake here, we are not talking about Khodorkovsy in New York or Navalnii in the streets of Moscow. We are talking about powerful, rich, influential people who for decades (since Gorbachev’s times, or even before) have infiltrated all the levels of government and who today are even in the government of Prime Minister Medvedev. True, these pro-AngloZionist 5th columnists have suffered a series of setbacks and they have been weakened by Putin’s relentless assault on their power, but what does “weaker” really mean in our context? According to Mikhail Khazin the Eurasian Sovereignists and the Atlantic Integrationists are now roughly at 50/50 in terms of power. That’s right, Putin is far from having total control of Russia and he is in fact locked into a war for survival against a formidable foe who will try to capitalize on every setback Russia suffers, especially in her economy. Putin knows that and he is therefore in a race against time to de-couple Russia from the economic and financial mechanisms which make it possible for the AngloZionists to hurt Russia.

You could probably imagine that I winced at every mention of ‘the AngloZionists’. I respond the same way when I hear seemingly intelligent people speak of Islam as a ‘religion of peace’.


But, Saker’s illumination of Russia’s internal struggle is worth the pain. Unfortunately, it will be hard to see the progress of that struggle until long after it has concluded.

Putin Opposed by the Civiliki

But, if you need a name for those in the Russian government that oppose Vladimir Putin, I wrote about them, here:

Putin’s main constituency is Siloviki, and we would normally call them the ‘hawks’. The opponents to Putin are the Civiliki, or the ‘doves’. And, when I wrote that article early last year, it appeared to me that the Civiliki had lost a tremendous amount of power in the Kremlin. But, according to Vineyard Saker, they really haven’t.

Then Saker refers to something that is Earth-shaking to any who understand the historical relationship between China and Russia:

The single most important political development for Russia is the Russian-Chinese Strategic Alliance (RCSA) which fundamentally changes the entire strategic posture of Russia.

What Vineyard Saker calls the RCSA would never have been possible, were it not for the thuggish American elites driving them together. Some might like to think that this was a cleverly designed plan, but I believe that this would be giving those idiots far too much credit.

(The elites are really just inbred morons
with room temperature IQs
and lots of money.

The EU

The European Union is a mess. Everyone knows it, and Saker believes that it has surrendered completely to the control of the United States in 2014.

But, I disagree.

Europe’s surrender to the United States happened long ago – during and after World War II. But, that’s a discussion for another time.

Suffice it to say that the events of 2014 brought out into the open the ‘special relationship’ that the EU has with the US.

Saker says this:

In a way, we could say that the EU is run by a Soviet-style nomenklatura which lives in complete detachment from the rest of the European people in a kind of US-built ivory tower high above the common people. Exactly the kind of situation which results in bloody uprisings and revolutions. I am personally convinced that an explosion of anger could happen anytime, especially in the EU countries bordering the Mediterranean. But unlike the Russians, the Europeans prefer their revolution in the warm weather. So maybe next summer?

Indeed, Summer 2015 will see a further disintegration of the EU. That will mean revolts and uprisings, and maybe even a revolution or two. But, what will interest many of us will be countries like Germany siding with Russia.

We’ll see.

NATO – The North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Saker’s analysis is interesting vis-a-vis Russia. He says that Russia is not afraid of NATO, and I agree.

Once upon a time, Russia WAS afraid of NATO. Those who have delved into Soviet archives have discovered that the Soviet Union worked really hard to hide how weak she was.

Now, the tables have turned. Russia is strong and Europe is weak. So, Russia is no longer afraid of a land war with Europe. But, that doesn’t mean that Russia has nothing to fear.

In a geopolitical sense, America has gone insane. And, that insanity could drive her European vassals into doing something stupid and – more importantly – painful for Russia. Worse, America has nuclear weapons.

That is the worst part of all, for Russia. The halls of power in America regularly resound to the hoof-beats of psychopaths who press for a nuclear first strike on Russia. It must be unnerving for the Kremlin to hear of America’s plans to nuke Russia into the stone age.

This is one of many reasons why I believe that Russia will be forced to nuke America first.

The Russo-Chinese Alliance

Saker’s discussion of what he calls the Russia-China Strategic Alliance (RCSA) is exceptional:

The two countries are ideal symbionts: everything one has the other needs and vice versa. China needs Russian raw materials, especially energy, Russian high technology (aerospace, engines, power plants, etc.) and Russian armaments (everything from the rifle bullet to the ICBM). Russia needs two things from China: money and “Walmart” (consumer goods). Together these two giants not only have immense currency resources but the biggest stash of physical gold on the planet. And, to make things even better, Russia and China are the undisputed leaders of BRICS and SCO. Taken together these two countries are already far more powerful than the AngloZionist Empire and that trend will only grow.

If you can get past Saker’s AngloZionist Empire foolishness, you can see that this Russo-Chinese alliance is a fantastic match. And, it was the foolishness of the United States that drove them together. But, it’s more than that.

We’ve Destroyed Ourselves

America didn’t just drive Russia and China together. America also built up China’s economy and manufacturing capability, so that she would be the perfect partner for Russia. We Americans really have destroyed our own country and future.

Just as Roman foolishness was at the heart of the destruction of the Roman Empire, so also will American foolishness be one of many reasons for the destruction of the American Empire.

As I said last week, War and Collapse are coming in 2015. Unfortunately, that war and that collapse will be too big for just one year, so we’ll have to bring 2016 into this – when all is said and done.

My only question right now is…

…when it’s all over…

…how radioactive will America’s cities be?

I truly hope that you’ll be ready for this
(That’s a link. There’s not much time left.)

A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.Proverbs 22:3


If you find a flaw in my reasoning, have a question, or wish to add your own viewpoint, leave a comment on the website. Your input is truly welcome.


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Categories: Israel, Russia, Site Review, TEOTWAWKI, War | Tags:, Brzezinski, China, Civiliki, Crimea, Donetsk, EU, Hillary Clinton, Kiev, Luhansk, Martin Armstrong, NATO, Novorossiya, Novorussia, petrodollar, Saker, Siloviki, Steve Quayle, Ukraine, Victoria Nuland, Vineyard Saker, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Zionism


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      War against who……exactly? :shock:

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