Biker War Erupts In Waco, Texas, 9 Dead 18 Wounded, Reinforcements Arriving To Continue Battle From Across The State!
• 10 dead
• 24 injured (2 extremely critical)
• 2-5 bike gangs
• 200+ bikers
• 100+ guns recovered
A biker gang war has erupted in Waco, Texas. A shootout at the Twin Peaks Restaurant in Waco, Texas has left 9 bikers dead and a further 18 wounded. Dozens of police are now holding all the bikers there at gunpoint. The gangs used guns, knives, chains, clubs and bats in the brawl. Word has it that reinforcements for both sides are arriving in the area from all over the state of Texas. The 2 gangs involved were the Bandidos MC and Cossacks MC.
Waco police confirmed that there was a shooting with “multiple fatalities” at Twin Peaks Sports Bar and Grill, in the busy Central Texas Market Place less than a half-mile from University High School. “The area is not safe,” they said.
According to the Dail Mail, biker reinforcements are arriving at the scene of the shooting as well as a nearby truckstop and the Waco Convention Center. One gang set up the other.
Apparently police were involved in the gunfight. Waco is currently being invaded by Bandidos and Cossacks. There WILL be retaliation. Stay tuned…
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If it wasn’t for the rare independent, I would consider Texans a lower form of life.
Independents in Texas are much more common than you think, but you would know that if you had a brain.
‘US Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland met with Ukrainian Interior Minister Arseniy Avakov on Saturday to discuss reform of the country’s police force.’
Victoria Nuland is a stupid Nazi b.!.t.c.h. and doesn’t know her a$$ from a hole in wall! The same goes for Nazi Zionist Senator John Kerry..
I guess morons like Victoria Nuland and DHS plan on reforming police departments to fit their nazi zionist ideology…
Good luck with that!
Nazi backed Ukrine soldiers in pathetic miserable shape surrender to the Donesks People’s Republic aka Ukraine Militia.
These captured Ukraine soldiers aka Government police will not be tortured, but forced to rebuild the cities they burned down and destroyed.
Even Russian spetznat units have been taken out by local militia groups defending their lad.
For all the mothers, sisters, brothers and fathers they killed, I find the treatment of these thugs quite honorable. The militia members even go as far as to provide medical treatment for the wounded.
Some of the captured corrupt Ukraine Government backed soldiers came from different police departments throughout Ukraine.
Basically, they force all police agencies to work under the hierarchy of the federal Government.
Take a good look DHS as to what will happen to you when you are captured. However, we the people will not be so kind. All of you will be prosecuted for treason under the maximum penalty under the law.
The video above shows exactly what an armed citizenry looks like when they take up arms to defend their country from low life nazi backed Government thugs.
These are people like you and I. Multiple groups of militias across the countryside uniting to defend and defeat fascist Zionist Marxist nazi’s…
The time has come for us to unite all the tribal warriors across the land, in order to defeat tyranny once and for all.
The Federal Reserve Act of 1913, Hitler was enabled to rise to power around 1933.
“Federal Reserve Act [December 23, 1913]”
”An Act To provide for the establishment of Federal reserve banks, to furrish an elastic currency, to afford means of rediscounting commercial paper, to establish a more effective supervision of banking in the United States, and for other purposes.
SEC. 2. As soon as practicable, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Agriculture and the Comptroller of the Currency, acting as “The Reserve Bank Organization Committee,” shall designate not less than eight nor more than twelve cities to be known as Federal reserve cities, and shall divide the continental United States, excluding Alaska, into districts, each district to contain only one of such Federal reserve cities…. Provided, That the districts shall be apportioned with due regard to the convenience and customary course of business and shall not necessarily be coterminous with any State or States…. Such districts shall be known as Federal reserve districts and may be designated by number….”"
Oh by the way…
The biker rally the nazi police busted in Waco, TX was a massive sting operation!
Are you awake yet?!
Bikers are uniting across the land!
I have a Question for ALL,
Where is the CELL PHONE VIDEO, 300 – 400 People in a Public Place but NOT ONE cell phone videos has emerged, WHY?
it’s been over 36 hours but not one video, can anyone ANSWER ??
Take a good look at the ‘Donetsk People’s Republic Militia’ fighting for their freedom in the Ukraine.
These brave men and women serve in the militia throughout Ukraine. After being bombed and shelled by their own government, they all came together.
As a matter of fact, they are considered “domestic terrorists”, yep just like every constitutional law abiding citizen in America.
Every video below is worth scanning through, so you get a broad perspective of what’s really is going on…
The Faces of The Resistance Video Below Is A Must Watch:
The nazi zionist scumbags are terrified of the people uniting together like they’re in the Ukraine. Unfortunately, many people will have to witness first hand, the death and destruction by their own Government, before they finally get it.
The NAZI’s Are Calling For Tighter Internet Control.
Secretary of State John Kerry said, “the Internet needs rules to be able to flourish and work properly.” This, according to Kerry, is necessary even for “a technology founded on freedom.”
You know what we really need in order to flourish and work properly?
We need every single Nazi Zionist Traitor occupying the Senate, Congress, State Department and white house to be prosecuted for treason!
Unfortunately Congress is the primary problem, since they are guilty of aiding and abetting an enemy of the state. With their 1% approval rating they will continue to lie and do everything to hide the truth, in order to not be held accountable for their actions.
“Treason Against the United States”
By Section 110 of Article III. of the Constitution of the United States, it is declared that:
“Treason against the United States shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open Court. The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason.”
“If any person or persons, owing allegiance to the United States of America, shall levy war against them, or shall adhere to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States, or elsewhere, and shall be thereof convicted on confession in open Court, or on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act of the treason whereof he or they shall stand indicted, such person or persons shall be adjudged guilty of treason against the United States, and SHALL SUFFER DEATH; and that if any person or persons, having knowledge of the commission of any of the treasons aforesaid, shall conceal, and not, as soon as may be, disclose and make known the same to the President of the United States, or some one of the Judges thereof, or to the President or Governor of a particular State, or some one of the Judges or Justices thereof, such person or persons, on conviction, shall be adjudged guilty of misprision of treason, and shall be imprisoned not exceeding seven years, and fined not exceeding one thousand dollars.”
These are the REAL NRA gunnuts that vote Republican. It was for these guys that the Republicans killed the Gun Safety Act that was proposed after the Sandy Hook massacre.
The NRA considers people such as these “…responsible gun owners.” The way they procure their weapons is through so-called “Straw Buys” that the Gun safety act was trying to address.
KG!#@! KG!#@!
Right On!!!!
Although, these guys are NOT going to follow gun laws, anyway (obviously).
Bikers are SCUM!
Just a bunch of dumb as crap attack DOGS peeing on the corners of “their” territory!
Notice how the PIGS don’t intimidate them (Biker SCUM) at all!
It is like, the PIGS are helpless “observers”!
And, MORE Biker SCUM is coming!!!!!
PIGS are just not a match for these violent maniacs!
The PIGS of Texas had better hope that, all of a sudden, ALL of the warring Biker Gangs turn their guns IN UNISON, ON ALL THE PIGS AROUND THEM!!!!
“My Biker Enemy of OUR common PIG ENEMY can be MY FRIEND and military ally !
Personally, I hope they all wipe each other right off the face of this earth!
Bikers are not all scum at all so maybe you have just never felt the wind in your hair, roar of the road.
Few americans have any balls at all and that is why your country is so screwed up but the USA is not short when it comes to greedy bum kissers and cowards so out of the two groups I think i would hang out with the bikers.
Idiot, criminals don’t need the govt. to get guns. Jeez, go bury your head back i the sand!
Victoria Nuland opening admitting to Zionist Nazi’s in Ukraine:
So far we have 2 admissions by the U.S. State Department officials openly admitting to working with terrorists organizations:
Al-Qaeda & Nazi’s
Fact: U.S. State Department funds, supports and trains terrorist organizations such as DHS, Al-Qaeda, nazis, etc…..
‘Apparently police were involved in the gunfight.’
The other two gangs would typically leave me alone, if I leave them alone.
Operation Jade Helm is in full effect.
With so many people at that restaurant, you would think that at least 1 person would have whipped out a phone to capture the melee somehow. All I could find on YouTube was the aftermath. There was one video of people on the ground, but I didn’t see any blood. It does look like a Jade Helm exercise gone live after months of coordination with the restaurant owner. Lame.
So, why stop them from killing each other. Let them fight till there are none left! These two gangs are very high on south of the border recruits! Thanks obummer!
Are we talking about the police or the other, two gangs?
No, there were 3 biker gangs involved, the third gang were the Scimitars. I was in Waco, just got back home, and was only 4 miles from where this took place.
Glad you made it out, sir.
Family restaurant and all, kind of surprising that this took place here.
Most bikers I know do respect public areas no matter how badass they are, and would not expose innocent populations to internal warfare among MC’s.
This is rare.
Sons of Anarchy.
TEXAS: Try not to step in it.
me being the skeptic that I am, I wonder if this was “arranged” by our lovely gov’t, maybe as practice to see what they can “accomplish” (manipulate the gangs to fight somehow) and create another possible reason to declare Martial Law in an area.
In 2008 I got stuck in traffic (driving an 18 wheeler with my husband in the sleeper) behind one of these biker gangs. They sat in traffic (on a cramped two lane bridge) twirling 44 mags and sharpening Rambo style hunting knives on their blue jeans.
No, I would blame this on the government. These gangs are just itching for trouble.
Oh, that CowPlop!
“She” is just a “jack” of all trades!
From feeding to chickens to waxing the dolphins to driving a big rig, with her now, ex-husband (who, she still bangs for convenience sake, for her ex is her “screw buddy”), this Alabama mama, CowPlop christo-CREEP CHARACTER OF Jen, the Jed Bozza, has done everything!!!
Hey, CowPlop of mine, how come you (in that big rig) just didn’t plow right on up through that looooooooong row of biker scum on the Free Way???
Do us all a “Public Service”!
Could’a said the truck “Lost it’s breaks”, and while you were performing oral on the “ex-old man”, it was sooooooooooooooooooooo good, his foot hit the gas, and it was just a terrible accident!!!!!
Seems to me that 100 motorcycles are just NO MATCH at all for one big rig!!
More “science christo-fiction” from the made up judeo-christo-CREEP BIN character named CowPlop!!!!!!!
You have a great imagination. My doctor has been after me about writing my life story…..would YOU like to do it?
They ALWAYS have spooks on the inside of these clubs! Always have, Always Will
Somethings not right here. Maybe gov is trying to take out as many guns as they can pre JH. Or it’s a cia/mossad recruitment for ISIS. What ever it is, we can be sure it won’t be what “authorities” are saying it is.
In the first of Video, the cops say’s , WE HAVE BEEN MADE AWARE over the PAST FEW MONTHS, I think they have been planing this, and use their agent Provocateurs to start Jade Helm off ??!!??!!
It’s just another way for them to target every group in the country as potential “threats to National Security”. They probably rounded them all to the camp, released the spooks and butt-kissers (crisis actors, that probably instigated the whole thing in the damn first place.) Note how many bikes, weapons and people were confiscated in one fell swoop, just like they did in Chicago, the 3000 illegal “criminal” immigrants nationwide, etc.
I bet the cop auction block is raking in the dough @
I stumbled upon this site about 10 years or so ago and I’m glad I never purchased a damn thing from them.
Both gangs have fed infiltration, now the question is, did the undercover agents instigate this to start a shooting war False Flag ? but here’s the real Problem, when the cops took to getting involved in the shooting war, THEY F ed up, Now the Bandidos and other MC’s, Desperiods, Free Wheeler’s, etc and the Cossacks Will more than Likely, turn there Anger towards the Cops for shooting MC members, the Jails will probably be going wild, but It’s the Cops who Have the Problem now, This is Fixing to get interesting and Bloody.
Maybe that’s what that Big circle on Texas, on the Jade Helm map is for, the False Flag shooting war, that are HARP, with all the constant Rain, but We will see were this goes and how far, if they start shooting cops then will have a pretty good clue, as to WHY ? the Big Circle on Texas.
Why are people down voting you? Shills? Your post are certainly plausible make perfect sense. I don’t think there is any coincidence on the timing, none at all.
I agree that his posts could be totally plausible. I just wonder why the words he decides to capitalize in the middle of sentences are so random. That could be a reason for the down votes, ATTTID. Some people are grammar nazis.
Interesting that you should mention the Rain, GOLOC. It’s rained every day for nearly two weeks here in Denver, and it doesn’t appear to be letting up any time soon, at least for the ‘foreseeable’ 10 day forecast.
Darko Scanner, you live in New Jersey, you psycho SOB!!!!!
“I LIVE IN Denver”!
Hope you all do not drown out there, Darko boy!
Like the 76 Big Thompson Canyon Flood, up Loveland way!!!!
Hope you can dog paddle (for days), darko boy!!!!!!
Hey, do you lick the butt of Jed Bozza, darko boy??????
“you live in New Jersey”
Nope, I don’t do the Coastal regions. Denver is where you could find me, I’ve never said otherwise.
“Hope you all do not drown out there”
Thanks, you’re too kind.
“Hope you can dog paddle”
I consider myself to be proficient. But fear not, I live out of harms way.
Growing up in the biker world myself I am very suspicious of how this came down. A shooting by itself isn’t at all peculiar. Fighting and fighting to win is part of the lifestyle, but usually, at least in my own experience, not with civilians. Anytime you get a bunch of beer powered boys playing in the same sandbox elbows sometimes slam together. It is a peeing contest not a murder rampage! In most instances those fighting are actually acquainted through commonalities, are friends, or become friends after the tumble. Territorial disputes and politics are both directed activities where outsiders are seldom if ever effected.
Although there certainly have been historical incidents like in Las Vegas several years back where fights break out in shared public space, but again it is a rarity. These groups have been designated subversive by the feds, believe me they want to maintain as low of a profile as humanly possible and they do. Having a swat team enter into the mix I believe was opportunistically strategic. The police seem to be gearing up psychologically for a confrontation with the public at large.
I would bet my Superglide the shots fired were initiated by the police not one of the bikers. I base that best guess opinion on what I have seen with my own two eyes over the last couple years while feeding and caring for our homeless population. It appears that law enforcement would much rather shoot a suspect than try to physically apprehend them like cops used to. This applies to the homeless, children, paraplegic, disabled and elderly more often than not. The cruel and inhumane treatment of civilians by police is a trend we as a civilized society must stifle without further delay.
The exaggerated contention by the police and politicians that the times have changed and the threats have increased is flat hogwash! It is about as disingenuous as you can get when more closely examined. Fact is, the stats don’t quite match the rhetoric. Crime has actually decreased during the same period this trend has emerged. In fact there exist no reasonable justification for the militarization of our peace keepers. It is a recipe for disaster.
As a history buff I reflect back to Chicago and Al Capon during a time when my late grandfather was on the CPD in a ranking position. I’ve heard some horrific stories of extreme violence in an era where courageous peace keepers still respected life enough to use proper discretion. When being a cop wasn’t a hunting expedition targeting the citizenry.
There is now a growing culture of cowardly police who first reach for the sludge hammer to kill a cockroach never considering the roach motel alternative. In so many cases police are being trained to be bullies. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find cops who have a single ounce of integrity. That’s usually the first casualty of the blue wall of silence. Direct or passive participation in crime quickly erodes the moral fabric blurring the lines between good, bad, right and wrong. They all become subjective.
The lingering consideration of possible repercussions related to bad behaviors, actions that are often illegal, oppressive or outright cruel, that probably should come back to bite them in the rear pretty much insures a continuous cycle of social disconnection. They are so afraid of their own shadow they almost religiously reach for the gun instead of nonlethal alternatives like manpower. The overkill has become the rule not the exception!
As a Christian I hate to paint with such a broad brush, however my experience as an advocate for the homeless here in Sacramento, California has provided extraordinary insight into this rapidly escalating problem. I call it “The Kojack Syndrome.” It’s when cops believe anything goes, that in war the end always justifies the means. With this bellicose mindset is ingrained a lack of human emotion that is absolutely essential for our cooperative existence. It is what literally separates man from beast. That emotion is empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of another human being. To walk in there shoes. Once this emotion no longer exists in man the level of human cruelty just cannot be measured.
Now of course I wasn’t there. I will not bear false witness making assumptions as to who did what. To be honest, I have no idea about any of the specifics. My point in offering my take on this matter is that I think we all need to step back and look at what happened from a realistic standpoint, with the above variables included. We need to avoid allowing the usual fear mongering, staged fabrications, factual manipulations and excuses that we commonly are bombarded with to dictate a universally accepted narrative. There appears to be a pressing agenda behind the “no hesitation” policies now being employed across the nation. I suggest that such tactics actually facilitate the worst possible scenarios allowing them to manifest in the first place.
Any way I pray for those injured, killed and their grieving families,
The First 2min 30 seconds of the cops speaking say’s it all, it’s a ( Fed set up). Why so many cops their and the Cops start shooting Bikers.
Haha this is fantastic. Americans are now killing their own people. Less for the Russians to do.
There’s no conspiracy, the Cossacks started wearing “Texas” lower rockers a few months ago and that’s a no-no with the Bandidos. Lesser incidents happened previously building up to this. Bikers unite, the real enemy creates laws and collects taxes.
How many times does he need to say the word, “criminal?”
It’s not the New World Order. It’s the Hispanic New World Order with all of their Cuban, Colombian, and Russian allies.
Adam Walsh…The Undercurrent You Don’t See.
bandidos are absolutely scum and all should be eliminated asap, they are drug dealers, human traffickers, murders for hire, pornographers, kidnappers, and every vile activity one can do, they do not deserve to live and mostly mexican and hate white people, if i ever can I would personally wipe them all off the face of the earth.
“they are drug dealers, human traffickers, murders for hire, pornographers, kidnappers”
Yes the government now does all that and shoots black slaves that won’t work for nothing but what about the bikers.
is it because they drive past you in traffic because taxes from gas is not being spent on roads ?
“mostly mexican and hate white people”
Are they like this all the time of just when they are on land the USA stole from Mexico ?
I don’t live down your way but most bikers i know are cool and in general have more balls than all the bottom licking greedy cowards that sit back and watch as the country is raped by bankers with the help of your politicians.
Let me know when bikers kill half as many people each year as your police state and i might start to listen to you
He said “Bandidos” not “bikers.”
There is a world of difference between the two.
“Are they like this all the time of just when they are on land the USA stole from Mexico?”
Only in the world of Mexicans and revisionists lies the collective delusion that the southwest States were ‘stolen’ from Mexico. Mexico’s measly twenty-nine years of managerial presence does not an ‘owner’ make. These lands belong to indigenous tribes not Mexicans.
Another exaggerated story by the media to nerve up people. Not saying motorcycle gangs couldn’t run rampant but something is not right about this story. One, in the first video the videotaper said somebody’s been shot, if a gang war was going on they would know someone has been shot. Second, a gang war in a restaurant even it’s in the parking lot would leave the restaurant and it’s patrons shot up. Thiird, my goodness news helicopters would have filled the air showing live pictures of the mayhem. I saw nothing but after the fact video footage one being on RT of a DPS helicopter landing and three hancuffed men getting in a van. No sense of urgency, two motorcycle club members sittng on their motorcycles next to cops chit chatting and motorcycle club members milling around casually. I saw nothing to warrant the way it’s being reported. I do find it ironic that a couple of days ago an article was posted on BIN stating Jade Helm soldiers were supposedly trying to sneak onto people’s property not far from this “mayhem”. Hmmm,
Scott Pelly fleshed out a very informative piece on this incident.
Fake! IF IF this was real there would be blood on the pavement. These people were paid to act/actors!! wake up already